April Chron 2013 website.pub - St Andrew`s Episcopal Church
April Chron 2013 website.pub - St Andrew`s Episcopal Church
The A Newsletter for the Parish Family of ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH YARDLEY, PA APRIL 2013 It’s coming, Consecration Sunday April 28 Come to the Annual Meeting, May 5, to learn more about life at St. Andrew’s INSIDE…. This Month & More………... 2 Dear People of God… 3 Consecration Sunday.. 4 Outreach at St. Andrew’s….. 5 Happening….. 6 Palm Sunday at St. Andrew’s…… 7 April calendar….. 8 Looking ahead….….. 9 PENTECOST The sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated on Pentecost, May 19 at the 7:45AM and 10:15AM services. A Baptismal Prep Class will be held on Thursday evening, May 16 at 7:00pm in the Parish House for those registered. To register, call the parish office 21-493-2636 or email [email protected]. 1 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Founded 1835 47 West Afton Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 Tel: 215.493.2636 Fax: 215.493.3092 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.standrews-yardley.org The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel 3rd, Provisional Bishop Parish Staff The Rev. Dr. Daniell C. Hamby Rector The Rev. Lloyd H. Winter, Jr. Priest Associate Mr. Mark Dolan Music Director Cheri Peters Parish Administrator Joyce Krauss Pledge Secretary TITAR Commercial Cleaning Service Bob Ebert Sexton Office of the Rector Rector’s Warden Accounting Warden Jennifer Duffield 215-428-1803 Warden Laura Evans 267-797-5290 Warden Joan Thomas 215-369-8141 215-860-8268 908-391-2686 215-550-6791 215-579-1518 215-321-7523 215-321-7920 215-295-3235 SAVE THE DATE ANNUAL MEETING SUNDAY, MAY 5 Ecology Tidbit: • Recycling grass is easy to do, it consists of leaving cut grass on the lawn after mowing the lawn. The result is reduced lawn maintenance and decreased fertilization and watering costs. Cut grass decomposes within two or three days leaving no trace behind. It is a natural fertilizer and speeds up decomposition of stubble. Recycling grass is a simple and effective way or maintaining your lawn and protecting our environment! 2 SUNDAY SERVICES 7:45AM, Rite II, Quiet Eucharist, C 9:00AM, Christian Formation (Church Sch. & Parish Forum, Sept-May) 10:15AM, Rite II, Holy Eucharist, C APRIL 1—PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30PM Prayer Shawl Ministry, RCR APRIL 2 7:00PM R. Prestage, RCR APRIL 3 3:15-5PM Trenton Area Soup Kitchen APRIL 4 7:00PM Administrative Comm Mtg, RCR APRIL 5 PM wedding rehearsal, C APRIL 6 5:00PM Ditty wedding , C APRIL 7, EASTER II DANIELL IS AWAY APRIL 7-11 FOR CONFERENCE IN FL BIKE DRIVE FOR TRENTON BOYS & GIRLS CLUB TODAY—ALSO APRIL 14 & 21 APRIL 9 6:00PM Potluck Supper, PH APRIL 11 PM wedding rehearsal, C; 7:30PM Finance Comm Mtg, RCR APRIL 12 4:30PM White wedding , C The Vestry Angela Grady Clay Hayden Porter Hibbitts Randy Hill Liz Lapiska Doug Riblet Dave Richardson This month at St. Andrew’s APRIL 15 Deadline for articles for May Chronicle APRIL 16 2:00PM GRACE Book Club meets at home of member APRIL 18 4:30PM wedding rehearsal, C; 7:00PM St. Andrew’s Nursery School Bd. Mtg, RCR APRIL 19 4:30PM McCloskey wedding, C APRIL 19-21 VESTRY RETREAT AT ST. RAPHAEL CENTER, HAVERFORD, PA APRIL 20 8:30AM Aid for Friends, PH APRIL 21—EASTER IV 4:00PM Cantus Novus Mtg, PH APRIL 23 3:15-5PM Trenton Area Soup Kitchen APRIL 24 Deadline for Reports for Annual Meeting on May 5 APRIL 28—CONSECRATION SUNDAY ONE SERVICE AT 10:00AM THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Easter was as good as it gets at St. Andrew’s, and so many thank yous. Leah, Eva, Angie and all the altar guild members; Mark Dolan and the choirs, our brass players and timpanist, Liz Lapiska and everyone who contributed to the great feast after the Vigil; everyone who read or told stories from salvation history, two new Thurifers: Kyle Griffin and John Ecks, who were spectacular, and behind the scenes, Cheri Peters who edited, copied and copied and copied leaflets. Bob Ebert who moved chairs and risers, and kept us in order for the services in Holy Week and over the Triduum, Irene Johnson and Sara Grady who placed and designed the flowers. Oh wow. The church smelled like Easter. preacher that day, one service, with a