CFCC - Citrus County, Florida
CFCC - Citrus County, Florida
--CFCC-300 1 SW College Road Ocala, Florida 34474-4415 Phone: (352) 237-2111 The Promise for the Future Fund, a permanent endowment exclusively for educational program development at CFCC, will enable CFCC to develop new instructional programs consistent with community needs while maintaining standards of excellence for existing programs. The college does not receive state funding to initiate new educational programs or expand existing programs. The Promise for the Future Fund is a permanent endowment that will annually generate income for developing new educational programs and enhancing existing educational programs. The fund is designed to support new and existing programs of greatest need to the community including: • New educational programs that will be needed to provide a quality workforce. • Existing instructional programs enhanced by state-of-the-art technology and equipment. • Recruitment and retention of quality faculty to staff new and expanding academic programs. In addition to providing individuals with access to education and training, an investment in a community college more than repays itself in economic growth. "Our promise for the future is to offer hope to future generations through high-quality education." Ron and Phyllis Ewers co-chairs Promise for the Future Fund campaign. What is the Promise for the Future Fund? The Promise for the Future Fund is a permanent endowment that will annually generate income for developing new educational programs and enhancing existing educational programs. What will the Promise for the Future Fund support? The fund is designed to support new and existing programs of greatest need to the community including: • New educational programs that will be needed to provide a quality workforce. • Existing instructional programs enhanced by state-of-the-art technology and equipment. • Recruitment and retention of quality faculty to staff new and expanding academic programs. Doesn't the college receive public funds that pay for new programs or improvements? • While grant money is at times available for such improvements, the state does not provide community colleges with funds for educational program start-up or expansion. State resources will usually begin to fund a new program after a three-year development period. • The Promise for the Future Fund will ensure that community needs will be met even when public funds are not available. How is the Promise for the Future Fund set up? • The fund is designed as a permanent endowment. • Each year, interest earned from the endowment will be made available to educational programs in need of support. How will I know what the return is on my investment in the Promise for the Future Fund? • Each year, CFCC will engage shareholders personally by providing an annual report of the progress at an annual shareholders meeting, not only of the fund's growth, but also of its achievements in terms of college educational programs. • Shareholders will benefit from state match funds that will leverage their investment at a 60/40 ratio. Can I name an endowment within the Promise for the Future Fund? The CFCC Foundation will work with investors interested in the naming opportunities available at CFCC. am1ng ppor un1 1es (All amounts represent the amount of a current gift required for naming and not actual facility cost.) Promise for the Future Fund Name an endowment within the Promise for the Future Fund $600,000 Levy Center Levy Campus of CFCC Levy Center Facility Program Endowment Community Conference Center Lobby/Gallery Outdoor Amphitheater · Community Meeting Room Courtxard Retreat/Plaza Student Lounge Classrooms/Instructional Labs Offices Benches $2,500,000 $750,000 $600,000 $500,000 $250,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 Citrus Campus Citrus Signature Learning!...,;C:;.;e::.:;n;.:.te:;.;r_ __;:;,;$1:. :.,0; . .;0:. :.0.!. : ,0. :. 00.:. . . Communit}f Conference Center $750,000 Program Endowment $600,000 Instructional Facilit}f (Building._3"7)_ _. ;.$.;_50;.. ;0.. :. ,0;.. ;0..;. 0_ Administrative Suite (Building'--'1:..!.)_ _.:.:$3:..:5:..:.0. :.:,0:..:.0.:.:0_ Lobby/Gallery<-----------'-$3_0_0"-,0-'-00_ Conference Room $50,000 Court}fard Retreat/Plaza $50,000 Cor~orate Train ing'-'S':-'':-:--:-----'-'$5;...;0...:..,0c..:O..;..O_ Classrooms/Instructional Labs $25,000 Offices $10,000 Benches $5,000 Continued on back ~ Other CFCC Commemorative Opportunities Gymnasium/Wellness Center Science and Technology Classroom Building Fine Arts Auditorium Main Theater Lobby Black Box Theater Humanities and Social Sciences Building Child Care Center Criminal Justice Complex Bryant Student Union Conference Room Science Labs Music Practice Rooms $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $300,000 $150,000 $750,000 $500,000 $500,000 $100,000 $50,000 $10,000 Ensuring CFCC's Ability to Respond to Community Needs For CFCC to be able to respond to future community needs, a dedicated source of funding is necessary. The Promise for the Future Fund, a permanent endowment designed exclusively for educational program development at CFCC, will enable CFCC to develop new instructional programs consistent with community needs while maintaining standards of excellence for existing programs. The college does not receive state funding to initiate new educational programs or expand existing programs. The Promise for the Future Fund offers the community an opportunity for partnership in providing superior educational program development. Why Invest in Your Community's College? CFCC plays a significant role in preparing individuals to qualify for positions in the fastest growing fields in our region. In addition to providing individuals with access to education and training, an investment in community colleges more than repays itself in economic growth for the community - estimated at a 13 to 1 ratio by Florida Tax Watch. Investments made in CFCC's Promise for the Future Fund will provide a successful return as high-caliber, highdemand educational programs are available to students who will stay and work in our region. Your Opportunity to Invest in Students and the Community The Promise for the Future Fund is an important partnership between CFCC and investors. The Promise for the Future Fund is designed to function much like a mainstream investment. The dividends earned from the principle will be applied to educational program growth and development. Each year, CFCC will engage shareholders personally by providing an annual report of the progress at an annual shareholders meeting, not only of the fund's growth, but also of its achievements in terms of college educational programs. State match funds will further enhance the return on investment for shareholders. The CFCC Foundation will apply for eligible state match funds for each gift to the Promise for the Future Fund (currently a 60/40 match). Campaign Goal The goal is a community investment of $5 million with $3.33 million in state match funds, which will generate an initial principle of $8.33 million. Annual earnings from this permanent endowment will generate a recurring stream of income for educational program development. The Promise for the Future Fund confers an investment benefit beyond this campaign. As support for this promising fund grows, so will the impact of our shareholders on the lives of students and the Central Florida region. Or. Vernon L Lawter Citrus Campus Provo~;Wice President Citrus Campus-Building L 1 3800 S. Lecanto Highway Lecanto, FL 34461-9026 [email protected] Direct 352-249-1209 Main: 352-746-6721 Ext. 6109 Fax: 352-249-1217 hop Descriptions Developing Focused Life Goals Thursday, Oct. 1, 6-8:30 p.m. Dr. Vernon Lawter ProvosWice President CFCC Citrus Campus It's been said that failing to plan is equivalent to planning to fail. No one wants to fail in life, yet many of us never take the time to determine exactly what it is we hope to accomplish with our lives. This workshop will help you start formulating goals and begin developing a realistic plan to attain these goals. Improving Communication Skills Thursday, Oct. 8, 6-8:30 p.m. Rebecca Martin Professional Communications Consultant, Corporate Trainer and Mediator Ever wonder why some people can say anything and get away with it? Or why one person can say something and get one reaction , while another person can say the same thing and get a completely different reaction? Take some of the mystery and chance out of communication by learning the secrets of successful communicators . Youth Activism and Grassroots Advocacy Thursday, Oct. 15, 6-8:30 p.m. Anne Black Health Educator Consultant Florida Department of Health This class is for individuals who want to make a difference and create positive change in their community. Participants will learn how to raise awareness about issues important to them , how the political process works , and how to enhance their communication with decision-makers to reach their goals and objectives. Solving the Personality Puzzle Appreciating Cultural Diversity Thursday, Oct. 22, 6-8:30 p.m. Linda Bruno Corporate Trainer and Consultant Thursday, Nov. 12, 6-8:30 p.m. Dr. Sharon Richie-Melvan President and CEO Crossroads Testing and Coaching, a Division of Sl R Consulting Services, Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired Do you ever wonder why many of your friends are so different than you? In this workshop you will find out your own personality style as well as the traits of the other three styles. As you learn about yourself, you'll probably experience some "aha! " moments regarding your friends and family! If you've ever asked yourself "why did they do that?" attend this fun workshop and find out! Exploring Leadership Styles Thursday, Oct. 29, 6-8:30 p.m. Dr. Henri Benlolo CFCC Director, Office of Testing and Career Development Chances are , at some point in your life, you will find yourself in a leadership position. Perhaps you already have leadership responsibilities . Equipping yourself now with an understanding of the many different approaches to leading will surely help you in your role as a leader. Team Building Thursday, Nov. 5, 6-8:30 p.m. Glen Lomax President of Lomax Enterprise of Central Florida, Inc. Leading in a global society requires a genuine commitment to understanding and appreciating cultures unlike our own. This workshop gives participants a glimpse into multiple aspects of diversity awareness and highlights the transformational power of one simple human value respect for others. Exploring Volunteer Opportunities Thursday, Nov. 19, 6-8:30 p.m. Heidi Blanchette Supervisor of Nature Coast Volunteer Center and Director of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Citrus County Not-for-profit organizations in Citrus County rely on help from volunteers . Learn about these organizations and specific opportunities for community service . The odds are good that your unique talents and interests can be matched with a public service opportunity in our area. You may find that volunteering can be just as rewarding and meaningful to you as it is to those you serve. LEAPS is sponsored by the CFCC Citrus Institute for Community Advancement. To learn more about the Institute for Community Advancement, call Dr. Lawter at 352-249-1209. Effective organizations are the result of quality teams-people working together to achieve a common goal. Team Building is designed to encourage esprit de corps within an organization along with creative methods of professional development to help individuals and groups understand the importance of working together. Call 352-249-1207 to register! LEAPS 2009 is co-sponsored by the Citrus County School District. Through an ongoing series of focused educational workshops, the LEAPS program promotes an increased awareness of principle-centered leadership skills and public service opportunities among high school and college students aspiring to be socially responsible leaders. Ill cCl): ·c. ·c:; Cl) 0::: Earn a Leadership Award lrom CFCC , , ,feeel ... 