February 24, 2013
February 24, 2013
St. Athanasius Church St. Athanasius Church Page 1 PARISH STAFF February 24, 2013 Pastor Brooklyn, New York Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, B.A., M.Div., M.S. Ed. Parochial Vicars Rev. Ronald D’Antonio, B.A., M.Div. Rev. Gabriel Toro-Rivas, B.A., M.Div. Ministerio Hispano/Spanish Apostolate Deacon Dante Colandrea Deacon William Kelly Deacon Jaime Cobhram The Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood, New York Director of Music Ministries Mr. Steven Laplante, M. Mus. Lay Pastoral Leader Mr. Joseph Barbieri, B.A., KHS Mrs. Madelon Vitucci Mrs. Lucy Acosta-Pugliese, B.A., M.S. Ed. Mr. Christopher Irizari WHO IS WELCOME IN ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH? Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you discriminated against because of your color? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or out of work? Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here! This is your home, and we are your family! Do you suffer from Celiac Sprue Disease? We are Celiac friendly and, after receiving permission from our Bishop, we can provide you with low gluten hosts and a pyx, in order to enable you to receive Holy Communion at daily Mass and Sunday Mass. To begin the process, please call Fr. Ron D’Antonio at our rectory, 718.236.0124 Ext. 13. RECTORY: SAINT ATHANASIUS SCHOOL: 2154 61st Street Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 236-0124 Fax. (718) 236-4960 http://www.stathanasiusbrooklyn.org [email protected] 6120 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 236-4791 Fax. (718) 621-1423 Principal: Pastoral Administration: Mrs. Marie Skroly Mrs. AnnaMarie Scuteri Mrs. Lorraine Garone-Tesoro, M.A., M.S. Ed. Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Theresa Simon The Rectory is also the home of our Parish Priests. We ask you to respect their home by observing Rectory Office Hours and by calling in advance for an appointment. SUNDAY MASSES: ENGLISH Saturday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:30,10:00,11:30 (Choir) & 6 PM SPANISH Saturday: 7:30 PM (Lower Church) Sunday: 10:00 AM (Lower Church) 1:00 PM (Upper Church) ITALIAN 11:30 AM (Lower Church) WEEKDAY MASSES: 7 and 9 AM MORNING PRAYER: Monday-Saturday 8:45 AM Cluster Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Kenny Wodzanowski, B.S. St. Frances Cabrini 1562 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 Tel. 718.490.4469 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate for the Spanish Speaking Apostolate Mr. Alvaro Chavarriaga, B.A. Oficina de Ministerio Latino Rectory Basement To contact our Pastoral Planning Council Email: [email protected] Faith Formation Office: 6120 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569 Tel. (718) 331-8811 Fax. (718) 331-2582 Director of Faith Formation: Mrs. Nicoletta Milo Our Church is Handicap Accessible. ROSARY FOR LIFE: Saturday after the 9 AM Mass IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: Mondays after 9 AM Mass DIVINE MERCY PRAYERS: Every Wednesday after 9 AM Mass CONFESSION (Reconciliation): Saturdays 4-5 PM or anytime by appointment. HOLY DAY MASSES: Eve: 7:30 PM (English) Day: 7, 9 (English) Night: 7:30 PM (Italian) Upper Church 7:30 PM (Spanish) Lower Church BAPTISM: First & Third Sunday at 2:30 PM. Parents make arrangements with Deacon. Both parents & godparents must attend a Baptismal Instruction Class on last Tuesday of month in the evening. FIRST FRIDAY: Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after last morning Mass concluding with Benediction at 7:30 PM. Italian Mass at 8 PM (Sept-June) MARRIAGE: Couples are to make arrangements six months in advance. ANOINTING & COMMUNION CALLS: Those who wish to be anointed or receive Communion at home, call one of the priests to make arrangements 718-236-0124 Page 2 St. Athanasius Church Sunday, Feb. 24th: 8:30 Joseph, Carolyn D’Antonio 10:00 Anthony & Gary Gardine 10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church 11:30 PURG. SOCIETY, Valentine Nicola Marinelli 11:30 ITAL. - Giacomo & Giuseppa Togati 1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church 6:00 Thomas & Olympia Martocci Monday, Feb. 25th: 7:00 Valentino Nicola Marinelli 9:00 Dewey R. Gallese Tuesday, Feb. 26th: 7:00 Rosario Emanuele Musumeci 9:00 Filippo Comes, Anniv. Wednesday, Feb. 27th: 7:00 Ribaudo Family 9:00 Pietro Ferrantelli 7:30 