May 11 `th, 2014
May 11 `th, 2014
CHURCH OF SAINT ROCCO 18 Third St., Glen Cove, NY 11542 PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Pastor Very Rev. Dom Gabriel Rach, Can.Reg., Parochial Vicar Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg. Mrs. Annette Graziosi, Sacristan Ms. Bernadette Heym, School of Religion Coordinator: 676-4691 Ms. Maureen Husing, Music Director 628-3930 [email protected] Mr. Joseph Lane , Facilities Manager Mrs. Matilde Zozzaro, Secretary Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542 Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482 Fax: (516) 676-2117 E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Secretarial Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italian), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM Vigil of Holy Days and Holy Days: As Announced Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM NOVENA FOLLOWING THE 7:30 AM MASS Monday: Miraculous Medal Thursday: St. Rocco Tuesday: St. Anthony Friday: Sacred Heart Wednesday: St. Jude MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Please inform the Parish Office when a loved one is sick or in need of pastoral care. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Confessions will also be heard at any reasonable time upon request. Sunday, May 11, 2014 St. Rocco, Pray for Us. Orario Messe: Sabato Sera: 4:00 PM Domenica Mattina: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italiana), 10:15 AM & 11:30 AM Messe feriali: 7:30 AM Festa Di Precetto: Come stato annunciato Confessioni: Sabato: 3:00 PM– 3:45 PM BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the Second and Fourth Saturday of every month at 11:00 AM. Parents should contact the Parish Office to participate in the Parish baptismal seminar, which is held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. MARRIAGES Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Please phone the Parish Office and make an appointment to speak with the Pastor; this should be done prior to making any other arrangements. Pre-Cana Program required. If either party is under 19 years of age at the time of Marriage, special preparations will be required. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All families are required to register in the Parish. Forms may be obtained at the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office if you move to another Parish or change your address. PARISH ACTIVITIES Rosary Society: Meets last Monday of the month. Communion: 1st Sunday 7:30 AM Mass. E-mail: [email protected] Novena: Ogni mattina dopo la messa delle 7:30 c’è la novena Lunedì: La Madonna Miracolosa Martedì: S. Antonio Mercoledì: S. Giuda Giovedì: S. Rocco Venerdì: ll Sacro Cuore RCIA/Adult Confirmation Preparation - Tuesday at 7:00 pm Battesimi: Ogni secondo e quarto Sabato del mese. Ore 11:00 AM Society of St. Vincent de Paul (help line) - 516 723-9557 Website: E-mail: www. [email protected] Matrimoni: Si devono prenotare minimo sei mesi prima YOUTH ACTIVITIES CYIA– Catholic Youth In Action: Mr. Luigi Greco Phone number: 516 637-1959 E-mail: [email protected] Ore d’ufficio: Lunedì - Venerdì 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Ammalati: Se avete bisogno del sacerdote, per favore, chiamate l’ufficio, 676-2482. Grazie Bible Study: Tuesday at 7:30p.m. San Padre Pio Prayer Group - Every third Friday of the Month (except summer) Holy Hour at 7:00p.m Mass at 8:00p.m. WEBSITE Webservant: Mr. Rocco Ieraci E-Mail: [email protected] Website: All Saints Regional Catholic School Website: Owned and administered by the parishes of St. Boniface, Sea Cliff, St. Hyacinth, Glen Head, St. Mary, Roslyn, St. Patrick, Glen Cove, St. Rocco, Glen Cove; for information and registration call the School office at 676-0762. CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Sunday, May 11, 2014 7:30A.M. John J. & Elvira Grella, Raffaela Pischitelli Raffaela Salvato, Theresa Damiano 8:45A.M. Eufemia & Tommaso Grazaiosi, Lucia & Michele DeLuca, Nunzio Izzo, Angelo Grella, Giuseppina Calò, Carmela Belcastro, Michele Belcastro, Rose & Ralph Corigliano, Maria & Carmelina Grella, Angelo Solomita, Giovanna Arnone, Maria Zozzaro, Rachele DeLisa , Francesco Gaudio (B-day), Alfonsina Pisano (1st Anniv. in cielo), Teresa Napoli, Carmela Napoli, Concetta, Elvira & Caterina Valensisi, Maria Grella, Concetta, Clementina & Elvira Raco, Le Famiglie Dattolo & Aiello, Maria Giuseppa Ienopoli & Rosina Berardi, Alfonsina, Luisa, Guerino e le Anime del Purgatorio, Per i Piani di Dio e le Intenzioni della Madonna 10:15A.M. Angelina Martino, Carmela Belcastro, Judy Pietrofere, Luannn Verity, Carmela Mastrianni, Annina (B-day) Michele & Grazina DiPaola, Marcella Clayton, Alfonsina Pisano (1st Anniv. In Heaven), Rosa Monteleone-Petullà, Rose Lott, Lorenzo & Ellen Grella, Michael Decosimo, Mary Blockis, Nicholas DiLeo 11:30A.M Ester Carbuto, Angelo Solomita, Anne Cuti, Anthony DiGiovanni, Nicholas DiLeo, Eileen & Grace Iammarino, Agnes Mass Monday, May 12, 2014 Ss. Nereus & Achilleus; St. Pancras 7:30A.M. Kevin McLaughlin Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Our Lady of Fatima 7:30A.M. In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Saint Matthias, Apostle 7:30A.M. Angelo Grella Thursday, May 15, 2014 Saint Isidore 7:30 A.M. Fr. Elias Carr, ( Ordination Anniv.) Friday, May 16, 2014 7:30 A.M. Vito Santoro Saturday, May 17, 2014 4:00P.M. Angelo Grella, William & Anna King, Phil Coniglione, Nicholas DiLeo THE ALTAR CANDLES ARE IN LOVING MEMORY OF Pasquale & Margaret DiRienzo from Family Rocco DiLeo (B-day) Laura DiLeo & Family Alfonsina Pisano (1st. Anniv. in Heaven) from Teresa Graziosi & Family In Thanksgiving to the Merciful Jesus for Alfonsina Pisano (1st. Anniv. in Heaven from Teresa Graziosi & Fam. In Thanksgiving to the Immaculate Conception for Alfonsina Pisano (1st Anniv. in Heaven) from Teresa Graziosi & Fam. In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Peace for Alfonsina Pisano (1st. Anniv. in Heaven) from Teresa Graziosi & Family The Candles on the Blessed Mother Altar are in memory of Sabina Giambruno from daughter Josephine and for Lucia Izzo from daughter & Family The Candles on the St. Rocco Altar are in memory of Ann Carbuto (Happy B-day) from Larry & Terry Martone and for Mom Frances & Pop Sal Basile from Mary & Donny The Candles on St. Anthony Altar are in memory of Felicella Gentile from Giuseppina Graziosi and for Nick DiLeo from Angie Basile & Family The Candles on St. Jude Altar ares in memory of Michael Schacker from Honey Zekraus and for a special intention for Thanksgiving from MF The Candles on St. Michael Altar are in memory of Mom Liz & Dad Mike Marrone from Mary & Donny and for Angelo Grella from Angela & Maria The Candle on the St. Francis Altar is in memory of Francesca DeRosa from Maria Basile The Candle on the Crucifix Altar is in memory of Philip Coniglione from Dolores Curiano The Candle on the Mother Cabrini Altar is a special intention for Allison Butler from MariaElena Corrales The Candle on the St. Theresa Altar is in memory of Carmela Graziosi from Great-Granddauther Rosa Pangari The Candle on the St. Lucy Altar is in memory of Lucyann Lopez, Love Mom & Dad The Candle on the St. Padre Pio Altar is in memory of Carmela Graziosi from Granddauther Maria Pangari The Candle on the Chapel of the Saints Altar is in Memory of Philip Coniglione from Dolores Phil & D’Elia and for Anthony Graziosi from Roseann & Carmine Douso and for Rosa Monteleone - Petullà from Marcello Petullà & Family and for Sergio Porcaro from Marcello Petullà & Family SUNDAY, MAY 11 2014: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Church Of the Diocese of Rockville Centre Announces the ordination of John Joseph Fielding To the order of Deacon. The Sacrament of Holy Orders Will be conferred on him by the Imposition of hands and invocation of the Holy Spirit by The Most Reverend William Murphy Bishop of Rockville Centre