'C ns ~ .9..c: le Cl) 'C ns Cl) ....J CJ) The LEAPS program is open to all CFCC and high school students in Citrus , Levy and Marion counties. Select one or two workshops , or attend them all. The choice is yours. Participants completing five or more workshops receive a CFCC LEAPS Leadership Award. LEADERSHIP, ETHICS & PUBLIC SERVICE D.. <C w LL2009 ....J CCI 0 0 N Although there is no cost, registration is required for each session. Seating is limited. Ca/1352-249-1207 to register. All sessions are held in Room L2-202, CFCC Citrus Campus 3800 S. Lecanto Highway Lecanto, FL 34461-9026 -an equal opportunity college- tion begins Monday, Aug 3. Call 352-249-1207 CFCC Citrus Institute for Community Advancement Purpose Established in 2008 and inspired by CFCC's commitment to the shared values of integrity, service, responsibility, and dignity, the Institute for Community Advancement at the CFCC Citrus Campus advances educational enrichment opportunities and community development in Citrus County by promoting cultural arts, sustainability and environmental education, civic and leadership development, community partnerships, and other public events and forums related to topics of local interest. LEAPS leadership award recipients Civic and Leadership Development The Institute for Community Advancement offers the Leadership, Ethics, and Public Service Program (LEAPS) each fall semester. The program is open to all area high school and current CFCC students at no cost and consists of a series of three-hour workshops leading to the CFCC LEAPS Leadership A ward. Topics include goal setting, diversity appreciation, time management, team building, and more. Seating is limited and registrations are taken on a first-come first-serve basis. Cultural Arts Cultural education through engagement in the arts is a critical component in community development. By sponsoring art exhibits and musical events such as Af:oustic Cqft at the Pavilion, the CFCC Institute for Community Advancement strives to increase opportunities for local students and the entire Citrus County community to actively engage in the enjoyment Jeff Eekhoff performs at Acoustic Cafe at the Pavilion Sustainability and Environmental Education Each spring semester, the Institute for Community Advancement partners with other environmentally aware organizations to offer Green Week activities featuring speakers, workshops, and other learning opportunities. Green Week activities are open to the entire Citrus County community at no cost. Additional environmental education activities, open to the public, are scheduled throughout the year. Community Partnerships Central Florida Community College has long welcomed and fostered partnerships with other community entities that share common elements of our values, vision and mission. In that tradition, dozens of valuable partnerships have developed between the Citrus Campus and other key organizations in Citrus County. A recent example of such a partnership would be the commitment by the college to be a leading partner of Citrus 20/20 and provide facilities and facilitation services for ongoing community visioning activities. The Institute for Community Advancement will seek to define, strengthen, and increase community partnerships which clearly yield positive results for the citizens of Citrus County. ~~ CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Institute for Community Advancement is funded in part by the CFCC Foundation and the Dorothea Jerome Endowed Grant. CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE For more information contact: Institute for Community Advancement Central Florida Community College - Citrus Campus 3800 S. Lecanto Highway Lecanto, FL 34461 -9026 Telephone: 352-746-6721 Fax: 352-249-121 7 Ben Medrano performs at the Spring Artists Series Public Events and Forums T h e Institute for Community Advancement periodically hosts and facilitates events or forums on topics of local interest, including p olitical forums or debates, information sharing sessions on topics of public concern or interest, and community visioning events. - an equal opportunity college - Risk Management and Insurance 30-Hour Post-License Broker: Investment DFS #33023, Provider #1 055, Course Offering ID #873375. This class explores risk as it relates to most forms of insurance. Course authority CE-9901 Life/General Lines, 4 hours intermediate. Part of the 60-hour post licensure requirement for all real estate brokers. Examines the effects of economic trends on the real estate brokerage business. CouiM Sec Diles ~ A!,)IQ565 11 8/?.Q H_ Time 8;30anr12:3()j>m Instructor S. Wgolfe Ft1 $59 eou... s.c ADR0183 11 o-. ~ n~n~ F• Instructor 9114-9117 MTWH 8:30am-5pm $190 A.Nusso 30-Hour Post-License Broker: Management Suitability of Annuity and Life Insurance Transactions for Seniors DFS #66746, Provider #1055, Course Offering #872817. Course authority CE 9911 Senior Suitability, 3 hours intermediate. eou... Sec Aoi0978 6 Diles 11/16 ~ n1111 F• Instructor M 9anr12pm $45 O.Henson Part of the 60-hour post-licensure requirement for all real estate brokers. Must successfully complete by the first license renewal date. CouiM Sec ADR0182 15 eou... Learn how to open an eBay account, how to utilize PayPal, how to research and create listings, enhance your listings, determine pricing, and shopping on eBay ADR0176 ADR0176 EBZ0631 5 DltM 8/15-8/22 ~ n~n~ F• Instructor S 1-4 pm $89 P. Dukeman Final Gifts: Caring for Aging Loved Ones This class will encourage attendees to take care of themselves first while attending to frailties of loved ones. eou... AVB0132 s.c 4 DltM ~ 10/13-10115 T H n~n~ F• Instructor 5:30.7 pm $0 W. Hall Each student will receive a Florida Notary Handbook and a class completion certificate. PIN0900 Sec 30 DltM 10116 Ft1 $190 lnatruc:tor M. Ensing s.c 34 36 Diles ~ n~n~ 8/3-8118 M T W H 5-9:30 pm 11/9-11/23 MTWH F 9anr1:30pm FN $195 $195 Instructor A. Nusso A. Nusso Brokers Exam Cram Provides in-depth preparation for the Florida Real Estate Broker's exam. Offers review, instruction and practice questions. Fee includes study material. CouiM Sec ADR0190 14 Dllttl 10/9-10/11 ~ n- FU S 9anr5pm 1-5pm Ft1 $105 Instructor M. Ensing Sales Associate Exam Cram In-depth preparation for the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate's exam . Florida Notary Training eou... n- 45-Hour Post-License Sales Associate eBay Buying and Selling Basics Sec ~ M TW H 8:30 am-5 pm Builds on the Principles and Practices class by emphasizing practical applications and routine activities of a real estate sales associate. iscellaneou eou... Dltel 8110.8113 ~ n~n~ F• F 12:35=3:30 pm $99 Instructor Staff CouiM ADR0192 ADR0192 Sec J9 42 Dllttl 10/10.10111 11/20-11 /21 ~ n- SU FS 9anr5pm 9am-5 pm Ft1 $99 Instructor M. Ensing $99 M. Alfarone Real Estate Principles and Practices Grantsmanship: All You Need to Know This four-hour comprehensive course covers the three major areas of grantsmanship: locating funding , writing the application and standing out from the competition! eou... s.c PDC0115 12 Diles 11113 ~ n~n~ F• F 1-5pm $109 Instructor B. Hawkins Covers the minimum essentials for the new practitioner. Required for all persons seeking real estate certification with the Florida Real Estate Commission . eou... PRE0170 PRE0170 PRE0170 PRE0170 Sec 66 68 70 73 DltM ~ M TW H 8/31-9/15 M T W H 10119-11/12 MTWH 11/30.12/14 M T W H 7f2(}.813 n~n~ 8:30am-4 pm 8:30 am-4 pm 5:30-9:30pm 8:30 am-4 pm Ft1 $300 Instructor A. Nusso $300 P. Simon $300 A Nusso $300 A. Nusso 14-Hour Continuing Education Real Estate Principles and Practices 2: Broker Prelicense Meets the 14-hour continuing education requirement for all real estate licensees (sales associate and broker) prior to the renewal of their licenses during each licensure period . This course acquaints the prospective broker with more advanced concepts in real estate appraising, finance and investment analysis, and the business. CouiM Sec ADR0172 ADR0172 ADR0172 42 43 46 Dltel 8!7-818 9/11-9/12 12/8-1219 ~ n- FS FS TW 9 arn--5 pm 9 am-5 pm 9 arn--5 pm Ft1 $90 $90 $90 Instructor A. Nusso eou... s.c PRE0171 22 01te1 9/14-9/28 ~ n~n~ F• Instructor MTWH 9 arn--5:30 pm $405 M. Ensing P. Lehman P. Lehman M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; H = Thursday; F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday • FLORIDA COMMUNITY TIT CONFERENCE SERVICES &CONTINUING Loi.#tu ....... CITRUS CAMPUS To register for Citrus Campus courses visit 3800 S. Lecanto Highway, Lecanto, call 352-746-6721, or visit A beginning course designed to acquaint students with what is and what is not considered an antique or collectible by examining various elements in each area of study. Datil 11/4-1212 Sec 10 n1111 ~ W 10 am-12 pm F• Instructor $40 J. Schmutzer Creative Fiction Writing 1 This course will explore how to come up with a blockbuster idea, elements of plotting conflict and suspense, character development, dialogue and point of view. Couru AVG0622 Sec 4 o-. ~ n1111 F• 10/8-10122 H 6-8:30 pm $45 Instructor L Sholes Creative Fiction Writing 2 You will examine genre and guidelines, how to start and craft techniques and strategies, power in words, preparing and selling manuscripts, agents and getting published. Couru AVG0623 Sec DatM ~ 4 10129-11/12 H nn 6-8:30 P!TI F• Instructor $45 L Sholes Pottery 102 Enrich your talents in working with clay. Fee does not include the cost of clay which can be purchased in class. Meets at Lecanto High School, 3810 W . Educational Path . Couru AVA0031 AVA0031 AVA0031 AVA0031 Sec 32 33 34 35 DIDI ~ 8124-9116 9/21 -10/1 4 10/19-11/11 11/23-1219 MW MW MW MW nn FM Instructor 5-8pm 5-apm 5.a pm $65 $65 $65 $65 L. Partin L. Partin LPartin L. Partin 5-<1 pm Famil~ Child Care and Guardian Education Training An eight-hour, court-mandated training course concerning guardianship issues, duties and responsibilities. This course is for guardians of children and adults. Couru AVF0265 Sec 19 Datil 10/6-10/8 ~ nn FM Instructor TH 6-10 !)m $130 T. Slaymaker omputers and Tuning and Maintaining Your Computer Personal Empowerment: Taking Initiative Learn how computers work and how they are used, the difference between hardware and software, mouse and keyboard functions, navigating in Windows, and more. Learn how to remove spyware, pop-ups and viruses; how to install and uninstall programs properly; and how to clean up a computer by removing unnecessary files . This course seeks to change the mind-set that empowerment is something that is given. Couru Sec AVC0125 14 AVC0125 15 Datil 7/15-815 10/3-10/24 ~ W S nn 6-9 pm 1-4 pm FM $95 $95 Instructor P. Dukeman P. Dukeman Photograph~ Students will gain working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs Word, Excel and PowerPoint through hands-on exercises and practice. Couru AVC0140 AVC0140 Sec 10 11 Datil 9/12-11/7 8/12-10/7 ~ nn S W 8-11 am 6-9pm F• $159 $159 lnltructor D. Lanzilla P. Dukeman Microsoft Windows A to Z This course will introduce students to the computer control panel, Windows view, toolbars and file manipulation. Review computer applications, Internet, attachments. Couru AVC0130 Sec 13 o-. ~ n1111 10/14-11/4 W 6-9prn F• $95 lnatnK:tor P. Dukeman Research on the Web Learn how to use the Internet and public information to find a wealth of information about individuals, professionals and businesses. Concepts can be used nationwide. Couru Sec COM2525 5 COM2525 6 Datel 9/12-9/26 11/7-11/21 ~ S S nme 1-4 pm 1-4pm F• Instructor $49 $49 P. Dukeman P. Dukeman Learn computer basics in a class designed especially for the senior learner. Datel 817-a/21 9/25-10/9 ~ F F nn 3-5pm 3-5pm FM $35 $35 Instructor P. Dukeman P. Dukeman Sec 4 5 Datil 9/18-1012 12/4-12/18 ~ F F nn 5:30-a 30 prn 5:30-8:30 pm F• $65 $65 Instructor A Nusso A. Nusso 8-11 am F• $95 Instructor D. Lanzilla Learn how to optimize your Web presence to create an attractive, clean , easily navigated Web site that is an asset to your business. Couru Sec COM4032 6 Datil 11/18 ~ nn F• Instructor W 6-9 pm $55 SCORE This course will acquaint participants with the basic capabilities of the accounting software program through a combination of lecture and hands-on instruction . Couru AVC0145 Sec 7 Datil 12/4-12/18 ~ nn F• F 1-4 prn $85 Instructor SCORE Corporate Training nn F• Instructor 3-Spm $35 P Dukeman DOl Essentials of Leadership This foundation course for most Interaction Management® courses teaches leaders how to get results through people. Couru ADM1286 Sec 32 DatM 9118 ~ F nn 1-5 pm F• $129 Instructor R. Martin Leaders learn how to introduce change and lead discussions with employees to explore how best to implement the changes. Couru ADM1288 Sec 9 o-. ~ nn F• 10/9 F 1-5 pm $129 Instructor R. Martin Couru ADM1289 Sec 14 DatM 11/20 ~ nn F• F 1-5 pm $129 Instructor R. Martin Senior Computers Ill Coaching for Success This course will introduce students to MS Word and MS Publisher. Students will learn to format documents, create labels, letters, greeting cards, business cards and fliers. Leaders learn a proven coaching process- a continuous cycle that ensures they identify coaching opportunities, provide coaching and support, and more. Sec 2 Datil 11/6-12120 ~ F nn 3-5 pm FM 1n1tructor $35 P. Dukeman Couru ADM1291 Sec 8 o.tee ~ nme FM 10/30 F 1-5 pm $129 Instructor R. Martin Senior Computers IV Service Plus Learn the basics of creating slide shows with PowerPoint and everyday functions of Excel. The program gives service providers more than a list of dos and don'ts by providing a toolbox of skills for effectively and efficiently handling all types of customer interactions. Couru Sec oat. ~ nn FM Instructor Couru AVC0521 Sec 2 Datil 12/4-12/18 ~ nn FM ~ F 3-5 pm $35 P. Dukeman M = Monday; T =Tuesday; W = Wednesday; H =Thursday; F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday • Datil 8114 ~ nn FM F 1-5 pm $129 Instructor R. Martin Theory of IV Therapy Learn to care for and initiate peripheral intravenous lines and to care for central lines. The course includes a selfstudy packet. Call 352-854-2322, ext.1204. Couru AHE0451 Sec 88 Datil 1219 ~ nn F• W 8:30am-2:30pm $200 1n1truc:tor S. Ravenscroft ADM1293 5 12/11 F 1-5 pm Customer Service DFS #37614, Provider #1 055, Course Offering #873372 (Sept.), #873373 (Dec.). Course authority CE9902-Generic Life/General Lines/Title, 5 hours intermediate. Couru ADI0914 ADI0914 DOl Resolving Conflict Sec DatM ~ 9 10/16-10130 F Sec 3 SCORE Beginning QuickBooks This course teaches leaders how to recognize that a conflict is escalating and minimize damage by using