Vespers Thursday, Feb. 28th: 7:00 Marie Harkness 9:00 Bruno Speziale Friday, March 1st, FIRST FRIDAY: 7:00 Vincent Leonardo, Jennie, Nick. Camille Porcaro 9:00 Joseph Martori 8:00 ITAL. - Isabella e Giuseppe Muscatelli Saturday, March 2nd: 9:00 Mary Dennigan 5:30 Connie & Saverio Quaranta 7:30 Spanish Mass - Lower Church Sunday, March 3rd: 8:30 Giuseppe & Baby Rose Casimassima 10:00 Giuseppe, Maria Margiottiello, Nicolo Pomo 10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church 11:30 PURG. SOCIETY, Mary & Anthony Muzio Joseph & Judy Capozzi –50th Anniversary Blessing 11:30 ITAL. - Francesco Musuruca 1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church 6:00 Lillian Mazzola Please Turn Off Cell Phones February 24, 2013 PASTORAL CARE Please don’t forget to inform us if you are going to be hospitalized so one of our priests can visit. Provide us with your name, hospital, room number, phone number and, when possible, how long you will be hospitalized. If you are unable to attend Mass, due to poor health, illness or advanced age, please call so a Eucharistic Minister can bring Communion to you. Anointing of the Sick may be requested because of scheduled surgery or treatment for a life-threatening illness. Call us prior to your surgery or treatment. Anointing of the Sick at Mass may be celebrated before you go into the hospital. Directly inform one of our priests or call one of our Pastoral Administrators. WELCOME, we’re glad you’re here! If this is the first time you have been to St. A's, welcome! We promise that if you keep your heart and mind open to God, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Would you like to talk to someone? We’re here to listen and help if we can. Just call us at the Rectory when you’re ready. In the meantime, remember that you are always prayed for and that it is our hope to pray with you each week. MAKE A VISIT TO THE CHURCH AND PRAY IN THE PRESENCE OF JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Don't forget our Upper Church is open Monday-Friday from 6:30a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday 7a.m. to 7p.m. & Sundays 7a.m. to 7p.m. Feel welcome to kneel at the communion rail at the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament or sit on the benches in the Sanctuary. Memorials for the Week Hosts: In Loving Memory of Mario De Pinto requested by wife, Jennie and children Altar Wine: In Loving Memory of John Buoncore requested by wife, children & grandchildren Candles: In Loving Memory of Filippo Comes requested by Joe, Teresa Pesce and family Sanctuary Lamp: In Loving Memory of Raymond Joseph Alessi requested by wife, Ann Sanctuary Lamp: In Loving Memory of Dewey Gallese requested by his cousins Knights of Columbus Right-to-Life Rose: OPEN BAPTISMAL IN-TAKE: Baptismal arrangements are made every Wed. evening from 7-8:30 pm in the Rectory basement. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when you come in. Instruction Class is held the last Tuesday of the month in the evening. Our Call to Christian Stewardship Feb. 17, 2013 - $10,413.00 Feb. 19, 2012 - $10,594.00 Page 3 St. Athanasius Church TUESDAY LENTEN FILM SERIES Nazareth Institute - 9:45am MAR. 5TH - "JESUS OF NAZARETH " - PART 2 MAR.12TH - "JESUS OF NAZARETH" - PART 3 MAR.19TH - "JESUS OF NAZARETH" - PART 4 MAR.26TH - THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION BY FR. ROBERT BARRON February 24, 2013 Page 4 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 LENTEN SCHEDULE Calendar.... STATIONS OF THE CROSS Tues., Feb. 26 7:00 pm Golden Gloves Meeting Rectory Basement Friday Thurs., Feb 28 7:00 pm Mass for Pope Benedict XVI 3:00 pm - English 7:30 pm - Italian 7:30 pm - Spanish (Lower Church) WEDNESDAY VESPERS 7:30PM Fri., Mar. 1 7:00 pm Golden Gloves Auditorium Sun., Mar. 3 After Masses Auditorium Holy Name Soc. Hospitality Sunday World Youth Day Fundraiser Mon., Mar. 4 7:00 pm Spring Fling Meeting - Rectory 7:30 pm Pastoral Council Nazareth Institute Tue., Mar. 5 7:00 pm Jubilee Committee Meeting Rectory Basement Sat. / Sun. Mar.9-10 - All Masses In-Pew Solicitation 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal Sun., Mar. 10 6:00 pm Youth Mass - 1st Confirmation Youth Group Session Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 20 Topic – Simple Happiness How to be Happy !!! Presenter - World Famous Psychologist Jim Ryan PARISH LENTEN MISSION MASS AND HOMILY By Former Priests of the Parish 7:30pm March 11 Fr. Brian Patterson March 12 Fr. Robert Mucci March 13 To be announced March 14 Msgr. Robert Thelen LENTEN REGULATIONS FASTING: All Catholics between the ages 18 and 59 are bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Two very light meals are permitted. Wed. Mar. 27 7:00 pm Youth Way of the Cross ABSTINENCE: The following Weekday Masses for 2013 are available: Time Date 7:00am Sept. 