Renaissance Project
Renaissance Project
By: Shantelle L. & Glory H. Renaissance Project Part 1: Jacques Cartier Who Was Jacques Cartier? ? He ..... ● was an explorer & navigator from France ● gave what is now Canada to the French ● mapped the Gulf of St. Lawrence & St. Lawrence River Jacques Cartier sailed 3 voyages. First Voyage (1534) First Voyage ● set sail by order of the king to find a route to Asia ● stopped at Îles aux Oiseaux (Island of Birds) and shot over 1,000 birds. ● at the Bay of Gaspé and encountered the Iroquoians & Chief Donnacona ● built a cross with the Fleur de Lis Symbol on the land & made Chief Donnacona mad ● Cartier took the Chief's two sons, Dom Agaya & Taignoagny back to France as proof of the New World Second Voyage (1535-36) Second Voyage ● ● ● ● ● ● set sail with, 3 ships, 110 men, and the 2 natives sailed to Stadacona native Dom Agaya taught Cartier that Eastern White Cedar tree bark cured scurvy ice blocked river and they were forced to stay for winter takes Chief Donnacona to France promising a return back next year by the time of Cartier's third voyage, Chief Donnacona already passed away Third Voyage (1541-42) Third Voyage ● ● ● ● ● ● ● went with 5 ships started a settlement called Charlesbourg-Royal native killed around 35 settlers French collected what they thought was gold and crystal back in France they found out it was pyrite and quartz Roberval ordered him to stay and not to go back to France Cartier disobeyed him and left for France Charlesbourg-Royal ● was settled at what ● is now called CapRouge, Quebec was eventually abandoned due to bad weather, disease, and attacks from the natives How Did He Change Canadian History? ● found Canada instead of a route to Asia ● he misheard Kanata as Canada and to this day it's still called Canada "Kanata" ● means 'village' ● from HuronIroquois ● Cartier misinterpreted the word as 'Canada' Part 2 Renaissance Innovation What Was The Parachute? Then Now It was.. ● an innovation created to slow an object down while falling ● first design drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci F e w T y p e s o f P a r a c h u t e s Round ● ● ● used to deliver cargo and in the military has a spherical canopy not used very much anymore Ram-air ● ● ● very modern parachute design invented by Domina Jalbert around the 70s the ram air became more popular than the round How Did The Invention of This Make a Difference Now? Modern parachutes are still used for the same purpose, but most are made of nylon now. Without the designs from the Renaissance, we wouldn't have this wonderful innovation! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING Bibliography ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Images: ● ● ● jpg ● ● ● ● ●
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