the most appropriate resolution. Couru AVC0518 Couru ADM1328 Health Professional Learn to cut and paste, organize and customize your desktop, search the Internet more efficiently and perform downloads. Learn how to use help features. Basic Digital Photography Couru AVG0651 AVG0651 n1111 Senior Computers II Couru AVC0520 This class will cover digital camera basics as well as how to crop pictures, depth of field and focus , problem solving, and using post-processing software programs. o-. Sec ~ 9 11/14-12/12 S DOl Leading Change Senior Computers Couru Sec AVC0519 11 AVC0519 12 Couru AVC0131 SCORE Web Marketing Techniques Microsoft Office Basics Antiques and Collectibles Couru AVG9010 Introduction to Computers $235 R. Martin Sec 9 10 DatM 9/17 12/4 ~ nn FM Instructor H F 8:30am-1:30pm 8:30am-1:30pm $69 $69 S.Woolfe S. Woolfe Ethics and the Producer DFS #60227, Provider #1 055, Course Offering #87337 4. This course reviews the concepts of ethics and applications to an insurance professional. Course authority CE-9908Ethics (Agents), 3 hours intermediate. Couru ADI0943 Sec 17 Datil 10/9 ~ nme F• Instructor F 9am-12pm $45 S. Woolfe Ethics for the Insurance Professional DFS #62774 (Agents) and #62775 (Adjusters), Provider #1055, Course Offering #872808 (Agents), (pending Adjusters). Course authority CE 9908 Ethics (Agents) and CE 324b (Adjusters), 3 hours intermediate. Couru ADI0962 Sec 11 Datil 7/15 ~ nn W 9 am-12pm F• $45 lnatnK:tor S. Woolfe Hurricane Loss Mitigation II DFS #66611 (Agents) and #66612 (Adjusters) Provider #1 055, Course Offering #872809 (Agents) and #872811 (Adjusters). Course authorities CE 9910 Premium Discounts and Mitigation Options, 1 hour intermediate; CE 9908 Ethics (Agents), 3 hours intermediate; CE 3-24b Ethics (Adjusters), 2 hours intermediate and CE 3-24c Adjuster Optional, 2 hours intermediate. Couru ADI0980 Sec 2 Datil 11/16 ~ nme F• Instructor M 1-5pm $59 D. Henson NAIC Ongoing LTC Training: Florida Long-Term Care Partnership Program DFS #64312, Provider #1 055, Course Offering #872812. Course authority CE 2-40 Health, 4 hours intermediate. Couru AD10971 Sec 8 oat. ~ nn FM 10/23 F 8:30 am-12:30 pm $59 Instructor S. Woolfe M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; H = Thursday; F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday • gj;.«• PAS Ticket Order AJ&§hf.jlhi!iii;.Ji!m+ -an equal opportunity college Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ City State--.- Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Is wheelchair accessible seating required? 0 Yes 0 No E-mail _____________________________~-----------------Limited half-price tickets for full-time students for Lecanto performances only. PERFORMING ARTS SERIES 2009-2010 ' ' Season Membership High Honors Gold Honors Gold Honors Lecanto 3:00p.m. $70 $80 Ocala 7:30p.m. No. Row/Seat Total $ __ unreserved reserved reserved $90 Total Current season ticket holders may reserve the same seats by paying for them before Monday, April 13, 2009. After this date, all seats will be available for open sale. Individual Performances Date Lecanto 3 p.m. Date Unreserved/Reserved Ocala 7:30p.m .. Reserved Only Mystical Arts of Tibet Oct. 18 $20/$22 Oct.19 $25 _ _ Ed Asner/FDR Nov. 22 $25/$27 Nov. 23 $30 Forbidden Broadway Jan. 10 $22/$24 Jan. 11 $27 Flameitco Vivo Feb. 28 $20/$22 Sat. Feb. 27 $25 Credit Card Exp. Date Lecanto matinee group discounts available in all categories. 10 tickets= 10% discount, 15 tickets= 15% discount and 20 tickets= 20% discount Group tickets must be purchased at one time with one payment and are nonrefundable. Make checks payable to CFCC, c/o B. Griffin, PO Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388. For information, call Ocala 352-854-2322, ext. 1416, or Lecanto 352-746-6721, ext. 1416, or e-mail [email protected]. I I DINNER THEATER AT THE WEBBER : I For 2010, the CFCC Foundation presents a comedy, Move Over, Mrs. Markham. Second performance date choice_ __ First performance date choice_ __ Names at your table and table name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. ----------------------- 6. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Evening individual seats $50 $400 Evening reserved table for 8 Corporate night table for 8 $1 ,250 8. E- Evening 5:45p.m. M- Matinee 12:15 p.m. January&February D E- Tues. Feb.2 DE-Wed. Jan.27 DE- Wed. Feb.3 DE- Fri. Jan. 29 DE- Fri. Feb.5 D M- Sat. Jan. 30 D M- Sat. Feb.6 D E- Sat. Jan. 30 D E- Sat. Feb.6 D M- Sun. Jan. 31 Corporate Night D M- Sun. Feb. 7 Corporate Night D E -Thurs. D E- Thurs. Jan 28 $50 $400 Matinee individual seats Matinee reserved table for 8 Feb.4 Price No. Total$ $1,250 TOTAL AMOUNTS AND PAY.MENIT DINNER THEATER SUBTOTAL: $._ _ _ _ _ __ I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to: 0 Performing Arts Endowment 0 Will and Estate Planning Contribution: $_ _ _ _ _ __ 0 Promise for the Future 0 General College Endowment Other o TOTAL: $_ _ _ _ _ __ Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Exp. Date Card Type/No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Card Statement Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP_ _ _ __ Signature--------------------------For information, call Ocala 352-854-2322, ext. 1416 or Lecanto 352-746-6721, ext.l416. Please make checks payable to: CFCC Foundation, Inc., c/o B. Griffin, PO Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388 Thank you for your support! GETTING STARTED at CFCC CITRUS CAMPUS Step 1: Application You'll need to submit a one-time, $20 nonrefundable fee with each application. Submit paper applications to the Enrollment Services Center at the campus nearest you or mail to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388. Online applications can be completed at CFCC's web site,, by clicking on "Apply." All sections of the online application must be filled out completely and payment can be submitted online as well. Step 2: Transcripts You must request a transcript from every high schooi/GED and every college/vocational school you have attended. The OFFICIAL transcript must arrive in a sealed, unopened envelope showing date of graduation to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388 via regular mail. After your first semester, missing transcripts will block future registration. To request an official copy of a GED from the Department of Education, use the GED request form available in the Enrollment Services Center. Step 3: Financial Aid Be sure to select appropriate academic year, include CFCC's federal school code - 001471 - and sign your application electronically utilizing your PIN ( I • • • • Apply Process may take 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer), and you may be asked to submit additional documents. No aid can be processed until all high school and college transcripts are received and evaluated. Vocational students, only programs with 30 credits or more may be approved for financial aid. For assistance filing the FAFSA, call the Citrus Educational Opportunity Center at 352-7466721, ext. 6147. online at Step 4: Placement Testing Placement scores are needed in CFCC's system prior to orientation and class registration. ACT. SAT or CPT scores earned within the past two years are acceptable. • • • • Request your SAT scores from or your ACT scores from To register for the CPT (for $10), call 352-854-2322, ext. 1564 or 1395 Ocala Campus, 352249-1213 Citrus Campus, 352-493-9533 Levy Center or 352-873-5881 Hampton Campus. Vocational students, who do not have a high school diploma or GED, must meet minimum CPT score requirements in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students are now required to take the College Level Math test to place into college-level math above MAT 1033 (intermediate algebra). Transfer students who have successfully completed and transferred in college level English and college level math/algebra may be exempt from testing. Step 5: Orientation New students seeking an associate degree must attend an in-person orientation. Vocational and certificate students should contact their department advisor directly. Transfer and returning students must complete online orientation at . http://www pdf. Vocational or certificate seeking students DO NOT h.ave to complete orientation. m.monroe 11-6-08 Step 6: Fees Fees are subject to change each academic year for in-state and out-of-state students. • • • Tuition and fees are due in full by the due date shown on your fee statement. Nonpayment may result in all classes being dropped (unless you have been awarded financial aid), and re-registration is on a space available basis before the semester begins or during the "add" period only. Fees are paid in Ocala at the Cashier in the Bryant Student Union, in Enrollment Services at the Citrus Campus in Building Ll, at the Levy Center, or online via the MyCFCC portal from the student schedule, click on fee statement. State employees - Students using the State Employee Tuition Waiver may register during the add period ONLY. Check the college catalog or our academic calendar online for this date. The waiver covers six (6) credit hours of tuition each semester. The Request for State Employee Fee Waiver MUST be completed each semester. International students should call 352-854-2322, ext. 1386, for registration or information. Transfer students - To register, students must request that official transcripts be sent from their high school and ALL colleges attended to CFCC's Office of Admissions and Records. If students have not taken college level English or math, they may need to satisfy CFCC's placement testing requirements (ACT, SAT, or CPT scores that are less than two years old). Transcripts must be received and evaluated by CFCC before a transfer student may register. Transfer students should complete online orientation. They may then select courses and register on the Web on or after their priority registration date (posted on the MyCFCC Web Portal). Those needing additional academic advising and/or assistance with the online registration process, please call 352-873-5802 Ocala Campus, 352-249-1202 Citrus Campus or 352-493-9533 Levy Center. Transient students - Students must present a transient letter from their home college. Transient letters may be requested through an online service by going to If the home or transient school does not participate in the online service, a hard copy letter must be obtained from the home school. The letter must specify the courses that the home college has approved for you to take at CFCC. If you decide to change your enrollment status to transfer at CFCC, you must complete a Change of Status Form to change your program of study- see "Transfer Students" directions above. Transient students may onlyregister in-person in the Enrollment Services Center on the Ocala Campus, the Counseling Office at the Citrus Campus or at the Levy Center beginning on the 0+ priority registration date. Students with disabilities - If you have a disability and require accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreter) for testing or an orientation/ registration session, please contact Access Services at 352-854-2322, ext. 1580, or e-mail Kimberley Smith at [email protected]. Citrus Campus Contact Information Assessment/Testing Center 352-249-1213 Bookstore /Barnes & Noble-Citrus Campus 352-249-1238 Counseling/ Advising 352-249-1202 Educational Opportunity Center 352-746-6721 ext. 6147 Enrollment Services 352-249-1203 Faculty Office 352-249-1206 Your Enrollment Services representative today was: _:_an equal opportunity college- GETTING STARTED at CFCC CITRUS CAMPUS Step 1: Application You'll need to submit a one-time, $20 nonrefundable fee with each application. Submit paper applications to the Enrollment Services Center at the campus nearest you or mail to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388. Online applications can be completed at CFCC's web site,, by clicking on "Apply." All sections of the online application must be filled out completely and payment can be submitted online as well. Step 2: Transcripts You must request a transcript from every high schooi/GED and every college/vocational school you have attended. The OFFICIAL transcript must arrive in a sealed, unopened envelope showing date of graduation to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388 via regular mail. After your first semester, missing transcripts will block future registration. To request an official copy of a GED from the Department of Education, use the GED request form available in the Enrollment Services Center. Step 3: Financial Aid Be sure to select appropriate academic year, include CFCC's federal school code - 001471 - and sign your application electronically utilizing your PIN ( • • • • Apply Process may take 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer), and you may be asked to submit additional documents. No aid can be processed until all high school and college transcripts are received and evaluated. Vocational students, only programs with 30 credits or more may be approved for financial aid. For assistance filing the FAFSA, call the Citrus Educational Opportunity Center at 352-7466721, ext. 6147. online at Step 4: Placement Testing Placement scores are needed in CFCC's system prior to orientation and class registration. ACT, SAT