Direct to the Public - ShowMe™ South Africa
Direct to the Public - ShowMe™ South Africa
by the APRIL 2013 FOR AND BY THE COMMUNITY APRIL 2013 Sukasambe (something unique created by God) Sukasambe Children's Home (the name means something unique, created by God) is a rambling house set on 10 acres just south of Henley, off the Uitvlugt road near Sure Focus, which is home to 29 severely physically and mentally disabled children. It was started 10 years ago by Siphiwe Khumalo, above, and his late wife, Olive, who were both teachers in Soweto but they took early retirement to follow this calling. Of the 29 children, who range in age from 8 to 17years, 17 are so severely disabled that they are in nappies and cannot feed themselves. Many suffer from cerebral palsy and some are brain damaged and confined to wheel chairs. They are all neatly dressed in uniform blue shorts and teeshirts with embroidered badges, the girls in pink and the boys in blue. Although most of the children have parents they are not involved with their children and seldom visit or contribute financially. Disabled children cause stresses in the home and many of the parents divorce. There are seven caregivers but they only receive a stipend and their tasks include cleaning and cooking. Their welfare is also of concern. Sanah Ramone a community worker from NG Welsyn, on left in the photo, is tasked with caring for the caregivers and she is looking for three more caregivers to relieve those presently employed. Elsa Combrinck, second from left, is the house mother tasked with the food and administration. Since they lost their funding from Global, every month it is a worry that they will not have enough money to continue but every month somehow God provides. They receive no government grants at all. Kanguru recently donated a minibus which gets the children to the Meyerton Clinic and to the hospital. The clinic is also the source of new children as clinic staff members hear of new cases and try to place them. Sukasambe however is full. Augusta Schoeman on right above is a friend of Sukasambe and arranges extras like birthday parties. Mr Khumalo has big plans for the future: He wants to expand the buildings and have a room for physiotherapy and OT as well as a music room and a community hall. Their immediate need, however, other than food and clothing, is for the services of artisans. There is non stop maintenance required of the buildings so the services of plumbers, electricians and carpenters or just handymen would be greatly appreciated. Contact Mr Khumalo at 082 797 5380 Direct to the Public Visit the factory just outside Meyerton THE PREFERRED SUPPLIER OF ALL ANIMAL FEED AND INGREDIENTS HEIDELBERG ROAD (016) 366 1398 / 083 676 8607 Dog food & Bird Seed Fertilisers, Fencing & Irrigation Page 2 April 2013 The Henley Herald H.R.R.A. reports The Henley Residents' and Ratepayers' Association is reliant on the Midvaal Council for matters that need attending to in Henley on Klip, which is more and more difficult. Possibly the attention of our Council had been side tracked by the accusations against them in the press which was given a lot of publicity in November 2011. There were reports in publications such as the Beeld, the Sunday Times (twice), the Saturday Star and the Mail and Guardian. Another unfavourable article appeared in the Sunday Times on 21 October 2012. Meeting with the mayor: A meeting was set up with Mayor Timothy Nast during February to discuss matters such as sewerage, drainage, roads, etc. After mentioning various queries, requests and complaints that are ignored by the Council, Mayor Nast agreed that communication is a problem. We seldom receive answers to our emails, phone calls or letters, either directly from the Council or their elected representatives. If there is a response from the Council it is usually vague or evasive and there it dies. It was agreed that all problems must be addressed in writing to Naraisha Mitchell at Complaints and given a number to use when following up. It is our responsibility to follow up. Lawyers to handle Midvaal work: The dubious involvement of Mr Odendaal with the Council over the years has haunted us endlessly. We were initially given the reason that Mr. Odendaal was appointed (and then re-appointed) to handle the Midvaal Council collections and other legal matters because he is “the only lawyer” in Meyerton who can do it.” However the allegations against Mr. Odendaal have kept coming, mainly from the press. Anyway, that chapter may be finally over as a tender was put out for lawyers to handle the collections work. Mayor Nast advised that this had been awarded to Malherbe, Ramwell and Rigg who are dealing with over 32 000 files, while Mr. Odendaal has only been left with 200 files that he is finalising. Attitude of staff in the Council: Over the years we have had to put up with bad attitude from Council staff. Generally they tend to have the attitude that they are doing us a favour and the public is merely an annoyance that they have to put up with. At one stage, after we had complained, the staff were obviously dealt with and told to be courteous to customers. However, it didn't last very long as they can't resist going back to behaving as though we, the ratepayers, should be grateful for their attention because they are in a position of importance and we are there for them, not them being there for us. Through all this we must keep in mind that we are lucky to have this Council. For instance, just look at Emfuleni (Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark and surrounding areas) and the disgraceful condition of their roads! Late delivery of accounts from municipality: On request, the Municipality will send ratepayers emails or sms giving the monthly amounts owing, as paying on receipt of our accounts is not working because of the ongoing postal strike. Postal strike: The SA Post Office wildcat strike, that started in mid February, has still not been resolved. Pretoria is functioning almost normally but we are still being badly affected as our mail continues to arrive in dribs and drabs, if at all. Of the 3 400 postal workers who went on strike 588 have not returned to work and have been served with dismissal letters. Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon as, although many of us can communicate via e.mail and sms, the postal service is an important service that still needs to be in place. – Nancy Eagar HRRA 016 366 4044 Henley Watch Need to have a second look What an attendance at the meeting of Henley Watch (HW) on Wednesday, 13 March at the O'Connor Hall, very encouraging. The majority of attendees were the members of HW but there were a number of non-members as well. One hopes that a way forward will be found. There are positives such as just being a member of HW and the effectiveness of HW patrolling activities. One outstanding example is the reasonable reaction time of HW to calls during periods of needs such as when alarms sound. This is certified by reduced incidents at HW members' households compared to incidents on non-members in January and February. I hope and wish that those members of the public who are not HW members that responded to the call of the meeting did realize the fine details and might be encouraged to consider joining HW. I am concerned regarding the recognition of HW as an officially recognized public safety organization or movement. I feel that the motives that resulted in the formation of HW are probably similar to the drivers that resulted in the formation of community policing fora (forums). If there are differences, I suppose they are minor hurdles that can be overcome. I ask what elements are missing from or existing in HW that prevent it from being a policing forum? About 30% of Henley on Klip residents are members of HW so would that not make it a good platform to build on? HW could be used as a catalyst (conduit), together with other existing structures, in the formation of a policing forum. The notion that was expressed that HW, SAPS and the Community Policing Forum should come together and see how a police forum can be brought to fruition is fully supported. Advantages of a CPF is official recognition by the SAPS and public in general, and secondly, there will surely be support from the SAPS structures in some kind and this will further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public safety in our society. – Thebe Pule MacJobbing&Security VILLAGE SERVICE CENTRE For all your New Building, Renovation, Maintenance, Security & Automation requirements Cleeve Road @ Total Garage Henley-on-Klip Tel: 071 657 7076 Fax: 086 525 8748 WE DO ALARM SYSTEMS (specialising in M.A.M.I. Alarm sytems, the Henley Watch alarm) GATE MOTORS (accredited Centurion & ET systems installers) SECURITY GATES BURGLAR PROOFING & WROUGHT IRON WORK Contact Henley resident Arthur McDonald on 073 217 4542 or 016 366 4004 Servicing, major and minor repairs to all makes of vehicles, Petrol and Diesel We use leading Bosch Diagnostic equipment. Specialising in CVs, Clutch kits, Cylinder heads, Shocks, Brakes, Engine overhauling, Roadworthy etc. TOW-IN SERVICE AVAILABLE Page 3 The Henley Herald April 2013 We love it when a plan comes together. Five years ago, the management team of Henley High and Preparatory School put together a plan for the growth and development of the school. The plan included various things that could be established and improved upon to make the school a valuable education centre for the learners. The school has achieved all it set out to do 5 years ago culminating with the opening new Media Centre was on 15 March. environment for the seniors to do research for tasks and projects and secondly, to encourage, cultivate and establish a love for books and reading in the junior phase. On behalf of the pupils, parents and staff we would like to thank the following people: the Parent's Forum who worked tirelessly to raise the funds necessary for projects such as this one, all the parents who donated books and attended this memorable occasion, all the parents who donated time and services to make our show possible, especially Mr. and Mrs. Burness with their staff from B&W Productions and Mrs. Donachie from Nature's Garden. We gathered to celebrate, not only the opening of the Media Centre but also to mark the accomplishment of the goals set 5 years ago, but this by no means marks the end. On the contrary, new dreams, hopes and plans are on the cards and there is no doubt that Henley High and Preparatory School is going to achieve more great things in the future. – Una Keyser Georgie Griffiths, seen here and Jill Pocock run the book stall at the Shed, the proceeds of which all go to charity. They need new books, so remember to pack some paperbacks before your next visit to the Shed To celebrate this occasion, the pupils put together a marvellous show which, included poetry, dancing, singing and a dramatic presentation of the favourite children's tale, The Gruffalo. Ms. Henderson, who manages the centre, said that the aim of the Media Centre is two-fold: To create an informative and stimulating "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." — Frederick Douglass POOL FENCING Ensure the safety of your pool area Local is lekker! Pool Fencing Palisade Fencing Gates & Automation Burglar Proofing Custom Steel Products For quality Pool Fencing & Steel Products Contact Dave 0832250339 English Medium Pre-Primary and Nursery School. St Andrew's Church, Hearn Rd, Henley on Klip Small Classes with individual attention. Safe and Loving Environment 7.15am to 1.45pm Broadlands School terms 6 months to Grade R Extra Murals offered (Pottery, Soccer and Cricket). We now also have computers. Estelle 083 286 3071 FIGHT BACK BY JOINING HENLEY WATCH BEFORE YOU BECOME A VICTIM BENEFITS TO YOU Alarm & Panic button monitoring & use of the emergency telephone number plus an escort home service All with 24/7 response Numbered gate badge for swift identification All this from less than R40 a month Plus 4 hours of your time each month Call Sal Hébert today on 016 366 1583 or 084 263 1784 HENLEY WATCH Correct Ad Page 4 April 2013 The Henley Herald that makes From The Editors HOnee n lofe ythes o things special is the Too much education! decorations put up by Henley@Heart before Christmas and Easter for the public to enjoy. Theft of some of these little works of art on the street name signs is a regular problem. This year an overweight white man with bushy hair in an old yellow car BLM 697 GP was observed removing three of them in Hearn road by a lady resident who did not want to confront him. She did call the Herald and the Watch and the search is on for this dastardly wretch. The Easter decorations that were left did much to improve the look of Henley but more permanent improvements are also visible. Council's contractors have made lay bys and laid paving for buses and taxis at Annette Cloete's and the Retirement Village. The new tar on the car parks at Vasco's and the post office has much improved these areas too. The car park at Henley Café has been improved by the owners. Many Henley roads have had a fresh layer of tar and some places such as Cleeve near the garage have kerbing too. Little by little the number of bags of recyclable plastic on the pavements each Thursday is increasing. Remember that the white paper bags are returned to you but plastic should be placed in a transparent bag (refuse-bag sized bags are available at the supermarket) next to the paper bag. Wide Horizon Hospice, in association with the Midvaal Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Charity Golf Day in