August 28, 2016 - Maternity B. V. M. Church
August 28, 2016 - Maternity B. V. M. Church
Maternity B.V.M. Church 9220 Old Bustleton Avenue Phone: 215-673-8127 Philadelphia, PA 19115 Fax: 215-673-6597 August 27/28, 2016 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 145th Anniversary Closing Page 3 ‘Taste of Bustleton & Beyond’ Page 4 Bereavement Series begins Page 5 ‘Back to School’ News Pages 6/7 Rev. James T. McDonnell was appointed Pastor in July 1976. The Parish continued to grow, with only minor problems, when the Auditorium/Gymnasium was officially condemned due to a shifting foundation. A replacement program was immediately begun and a Capital Fund Campaign initiated. Worship/Liturgical Schedule MASS/SACRAMENT SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass, Upper Church: 4:30 PM Sunday Masses, Upper Church: 8, 9:30, 11 AM; 12:30, 7 PM Old Church: 10:30 AM (First Sunday of month from October through May) Holy Days: Upper Church Vigil Mass: 7 PM Holyday Masses: 6:30, 8, 9:30, 11 AM; 7 PM Weekday Masses: Lower Chapel Monday-Friday: 6:30, 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Baptisms: First and Third Sundays of the month Reconciliation (Sacrament of Penance): Every Saturday from 3 to 4 PM in the Lower Chapel, and any time by calling the Rectory Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament is given to seriously ill Catholics by calling the Rectory and arranging for this by appointment or whenever there is an emergency. PRAYER DEVOTIONS Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Monday after 8 AM Mass, with Closing Benediction after 6:30 PM Rosary, Lower Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena: Every Monday after 8 AM Mass, Lower Chapel Recitation of the Rosary: Before the daily 8 AM Weekday Mass, every Monday at 6:30 PM and every Tuesday at Noon, Lower Chapel SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Pre-Cana Class: All engaged couples are required to attend a PreCana Program of Marriage Preparation. Our Parish offers this Program in the Fall & Spring. Call the Rectory Office for details and to register. Pre-Jordan Class: After meeting with a priest and prior to their child’s Baptism, parents are required (God-parents are encouraged) to attend this Program, held in the Rectory on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. 090 Maternity BVM 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions For the Week We are not called on to judge our own worthiness or value, but to leave those judgments to God. Saturday, August 27: St. Monica 8:00 AM 4:30 PM +Sean M. Chellantara +Harry Citrino, Jr. August 28: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Whether we are at a social event or striving in our daily lives to attain the kingdom of God, it is best not to place ourselves above others. In the Kingdom of God, rank or prestige carries no meaning; we are all brothers and sisters, children of the same God. 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 PM Living and Deceased Parish Members and Benefactors +Vincenzo Lemauro +Victor De Maio +Vincent Niblick +Frank and Bridget Smith Monday, August 29: The Passion of St. John the Baptist Sanctuary Candles Bread and Wine Memorials 6:30 AM 8:00 AM Week of August 28, 2016 +Hadwig Zak +Jennifer Gallagher Tuesday, August 30 Sanctuary Candle in the Upper Church: In Loving Memory of Philip Gianfortune 6:30 AM 8:00 AM +Hadwig Zak +John Snyder Wednesday, August 31 6:30 AM 8:00 AM Sanctuary Candle in the Lower Chapel: In Loving Memory of Harry Griffith, Jr. +Fr. Walter Keenan +Frances and Angelo Giorno Thursday, September 1 6:30 AM 8:00 AM Sanctuary Candle in the Rectory Chapel: In Loving Memory of Charles Weinman +Eleanor Hiemenz +Frank and Theresa Morgan Friday, September 2 6:30 AM 8:00 AM Bread and Wine Memorial: In Loving Memory of Vincent Niblick +Charles Weinman, 2nd Anniv. +Gabriel Rodriguez Saturday, Sept. 3: St. Gregory the Great 8:00 AM 4:30 PM To participate in our Candles and Gifts Programs, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. +Theresa McCarney +The Buck, Morton and Necci Families September 4: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Pray for all our deceased Parishioners & Benefactors, especially Henry Marrone, that they may know God’s eternal love of Heaven. 