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30 The following Memorials for May - June 2013 are available: Host Wine Candles Sanctuary Lamp Sanctuary Lamp May 19; June 2, 9,30 June 9, 30 All Catholics who have reached their 14th year are bound to Abstain totally from meat on All Fridays of Lent. EASTER DUTY: After a person has received First Communion, he or she must receive Communion at least once a year, during the Easter Season. The Easter Season begins with the First Sunday of Lent (Feb. 17th) and continues until Trinity Sunday (May 26th). Reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is encouraged during Lent, especially if you have been away from Sunday Mass. Page 5 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 St. Athanasius School See How We Sparkle 6th Annual Spring Fling Thursday, April 25, 2013 at The El Caribe, 7 p.m. Tickets $50. per person Available at the Rectory Monday - Friday (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Baby Bottle Campaign Thank You! Thank you for participating in the Good Counsel baby bottle campaign. The change you are collecting in the bottles will bless Good Counsel’s pro-life homes in New York and New Jersey. For more information about their ministry please go to www.goodcounselhomes.org. The 4th and 5th Grades would like to thank the St. Athanasius Community. As part of the Little Doctors Program, the Blood Drive sponsored during Catholic Schools Week, was a wonderful experience. They appreciate your prayers, good wishes and most importantly, the 69 pints of blood donated. Thank you and God Bless you. Welcome Home Sunday Sunday - April 7, 2013 Your help needed!!! If you have the current information for a former parishioner, please fill out the form below. Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ City/State:_______________________________________________________ Tel:__________________________ Return form to the rectory. Attention: Msgr. Page 6 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 Palm Crosses & Easter Plants On Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday), Cavallaro Council - Knights of Columbus will be selling Palm Crosses and Easter Flowers in front of St. Athanasius Church. We will also be selling Easter Flowers on Sunday, March 31st (Easter Sunday). Proceeds from the sale go to all of their charitable deeds including their work with the homeless, underprivileged children and their work within the Parish. Please show your support. More information can be found at: www. cavallarocouncil.com Healing Mass A Lenten Healing Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 5th. We will begin with the Rosary at 7:00 p.m., followed by Mass at 8:00 p.m. The Mass offered by Fr. John Campoli is for all illnesses and problems. Come for a beautiful blessing. World Youth Day Fundraiser There will be over 250 young pilgrims from the Diocese of Brooklyn going to Brazil this summer and we have close to 30 going with our Youth Ministry Program. Please help them raise the funds to be able to go and make this great spiritual journey! Barrels will be in the back of Church each week and we ask that you be as generous as possible. Please empty those change jars and you can also write checks out to St. Athanasius Cluster Youth Ministry. Also please try your best to support the different events that will benefit the pilgrims directly such as the Hospitality Sunday, sponsored by the Holy Name Society on March 3rd, and our $100 raffle! Bishop Kearney H. S. 40th Annual Card Party Extravaganza Friday, March 22, 2013 Doors open at 7:00pm - Donation $20 Includes sandwich, soda, coffee & cookies For tickets call S. Virginia at (718) 236-6363 x247 NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR Bishop Kearney H. S. Academic Honorees Alexa Carvajal Principal’s List Grade 10 Gabrielle DeRosa First Honors Grade 10 Danielle DeNora Second Honors Grade 10 Page 7 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 Bollettino Settimanale Messa