order to raise funds for the organisations. The Golf Day will take place on 24 May 2013 at the exquisite Riviera on Vaal Country Club and Golf Course. Courtesy Georges Hébert Contact Allison on 079 480 4690 or email [email protected]. Something else to look out for is Tekkie Tax Day. On 31 May pay R10 for your sticker and wear your favourite pair of tekkies to work! More about this next month. A PhD graduate and an ordinary man went on a camping trip, set up their tent and fell asleep Some hours later, the ordinary man woke up his PhD friend. "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see?" The PhD man replies, "I see millions of stars." The ordinary man asks, "What does that tell you?” The PhD guy ponders for a minute. "Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Satan is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?” The ordinary man is silent for a moment, and then speaks: "Practically it tells me that someone has stolen our tent". Midvaal Emergency Numbers Meyerton CPF (Gerhard Viljoen): 072 247 7043 Meyerton Police Station: 016 362 0126 Midvaal Municipality 24 hour emergency hotline: 016 360 7500 or 016 360 5911 Fire Department: 016 360 7400 After Hours 016 360 7500 or 016 360 5911 Ambulance: 10177 After Hours: 016 440 1000 Municipal Water and Electricity: 016 360 7457/8 Assessment Rates: 016 360 7457/8 Municipal Accounts: [email protected] 016 360 7400 Any Midvaal Municipal complaint or problem: [email protected] or 016 360 7400 Diane Jack & Associates a part of the Compendium Insurance Group, has access to most insurers in South Africa. We offer clients a wide choice when it comes to policy cover and premiums. To arrange an interview to visit and discuss your insurance needs Call Diane Jack on 011-465-9405 or 082-469-6355 Authorised Financial Services Provider Licence no. 16142 APPROVED BY HENLEY WATCH He didn't like the casserole, And he didn't like my cake. He said my biscuits were too hard, Not like his mother used to make. I didn't perk the coffee right, He didn't like the stew. I didn't mend his socks, The way his mother used to do. I pondered for an answer, Looking for a clue. Then I turned around and snotklapped him Like his mother used to do. Meyerton SAPS Sector vehicle cell numbers Sector 1 - Meyerton Central 071 675 7305/6 Sector 2 - Golf Park, Henley, Welverdiend 071 675 7307/8 De Deur SAPS SAPS sector vehicle cell numbers Sector 2 - Walkerville, Blignautsrus, Golfview, Hartzenbergfontein, Cyferfontein, Oakmere, Wood Acres Farms, Walkers Fruit Farms, Ironside, Ohenimuri, Homestead Apple Orchards 071 675 7286/7 ADVERTISING RATES (Colour in parenthesis) Full Page R1265 1/2 Page R700 1/4 Page R460 1/8 Page R230 1/16 Page R130 (R1580) (R 880) (R 575) (R 285) (R 165) DESIGN FEE (for new ads) Full Page R300 1/2 & 1/4 Page R150 1/8 & 1/16 Page R100 Subsequent changes up to 4 lines – no charge DISCOUNT A discount rate of up to 10% applies to advertisements to be placed in 3 issues and paid for in advance April 2013 Page 5 The Henley Herald Concerned residents call a security meeting. On 13 March the O'Connor hall was filled to overflowing (124 signed the register) with Henleyites who are fed-up with crime and the incompetence of the police. Dave Reid chaired the meeting and skilfully manoeuvred through a barrage of questions. Col. Shikwambana, the new station commander at Meyerton was in the hot seat and he answered politely but vaguely to several questions and accusations. To the accusation that the charge office does not pick up the phone and neither do the sector vehicles that are supposed to be patrolling, he responded that if that happens again it should be brought to his attention. This was not accepted by the audience. He was told that the specific incident in question had happened only 15 hours earlier and thus he should be investigating the case and disciplining those involved. Col. Lidia Landingwe (Operational Commander) did not address the meeting. Although there was a lot of negative grumbling and by the end of the meeting the confidence in the police had not increased there were several positive suggestions as to how to improve security: Radios bought by people living close to each other can work provided that they are kept on. Every old and infirm person in the village should have a buddy whom they can call any time. Wear your panic button around your neck. Set your alarm every night and when you go out. Join Henley Watch. Have the sector vehicle numbers on the fridge and next to your bed: 071 675 7307 and 071 675 7308. Use the 10111 or 112 (from cell phone) to report an incident. Get involved with Meyerton CPF. Subscribe to CPF BBM messages if you're a Blackberry owner. The PIN no is 28548695. Another avenue is whatsapp messages. – Ed “A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.” – Henrik Ibsen REFLEXOLOGIST Supplied by Hidrou-Land cc [email protected] Rolf 082 929 1494 (Local Contact) [email protected] or Andy 079 311 0502 VERITY LONDON NATURAL THERAPIST Call or SMS 082 886 3846 for appointment THERAPEUTIC REFLEXOLOGY DETOX MASSAGE JOIN IN A FUN YOGA SESSION ON SATURDAYS @ THE BOWLING GREEN 08:30 – 10:00 April 2013 The Henley Herald Page 6 Letters to the Editors I wish to compliment the Municipality for the efficient and timely repair of a water leak. On the morning of 19 March, I noticed an accumulation of water on the road outside my property, in Heron Road, Henley on Klip. By 3.00pm the water had not dried up as I had expected, and on closer inspection it was clear that there was a water leak as water was percolating through the road surface. My daughter called the Midvaal telephone number and was connected to an enthusiastic and ebullient member of the Engineering Department, who promised that the appropriate people would be notified. At approximately 7.00pm my daughter heard some activity outside of our house and on investigation we were pleasantly surprised to find a team from Midvaal busy with the repair. I provided some additional lighting and cold drink for the friendly and humorous team of Joseph Komape, Judy Shabalala (known to his colleagues as Dr. Water), Jacob Khambule and Simon Matshidiso, and by 8.30 pm it was all done. I am sure that a similar situation in many other South African municipalities would go unattended for weeks, if not months. I am sure that the saving of water in our water-resource impoverished country was significant by the prompt action of the engineering team. Congratulations – another example of a well managed municipality. – Dave Reid 'Henley's Got Talent' 2013 competition is now open! Application forms can be found at Henley Hardware (Henley on Klip) and at Out & Out Picture Framing, Victorian Centre, 265 Blougras Street Henley on Klip. For more information contact Frank Lees 074 259 0396 or [email protected] Whatever your