Biker Days in the Osage
Biker Days in the Osage
volume 4 issue 3 OCIB’s 29th Annual Biker Days in the Osage Sept 19th • 20th • 21st see page 24 for complete details BUY & SELL PRE-OWNED HARLEYS / CRUISERS SPORT BIKES / ATVS Financing Available 406 East Kenosha Broken Arrow 918.259.5066 4 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG PUBLISHER OKLAHOMA BIKER OKLAHOMA BIKER the Riders Ragazine is published ten times per year. Jan/Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov/Dec by Oklahoma Biker, PO Box 206, Catoosa, OK 74015. Reprinting this Rag in whole or part is a sure sign you ain’t very smart, and is also illegal. Contents copyright © 2008 by Oklahoma Biker. Editorial contributions welcome, but once received may fall out of our saddlebags and become lost, so ya probably won’t get’em back. Good pics are also welcome, but they must be exclusive. All pics submitted must include photographer’s name. Send photos to: [email protected]. Once submitted pictures become property of Oklahoma Biker and may be used or sold as we deem fit. Send editorials, comments, suggestions to: info@oklahomabiker. net. Send gripes to: complaints@wedon’tgiveashitt.trash This Ragazine is received with the knowledge that the stuff contained herein is from many diverse contributors; therefore, Oklahoma Biker and Cancer Sucks assume no responsibility or warranty as to entirety and/or correctness of content. Oklahoma Biker and Cancer Sucks is not associated with any group, club, or organization and articles, photographs, and illustrations printed herein or on our websites should not be deemed an endorsement by Oklahoma Biker or Cancer Sucks of particular products, practices, or beliefs. The beliefs and attitudes written in articles and letters are the author’s and do not reflect the point of view of Oklahoma Biker, Cancer Sucks and/or their employees or agents. PO Box 206 Catoosa, OK 74015 918.260.7195 Fax: 918.286.2549 PHOTOJOURNALISTS LARRY SULTZ AMANDA SULTZ COLBY BRIGGS A.G. SOUTHERN PONCHO PILKINGTON KEN FOX JUNIOR PILKINGTON LISA MOLENCUPP TRASH LEE LATTY CARL HUSTON JACK (MOKE) McGHEE (retired) Oklahoma Biker and Cancer Sucks are not responsible for event date changes, rain-outs, cancellations, locations, or typos. Oklahoma Biker and Cancer Sucks will not be held liable should any injuries be incurred by any reader or agent, before during or after an event. Persons attending any event listed and/or advertised in the Ragazine or associated websites participate at their own risk. CONTRIBUTORS CHEESE BECKY KUPIEC BIKER BABES ASHLEY • DANA • CASEY SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE OKLAHOMA BIKER DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME OR OFFICE PLEASE SEND $35.00 TO: OKLAHOMA BIKER, PO BOX 206, CATOOSA, OK 74015 Name Address City State Phone email Zip We still have some past issues available. They may be purchased by sending $5 to OKLAHOMA BIKER, PO BOX 206, CATOOSA, OK 74015 with the month requested. OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG The Wreckin’ Crew........................4 Talkin’ Trash...................................5 Inked...........................................7 Elysium......................................8 Newbees.........................................9 Support Our Troops......................11 Jujax BikeWash.............................12 Tanked..........................................14 Maria Ward Poker Run..............15-17 Mackenzie............................18-19 How To Photograph....................22 Knuckleheads...............................23 Sturgis 2008.............................26-28 Talkin’ Back............................28-29 Fritz and Cecil ..............................31 What’s Happenin’.........................32 Mid Summer Thunder...................34 YouAin’t Funny.............................38 HELP WANTED We are looking for someone to work in our office 4 hours per day 4 days per week. Salary commensurate with experience. Prefer nonsmoker. Must be a self starter and self motivated. As we continue to grow so will your position. Please send an email with qualifications to: [email protected] My heart was saddened as I read the words, “PlanetBiker has found it necessary to close up shop. Due to the slow economic times everyone is experiencing, we have determined 5 that it is no longer possible to continue publishing the magazine.” I know Dana and Lana, along with their