or CPT scores earned within the past two years are acceptable. • • • • Request your SAT scores from or your ACT scores from To register for the CPT (for $10), call 352-854-2322, ext. 1564 or 1395 Ocala Campus, 352249-1213 Citrus Campus, 352-493-9533 Levy Center or 352-873-5881 Hampton Campus. Vocational students, who do not have a high school diploma or GED, must meet minimum CPT score requirements in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students are now required to take the College Level Math test to place into college-level math above MAT 1033 (intermediate algebra). Transfer students who have successfully completed and transferred in college level English and college level math/algebra may be exempt from testing. Step 5: Orientation New students seeking an associate degree must attend an in-person orientation. Vocational and certificate students should contact their department advisor directly. Transfer and returning students must complete online orientation at http://www pdf. Vocational or certificate seeking students DO NOT have to complete orientation. m.monroe 11-6-08 Step 6: Fees Fees are subject to change each academic year for in-state and out-of-state students. • • • Tuition and fees are due in full by the due date shown on your fee statement. Nonpayment may result in all classes being dropped (unless you have been awarded financial aid), and re-registration is on a space available basis before the semester begins or during the "add" period only. Fees are paid in Ocala at the Cashier in the Bryant Student Union, in Enrollment Services at the Citrus Campus in Building Ll, at the Levy Center, or online via the MyCFCC portal from the student schedule, click on fee statement. State employees - Students using the State Employee Tuition Waiver may register during the add period ONLY. Check the college catalog or our academic calendar online for this date. The waiver · covers six (6) credit hours of tuition each semester. The Request for State Employee Fee Waiver MUST be completed each semester. International students should call 352-854-2322, ext. 1386, for registration or information. Transfer students - To register, students must request that official transcripts be sent from their high school and ALL colleges attended to CFCC's Office of Admissions and Records. If students have not taken college level English or math, they may need to satisfy CFCC's placement testing requirements (ACT, SAT, or CPT scores that are less than two years old). Transcripts must be received and evaluated by CFCC before a transfer student may register. Transfer students should complete online orientation. They may then select courses and register on the Web on or after their priority registration date (posted on the MyCFCC Web Portal). Those needing additional academic advising and/or assistance with the online registration process, please call 352-873-5802 Ocala Campus, 352-249-1202 Citrus Campus or 352-493-9533 Levy Center. Transient students - Students must present a transient letter from their home college. Transient letters may be requested through an online service by going to If the home or transient school does not participate in the online service, a hard copy letter must be obtained from the home school. The letter must specify the courses that the home college has approved for you to take at CFCC. If you decide to change your enrollment status to transfer at CFCC, you must complete a Change of Status Form to change your program of study- see "Transfer Students" directions above. Transient students may only register in-person in the Enrollment Services Center on the Ocala Campus, the Counseling Office at the Citrus Campus or at the Levy Center beginning on the 0+ priority registration date. Students with disabilities - If you have a disability and require accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreter) for testing or an orientation/ registration session, please contact Access Services at 352-854-2322, ext. 1580, or e-mail Kimberley Smith at [email protected]. Citrus Campus Contact Information Assessment/Testing Center 352-249-1213 Bookstore /Barnes & Noble-Citrus Campus 352-249-1238 Counseling/Advising 352-249-1202 Educational Opportunity Center 352-746-6721 ext. 6147 Enrollment Services 352-249-1203 Faculty Office 352-249-1206 Your Enrollment Services representative today was: -an equal opportunity college- GETTING STARTED at CFCC CITRUS CAMPUS Step 1: Application You'll need to submit a one-time, $20 nonrefundable fee with each application. Submit paper applications to the Enrollment Services Center at the campus nearest you or mail to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388. Online applications can be completed at CFCC's web site,, by clicking on "Apply." All sections of the online application must be filled out completely and payment can be submitted online as well. Step 2: Transcripts You must request a transcript from every high schooi/GED and every college/vocational school you have attended. The OFFICIAL transcript must arrive in a sealed, unopened envelope showing · date of graduation to CFCC Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388 via regular mail. After your first semester, missing transcripts will block future registration. To request an official copy of a GED from the Department of Education, use the GED request form available in the Enrollment Services Center. Step 3: Financial Aid Be sure to select appropriate academic year, include CFCC's federal school code- 001471 - and sign your application electronically utilizing your PIN ( • • • • Apply Process may take 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer), and you may be asked to submit additional documents. No aid can be processed until all high school and college transcripts are received and evaluated. Vocational students, only programs with 30 credits or more may be approved for financial aid. For assistance filing the FAFSA, call the Citrus Educational Opportunity Center at 352-7466721, ext. 6147. online at Step 4: Placement Testing Placement scores are needed in CFCC's system prior to orientation and class registration. ACT, SAT or CPT scores earned within the past two years are acceptable. • • • • Request your SAT scores from or your ACT scores from To register for the CPT (for $10), call 352-854-2322, ext. 1564 or 1395 Ocala Campus, 352249-1213 Citrus Campus, 352-493-9533 Levy Center or 352-873-5881 Hampton Campus. Vocational students, who do not have a high school diploma or GED, must meet minimum CPT score requirements in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students are now required to take the College Level Math test to place into college-level math above MAT 1033 (intermediate algebra). Transfer students who have successfully completed and transferred in college level English and college level math/algebra may be exempt from testing. Step 5: Orientation New students seeking an associate degree must attend an in-person orientation. Vocational and certificate students should contact their department advisor directly. Transfer and returning students must complete online orientation at http://www pdf. Vocational or certificate seeking students DO NOT have to complete orientation. m.monroe 11-6-08 Step 6: Fees Fees are subject to change each academic year for in-state and out-of-state students. • • • Tuition and fees are due in full by the due date shown on your fee statement. Nonpayment may result in all classes being dropped (unless you have been awarded financial aid), and re-registration is on a space available basis before the semester begins or during the "add" period only. Fees are paid in Ocala at the Cashier in the Bryant Student Union, in Enrollment Services at the Citrus Campus in Building Ll, at the Levy Center, or online via the MyCFCC portal from the student schedule, click on fee statement. State employees - Students using the State Employee Tuition Waiver may register during the add period ONLY. Check the college catalog or our academic calendar online for this date. The waiver covers six (6) credit hours of tuition each semester. The Request for State Employee Fee Waiver MUST be completed each semester. International students should call 352-854-2322, ext. 1386, for registration or information. Transfer students.- To register, students must request that official transcripts be sent from their high school and ALL colleges attended to CFCC's Office of Admissions and Records. If students have not taken college level English or math, they may need to satisfy CFCC's placement testing requirements (ACT, SAT, or CPT scores that are less than two years old). Transcripts must be received and evaluated by CFCC before a transfer student may register. Transfer students should complete online orientation. They may then select courses and register on the Web on or after their priority registration date (posted on the MyCFCC Web Portal). Those needing additional academic advising and/or assistance with the online registration process, please call 352-873-5802 Ocala Campus, 352-249-1202 Citrus Campus or 352-493-9533 Levy Center. Transient students- Students must present a transient letter from their home college. Transient letters may be requested through an online service by going to If the home or transient school does not participate in the online service, a hard copy letter must be obtained from the home school. The letter must specify the courses that the home college has approved for you to take at CFCC. If you decide to change your enrollment status to transfer at CFCC, you must complete a Change of Status Form to change your program of study - see "Transfer Students" directions above. Transient students may only register in-person in the Enrollment Services Center on the Ocala Campus, the Counseling Office at the Citrus Campus or at the Levy Center beginning on the 0+ priority registration date. Students with disabilities- If you have a disability and require accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreter) for testing or an orientation/ registration session, please contact Access Services at 352-854-2322, ext. 1580, or e-mail Kimberley Smith at [email protected]. Citrus Campus Contact Information Assessment/Testing Center 352-249-1213 Bookstore /Barnes & Noble-Citrus Campus 352-249-1238 Counseling/ Advising 352-249-1202 Educational Opportunity Center 352-746-6721 ext. 6147 Enrollment Services 352-249-1203 Faculty Office 352-249-1206 Your Enrollment Services representative today was: -an equal opportunity college- CFCC Citrus Institute for Community Advancement The Institute for Community Adva ncement at the C itrus Ca m pus, sponsored in part by the CFCC Foundation, offers a number of educa tional and cultural events on the C itrus Ca mpus each yea r whil e prov id ing in creased oppo rtunities fo r community pa rtnerships and public forums rel ated to topics of loca l interest. Key foc us areas fo r the in stitute include environmental sustainability, leadership development and professional development fo r nonprofi t age ncies. For more inform ation, pl ease contact Dr. Lawter at 352-249-1 209. Central Florida Community College Citrus Campus, Lecanto, Florida Dea r Students, Ca reer planning is an important step in your dec ision making process and your decision to continue your educa tion is one of the most exciti ng adventures you will have. As you begin your higher education journey, I hope you will consider Central Florid a Community College. At CF CC, yo u will find an a ffordable, high -quality coll ege educa tion that ca n help you achieve your life goals. Ou r Citrus Campus is committed to providing the best learning opportu nities possible. Course schedules are in place that make it possi ble to complete your Associate in Arts deg ree in Citrus Cou nty and the re are othe r educa ti ona l opportun ities, as well. Our un iversity pa rtnerships also make it possible to complete you r bachelor's degree q uickly and conveniently. Whether you plan to con tinue your education at a fou r-yea r coll ege or university, gain skills fo r immed iate employment, o r expand your knowledge of new subjects, we are glad you a re conside ring CFCC and the C itrus Cam pus. Best wishes, @u L Q. 1:?--rMUJL Charles R. D assance, Ph.D . CFCC President O n behalf of the faculty and staff of the C itrus Campus, I would like to extend an in vitation for you to join the thousands of Citrus County citizens who have positive lea rning experiences with us each year. Whether you are seeking a college degree or an enjoyable afternoon learning a new ?