Saturday, May 17, 2014 11:00 o’clock in the morning Cathedral of St. Agnes Rockville Centre, New York Parking is located across from St. Agnes Church. Space is limited so go early or you will have to park at the LIRR parking. CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Saturday: 3:00pm - 3:45pm The regular collection on 5/4/2014 was $3,295.00 The second collection for Catholic Elementary School was $1,283.00. May God bless you for your continued support and generosity. Thank you, Fr. Elias Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father during the month of May….. Universal Intention: That the media may be instruments in the service of truth and peace. For Evangelization Intention: That Mary, Star of Evangelization, may guide the Church in proclaiming Christ to all nations. Bulletin Reflection Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Good stewards are grateful for the gifts of life and joyfully share their abundance with others. Sacred objects that have been added to The Church of Saint Rocco Solemn High Mass Dalmatic Solemn High Mass Tunicle Red Faldstool (Priest) Pillows Votive Candles Two Chasuble Two Dalmatic If anyone should wish to donate any of the above sacred objects in memory of your dear one, please feel free to contact Fr. Elias or the Parish Office. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who respond and give thanks for God’s blessings by sharing their gifts of time and talent in service “to and through” our parish ministries. 2014 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE Food Pantry Needs Donation We are in need of non-perishable food items such as coffee, tea, juice, pasta, soup, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, canned fruits and vegetables in addition to toothpaste, soap, toilet paper and shampoo. Donations may be brought to the parish office or left in the bin at the back of the church. We are very grateful to the 77 families who made pledges. Amount Pledged: $19,630.00 Amount Paid: $15,110.00 Please support this important ministry in our Diocese according to your financial means. We have the whole year to complete our pledges. Thank you. Fr. Elias CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Our Lady of Fatima Tuesday, May 13, 2014 The Fatima Prayer O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy. La Preghiera di Fatima O Gesù mio, perdona le nostre colpe, preservaci del fuoco dell'inferno, porta in cielo tutte le anime, specialmente le più bisognose della tua misericordia. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY BUONA GIORNATA DELLA MAMMA Dear Friends, I hope you had a happy Easter and I still want to express to you and your parishioners for your great support and generosity. I would ask you a favor if you don't mind. As you know the Risen Lord has appeared various times to the apostles and to give testimony of him not being a ghost he shared and ate fish with them too. We also want to share fish with our brothers and sisters in Haiti by providing them with a Tilapia farming structure so to give food and labor in different ways. The italian foundation (Mediolanum) has set up a contest to send money in aid to a social project. Among them there is our tilapia farming. It's no cost and all to do is to register and vote for it online. I hope you can do this and also send out the message your parishoners on Sunday. We need another 2500 votes. This is the website progetti-single/?id=1039 After you register you will recieve an email that confirms your registration. After that you go back to the link you receive by email and you inscribe putting in your 'nome utente' or username and password. After that you choose the number of votes to give (please all 5) Thank you for your help and prayers. Fr. Enzo cp Cari amici, siamo ancora nel tempo di Pasqua e desidero rivolgere a tutti i miei auguri e il mio grazie per il vostro sostegno e generosità. Il Risorto è apparso ai discepoli più volte e in più di