in Italiano ogni Domenica alle 11:30am (Chiesa di giu’) VENERDI’, 29 MARZO 2013 L’ANNUALE PROCESSIONE DEL VENERDI’ SANTO QUEST’ANNO TERMINA ALLA BASILICA REGINA PACIS Dal nostro DIACONO DANTE COLANDREA Riflessione del mese di febbraio INTRODUZIONE ALLA VIA CRUCIS (Don Angelo Saporiti, Riflessione sull'amore di Madre Teresa) Oggi fra la gente del mondo, Gesù vive la propria passione. La Via Crucis si ripete oggi come duemila anni fa nei giovani, nei sofferenti, negli affamati, nelle persone malate e portatrici di handicap. Noi oggi siamo qui per vivere la Via Crucis di Gesù. La Via Crucis è fatta di stazioni. Stazione significa "sosta" "fermata". Significa per noi "esserci", stare lì vicino a quella situazione, a quella persona, a quella sofferenza … Vivere la Via Crucis significa esserci. E allora noi siamo lì? Siamo lì in quel bambino che mangia un pezzo di pane, briciola dopo briciola, perché sa che, quando quel tozzo di pane sarà finito, non ce ne sarà più e avrà di nuovo fame? Siamo lì con quel bambino? Siamo lì con quelle migliaia di persone che ogni giorno muoiono, non solo per un tozzo di pane, ma per un po' d'amore, di considerazione, di giustizia. Siamo lì? Siamo lì quando i nostri giovani cadono, come Gesù è caduto più volte per noi? Siamo lì come era lì Simone il Cireneo, a risollevarli, a prendere su di noi la loro fatica, la loro delusione, la loro depressione? Siamo lì con gli alcolizzati, i senzatetto, i senza lavoro, i senza famiglia, i vecchi, gli esclusi … La vera preghiera (S. Agostino) La vera preghiera non è nella voce, ma nel cuore. Non sono le nostre parole, ma i nostri desideri a dar forza alle nostre suppliche. Se invochiamo con la bocca la vita eterna, senza desiderarla dal profondo del cuore, il nostro grido è un silenzio. Se senza parlare, noi la desideriamo dal profondo del cuore, il nostro silenzio è un grido. Queste sono alcune stazioni della Via Crucis. Le altre sono dentro di noi. Le conosciamo bene: sono il nostro rapporto difficile con il marito, la moglie, i nostri conflitti con i figli adolescenti, le nostre incomprensioni con i parenti, le nostre liti con i vicini, i nostri volti duri con gli amici, i nostri preconcetti con i compagni, il nostro disimpegno sociale e cristiano il nostro correre tutta la giornata senza avere un orientamento, le nostre scuse per non trovare mai il tempo per pregare, per stare un po' in silenzio, per meditare, per conoscere meglio Gesù, per incontralo … Non possiamo far finta di non vedere queste stazioni della nostra Via Crucis. La Via Crucis è una via di consapevolezza del mio peccato personale e una presa di coscienza del nostro peccato sociale, come comunità civile e come Chiesa. Iniziamo ad andare dietro a Gesù sulla via dolorosa. Precorriamo la Via Crucis, passo dopo passo, con consapevolezza, con lucidità, con coscienza, con trasparenza. Lasciamoci andare all'amore di Dio. Chiediamo a Gesù il dono delle lacrime e il dono del cambiamento della nostra vita. Gesù è morto per noi per dirci che non c'è amore più grande di quello che dona la vita. Lui ci darà la forza, perché Gesù è la nostra forza! La vera preghiera (S. Agostino) La vera preghiera non è nella voce, ma nel cuore. Non sono le nostre parole, ma i nostri desideri a dar forza alle nostre suppliche. Se invochiamo con la bocca la vita eterna, senza desiderarla dal profondo del cuore, il nostro grido è un silenzio. Se senza parlare, noi la desideriamo dal profondo del cuore, il nostro silenzio è un grido.VIA CRICIS – OGNI VENERDI’ ALLE ORE 8 PM – come ogni anno vi ricordiamo di partecipare tutti i venerdi’ durante la Quaresima alla Via Della Croce. TRIDUO PASQUALE durante la settimana santa - lunedi’, martedi’, e mercoledi’ della settimana santa - 25, 26, 27 marzo. Messa alle 8pm. La prime due serate avremo il Rev. Padre Al Barozzi, e la terza il Reverendo Padre Carlo Graziano. Confessioni tutte e tre sere alle 7pm prima della Messa e anche dopo la Messa. DATA DA RICORDARE . Da lunedi’ a giovedi’ 11-14 marzo – ogni sera alle 7:30pm Messa con sacerdoti che hanno servito la nostra parrocchia. PROSSIMI VIAGGI CON DIACONO DANTE Dal 19 al 24 maggio – viaggio a Savannah, Georgia. Per prenotazioni - 917- 602 - 3793. Dal 8 al 12 luglio – viaggio alle cascade del Niagara. Per prenotazioni -917 – 602 – 3793. Dal 10 al 16 novembre – viaggio a Orlando, Florida. Per informazioni - 917 – 602 – 3793. Page 8 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 