staff, worked their asses off bringing our Oklahoma biker community a magnificent magazine. I eagerly awaited each issue of PlanetBiker, and I am certain the magazine will be sorely missed. Another biker publication based in Northwest Arkansas has also gone under. Shane quit publishing The Ride because of similar economic conditions. Although The Ride never really caught on in the Tulsa area it was a big deal in Arkansas and some of the Oklahoma counties near the Arkansas border. The Arkansas edition of Thunder Roads Magazine was recently acquired by new owners. For the life of me I can’t recall the guy’s name; however, I do remember he is from Owasso. We wish him luck with his new endeavor. Having said this, we wish to thank our advertisers and our readers for continuing to support Oklahoma Biker the Riders Ragazine. We are in our fourth year of publishing the Rag, and we understand how difficult it can be at times to pay the printer and still be able to pay the utility bills. Folks we ask that you show support for this rag by patronizing our advertisers’ businesses. Without them (and you) we would fall by the wayside as some of the other magazines have already done this year. We look forward to seeing you in the wind! Ride safe and watch out for the cages. The Janitor New Hours Open Mon thru Sat at 6pm Free Pool on Mon and Tues Located on Highway 20 3.5 miles West of Pryor 918.825.4903 est.1998. Pryor,OK. wednesday is LADIES NIGHT August 30th CD release party for Phenom “Live at Lucky’s” CD available September 6 DJ 13 Brett’s Birthday party with Brett & Laid Back Manor 20 Diamondback 27 Rodney’s Birthday Bash featuring Phenom in EYEWITNESS TATTOO Tattooing by Cliff James and Associates Precision Body Piercing 2142A S MEMORIAL AVE Tulsa, OK 74129 918.622.6824 2514 N RANGE LINE Joplin, MO 64801 417.626.7795 ke 7 d ELYSIUM: Raising the Bounty On July 12th, the ladies at Elysium Gentlemen’s Club located at 1850 S Sheridan in Tulsa held a bikini car and bike wash to raise the reward for the Weleetka murders. The beer was cold and the day was hot! Could it have been the babes causing that? These girls worked hard for a good cause. Go by and tuck a buck! HAPPY HOUR Buckets (6 Domestic) $7.50 Bud Dry Longnecks $1.50 Monday — Friday 3 — 7 Saturday 12 — 5 WEDNESDAYS Bike Night (6 Domestic) $9.00 LIVE MUSIC FRIDAY & SATURDAY THURSDAYS Legendary Blues Artist Tiny Davis Ladies Night FREE Draw Beer for the Ladies OPEN JAM SUNDAYS AT 4 2619 S Memorial — Tulsa 918.621.HOGG Biker Owned — Biker Friendly OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 9 10 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG HARBOR LIGHTS BAR Wed Night — Karaoke New Owner: Freda Martin Fri & Sat — Live Music 96 Lakeland Drive - Pryor Pool — Darts 918.434.8989 QUALITY HEAT AND AIR Commercial Residential OLD TOWN SALOON 24934 State Hwy 51 • Wagoner Automotive ROBERT 918.698.3903 Biker Owned • Biker Discounts Connie Edwards • New Owner BIKER CHURCH Custom & Stock Bikes, V-Twins & Metrics Leathers, Riding Gear, Rolling Chasis Custom Frames, Tires, Aftermarket Stuff 422 S Lynn Riggs Blvd • Claremore Ask For New Freedom Fellowship is located at 5441 South 99th East Ave. (Southeast of 51st and Mingo) We are located between 54th and 55th, on the east side of 99th, set back from the street. Sundays 9:00am Sunday school 10:00am Praise & Worship Service 6:00pm Worship & Testimony Service The First in Synthetics Wednesdays 6:30pm Small Group Bible Study OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG OKLAHOMA BIKER SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS 11 12 12 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG Bike Wash at Jujax D's 66 We Have Your Beer On Ice Fri–Sun: 11–Close Mon–Thu: 2–Close Turkey Shoot 2–6 First Sat of Every Month 15559 Hwy 66 (North of Claremore) 918.341.1274 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 13 Wizzer’s Pub 1006 W Archer Claremore 918.341.3366 Coldest Beer in Town 14 ta d e nk OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG Poker Run for the Maria Ward Foundation 15 16 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 17 Mackenzie Memorial Poker Run and Benefit Pete and I first found out about Mackenzie Sunday on June 22nd. Our friend Terry Thomas came looking for us to ask if we would consider putting on a Poker Run for the Sunday family. The first thing I said was “No Way”. I had just finished the Bikers vs. Breast Cancer