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 PM 090 Maternity BVM 2 Living and Deceased Parish Members and Benefactors +Kathleen Dailey +Joseph Brogan +Lucille Brown +Michael K. Ryder YEAR-LONG CELEBRATION OF THE 145TH ANNIVERSARY OF MATERNITY B.V.M. PARISH October 2, 2015 — October 2, 2016 Closing Celebration Saturday, October 1, 4:30 PM Mass, Upper Church Everyone is invited to participate in this Liturgical Celebration. 6-10 PM Dinner Dance in the Parish Hall All adult parishioners are invited to join in the festivities following Mass. Reservations are a must by September 15! Please contact the Rectory during Office Hours, 215-673-8127. MUST BE 21 OR OVER TO ATTEND THE DINNER. We Need Pictures! The 145th Anniversary Committee is compiling a PowerPoint presentation to be shown at the Dinner in October. Please scan and E-mail pictures of Parish Events you may have taken throughout the years to [email protected]. Thanks for your input! HELP ‘PLOW THE ROAD’ FOR OUR PARISH VISITATION OUR PARISH VISITATION RESUMES In conjunction with September as Stewardship Month and as a means of spreading the Good News of the Catholic Faith and Maternity B.V.M. Parish, the Parish Visitation will resume. Visits will be made Mondays through Thursdays, 6 to 8 PM, from September 12 through 29. Preparations have begun for our Annual Parish Visitation, held the second, third and fourth weeks of September, Monday through Thursday evenings. Any help you can give driving our priests and staff and alerting the homes of their visits would be most appreciated. Call Christine at the Rectory, 215-673-8127, with your availability and/or for more details. Our goals: meet you, hear your observations, bless your homes and encourage your full participation in our Parish’s faith life. The homes to be visited are located on the west side of Roosevelt Boulevard to the east side of Bustleton Avenue, from Tomlinson Road south to Grant Avenue, including all streets off of Grant Avenue. Previous visits to those living in apartment complexes or condominiums were unsuccessful; therefore, these visits will be not be attempted. Parishioners living in these complexes and who would like a visit are asked to call the Rectory and make an appointment for a visit. A listing of all homes to be visited is being mailed to every household and will appear each week in the Parish Bulletin. MUSIC MINISTRY MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 7 PM IN THE UPPER CHURCH RONALD COLES, NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR All musicians, cantors and choir members are encouraged to attend this important meeting. New and former members are most welcome! Choir practice will follow the meeting. For more information, please contact Ronald at [email protected] or 267090 Maternity BVM 973-0323. 3 2ND ANNUAL TASTE OF BUSTLETON & BEYOND Helping Other Parishioners in Emergencies SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 For help during the week of August 29, call Deana Iacovine, 215-464-7920, or Sheila McCloskey, 215-464-8358. 5:30-9:30 PM IN THE SPONSORED BY MATERNITY B.V.M. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ‘SPONSOR-A-STUDENT’ Program Maternity B.V.M. School ALL ARE INVITED TO COME OUT Consider a much-needed gift of Catholic Education for a child in this Parish! Sponsor-A-Student is a program that provides tuition assistance for deserving children of our Parish who desire a Catholic Education. Gifting Levels include: ____ Full Tuition Sponsorship $2,400 ____ Half Tuition Sponsorship $1,200 PARISH HALL AND EXPANDING INTO THE COURTYARD AND TASTE THE BEST FOODS FROM AREA EATERIES! TICKETS: $25 IN ADVANCE; $30 AT THE DOOR. BEER AND WINE WILL BE SOLD. (NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL IS PERMITTED.) 