un'occasione ha mangiato il pesce con loro. Anche noi vogliamo condividere il pesce con chi è nel bisogno creando attraverso l'allevamento dei Tilapia cibo e lavoro. Abbiamo ancora bisogno di voti ed il bando termina Domenica prossima per poter ottenere l'aiuto dalla Fondazione Mediolanum per il progetto. E' semplice e non costa nulla. Basta visitare il sito progetti-single/?id=1039 e registrarsi prima. Dopo la registrazione online riceverete una email di conferma. Dopo questa email tornate al link cliccate sul link a voi inviato e Inserite il vostro nome utente e password, invia e poi votate il progetto 'Haiti: pesci per nutrire, lavoro per crescere. Potete scegliere di dare 1 a 5 voti. Ovviamente 5! ;) e spargete la notizia il più possibile!!!! Grazie per il vostro aiuto e le vostre preghiere. Un abbraccio SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER the sick of our parish: Melissa Monaco, Sal Berritto, Baby Nico, Janice C. Johnson, Lauren Kirshern, Antonia Cipriano, Teresa Brunetto, Anna Grella, Clotilde Grella, Carmela Bozzella, Anthony Sarubbe, Ruthann Ogden, Sofia Lucchese, Logan, Michael Martino, Kelly Rant, Steven Pisano, Evan Schwarz, Debra Becker , Angela Lagorio, Nancy Celino, Baby, Adriana Carmona, Arthur Johanson, Theresa, Salvatore Totino, Phil, Mia Perciballi, David Grimes, Maria Santoli, Linda Muller, Brian Schmitt, Nonie, Vivian Lorentzen, Rose Claro, Adriana A., Mary, Faye Griffin, Deb Grazioso, Tony Jiminez, Garr Family, Soccarsa Ceglia Flick, Barbara Ermmarino, Nicholas Basile, Raymond Curiale, Gloria Lettieri, Esther Molfetta, Lisa Rant, Joseph Carney, Phil Coniglione, Omesh Chirnan, Doug McDonough, Kathy Brescia, Sara Testa, Ralph Galdieri, Denise (Sullivan) Hearon, Pat Lucidi, Kaitlyn Ruth Turley, Loretta Harrigan, Maryann Majewski, Barbara Rotunno, Rosella Gallo Jennifer Dobies, Kay Grella, Ashley McIntyre, Joseph Basile Sr. St. Boniface Church Sea Cliff There will be fun for one and all at the Saint Boniface Feast by the Shore. The Saint Boniface Feast by the Shore will be a four-day celebration Thursday, May 15 (6 to 10), Friday, May 16 (6 to 11),Saturday, May 17 (1 to 11) and Sunday, May 18 (1 to 6) at Harry Tappen Beach, Shore Road, Glenwood Landing. The feast will showcase rides and games from Newton Shows for people of all ages. A large assortment of vendors and delicious homemade food items will be available to tempt your palate. Musical entertainment will take place nightly in the Town of Oyster Bay Showmobile. Entertainment will be provided by Bryce Larsen (Thursday), Chicken Head (Friday), Tofu and Kris Rice & Company (Saturday), along with Bob Rieger on (Sunday), and more! Check the St. Boniface website for additional information discount coupons and directions. PURCHASE ADVANCE POP BANDS AND SAVE $$$$ Please continue to pray for all the men and women serving our country: Lieutenant Ryan A. Vessichelli Jakub Jakubowski ROSARY SOCIETY ANNUAL CAKE SALE Saturday, May 10th & Sunday May 11th Please come and purchase some DELICIOUS, home-baked desserts for your enjoyment on Mother’s Day. There will be a little something for everyone! Saint Padre Pio Prayer Group Friday, May 16th. The Holy Hour will begin at 7:00pm with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Beginning at 7:30pm the group will lead various devotions and confession will be heard. The Holy Hour will end with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass will be celebrated at 8:00pm. Please join us. Second Time Joseph Lentine, St. Leo, Lincroft, NJ Victoria Dilgard, St. Rocco, Glen Cove, NY CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK LONG ISLAND/METRO RETROUVAILLE You Can Help Heal Your Marriage Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, May 30th, 2014 at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington. Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro RCIA will NOT meet on Tuesday, May 13th @ 7:00p.m. Bible Study will NOT meet on Tuesday, May 13th. @ 7:30p.m.