II DOMINGO DE CUARESMA El monte Tabor, donde tuvo lugar el episodio que nos narra el Evangelio de hoy , es la mayor elevación de esa región en el medio oriente, con 660 metros de altura. Desde su cima se domina el Valle de Jezreel y se ve desde Nazareth hasta Samaria y Galilea su cima forma una amplia altiplanicie, muy adecuada para lo que queria Pedro: hacer varias tiendas y quedarse alli. Hoy dia en la cima del monte se encuentra la Basilica de la Transfiguración. Jesús se transformo en la apariencia que el tendria por toda la eternidad , una vez entrara en el reino de Dios pero los Apóstoles tuvieron el privilegio de ver esta transformación antes que ocurriera, Esta transformación era producto de lo que Jesús tenía en su Corazón , era el reflejo de su alma compenetrada con el Padre; Esa misma transformación es la que Dios quiere para cada uno de nosotros no para hacernos sentir bien sino para que nos integremos de manera verdadera con la Iglesia y vivir su Evangelio. Vivamos pues estos dias de preparación a la Semana Santa con mucha devoción y entrega para que lleguemos a la Semana Mayor de nuestra Fe Católica transformados en hombres nuevos . PARTES DE LA MISA 1. RITOS INICIALES.Entrada Saludo al altar y pueblo congregado Señor, ten piedad Gloria Oracióncolecta 2. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA. 3. LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA: Preparación de los dones. Plegaria eucarística.Rito de la Comunión 4. RITO DE CONCLUSIÓN. AVISOS DOMINICALES x BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL MARZO 23 Y ABRIL 27, REGISTRARSE CON TIEMPO EN LA RECTORIA. x REGISTRACIONES PARA LA ESCUELA ELEMENTAL A PARTIR DEL LUNES 28 DE ENERO A LAS 9 AM TENEMOS CUPOS DISPONIBLES DESDE GUARDERIA HASTA GRADO 7, INTERESADOS COMUNICARSE CON EL SEÑOR ALVARO EN LA RECTORIA 718-236-0124 EXT 24. x DURANTE TODOS LOS VIERNES DE CUARESMA TENDREMOS EL REZO DEL SANTO VIACRUCIS Y EL SANTO ROSARIO COMENZANDO EL VIERNES 15 DE FEBRERO A LAS 7 PM EN EL TEMPLO DE ABAJO. x APARTIR DEL VIERNES 15 DE FEBRRERO RETIROS DE CUARESMA 7:30PM TEMPLO DE ABAJO x MISA EN HONOR AL DIVINO NIÑO ULTIMO SABADO DE CADA MES TEMPLO DE ABAJO 7:30 PM x ACOMPAÑENOS DEL 24 AL 31 DE MARZO A CELEBRAR LA SEMANA SANTA , TODOS LOS SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL . EN LAS PROXIMAS SEMANAS ESTAREMOS DISTRIBUYENDO LA PROGRAMACION CON TODOS LOS EVENTOS . Page 9 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 Page 10 St. Athanasius Church Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, Pastor Rev. Ron D’Antonio, Parochial Vicar Rev. Gabriel Toro, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dante Colandrea Deacon Bill Kelly Mrs. Marie Skroly, Pastoral Administration Mrs. AnnaMarie Scuteri, Pastoral Administration Mr. Steven LaPlante, Music Ministry Mr. Joseph Barbieri, Lay Pastoral Leader Mr. Alvaro Chavarriaga, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Michele DeStefano, Secretary Ext. 11 Ext. 13 Ext. 14 Ext. 23 Ext. 44 Ext. 10 Ext. 19 Ext. 25 Ext. 24 Ext. 12 February 24, 2013 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1913 2013 100th Jubilee Events Mon.– Thur., March 11-14, 2013 7:30pm - Jubilee Mission Mass & Homily by Former Priests of the Parish Thursday, March 21, 2013 Special 100th Anniversary Recital with Combined Choirs Directed by Steven Laplante Wednesday, March 27, 2013 100th Anniversary Youth Ministry Way of the Cross Sunday, April 7, 2013 11:30am Mass - Welcome Home Sunday-Divine Mercy Sunday Former Parishioners - Refreshments Served Thursday, May 2, 2013 7:00pm Feast of St. Athanasius - Trilingual Mass & Reception June 2013 Youth Event - TBD July 1-11,2013 Parish Trip to the Tomb of St. Athanasius Sunday, September 22, 2013 Ministry Sunday Sunday, October 27, 2013 11:30 am Mass - Closing of the Jubilee Year November 17, 2013 2:00pm - 9:00pm - Dinner Dance Gala at El Caribe In your kindness please pray for those who are sick Santo Ammirable, Nina Amico, Vivian & Antoni Antonelli, Patricia Aurigemma, Timoteo Beck, John Bernard, Al Bergen, John Bernard, Mary Bidmead, Joseph Biuso, Jr.,Stacy Bono, Alfred Brancaccio, Catherine Broderick, Brenda Burns, Christopher Canale, Robert F. Cannone, Anthony Caputo, Ann Centorrino, Carmela Colandrea, Robert Colosini, Josephine Como, Rosemarie Costagliola, Julia Coston, Thomas Cronin, Diana D’Alessandro, Josephine D’Auria, Anthony De Fino, Anthony De