Sacred Heart Parish Family October 19, 2014
Sacred Heart Parish Family October 19, 2014
Sacred Heart Parish Family October 19, 2014 The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Sacred Heart Parish Grand Annual Collection will be next weekend October 25th and 26th. Sacred Heart Parish needs your help! Italian Extravaganza this Sunday at Mario’s Ristorante. Please bring your tickets with you. Make Sacred Heart Your Spiritual Home We would like to extend a warm and caring invitation to any who wish to join our parish. We look forward to having you become a member of our faith community. Each individual member of our Parish is an important part of this our Catholic family. The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our parish life. Come share your faith experience, your time, and your talent in one of our wonderful ministries. If you would like to register for the parish visit us online or call our parish office at 617.567.5776. Sacred Heart Church 303 Paris Street East Boston, MA 02128 Phone 617.567.5776 Fax 617.567.3042 Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Mon., Wed., & Friday Tues., Thurs., Saturday Confession Mass (English) Mass (English) Mass (Italiano) Mass(Vietnamese) 8:00 a.m. Mass (Italiano) 8:00 a.m. Mass (English) Pastoral Staff Fr. Wayne L. Belschner Pastor Deacon A.J. Constantino Permanent Deacon Lucy M. Ryan Executive Secretary Betty Constantino Youth Coordinator Fr. Chris O’Connor Weekend Assistance Sharon Love Music Director Fr. Joseph Chinh Nguyen Vietnamese Community Domenic Huan Ngo Parish Seminarian Sharon Rozzi Religious Ed. Director 617.567.6509 Mary Ann Manfredonia Principal, East Boston Central Catholic School 617.567.7456 Parish website: TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 Offertory Collection for October 12th: Masses for the Week Monday, October 20 8:00 a.m. Anna Bocchino Tuesday, October 21 8:00 a.m. Bernice Surette Wednesday, October 22 8:00 a.m. Dante Gaeta, Sr. Thursday, October 23 8:00 a.m. Robert J. Cahalane Friday, October 24 8:00 a.m. Grace Giunta Saturday, October 25 8:00 a.m. Community Mass: Souls in Purgatory, Bernice Surette, Paul McNamara, Alfred Melchionda, Deceased Members of the Bossi Family, Mr. and Mrs. Ngan Thuan, John and Phyllis Lepore, Olimpia and Vincenzo Sorrentino, Timmy Rich, Matthew A. Como, Victor A. Presto, Sr., Mary Ann Serra, Geraldine Colotti, and Pasquale Porcello. 3:00 p.m. Confessions 4:00 p.m. Lillian Casaletto and Anna Kelley Sacred Heart Parish Family $747.00 10:00 a.m. (Sunday) $606.00 11:30 a.m. (Sunday) $161.00 1:00 p.m. (Sunday) $454.00 $2,668.00 Prayers for those who are ill Helen Gillette, Columbia LaRosa, Mark Vitale, Jim LaRosa, Greg Buscanera, Patricia Chester-Banks, Janet Lang, Geraldine Ventre, Kim Pelosi, Renee Campanella, Paula RomanoDuggan, Joseph Oliveri, Sr., James Butler, Larry Atkinson, Ellen Grato, Paul Dean, Edel Richard, Diane Trainito, Lucy Alabiso, Dennis Grubich, Carol Sinclaire, Hannah Sheehan, Cheryl Brown, Frank Roycroft, Paula Ann Keough, Nancy Shlegal, Gill Gosselin, Maria Gilmore, Nancy and Alexa Albano, Anna Recupero, Rita Ferro, Joseph Hughes, Amelia Falanga, Marilyn Marsiglia, Babes Clifford, Rose Maffei, Donald Manfra, Camile DiOrio, Carmella McDonald, Libardo Tobon, Joseph Yannetty, Jennifer Pierce, Sue Palma, Caleb Post, Joseph Gleason, John Fanning, Anita Taylor, Patricia Homan, and Allicia Smith. Prayer Works! Never doubt the power of prayer! This week’s prayer intention is for all those affected by the Ebola virus. May our love, support, and prayers help curb this epidemic. I ask you all once again to pray one Our Father and three Hail Mary’s. SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION FOR OUR PARISH FAMILY Please contact the rectory at least six months in advance. 