175 Current Cover.indd - John Patrick Publishing Company
175 Current Cover.indd - John Patrick Publishing Company
CLERGY Rev. Anthony J. Costa, Pastor Rev. Salvatore M. Riccio, Pastor Emeritus Rev. J.A. Grant, Parochial Vicar/Senior Priest Rev. Joseph J. Meehan, Pastor Emeritus St. Eugene (Primos, PA) In Residence Deacon James D. Kane Deacon Arthur M McGuire Deacon W. Timothy Baxter Coordinator of Religious Education: Madelyn McBride Parish Music Director: Eric J. Longo Parish Business Manager: Marianne Bier Parish Bookkeeper: Mary Ann Tucker Parish Secretaries: Joan Curtis & Suzanne Marinari Rectory: 136 Saxer Ave., Springfield, PA 19064 610-543-0848 • Fax: 610-604-0283 www.sfaparish.org [email protected] Parish School: 112 Saxer Ave. • 610-543-0546 Parish School Principal: Jill Carroll www.SFAschool.com Eucharistic Celebration Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM Monday-Saturday: 8:00 AM Holyday Vigil: As announced Holyday: As announced Rite of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45, Every Wednesday 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM (from September to June), Every day by appointment, Communal Services: Seasonal Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the First and Second Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM and on the third Sunday within the 11:30 AM Eucharistic Liturgy. Initiation into the Catholic Church - R.C.I.A. Weekly sessions are held for adults considering belonging to the Catholic Church. Marriage Arrangements must be made at least six months before the wedding date is chosen. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment with a priest. Parish Registration Welcome new members! You may pick up your welcoming packet (which includes registration) at the rectory after all Masses on the weekend or Monday to Thursday from 9 AM to 7:30 PM, Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Appointments You are asked, if possible, to arrange an appointment in advance by calling the Rectory, 610-543-0848 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield, PA is to be disciples. Centered in the Eucharist, we are called to encounter, follow and imitate Jesus’ way of life through the humble example of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi. 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:00AM Mary Curran 8:30AM Fred Brino 10:00AM Frank Fries 11:30AM Vince Cesario Monday, October 17, 2016 8:00AM Jeanne Motter 1:00PM ADORATION Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:00AM Claire Noone Wednesday, October 19, 2016 8:00AM Henry and Stella Grassa Thursday, October 20, 2016 8:00AM Matthew Friel Friday, October 21, 2016 8:00AM Walter Krewson (2nd Anniversary) Saturday, October 22, 2016 8:00AM Virginia Woods 4:00PM For the People of the Parish Sunday, October 23, 2016 7:00AM Rose Petrini 8:30AM Nicholas Caruso 10:00AM Thomas Flaherty 11:30AM Anthony and Stella Narcavage THE SANCTUARY CANDLE This candle burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. For the Week of October 16th, the candle will burn in loving memory of Neil Rieder as requested by his family. †REMEMBER ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED† Especially, Mary Dolente May they rest in God’s peace. May their families be comforted. MEMORIAL FOR OCTOBER 2016 BREAD ~Mary T. Messa (5th Anniversary) WINE ~Kelly Allen Home Sales: Monday to Thursday; 9AM-5PM Call Chris Breslin at 610-543-7244 Sunday hours: Rectory Basement: 9-11:15AM SFA CYO is the recipient of the United Way under the Honor Option Plan. Your donation supports our activities for youth of our parish. If you wish to support the CYO, please indicate: CYO/ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI/SPRINGFIELD #7046 SFA CYO This past year our Pastoral Council read and discussed a popular book called Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, Making Church Matter. In particular, we discerned what can be applied here at St. Francis of Assisi. Here is a quote from pages 116-117: “We’re convinced that weekend programs for children that stand alongside of, or in addition to Mass, aren’t just a good thing; they’re critically important to creating an irresistible environment for parents (or grandparents) with young kids. One of the major reasons families