St. John Neumann Church
St. John Neumann Church
St. John Neumann Church 157 Middleboro Road / P.O. Box 718 East Freetown, MA 02717 508-763-2240 (phone) 508-763-3040 (Fax) Rev. Gregory A. Mathias, Pastor Rev. Msgr. John J. Smith, (Assistant in Retirement) Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00A.M. Saturday Vigil: 5:00 P.M. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Thursday: 7:30 A.M. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 – 4:30 P.M. or by appointment. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Mary, Mother of All Nations Chapel Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Mondays (except civil holidays) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament PARISH OFFFICE / RECTORY [email protected] 508-763-2240 YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE NEUMANN HALL Monday – Friday: 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (Closed holidays) Miss Jacqueline Mathieu Parish Secretary Mrs. Diane Whelan Parish Secretary William and Susan Furtado (Sr. Youth Ministry) JoAnn Violette/Amy Burgess (Jr. Youth Ministry) Dennis and Debra Dube (Young Adult Ministry) OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION 508-763-8122 NEUMANN HALL MUSIC MINISTRY Ms. Linda Johnston Mr. Philip Pereira Mrs. Suzanne Medeiros Dr. Doris Thibault Mrs. Anna Manny Director Coordinator for Grades 1 – 7 Coordinator for Confirmation Director Organist MAINTENANCE AND FACILITIES Raymond Bedard SACRAMENTS AND CHURCH PROGRAMS PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Please go the parish website or contact the office for more complete information. BAPTISM: Celebrated Sunday after 11:00 Mass. Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Baptism Catechesis is required of all parents and sponsors MARRIAGE: Please contact the pastor at least 8 months prior to the intended date and prior to other plans. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Please notify us if a homebound or hospitalized family member would like a visit. PRAYER LINE: Call the rectory to include your intention. RCIA: We welcome adults who wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. Please contact the office. WOMEN’S GUILD: 1st Mondays ST. VINCENT de PAUL: 1st Wednesdays YOUTH MINISTRY: see website for events and times. Junior (Gr. 6 – 8): 2nd and 4th Fridays Senior (Gr. 9 – 12) Every Monday COUPLES’ CLUB: 2nd Saturdays ADULT CHOIR: Rehearsal on Thursdays 7:00 P.M. CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Rehearsal Tuesdays at 4:30 YOUTH PRAISE AND WORSHIP MUSIC GROUP See the website for complete schedule. Welcome to St. John Neumann Parish. Thank You for joining us in worship today. We hope you will join us on the spiritual journey, in ministry to all God’s people. Please contact the parish office. Click on the QRC to connect to the parish website. Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 23, 2012 • MASS INTENTIONS • September 22:Vigil –25th Sunday of Ordinary Time 5:00PM – Wayne Matthews by Charlie & Marlene Johnson September 23: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00AM – Rev. Armand J. Thibault, SM by Charlie & Marlene Johnson 9:30AM – Gloris Beaulieu by Ed Dube & Estelle Vigent 11:00AM – People of the Parish September 24: Weekday 7:30AM – People of the Parish September 25: Weekday 7:30AM – Laurent & Yolande Moreau by family September 26: Weekday, Saint Cosmas and Damian 7:30AM – People of the Parish September 27: Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest 7:30AM – People of the Parish September 29:Vigil –26th Sunday of Ordinary Time 5:00PM – William Arruda—32nd Ann. by family September 30: 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00AM – People of the Parish 9:30AM – Pauline Hudon by Flo Cormier & family 11:00AM – Robert Barlow by family Drop In---- We are looking forward to seeing you all this Monday evening Sept. 24th at the camp house for Drop In. We have our meetings every Monday evening (as long as there is school in Freetown that day) from 6:30 – 8:30 down by the water behind the rectory at the Camp House. Remember, all high school students are welcome and it’s never to late to Drop In. If you have any ideas, or questions, just give Mr. and Mrs. Furtado a call at 508-763-4359 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Registration forms will be available online at and outside the Youth Ministry office in Neumann Hall (you can fill one out and slip it under the door if you like) or just bring it to Drop In. Get on our e-mail list so that you don’t miss out on any fun. Your Offertory Trust Thank you for your Parish Support through your Offertory Trust. BUDGET: $ 4891.00 Religious Education: $ 1780.00 Cardinal Medeiros Residence Second Collection: At all Masses next weekend is for the Cardinal Medeiros Residence. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity. Stop in Neumann Hall after the 8:00AM and 9:30AM Mass and enjoy Coffee & Donuts!! Hosted by the Woman’s Guild. Parish Prayer Line – We have a Prayer line in our parish. If you are interested in sharing your faith through prayer for the sick of our parish and for other intentions please call Rachel Constant 508-995-4269. Thank You!! Coming Soon… Faith Formation Volunteers Needed Junior Youth Group for grades 6,7,& 8!!! Interested??? Watch the bulletin for more info !!! (Here’s a hint: Keep your Tuesday nights open!) Faith Formation Grades 1-7 The following are the Catechists needed for upcoming classes in the Fall for the Faith Formation Program. Tuesday - Grade 4-1, Grade 6-1 Wednesday - Grade 4-1 , Grade 6-1 , Grade 7-1 Thursday - Grade 4-1 , Grade 5-1 , Grade 6-1 Healing Mass and Blessing Healing Mass and Blessing with Saint Brother André’s Relic and Anointing with St. Joseph Oil to be held at the Father Peyton Center on Saturday, October 6 – French Language