~~youon~mpu• Vernon Lawter Jr., Ed.D. CFCC Citrus Campus Provost/Vice President Proposed CFCC Citrus Campus Instructional and Conference Center Programs of Study Citrus LEAPS CFCC at the Citrus Campus is a great place to begin your journey toward a university degree. Citrus Campus offers all the requirements for the Associate in Arts degree. The A.A. degree is designed primarily to meet the requirements for students to transfer to coll eges and universities. Successful completion of the A.A. degree guarantees admission into a state university in Florida. Citrus Campus offers the core courses for more than 30 Associate in Science degree programs. Coll ege certificate options are also avai lable to prepare you for entry-level employment in many areas of business and industry. Call 352-746-672 1 o r visit to learn more about the exciting programs we offer. Leadership, Ethics & Public Service Through an ongoing series of focused educational workshops, the LEAPS program promotes an increased awareness of principle-ce ntered leadership skills and public service opportunities among high school and college students aspiring to be socially responsible leaders. LEAPS is open to all CFCC and high school students in Citrus, Levy and Marion counties. Select one or two workshops, or attend them all. Participants completing five or more workshops receive a leadership awa rd. There is no cost to participants. For more information and to register ca ll 352-249-12 I0. Ocala Campus 3001 S.W. College Road Ocala, FL 34474-4415 352-873-5800 Citrus Campus 3800 S. Lecanto Highway , Lecanto, FL 34461-9026 352-746-6721 Hampton Center 1501 W. Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala, FL 344 75-6456 352-873-5881 Levy Center 114 Rodgers Blvd. Chiefland, FL 32626-1420 352-493-9533 Appleton Museum of Al1 of Central Florida Community College 4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala, FL 344 70-5H01 352-291-4455 Connect to CFCC at opportunity college- OCALA CJ\MPUS GUIDE 1 Founders Hall 2 Science 3 Clifford B. Stearns Le< rning Resources Center (Litrary) 4 Fine Arts Auditorium 5 C. Farris Bryant Student Union (Cafeteria, Student Affairs, Patriot Press) 6 Gymnasium 7 Mathematics 8 Humanities and Social Sciences 9 E-One University 10 Plant Operations 11 Equine Studies and Cllinary Arts 12 Aquatic Center., Pool 13 Air Conditioning Technology 14 Horticulture and Welding Auto Tech and Auto Bc•dy 17 Vocational Education 18 Childhood Development Center and Lab 19 Margie N. Slaughter Health and Human Services 31 Criminal Justice Institute 33 Health and Human Services Classrooms 34 Staff Services, U.S. Post Office~ 35 Health and Human Services Offices 36 Bookstore 40 Ewers Century Center (Information Center, Klein Conference Center) 41 CFCC University Center 42 Enterprise Center (Foundation Office, Alumni Association Office) • • Classrooms 101, 102 & 103 (entered from outside) Webber Center (Exhibits and Conferences) Public Safety Emergency Call Boxes Campus Directories Patriot Plaza Mel Carpenter Plaza Revised 9/11/2007 StateR ~ors.w.,._ .. J C/lC• Dr. Vernon L. Lawter uilding L 1 BOO S. Lecanto Highway ecanto, FL 34461-9026 [email protected] Provost Citrus Campus Direct: 352-249-1209 Main: 352-746-6721 Ext. 6109 Fax: 352~249-1217 .Uf'll'fiiM·l•i•MM!JiM,·e·Mrl-.. Apply online at Apply for a PIN at • • • + + If you don't have one, apply for a PIN now. Parents and students can apply for a PIN. Your PIN will be sent to you by mail or e-mail soon after you apply. A correct e-mail address will expedite processing. Remember your PIN and do not share it with others. You may change your PIN to any 4 digits of your choice. With the PIN you can do the following online: + Electronically sign financial .; • + • aid applications and loan promissory notes. Check the status of your application, review the answers you provided on your FAFSA and make any necessary corrections. Reapply for financial aid. View information about federal loans and grants that you have received at Computers are available in the Enrollment Services , Center clnd the Learning Resources Center on the Ocala campus and in the Enrollment Services Center on the Citrus and Levy County campuses. -an equal opportunity college- Applying for financial aid has never been easier!lt's fast, free, secure and simple! For Federal Student Aid, www. For CFCC information and forms, visit Above is the Web site for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with additional information about applying for financial aid online. Before you begin, gather documents showing your finances and, if you are dependent, your parents' financial information. You will need: • • • • • Federal income tax returns W-2 forms Records of untaxed benefits received Current bank statements Records of other savings and investments The CFCC school code is 001471 ; ·- . F-·+.- ?P ' ~I?CIJ --/liii!al!oi!llijla.. - an equal opportunity college - Performing Am Series P.O. Box 1388, Ocala, FL 34478-1388 •• Curtis Peterson Auditorium College Square Apartments 3810 W. Educational Path, Lecanto, FL 34461 Located off CR 491 on Educational Path wrthin the Roger Weaver Educational Complex, two miles south of Route 44 and 8/10 mile north of the CFCC Crtrus Campus entrance. Watch for signage. Ocala Shows Ocala Campus 3001 S.W. College Road The Fine Arts Audrtorium and Webber Center are located at the CFCC Ocala Campus, east of 1-75 on State Road 200. D. Webber Center 4. Fine Arts Auditorium 5. Bryant Union 6. Gym r._Pool 9.-~ CO· 34. Book Store 40. Ewers Century Center 41. University Center 42. Enterprise Center ~Parking PADDOCK MALL For Music, theatre and dance are culture's common ground and this seasons' artists offer a magical journey through our own back yard and beyond our borders. Be inspired by America's artistic heritage. Take a walk down Broadway, our country's hub of the dramatic arts, and experience the hysterical and smart comedy Forbidden Broadway. Follow the creation of a legacy as famed television star Ed Asner's topical portrayal of the life and times of Franklin Delano Roosevelt helps give new meaning to current economic times. Discover culture &om around the globe. The world comes to you through the arts and sacred ceremonies of the Drepung Loseling monks in Richard Gere's production The Mystical Arts of Tibet. Your imagination will travel through the cities and countryside of Spain while enjoying the passionate rhythms, songs and dance of Flamenco Vivo. Pack your bags and grab your tickets today! Ocala Campus 352-854-2322, ext. 1416 • Citrus Campus 352-7 46-6721 , ext. 1416 Levy Center 352-493-9533, ext. 1416 • e-mail : [email protected] • 1 Forbidden Broadway was first seen at Palsson's Supper Club on New York's Upper West Side in January 1982. An unemployed actor, Gerard Alessandrini, wanted a showcase for his talents. He decided to assemble some of the musical parodies of Broadway shows he had written since childhood into a nightclub act. Critics and audiences were wowed and it has since become New York's longest-running musical comedy revue. Forbidden Broadway has won Drama Desk, Obie and Outer Critics Circle awards. Most of its victims (stars and casts) make a point of stopping by to see what Gerard Alessandrini has done to them . Updated regularly, Forbidden Broadway has had several editions, countless revisions, three New York City performance spaces, several national and international tours, and thousands of special performances. As long as Broadway and Hollywood exist, there will be a Forbidden, poking, prodding , teasing , pleasing, jeering and cheering , but always with love. Lecanto- Sunday, Jan. 10 Ocala - Monday, Jan. 11 "The audience . . . is spellbound . . . they sit stunned . . . then burst into standing ovation. " Admission is free at the CFCC Ocala Campus but with a membership to the series you are invited to an additional film and reception. Regular admission fees apply at the Appleton Museum of Art. 2 p.m. 8·11 O* 8-11 0* 8-11 0* Appleton Appleton 7 p.m. 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-110 Spring 201 0 Jan. 12 Tuesday Jan. 26 Tuesday Feb. 2 Tuesday Feb. 16 Tuesday Mar. 2 Tuesday Appleton 8-11 0* Appleton 8-1-10* Appleton Fresh and hilarious! The equivalent ofa weeklong stay at a spa for theater lovers!" -Frank Scheck, The New York Post Flamenco vtvo - Dance Magazine Fall 2009 Date Day Sep. 29 Tuesday Oct. 13 Tuesday Oct. 27 Tuesday Nov. 3 Tuesday Nov. 17 Tuesday en Broadway Pride. Sorrow. Love. Passion. Universal themes that touch and transcend the boundaries of the many cultures in America. Through its purity of form, rhythms and intensity, flamenco strikes primal chords in the emotions of audiences of all ages, all cultures and all degrees of exposure to the arts. Originally from Andalusia, the southern region of Spain, flamenco developed from the interaction of the many cultures that inhabited this region for centuries. Flamenco Vivo is one of the nation's premier flamenco and Spanish dance companies . The group's performances uphold the purity and traditions of flamenco and classical 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-110 Spanish dance while pushing the boundaries of the art form Ocala- Saturday, Feb. 27 Lecanto - Sunday, Feb. 28 in new directions. The company's dramatic works are accompanied by a full band of onstage musicians, which highlights the very rhythmic nature of the flamenco art form. Rapid costume changes marked by vibrant colors, hauntingly beautiful music, frenzied guitar rhythms and a constant interplay between female and male dancers will keep the audience members at the edge of their seats. The Webber Center 2010 ANNUAL DINNER THEATER Move Ovet; Mrs. Markham A comedy by Ray Cooney and John Chapman Children 's book publisher Philip Markham is asked by business partner Henry Lodge to borrow his flat for an evening of romance with his latest girlfriend. Markham reluctantly agrees since he will be out with his wife , who has granted permission to a friend to use the flat for a date of her own. Neither is aware that the interior designer who has been working at the apartment also has plans for the space. The stage becomes a flurry of activity when the three couples, along with the Markhams, who have had a change of plans, converge at the apartment. Ed Asner as FDR This fearless and timely portrayal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt brings to life issues faced by this country not only during the Great Depression and World War II , but also by contemporary American society. Ed Asner stars in this solo performance drama based upon Dare Schary's Broadway hit "Sunrise at Campobello." The play chronicles FOR 's White House years, including the well-known "fireside chats ," his encounters with the Supreme Court and Congress, his personal life and his legacy as a president scorned by some and admired by others. Asner, who has enjoyed a successful TV, film and voice acting career, is the recipient of seven Emmy Awards ("Mary Tyler Moore Show," "Lou Grant") and 16 Em my nominations, five Golden Globe Awards , and member of the TV Academy Hall of Fame. Lecanto - Sunday, Nov. 22 Ocala - Monday, Nov. 23 TICKET INFORMATION WEEK ONE I Proceeds will support the CFCC Promise for the Future Fund which provides the college with resources to start new programs or expand existing programs as community and student needs arise. ~~ CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WEEK TWO Tickets are $50 each or reserve a table for eight people for $400. E-Wednesday, Jan. 27 E-Friday, Jan. 29 M-Saturday, Jan. 30 E-Saturday, Jan. 30 E-Tuesday, Feb. 2 E-Wednesday, Feb. 3 E-Friday, Feb. 5 M-Saturday, Feb. 6 M-Sunday, Jan. 31 E-Saturday, Feb. 6 M-Sunday, Feb. 7 Corporate Nights E-Thursday, Jan. 28 Atable with a full page ad is $1,250. E-Thursday, Feb. 4 M= matinee performance at 12:15 p.m. E= evening performance at 5:45p.m. Central Florida Community College Performing Arts Series 2009-2010 Schedule: Eight Great Performances Lecanto 3 p.m. Curtis Peterson Auditorium CFCC Ocala Campus 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Auditorium Mystical Arts of Tibet Sunday, Oct. 18 Monday, Oct. 19 Ed Asner as FOR Sunday, Nov. 22 Monday, Nov. 23 Forbidden Broadway Sunday, Jan. 10 Monday, Jan. 11 Flamenco Vivo Sunday, Feb. 28 Saturday, Feb. 27 CFCC Theatre Nov. 6-8 and Nov. 13-15, 2009 March 26-28 and April 2-3, 2010 CFCC Variations Nov. 20-22, 2009 April16-18, 201 ID Mystical Arts ofTibet Join us for a transformative experience as Tibetan lamas, dressed in magnificent costumes, take the stage and play horns, trumpets, drums and bells to promote world healing and introduce Tibetan culture . The famed singers of Tibet's greatest monastery have performed their sacred music and dance to full houses in many American preeminent theaters and performance venues , including Carnegie Hall and the Ravinia Festival. The Drepung Losel ing monks are featured performing these traditional Tibetan chants on the Golden Globe-nominated soundtrack of the motion picture "Seven Years in Tibet," starring Brad Pitt. They have shared the stage with Paul Simon, Philip Glass, Sheryl Crow, Michael Stipe, the Beastie Boys, and many others. The group will also spend the week on campus creating a mandala sand painting , in which millions of grains of colored sand are painstakingly laid into place to form a painting symbolizing the earth and its inhabitants. You can visit the Webber Center to view the mandala creation from Oct. 20 to 22. Call the Webber Center Gallery at 352-873-5809 for information. "absolutely overwhelming" -Los Angeles Times Individual Season Gold Honors Season Unreserved Reserved Unreserved Reserved Lecanto, $20-$25 Lecanto, $22-$27 Lecanto, $70 Lecanto, $80 Ocala, $25-$30 Ocala, $90 Lecanto matinee group discounts available in all categories. 