8/2/2005 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 1
8/2/2005 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 1
8/2/2005 Content: Philosophy of Science: The Quest For Knowledge Ø Malaysia’s Aspiration: Vision 2020: Motivation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaafar Jantan aka DR. JJ Applied Science Education Research Applied Science, UiTM, Shah Alam Ø What is Science & the Scientific Method? Ø Philosophy of Science? Why Me? Ø Knowledge ØWhat is it? Picture of Deep Impact Mission ØPiaget’s Model Flyby camera capturing the image when impactor spacecraft collides with Tempel 1 on July 3rd. ØMore on Constructivism Voice: 019019-455 455--1621 email: [email protected] [email protected];; [email protected] Website: http://www3.uitm.edu.my/staff/drjj/drjj1.html Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 2 “Universities Universities are full of knowledge, the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, away, and knowledge accumulates..” accumulates Abbott Lowell 3 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 4 VISION 2020 There are 9 strategic challenges, which includes Malaysia’s intention is to be: Create a progressive and scientific society,, highly forward looking and society not just as a technology user , but also as a contributor of scientific and technology civilization in future. Cemerlang,, Gemilang Cemerlang Gemilang,, Terbilang Excellent, Magnificient Magnificient,, Distinctive People, Workforce, Country Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi Prime Minister of Malaysia. Announcing the Malaysian Govt manifesto, April 2004 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 5 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 6 1 8/2/2005 Learning Science Teaching Objectives/Intended Learning Outcome: Research findings: At the end of this session, participants should be able to: § Researchers observed that students at all levels hold views about science that are at odds with the views that they are expected to develop in science courses. § students views may negatively affect achievements in these science courses, and minimize their strength in becoming reliable science analysts. Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 1. State and associate vision 2020 to science literacy. 2. Discuss the meaning of science, philosophy of science and explain the scientific methods. 3. Describe knowledge and discuss the significance of knowledge as being Justified True Belief. 4. State Piagetian intellectual level in human and its association to knowledge. 5. Discuss the concept of constructivism and its relation to scientific discovery. 7 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 8 Physics Learning Velocity is bla bla …. F = ma v2 = u2 +2as Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Physics Learning Chemistry Learning Isotope is bla bla …. Kingda Ka Rocket Coaster, Six Flags Great adventure, New Jersey. Hydraulic Launch aka rocket coaster. 128mph (204 kmh) in 3.5 s. Rise 90 deg. 426 ft, drop 90 deg 418 ft, Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 10 PV =N RT − 2O HNO3 ( Aq) H → H + ( Aq) + NO 3 ( Aq) 11 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 12 2 8/2/2005 What is Science? What is Science?? Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 13 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 14 KBSM Objectives of Physics/Chemistry KBSM At the end of form 5, students should be able to: 1. Obtain knowledge on physics/chemistry concepts, principles, theories, and laws and able to use them in understanding the physical phenomena . 2. Comprehend the application of physics/chemistry in their daily life and technological know-how. 3. Master the scientific and thinking skills. Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 16 What is Science? Physical universe Biotechnology Hypothetico human activity Scientific method method Organized common-sense Regularities Nanotehnology practical knowledge Nature develop Empirical Observations physical world Laws Hypothesis Exploration theory Experiments Patterns Pollution Graphing Weather Chemistry Predict Insights Physics Wisdom Control Biology Order Build Mathematics white coats, nerds, weather, natural disaster, air conditioner, hand-phones, ambulance, magnetic resonance imaging, x-rays, laser, remote control, …… Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 17 What is Science? Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 18 3 8/2/2005 Science Science Uses scientific method to conclusively confirm and conclusively falsify theories Relies heavily on: Theory Phenomenological empirical generalizations of data Data – collection of information about physical processes Theory (Phenomenological & Explanatory) Describe recurring processes of nature Don’t refer to cause or mechanisms Natural laws, scientific laws, physical laws Phenomenological empirical generalizations of data Newton’s laws, Ohm’s laws, Beer’s Law, Boyle’s Law, Faraday’s laws… Describe recurring processes of nature Don’t refer to cause or mechanisms Science Philosophy of Science: Science Method Theory Explanatory Explain observations and not generalize them Conceptual construction to explain why data exist. Important when entities cant be directly measured Relativity, quantum, atomic theory, Brownian motion… Philosophy of science seeks to understand the nature and justification of scientific