September01, 2013
September01, 2013
CHURCH OF SAINT ROCCO 18 Third St., Glen Cove, NY 11542 PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Pastor Very Rev. Dom Gabriel Rach, Can.Reg., Parochial Vicar Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg. Mrs. Annette Graziosi, Sacristan Ms. Bernadette Heym, School of Religion Coordinator: 676-2482 Ms. Maureen Husing, Music Director Mr. Joseph Lane , Facilities Manager Mrs. Matilde Zozzaro, Secretary Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542 Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482 Fax: (516) 676-2117 E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Secretarial Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italian), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM Vigil of Holy Days and Holy Days: As Announced Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM NOVENA FOLLOWING THE 7:30 AM MASS Monday: Miraculous Medal Thursday: St. Rocco Tuesday: St. Anthony Friday: Sacred Heart Wednesday: St. Jude MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Please inform the Parish Office when a loved one is sick or in need of pastoral care. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Confessions will also be heard at any reasonable time upon request. Sunday, September 1, 2013 St. Rocco, Pray for Us. Orario Messe: Sabato Sera: 4:00 PM Domenica Mattina: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italiana), 10:15 AM & 11:30 AM Messe feriali: 7:30 AM Festa Di Precetto: Come stato annunciato BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the Second and Fourth Saturday of every month at 11:00 AM. Parents should contact the Parish Office to participate in the Parish baptismal seminar, which is held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. MARRIAGES Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Please phone the Parish Office and make an appointment to speak with the Pastor; this should be done prior to making any other arrangements. Pre-Cana Program required. If either party is under 19 years of age at the time of Marriage, special preparations will be required. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All families are required to register in the Parish. Forms may be obtained at the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office if you move to another Parish or change your address. PARISH ACTIVITIES Confessioni: Sabato: 3:00 PM– 3:45 PM Novena: Ogni mattina dopo la messa delle 7:30 c’è la novena Lunedì: La Madonna Miracolosa Martedì: S. Antonio Mercoledì: S. Giuda Giovedì: S. Rocco Venerdì: ll Sacro Cuore Rosary Society: Meets last Monday of the month. Communion: 1st Sunday 7:30 AM Mass. E-mail: [email protected] Bible Study: See bulletin RCIA/Adult Confirmation Preparation - Monday at 7:30 pm Battesimi: Ogni secondo e quarto Sabato del mese. Ore 11:00 AM Society of St. Vincent de Paul (help line) - 516 723-9557 Website: E-mail: www. [email protected] Matrimoni: Si devono prenotare minimo sei mesi prima YOUTH ACTIVITIES CYIA– Catholic Youth In Action: Mr. Luigi Greco Phone number: 516 637-1959 E-mail: [email protected] Ore d’ufficio: Lunedì - Venerdì 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Ammalati: Se avete bisogno del sacerdote, per favore, chiamate l’ufficio, 676-2482. Grazie WEBSITE Webservant: Mr. Rocco Ieraci E-Mail: [email protected] Website: All Saints Regional Catholic School Website: Owned and administered by the parishes of St. Boniface, Sea Cliff, St. Hyacinth, Glen Head, St. Mary, Roslyn, St. Patrick, Glen Cove, St. Rocco, Glen Cove; for information and registration call the School office at 676-0762. CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Sunday, September 1, 2013 7:30A.M. Angelo Capobianco, Mary Rossi, Anne Carbuto Angie Corbo, Special Intention for Tony Gallo, Peter Consorti 8:45 A.M. Alberto Graziosi, Eufemia Graziosi, Tommaso Graziosi, Angelo Grella, Maria Carmen Cipriano, Michael & Americo Graziosi, Antonio Graziosi, Alfonsina Pisano, Francesco Gaudio, In Onore a Gesù e la