50/50 AND TOMBOLA BASKETS FOR MORE DETAILS AND TICKETS, PLEASE CONTACT JACKIE VENNERI AT 215-495-3112, CATHY BOYLE, 267-446-0482, OR DENISE AT THE RECTORY DURING OFFICE HOURS AT 215-673-8127. ____ Partial Tuition Sponsorship $600 ____ Additional assistance $400 ____ $200 ____ Other $ _____ All donations are tax-deductible and can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Quinter directly at 215-673-8127. Good Stewardship! As vacation time winds down, many are still away on weekends or for the entire week. Please remember good stewardship; you can contribute on-line through our Web site: And thank you for your great generosity each week! CERTIFICATE PROGRAM SCRIP is sold in Rectory Meeting Room 1. Most important, remember to attend Holy Mass each Sunday, with no vacation from our vocation to follow Christ always! Sunday: 8:45 AM to 12:30 PM; Monday: 9-11 AM; Thursday: 9-11 AM and 6:30-8:30 PM; Friday: 9-11 AM. Weekend of August 20/21, 2016 Closed Sunday and Monday, September 4 & 5, for Labor Day Weekend. Regular hours begin on Sunday, September 11, 2016. 090 Maternity BVM 4 Regular Collection Second Collection Total Parish Collection $13,756.00 $ 2,135.66 $15,891.66 Catholic University $688 For Engaged Couples New RCIA Class is Forming! Attending a Pre-Cana Class is required of all preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. Our Parish Fall Pre-Cana Day will be held Saturday, September 24. Advance registration is necessary. To register, please call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) begins on Thursday, October 6. Classes will be held every Thursday at 7 PM in the Convent. Who Should Participate in the RCIA? • Persons not baptized and interested in the Catholic Church; • Persons baptized in a different religion who would like to become Catholic; • Persons baptized in the Catholic Church but who did not receive First Communion or Confirmation; • Persons baptized Catholic who would like to know more about their faith. YOU NEED NOT GRIEVE ALONE! Our Bereavement Support Group will conduct a six-week session on Wednesday evenings. These meetings are open to anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Our program offers information about the grief process and gives an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings in an environment of understanding and empathy. People of all faiths and neighboring parishes are welcome. Grief has no time limit. People who attended previously are most welcome to return. If you or a friend is interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation or want to learn more about the Catholic Faith, call Fr. Smith at the Rectory, Sr. Mary Beth Geraghty, 215-673-4010, or Deacon Lindsay, 267-266-2201. Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Meetings are held in Rectory Meeting Room 1 (lower level of the Rectory) adjacent to the parking lot. Meetings begin at 7 PM and last approximately one hour. PREP opens on Tuesday, September 13, for parents, students and teachers at 6:45 PM in the Parish Hall. Regular classes begin on September 20 at 6:45 PM; please report to the Cafeteria. Tuition rates for 2016-17 are: 1 child, $150; 2 children, $225; 3 or more, $300. There is an additional charge of $25 for families registering after May 3. Contributions for families of children receiving Reconciliation & Holy Eucharist as well as Confirmation is an additional $60. Topics Include: September 14: Crazy is Normal September 21: Understanding the Stages of Grief September 28: Surviving Stress and Loneliness If you still need to register or for more information, contact Sr. Mary Beth Geraghty, 215-673-4010. October 5: Feelings of Denial, Bargaining and Guilt We Need You To Share Your Faith! October 12: Feelings of Anger and Depression PREP teachers, aides and door monitors are needed for the new school year. Adults are also needed to teach Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass and the Lil’ Church School held in the Convent for pre-schoolers during the 9:30 AM Mass. October 19: Spiritual Elements of Grief and Healing Please contact a Bereavement Team Member if you plan to attend or for more information: Eileen Keenan, 215-677-6582, Carol Catalano, 215-673-3172, Kathleen Ruggiero, 215-9695674, or Jane Passaglia, 215-676-1423. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Sr. Mary Beth Geraghty at 215-605-5664. 