8:30 a.m. (Sunday) Second Collections: This weekend is for the World Missions. Next weekend will be Our Grand Annual. THE SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Alfred Melchionda from Saturday, October 25th through Friday, October 31st requested by his family Marriages: $700.00 Our weekly goal is $3,700.00. This week we were minus by $1,032.00. LET US PRAY for those who have died, especially for Pasquale “Patsy” Messina and the men and women in our Armed Forces, who gave their lives in defense of our country. 2nd Sunday of each month. Please contact the rectory at 617—567– 5776 to register. 4:00 p.m. (Saturday) Total Sunday, October 26 8:30 a.m. Mary Brogna and Mary Cobb Fabiano 10:00 a.m. Louis Burke 11:30 a.m. Maria Giovanni e Benito Leone 1:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass Baptism: XXIX Domenica Tempo Ordinario 2 303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 XXIX Domenica Tempo Ordinario Sacred Heart 303 Paris Street East Boston, MA 02128 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Another year has come and gone and, as the pastor of our church, I must ask for your generosity to our GRAND ANNUAL COLLECTION once again. To everyone who has prayed for me throughout the year, THANK YOU! I am truly grateful. Over the last few years, we have asked each of you to increase your annual gift and you responded incredibly. On behalf of the entire Sacred Heart Parish, THANK YOU! We’ve accomplished a great deal and made very significant improvements to the church and the surrounding grounds including new front doors, a handicap bathroom in the Church, Air Conditioning, repainting in the Church, and many smaller, less visible projects that needed attention! I hope you have seen these and know that we’ve done our best to make every dollar stretch as far as possible. ***************************************************************************************** This year’s Grand Annual Collection will kick off next weekend on October 25th and 26th. Over the last two years, we set aggressive goals of $50,000 and then $35,000 and each time you have met and exceeded these challenges. I was both pleased and relieved to know that each of you took so much pride and felt so much personal responsibility to our parish. You make our parish great and make me thankful to God that I am allowed to serve here. As you know all too well, costs continue to rise and we still have so much more to accomplish together. So, this year, we have set a more aggressive goal than last year. Our goal for this year, once again is $50,000. Last fiscal year, we suffered a devastating deficit of $29,000. In order to balance last year’s budget, we had to borrow from our reserve funds. This all but depleted any savings we had. We seriously need all to help in this year’s collection. Please consider your donation carefully. For those of you that did not donate last year, please ask yourself: “Am I now in a position to accept and share in this responsibility?”, “Have I experienced something that made me realize the benefits and value of a strong parish?”, or for younger parishioners , “Have I reached that point in my life where I want to accept the price of being an adult in full membership in this community we call a parish?” For those of you who gave last year, ask yourself: “Did I give last year’s donation serious thought?”, “Did my donation hurt my budget or change my life style in any way?”, “Can I afford to give 10% or 20% more this year with minimal impact?”, or conversely “Is this the year that I need to curtail my donation due to very real hardships?”