Madonna per le intenzioni della famiglia Tornicchio, Giovanna Caputo, Nicholas Pedone ( Happy B-day in Heaven) 10:15 A.M. Maria Gallace, Giuseppina Circosta, Nicholas Pedone, Dominick Andreotti, Francesco Gaudio, Barbara Caggiano, Benedetto Milazzo, Annina (Anniv.) & Michele Di Paola 11:30A.M Antonio Panetta (Anniv.) Eileen Iammarino, Grace Iammarino, Vincenzo Iammarino, Anne Carbuto Monday, September 2, 2013 7:30A.M. Angelo Grella Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Saint Gregory 7:30A.M. Alfonsina Pisano (1st. Birthday in Heaven) Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:30 A.M. Mary & Frank Spano and deceased Family members Thursday, September 5, 2013 Saint Theresa of Calcutta 7:30 A.M. Vito & Larice Santoro Friday, September 6, 2013 7:30 A.M. Michael Graziosi Saturday, September 7, 2013 4:00 P.M. Josephine Esposito, Therese V. Bruno, Nellie & Mary O’Connor, Mary Rossi Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time September 1, 2013 You have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God. — Hebrews 12:22a THE ALTAR CANDLES ARE IN LOVING MEMORY OF Dorothy Sisto from Mary DePasquale Special Intention for Tony Gallo from Hebert Schwartz Marcus L. Bianconi from Family Joseph Sanfratello (Anniv.) from Jennie M. Sanfratello Nicholas Pedone ( Happy B-day in Heaven) from Grandparents Francesco & Caterina Greco The Candles on the Blessed Mother Altar are in memory of Giuseppina Circosta from Carmela Scarfo and for Mary Rossi from Rose & Bob Curiano The Candles on the St. Rocco Altar are in memory of Angelo Capobianco from Antoinette Graziose and for Anne Carbuto from Angie Anzalone The Candles on St. Anthony Altar are in memory of Louis Oporto Sr. from his wife Margaret and for Anthony Grella from Phyllis Maleszewski The Candles on the St. Jude Altar are in memory of Anne Carbuto from Rose & Marge and for Albert Venturino from Marion O’Day The Candles on the St. Michael Altar are in memory of Angelo Grella from Angela & Maria and for James Capozzi Sr. from wife Rose and son James Jr. The Candle on the St. Francis Altar is in memory of Anne Carbuto from Rose & Bob Curiano The Candle on the Crucifix Altar is in memory of Lucyann Lopez, Love, Mom & Dad The Candle on the St. Peregrine Altar is in memory of Arlene Lanza from Rose & Marge The Candle on the St. Theresa Altar is in memory of Anne Carbuto from Josephine & Tony Galante The Candle on the St. Lucy Altar is in memory of Betty and Herb Zier from Margaret Oporto The Candle on the St. Padre Pio Altar is a special intention for Marisa Moccia from Anna Galante The Candle on the St. Rita Altar is a special intentionprayers and thank you from Mary The Candle on the St. Anne Altar is in memory of Anne Carbuto from Rose Masone The Candle on the Madonna della Scala Altar is in memory of Elisabetta Conidi-Spatafora from Caterina Crocco The Candle on the St. Faustina Altar is a special intention for Happy 70th Anniversary Millie & Tex Davidson from Mary & Gene The Candle on the St. Joseph Altar is in memory of Michelina Staab from Lane family SEPTEMBER 1, 2013: TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the place of honor, he told them a parable. When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, 'Give this man your seat.' Quando sei invitato a nozze da qualcuno, non metterti al primo posto, perché non ci sia un altro invitato più ragguardevole di te e colui che ha invitato te e lui venga a dirti: Cedigli il posto! CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK Saturday: 3:00pm — 3:45pm Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father during the month of September….. The regular collection on 8 /25/ 2013 was $ 2,873.00 The second collection for Fuel was $1,146.00. May God bless you for your continued support and generosity. Thank you, Fr. Elias PRAY FOR OUR General Intention: That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters. Missionary Intention: That Christians suffering persecution in many parts of the world may, by their witness, be prophets