soulfood - Platinum Weekly Newspaper
soulfood - Platinum Weekly Newspaper
p 14 24 April 2015, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 11 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] SOULFOOD Luka Village to march against Xenophobic attacks New King James Version Rustenburg – Rustenburg Local Municipality’s Ward 4 community members will be playing their part in taking a stand against Xenophobia on Monday, 27 April 2015 in /XND9LOODJHQHDU3KRNHQJ7KHFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUV1*2V0DNJRWOD'LNJRVDQD and all churches are invited to join the Xenophobic Awareness Campaign. The programme of the day will be as follows: Peaceful march at 09h00 from Luka Primary School to Thethe High School. Church service and message of support at Thethe High School. Say NO to Xenophobia and participate in a march that will rally support for unity among Africans. For more information, contact Cllr Sephai on 083 248 3005. (NKJV) NO excuse for abuse Rustenburg – Are you feeling threatened? Living in fear? Do you need to escape? Grace Help Centre in Rustenburg and Mooinooi says WKHUHLVQRH[FXVHIRUDEXVH Jessica Engelbrecht of the Grace Help Centre reminds us of the many women who doubt the professed love of their partners at whose hands they daily suffer abuse and violence. She warns that abuse does not always have to be physical, but can be as subtle as keeping a woman away from her family and friends. 0DQ\ ZRPHQ DUH ¿QDQFLDOO\ GHSHQGHQW RQ D partner who may keep them short of money in RUGHUWRH[HUWFRQWURORYHUWKHP9HUEDODEXVH XQGHUPLQHVDZRPDQ¶VVHOIFRQ¿GHQFHDQGDOlows a partner to manipulate and control her. Victims of rape, physical and verbal abuse more often than not feel desperate and alone when they have no one to turn to, but the Grace Help Centre cares and can provide support and help for such women. They offer trauma and rape counselling to victims of domestic violence and rape as well as accommodation, placing these unfortunate women on the road to the recovery of their self esteem and independence. If you can identify with any of these scenario’s, help is just a phone call away. Call the Grace +HOS&HQWUHFULVLVOLQHDW12: RUFRQWDFWWKHRI¿FHDWIRUPRUH information. Grace Help Centre is a registered place of safety for victims of abuse with the Dept. of Social Development. Proverbs 22:17-25 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge; 18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; Let them all EH¿[HGXSRQ\RXUOLSV19 So that your trust may be in the Lord; I have instructed you today, even you. 20+DYH,QRWZULWWHQWR\RXH[FHOOHQWWKLQJV2IFRXQVHOV and knowledge, 21 That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth, That you may answer words of truth to those who send to you? 22 Do not rob the SRRUEHFDXVHKHLVSRRU1RURSSUHVVWKHDIÀLFWHGDWWKHJDWH23 For the Lord will plead their cause, and plunder the soul of those who plunder them. 24 Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, 25 Lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul. 17 Assistance The winners of the 2014 national Astro Quiz ¿QDOVZHUHIURPOHIW (EHQLWKD(VWHUKXL]HQ .JRWOKROHOD6HDJLVD Oratile Selatlhedi and 2UH¿OH0RUXOHIURP Sol Plaatje School in 0D¿NHQJ1RUWK:HVW They will have the oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to talk directly with an astronaut on the International Space Station ,66RQ0D\ after ÀUH Rustenburg – The Young Adults League of the Lutheran church in Tlhabane circuit paid a special visit to the Masipa family in Sandfontein last weekend. The family lost everything in )HEUXDU\ ZKHQ D ¿UH GHstroyed their home. A donation of household items. ...Your Reminder of Upcoming Events... EVENT NAME DATE Prayer Mountain - A Beacon of Hope Every Saturday Rustenburg Weekly Flee Market now up and going! Every Saturday Comedians - Rasdien & Riaad Moosa Country Aand saam Billy Jean Shingwedzi Bied aan Chrizaan Verdedig jouself &DUHHU$ZDUHQHVV([SRE\7UDQVSRUW(GXFDWLRQ7UDLQLQJ$XWKRULW\ 7(7$ Rainhill Farmer’s Market &UDIW\&UHDWLRQV3UHVHQWLQJ&UDIWHUV3DUDGLVH2SHQLQJ =LQQLDYLOOH*ROI&OXE3OD\HUV Jakkie Louw en Kevin Leo Bonus Bogey 5XVWHQEXUJ2UJLGHsYHUHQLJLQJ0DDQGYHUJDGHULQJ $SU Hennie Jacubs kuier by Quinjatla Lodge Boeresport Dag ten bate van StaanSaam Rustenburg 0D\ 0D\ VENUE CONTACT NO EMAIL / WEBSITE [email protected] [email protected] $SU $SU $SU $SU RTB2Q3UD\HU0RXQWDLQ RTB3ORW:DWHUNORRI5RDG1H[WWR The Deck) RTB: SUN CITY RTB: Jack Rabbit Pub RTB: Shingwedzi Pub & Restaurante RTB: Tokon Karateklub 082-851-0090 [email protected] $SU MAHIKENG: Mahikeng Airport [email protected] $SU $SU $SU $SU $SU RTB: Rainhill Farmer’s Market RTB: C/n Von Wielligh en Krugers Straat RTB: Golf Club RTB: Tarentaal Teater RTB: Golf Club RTB: Lapa van die Hervormde Kerk in Geelhoutpark RTB: Quinjata Lodge RTB: Quinjata Lodge 082 357 5882 084-292-9394 014-597-1814 079-341-3420 014-597-1814 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Send YOUR details to [email protected] to place your event FOR FREE!
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