knowledge (structure, components, techniques, assumptions, limitations) and its ethical implications How?? What is a scientific method? Is there only 1 method? How to decide on what method? Aristotle, Bacon, Poincare , Kuhn, Popper Inductive reasoning?? Hypothetico-deductive reasoning?? Science is both a systematic process of gaining knowledge, and the organized body of knowledge gained by this process Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 22 Quote “When When I really understand something, it is as if I had discovered it myself Richard Feynman, Physicist & Nobel laureate in 1965 (Quantum Electrodynamics) Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 23 4 8/2/2005 Research on Knowledge Research on Knowledge Knowledge: Knowledge: Plato’s conviction Ø Webster’s Definition: “Fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association” Ø Knowledge ? Sense Perception Ø If I know something then it is something that I believe Ø Something that is believed, true & reliable Ø What I know I must believe, & must be true Ø Information = data arranged in meaningful pattern Ø Knowledge = True Belief Ø Justified True Belief (JTB) Ø Is Knowledge = Information?? Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 25 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 26 Research on Knowledge Research on Knowledge Knowledge = Justified True Belief Knowledge = Justified True Belief Ø Do you have the knowledge Ø Justified True Belief (JTB) Example: What is velocity?? 1. P is true 2. S believes that p Response: Position and or direction change in 1 second 3. S is justified in believing P 1. Know: Response is right coz he is right on this and many other questions Example: What is velocity?? 2. Belief: Not sure of whether he answered correctly Response: Position and or direction change in 1 second 3. Correct answer due to luck. Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 27 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 28 FCI Research on Knowledge Knowledge = Justified True Belief Instrument: FCI - Q1 Ø Do you have the knowledge Example: What is velocity?? 1. Dua biji bola A dan B mempunyai saiz yang sama tetapi bola A beratnya dua kali ganda berat B. Bolabola tersebut dijatuhkan serentak daripada bumbung sebuah bangunan dua tingkat. Masa yang diambil untuk bola-bola tersebut sampai ke tanah ialah: 1. Know: Response is right coz he is right on this and many other questions 2. Belief: Not sure of whether he answered correctly 3. Correct answer due to luck. Ø Justification: Must provide reason for given answer. Ø Provide mental process in answering FCI-Q1 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 29 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 30 5 8/2/2005 FCI Instrument: FCI - Q1 Instrument: FCI - Q1 Comparing Pre (N=1358)& Posttest (N=1145) FCI change in scores for question 1. Answer is C. 60% Pre A Post A Pre B Post B 50% Percentage (A) bola A mengambil masa separuh sahaja masa yang diambil oleh bola B. (B) bola B mengambil masa separuh sahaja masa yang diambil oleh bola A. (C) lebih kurang sama. (D) bola A lebih cepat sampai tetapi tak semestinya separuh masa yang diambil oleh bola B. (E) bola B lebih cepat sampai tetapi tak semestinya separuh masa yang diambil oleh bola A. 40% Pre C Post C Pre D Post D 30% 20% Pre E Post E 10% 0% Pre A Post A Pre B Post B Pre C Post C Pre D Post D Pre E Post E Answer Options for Pre & Post Test FCI-Q1 FCI-Q1 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 31 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Instrument: FCI - Q15 Sebuah lori mengalami kerosakan dan menerima tolakan dari belakang oleh sebuah kereta kecil untuk menghantarnya ke bandar seperti yang digambarkan di bawah. 15.Sewaktu kereta kecil tersebut menolak lori dan memecut untuk mencapai kelajuan seragam; FCI-Q15 32 Instrument: FCI - Q15 (A) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah sama dengan daya lori menolak kereta (B) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah lebih kecil berbanding dengan daya lori menolak kereta (C) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah lebih besar berbanding dengan daya lori menolak kereta FCI-Q15 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 33 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Instrument: FCI - Q15 34 Research on Knowledge Knowledge Comparing Pre (N=1354) & Posttest (N=1145) FCI change in scores for question 15 . Answer is A. 80% PreA Post A PreB Post B 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Pre A Post A Pre B Post B Pre C Post C Pre D Post D Pre E Post E Ø Explicit – can be articulated by language math, transmitted, stored in databases Ø Tacit PreC Post C PreD Post D Ø personal knowledge embedded in individual experience PreE Post E Ø Hard to articulate with language Ø Must be converted to encoded to be understood Answer Options for Pre & Post Test FCI-Q15 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 35 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 36 6 8/2/2005 Research on Knowledge Research on Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Ø Not to be imparted or transferred Ø Tacit knowledge dimensions Ø Technical (procedural) – informal skills like know-how Ø It is to be constructed Ø Cognitive – Beliefs, perceptions, ideals , values, emotions, mental models & shapes the way we perceive the world Ø Depends on existing belief system Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Ø Brain is not a sponge 37 Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 38 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Born 1896, in Neuchatel Neuchatel,, Switzerland. Died 1980 in Geneva At 11 yrs old, published first scientific paper on albino sparrow. Wrote 60 books and hundreds of articles. Studied biology (life science) and got his PhD at 21. Also studied epistemology (study about knowledge) Merged biology and epistemology thru research in genetic epistemology (theory of knowledge about cognitive growth in children) Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 39 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Born 1896, in Neuchatel Neuchatel,, Switzerland. Died 1980 in Geneva §Knowledge § Consists of cognitive structures, structures , as simple as sensorimotor action schemes (a way of accomplishing goals in some class of situations) & as complex as logical thinking. § Is a biological process, process, organism adapting to environment § Primarily operative, about change & transformation Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Piaget’s Cognitive Development Sensorimotor stage Birth – 2 yrs (infancy) Intelligence = motor Activity. Knowledge = Physical experiences §Formal Operational stage Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 40 Pre-operational Prestage (Toddler and Early Childhood). Concrete operational stage 41 7 8/2/2005 Piaget’s Cognitive Development Preoperational stage begin use of symbols, use of language matures, and memory and imagination are developed, but thinking is done in a non-logical, nonreversible manner acquire representational skills in area of mental imagery especially language and use these skills to view world only in their own perspective (egocentric view) Piaget’s Cognitive Development Concrete operational stage (6/7 – 11/12 yrs) ØPass conservation (number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area, volume), classification, seriation, relations, operations and spatial reasoning tasks. Øintelligence = logical and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects. Can’t solve abstract problems. ØA=B, B=C, A ? C ØA>B, B> C A ? C Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Piaget’s Cognitive Development Concrete operational stage (6/7 – 11/12 yrs) Ønot able to consider all logical possible outcomes. Øcan accept other person’s view & can consider more than one views simultaneously. ØOperational thinking develops (mental actions that are reversible). Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 45 44 Piaget’s Cognitive Development Formal operational stage (11/12 – 15 yrs) intelligence = logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. Ratios, volumes, proportions, gedanken experiments Hypothetical-deductive reasoning Reversal in the relation between reality and possibility Decreased dependence on reality Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 46 Knowledge Piaget’s Cognitive Development Research findings: Constructivist Principle: Only 60% university students (including post graduate students) were able to perform Piagetian task to indicate development of formal operational stage. Only 40% adults develop formal reasoning Source: Students “construct” their ideas and observations - pulling together what they see and hear into a “mental model”. Can you recall how it looks like before the image “construction”? Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 A picture of an animal: “Some (mental) assembly required”. 47 8 8/2/2005 Knowledge Knowledge Context Principle: Principle Interpretation of information in a physics class includes not just the classroom & labs but also the context of all previous learning experience. Most important context is state of mind when information is presented. Context Principle: It is reasonably easy to learn something that matches or extends an existing mental model.. When the card is opened up. It’s hard to learn something we don’t almost already know. Everything we learn is learned within a “context”. Taken from a greeting card by artist Jay Palefsky. Kutzkies Artworks, Garrison NY, 1995. What’s this? How sure are you? Taken from a greeting card by artist Jay Palefsky . Kutzkies Artworks, Garrison NY, 1995. End Knowledge Change Principle: Closing Quotes It is very difficult to change an established mental model substantially. Reading & listening to lectures, for most students, are ineffective ways to change their mental models. or removing Drawing of a young woman. misinterpretation. Or is it an old one? From Knowledge is power True Knowledge is an instrument for survival Harvard -Radcliffe Cognitive Science Society, Caly Budin, Pres. Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 51 Assignment FSG500_Jul05 Assignment - Individual Presentation Topics: • Knowledge is power • Knowledge is Justified True Belief • Induction versus Hypothetico -deductive reasoning in science. • Reliability of the Scientific Methods. Discuss any of the topics above in terms of: Meaning, historical perspective, its present status in a classroom setting and how it relates to your future undertakings Week 4 & 5: Preparation Aug (1st – Aug 12th) Week 6, 7 8: Presentation (10 minutes + 2 mins for Q & A) (Aug 15th – Sept 2nd). Week 9: Break Weeks 10 – 15: Prepare for your term paper. Copyright DRJJ, ASERG, FSG, UiTM, 2004 Copyrights DRJJ, UiTM 2004 53 9