. Every year people ask me “Father, how much am I supposed to give?” The truth is, this is different for every person and for every family. For some, a $1,000 gift wouldn’t even pinch. But for others, a $500 donation would be a huge burden. Please consider a donation that would cause a bit of a pinch but would not become a real burden. Sacred Heart Parish is grateful for every donation regardless of how large or small. We simply ask each member of the parish to give their donation serious thought and prayer. As always, one Hundred Percent of your donations to the Grand Annual Collection remains at Sacred Heart and to be used solely for Sacred Heart projects. Asking a kind remembrance in your prayers, and be most assured that you all are in my thoughts, prayers, and heart, I remain Sincerely Yours in Christ, Fr. Wayne Sacred Heart Parish Family 3 303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 fuori di me non c’è dio; ti renderò pronto all’azione, anche se tu non mi conosci, perché sappiano dall’oriente e dall’occidente che non c’è nulla fuori di me. Io sono il Signore, non ce n’è altri». L’Importanza della Santa Messa A Messa veniamo resi partecipi delle necessità dei fratelli. Dice San Paolo: “Ogni primo giorno della settimana ciascuno metta da parte ciò che gli è riuscito di risparmiare” (1Cor. 16,2). Dalla Messa domenicale parte un’onde di carità che attire una moltitudine di grazie. Verbum Domini Deo Gratias SALMO RESPONSORIALE Grande è il Signore e degno di ogni lode. L’INGRESSO È l’ora che pia la squilla fedel, le note c’invia dell’Ave del Ciel. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. L’umil Bernardetta del messo divin per mano s’affretta al fiume vicin. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. Un soffio di vento l’avviso le da’ che questo momento di grazie sarà Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. SECONDA LETTURA Dalla prima lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Tessalonicési Paolo e Silvano e Timòteo alla Chiesa dei Tessalonicési che è in Dio Padre e nel Signore Gesù Cristo: a voi, grazia e pace. Rendiamo sempre grazie a Dio per tutti voi, ricordandovi nelle nostre preghiere e tenendo continuamente presenti l’operosità della vostra fede, la fatica della vostra carità e la fermezza della vostra speranza nel Signore nostro Gesù Cristo, davanti a Dio e Padre nostro. Sappiamo bene, fratelli amati da Dio, che siete stati scelti da lui. Il nostro Vangelo, infatti, non si diffuse fra voi soltanto per mezzo della parola, ma anche con la potenza dello Spirito Santo e con profonda convinzione. GLORIA Gloria a Dio nell'alto dei cieli e pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà. Noi ti lodiamo, ti benediciamo, ti adoriamo, ti glorifichiamo, ti rendiamo grazie per la tua gloria immensa, Signore Dio, Re del cielo, Dio Padre onnipotente. Signore, Figlio unigenito, Gesù Cristo, Signore Dio, Agnello di Dio, Figlio del Padre; tu che togli i peccati del mondo, abbi pietà di noi; tu che togli i peccati del mondo, accogli la nostra supplica; tu che siedi alla destra del Padre, abbi pietà di noi. Perché tu solo il Santo, tu solo il Signore, tu solo l'Altissimo Gesù Cristo, con lo Spirito Santo nella gloria di Dio Padre. Amen. Verbum Domini Deo Gratias ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA. Risplendete come astri nel mondo, tenendo alta la parola di vita. ALLELUIA. VANGELO Il Signore sia con tutti voi Dal vangelo di Matteo E con il tuo spirito. Gloria a Te, O’ Signore. In quel tempo, i farisei se ne andarono e tennero consiglio per vedere come cogliere in fallo Gesù nei suoi discorsi. Mandarono dunque da lui i propri discepoli, con gli erodiani, a dirgli: «Maestro, sappiamo che sei veritiero e insegni la via di Dio secondo verità. Tu non hai soggezione di alcuno, perché non guardi in faccia a nessuno. Dunque, di’ a noi il tuo parere: è lecito, o no, pagare il tributo a Cesare?». Ma Gesù, conoscendo la loro malizia, rispose: «Ipocriti, perché volete mettermi alla prova? PRIMA LETTURA Dal libro del profeta Isaìa Dice il Signore del suo eletto, di Ciro: «Io l’ho preso per la destra, per abbattere davanti a lui le nazioni, per sciogliere le cinture ai fianchi dei re, per aprire davanti a lui i battenti delle porte e nessun portone rimarrà chiuso. Per amore di Giacobbe, mio servo, e d’Israele, mio eletto, io ti ho chiamato per nome, ti ho dato un titolo, sebbene tu non mi conosca. Io sono il Signore e non c’è alcun altro, Sacred Heart Parish Family XXIX Domenica Tempo Ordinario 4 303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 