10 tickets: 10% discount, 15 tickets: 15% discount, 20 tickets: 20% discount • Group tickets must be purchased at one time. All tickets are nonrefundable. Lecanto- Sunday, Oct. 18 Ocala- Monday, Oct. 19 A Richard Gere and Drepung Loseling production OCALA CAMPUS GUIDE Founders Hall (Administration) Science Clifford B. Stearns Learning Resources Center 4 Fine Arts Auditorium C. Farris Bryant Student Union (Cafeteria, Student Affairs, Patriot Press) Gymnasium Mathematics Humanities and Social Sciences E-One University Plant Operations Equine Studies Aquatic Center/Pool Air Conditioning Technology Horticulture and Welding Auto Tech and Auto Body Personal Services Institute (Cosmetology) 17 Vocational Education 18 Childhood Development Center and Lab 19 Margie N. Slaughter Health and Human Services 31 Criminal Justice Institute 33 Health and Human Services Classrooms 34 Staff Services 35 Health and Human Services, U.S. Post Office i1: 36 Bookstore 37 Offices 40 Ewers Century Center (Information Center, Klein Conference Center) 41 CFCC University Center 42 Enterprise Center (Foundation Office, Alumni Association Office) Classrooms 101, 102, 103 (entered from outside) t Bedford Plaza D Campus Directories Cl Emergency Call Boxes ~ Mel Caroenter Plaza Patriot Plaza Public Safety • I •* Webber Center (exhibits and co DEAR STUDENTS, This is a very special time in your life-planning process, and your educational experience is one of the most exciting adventures you will have. As you begin your higher education journey, you will find the support, guidance and resources you need at Central F lorida Community College. We've created this guide to help you get started at CFCC and to provide you with the knowledge you need for continuing success. Our Ocala and Citrus campuses and Levy and Hampton centers are committed to providing the best learning opportunities possible. Course schedules are in place that make it possible to complete your Associate in Arts degree and many other educational oppor tunities as well. Our university partnerships also make it possible to complete your bachelor's degree quickly and conveniently. Whether you plan to continue your education at a four-year college or university, gain skills for immediate employment or expand your knowledge of new subjects, we are glad you are considering CFCC. Best wishes, ~L~. ~~ Charles R. Dassance, Ph.D. CFCC President TIMELINE FOR SUCCESS Appl y for admissi on Ocala Campus 3001 S.W. College Road Ocala, FL 34474-4415 352-873-5800 Levy Center 114 Rodgers Blvd. Chiefland, FL 32626-1420 352-493-9533 Hampton Center 1501 W. Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala, FL 34475-6456 352-873-5881 SUMMER SEMESTER January- May September- October January- March Apply as soon as possible after January 1 Priority for appl ications submitted by May 1 Submit transcripts and other required documents to Admi ssions and/or Financ ial Aid January- May September- October January- March Take the CPT (Coll ege Placement Test ) orTABE May -June October- November February- April Comp lete or ientat ion June- August October- January March- June Meet with an academ ic advisor May- July September- November January- April Register for classes June- August October - December March -April Within 10 business days of first registration Pay fees Purchase books, obtain ID card and parking decal Appleton Museum of Art of Central Florida Community College 4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala, FL 34470-5001 352-291-4455 2 SPRING SEM EST ER Submit Free Appli cat ion for Federa l Stude nt Ai d Apply for scholarships Citrus Campus 3800 S. Lecanto Highway Lecanto, FL 34461-9026 352-746-6721 FALL SEMESTER CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE July- August December- January March- April Prod uct group from well-ma naged ~' hobsons.: '7'\r fo rests, controlled so urces and empoweringedoceuooprolesa•onele recycle d w oo d or fiber Cert no. BV·COC-080917 C 1996 Forest Stewa rdship Counci l ©Copyright 2009 by Hobsons, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cl Copyright 2009 by Central Florida Community College Mixed Sources Bay Care Life Management Early Alert The college provides personal assistance to help students cope with stress, adjustment difficulties, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and school, home or work relationships. Call 800-878- 5470. The Early Alert referral program assists students not making satisfactory progress and/or exhibiting behaviors that may lead to academic or behavioral difficulties. Once a student is identified by faculty, the staff fi·om the Offtce of Testing and Career Development will contact and work with the student in an effort to increase their chances of becoming academically successful at CFCC. College Success Institute CS I students are assigned co llege developmental classes as indicated by placement scores. The three areas of CS I concentration are mathematics, English (writing) and reading. For more information, call 352- 854- 2322, ext. 1895. Career Counseling CFCC counselors and faculty are here to help you reach your academic o1· vocational goals. Staff can help you determine what courses to take, your best choice of universities to complete your career path or how you can achieve your goals with a two-year or vocational certificate. Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment is a cooperative effort among Central Florida Community College and the school boards of Citru , Levy and Marion counties to provide enhanced learning opportunities for qualified high school students. Student may accelerate their college education through courses offered at the high school site or a CFCC location at no cost! For more information, call 352-854-2322, ext. 1379. Outreach Programs Educational Opportunity Center and Student Support Services are Trio programs that provide support to students through tutoring, mentoring and workshops. To learn more, visit Student Affairs at www.CEed u/ departments/ sa/. University Partnerships CFCC has partnership agreements with eight institutions of higher learning to offer baccalaureate, graduate and doctoral level programs. They are Barry University, Capella University, Florida Southern College, Florida State University, Saint Leo University, University of Central Florida, University of Florida and Webster University. Each college or university has its own admission criteria and graduation requirements. ~ BARRY 16~ lJ'I\lRSITY C A P E L LA UNI VE R SITY SAINT LEO !JNIVERSITY UCF UFII<toRmA ~~fg The Foundation for The Galor Nation For more information, visit our Web site at BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT I BOOI<S & SUCCESS STRATEGIES To determine what degree or program is right for you, consider your goals for the future. Do you want to earn a bachelor's degree? Or are you more interested in training that will prepare you to immediately enter the workforce? Here are some examples of the programs CFCC offers and the paths you can follow with each degree/certification. may be purchased at the bookstore. Students can get first choice on used books by ordering early online at If you have a financial aid award and a credit balance on your account, you may be able to charge your books to your CFCC account. You are responsible for making sure those charges are paid. Purcha e all of your Patriot apparel at the CFCC Bookstore. START AT CFCC, TRANSFER TO A UNIVERSITY Associate in Arts Degree An Associate in Arts degree permits students to transfer into the junior year of a college or university. A.A. Assoc1ate A.S. to B.S. Programs Associate in Science to Bachelor of Science programs are a limited number of programs that allow students with A.S. degrees to transfer into a designated B.S. degree at a specific university. '/""""~-"' --~ Associate m Sc1ence Degree to Bachelor of Sc1ence Degree Associate 111 Science Degree to Bache lor of Applied Sc1ence Degree START AT CFCC, ENTER THE WORKFORCE Associate in Science Degree An Associate in Science degree prepares students to enter the labor market with technical skills in specific program areas. . Applied Technology D1ploma Applied Technology Dtploma An ATD program provides entry-level courses in a specific area that can be applied toward an Associate in Science degree. Postsecondary Adult Vocational (Workforce) Certificate A PSAV certificate program provides training for job-entry technical skills. 4 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE - ,, A.S.- B.S. ~ A.S . to BAS Programs Associate in Science to Bachelor of Applied Science programs allow students with A.S. degrees to transfer into the correlated BAS degree programs at state universities or colleges. College Credit Certificate A College Credit Certificate provides a set of technical skills in a specific area of study. 111 Arts Degree WHERE CAN I GO FOR HELP? Your Instructor can be a great source of assistance. Visit your in structor during office hours or after cla s to ask for help with difficult academic material. The Math Lab at the Ocala Campus provides tutorial and homework assistance and has computers available for math assignments. Drop in or make an appointment. Located in the Mathematics Building, Room 105, open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; and Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Summer hours may vary. The Writing Center at the Ocala Campus provides tutorial assistance by appointment for all elements of writing: identifying writing assignment topics, making outlines, doing research, writing mechanics, and grammar and punctuation. The center also provides a proofreading service for student writing assignments and offers workshops. Located in the Learning Resources Center, Room 10 IJ, open Monday and Wednesday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30p.m.; and Saturday, I 0 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Summer hours may vary. The Learning Support Center at the Ocala Campus offers free computer access, assistance using computer software programs, in-person individual and small-group tutoring assistance, and Smart Thinking individual online tutorials. Located in the Learning Resources Center, Room 101, open Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, 7:30a.m.4·:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; closed on Sundays. Summer hours may vary. The Foreign Language Lab uses computer software to assist students who are enrolled in Spanish and French, and also assists students in English for Speakers of Other Languages. Learning Resources Centers, or libraries, are available at the Ocala and Citrus campuses. Receive ass istance using databases, doing research, and creating APA and MLA citations; check out books, CDs and other materials; use inter-library Joan; reserve a quiet study room for individual or group study; and access the online Ask a Librarian service. The Ocala Campus LRC is open Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The Citrus Campus LRC is open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-8:30p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; and selected Saturdays. Summer hours vary. CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 13 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT /THE APPLICATION PROCESS BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STU DENT I ORIENTATION & REGISTRATION Frequently Asked Questions Who attends orientation? • All new, first-time college students seeking an associate degree are required to attend an in-person orientation . • Vocational and certificate students should contact their department advisor directly to determine if they need to attend orientation. • Transfer and returning students are required to complete an online orientation located on the CFCC Web site at When do I attend orientation? • New, first-time college students seeking an associate degree will receive a postcard inviting them to their assigned orientation one to two weeks prior to the orientation date. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO APPLY Application fee : • CFCC charges a one-time, nonrefundable application fee that can be paid by debit or credit card online or by cash, check or money order to the Cashier at the Citrus, Levy, or Ocala campuses (select the cash on delivery, COD, option). • Returning dual-enrollment students do not need to pay this application fee when exiting from the program; these students should call 352-854-2322, ext. 1379, for instructions once their online application is complete. Residency: • In order to be considered a Florida resident for tuition purposes, a person must have been residing in the state for the past 12 months and meet the criteria outlined in Florida statute. Being classified a Florida resident means that a student is charged a lower rate of tuition than an out-of-state resident. Therefore, it is important to provide the required and requested documents for residency classification quickly. 