wonderful luncheon to follow. The central difference in our Stewardship effort this year is our return to the fundamental understanding of Stewardship. Not about money, or getting money, or building budgets, or any of that. The major difference is that Stewardship is about our participation in God’s life, and the faith we have in God, and how that is reflected in all that we are, and all that we do as God’s baptized daughters and sons. It is the way we used to think about stewardship: we are stewards of God’s relationship with the world, and we are asked to wonder how we participate in the active “stewardship” of God’s realm and rule. Unlike past years, we will not have every member canvassers who will come into anybody’s home, nor will we set financial benchmarks and challenge our parish to meet or exceed them. We will look at our giving record and pattern, as a parish, and each of us will be invited to step up our financial commitment to Fifty days, now until Pentecost. The fifty days after the ministry and mission of our parish. We will not ask for “pledges” to a budget. But we will encourage Easter are a time when we live the “new life” promas many as will to make a commitment to support, ised by God, given to us in the resurrection. In the earliest Christian communities, many of the new con- financially, our life as a parish. verts who were Baptized at Easter would wear white Virginia and I have already decided to step up our garments, a reminder of their new life in Christ, and giving a notch or two, and I hope you can do the the Baptismal Vows they took. same. And wouldn’t you know that during Holy Week much On Sunday April 28th we have a giant party to celeof the work on the Lake Afton street scape project brate our life as a parish, the gifts God has given us, came to conclusion, including repaving the parking the future we have together in our church on Afton lot in front of our Barn. Many thanks to Ralph Cleale, Jaf Baxter and Bob Hampson from our prop- Avenue. It is bright. God is good to us. We are full erty committee who oversaw that work, and cared for of new members, young members with children, we the church’s interest from the beginning of the street have active ministries in which hundreds of hours are given each month to care for the hungry, the homescape project. It’s almost finished now. Soon the less, the poor, the lonely. Wow. What a parish to be heavy equipment, extra gravel and dirt will be rea part of. moved from the corner lot behind the barn, and the grounds will be re-seeded and returned to their usual So, Fifty Days. Days of gratitude and joy, days of beauty as part of our lawns. generosity and hope. I hope you will be a part of all For St. Andrew’s the fifty days are full of exciting and of them! joyous events. First, our Stewardship project, which we postponed because of Hurricane Sandy, is in full Daniell+ gear, and you will be hearing about it in the mail, in eblasts from our office, and at worship over the next several weeks. Consecration Sunday is set for April 28th, and The Rev. David Canan from Trinity Episcopal Church at Ambler will be with us as our guest 3 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 CONSECRATION SUNDAY IS COMING! C ongregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes. Our congregation’s Vestry has selected the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year. New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship. We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and Vestry members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. Jennifer Duffield Consecration Sunday Chairperson 4 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Choir Rehearsals for Adult (Chancel) and Junior Choirs on Wednesdays (Sept-May) • Adult (Chancel) Choir 7:30-9:00PM in the Parish House (PH) • Jr. Choir 5:15-6:00PM in the Rectory (R) The choir schedule is now available on the church’s website at the click of a mouse. Music Director, Mark Dolan, also provides rehearsal information. The schedule can be found at www.standrews-yardley.org and then by clicking on the “Worship” then “Music”. Any questions, Mark can be reached at [email protected]. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the first Monday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 2 at 7:30 PM in the Rector’s Conference Room (RCR) St. Andrew's House. Please join us. The shawls can be knit, crocheted or quilted . The pattern is easy . The gift you receive through participation in this ministry is equal to or perhaps more than the gift you give to the one who receives the shawl. For additional information please call Bobbie Kulp, 215- 493-1722. Next meeting, May 6. St. Andrew’s Monthly Potluck Supper is the place to be! No reservations required…Come and enjoy a delicious buffet dinner and wonderful fellowship. Join us on Tuesday, April 9 at 6:00PM in the Parish House for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. A website was established at signup genius.com to sign up to help set up and clean up. Please bring a main dish, side dish, drink or dessert to share. Jane French and Jennifer Duffield are the contacts for further info. You can reach Jane at [email protected] and Jennifer at [email protected] or 215/428-1803. Future suppers: May 14 and June 11. Aid for Friends—This important ministry provides food and fellowship for those in need in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Join us on the third Saturday of each month in our parish house to prepare, cook, pack and label meals. For further information contact Peace Baxter 215-295124 or Marcie White 215-493-5887. Next cookin is Saturday, April 20 at 8:30AM in the Parish House. GRACE Book Club—The Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 16, 2:00PM at the home of Carol Such, 33 Cadwallader Ct., Yardley. The group is reading Red River by Lalita Tademy. If you plan to attend this meeting, please RSVP to Carol and let her know you are coming at [email protected] or 215-369-1479. If you would like further information about the book club, please contact Betsy Moore at 215-736-3608 or [email protected] or Nancy Rabin at 215-428-1505 or [email protected]. The Job Seekers Support Group St. Andrew's Church is offering support for those looking for work and a group of professionals can help you write or update your resume, prepare for interviews, learn networking skills, find out how to work effectively with recruiters, negotiate offers, etc. Please see who the consultant on call is for the week and either call or email them. It's helpful if you identify yourself as someone from the Job Seekers Support Group. Jen is in Human Resources, Liz is a recruiter, Jim is retired with 35 years experience in HR and consulting, and Bud has done many different kinds of counseling. We look forward to hearing from you. Apr 7—Apr 13 - Jen Richardson, [email protected] 267-994-8859 Apr 14—Apr 20 - Jim Kaczorowski, [email protected] 215-970-8345 Apr 21—Apr 27 - Bud Holland, [email protected] 215-834-4007 Apr 28—May 4 - Liz DeForrest, [email protected] 215-321-3441 Do you have an old bicycle(s) you no longer use? St. Andrew's Outreach Ministries Group is collecting bikes for The Boys and Girls Club Bike Exchange in Trenton. They will condition and sell it, and all money received will go to support the after school programs of the Trenton Boys and Girls Club. More information about the Bike Exchange can be found at www.BikeExchangeNJ.org. Receipts for tax deductions will be available. Bring your bikes, in any condition, to the barn behind St. Andrews House any time on the mornings of Sun., April 7, 14, and 21, between 7:30AM and 12:30PM. For more information, contact Jane Willenbucher at [email protected] or 215-850-4135. 5 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Let Evening Come Mary Morrison was a wise woman. When she was 87, she wrote a gentle gem of a book, one I re-read often: “Let Evening Come: Reflections on Aging.” Mary reassures us that as our bodies sag, our souls become free to soar. Less is more. This short book (just 129 pages) is full of beautifully expressed truths about aging. Here is a truth about ego I need to heed: “As we age, the old, driving ego becomes increasingly a bore to others, and, more importantly, to ourselves.” Old age offers us more leisure for contemplation, but we would do well all along the way to consider our attitudes and cultivate the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). How we live now shapes how we respond later. In that light, I celebrate Mary Morrison for another reason, a reason that has had