COMUNIONE Rit: Tu sole vivo per me sei Signore, vita e calore diffondi nel cuor. Mostratemi la moneta del tributo». Ed essi gli presentarono un denaro. Egli domandò loro: «Questa immagine e l’iscrizione, di chi sono?». Gli risposero: «Di Cesare». Allora disse loro: «Rendete dunque a Cesare quello che è di Cesare e a Dio quello che è di Dio». Verbum Domini Tu sul cammino risplendi mio Sole, luce ai miei passi ti voglio, Signor. Rit: Tu sole vivo per me sei Signore, vita e calore diffondi nel cuor. Laus Tibi, Christe CREDO Credo in un solo Dio, Padre onnipotente, creatore del cielo e della terra, di tutte le cose visibili e invisibili. Credo in un solo Signore, Gesù Cristo, unigenito Figlio di Dio, nato dal Padre prima di tutti i secoli. Dio da Dio, Luce da Luce, Dio vero da Dio vero; generato, non creato; della stessa sostanza del Padre; per mezzo di lui tutte le cose sono state create. Per noi uomini e per la nostra salvezza discese dal cielo; e per opera dello Spirito Santo si é incarnato nel seno della Vergine Maria e si é fatto uomo. Fu crocifisso per noi sotto Ponzio Pilato, morì e fu sepolto. Il terzo giorno é risuscitato, secondo le Scritture; é salito al cielo, siede alla destra del Padre. E di nuovo verrà, nella gloria, per giudicare i vivi e i morti, e il suo regno non avrà fine. Credo nello Spirito Santo, che é Signore e dà la vita, e procede dal Padre e dal Figlio e con il Padre e il Figlio é adorato e glorificato e ha parlato per mezzo dei profeti. Credo la Chiesa, una, santa, cattolica e apostolica. Professo un solo battesimo per il perdono dei peccati. Aspetto la risurrezione dei morti e la vita del mondo che verrà. Amen La tua parola mi svegli al mattino e mi richiami all sera con Te. Rit: Tu sole vivo per me sei Signore, vita e calore diffondi nel cuor. Sulla mia casa T’innalzi, mio sole, splendo d’amore, di luce, per Te. Rit: Tu sole vivo per me sei Signore, vita e calore diffondi nel cuor. FINALE Mio Signore, ricordati di me. O mio Signore, ricordati di me. Mio Signore, ricordati di me, Non lasciarmi solo quaggiù. Mio Signore, sei qui, rimani in me. O mio Signore, sei qui, rimani in me. Mio Signore, sei qui, rimani in me. La mia gioia vera sei Tu. L’Angelus V. L’Angelo del Signore portò l’annunzio a Maria; R. Ed ella concepì per opera dello Spirito Santo. OFFERTORIO Mira il tuo popolo, bella Signora Che pien di giubilo oggi t’onora. Anch’io festevole, corro ai tuoi piè, Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me! Ave Maria . . . V. Eccomi, sono la serva del Signore. R. Si compia in me la tua parola. Ave Maria . . . Il pietosissimo, tuo dolce cuore, porto e rifugio, è al peccatore; tesori e grazie, racchiude in se, Rit. V. E il Verbo si fece carne. R. E venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi. Ave Maria . . . In questa misera valle infelice, tutti t’invocano, Soccorritrice. Questo bel titolo, conviene a te, Rit. V. Prega per noi, santa Madre di Dio. R. Perché siamo fatti degni delle promesse di Cristo. Preghiamo: Infondi nel nostro spirito la Tua grazia, o Padre: Tu che all’annuncio dell’Angelo ci hai rivelato l’Incarnazione del Tuo Figlio, per la Sua Passione e la Sua Croce guidaci alla gloria della Risurrezione. Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen. Nel vasto oceano, propizia stella, ti vedo splendere, sempre più bella. Al porto guidami, per tua mercè. Rit. Pietosa mostrati, con l’alma mia, madra dei miseri, Santa Maria! Madre più tenera di te non c’è, Rit. Sacred Heart Parish Family XXIX Domenica Tempo Ordinario 5 303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 A note from Fr. Wayne . . . XXIX Domenica Tempo Ordinario From the Deacon’s desk… The cover of the bulletin this weekend contains the image of the Crucifix behind the main altar. You can see the words above the Crucifix in Latin: “Nos in cor Tuum Trahe.” These words simply translate: “Bring us to Your heart.” Our prayer each week is to ask Jesus for that simple request to be fulfilled. We desire to be