6 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Vocational and certificate students should contact their department advisor for this information. • Transfer, transient and returning students should complete the online orientation as soon as possible. Why must I attend orientation? In-person orientation is essential for new degree-seeking students. Students learn about the different types of degrees and the corresponding course requirements, the college's policies and procedures, campus resources and tools for success, how to utilize the college's portal for registration and the importance of meeting critical deadlines, among other things. • An independent student, generally over the age of 24, needs a Florida driver's license and voter registration card or vehicle registration to complete their application. • A dependent student, generally under the age of 24·, needs to have the parent's or legal guardian's Florida driver's license and voter registration card or vehicle registration information to complete the application. Providing official transcripts : • Official transcripts (provided electronically or in a sealed, unopened envelope) from your high school and every vocational school, college, or university you have attended must be provided to CFCC after you have completed the online application. Copies of original GED diplomas or international transcript evaluation service transcripts may also be required. What do I need to do before I can register for classes? Log in to your portal at and click on the blue MyCFCC button on the top left. Then, on the next page on the far left, ther~ is a place to log in. The user ID is your CFCC ID number and the original password is the month and day of your b1rthday m MM/DD format. If you do not know your student ID, you can find it by clicking on the second tab on the portal login page, which says ID and Password Info. • Check for holds on your record that need to be resolved. In the portal you will see an area on the homepage entitled Enrollment. Check for missing documents under Academics. The Education link will give you the status of all of your transcripts. • Keep your address, telephone number, and e-mail information current with the college. • Meet with an academic advisor each semester to develop and monitor your college plan. • Before registering for an online class, be sure you have an adequate home computer and appropriate Internet access, you are self-motivated, and you know the difference between an online class and a hybrid class. Seek the guidance of an advisor or instructor before registering for an online course. To register, log in to your portal and click on the Enrollment tab. Click Register for Classes and make sure your options are set for the correct term and year. Enter the course number and section for the course you wish to add. CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 11 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT I FINANCIAL AID Students who are interested in receiving financial assistance to attend CFCC must complete three steps. 1 Apply for a PIN, or personal identification number, at The PIN serves as your electronic signature and allows you to electronically apply for federal student aid and to access your Federal Student Aid records online. If you are a dependent, you and a parent or guardian must acquire a PIN. Your PIN will be mailed ore-mailed soon after you apply. A correct e-mail address will expedite processing. £} Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ~at Be sure to include CFCC's school code, 001471 . The FAFSA must be completed in order to qualify for aid . The comprehensive "Funding Education Beyond High School: The Guide to Federal Student Aid" is available online at http: / / student_guide/index.htmi. Students can also request a copy by calling 800-4-FED-AID (800-4·33-3243) or by writing to the Federal Student Aid Information Center, P.O. Box 84, Washington, D.C. 20044. For best results, apply early. If all information is submitted by the best results date, financial aid should be processed by the start of classes for the semester. • For fall registration, complete by June l. • For spring registration, complete by Oct. l. Q Submit a CFCC scholarship application. Go to the CFCC Web site at On the left side menu, click on Current Student, then Financial Aid, then CFCC Scholarship Application under the Scholarship heading. You will find general information about the process as well as links to the online application for new and returning users. ~ Tuition and fees will be deferred automatically at the time of registration for students who have a financial aid award listed for that semester. In some situations, students who don't have a listed award may have tuition deferred pending verification or Standards of Academic Progress appeal review. • For summer registration, complete by Feb. l. 8 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE TYPES OF FINANCIAL AID Financial aid includes gift aid that does not have to be repaid, federal work study that you earn by working, and loans that must be repaid. Complete information and eligibility requirements for all programs can be found at Go to Current Student, then Financial Aid. • Gift aid includes Florida Bright Futures, Federal Pell Grants, Academic Competitiveness Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Florida Student Assistance Grants, Florida Student Assistance Grants for Career Education, CFCC scholarships, and outside cholarships and grants. • Federal Work-Study is based on financial need and enrollment in a degree or eligible certificate program. Jobs are located on campus and the work schedule is arranged around the student's clas schedule. For information, contact the Financial Aid Office. • Loans include the subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan, the unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan and the Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students. tJ-ve. f e.c!e.ra.f 0eve.rn-nve.rz,t nva~ r ~v.tre. trz-)Uiv.~$ & c;&.f_.f_e.c-t c!e-e-v.nve.n-ia~ & $ v.p-p-ert tJ-ve. tn-c<J'»ve. an-c! h,(ftA$ e.J-ve-.fc! tn-fernva~ ~(!Vi re.p-ert trz, ~(!Vir f af~a. VERIFICATION Verification is the process of determining the accuracy of information you entered on your FAFSA. The federal government may require institutions to collect documentation to support the income and household information you report in your FAFSA. If your file is selected for verification, you will be notified in writing. You will not be awarded financial aid until your original application has been compared to your documents for accuracy. Corrections will be made if required and your application will be revised accordingly. The verification process takes 6-8 weeks to complete once you ·ubmit all required documentation. STANDARDS OF PROGRESS Federal, state and college regulations require that students maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a specific educational program in order to be eligible to receive financial aid. The minimum standards at CFCC are applied uniformly to all financial aid recipients. Student must: • maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all cour es attempted • successfully complete 67 percent of all courses attempted • complete the degree or certificate within 150 percent of program length, measured in credit hours. GETTING YOUR BOOKS If you have a financial aid award you may be able to charge your books to your CFCC account. Check with the bookstore for specific dates and times. If you are able to charge your books, you are responsible for making sure those charges are paid. FOR FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION: Ocala Campus Citrus Campus Levy Campus 352-873-5801 352-746-6721, ext. 6104 352-493-9533, ext. 2101 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 9 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT I PLACEMENTTESTING _ _ , ---- ....,.. .. CI'CI: - - -1 . . . . . . . . a, . . . . . ,..,.. _- --~ Frequently Asked Questions PLACEMENT TEST SCORES What is the Computerized Placement Test? The CPT is used to determine if a student needs to take preparatory classes prior to taking college credit courses. The CPT measures competency levels in reading, English, arithmetic and algebra. Students may place into preparatory or coll ege credit courses. The following chart shows which courses students test into based on their scores on th e CPT Students with exceptional SAT and ACT scores may sub titute those scores for entry into college-level courses. Any student testing into MAT 1033 who wishes to test in to a higher-level math cou rse, will be req uired to take the CLM (College Level Math) exam. What is the TABE? The Test of Adult Ba ic Education measures reading, English, mathematics and spelling. READING 1 Which test do I take - CPT orTABE? The CPT is used for all Associate in Arts and Associate in Science programs. The TAB£ is used for vocational and/ or certificate programs. Why do I have to take tests? Florida statutes req uire placement testing and in many cases ex it testing for commw1ity coll ege students to help ensure success. Courses CP T REA 0001C 0-59 REA 0002C 60-82 Appointments are required to take the tests at CFCC. What study material is available? For the CPT, go to In the search panel type in CPT Practice, click on the first link and it will take you to the study guide with answers. For the TABE, go to and type TAB£ Study Guid e in th e search panel. _ . . , . . . . _ . _ , . . _ _ , ~ . . . _ . ENGLISW Courses CPT ENC 0001C 0-59 ENC 0010C 60-82 ENC 1101 83 or higher "No p1·eparatory English courses are requi1·ed with: • ACT English scores rif 17 or higher • SAT/ Verbal scores rif 440 or higher • CPT scom rif 8S or higher· Courses CPT CLM MAT 0012c 0-69 (arithmetic score) n/a MAT 0024C 0-71 (algebra score) n/a MAT 1033 72-94 (algebra score) 0-39* MAC 1105, MGF 1106, MGF 1107, MTB 1321, STA 2023, STA 2023H 95 or higher• and 40-69* ~ MAC 1114, MAC 1140, MAC 1147, MAE 2801 95 or higher• and ~ 70-102* MAC 2233, MAC 1140, MAC 2311 95 or higher• and ~ 103-120* ' No preparatory Mathematics *Students who wish to place higher than MAT JOSS courses are 1·equi1·ed with· must also take the CLM and score a +O o1· higher. • ACT Mathematics scor·es rif I 9 or higher • SAT/ 111athematics scores PLACEMENT TESTING CENTERS: rif 440 or higher • CPT A lgebm scores Ocala Campus 352-854-2322, ext. 1564 rif 72 01· higher Citrus Campus Levy Center 10 CENTRALFLORIDACOMMUNITYCOLLEGE . 'No preparatory 1·eading courses are requi1·ed with: • ACT Reading scores rif 18 or higher • SAT! Reading scores rif 440 or highe1· • CPT scores rif 8S or higher MATHEMATICS 3 How and when do I take the test? The CPT and TABE may be taken at any of the CFCC campuses. The CPT may also be taken at all of the district high schoo ls. Official CPT and TAB£ scores from other state comm unity colleges and schools may be accepted. . . ___ ... _ .. ,__CI'tt'l_ ..... ___ ., _ 352-746-6721 352-493-9533 CFCC identification number: • Upon acceptance CFCC provides each student with a unique ID number. A CFCC ID number is needed to access your personalized MyCFCC account, as well as for services provided in person and over the telephone. M emorizing your CFCC ID makes it eas ier to access student ser vices. • Students will receive their CFCC ID number in their official acceptance letter from the college. Students may also u e the ID and password feature on MyCFCC to find their CFCC ID number u ing their Social Security number after their application has been processed. erder ie- b-e c&M tdered vr f _feri-dvr re)ufeftt fer ktLen- f?W'~e), vr renen nvtA)t h.-vrve b-e-eft re)uftn ift th-e )ivrte fer 0 th-e rvr)t 12. nvenih.-) vrn-d nvut th-e crtiertvr ev.t.ftned tn f .f_ertdvr )ivrttAie. ift CFCC OneCard : • Keep this card! It i how you will receive your finan cial aid and refund s from CFCC. o o Thi s is NOT a cred it card! Read the information with the ca rd to choose how yo u will receive your finan cial aid and refunds. CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 7 BECOM I NG A SUCCESSFU L ST UDENT I FEES, PARKING & ID ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AT CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE IN ARTS DEGREE ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE (Placement test required, ACT/SA T /CPT) (Placement test required, ACT/ SAT/ CPT) The Associate in Arts degree program permits students to transfer into CFCC prepares students to enter the labor market with technical skills the junior year of a college or university. A student must select one area of interest from those listed below for advising purposes. Classes should be paid at the time of registration or within I 0 busin ess days of the date of the student's first registration each semester. Students who do not pay by the deadline may be purged (removed from their courses). METHODS OF PAYMENT • Self- Pay. Completed online using a debit or credit card, or in person at the Ocala, Citrus or Levy Cashier by cash, check or credit/ debit card. • Florida Pre-Paid. Account holders must present their Florida Pre-Paid Card to the Cashier's Office each semester. • Third-Party Payments. Students who have third-party payers (employers or governmental programs) must present the voucher of proof to the Cashier's Office each semester. • Financial Aid. Once the drop / add period has passed and attendance ha been verified, the Financial Aid office will begin posting aid to student accounts. This is done on the last business day of each week. Refunds are placed on the student's Higher One debit card three business days after aid is credited to student accounts. HOW DO I GET MY REFUND? Refunds are posted to your Higher One debit card (also known as the CFCC OneCard). You will receive a card in the mail within two weeks after registering for the first time. Retain the card and all information mailed with it; you will be charged a fee for a replacement. It is advised that you go to and activate the card immediately. You must select a preference for receiving any financial aid disbursements or refunds from the college. • Debit card disbursement. Funds are available within hours. • Direct deposit to student's account. Requires submission of a completed Automated Clearing House form to Higher One before any disbursements will be processed. Funds are available within two to three business days. • Paper check. Funds are available within five or more business days. Students who are not receiving financial assistance and are unable to pay tuition must offtcially drop their courses or they will be responsible for payment. 