talent is we want to see it!! Strike Electrical ECA & ECB Registered Domestic & industrial electrical installations & repairs Automatic gates & garage doors & electric fences Geyser timers save up to 30% on your Eskom bill Solar electric panels, Inverters & charge controllers Issuing of COC Certificates Repair of Lawn Mowers and Weedeaters Emergency back-up lighting Email [email protected] Te l : 0 1 6 3 6 6 0 5 5 0 • C e l l : 0 8 2 9 5 5 4 5 5 6 016 362 4564 / 5 30 E Loch Str., Meyerton Eye Test – R240 (FREE UV sunglasses with every test) Single vision Package – R550 Bifocal Package – R850 Multifocal Package – R1400 All packages include a frame from a selected range and two clear lenses This is a cash only deal! In search of all those who bought stands through Randland Securities Between 1999 and 2000 and perhaps even later an unknown number of stands in Henley on Klip were sold by Randland Securities cc. Phillip Mabiletsa (on left) of Rugby road was one of the buyers as was Grace Chauke. These two are now trying to find all the other people who bought from Randland Securities as they have an attorney who feels that they have a case and that a class action will be much more powerful and cost effective. The case revolves around ownership of the stands: Many of these stands were sold twice because Randland Securities intended sub-dividing these stands into two. As subdivision to stands of less than 2000m2 is not allowed in Henley, Midvaal refused to comply with applications to subdivide. However now there are cases where two parties are claiming ownership of specific stands. Randland Securities has since gone into liquidation. He appeals to all those who had dealings with Randland Securities (and those who know of someone who had) to contact him or Grace on the numbers below. Phillip Mabiletsa 082 723 4374 Grace Chauke 082 633 6858. We would like to bring your attention to people driving down Hearn Road from 9pm to sometimes 3 am at incredible speed. There are dogs and children in this area and we have a continuous stream of cars racing up and down this road at night time. The stop streets do not seem to stop these cars and this is an accident waiting to happen. Please put some speed bumps in the road to sort this out. We have lived in Henley for a long time and it's time someone sorted this out. Sent on behalf of Judy Johnson 1777 Hearn Road Vivienne Dotterbeck The writer also sent this letter to complaints at Midvaal Municipality – Ed Page 7 April 2013 THE WALKABOUT SERVING THE WALKERVILLE & NEIGHBOURING COMMUNITIES It Was Written Eric Conradie's Column James Butler and the Rand Tram During 1989 whilst I was attached to the Railway Museum in Johannesburg, I approached the Regional Management of Spoornet with the idea to celebrate the centenary of the Rand Tram the next year, i.e. March 1990. The suggestion was received with great enthusiasm and the centenary train was a huge success. This event is another story but suffice to say that the original engine which is a national monument was uplifted from the concourse of the old (1932) Johannesburg station and carried up the marble steps to Eloff Street from where it was sent by road to Springs for restoration. As with other similar centenary celebrations, it was my task to produce a commemorative brochure and it was during this period of research that I first realised who James Butler was. Fancy discovering the civil engineer from Walkerville who built this most historic piece of railway just thirty odd km away from Johannesburg's Great South! On 4 February 1889 the first contract for building the Rand Tram was allocated to George R Gray but soon after he had to relinquish it because of financial difficulty. James Butler also tendered – unsuccessfully. It seems that Butler, because of his association with Pauling, was well known to the Chief Engineer of the Netherlands-South African Railway Co (favoured by President Kruger); thus when Gray faltered, Butler was approached. Such a pity Butler's tender (1888) to build the historic DAVE’LL DO IT YOUR FRIENDLY HANDYMAN Pretoria Raadzaal (Government buildings) also failed. Somewhere after 1885 Butler became a partner of William Stapleton Royce, another well known railway contractor who eventually became a member of the British House of Commons. The second contract for the Rand Tram therefore, went to Butler and Royce, 12 May 1889 but for some reason or other, Royce dropped out. It was incidental that George Pauling was also in shantytown Johannesburg at the time and he met Butler again, in a street, where very soon the firm of Butler and Co was formed and together, on 15 July 1889, they secured the contract for the Rand Tram. The Rand Tram actually consisted of a number of sections of line and the fact that Butler and Pauling built most of it – from Springs to Krugersdorp- attests to the trust in workmanship and esteem held by the old Republican government for the partners. Interestingly, the line was still called Rand Tram long after the fall of Kruger's republic after the Anglo Boer war. Next time you pass the modern Johannesburg station, spare a thought for the tin shanty which was then called Park Halt and erected by James Butler. Miss Earth SA Stationery Drive Walkerville Farmer's Market, with donations from stallholders, market visitors, corporate sponsors and the general public, aims to enrich the lives of at least 1 000 more learners during the month of April 2013. This is after the initial stationery distributions by the Miss Earth SA organisation and their associates which touched the lives of 9 000 learners. (Continued on Page 10) Handyman & HOME RENOVATIONS No Job too BIG or too small For QUALITY Workmanship Call Dave : 083 225 0339 WE DO: BUILDING, PLASTERING, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL ROOF TRUSSES, CEILINGS, PAINTING BATHROOM RENOVATIONS, TILING KITCHENS AND GENERAL REPAIRS Call today for a free quote DALESIDE VETERINARY CLINIC Dr Brenda Schlachter (B.Sc., B.V.Sc.) Dr Robert Lloyd (B.V.Sc.) Consulting Hours Monday – Friday 08:00 – 12:00 and 15:30 –18:30 Saturday – Sunday 09:00 –12:00 Public Holidays by Appointment Only 087 751 1257 (07:30 to 18:30) or 082 443 3530 (After Hours) Specialists in Wall-to-Wall Carpeting and Laminate Wood Flooring Give The Experts a Call John 083 625 5367 Ryan 083 625 5366 We also Steam Clean Carpets and do Undercarpet heating Showroom Shop 1 Corner Berg & Assegai Streets Three Rivers 016 423 4601 Page 8 April 2013 The Henley Herald Training your dog can be fun An awesome place, out in the country side a few kilometres from Henley on the Uitvlugt road, you will find Zests Dog Training School. Every Tuesday, morning and afternoon, Elzana trains our naughty doggies with patience and love from beginners to advanced class. The classes include agility and obedience. Any