rippling and resounding effects in our parish. She was Peace Baxter’s beloved friend and mentor. Jesus says “the truth will make you Peace has a gift for befriending “ammas” -free” (John 8:31). What is more freeing than releas- spiritual mothers such as Mary Morrison, Alice ing that driving and boring ego? Parker, Nan Merrill, Sharline Fulton, and Mimi Bodell. As her ammas have companioned her and Here is a truth about time: “In old age, we shaped her soul, Peace in turn has companioned us can begin to acquire a new sense of time, not as and shaped our souls, helping us all to grow in the rushing past us, demanding that we run to keep up Spirit’s fruits. So I give thanks for Mary and this with it, but as a significant emptiness, waiting for us book, for Peace and her wise friendship, for Jaf and to live in it and fill it with thought and feeling, a his loyalty to spouse and church, and for all of us constantly present now, like the tone of a bell. . . . and our life together at St. Andrew’s. For when we pay attention to the present moment, suddenly it is no longer squeezed to nothing bePeace be with you! tween past and future. Suddenly we can stand still in it, no longer running desperately past one mo-Bob Anderson ment into the next, like a caged squirrel on an exercise wheel.” How liberating to give up the cage of constant busyness. How about forming a St. Andrew’s chapter of Squirrels Anonymous? And here is a truth about attitude: “In order to learn who we are, we need to look at our attitudes: watch them day by day, notice how we approach life. More than ever, the old saying becomes true: it is not what happens to us but what we make of it that counts.” 6 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Photos courtesy of Robin Prestage 7 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Daniell is away on April 7-11, National Workshop for Christian Unity Conference 7 Easter II 7:45AM Quiet Euch. 9:00AM Christn Form 10:15AM Holy Euch. 3:00 PM AA, R 4:15 PM CAA, R 6:30 PM Cantus Nvs reh, PH 14 Easter III 7:45AM Quiet Euch. 9:00AM Christn Form 10:15AM Holy Euch. 3:00 PM AA, R 4:15 PM CAA, R 6:30 PM Cantus Nvs reh, PH 21 Easter IV 7:45AM Quiet Euch. 9:00AM Christn Form 10:15AM Holy Euch. 3:00 PM AA, R 4PM C. N. Mtg, PH 4:15 PM CAA, R 6:30 PM Cantus Nvs reh, PH 28 Easter V Consecration Sunday One Service 10:00AM Holy Euch. 3:00 PM AA, R 4:15 PM CAA, R 6:30 PM Cantus Nvs reh, PH MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Parish Office Closed Nursery Sch closed 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 7:30 AM Healing Daniell’s Sabbath 9:30 AM Al-Anon, R 12noon AA, R Eucharist, C 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 5:00PM Ditty Wedding, 7:30 PM Al-Anon, R 7 PM R. Prestage, StAH 3:15-5PM Trenton Area Soup 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH C 12noon AA, R Kitchen 7:30 PM Alateen, 2nd flr R 7:00 PM Administrative PM Wedding reh, C 8 PM AA (cl),R 5:15PM Jr. Choir reh, R 7:30 PM AA (open), PH Comm Mtg, RCR 7:30PM Chancel Choir reh, 7:30 PM Prayer Shawl PH Min, RCR 8 9 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 7:30 PM Al-Anon, R 12noon AA, R 6:00PM Potluck Sup7:30 PM Alateen, 2nd per, PH flr R 7:30 PM Property 7:30 PM AA (open), PH Comm Mtg, RCR 10 11 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9:30 AM Al-Anon, R 5:15PM Jr. Choir reh, R 7:30PM Chancel Choir reh, PH 8 PM AA (cl),R 15 16 Chronicle Deadline 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 12noon AA, R 2:00 PM GRACE Book 7:30 PM Al-Anon, R Club meets at home of 7:30 PM Alateen, 2nd member flr R 8 PM AA (cl),R 7:30 PM AA (open), PH 22 23 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 7:30 PM Al-Anon, R 12noon AA, R 3:15-5PM Trenton Area 7:30 PM Alateen, 2nd Soup Kitchen flr R 8 PM AA (cl),R 7:30 PM AA (open), PH 29 17 12 18 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9:30 AM Al-Anon, R 5:15PM Jr. Choir reh, R 7:30PM Chancel Choir reh, PH 13 7:30 AM Healing Daniell’s Sabbath Eucharist, C 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 12noon AA, R 7:30 PM Finance Comm Mtg, RCR 4:30PM White Wedding, C PM wedding reh. 19 7:30 AM Healing Daniell’s Sabbath 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH Eucharist, C 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 12noon AA, R 4:30PM wedding reh, C 7:00 PM Nurs Sch Board Mtg, RCR 20 8:30AM Aid for Friends , PH 4:30PM McCloskey Wedding, C Vestry Retreat Apr. 19, 20 & 21—St. Raphaela’s…. 