1051 ...... Advertising 1013 ...... Agriculture 1000 ...... Allied Health (i .e. Respiratory Therapy, Radiologic Sciences) 1011 ...... Animal Science 1021 ...... Architecture 1101 ...... Art 1041 ..... Biology 1022 ...... Building Construction 1052 ...... Business Administration 1191 ..... . Chemistry 1071... . Computer Science 1132 ... .. . Consumer and Family Science 1222 ..... Criminal Justice 1122 ... .. . Dentistry 1102 ...... Drama 1053 ..... . Economics 1082 ...... Education- Elementary 1083 ... .. . Education- Music 1086 .. . ... Education - Physical 1087 ...... Education - Secondary 1088 ...... Education- Special 1091 ..... Engineering 1151 ...... English 1009 ...... Environmental Studies 1111 ...... Foreign Language 1012 ...... Forestry 1223 ... .. . History 1290 ..... Human Services 1103 ... ... 1104 ...... 1491 ..... 1161 ...... 1061 ... ... 1171 ...... 1123 ... ... 1124 ...... llOO ... ... ll25 ...... ll26 .... .. ll05 ...... 1127 ...... ll95 ... ... 12ll ...... ll29 ... ... ll99 ..... 1074 ... ... 1300 ... ... 1224 ...... 1062 ... ... 1231 ...... 1227 1225 ...... 1226 ... ... 1063 ...... 1172 ... ... ll28 ...... Humanities Interior Design Liberal Arts Library Science Mass Communications Mathematics Medical Technology Medicine Music Nursing B.S. Pharmacy Philosophy Physical Therapy Physics Political Science Pre- LPN to ADN Bridge Pre-Nursing A.S. to B.S. Pre-Physical Therapist Assistant Pre-Radiography Psychology Public Relations Religious Studies Social Studies Social Welfare Sociology Speech Statistics Veterinary Science POSTSECONDARY ADULT VOCATIONAL (WORKFORCE} PROGRAMS (Placement testing required.) Workforce certificate credit programs provide training for job-entry technical skills in the following areas: 7262 ..... Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology 7281 ...... Applied Welding Technologies 7263 ..... Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 7264 ..... Automotive Service Technology 7268 Barbering 7270 .. . ... Commercial Vehicle Driving 7244 ...... Correctional Officer* 7267 ..... Cosmetology 7276 ..... Customer Assistance Technology 7253 .. Law Enforcement Officer* 7230 ...... Practical Nursing*+ 7224 ..... Surgical Technology*+ • Standard high school diploma or GED mpured. + Sprdal admissions programs. A separate applicatwn must befilnl with the nspectivt dl'partmenl for these programs. Admission to the coUege deus not gutlmntee admrwon to these programs. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA (High school diploma or GED required. Placement test 1·equired, TABE.) These programs provide entry-level courses in a specific area that can be applied toward an Associate in Science degree. • Students must bring a copy of their student schedu le to the Public Safety Offtce to obtain a parking decal and student ID card. • Parking decals are requ ired for currently enrolled students parking at CFCC's Ocala and Citrus location s. Students should park in spaces with white curbs or no markings, but not in reserved or visitor spaces. • Student 10 cards are only available to currently registered cred it students and are required for computer use and checlwut of materials at the Learning Resources Center; at the Bookstore to return books during book buy-back or to purchase books with financial aid; for admittance to some exams; for access to campus events; for clinicals in A.S. health programs; and for discounts at Patriot Pal businesses. 12 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5510 ... ... Dental Assisting 5500 ... ... Family Health Support NONDEGREE COLLEGE CREDIT 9250 ..... 9300 ...... 9260 ..... 9270 ...... Adult Enrichment Educator Preparation Institute Teacher Certification Transient (must have letter from home institution stating student is in good academic standing and listing courses student is allowed to take) in specific program areas. 2210 ...... 2299 ... ... 2301 ...... 2282 .... .. 2156 ...... 2305 ...... 2295 ..... 2257 ... 2277 ..... 2323 ... .. . 2324 ...... 2325 ... .. . 2279 ...... 2270 2259 ...... 2234. .. 2298 ..... 2292 ..... 2309 ... 2310 ..... 2272 . .... 2372 ... 2233 .. . 2294. . 2291 ..... 2260 ..... 2269. .. 2139 .. . 2137 . 2250 ...... 2247 ... ... 2249 ...... 2289 . .... 2278 ...... 2232 . .... 2300 ...... Accounting Technology Agribusiness Management- Horticulture/Equine Specialization Agribusiness Management-Golf Specialization Automotive Service Management Technology Business Administration-Career Ladder Model A.S. to B.S. Business Management, Marketing and Administration Computer Information Technology- Hardware Track Computer Information Technology-Software Track Criminal Justice Technology Dental Assisting- Dental Practice Management+ Dental Assisting- Education+ Dental Assisting- Marketing+ Drafting and Design Technology - Architectural Drafting and Design Technology-Mechanical Early Childhood Education Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Engineering Technology-Quality Specialization Equine Studies-Business Management Specialization Equine Studies- Equine Exercise Physiology Equine Studies- Therapeutic Riding Management Specialization Fire Science Technology Fire Science Technology - FES HE CompliantTrack Health Information Technology Human Services Instructional Services Technology Landscape and Horticulture Technology - Horticulture Specialization Landscape and Horticulture Technology-Landscape Design Option Nursing, A.S. Degree in LPN to ADN Nursing Bridge+ Nursing, A.S . to B.S. (after acceptance into program)+ Office Administration - Legal Office Specialization Office Administration - Medical Office Administration Office Administration - Office Management Office Administration - Office Software Applications Paralegal Physical Therapist Assistant+ Radiography <Joint program with CTAE) +Special admissions progmms. A separate applicaliott must bt ftkd with the respective departmmt for these programs. AdmiSsion to tlu: coilege does not guarantee admtsston to these progmms. COLLEGE CREDIT CERTIFICATE (High school diploma or GED required.) These programs provide a set of technical skills in a specific area of study. Each certificate applies toward an Associate in Science degree. 6245 .. . ... 6301.. .... 6241.. ... . 6269 ...... 6270 ...... 6282 ..... . 6246 ...... 6271 .. . ... 6201 ...... 6205 ...... 6286 ...... 6237 .. . ... 6287 ...... 6285 ...... 6278 ..... . 6248 ...... 6288 ... ... 6272 ...... 6273 ...... 6264 ... ... 6242 ...... 6240 ... ... 6263 .. . ... 6232 ...... Accounting Applications Agribusiness-Golf Course Technician Business Administration-Business Management Business Administration- Finance Management Business Administration- Small Business/Entrepreneurship Business Management- Event Planning Business Management- Marketing Specialization Business Operations Child Care Center Management Childhood Development: Early Intervention Drafting Emergency Medical Technician - Basic+** Engineering Technology Support Specialist Engineering Technology Quality Specialist Equine Assistant Manager Food and Beverage Management Information Technology Support Specialist Landscape and Horticulture Technician - Horticulture Specialization Landscape and Horticulture Technician- Landscape Specialization Legal Office Management Medical Information Coder/Biller Office Management Office Software Applications Management Paramedic+ •• Prerequisite for Paramedic program. +Special admissiorLf programs. A separate appliralion must befilt•d with the respedtve department for these programs. AdmiSsion to the colltge does not guamnfte admission to these progmms. CENTRALFLORJDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5 BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT I STUDENT LIFE J c The overall cost of a CFCC education isn't necessarily the price you have to pay. Financial aid comes in many forms and can help you cover the cost of tuition, books and supplies. Be sure to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see what types of aid you qualify for to offset your costs. This page features examples of aid packages based on varied personal situation . These examples are fo r illustration on ly and do not imply any guarantee of financial assistance. ~ b-acl<- to- )t.<.(er.t fer .f_tviftJ e><.p-eM "' $1,822.93 FULL-TIME 19-YEAR-OLD DEPENDENT STUDENT Books and supplies ~----------------L-----~ $ 1,427 .07 College cost for spring 2009 Estimated Family Contribution of $21,016 I REPAYMENT REQUIRED I AMOUNT TYPE OF FI NANC IAL ASSISTANCE Athletic teams include Men's and Women's Basketball, Softball, Baseball and Women's Tennis. Athletics are open to all students; however, members are selected through recruitment, visits and tryouts. Opportunities are available for managers and student-trainers. Contact th e Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for information, 352- 854- 2322, ext. 1322 or 1325. Intramural sports enhance the overall academ ic experience. A variety of sports are offered, including soccer, basketball, flag football and volleyba ll. Programs are open to all CFCC students. Student clubs are establi shed by students and include social experi ences, educational workshops and service projects. FULL-TIME 23-YEAR-OLD DEPENDENT STUDENT Visua l and Perform ing Arts programs includ e CFCC Choir, Concert and Jaz z Band, CFCC Th eatre, Variations show choir and more. Students may participate or enjoy as a spectator. For information, contact the Visual and Performing Arts Department at 352- 854-2322, ext. 14 19. Well ness activities include fitness classes, jogging trail, Spinning room, sw imming pool and weight room. Check with the Department of Athletics and Wellness Education in the Gymnasium for a schedule or contact the Department of Intercoll egiate Ath letics, 352- 854- 2322, ext. 1322 or 1325 . No $ 2,365.00 Florida Student Assistance Grant No $ 900 .00 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant No $ 500 .0 0 to- )t.<.(en.t fer .f_tvtn-0 e><.p-en.>e> $3,205.42 »venOJ- b-acl<- Estimated Family Contribution of $0 Clubs ran ge from the African-American Student Union to Federated College Republicans to the Horseman's Society. Clubs are open to current CFCC students. Stud ent Leadership organizations include the Student Activities Board and Student Ambassadors. All students are invited to interv iew. Selection is based on establi shed criteria. No Federal Pell Grant $ 1,033.08 Total financial assistance package CFCC student clubs and organizations give individuals a chance to pursue interests while developing new relationships and leadership skills. To find out how you can get involved, stop by the Office of Student Life in the Bryant Student Union, Room 106, or call 352-854-2322, ext. 1578. Academic-supported organizations are generally tied to an academic course. They include the bands, Brain Bowl, CFCC Th eatre and 'The Patriot Press." All students are invited to try out, audition or interview. Selection is limited. Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars scholarship TYPE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $ 1,033.08 Books and supplies $ College cost for spring 2009 $ 1,592.66 Pell Grant No $ 420.00 Florida Student Assistance Grant No $ 450.00 Scholarship No $ 250.00 »venOJ- b-acl<- to- )t.<.(en.t fer .f_tvtn-0 a.p-=>e> $326.89 Tuition and fees for 6 hours Books and supplies Estimated Family Contribution of $3,022 College cost for spring 2009 $ 1,120.00 I$ I$ $ 477.96 315.15 793.11 I REPAYMENT REQUIRED I AMOUNT TYPE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Pell Grant No $ 2,365.00 Florida Student Assistance Grant No $ 900.00 Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant No $ 500.00 Total financial assistance package »venq b-ad-'· 8 YEAR-OLD FULL-liME 3N~ STUDENT IN DEPEND~ contribution of $0 Tuition and fees for l3 hours .f.~vU:0 to- )t.<.(en.t fer a.p-=w $2,172.34 559.58 I REPAYMENT REQUIRED I AMOUNT Total financial assistance package PART-TIME 43-YEAR-OLD INDEPENDENT STUDENT $ 4,798.08 $ 3,765.00 Tuition and fees for l3 hours $ 1,033.08 Books and supplies $ College cost for spring 2009 $ 1,592.66 559.58 WHY CHOOSE CFCC? CFCC offers a high-quality, affordable education, close to home. In addition to academics, CFCC offers extracurricular activities and clubs. College Square Apartments offers the best features of apartment living in close proximity to the Ocala Campus. Estimated Famt y 14 CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3
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