dog can be trained, puppies and older dogs, big dogs, small dogs, and, whether you're a child or 90 years old, you are welcome. The dogs enjoy it and so do we. The donkey in the paddock looks on to make sure all is well, and the miniature horse, Harry, comes round to see if there's anyone he can play with, as some of the dogs are bigger than him. If you want a dog which listens to you and plays with you, call Elzana. Here some of the dogs and their owners are seen after a demonstration they gave at Wyetti Market at the end of March. Henley-on-Klip Bowling Club, Winchester Road Every Wednesday from 17:30 to 18:30. Pop in for a drink and enjoy a great pub atmosphere! Wednesdays and Fridays from18:00 to 21:00 Choose from our varied menu of delicious food – Break away on Fridays and join us for lunch from 12h00! Served in the bar or beer garden – Sharron Stone If you would like to be on our mailing list for Events at the Bowler, please e-mail [email protected] “The first rule in successful dog training is to be smarter than the dog.” “Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.” BOKASHI TURNING FOOD WASTE INTO SUPER-COMPOST SUPER FAST With the Earth Probiotic Bokashi Digester all food waste including cooked and uncooked meat, seafood, onions, citrus and small bones, can be recycled into a microbial rich soil. NO ODOURS, ROACHES, RODENTS OR FLIES!!! SUPER EM ENVIRONMENTAL INOCULANT Breaks down solid and liquid waste in septic tanks, reduces odours, reduces disease and pathogenic bacteria . For enquiries and orders contact: Dean Renou 082 662 7274 Sandy Ludlow 082 457 2016 Email: [email protected] also at Walkerville Farmers Market Page 9 The Henley Herald April 2013 The pupils of Stepping Stones Nursery School sitting and standing on the walls of the newly completed food garden looked delightful in their Easter bonnets which they wore for the Fun Day on Thursday 28 March. “An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare.” “Easter is the only time of the year when it's perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.” Paul Slabolepszy well-known film and TV personality, supported his wife Carol at her stall at the Kliphouse night market recently. Stepping Stones Pre-school Your child’s home away from home ! Playgroup – Grade R Qualified staff Small groups - one on one tuition Fully equipped playground Activities: gym, putt-putt, soccer, computers Children 18 months – 6 years welcome Principal: Sue Hibberd Tel: 072 308 6872 The Hair Zone Come and enjoy a relaxing time at this New and Modern salon BBM Pin: 23326A14 Email: [email protected] Contact Chantelle on 071 921 4558 Also doing Extensions and Brazilian Blow Waves! Packages available for Brazilian Blow Waves (Shampoo and Conditioner included) Short R1130 Medium R1630 Long R2030 The Henley Herald Page 10 (Continued from Page 7) Stationery packs, exercise books, coloured pencils and wax crayons can be purchased independently or at the Info desk at Walkerville Farmer's Market to be placed in the collection box provided. These contributions are what makes it possible to equip learners with the stationery they need to make the most of their education, and Walk-erville Farmer's Market is proud to be a part of this campaign. The current Miss Earth, Tamerin Jardine, will attend an official hand-over of the stationery packs collected at the market on Saturday 4 May at 10.00 and will give a short talk on the Miss Earth SA programme and the Stationery Drive campaign. The Miss Earth SA organisation will continue its distributions in Gauteng before moving to KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape. In addition, a number of stationery packs will be sent to schools in Limpopo and North West. On-going contributions to the Stationery Drive can be made either in physical stationery or in the form of financial contributions to the Miss Earth SA organisation. Stationery packs are the easiest and most uncomplicated, logistically, to distribute. Bring or buy a stationery pack each time you visit the Walkerville Farmer's Market and help to enrich the lives of 1 000's of pupils and place value in the education of today's young generation. Together, we can make a difference. For more information, or to pledge your support, contact Gail at The Broken window theory The Broken Window Theory is a theory that postulates that maintaining and monitoring urban environments may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. Although the theory has received criticism, it has been used as a motivation for several reforms in criminal policy. The broken windows theory was first introduced by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, in an article titled April 2013 Broken Windows. The title comes from the following example: Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into the building, and if it's unoccupied, perhaps become squatters or light fires inside. Or consider a sidewalk. Some litter accumulates. Soon, more litter accumulates. Eventually, people even start leaving bags of trash from take-out restaurants there or even break into cars. “The responsibility of fighting crime and having an organized, safe and clean neighbourhood ultimately rest on the shoulders of the Henley residents themselves.” The residents of Henley recently had a meeting in which the rise of crime in Henley was discussed with the police. Several concerns were raised with the SAPS, amongst which was the presence of vagrants and litter in Ewelme Road, as well the rise in crime, even small things like not stopping at stop streets or the perceived lack of will power of the police to prosecute crime. This has brought the Broken Windows theory to mind. The responsibility of fighting crime and having an organized, safe and clean neighbourhood ultimately rest on the shoulders of the Henley residents themselves. We should all ensure that small things, like littering and traffic violations do not happen in our community. Keep the sidewalks tidy and the village clean, and take responsibility for your community, even in these small matters. Contribute your time and effort to ensuring that our village remains a safe environment for your families in whatever way you can. If we, as a group, can make sure that the small issues have been sorted, we send the message to the criminals that our intent is set upon improving our environment, and that crime will not be tolerated nor ignored. – Belinda Meyburgh Apartments, self-catering cottages & bedrooms en-suite. BRINGING YOU THE VERY BEST IN TOP QUALITY BUILT IN CUPBOARDS 1083 Regatta Road, Henley on Klip Tel: 016 366 0707 Contact Joan for reservations – 082 556 8518 Best quality cupboards at most affordable prices !!! For quality pine furniture & free standing kitchen units BMC Building Voortrekker Street Extension Vereeniging