090 Maternity BVM 5 MATERNITY B.V.M. SCHOOL NEWS School begins on Wednesday, September 7, at 8 AM for Grades 2-4-6-8; no school that day for Grades 1-3-5-7. September 8 will be the first day of school for Grades 1-3-5-7; no school for Grades 2-4-6-8 on that Thursday. Friday, September 9, Grades 1 to 8 will attend school. Dismissal on September 7, 8 and 9 will be at 1 PM. Children should bring snacks with them; no lunch period will be provided. All students in Grades 1 to 8 are to report to the Cafeteria when they arrive at school and sit by grade. They will go to their homerooms from the Cafeteria. Monday, September 12, will be the first full day of school for all students in Grades 1 to 8. School begins promptly at 8 AM; dismissal is at 2:50 PM. Please be sure your child is punctual. Monday, September 12, is also the first day of school for Kindergarten and Pre-K 4 year olds. Kindergarten begins promptly at 8 AM; dismissal is at 2:40 PM. Pre-K morning classes are 8-11 AM; full day classes are from 8 AM to 2:40 PM. The CARES Program begins on Monday, September 12. Please Note: Both the Kindergarten and Pre-K programs must provide their own transportation. Children are expected to wear the summer uniform on the first day of school. For boys, this means navy blue shorts, a white B.V.M. golf shirt, and white socks and white sneakers; for girls, a white B.V.M. golf shirt, a plaid skirt for grades 6 to 8 and navy “skort” for grades 1 to 5, and white socks and white sneakers. All shirts must have the school name on them. The gym uniform consists of a t-shirt, gym shorts, sweatshirt and sweatpants. All items mentioned above can be purchased at Flynn & O’Hara, which is located on Dutton Road. Contact Flynn & O’Hara at 1-800-441-4122 or visit its Web site,, to check for all related uniform information. A parent must call out any student who is absent the day of the absence by 9 AM. Our school office number is 215-673-0235. If you are requesting homework for any student, please call the school by 9 AM. You can also check the teacher’s Web site for homework. AND MOST IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY PURPOSES: When dropping off your children in the morning car lines, please be sure to follow the flow of traffic, drive slowly and carefully, follow all directions from the adults and safeties, and do not park any place except along the line of bushes located at the far side of the parking lot. Attention, All School Parents: STILL HAVEN’T REGISTERED? Registration takes place every weekday, 9 AM to 1 PM, in the School Office. Mark Your Calendars, Mandatory Meeting To arrange a tour of the School, please contact Michael McDonough in Admissions at 215-908-3329. Parents Back-to-School Nights: Wednesday, September 7: Grades K through 5; Registration materials are found on our newly-revised School Web site: Thursday, September 8; Grades 6 through 8. Both meetings are 7 PM in the Parish Hall. 090 Maternity BVM 6 Our Parish School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at our School. Similar policies apply to the school staff. Our School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies or any school-administered program. TUITION NEWS All Summer Reading Assignments can be found on the School Web site Re-Registrations & Tuition Payments must be made with Mrs. Pacifico in the Rectory on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:30 to 5 PM. Gently-Used Uniform Shop All School Parents: The Gently-Used Uniform Shop is open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM. Check in at the School Office. The first four tuition payments must be complete for all children to enter the 2016-17 School Year. B.V.M. ALUMNI NEWS Did you know the Alumni Association has an on-line form on the School’s Web site to aid in developing a database? The information gathered helps graduates stay informed on upcoming events. There is a link on the School’s Web site where you can go and fill in all pertinent information. Just visit and click the Alumni Tab. There is also an official Facebook page, Maternity BVM Official Alumni, where you can catch up with former classmates and latest news. TWO FUNDRAISERS ARE ALREADY