drop out of churchworld these days is because it’s too difficult for them to go to Mass on a weekly basis. It just doesn’t work out trying to bring small children into an adult worship event. The Mass is neither children’s ministry nor “family time.” It’s time we give to God. We’re firm believers that children should be introduced to the Mass and learn to worship there. But we also believe that happens most successfully in age-appropriate environments that help them learn how to worship. Without programs for children, families have no choice. How often have you seen a parent unsuccessfully trying to keep a toddler occupied and quiet, all the while eliciting dirty stares all around (some of them coming from the altar). We force small children to try to sit through a service that is incomprehensible to them. And then we’re surprised when they grow to hate it and stop going at their earliest opportunity. We are accomplishing the opposite of what we’re trying to effect. This is a part of our culture that we have to change.” Our Pastoral Council feels providing an opportunity for children to learn about worship and prayer at a young age is vitally important. Providing a babysitting service so parents of young children can participate fully at Mass is also important. Our church is beautiful but does not have the design to meet these needs. The small vestibule area on Saxer Avenue has speakers; however, the area is not soundproof. Small children running around and calling out in the vestibule can be heard in the body of the church. The sounds of small children who are talking, squealing, and calling out during Mass who are in church unfortunately echo throughout the body of the church. With these challenges in mind, we are now ready to provide an exciting invitation for parishioners and their small children! Beginning on Sunday, November 6th babysitting will be provided during the 8:30 and 10:00 Mass for infants - age 5. Those parents who wish to take advantage of this service should bring their young children to the rear entrance of Ward Hall. Please provide diapers/diaper bag if your child will need a change. If you wish to know more about this service please contact Beth McCarthy at 484598-3029 or [email protected]. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program Level 1 for ages 3-5 will be available during the 8:30 and 10:00 Mass beginning on Sunday, November 6th in Ward Hall. This program is a religious formation method for children based on the educational philosophies of Maria Montessori. Children experience Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in an atrium, a sacred space where religious experience leads into learning the meaning of worship and prayer. In the atrium children are exposed to hands-on catechetical learning materials, like the vessels used at Mass, and guided by catechists trained in the program. To maintain the contemplative atmosphere of the atrium space is limited and registration is required. If you have questions on the program please contact Beth McCarthy [email protected]. If you wish to register your child for The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd please contact Madelyn McBride at 610-5430848 or [email protected]. 1-175 BREAKING OPEN THE WORD 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 23, 2016 Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18 It’s not difficult to identify the poor communities near us. “Poor” does not just refer to material deficiencies, because that would put MOST of us in THAT boat! Poor can also refer to emotional and spiritual emptiness. Name someone you know that is empty in his or her faith. How can you reach out to them? 