Luco, Rachel De Pinto, Laura D’Antonio, Craig De Lullo, Alex De Marco, Jr., Alex De Marco, III, Joan Demeyer, Jacqueline Di Palma, Elaine Esposito, Tina Esposito, Vincent Esposito, Patricia Farenga, Ann Fasano, Anthony Felicito, Lauren Fevola, Stanley Fishelson, Mary Fumai, Gracie & Theresa Garritano, Edward Gironachan, Gary Golemi, Barbara Hale, Helen Hauser, John Hockenberry, William Horgan, Carlo, Diana Ingravallo, Aldo Inguanti, Julie Inzerillo, Cerina Jimanez, Neil, Paul & Stephen Kelleher, Rose, Keith & Elicia Klein, Herb Levin, Catherine Linde, Jillian Lasinsky, Richard & John Liberti, Angela Maffai, Sara Marie LoCicero, Lo Piano Family, Eileen Lucchese, Ellen MacDougall, Maiya Macko, John Malloney, Katherine Mami, Linda Mark, Grace Martino, Paul Mezzo, Andrew Mirabella, A & M. Mohamed, Lucia Montella, Lucy Napoli, Lisa Neglia, Roger Nilsen, Palma Parmese, Frank Nitto, Joe P., John Palmiero, Jean Palombo, Rafael Pellez, Clara Pezza, Cathal Quigley, Felicia Randolph, Joseph Riccardi, Margaret Rizzi, Ida Russo, Judy Sabatini, Rosemary Sabatelle, Angelina, Jenna, Dina Scarponi, Jada Sciacchatano, Antoinetta Selicchi, Matthew Settanni, Concetta Sigona, Alecia Sirico, Jared Speroni, Marie Stokes, Suzanne Taranto, Dorothy Thoelen, Peter Tarulli, Lori Taub, Helen Umhasuser, Vasta Family, Rita Venezia, Nicole Villorola, Carla Vitucci, Leonard Walder,Josephine & Robert Wise, Jr., Nelson Yates, Martin Zukowski Please help us keep this list current. If you know of someone who has passed away, please call the rectory. Page 11 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 Remember When? Saint Athanasius is home to a vibrant and growing Hispanic community. This year they will celebrate their 15th year at St. A’s. The first Spanish Mass was celebrated on September 14, 1998 by Monsignor Fernando Ferrarese. The spiritual leader now is Father Gabriel Toro-Rivas. Father Gabriel came to Saint Athanasius in 1999 and quickly became the popular “Pastor” of this fast-growing congregation. It has grown so much that there are three (3) well attended Masses weekly. As a matter of fact, Father Gabriel tells me that there are 1,000 Hispanic Parishioners who proudly call Saint Athanasius Church their home. Their choir and music make their celebration of Mass beautiful and lively. They celebrate many feast days with Processions including Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Three Kings and Good Friday. They are all well organized and draw many parishioners to worship and participate in these Processions. Our CCD program is the second largest in the diocese due to the strong Hispanic enrollment. There are many hardworking people that make up this part of our family. Their rich culture and profound belief has allowed Saint Athanasius to grow and flourish even among the many changes to our neighborhood. This week, in honor of our 100th Jubilee, our Parish is holding an International Dinner Night. Please come an Jackie Mazzola-Santulli If you have any memories you’d like to share, please feel free to contact me at (347) 554-0831 or leave them at the rectory. Page 12 St. Athanasius Church February 24, 2013 Youth Ministry Bowling League Bensonhurst Youth Ministry Calling all youth, any age, do you like to bowl? Going pro or just learning? Every other Friday in the late afternoon at Shell Lanes, we have a youth league, with teams of all ages desired. Have some friendly competition and be part of a team! Program just restarted so if you want to join call/ email Frank Morale at (917)566-0768 or [email protected] for more information and to register. This program is fully supported by the Bensonhurst Cluster Youth Ministry program. Youth Center - Every Tuesday from 6:309:30PM at St. Frances Cabrini. For youth 6th grade through high school. Come where faith and fun are one! Calling all confirmed Youth! Have you received your confirmation last year, year before or more? Looking to learn more, share more with your faith? Then we need you and you need us, join the NEWLY formed Post Confirmation Youth Group! If you know someone who was confirmed remind them they need to be more involved in the church, that is what they confirmed with the bishop, now time to live it. Soul Team - Meets every first and third Wednesday at St. Frances Cabrini . This is a High School and College Leadership Team. Youth Mass - at St. Athanasius and meets either the 2nd or 4th Sunday. Afterwards a post confirmation youth group, and confirmation leaders group will meet from 7-9PM. Faith Formation: Youth and Adult Lead sessions. meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at St. Simon and Jude from 7-9PM. Passion Players: Youth drama group meets on Tuesday evenings at the Youth Center SYP- Saturday Youth program meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday at St. Athanasius from 10:30-2PM. Open Gym/Youth Center at St. Simon and Jude meets every first and third Friday from 7-9PM. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gives Back For each car, truck or van, running or not, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church a $50/$100 per vehicle donation. If you, a family member, friend or neighbor has an old neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of, call the Society at (718) 491 2525 Thank you! The St. A’s Scouting Program meets every Wednesday night in the school auditorium at 7:00 p. m. All boys ages 7-18. Boys and Girls 14-21 can join the Venturing Crew. Come and learn skills that will last a lifetime. Page 13 St. Athanasius Church Faith Sharing Question of the Week We encourage you to talk about the readings & reflection question in the car on the way home from Mass, at dinner on Sunday, or at parish meetings. Faith sharing opens the door for us to meet, know & walk with Christ in our everyday lives. What role does silence play in your Lenten journey? The Morning Scripture Reflection & Faith Sharing Group Meets every Thursday, after the 9a.m. Mass, in the Nazareth Institute to discuss the upcoming Sunday's Scriptures. Join Lay Pastoral Leader Joe Barbieri for spirited discussions on next Sunday’s readings. Golden Age Club Meets every Wednesday at 12:45pm in the School Auditorium (During the school year) All Golden Agers are welcome to join us. Figlia Maria SS Addolorata Join them every First Friday to pray the Rosary in the Nazareth Institute at 8pm. During May the Rosary is prayed on Mon., Wed. & Fri. at 8pm Charismatic Prayer Group Meets every Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Lower Church. The St. Athanasius Respect Life Ministry Rosary and Prayers for an end to abortion. Every Saturday after the 9:00am Mass.. “We pray for the souls of all aborted babies and the minds and souls of their mothers.” February 24, 2013 Rosary Society The Rosarians welcome all women of the Parish. The Society is dedicated to the Blessed Mother, the growth of the love of God through Mary. We honor the Blessed Mother by the constant and reverent praying of the rosary in our daily life. We are involved in all Parish activities, liturgical and social – and keep informed about civic community activities. Spiritual activities include an Annual Retreat, Annual Communion Breakfast and Baby Shower for Unwed Mothers. The Society raises money to help our Church continue outreach efforts. The fundraisers include: Christmas Fair, Basket Night, Chinese Auction. We attend the 10:00am Mass on the Third Sunday of the month (except July & August) followed by a meeting & light breakfast in the School. If interested, please call Barbara @ 718-331-8544 or just come to the Mass & meeting. Holy Name Society New members are welcome to help with our community service work. The Society is a spiritual organization, a fraternity of the Catholic Church, spreading devotion to the Name of Jesus. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! The present Holy Name Society members dedicate themselves to corporal works in helping our Parish Organizations and School, with various fundraising. The Holy Name meets every second Sunday of each month (after the 10 a.m. Mass), except for July & August. Men of all ages are welcome, especially the fathers of children attending St. A’s School and Catholic War Veterans are cordially invited to attend. For more info., call Ed DiGiacomo at:718-836-7917 Make a difference in your community. Join the Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus are looking for Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Whether it’s doing charitable deeds, making new friends, or supporting your church, the Knights of Columbus may be right for you. Find out more by visiting www.cavallarocouncil.com or call 718-259-5080. Community Outreach Program Where there is despair, let us bring hope. Volunteers are needed to serve food to the poor and the homeless on Saturday Mornings. For more