SCHEDULED: September 17: A Taste of Bustleton & Beyond (see page 4 for details; tickets are selling quickly); March 25, 2017, Dinner and Show Featuring Jim Barrone as “Elvis”. All proceeds from our Alumni Association fundraisers benefit our School Children! ALUMNI: WE NEED YOUR HELP! HOLD YOUR CLASS REUNIONS HERE AT BVM! CALL THE RECTORY (215-673-8127) FOR INFO. CLASS OF ’71 IS CELEBRATING THEIR 45TH REUNION HERE ON SEPTEMBER 10. CONGRATULATIONS! Flea Market Sponsored by HASA September 17, 8 AM until 2 PM (Rain date is September 24.) Lower Level, Church Parking Lot Spaces are $20 each. Hot dogs, pretzels, soda and water are available for purchase. For more details, please call 215-767-4512 or 267-446-0482. 090 Maternity BVM 7 Please pray for all sick parishioners and benefactors, especially: HOLY YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015—November 20, 2016 THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF Msgr. A. McGuire Fr. Patrick Brannan Alessa Abruzzo Delia Advincula Eileen Albano Jean Archer Christine Butler Shirley Callahan William Colanzi Addyson Collins Jim Conboy Dan Condron John Curry Louis Cusano Steve D’Ambrosi Carly Rose Di Zio Eleanor Donatelli Edward Dougherty Keith Dybalski Lois H. Fioravanti Bill Foley James R. Frey Jeanne Froggatt Jackie Gallagher Joan Gallagher MERCY Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall be theirs” (Mt 5:7), which makes the practice of the Spiritual Works of Mercy a win-win for everyone! When we instruct the ignorant and counsel the doubtful, we’re forced to brush up on our own faith in order to properly inform others. How many misunderstandings about Church teaching could be prevented if we understood not just what She teaches, but why! Admonishing sinners isn’t about judging someone’s heart; it’s about those everyday moral decisions about right and wrong that we make whenever we decide not to steal, gossip, lie, etc. When we admonish sinners with love, we reaffirm our own convictions and make this world more civil and loving. To bear wrongs patiently not only impresses those who offend us, it makes us stronger in body, mind and spirit. Paybacks might feel good, but they also introduce discord and division into our world. When we bear wrongs patiently, we become channels of peace. Robert Gartner Sherri Garofolo Dr. Anthony Georgio Sue Georgio Bernard Gerasimas, Jr. Alexander Glazier Jessie Gnoza Charles Gullota Sherry Hanlon James Hannon Helen Huber Betty Hughes John E. Hughes Anna Hunter Mark Iannacone Dr. Penny Iannacone Bernie Kane Laura Kelly Patrick Kennedy Doris Kerker Lois Mason Rosemary Maloney Frank Merle Ed McDonald Lorraine Minnar Billy Mobley Joan Morris Margaret Murphy Helen Murray Anne Neville Dep. Sher. Paul Owens Kimberly PG Anita Palumbo Cynthia Pinto Joseph Procopio Theresa Schneck James Schwartz Anna Serano Pat & Joe Skinis Joseph F. Teleske Kathleen Timte Mary Tomkins Georgina Valdes Steven Veal Alma Veto Rita Voll Becky Williams Janet Wisniewski Stanley Wisniewski Fred Wizmerski Please call the Rectory when your loved ones have recovered so we can remove their names from our Prayer List. Thank you! Attention, Young Parishioners, Ages 5 thru 14 Scripture and science agree that forgiving offenses willingly, letting go of grudges and bitterness, makes people happier, healthier and better able to meet the challenges of everyday life. Join Maternity B.V.M.’s Swim Team! Sign-ups will be held on Monday, September 12, from 6 to 8 PM in Rectory Meeting Room 1. For more information, please contact Coach Matt Kimbrell at 215-593-6214. Comforting the afflicted brings the merciful touch of God to those most in need. Our own faith is reinforced when we see how God’s presence can strengthen a soul in the midst of suffering. Praying for the living and the dead unites us to the full Body of Christ — both in heaven and on earth — and invites the power of God into the lives of our living and deceased loved ones. When we give God’s Mercy to others, it becomes a blessing to us all! — Susan Brinkmann, O.C.D.S., Catholic Life Institutes, Bedminster, PA Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide Assumption B.V.M. Church