Tel: 016 455 1947 / 016 421 2928 Visit our website: E-mail: [email protected] Facials, Massages, Waxing, Manicures and Pedicures. Specializing in skin regeneration and anti-aging Anti-aging vitamins and wellness products At Ducks Country House & Venue 32 Mitchellbank, Henley on Klip Contact Dianne on 016 366 0439 or 082 331 7181 On presentation of this advert FREE delivery to Henley residents for March 2013 Page 11 The Henley Herald April 2013 Get your matric Midvaal hosts business breakfast meeting The Midvaal Youth Development Forum is based in Meyerton. We have a client database of more than 1600 ranging from Grade 11s and Grade 12s, unemployed, semi-skilled labourers to those with skills and qualifications. Many of our clients are currently working but are seeking better prospects. What I do as an Advice and Referral Officer is research by internet or newspapers for job opportunities, bursaries, learnerships, trainings and business opportunities for our clients. I market, via sms and notice board, and our clients then come to the centre and apply for some of these opportunities. I also make contact with relevant government services such as ABET to refer my clients who want to get a matric certificate, or Social Services for training and learnerships or Department of Labour for their services and Department of Home Affairs for some of our clients who do not have an identity document. Networking and Social Responsibility – common buzz words in business today, and key topics which were discussed at a business breakfast meeting hosted by Midvaal Local Municipality on 15 March. The meeting was arranged to thank businesses which have supported the Council's fundraising events during 2012, as well as to encourage their support for events during 2013. Executive Mayor, Councillor Timothy Nast, also used the opportunity to highlight the importance of collaboration and business networking in the Midvaal region, and stressed that “the interdependence of businesses in a small town is critical, and collaboration and support networks will boost the economy as a whole.” He further discussed the latest census results, and highlighted both, successes, as well as key areas to focus on for improvement. The large number of attendees at this event once again reflected the enthusiasm and dedication of Midvaal businesses, which are continuously lending their support and partnership to the municipality in aid of community upliftment and social responsibility. “without a matric certificate there are a lot of opportunities that will pass” Currently we are running a project called Operation Fix-It where people can come to the Centre to register for matric rewrites or upgrades for the new and old syllabus. For the old syllabus people must have written their Grade 11 or Grade 12 between '04 and '07. They will be writing their exam May/June 2014 and that will be the last opportunity. People who are in the old syllabus have time to register until the end of September 2013 but they will need to study on their own to write in the coming year. For the new syllabus, people who wrote Grade 11 or Grade 12 from '08 to '12, the registration date for writing at the end of this year has passed but there will probably be another opportunity next year. I appeal to all who are in this position to register to get their matric certificate because without a matric certificate there are a lot of opportunities that will pass them and this is the first step for them to reach greater heights and to also achieve their other goals that they have set for themselves. Visit us at 30 Mitchell Street, Meyerton, just opposite the Municipal offices, or contact me on 016 362 3832 or 083 712 3652 for more information. Tshepiso Dube Advice and Referral Officer Midvaal Youth Development Forum ARI’S PLUMBING Expert Repairs and Maintenance Qualified Plumber 082 457 0625 57 Rooibok Street, Meyerton Park 1960 Press release MLM: [email protected] Another Saturday on the river We had a small group of volunteers on 16 March, comprising the Ever Ready Team, Clive, the Admiral ,Thurston, Fernando aka Vasco Da Gama Ferreira and Paul, the drowned rat Firbank, on the Slow boat, as well as Liam, the Durow Contingency Brenda and Michael aboard the George Weideman Express, captained by George Sailor Sam Weideman We were due to start at the large build up at the island just below the Scout Hall, but were requested by Howard, from The Twin River Estate to concentrate on other areas further away as he was hosting a picnic wedding on the banks of Twin River Estate, and he was concerned about the noise of the boats and the chainsaw, as well as the untidy lot on the river in front of the Estate. We then headed north up stream near to the mine and cleared a large blockage and removed some willow trees that were hampering the flow. Fernando was a machine with the chainsaw and was super productive and with the help of the two Durow ladies, who I must add, worked harder than most men on the river, had black refuse bags and collected rubbish out of the water as well as helping pull out the logs as they were cut. They were scared of nothing and gave new meaning to the phrase put your back into it! As usual Fernando was injured, as per every Saturday, but this time he didn't call home for Band-Aids or Dettol. A log was dropped on his foot by Paul, who incidentally claimed it was done on purpose 'cos he does not particularly like Fernando and loves making him cry and bleed! Pippa Clifford supplied magnificent cheeseburgers for all and they went down a treat, so a big thank you for the assistance. Thank you for your support – Paul Firbank HOUSE SITTER Worried about your home or animals when you’re away? Need a reliable House Sitter? I am an experienced Child Minder. I love Animals and have cared for Dogs, Cats, Snakes, Birds, Fish. I can even take care of Granny for a few days. You name it! I can sleep sleep in as well. If you want to have a carefree evening out, or weekend or holiday without the kids and K9 worries, Contact Wendy on 072 800 3839 YE OLDE WOODCRAFTER EXQUISITE HANDMADE SOLID WOOD FURNITURE TEAK – ROSEWOOD – ASH – MAHOGANY. SLEIGH & FOUR-POSTER BEDS, CHESTS OF DRAWERS, DINING SUITES, TV CENTRES, WALL UNITS, LAMPS, LEAD-GLASS BOOKCASES, ENTRANCE DOORS, STUDIES, DESKS, BOARDROOM TABLES. RE-UPHOLSTERY & RESTORATION OF ANTIQUES. SOLID WOOD KITCHENS. PETER 082 783 7160 [email protected] SHOWROOM IN WALKERVILLE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM TO 5 PM April 2013 The Henley Herald Page 12 Lions storm the barn A fun evening was had by all at the Lions Barn Dance held recently at the O'Connor Hall with record ticket sales! All came dressed up in their cowboy best and danced up a storm following the Boots & Hats Charity Line Dancers. All proceeds will be spent on the needy in the area