and on Sunday, October 7 – in English, from 1-4pm both days. Saint Brother André was known as the Wonder Worker for healing thousands of the faithful at the St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal. The afternoon will include procession, Rosary prayer, anointing, blessing and Eucharist. Don’t miss this special opportunity to bring your family and friends for a blessing. For more information call Holy Cross Family Ministries at 508-2384095 or logon The Father Peyton Center – St Joseph Chapel – 500 Washington St., Easton, MA 02356. The Family That Prays Together Stays Together. Gospel of Mark Scripture Sharing – Registration is now open for the next 6 week session of Scripture Sharing on the Gospel of Mark, conducted by Sr. Frances Thomas on Thursday mornings from 10-noon at St. Joseph Rectory, Fall River, MA. The program will run from Oct. 11th through Nov. 15th. Fee is $20 to cover cost of text and resource material. Register by Oct. 4th by calling 508678-2828 or at This is a very important ministry in the parish. If you have the time and are willing to share your faith with these children, we have all the resources to help you. Please contact the Faith Formation Office at 508-763 -8122 or [email protected] 40 Days for Life Christians throughout the area are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life effort from September 26th through November 4th. In addition to 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in America, please consider volunteering to pray outside of the abortion clinic, Four Women, 150 Emory St, Attleboro, MA for one or more hours during the 40 days, and spread the word to others about this important life-saving effort. To get more information, or to volunteer please contact us at 40DFLAttleboro @com or visit us at to register ...All are welcome! Lakeside Theater This year’s “extravaganza” will be held Saturday, November 17th in Neumann Hall, preceded by a delicious dinner. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 6:30PM. Date for sale of tickets will be announced later. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY We are planning to start a prayer shawl ministry at St. John Neumann Parish. This ministry invites all who knit and crochet, and those who are interested in learning these skills to join us. We will be knitting shawls and smaller items for those who are ill, home bound or in need of warmth. In this ministry, we will also include items for premature infants. Please join us on October 6th at 10:00 am in the library. This will be an organizational meeting to determine a day of the week and time that is convenient to all who are interested. For more information regarding this new ministry, contact Diane Larkin @ 508-763 -5935. New Catechetical Tool Karen Howard, a parishioner at SJN, has developed a personal website about organic gardening and organic farming alongside our Catholic Beliefs. The site also has some Adult Faith Formation columns that are short, quick ways for catechists or any adult to learn a little bit more about our faith in a busy fast-paced world. There are also several links for personal prayers sites. Why not give it a try? Website can be found at: Emmaus Retreat Weekend October 5 – 7, 2012 Emmaus is a weekend retreat program for people who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ, regardless of their present level of faith and practice. The purpose of the weekend is to give participants an opportunity to reflect upon themselves and their relationship with God and their community. You will build valuable relationships through friendship, encouragement, prayer and the awesome power of God. Emmaus is a Catholic retreat program that is open to people of all Christian faiths. For more information please contact Dave Roderick at 508-642-3730 or visit our website at CAPE COD BUS FOR LIFE Cape Cod Bus for Life Inc. is traveling to Washington D.C. for the fifth year in a row for the national ProLife events on Thursday January 24, 2013 and returning on January 26, 2013. Now is the time to raise awareness on the Pro-Life cause, so come and see, walk, feel, pray, love and make a difference. If you would like to travel with us, please call Kevin Ward at 508-291-0949 for more details. Confirmation I & II There will be a mandatory parent and candidate meeting on Sunday, September 30th in Neumann Hall for all Confirmation candidates, including Catholic school students. Confirmation I (Grade 8) meeting will be at 5:00pm. Please make sure to bring your completed registration form and fee with you. Confirmation II (Grade 9) meeting will be at 6:45pm. Please bring your completed Confirmation packet, including the registration form and fee. “Imposing” Our Values In a pluralistic society like ours--- a society of many different types of people, of many different religions or belief systems and ethnicities--- there is a strong emphasis on values which are considered necessary to maintain the “domestic tranquility.” Among these, perhaps the most prominent is “tolerance:” As a civic value, “tolerance” came into great prominence during the 18 th century, at the very time our country was coming into existence. We all basically know what “tolerance” means in everyday life: You may not like the way someone worships, or their style of dress or the food they eat, but you ‘let them be.” It is a minimalistic way of achieving “harmony” or something resembling “peace” in society. What you may not know is that many of the thinkers responsible for conceiving the idea of the United States of America appealed to this idea of “tolerance” in order to marginalize religion into the private sphere. Because religion deals with “absolutes” it was deemed to be problematic in the formation and maintenance of a society. The many centuries of wars in Europe seemed to bear this out and, after