brought to the Sacred Heart of Christ. The desire can only be accomplished when we make the effort to go to Him. It is no surprise these words are above the Crucifix and the altar. The surest way to the heart of Christ is through the Altar. The Altar stands as a reminder of the hill of Calvary. On the hill of Calvary, we find the Cross of Christ. On the Altar, we find that same Cross. I invite each of you to say these simple words as you prepare to receive Holy Communion. Also, when you return to your pew, recite these words in the silence of your heart. THANK YOU! To the many, who made a personal sacrifice over these past weeks and contributed food for those in need a sincere thank you. Every once in a while, why not drop the money you would spend on that cup of coffee or lunch and place it in our St. Vincent de Paul basket? This will help a member of the Sacred Heart Parish Family. October is the Month of the Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary will be prayed Monday through Thursday at 6:45 p.m. and Fridays at 6:00 p.m. in the Rectory Chapel. Come celebrate the Month of the Holy Rosary. Do you know for whom you are voting? Before, we can go to vote, we need to know where the candidates stand on the issues. Our Catholic faith teaches us there are at least 5 non-negotiable issues, this week, we will examine two: • Sacred Heart Parish Book Club • Join us Thursday evening, October 30th at 7:00 p.m. p.m for the next Parish Book Club. The next book will be Abortion: The Catholic Church proclaims the “Gospel of Life!” Abortion is the direct and intentional killing of a human life. An unborn child is an innocent life; there is no law that can justify the taking of life. Even when a life is conceived through rape or incest – the fault is not the child’s and the child should not pay for another’s sin. Euthanasia: Sometimes, described as “mercy killing” or “doctor assisted suicide.” The Church teaches us that we do not have the right to take our own lives or the lives of others; especially, the elderly and the sick. The Screwtape Letters Next week we will explore three other issues. by C.S.Lewis The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation—and triumph over it—ever written. Sacred Heart Parish Family Parish Mission Statement Our parish family seeks to know God by active participation in the Sacraments and spiritual programs; to love God by the daily actions of our lives, to serve God by reaching out and providing for the spiritual and physical needs of our brothers and sisters; and to make faithful disciples of all in our parish family. 6 303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128 To All Cursillo Communities and Friends of Cursillo (and anyone who wants to attend a beautiful Cursillo Mass) Cardinal Seàn O’Malley invites you to celebrate Holy Mass opening a new Cursillo Year of the New Evangelization Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception Church 600 Pleasant Street Malden MA, 02148 Driving Directions on line at Reception to follow in the Church Hall ALL ARE WELCOME ! “We cannot think of a Church without joy and the joy of the Church is this: announcing the name of Jesus ... Jesus saves us, He walks with us.” Pope Francis For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising Ruggiero Family Memorial Home CHAMPIONSHIP PHYSICAL THERAPY Our Family Serving Your Family With Professionalism, Dignity & Respect” William J. Squires Jr. P.T. Hablamos Español Joseph L. Ruggiero, Director & Proprietor Se Habla Español Putnam Street (617) 846-5609 57Winthrop, MA Tel: 617-569-0990 | 971 Saratoga Street • East Boston, MA | EAST BOSTON DENTAL ASSOCIATES 617-569-7300 617-567-5080 Since 1946 Call Paul Travaglini 617- 482- 4787 ext. 1229 “Quality Family Dentistry for Adults & Children” Donald L. Feldman, DMD Specializing in Orthodontics Nicholas R. Franco, Jr., DMD Cosmetic and General Dentistry Ready to meet all your banking needs! 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