Accessibility and Inclusion in Education: The UiTM Way
Accessibility and Inclusion in Education: The UiTM Way
Accessibility and Inclusion in Education: The UiTM Way GLOMUS Camp 2015 SAHOL HAMID ABU BAKAR UiTM Vice Chancellor 17 JANUARY 2015 1 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA at a glance HRH The Present King of Malaysia and Chancellor of UiTM 6 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 3 6 4 3 3 3 GOVERNANCE OF 1 UNIVERSITY 2 SYSTEMS UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) SYSTEM 1 UiTM • Shah Alam 1 Campus • Shah Alam Satellite Campus Research & Postgraduate Focused Degree Programme SYSTEM 2 STATE UiTM • State Campus • State Satellite Campus Teaching & learning Focused FACULTIES & ACADEMIC CENTRES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CLUSTER (13) Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Dentistry Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Faculty of Applied Sciences Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Planting & Agro-technology Faculty of Sports & Recreation MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS CLUSTER (4) Faculty of Accountancy Faculty of Business Management Faculty of Information Studies Faculty of Hotel Management & Tourism SOCIAL SCIENCE & HUMANITIES CLUSTER (7) Faculty of Law Faculty of Communication & Media Studies Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies Faculty of Education Faculty of Art & Design Faculty of Music Faculty of Film, Theatre & Animation CENTRES & INSTITUTES (8) Arshad Ayub Graduate School of Business (AAGBS) Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies(ACIS) Academy of Language Studies Institute for Neo Education Development (InED) Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS) Foundation Studies Centre(CFS) i-Learn Centre Police-UiTM Academy Centres of Excellence (CoE) Hi CoE •Accounting Research Institute (ARI) •Malaysian Institute of Transport (MITRANS) University CoE • Institute of Science (IOS) • Atta ur-Rahman Institute of Natural Product Chemistry (ARINPC) • Institute of Infrastructure dan Environmental Services and Management (IIESM) • Institute of Forensic Science (IFS) • Institute for Pharmacogenomics (i-PROMISE) Strictly Confidential UiTM’S POSTGRADUATE ENROLLMENT TREND FROM 1999-2014 10107 9754 8666 10000 9000 7828 8000 7000 6140 6000 4662 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 764 706 1662 1382 1665 1999 2000 2001 2002 MASTERS 751 698 1594 1299 PhD 13 8 68 83 TOTAL 764 706 1662 1382 2003 561 104 1665 2259 2004 2093 166 2259 2805 2765 3012 2005 2475 330 2805 2006 2387 378 2765 2007 2584 428 3012 3514 2008 2947 567 3514 2009 3937 725 4662 2010 5298 842 6140 2011 6339 1489 7828 2012 7016 1650 8666 2013 7908 1846 9754 2014 8133 1974 10107 11 STUDENT ENROLMENT 2014 200,000 STUDENTS • Although UiTM provides maximal access to many students, it does so without compromising on quality and calibre of students produced. • UiTM programmes are accredited by the Malaysian Quality Accreditation (MQA) and relevant professional bodies at local and international level. ACCREDITATION OF UiTM PROGRAMMES NO. INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL BODIES 1. ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (ACCA, UK) 2. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AUSTRALIA 3. CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 4. CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT (CILT, UK) 5. CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS (CIMA, UK) 6. CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING (CIM, UK) 7. CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT LONDON, UK 8. CHARTERED INSURANCE INSTITUTE (CII, UK) 9. INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS (ICSA, UK) 10. INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS, IChemE UK 11. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (ICE), LONDON, UK 12. INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES, UK 13. INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IMechE UK 14. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTS DENMARK 15. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION ACCREDITATION OF UiTM PROGRAMMES NO. INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL BODIES 16. ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (OSRA, USA) 17. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS 18. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS (RICS) 19. TEXTILE INSTITUTE, UK 20. THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF BUILDING 21. THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ENGLEMERE 22. THE COLLEGE OF RADIOGRAPHERS 23. THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 24. WORLD FEDERATION OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS ACCREDITATION OF UiTM PROGRAMMES NO. NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL BODIES 1. BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA 2. INSTITUTE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MALAYSIA 3. BOARD OF ARCHITECTS, MALAYSIA 4. PHARMACY BOARD OF MALAYSIA 5. NURSING BOARD OF MALAYSIA 6. BOARD OF QUANTITY SURVEYORS, MALAYSIA 7. LEMBAGA KELAYAKAN , MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA 8. MAJLIS PERUBATAN MALAYSIA 9. MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (MACPA) 10. MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIST (MIFT) 11. MALAYSIAN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION 12. MALAYSIAN QUALIFICATION AGENCY 13. ASSOCIATION OF PLANNERS MALAYSIA THE MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS 14. “OUTPUT” INTERNATIONALISATION DISTRIBUTION OF MOU/MOA BY REGION North America (9) Europe (53) Asia (83) Africa (2) Australia & Oceania (16) INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS (SELECTED) No. INSTITUTIONS 1. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM 2. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, USA 3. UNIVERSITAT STUTTGART, GERMANY 4. UNIVERSITY OF LA ROCHELLE, FRANCE 5. MCGILL UNIVERSITY, CANADA 6. MCMASTER UNIVERSITY, CANADA 7. UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 8. INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG, INDONESIA 9. KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN 10. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST), SOUTH KOREA 11. FONTYS INTERNATIONAL HOGESCHOOL ECONOMIE, NETHERLANDS 12. CHRISTIAN-ABLRECHTS-UNIVERSITAT ZU KIEL, GERMANY 13. JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTRE MAINZ, GERMANY 14. NAGOYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAPAN UiTM Contribution to National Human Capital, 2013 Total (Diploma to PhD) 29 660; 24% 31 493; 26% Diploma Bachelor Degree 11 449; 9% 19 980; 29% 9 561; 14% 18 170; 26% 3 064; 10% 1 029; 3% 51 254; 41% 21 578; 31% 26 805; 87% Research (5 Universities) UiTM Comprehensive (3 Universities) (other than UiTM) Focused (12 Universities) 19 UiTM Contribution to National Work Force PROFESSIONAL FIELD Accountancy Computer Science & Mathematics Law Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Applied Science Architecture Medical Nursing Pharmacy Dentistry Total TOTAL (until 2014) 22,179 11,718 9,170 7,428 6,574 4,581 1,922 9,517 1,084 800 515 965 114 76,567 NATIONAL NEEDS (2020) 60,000 N/A N/A 320,000 N/A 160,000 73,000 130,000 N/A 10,000 Purpose of UiTM’s Existence • To date, UiTM has brought significant impact to the nation through: • Producing critical mass of human capital • Leveraging on economic status of Bumiputera • Contributing to the national sustainability and prosperity 21 Profile of UiTM Students • UiTM enrols a whole range of students, some of whom may be short on achievement at entry point. Other universities pride themselves in polishing gold. UiTM takes a great deal of ordinary clay and moulds it into works of art. • The top range students of UiTM are: • As good as the top range anywhere else • Larger in numbers than other top universities in the country • For example: in Law, Mass Comm, Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and of course, Music - the elite of the professions are handsomely represented by UiTM graduates. 22 Achievements Enrolment Trend (2007 -2014) 200 000 185 042 180 000 178 554 139 634 140 000 126 892 116 233 120 000 99 604 80 000 60 000 40 000 186 484 167 535 160 000 100 000 185 982 102 564 118 189 175 256 187 096 179 632 164 211 138 669 123 479 by November 2014 UiTM Alumni had exceeded 600,000pax 20 000 0 23 Achievements Growth of Academic Programmes Total Number of Academic Programme, 1957 - 2014 400 372 347 350 310 323 327 485 353 328 289 300 272 254 250 224 238 213 186 200 163 150 80 100 50 93 19 1 0 1957 1967 1977 1987 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 24 QS World University Rankings for Selected Malaysian Universities and UiTM UiTM World Asia Malaysia University 2013 2014 2012 676 238 9 UM 167 151 2013 701+ 201-250 7 UKM 269 259 2014 651-700 168 7 UTM 355 294 USM 355 309 UPM 411-420 376 CRITERIA Academic Reputation Faculty Student International Faculty UIAM 501-550 501-550 Papers per Faculty Outbound Exchange Employer Reputation UiTM 701+ 651-700 Citations per Paper International Students Inbound Exchange Source: Indicator 25 MOHE Entrepreneurial Award 2012 & 2013 26 Selected Success Stories of UiTM 27 Academic Staff Recognition 28 Recognition of The Vice Chancellor From Oxford University 29 Impact • UiTM has been a catalyst of social engineering for Bumiputeras. • It is perhaps one of the greatest success stories of the government. 30 Impact • With the present intake policy of democratizing Bumiputera education and providing places for upgrading the poor, we are taking part in transforming the nation. • There is proof that our efforts to upgrade even the weakest have produced captains of industries • On the issue of quality of students, distinction must be made between quality at entry point and quality at exit point. from the point of view of social justice, entry points are less important than exit points. it is not how a kid begins the race. it is how he ends the race that matters. 31 MDAB: TRANSFORMING DESTINY of the poor SPECIAL CSR PROGRAMME ENGINEERING THE DESTINY OF STREET KIDS 33 • A large portion of excellent students based on national exams apply to study at UiTM and they are chosen based on merit • 250K apply for 373 academic programmes offered but only 25K are admitted in a year (only about 10%) • These students form the core group of our student population • Recent survey showed that 80% came from well to do families and from selected boarding schools 34 • But what about the poor and the under privileged? • We also mould the low achievers from poor families to become successful • We have trained about 20,000 from this group since 2010 • 85% have been successful in their pre-diploma programmes and now they are joining the main stream diploma students • Our alumni have been supporting this programme financially • The Prime Minister is the patron 35 UiTM Plays a Role In Bringing Down The Poverty Rate Malaysia Poverty Rate: 1.0% 600,000 Graduates 2014 49.3% 1970 Dewan Latehan RIDA (1956-1965) 1956 Maktab MARA (1965-1967) 1965 Institut Teknologi MARA (1967-1996) 1967 Amendment of Act 173: ITM is given authority to award degree from Bachelors to PhD (1996) 1996 1999 Universiti Teknologi MARA (1999) 2014 FROM ZERO TO HERO 37 My Story • Poor beginnings, a story of survival • UiTM – a chance and an opportunity • Changing my destiny through education 38 Conclusion 68 41 Thank you. 69
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