Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity - St. Vito
Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity - St. Vito
May 1, 2016 Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church PASTOR: Monsignor James E. White PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Amiro L. Jiménez PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Jeba Lourdu DEACONS: Augustine DiFiore, Thomas Vargas WEEKEND ASSOCIATE: Father Steven Reilly, L.C. PAX CHRISTI SISTERS : Sister Eleazar & Sister Cleotilde RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR: Sister Eleazar, P.C . • OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE OFICINA/ORARIO D’ UFFICIO Monday thru Friday /Lunes a Viernes/ Lunedi a Venerdi 9:30am to 6:30pm Saturdays / Sábados/ Sábato 9:30am to 1:00pm & 2:00pm to 4:00pm •MASSES / MISAS / MESSAS Monday - Friday/Lunes-Viernes 8am Chapel & 12pm Church Saturdays / Sábados/ Sabato 9:00am Chapel & 5:00pm Church Sundays /Domingo's/: 8:00am, 9:30am y 11:00am Church •SPANISH MASSES / MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Mondays & Thursdays/ Lunes & Jueves 7:30PM Church Sundays /Domingos: 12:30pm •ITALIAN MASS / MESSA IN ITALIANO: First Sunday of the month /Prima Domenica del Mese 9:30am •PENANCE / CONFESIONES / CONFESSIONI Saturday / Sábado / Sábato: 4:00pm to 5:00pm. •BAPTISMS / BAUTIZOS/ BATTESIMO Baptism are celebrated once a month on a Sunday after the 12:30 Mass in Spanish and 2:00pm in English. The dates for the Baptism of children and for the Pre-Baptismal instruction of parents should be arranged in the rectory ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. In addition to English, and Spanish this Sacrament may also be in Italian. •WEDDINGS/ MATRIMONIO Pre–marital instruction is a requirement for all engaged couples. Consequently, arrangements for weddings should be made SIX MONTHS in advance. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. John Myers SPANISH MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. Edgar Riquelme PARISH MANAGER & CYO DIRECTOR: Mr. Joseph Comblo PARISH SECRETARIES: Mrs. Yenny Duran-Rivera & Ms. Angelina Gomez PARISH CENTER SECRETARY: Mrs. Anne Debacher RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT: Mrs. Jennie Bucolo •WELCOME/ BIENVENIDO/ BENVENUTO To register in the parish, please come to the Rectory. Para registrarse en la parroquia, por favor acérquese a la Rectoría. Sponsor Certificates are ONLY given to qualified registered parishioners. *Priest approval needed. • BIBLE STUDY/ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Monday’s at 7:00pm in the Parish Center • MEETINGS/ REUNIONES/ RIUNIONI Italian Club, First Friday, 7:30pm Prayer Gruop at 7:00pm in the Parish Center Parish Council, Third Thursday, 7:00pm •PREPARACIÓN DE BAUTIZOS: Hermanas de Pax Christi y Roció Gómez Domingos 9:30am en el Centro Parroquial •PREPARACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS PARA JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: Domingos 10:45am en el Centro Parroquial Hermanas de Pax Christi Dolores Martínez •GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE ADULTOS: Dirigente: Ana Loaiza Miércoles de 7:30 a 10:00pm en la Iglesia. •DIVINA MISERICORDIA Dirigentes: Imelda Maldonado, 914-514-7674 Martha Maldonado, 914-777-8202 •GRUPO GUADALUPANO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE RECTORY OF ST. VITO 816 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2648 Fax: 914-698-6081 E-mail: [email protected] 826 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2949 Fax: 914-698-2994 E-mail: [email protected] SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY, 2016 SEXTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA 1 DE MAYO, 2016 SESTA DOMENICA DI PASQUA 1 DI MAGGIO, 2016 “Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.’ And now I have told you this before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe.” Following the resurrection, Jesus spent time preparing His disciples for His taking leave of them. They were to be pleased that He would go, and then would receive a special gift, the Advocate, the Paraclete. The Spirit would come to teach and remind. Jesus’ leaving would not be an absence, but lead to a greater presence. His disciples, and we as missionary disciples, would become dwelling places of God’s Spirit. His gift is ours, provided we love Him. May the departure of Jesus, the ascension, prepare us for the special moment and allow us to be truly dwelling places for the Lord. He comes to reside with me. He is present in me and in others. I ask the gift of discernment to discover His abiding presence with me today. “Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: ‘El que me ama será fiel a mi palabra, y mi Padre lo amará; iremos a él y habitaremos en él.’ Les he dicho esto antes de que suceda, para que cuando se cumpla, ustedes crean.” Luego de la resurrección, Jesús pasó tiempo preparando a Sus discípulos para Su partida. A ellos les complacería que El volviera al Padre, y ellos recibirían un don especial, el defensor, el Paráclito. El Espíritu Santo vendría a enseñarles y protegerlos. La partida de Jesús no sería una ausencia, sino llevaría a una mayor presencia. Sus discípulos y nosotros, como discípulos misioneros, nos convertiríamos en moradas para el Espíritu de Dios. Su don es nuestro, siempre y cuando lo amemos. Que la partida de Jesús, la ascensión, nos prepare para el momento especial y nos permita ser verdaderas moradas para el Señor. El viene a vivir conmigo. Está presente en mí y en otros. Pido el don del discernimiento para descubrir su perdurable presencia en mí hoy. Un’antica leggenda racconta che san Giovanni evangelista, vecchio e ormai sul suo letto di morte, continuava a mormorare: “Figli miei, amatevi gli uni gli altri, amatevi gli uni gli altri...”. Questo testamento di Gesù, che egli ci ha trasmesso, era per lui molto importante. E, certamente, questo amore non era facile nemmeno in quei tempi. Non è mai così necessario parlare d’amore come là dove non ce n’è. È la stessa cosa che succede per la pace: non si è mai parlato tanto di pace come oggi, e intanto si continua a fare la guerra in moltissimi luoghi. Ma, proprio su questo punto, il Vangelo di Giovanni pone un’importante distinzione: c’è una pace di Gesù e un’altra pace, data dal mondo. San Giovanni attira la nostra attenzione sul fatto che noi non dobbiamo lasciarci accecare dalle parole, dobbiamo tenere conto soprattutto dello spirito nel quale esse sono dette. Dio ci ha mandato lo Spirito Santo per insegnarci la sua volontà. Il suo Spirito ci insegna anche a penetrare il senso delle parole. Possiamo allora rivolgerci a lui quando siamo disorientati, quando ci sentiamo deboli, quando non sappiamo più cosa fare. È un aiuto al quale possiamo ricorrere quando ci aspettano decisioni difficili da prendere. Egli ci aiuta! NEWS AND EVENTS OF THE WEEK THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD BAPTISM INFORMATION The Sacrament of Baptism is Celebrated Once a month on Sunday One Sunday in Spanish after the 12:30pm Mass and One Sunday in English at 2:00PM. May 4th, 2016 - Vigil 7:00pm - English May 5th, 2016 - Feast 8:00am - English 12:00pm - English 7:30pm - Spanish THE NEXT AVAILABLE DATES ARE: May 22nd — English Baptisms May 29th — Spanish Baptisms Please come to the Parish office at least one month in advance before planning your child’s baptism. ALL MASSES WILL BE CELEBRATED IN THE CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IMPORTANT DATES CONFIRMATION PRACTICE Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 at 6:30pm (Candidates & Sponsors) U R UNIQUE Never change your originality for the sake of others. No one can play your role better than you could. There cannot be ANOTHER YOU. So be yourself. Because YOU ARE THE BEST. Fr. Jeba 2016 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal summary to Date St. Vito - Most Holy Trinity Church Parish #461 Goal Pledge Paid Number of Gifts Average Gift $62,500 $35,850 $25,236 127 $282.28 VISIT US ONLINE STAY CONNECTED, INFORMED & INVOLVED [email protected] Stvitomostholytrinity St Vito Church - Most Holy Trinity FINANCIAL CORNER The total parish income amount for last weekend was $9,006. Thank you for your generosity! Upcoming Special Collections May 1st - Central and Eastern Europe COMMUNION PRACTICE 1ST GROUP Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 at 3:30pm COMMUNION PRACTICE 2ND GROUP Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 at 3:30pm CONFIRMATION MASS Thursday, May 5, 2016 5:00PM FIRST COMMUNION MASS 1 Group Saturday, May 7th, 2016 • 11:00AM st COMMUNION PRACTICE 2ND GROUP Wednesday, May 11th, 2016 at 3:30pm FIRST COMMUNION MASS 2 Group Saturday, May 14th, 2016 • 11:00AM nd ANNUAL GOLDEN WEDDING JUBILEE Couples celebration their 50th wedding anniversary anytime during 2016 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25th at 1:30pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2pm. Pre-registration is required. Please contact the parish rectory. The Closing date to register its Tuesday May 24, 2016 NOTICIAS & EVENTOS DE LA SEMANA INFORMACION SOBRE LOS BAUTIZOS El Sacramento de Bautizo solo se celebrara una vez al mes los domingos. Los Bautizos en Español se llevan acabo después de la misa de 12:30pm y los bautizos en Ingles a las 2:00pm. LAS PROXIMAS FECHAS SON: MAYO 22, 2016 - INGLES MAYO 29, 2016 - ESPAÑOL Por favor acérquese a la rectoría de la Parroquia