information, please call Fred Rubino at (718) 236-0264 or Dawn Aiello at (718) 232-3113 Food Pantry Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Panty is requesting donations of the following items: Cereal, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter & jelly, tomato sauce & pasta. Leave all donations in front of the St. Joseph Altar. We thank you in advance for helping the needy of our Parish. RENTALS APARTMENT WANTED: one bdrm. Willing to pay $800. a month. Pet friendly. Call: 908-670-3661, ask for Janice. APARTMENT WANTED: one bdrm., single man, has references. Willing to pay $600. Call: Johnny at 917-478-3411 APARTMENT WANTED: 2bdrm., prefer 4 family. Call: 347-713-3269 APARTMENT FOR RENT: 2bdrm, 4 rms., in a 3 fam., 2nd fl. front. Newly renovated. Call 347-866-2233 Page 14 St. Athanasius Church The District Attorney’s Office is located in the Rectory Conference Room on Wednesdays from 9 - 4. Call 718.234.8709. The Neighborhood Office is an extension of the District Attorney’s Office’s Citizen Action Center. You can discuss problems that concern you and our community with their staff members. BINGO Every Thursday in the Auditorium. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admission $3. Info. call 917-285-1932 Game starts at 7:30 p.m. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Cavallaro Council - Knights of Columbus will be having their annual affair on Sunday April 14th. Tickets for the event will be going on sale soon. We will also be selling raffles and journal ads. Please support us. Log onto www.cavallarocouncil.com for more information Home Assistance We are happy to announce that two members of our Parish have now opened: Right-at-Home In Home Care and Assistance 7102 20th Ave. 1-347-554-8400 - Asst. Ruby February 24, 2013 Do you need a Minister of Caring? Is someone in your family ill, homebound, hospitalized or in a care facility (assisted living or nursing home) & wishes a visit or a phone call from a Minister of Caring, please call the Rectory and leave your name & number. Support Groups at St. A’s Bereavement Support meets in the Nazareth Institute with Sr. Barbara Murtha, C.S.J. on Mondays, Sept. to June, at 7:30pm. Will begin again in the Spring. Divorced & Separated Support Group will meet in the Nazareth Institute from 7:30-9:30p.m. on Tuesdays. Mar. 5, 19; Apr 2, 16, 30; May 14, 28; June 11, 25. Call Enza at: 917-613-3959 for more information (after 7 p.m.). Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. Meeting every Friday night at 7:30p.m. in the Nazareth Institute. Overeaters Anonymous members talk about their struggles with compulsive eating. Meeting every Wednesday night at 8:00p.m. in the Nazareth Institute. Is your life effected by someone who is drinking? To help them, you must first help yourself. Al-Anon helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. Our Al-Anon Group meets in the Nazareth Institute every Friday 8-9:30p.m. & Saturday 7:30-9:30p.m. In order for designated Parish Ministries & Organizations to reserve one of our rooms at St. A’s, we require you to fill out our Parish Calendar & Room Request Form. The form is available in the rectory or can be downloaded from our website. We even have an E-form so you complete this form without writing. Just e-mail it back to us, or print it out and drop it off. All Requests must be made using our form. E-mail completed form to AnnaMarie Scuteri at [email protected]. This is the ONLY way to reserve a room here at St. A's. The group listed on the parish calendar is the group that has the right to use that space. If you are not a designated ministry of our parish, permission must be granted from our Pastor, Msgr. Cassato, a rental fee is paid, and a lease agreement completed in order to use space. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines The Sunday Bulletin must be e-mailed to our printer by 10a.m. Monday. All announcements must be submitted in WRITTEN form only (handwritten, typed, computer, fax, e-mailed, etc) by 3p.m. Friday. Announcements received after the deadline will be published the following week. No one on the parish staff will assume the responsibility for your ministry’s articles. Include your bulletin articles in your advance planning for your event. All Flyers need to be approved by a staff member and submitted by Email only to [email protected].
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