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18 “You can’t take it with you!” How often have you heard that and how many of you ignore it? Paul teaches us that CONFIDENCE, FORGIVENESS, SURRENDER are all you need to pass freely from this world to the next. What are you holding onto that may be keeping you from preparing for a Christian’s death in Christ? Luke 18: 9-14 You don’t want to think yourself “better than thou”, but in this society, it’s what you are bombarded with. You have to strive to be the best, no matter whom you step on or look down on in the process. “Humility” doesn’t even seem to be in our vocabulary. Are you a proud or humble person? What could you do to be in the right relationship with God? Thank you to everyone who attended the Stewardship Committee's Time and Talent Fair! If you were unable to make it and would like information on all the SFA ministries, there are brochures describing each ministry at the doors of the Church and in the Rectory. If you need more information on how to get involved in one of our many wonderful ministries, please email Beth Knaub at [email protected] or call 610-764-6548. This week the Stewardship Corner will share information about the Communications & Marketing/Public Relations (PR) Committee: The overall objective of this group is to inform parishioners, SFA School families, as well as the local community of news and accomplishments of our parish and school. What you are reading right now each week in the bulletin is one aspect of the committee’s work. However, besides contributing to the SFA bulletin, some of the committee’s other responsibilities are: preparation of pulpit announcements, obtaining photos for media, providing content to the SFA website as well as producing a newsletter. To do this the Communications & Marketing/PR team works with SFA’s many active ministries and SFA school in order to maximize visibility of our vibrant faith community. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Baby Timothy ‘TJ’ Duke Michael Komar, Jr. Meghan Rauchut Diane Colgan Isabella Carullo Emilee Serrano Carrie Serrano Mag Post Robby Wonder Bill Colgan Andy DiNardo Bridget McHugh Kay Roche Shelly Salerno Patty Winter James Fox Rich Buckley Louis Calabrese Bonnie Fitzgerald Theresa Curtis Roney Bill Seavey Marie Brown Mary Elizabeth Layer Andrew Barna Eileen Doyle Baby Brendan Lafferty Mary Kane Joan Fitzpatrick Anna Rokos John Gallagher Richard Gildea Alvera Pompo James McKay Bob Salvador Bob Iatesta Pat Milliken Violet McGeever Claire Doyle Martha McNichol Lorraine Baldwin Diana Nardello Marie Brino James Santini Charles Casalnova Joan Bacchetti Mark Dappollone Fran Mitchell If you have someone you would like prayed for, please email [email protected] or call the Rectory at 610-543-0848. Thank you for your prayers. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE “MOTHER OF MERCY, MAKE OUR HEARTS LIKE YOURS!!” The Three Parish Adult Formation Team from St. Francis of Assisi, St. Kevin & Holy Cross parishes are running a bus trip to the Catholic Women’s Conference on Saturday, October 29th. All women, including high school and college, are invited to step away from everyday life for a day of inspiration and renewal at the Catholic Women’s Conference, “Mother of Mercy, Make Our Hearts Like Yours!” Motorcoach departs from St. Francis of Assisi on Saturday, October 29, 7:00AM and returns at 5:00PM. Conference to be held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA. Nine dynamic speakers address all facets of the feminine genius and its influence on the total woman—mind, body and spirit—in creating a heart of mercy. This special day includes motorcoach transportation & conference registration fee. Find more information and register online at: grandviewtours.com or call Denise Hay at 610361-7979. Italian Dinner Night at SFA Please join us as a Parish Community on Saturday, October 22, 5-7:30 PM in Leonard Hall. for our very popular Italian Night Dinner. Tickets are $15 in advance, $17 at the door. (Sorry, no take-outs). BYOB. Tickets are available during regular business hours (9AM-4PM at the Rectory). This event was sold out last 2 years!! For question/tickets, contact Amy Foran 610-3281853 or email [email protected]. 2-175 THREE PARISH EVANGELIZATION TEAM St. Francis ~ St. Kevin ~ Holy Cross Among the many opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance/Confession) are the following: Wednesdays—St. Francis Church—6:30-7:00 PM Saturdays—St. Francis & St. Kevin Churches:3:00-3:45 PM Saturdays—Holy Cross Lower Church—3:30-4:15 PM And any time by appointment. SAVE THE DATE FOR FAMILY BINGO! Saturday, October 29, 5PM, Leonard Hall (Gym) Great prizes! Fun for the whole family! More details coming soon! SFA 8th Grade Graduations Fundraising Event PRO-LIFE INFO… SPIRITUALLY ADOPT A BABY FLAME OF LOVE CENACLE at ST. FRANCIS The parish Cenacle Group meets each Monday at 