por lo menos un mes en adelanto antes de planear el bautismo. MISA DE BODAS DE ORO ANNUAL Las parejas que celebran su 50 aniversario de casados durante el 2016 están invitadas a asistir a la misa anual de Bodas de Oro con el Cardinal Dolan en la Catedral de San Patricio, Sábado 25 de June a la 1:30pm o Domingo, 26 de Junio a las 2pm. Se requiere pre-registración en la rectoría. Las inscripciones se cerraran el Martes 24 de Mayo. La Campaña de Cardenal 2016 Resumen de contribuciones hasta la fecha Iglesia San Vito - Most Holy Trinity # de la Parroquia - 461 Meta Promesas Pagos Numero de Regalos Promedio en Regalos $62,500 $35,850 $25,236 127 $282.28 LA ASENCION DEL SEÑOR Mayo 4, 2016 - Vigilia 7:00pm - Ingles Mayo 5, 2016 8:00am - Ingles 12:00pm - Ingles 7:30pm - Español FECHAS IMPORTANTES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA SEGUNDA PRÁCTICA DE CONFIRMACIÓN Martes, 3 de Mayo 2016 a las 6:30pm (Estudiante y Padrino) MISA DE CONFIRMACIÓN Jueves, 5 de mayo 2016 5:00 PM 1o Grupo - MISA DE RIMERA COMUNIÓN Sábado, 7 de mayo 2016 • 11 a.m. ULTIMOS DIAS DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Martes 10 de mayo, 2016 • 6:30pm Miércoles , 11 de mayo 2016 • 3:30pm 2o Grupo MISA DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Sábado, 14 de mayo 2016 • 11 a.m. - PRIMER VIERNES DE ADORACION Viernes 6 de Mayo Misa de 8am seguido por adoración durante todo el día hasta las 6:30pm. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia se rezara a las 3pm. Todos estas invitados a tomar tiempo y traer sus peticiones y adorar la presencia Real de Cristo en la Eucaristía. MENOS y MÁS de ti mismo Nadie en este mundo es puro y perfecto. Si evitas a las personas por sus pequeños errores, siempre estarás solo. Por lo tanto, JUZGA MENOS y AMA MÁS. Padre Jeba ESQUINA FINANCIERA El total de la colecta de este fin de semana fue de - $9,006 Gracias por su generosidad! Colectas Especiales May 1 - Central and Eastern Europe May - 8—Día de la Madres SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY, 2016 SEXTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA 1 DE MAYO, 2016 SESTA DOMENICA DI PASQUA 1 DI MAGGIO, 2016 FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Friday, May 6th Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 5:00 Sour– Maria Totino -† Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Patricia Andreoli -† 9:30 La Madona of Lourdes 11:00 Vincenzo Violi & Family -† 12:30pm Ruben Romero - 30 Monday / Lunes / Lunedi 8:00 The Unborn Children 12:00 Suor Vittorina Albanese -† 7:30pm Virginia & Tomasso Della Bella -† 2 Tuesday / Martes /Martedi 8:00 St. Vito - Most Holy Trinity 12:00 Joseph Fraioli -† 3 1 IN LOVING MEMORY The parish of St. Vito - Most Holy Trinity extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones on their loss Josephine Carollo Fiorito ALTAR FLOWERS The next available date for altar flowers are the following: May 8th, 22nd June 26th July 17th, 24th, 31st Wednesday / Miércoles / Mercoledi 4 8:00 Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Parish 12:00 Natalie E. Ballantone-† 7:00pm VIGIL OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD - English Thursday / Jueves / Giovedi 5 8:00 Ascension of the Lord - English 12:00 Ascension of the Lord - English 5:00 CONFIRMATION MASS 7:30pm LA ASENCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR - Español Friday / Viernes / Venerdi 8:00 Our Troops 12:00 Vincenzo & Antonio Grutteria -† Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 9:00 Belsy Sarmiento 5:00 Henry Grassi -† Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Mildred Traub -† 9:30 Giamperro Molle -† 11:00 Patricia Comblo -† 12:30pm Flor Garcia & Imelda Maldonado † Deceased Difunto Birthday Cumpleaños Sick Enfermo In Thanksgiving Acción de Gracias Wedding Anniversary Aniversario de Bodas Mass at 8am followed by Adoration throughout the day until 6:30pm. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 3:00pm. All are invited to take some time to bring your prayer requests and to adore the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. BREAD & WINE 6 7 The next available dates for intentions for bread & wine May 8th, 22nd June 5th, 26th July 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS PREGARE PER I MALATI 8 James Comblo, Joseph Goldman, Gonzalo & Araceli Maldonado, Juan Alviar, Susan Congdon, Millie Paonessa, JoAnn Troccoli, Arcangelo Borrello, John Astorina, Jeanette & Petritat Rangel, Pat Hachey, John A. Santorini, Sandy Albert, Marcia Maya, Louisa Germani, Ana Bencosme, Alyssa Cullagh, Raymond Recchia, Antonette Fraioli, Marianne Fischetti, & Louise Yannuzzi. To submit a name please call the rectory. Para añadir nombres por favor llame a la rectoría .