in Feasterville is offering a 12-week program for men and women who have suffered from divorce or separation. The program features a 30-minute DVD presentation covering various topics, followed by open discussion. This program is open to anyone needing comfort, support and clarity after separation or divorce, and is held on Thursday evenings starting on September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. For more information, contact Eileen Landola at 215-953-0351 or [email protected] (insert Sept. 15 Class in subject line), or Sister Diane at 215-357-1221 or [email protected]. On a recent visit to Europe, Fr. Smith stopped to visit the Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux in France. While there, Father lit candles and offered prayers for our Parish Family. 090 Maternity BVM 8 PARISH CLERGY PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Gloriane Bentz Deacon Joseph Bernauer Marianne Bucci John Carroll Eileen Costantino Sr. Mary Beth Geraghty Anne Griffin Catherine Lindsay Deacon Charles Lindsay Nancy Toland Lisa Vivino Denise Voisard Mary Zawisza Fr. Paul S. Quinter, Pastor Fr. Daniel Dwyer Fr. Richard J. Smith Deacon Charles R. Lindsay Deacon Joseph W. Bernauer, Jr. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Adoration Society: Lety Apolinario 215-464-4723 Aid for Friends: Tom Vitale 215-671-0254 Alumni Association: Jackie Venneri 215-495-3112 Altar Servers: Cathy Boyle 215-904-7248 Altar Society: Jane Wizmerski 215-677-2062 Bereavement Group: Eileen Keenan 215-677-6582 Carol Catalano 215-673-3172 Jane Passaglia 215-676-1423 Kathleen Ruggiero 215-969-5674 C.Y.O. H.S. (Gr. 9-12): Suzanne Flood 215-698-2875 C.Y.O. Jr. (Gr. 5-8): Gary Stevens 267-994-1012 Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors: Eileen Costantino 215-676-5441 Faith Sharing Group: Lety Apolinario 215-464-4723 Holy Name Society: Bill Derham 215-671-9121 Home & School: Christine DeTreux 215-947-2097 Legion of Mary: James Mason 215-676-4369 Liturgy Committee: Eileen Costantino 215-676-5441 Mission Outreach: Joan Lambert 215-677-2794 Music Director: Martin Knoblauch 215-676-3245 Parish Business Manager: Catherine Lindsay 215-673-8127 Parish Maintenance Supervisor: Art Williams 215-673-8127 Parish Organizations Coordinator: Christine Regan 215-673-8127 Parish Religious Education Director: Sister Mary Beth Geraghty, R.S.M. 215-673-4010 Pre-Cana: Deacon Joseph & Marianne Bernauer 215-677-1309 Pre-Jordan: Father Quinter 215-673-8127 PREP: Sister Mary Beth Geraghty, R.S.M. 215-673-4010 Project H.O.P.E.: Jim & Claire Ritzheimer 215-673-7877 Joan Lambert 215-677-2794 Project Mercy: Jack Coyle 215-464-2820 Respect Life Committee: Mike Branhut 215-673-0635 St. Vincent de Paul Society: Linda Freeman 215-676-6051 School Principal: Mary Zawisza 215-673-0235 School Advancement Dir: Michael McDonough 215-908-3329 SCRIP: Nancy Smith and Donna McGough 215-673-8127 Senior Citizen’s Group: Theresa Canuso 215-698-2614 Rose Egan 215-676-0647 Scouts (Boys, Troop 174): Dennis Deissler 215-464-5177 Scouts (Cub Pack 174): Bill Barry 215-520-3496 Scouts (Girls): Nancy Smith 215-673-4688 Swim Team: Matt Kimbrell 215-593-6214 Travel Club: Lorraine Mulligan 215-677-1322 Ushers: Jack Weber 215-698-7656 Welcoming Committee: Nancy Toland 215-206-5548 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Timothy Dlugokecki Mark Gudas Catherine Lindsay Deacon Charles Lindsay Lorraine Mulligan Robert Schafer James Schrack Chris Smith Joseph Vozzelli Jerome Zaleski [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH LITURGY COMMITTEE Eileen Costantino, Chair [email protected] Deacon Joseph Bernauer Deacon Charles Lindsay Sr. Mary Beth Geraghty Eileen Keenan Martin Knoblauch Lisa Vivino Please feel free to contact the priests or any of these listed parishioners with suggestions or concerns regarding Parish matters. Contact Parish Clergy via E-mail at [email protected]. When E-mailing, identify Maternity B.V.M. in the subject area so the recipient will not reject the message as “unknown sender.” Keep in touch with School Activities at: Facebook: Maternity BVM School Twitter: maternitybvm1 090 Maternity BVM 9