24 25 26 Deadline for Annual Meeting Reports 7:30 AM Healing Eucharist, C Nursery School Teacher Workshop— No School Daniell’s Sabbath 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 12noon AA, R 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9:30 AM Al-Anon, R 5:15PM Jr. Choir reh, R 7:30PM Chancel Choir reh, PH 27 30 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 9AM-3PM Nur. Sch., PH 7:30 PM Al-Anon, R 12noon AA, R 7:30 PM Alateen, 2nd 8 PM AA (cl),R flr R 7:30 PM AA (open), PH Key: C Church RCR Rectors’ Conf Rm in St. Andrew’s House PH Parish House StAH St. Andrew’s House R Rectory 8 SUN THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 A P R I L 2 0 1 3 - S T . A N D R E W ’ S E P I S C O PA L C H U R C H TheChronicle Sunday Schedule 7:45 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Quiet Eucharist 10:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Liturgy of the Word with Children 9:00 AM Christian Formation (Church School/Parish Forum-Sept-May) St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 47 West Afton Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 Return service requested Weekday Service Thursday 7:30 AM Healing Liturgy and Eucharist STANDING NOTICES Weddings Weddings at St. Andrew’s Church will be signified no earlier than 60 days prior to the wedding date. All weddings in the church will be governed by the Canons of the Diocese of Pennsylvania and the Book of Common Prayer. No weddings will be signified during Lent. Before scheduling a wedding it is imperative to consult with Fr. Hamby. E Y IV ELA T I D NS O T E S N E DO M T I SE EA PL Funerals The death of a child of God is a tender event. Members of the church are urged to call one of the clergy in the church as soon as possible when death has come, in order that they may bring the comfort of our faith, and the presence of the church family. It is appropriate for the funeral of a Christian to take place in the church. Baptisms The sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated according to the canons of the church and the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer. Baptisms are part of the public worship of the church, and celebrated during one of the principle Sunday liturgies. It is expected that persons who are Baptized at St. Andrew's Church will answer affirmatively the questions asked in the baptismal covenant, particularly concerning their participation in the life and ministry of this parish. Baptism is celebrated five times each year as follows: The Baptism of our Lord: January 13, 2013 The Great Vigil and Easter: March 30 & 31, 2013 Pentecost: May 19, 2013 All Saints Day: November 3, 2013 Before Baptism is celebrated there is instruction of parents and Godparents (sponsors). If you wish to be baptized, or for your child to be baptized, please speak with Fr. Hamby. The Sacrament of Reconciliation The sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is celebrated upon request to Fr. Hamby and as announced during Lent. 7:30PM Vestry Reorg. Mtg, PH Looking ahead to May May 1, 3:15-5PM Trenton Area Soup Kitchen • • May 2, 7PM Administrative Comm Mtg, RCR May 16, 7PM Baptismal Prep Class, PH; 7PMSt. Andrew’s Nursery Sch Bd. Mtg, RCR May 18, 8:30AM Aid for Friends, PH • May 5, Easter VI, Annual Meeting • • May 6, 7:30PM Prayer Shawl Ministry, RCR • • • May 9, 7:30PM Finance Comm Mtg, RCR May 19, Pentecost/Baptism May 21, 2PM GRACE Book Club • May 26, Trinity Sunday, One Service only at 10:15AM • May 27, Memorial Day, Parish office closed May 12, Mother’s Day May 14, 6:00PM Potluck Supper, PH; 7:30PM Property Comm Mtg, RCR • • May 7, 7PM R. Prestage, RCR • • • • May 15, deadline for Chronicle; May 28, St. Andrew’s Nursery School Summer Camp begins and runs through June, 3:155PM Trenton Area Soup Kitchen For the Record…... Through March 15, 2013 Number of Families in St. Andrew’s Church: Number of Souls on Record: New Members added: 215 570 Removed from Roll or Transferred to other parishes: Andrew, Christina & Chase Palsky—moved out of the area 3 Number of Deaths: Average Attendance in March 9 0 159 THE CHRONICLE - APRIL 2013 Ch