1:30PM in the Church for Adoration and the Rosary. Join us to pray for priests, the dying, souls in purgatory and for our parish. All are welcome. WEEKLY MEN’S GROUP AT SFA Weekly Men’s Group meets here at St. Francis every Saturday, 7-8AM in the Rectory. Experience the power of investing one hour a week with men who share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, grandfathers, leaders, followers, sons and friends. Free material is supplied. For more info, call Art McGuire 610.544.5023 or Rob Longo 610.544.2103. PARISH LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary presidium, called Our Lady Queen of Peace, meets every Thursday evening at 7:00PM, in Conference Room ‘A’ of the Rectory basement. We welcome those interested in becoming members and auxiliary members. Members do two hours a week of good work for the parish; auxiliary members pray for the parish. Come and see what you can do for Our Lady. ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Our conference of The St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the parish in performing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Due to these difficult times, we have been unable to provide needed help to some clients in need. Donations to the St. Francis Conference would be appreciated. 100% of all donations have always been distributed to those in need; there are no middleman costs or overhead. We acknowledge donations over $50.00 and we are a Section 501 © (3) charity. Vincentians practice the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in helping those in need. Our assistance is given confidentially. We are always open to new members who have a desire to aid those in need. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Conway Hall at 7:30PM. GREENDROP CLOTHING PICKUP Donate your gently used CLOTHING every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. GreenDrop Clothing pickup will be at the White Elephant from 9AM for an hour (sometimes longer). ONLY CLOTHING WILL BE ACCEPTED. Collections benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. “Sixth Month” Your baby has fine hair on their head and eyebrows. They have a delicate fringe of eyelashes. Your baby is now 12 inches long and weighs about 1 ½ pounds. Their skeleton has completed the change from cartilage to bone. If your baby were to be born now, they would have a very good chance of surviving. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child whom I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. “PRO-LIFE” LINES Crisis Pregnancy Resource hotline: 610-626-4006. Rachel’s Vineyard Post-Abortion healing: 877-HOPE-4-ME www.rachelsvineyard.org. A Baby’s Breath 24-hour hotline: 484-580-6436, www.ababysbreath.org. Delaware County Pregnancy Center: www.dcpchester.org. Mother’s Home: 610-583-HOME, www.mothershome.org . Pro-Life Union of Delaware County: 610-789-LIFE, www.prolifedelco.org. God Bless All Who Serve Our Country Davidson Cox ~ Skip Turner ~ Kevin Geiger ~ Jon Hylton Michael Lynch ~ Michael McGarvey ~ Steven Ramoni Mike Froeter ~Daniel McLee~ Bill McDermott~ Dan Marchini James McDonald ~ Timothy McCans ~ Patrick J. Ryan, Jr. Ken Finley ~ Sean Sweeney ~ Michael Jones ~ Peter Quinn Joseph Spence ~ Mitch Devine ~ Rick Kern, Jr. ~ Cale Amador Maxwell James Rieder ~ Daniel McGonigal James M. Ketler, Jr ~ Jonathan Butterfield Jimmy and Collin Braconnier ~ Colin Butler Eternal Father, We are so grateful for the courage and selflessness of our brave troops. Extend your guidance and protection over all of them today and every day, Lord God, that Your kingdom of love, grace and mercy may inhabit all the earth. Send Your Holy Spirit to each of them and their families at home, Lord, to comfort and strengthen them until their loved one returns, and to be in their midst as they learn and grow in Your spirit. Father, we remember all those who have gone before us and pray that You lift them to Your highest heaven. Finally, we pray for our enemies, Lord, and for all their captive peoples. Bring the light of Your Son and our Savior into their hearts and minds. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen. 3-175 WHITE ELEPHANT ATTENTION: We are selling three air conditioners. If interested, come and see. It’s a great buy. Must make room for new merchandise. Saleable donations accepted Tuesdays & Saturdays between 9AM~2PM. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the White Elephant at 610-543-8184. Please CALL the White Elephant before dropping off your items and do not leave items outside! CHRISTMAS SALE The White Elephant will be closed Tuesday, November 15 to decorate. The Christmas Sale weekend is: Friday, November 18, 6-9PM, Saturday, November 19, 9AM-3PM and Sunday, November 20, 9AM-1PM. There will be NO DROP-OFFS on Saturday, November 12. ST. FRANCIS OVER 50 The next meeting is October 27. Frank Colgan will discuss the changes in Medicare. Since this is such an important topic for seniors, members may invite guests. REMINDER: Resorts Casino Trip is tomorrow. The bus leaves at 10AM. UPCOMING TRIPS: Resort’s Casino Trips: (11/21) (12/12) Cost: $23 with a return of $25 in slot play. Bus leaves at 10AM. Call Bob Hodgson at 610-449-2956. December 9: American Music Theatre for their Christmas Show “Winter Wonderland.” There will be beautiful vocals, dynamic dancing, and impressive instrumentals as the singers, dancers, and orchestra perform sacred and secular holiday music. There is a sit down lunch at the Eden Resort Inn. Cost: $92. Bus leaves at 10:15am. Call Dan Fahey at 610-544-4632. Rosaries: call Claire Doyle at 610-604-0160. Membership: call Betty Pote at 610-544-7570 or Frank Tarsia at 610-544-2259. The Club is non-denominational and all are welcome. Calling all Knitters & Crocheters Are you looking for a way to serve the Lord using your God given talent? “PROJECT LINUS” is a nationwide project where knitters or crocheters donate their handmade blankets for hospitalized children from Preemies to Teens. For more info, call 610-328-0741. MAIN LINE SINGLES DINNER CLUB (AGES 52-64) Catholic men & women are cordially invited to share common interests & dine together twice a month. Our next scheduled event is: (Sat) Oct 29th, 5:45 P.M. “PreHalloween House Party” at a member’s home in Haverford. More info, call Barb at 610- 896-6542. MERION MERCY The Scholarship and Entrance Exam will be given on Saturday, October 29 from 9-12:30PM. The make-up date is November 5. The application/test registration can be completed online at www.merionmercy.com. NaPRO ROAD SHOW AT HOLY CROSS PARISH Come hear how NaPro Technology is life affirming health care that assists women with various reproductive health problems including infertility. There will be a viewing of the film NaPro: A Quiet Revolution produced by the Black Friars Media, followed by a presentation and Q & A by local women’s health care professionals. It will be held at Holy Cross Parish Center (behind the school) on Tuesday, October 18, 7PM. For more info, visit www.fertilitycarefriends.org/events or contact Marcia Niznan, CFCP at 610-789-4547. 3RD ANNUAL FRIENDS OF THE NEWMAN CENTER DINNER, 45TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION & Silent Auction on Saturday, October 22, 6PM. The Catholic Newman Center at West Chester University is a thriving center of prayer, campus ministry and community outreach, and has been for 45 years! A special Mass will be said at 5PM prior to the dinner. WCU Alumni and friends are cordially invited to join us. Cost: $35/person. Tickets may be purchased by calling 610-436-0891 or online at https://sites.google.com/site/ncfallevent. SACRED HEART PARISH INDOOR FLEA MARKET Saturday, October 22, from 9AM-1PM in the Parish Convent, 300 East Berkley Ave., Clifton Heights (corner of Berkley & Holly Streets). Giant clearance sale 50% off marked prices! Wide variety of items for all areas of the house, including furniture, jewelry, decorations, large assortment of kitchen items. For info, call 610-623-0409. IHM CONFERENCE CENTER FALL OFFERINGS… October 19: “Movies With Meaning”-The Gift (and lunch). 