focusing on sight matters. Special thanks go to the Boots & Hats Charity Line Dancers (left). If you are interested in doing line dancing, they meet on a Wednesday at the Hervormde. Kerk, corner Holliday and Shippard Streets, Meyerton from 18h30 to 20h30. If you are interested in becoming a L i o n s member p l e a s e contact Lion President, Kathy (on right) on 083 442 1930. We look forward to your support for our other functions planned for the year. A big Lion thank you goes to all shoppers who supported our trolley collections outside Pick 'n Pay Meyerton and Golf Park, Checkers and Vasco da Gama. We were able to make up 29 food parcels for the needy in our area! A wonderful project - thank you! Lions Celebrating World Environment Day Litter pick-up walk Henleyites, friends, family and pets! Please join in a fun 5km meet and greet walk. Date: Saturday, 20 April 2013 Registration: 2pm at the O'Connor Hall, Pretorius Street Walk Start: 2:30pm Cost: R40 including halfway juice and a boerewors roll. Rubbish bags and disposable gloves will be issued. Those not walking are welcome to join in and meet & greet. Boerewors rolls will be on sale @ R15 and a cash bar will be available Museum is one year old Henleyites remember the splendid occasion which opened the museum well. That was a year ago and the birthday party to celebrate the occasion is likely to be equally enjoyable. Wednesday evening 17 April from 5.30 to 10pm will see a gathering in the library gardens with food stalls (burgers, pancakes, jaffles, curry and rice and much more) and possibly the inimitable Loslappies. Everyone is welcome. Past President Louise Denyssen and District Governor Ivan du Plooy – Ilse Spies Repairs and Upgrades to PCs and Laptops Networking Web Design & Hosting Technical Assistance Printers Cartridges (HP, Lexmark, Epson, Samsung, Brother, Oki) CCTV Cameras, remote access and surveillance POS Systems available We also do call outs in the Vaal Triangle & Gauteng region Cnr. of Verwoerd & Viljoen Road, Rothdene, Meyerton, 1964 Tel: 016 363 0522. Fax: 016 363 0528 Renier: 083 304 7244. Email: [email protected] GOLF PARK MINI MARKET Fruit and Vegetables Fresh home made Portuguese breads and custard tarts every Friday after 11am Quality imported Olive oils and Pastas Fresh flowers Personal Friendly Helpful Service Come and see our new range of chopped veggies which are free of chemicals! 016 362 1228 Daleside Boarding Kennels & Cattery An upmarket establishment to board your pets with peace of mind. Situated in the countryside of Valley Settlements. Indoor/heated/outdoor/garden kennels. Most diets catered for. Owner run since 1987. Sharron Brown 082 830 7291 Breeder of top show winning chocolate Labradors and miniature smooth haired Dachshunds Page 13 The Henley Herald April 2013 WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? Birds of a Feather: Meets on the third Monday of each month. Contact Ginny Mes 016 366 1022 or 083 442 4099 Cubs: Fridays 17:00 to 18:30 Scout Hall Scouts: Fridays, 17:00 to 19:00. PhoneAndrewDowns0163660284. or [email protected] Randvaal Biblioteek Leserskring ontmoet elke tweede Donderdag van die maand om 9.30. Bel Rita 016 365 5093 Henley Bowling Club: Interested bowlers contact Thea Denyssen (Secretary), Tel: 016 366 7080, Cell: 074 182 1118 or Iain Aitken (Bowls Convenor), Cell: 082 412 9965 Henley Community Crime Forum: Office at Victorian Centre. Office: 016 366 0332 or Emergency 071 125 2732 Henley Library Reading Circle: Meets at the library on the third Wednesday of the month,10:00 to 12:00. Contact Mary Walker at the library 016 366 0112 Henley Performing Arts: Contact Sandy Ludlow 016 366 0896 Bath, Dip and Clip of All Breeds and Sizes We Collect and Deliver 016 366 0169 Appointments can be made Mondays to Saturdays 6am to 8pm Pieter 082 576 7840 / Marlene 082 823 3030 Henley Residents and Ratepayers Association (HRRA): Meets at the Bowling Club, first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Contact Nancy Eagar 016 366 0420 Henley Stained Glass Club: Meets every Monday from 10am. Contact Sue on 016 366 1026 Henley Watch: To join contact Sal Hebert 016 366 1583 or 084 263 1784 or go to Housewives' Club: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00. Contact Susan 016 366 0551 or 083 584 9309 Lions Club Of Henley On Klip: Meetings: 1st Monday of the month at O’Connor Hall 19:15 for 19:30. Contact Louise 082 774 5883 Dr. F.J.H. Boonzaaier (BVSc) Bingo:3rd Saturday of the month at O'Connor Hall. 13:30 for 14:00. All Seniors welcome. Contact Gail on 083 291 8303. O'Connor Hall for Hire: Contact Louise 082 774 5883 Consulting Hours /Spreekure Mondays – Fridays / Maandae – Vrydae 08:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 18:00 Saturdays / Saterdae 09:00 – 13:00 Tel: Cell: 016 362 0003 083 236 9650 54 Boet Kruger Street Meyerton Halfway Nursery Madam & Eve: Sewing lessons, meets at the O’Connor Hall every Thursday at 2.00 Contact Thora at 016 366 4070 / 072 473 4420 or Anne at 083 236 4752 Net of Christ Church: Sunday services 9.00 to 11.00 and 18.00 to 20.00. Contact 016 366 0545 Rotary Club: Meets at the Bowling Club 7pm every Tuesday. Contact Gary Watson, (President) on 082 557 4888 Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffuloes (RAOB): Meet at Bunduloo Lodge, 502 Durham road, first Sunday of the month at 10am. Contact Des Woods 082 494 8741. SA Pony Club, Klipriver Branch has a Working Rally on the 2nd Saturday of every month, 10:00 to 12:00 Contact: Nichole 072 692 3776 * Landscaping * Instant Lawn * Irrigation * Bulk Compost & Topsoil St Paul's Anglican Church: Sunday services and Sunday school 8 to 9:30. All welcome Contact Jean Roy 016 366 0253 or Betty Gray 016 366 1258 079 895 2094 or 082 464 7398 [email protected] St Philip Benizi Catholic Church: cnr Verwoerd and Reitz Str. Meyerton. Mass: Weekdays 8am, Saturdays 8am and 6pm, Sundays 8am St Andrew's Presbyterian Church: Church services on Sundays at 8:30 Page 14 The Henley Herald Rotary News The Meyerton-Henley-on-Klip Rotary Club recently had some very special visitors. Kabelo Masitenyane from Henley High & Prep School did a presentation on his exchange student visit to Argentina. He'd had a fantastic time and said that the opportunity Rotary gave him was life changing. April 2013 Whether students participate in Rotary's long-term or short-term Youth Exchange programmes, they will learn a new way of living, a great deal about themselves, and maybe even a new language. They will also be ambassadors, teaching people they meet about their country, culture and ideas. In this way students can help bring the world closer, and make some good friends in the process. Another visitor at the Meyerton-Henley-on-Klip Rotary Club visitor was a former exchange student, Ally Maurtua Konstantinidis. Ally was an exchange