of Christ’s love. Lieutenant Ryan A. Vessichelli IT3 Joseph Douso IV BULLETIN REFLECTION In the Gospel today, Jesus warns us not to give in hopes of repayment, but to give open-handedly to the poor and needy. That sort of giving mirrors the bountiful giving of God, and Jesus assures us it is blessed indeed! LIVING STEWARDSHIP We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who give real thought to how God has blessed them and then strive to give in proportion to what they have received. A class for Session “ A” for the Eucharist Ministers and for lectors will be at Kelleberg Memorial High School, 1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd, Uniondale, NY on October 19, 2013 from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Second Time Ryan John Bass, San Rocco, Glen Cove, NY Jillian Harper Fitzgerald, Our Lady of Loretto, Cold Spring, NY Third Time Robert James Bianco, St. Rocco, Glen Cove, NY Rita Graziosi, St. Rocco, Glen Cove, NY Third Time Rivera Madrid Javier, St. Rocco, Glen Cove, NY Rosetta Grella, St. Rocco, Glen Cove, NY The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. It will re-open on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9 a.m. Thank you! CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Melissa Monaco, Sal Berritto, Baby Nico, Janice C. Johnson, Lauren Kirshern, Antonia Cipriano, Teresa Brunetto, Anna Grella, Clotilde Grella, Carmela Bozzella, Anthony Sarubbe, Anthony DiGiovanni, Ruthann Ogden, Sofia Lucchese, Logan, Michael Martino, Kelly Rant, Steven Pisano, John Ruthkowski, Evan Schwarz, Debra Becker , Angela Lagorio, Nancy Celino, Baby, Adriana Carmona, Arthur Johanson, Theresa, Salvatore Totino, Phil, Mia Perciballi, Robin Ruthkowski, David Grimes, Day Szelwach, Maria Santoli, Linda Muller, Brian Schmitt, Nonie, Vivian Lorentzen, Rose Claro, Adriana A., Mary, Donna King, Faye Griffin, Deb Grazioso, Tony Jiminez, Garr Family, Soccarsa Ceglia Flick, Madeline McAleer, Barbara Ermmarino, Nicholas Basile, Tony, Raymond Curiale, Gloria Lettieri, Kyle Quackenbush, Esther Molfetta, Sacred objects that have been added to The Church of Saint Rocco Solemn High Mass Dalmatic Solemn High Mass Tunicle Red Faldstool (Priest) Pillows And Votive Candles If anyone should wish to donate any of the above sacred objects in memory of your dear one, please feel free to contact Fr. Elias or the Parish Office. Lisa Rant, Joseph Carney, Bob Bautz, Jayson Brown 2013 The Religious Education programs of St. Rocco and St. Patrick are in need of catechists for grades 1-8. If you if you are interested in volunteering 1 hour per week to this rewarding experience or for further information, please call, 516 676-2482. Thank you!!! CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE We are very grateful to the 92 families who made pledges. Amount Pledged: $20,290.00 Amount Paid: $18, 847.50 Please support this important ministry in our Diocese according to your financial means. We have the whole year to complete our pledges. Thank you. Choir Rehearsals begin this week Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:15 For those singers who are not available on Wednesday, there will be additional rehearsals First and third Tuesday From 7:00 - 8:15p.m. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ROCCO FIRST FRIDAY SACRED HEART MINISTRY We begin our new season Friday, September 6th. Prayer Service @ 11a.m. in Church. Followed by lunch in Parish Hall. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013: TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS 2013 shalom festival September 7, 2013 9:00am - 9:00pm Kellenberg Memorial High School. 