all, those who conceived our nation where Europeans. The difficulty we confront in all of this is that any time we assert something as “true” and “good” from our Faith; it can be dismissed as merely our “personal” or “private” truth or good, and not necessarily that for everyone else. But, if God is “truth,” and has inscribed His truth in our nature, and revealed it to us in supernatural ways, (like the Bible and the Church), how can these not be “truths” for everyone? What is the source of “common truth” or “common good” for society? Do we vote on these things? Does a democratic vote necessarily yield the “truth?” Essentially, in trying to create a society free from the tensions and conflicts of competing claims of what is “true”, we now have a society wherein we are not allowed to think of ourselves as having a common “human nature;” because, if we really believed that to be true, then we could agree on “common goods” and “common truths.” Instead, we now live with the absurdity that “truth” and “good” . . . they are all relative: You have yours and I have mine: One is as good as the other. Roughly speaking, this is the context for our struggles against Abortion, Physician Assisted Suicide and the redefinition of marriage in our society. Hence, I offer this for your reflection as Catholic Citizens as we all contemplate the serious issues at hand and an upcoming election. Fr. Greg STORYTELLING FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD PRESENTED BY THE WOMAN’S GUILD Storytelling is not just for children, it is “the live art of narrative performance, dynamically shaped by audience response.” It transcends age and cultures, connecting us all through the ancient wit and wisdom found in folktales. Join professional storyteller Karen Chace as she tells enchanting, thoughtful and humorous stories from around the world. A professional storyteller since 2000, Karen Chace entertains audiences from preschoolers to senior citizens. She is the 2009 recipient of the LANES Brother Blue – Ruth Hill Storytelling Award and the 2011 National Storytelling Network’s Oracle Service and Leadership Award/Northeast Region. HELP SAVE LIVES Join the world wide movement to protect mothers and babies September 26 – November 4 Recognizing that with God, all things are possible, our community is joining with hundreds of other cities for this fall’s global 40 Days for Life – the largest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful and proven effective pro-life campaign that has already been embraced by more than half a million people worldwide, saved 5,928 lives from abortion and led to the conversion of 69 abortion workers. Learn how you can speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves by contacting Steve Marcotte @508-406-1211 or by visiting Urgent! Dear Parishioners of St. John Neumann, I am writing to share important information regarding a distressing and serious matter. On November 6, Massachusetts citizens will vote not only for President and for federal and state representatives, but on a ballot question (Question 2) that would legalize physician assisted suicide (PAS) under Massachusetts law. If passed on Election Day, PAS would become law in Massachusetts on January 1, 2013. No further approvals would be needed. This result would be a tragic outcome for our communities; namely, that suicide would be legal, approved, and overseen by our government. In addition, the passage of Question 2 would involve physicians in a process that goes against their role as a healer and minister to the sick. I cannot emphasize enough the grave implications of the passage of this proposed law. Rather than extending care and compassion to those facing terminal illnesses, this law would implicitly encourage patients to end their lives prematurely. The medical community has made great strides to provide patients with far less pain and far more comfort when they reach the final stages of life. Appropriately, supporting life and providing comfort should be our priority as Christians – not encouraging suicide. Moreover, the language of this ballot question is flawed. As written, it lacks any effective safeguards, poses a safety risk to a patient’s family, and could result in depressed and hopeless patients taking their lives before receiving the benefit of mental health counseling. It also does not mandate an involvement of a psychiatrist in a patient’s decision to take his or her life, and requires doctors to determine whether a person has less than 6 months to live when most doctors agree that is impossible to predict precisely. Our Church and other faith communities are not silent on this issue. We have offered educational workshops at parishes all over the Diocese to inform Catholics about the dangers of this bill and these workshops will continue this Fall. The website explains Church teaching on end of life issues and the dangers of this ballot initiative. In addition to our own efforts, there is a broad based coalition (including the Massachusetts Medical Society, the Massachusetts Hospice and Palliative Care Federation, the American Medical Directors Association as well as many nurses) that has been formed to defeat this ballot question. The Committee Against Physician Assisted Suicide (CAPAS) has created to generate awareness of this serious matter and gather support to defeat Question 2. I ask that you join me in defeating Question 2 by taking these actions: Visit both websites and to learn more. Sign the Coalition’s petition to pledge that you will vote “No” on Question 2 (on the CAPAS website Tell your friends and family – mention it in conversation, or use your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts to spread the word. Thank you for your help and prayerful support of this critical effort.
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