student in South-Africa from Argentina in 2001. Two more visitors were Fulbright Scholars form America who are promoting a teaching programme at the Sedibeng College. – Heather Watson (Meyerton/Henley-on-Klip Rotary Club) From left are: Ally Maurtua Konstantinidis, Kabelo Masitenyane Mica Fidler, Ayushi Gummadi and Heather Watson (Meyerton/Henley-on-Klip Rotary Club) For over 75 years, students and host families have broadened their horizons through the Rotary Youth Exchange Programme. More than 80 countries and over 8 000 students each year participate in the programme, which is administered at the regional level by Rotary districts and at the local level by individual Rotary clubs. Rotary Youth Exchange students spend up to a year living with host families and attending school in a different country. Kabelo spent 6 weeks on short term exchange in Argentina. (Latitude -26.54358 Longitude 28.05714) Take Henley Drive exit off R59 (The exit after Randvaal) 27 April 25 May 29 J une 27 July 2013 31 August 28 September 26 October 30 November Last Saturday of each month 9am to 3pm Then follow the signs to 11 Wargrave North Rd. – es id R ny o P Members of the reading Circle admire the display created by librarian Mary Walker, second from right, for Library Week and the Midvaal inter-library competition . This year the theme is “Educate yourself at the library” something all Henleyites are urged to do. “The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.” - Anthony Trollope The Henley Herald April 2013 A second Mr and Miss Henley pageant On 9 March we held our second Mr & Miss Henley at the O'Connor Hall. We thank all the parents for allowing their children to enter the competition and especially Mrs Adams, principal of AOG. The participants were delightful and kept up a great jive throughout the day. The judges were Fanele Shabangu, our great MC, Sizwe Maduna Gubevu and myself. The judging was based on the confidence shown while walking down the run way, their overall Page 15 Gorette Liquor Store. The jewellery was donated by Kathy McCartney. We are truly thankful for these items. We would also like to thank the Lions for the use of the O'Connor Hall and our ward councillor Lynda Parsonson and Peter Commons for all the assistance they have given us with this project. We look forward to next year's pageant and believe that this event will continue to grow every year. For those budding beauty stars our advice is to start practising for 2014. – Nathi Ntuli Ward 4 committee member – Youth sector Cell: 079 463 9230 Easter Saturday dawned wet but this did not dampen the spirits of the stall holders at Walkerville Farmer's Market and the weather improved later too. Here Gary Tuchmann enjoys the Easter bunnies antics and looks on while theface painter creates magical bunnies on little faces appearance and how well they performed when interviewed. The winners were Lerato second princess, Cheney first princess, and the queen, Miss Henley 2013, Hlengiwe Sibeko. First prince was Tristan and the king, Mr Henley 2013, was Thando. We would like to thank our many sponsors as without them this would not have been such a success and we ask you to support them where you can. They are The Village Petrol Station (Total Garage), Vasco's Supermarket, Henley Hardware, Scotty's restaurant, Glamendy Hair & Beauty, Henley Café & Take Away and Santa Murray Automotive Diagnostics Specialists in All Makes and Models Diagnostics Services Mechanical repairs Shocks and Brakes Electronic repairs All work guaranteed Based in Henley Call Bruce: 082 441 8582 Email: [email protected] BOREHOLES AND IRRIGATION RAINCOR IRRIGATION BOREHOLE PUMPS AND MOTORS REPAIRED. NEW BOREHOLES FITTED. YIELD TESTS CONDUCTED. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS INSTALLED. 011 023 4336 or 011 450 3315 FAX 086 518 9523 ROY 083 234 6968 MEMBER OF THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION OF S.A. Page 16 The Henley Herald OWLAG's first Midmar On 9 February, six OWLAG students participated in their first open water swim. This was the first time the school had ever sent students to the Midmar Mile. The participants spent every morning in the pool from beginning of term. All this hard work was taxing but very worthwhile. Furthermore, the students had three open water April 2013 Youth learn about the past A t the Henley Museum there is a corner devoted to Johan le Roux. There is a road in Meyerton named after this hero of the bus crash that took place 43 years ago but the site itself is unmarked. Henley Prep grade 4 class with their teacher, Ms Lesley van Kerkhof, visited the museum recently, heard the story and later laid flowers at the railway line in Highbury, scene of the crash. To find out the full story visit the museum any time during library hours. The library staff will open for you. – Ed practice sessions at Bass Lake, where the water is much clearer and less chaotic than Midmar Dam. It was a very proud moment when all six students and two teachers completed the event within the cut off time. – Tarryn Macaskill Co-curricular Co-ordinator: Sports Friday, February 22, 2013 Midmar Dam, South Africa -- South Africa's aQuellé Midmar Mile celebrated its 40th anniversary in style with an entry that beat its own Guinness world record; the Midmar Mile currently holds the world record of 13 755 finishers, but that mark was bettered this year at the Midmar Dam in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, with over 14 755 finishers, which sets the new world record for the largest swimming race (open water), according to the World Record Academy: FERTILIZERS, GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND POOL CHEMICALS TEL/FAX: 0 0061 E-mail:[email protected] Ewelme Road, Henley on Klip WE ARE THE OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTORS OF EPOL PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES YOU’VE KNOWN THE BRAND SINCE 1913 NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUR DOORSTEP STOCKISTS OF: EPOL Products such as: Horse Rider Cubes & Meal Broilers & Layers Dairy meal & concentrates Veterinary medicine for animal health Rabbit & mice feed Sheep, pigs & goats Game, ducks, pigeons, trout MIXED FOWL FEED, CRUSHED MAIZE etc. BIOMEL MILK REPLACEMENT NUTROSCIENCE DOG FOOD: Dogsense Fetch GRASS BALES / LUCERNE Did you know? Epol is the official supplier of broiler feed for Rainbow and Farmer Brown – simply The best broiler feed on the market WE ARE SITUATED AT CROSSROADS — OPPOSITE SALOOJEES & NEXT TO RIVERSIDE CAFE PO BOX 1533 HENLEY ON KLIP 1962 TEL:082 390 5477 / 084 587 7772 Strictly Private & Confidential interviews. Lady and the Tramp Pet Parlour We specialise in dog and cat grooming. We collect and drop-off 082 437 8280 55 LochStreet, Meyerton
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