10AM-1PM. Cost: $15. November 8: “Come to the Quiet” –Sister Catherine Kaporch, IHM. 9:30-2:30PM. Cost: $40 (includes continental breakfast and lunch). November 9: “Soup’s On” (a bowl and a roll and dessert). Reflection: Gratitude. Sister Beth Woodward, IHM. Private prayer time. 6-8PM. Cost: $15. To register for any of the above, call 610-581-0120 or email www.ihmconferencecenter.org. HEALING MASS AT ST. DOROTHY CHURCH… Sunday, October 23, 2PM. All are welcome to attend a Healing Mass as we ask God to heal us in body, mind and spirit. If you need a ride to this Mass, please feel free to call the Rectory at 610-789-7788. MASS FOR PARENTS WHO LOST A CHILD , Monday, October 24, 7PM, at St. Dorothy Church. You are invited to attend the Mass for any parents who have lost a child. This will also include any child lost in pregnancy. Refreshments will follow in the annex. LADIES NIGHT OUT at Notre Dame de Lourdes (Nelson Hall: 990 Fairview Rd., Swarthmore) on Friday, November 4, 6:30-9:30PM. If you are interested in being a vendor, direct any questions to: Marybeth Kusner at [email protected]. 4-175 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AT LITTLE FLOWER MANOR… Sunday, November 13, from 10AM-2PM in St. Joseph’s Hall. Features: holiday decorations, jewelry, attic treasures, crafts, homemade baked goodies and several other items. For more info, call Colleen Bair at 610-534-6021. HEALING RETREAT…Renowned retreat director, Kathleen McCarthy, is returning to Malvern Retreat House for her Ad Lumina Christi Healing Retreat. The mid-week retreat, held November 14-18, offers the opportunity for medical, emotional & spiritual healing. McCarthy has been actively involved in the healing ministry for more than 4 decades and has changed numerous lives with her documented healings around the world. Her message focuses on the “fire of the Holy Spirit” and the Eucharistic presence of Christ. For more info, or to register, call 610-644-0400 or visit www.malvernretreat.com. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND WITH FR. ROBERT GROSS…February 12-21, 2017. Experience a spiritual journey of personal discovery and reaffirmation while following in the footsteps of Jesus on this all-inclusive 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Brochure and more info are available online at www.grandviewtours.com or by contacting Denise Hay at 610-361-7979 LILY’S GIFT… If a prenatal diagnosis is poor… you are not alone. There is help. Lily’s Gift is a network of concerned parents and professionals who have experienced or worked closely with issues surrounding poor prenatal diagnosis. Modeled and trained by BE NOT AFRAID, volunteers from Lily’s Gift offer a free service of practical guidance and compassionate care focusing on meeting the needs of expectant parents as they seek to honor the life of their baby no matter how frail or how brief. For more info, visit www.LilysGift.org, or www.benotafraid.net. For support call Sr. Kathleen Schipani at 215.587.3530; or email [email protected]. OREMUS FAMILY ROSARY PROGRAM …Join in the regularly scheduled live streaming recitation of The Holy Rosary throughout the year (Monday thru Saturday at 12:15pm & Sunday at 2pm). Just log onto: www.oremuscomms.com and click on: LISTEN LIVE. OREMUS. THE CALIX SOCIETY: Enhancing our 12-step program with Christ and His Church. The Calix Society is an international association of Catholic alcoholics who have and are maintaining their sobriety through affiliation with, and participation in a 12-Step recovery program. On the 2nd Monday of each month, we meet at Nativity B.V.M. Parish, located at Monroe and Franklin Streets, Media, PA. If interested or for more information, please contact Amy at 610-405-7747 or Dan at 484-432-9796. All are welcome! COURAGE, ENCOURAGE and Same-Sex Attraction… Do you or a loved one struggle with same-sex attraction? The Courage Apostolate is the only national, ecclesiastically approved Catholic Ministry to men and women living with same-sex attraction. Courage is not an orientation change group. Rather, we are a spiritual support group for those who wish to live chastely in accordance with the teachings of the Church. To contact or speak with the Philadelphia Courage Chapter, email: [email protected] or call 215-587-4505. Your confidentiality is respected. WEST CATHOLIC ALUMNAE ANNUAL COMMUNION BREAKFAST…and Mass will be held at Drexelbrook on Sunday, October 23. Mass is at 11:00AM at Drexelbrook. Cost: #30. For tickets, please call Kathleen Martin Fahey at 610-544-4632. WEST CATHOLIC 1966 COMBINED 50TH REUNION Friday, November 4, 6:30-11:30PM (sign in at 6PM) at Springfield Country Club. Cost: $85. 