1400 Glenn Curtis Blvd, Uniondale, New York 11553 Celebrate life with Jesus! HOLY MASS | EUCHARISTIC ADORATION | WORD OF GOD SPIRIT-FILLED PRAISE & WORSHIP | GRACIOUS PRESENCE OF BISHOPS Shalom Festival: A joyous celebration of Christ's Love Shalom Festivals are regional conferences where all wellwishers, benefactors and partners of Shalom ministries come together in prayer, worship and solidarity. Sessions led by Shalom TV preachers, Spirit filled praise and worship, and soul stirring music are the highlights of these conferences. These events are ecclesiastically supported by the gracious presence of Bishops. The Lord invites everyone to this spiritual banquet to receive His grace and anointing. Come and experience the everlasting love of God! If God is for us , who can be against us (Romans 8:31) For Registration, please visit Registration Fee: US $ 40.00 Per Person Age below 7 - Free Registration Fee includes lunch and dinner Cari Parrocchiani, Come sapete Io sono il nuovo Direttore Musicale qui a San Rocco's. Sono felice di avere l'opportunità di lavorare con Padre Elias e la sua congregazione. È venuta alla mia attenzione che il nostro organo ha bisogno di riparazione e aggiornamento. L’Organo Il Peragallo del 1977 consiste di due tastiere per le mani che sono chiamati i manuali, e una tastiera per i piedi. Questi tre tastiere, sono conosciuti come il console, controllano le due divisioni dell'organo, è sono chiamati il rigonfiamento e il Creshente. Dal momento dell'installazione originale, l'organo ha ricevuto solo una minima manutenzione. Sia il rigonfiamento che il creshente hanno ciascuno un somiere che forniscono aria costante per i tubi. Entrambe queste casse hanno subito un danno a causa di vasta usura e hanno bisogno di essere ristrutturato. A partire da questa settimana, uno dei somieri è già stato completamente ricostruito! Il rigonfiamento deve avere tutte le sue valvole meccaniche sostituite perché non possone più essere riparate. Le valvole si aprono e si chiudonore per consentire il passaggio dell'aria dal somiere nei tubi. Le nuove valvole saranno elettromagnetiche. Come risultato di questo aggiornamento da meccanico di componenti elettromagnetici, la console richiede un aggiornamento compatibile. Tutte le tubazioni esistenti saranno puliti e revisionati. Inoltre, saranno installate tre nuove schiere di tubi. Queste nuove tubazioni dovranno migliorare il suono e la funzione dell'organo. Tutte le altre parti dell'organo saranno rinnovate per offrire una ricostruzione completa, che porterà l'organo fino ai più alti standard possibili. Una volta che questo è compiuto, possiamo aspettarci di avere una vera qualità di un organo a canne ben equilibrato. Sono lieto di comunicare che Padre Elias il nostro Pastore è molto soddisfatto del lavoro che è iniziato! Sarò disponibile a rispondere a qualsiasi domanda che avrete e sarei felice di farvi vedere l’istrumento a chiunque sia interessato. Sentitevi liberi se volete parlare con me dopo ogni Messa. Musicalmente vostra, Maureen Husing Let us pray for the recently deceased members of our parish family… Albert G. Venturino CHURCH OF ST. ROCCO, GLEN COVE, NEW YORK The Diocese of Rockville Centre Golden Wedding Liturgy BLESSED VIRGIN MARY’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION at St. Rocco Church 11:30 am Mass - Sun., Sept 8th Please come and join us at the 11:30 am Mass for the Nativity of our Lady. We will honor Mary by celebrating the Liturgy together. A short procession inside the Church with follow (for those who wish to join). Birthday cake (donated by Leonetti’s Pastry Shop) and coffee will be served in the Madonna Room, hosted by the Rosary Society. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY!!! Honoring Couples Married Fifty Years or More Sunday, October 6th — Church of Saint of Lima in Massapequa Sunday, November 3rd — Church of Christ the King in Commack Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 pm / Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Please mail completed form to: Office of Worship Diocese of Rockville Centre PO Box 9023 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Registration for the October 6th liturgy must be received by September 19th. Registration for the November 3rd. liturgy must be received by October 17th. For questions, please call Suzanne at 516-8-5800, ex. 207.
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