3 hour open bar 710pm. Dinner buffet, music & dancing. For more info, contact Dot McShane 215-755-4354, Frank Tallon 610-4463512, Eileen O’Donnell 856-906-9800, Carol Joyce Coney 215-837-5338, Bob Danford 267-516-2978, or Jim Cafferky 484-343-3160 ASAP. CATHOLICPHILLY.COM Stay up to date with local Catholic news from CatholicPhilly.com. Use your computer or smart phone to read about parish news, Archbishop Chaput’s column and other commentary, plus information on activities throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Sign up for a free newsletter sent by email twice a week at www.catholicphilly.com/newletter. ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA--TELEVISION MASS Sunday mornings at 5:30AM: WPVI—Channel 6 The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasting the Television Mass. LISTEN TO ARCHBISHOP CHAPUT’S SUNDAY HOMILIES ONLINE ANYTIME AT: http://archphila.org/archbishop-chaput/homilies/index.htm ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK We salute the advertisers in our bulletin. This week we thank MURPHY’S PLUMBING, HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING www.murphysonmacdade.com Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. PRAYER: CONSOLE THE SICK Forgive me, Father, when I do not choose to think about… to look upon the sick. In their sightless eyes … in bodies ravaged by disease… in withered hands and feet… in people side by side in clinics… in people held together by the common bond of pain, let me see You. Let me see myself, my loved ones. Keep the faces and the needs of all the sick before my eyes so that I cannot forget… will not forget that I must help them in Your name. Amen COME HOLY SPIRIT, SHOW ME THE WAY. ******* Humility is not thinking less of yourself, It is thinking of YOURSELF LESS.” ~C. S. Lewis 5-175 KOVACS FUNERAL HOME INC. PRE-PLANNED AND PRE-PAID FUNERALS Floral Arrangements Begin At $24.95 (local delivery only) Personalized Service At Reasonable Costs 530 W. Woodland Ave., Springfield, PA 610-544-1121 Michael Kovacs, Supervisor 443 Baltimore Pk., Springfield 610-544-3222 www.politesflorist.com Rick Broemel Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 Painting & Woodworking Int. Painting • Wallpaper Removal Crown Molding • Wainscotting Free Estimates / Fully Insured 484-437-2575 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured See my work at: rickbroemel.com NOW BOOKING ALL EVENTS IN OUR BRAND NEW RESTAURANT & BANQUET ROOM rch Chu ber m s Me ount c Dis FUNERAL LUNCHEONS PLATINUM PAPERHANGING Full Service Paperhanging & Painting Contractor Specializing in the Sale & Installation of Wallpaper 10% OFF with this ad 610-284-1366 Free Estimates Parishioner SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK redironpub.com 610-544-1076 650 Baltimore Pike, Springfield RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. SUNDAY BRUNCH WITH COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE AND $5 BRUNCH COCKTAILS BASEMENT WATERPROOFING (610) 461-6502 MOLD REMEDIATION www.murphysonmacdade.com FOUNDATION REPAIR 610-789-3717 www.RightwayWaterproofing.com • Plumbing, Heating, & Air-Conditioning Service and Replacement. Be Kind • Sewer Replacements. to Animals • Water Heater Replacements. Proud Parishioners of St. Francis • Discounts for St. Francis Parishioners & Veterans Serving Springfield and all of Delaware County Since 1976. Hadfield Bros. Inc. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Free Estimates • 30 Yrs. Exp. • Lic. & Ins. 610-586-0645 WE REMOVE MOLD HEATING OILS “Your Parish Oil Company” Serving Phila. & Suburbs Since 1945 A/C • Oil/Gas Heating Equip. • Tank Protection Plans Annual Service Plans for All Types of Equipment 215-563-0800 610-789-6340 Art Monument Company “Catholic Memorials Since 1895” Hand Crafted With Old World Skill and Quality! 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F artmonumentcompany.com $200 Discount to Parishioners 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair Licensed & Insured ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 (www.jppc.net) O’LEARY WILLIAM F. ADOLPH III Parishioner Springfield, PA • 328-1131 328-1141 • 544-4811 Delivery Service Available Financial Planning & Investment Services 610-668-6165 FA.ML.com/william_adolphiii FUNERAL HOME, LTD. Thomas J. O’Leary, Jr. - William J. O’Leary Supervisor 640 E. 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