poker run on June 8th and was burned out . After hearing what Terry had to say, I changed my mind quickly. Mackenzie was a 14 year old getting ready to enter her freshman year at Collinsville and had recently been diagnosed with cancer. Having a 14 year old girl myself, there was no way I could walk away and do nothing for this family. Pete and I got to work, with the help from many friends, putting this event together. Everything was going pretty good, we had the bars on board for the run, donations were coming in for the auction, people were calling for information, then the bottom fell out from beneath us. Mackenzie’s Aunt Sarah called me on Tuesday, July 8th to tell me that Mackenzie had passed away. I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This young, beautiful girl had fought this battle as hard as she could, but her body just couldn’t take anymore. After receiving this news, a sense of urgency set in. We had to make this the biggest and best poker run ever. I wanted this family to know that they were not alone in their grief. We may not have had the privilege of meeting Mackenzie, but in a way we all knew her. When the news spread about Mackenzie death, I cannot tell you how many people stepped up and came forward to help. We started at the Town Pump with registration. The bikes started coming in, and coming in, and coming in. We didn’t think we would ever find the end of the line. I’ve never seen so many bikers!!! We had 320 plus bikers register that morning. It was hot, no breeze, but you still came to support this family. Anyone who says bikers have no heart, should have been on this poker run. Debbie & Randy Scott, Wizard, Bob White, Della Swan (better known as “My Momma”) and my wonderful husband Pete worked their butts off getting everyone signed up and their poker chips drawn. I cannot thank them enough for sitting outside in the heat to help me, help Mackenzie’s family. Scott Gilliam of Eagles Nest had his group of IMB’s work the stops at Scotty’s Bar, Pat’s Place Tavern, Rock-ABilly Grill and Jamesville Y. Debbie, Randy, Wizard and Momma packed everything up at the Pump and we all moved to the Cimarron Bar for the final stop, auction and after party. And oh what a party it was!!!! The IMB’s were such a big help in setting up the auction items, and helping to calculate the poker hands. One woman I want to especially thank is Annette. Without her help, there is no way I could have done this event. Girl, you and my husband Pete were my lifesavers. Sonya & Rick Posey are very special friends who always step up, without any questions or complaints to help with whatever I ask. Thanks go out to IIIrd Degree, Kevin Phariss Band, Tiny Davis, Bill Snow and Chuck Cooley for donating their talent and time to entertain us all that day. The music was great as usual. Master’s Flowers donated the flower arrangements for the Sunday Family table. A HUGH THANK YOU goes to Bryan DeWitt from Frontier Produce for your large donation. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew, potato salad. Eddie of Tulsa Beef, thank you and your co-workers for the beef donation, Missouri Larry for the smoked sausage, Rusty of Frito Lay for the chips, Cimarron Bar for the buns, Food Pyramid for misc.. items, Gino for 30 lbs of beef. Scott and Bruno did a great job on the live auction. Most of all I want to thank you bikers who came and supported this event. It would not have been a success without you! Thanks to you, we raised $9, 451.00 that day!!!! Cheryl Swan Myers Darryl Briggs & Oklaho present How to Photogra Custom Bikes & Beautif OCTOBER 18th www.darryl oma Biker aph ful Women 22 HOW TO PHOTOGRAPH CUSTOM BIKES AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Darryl Briggs (no relationship to the Janitor) will be conducting a seminar in Tulsa on October 18th. Briggs is most famous for his work photographing women on motorcycles. His work has appeared numerous times on the covers and centerfolds of national magazines Easyrider and Biker. Briggs will bring the models featured in his work to this seminar. Anyone wishing to learn photography from a nationally recognized photographer should plan on attending this event. Watch for complete details in the September issue of Oklahoma Biker the Riders Ragazine, or go to www.darrylbriggs. com. We hope to see all of you there! OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG SUNDAY at KNUCKLEHEADS Like the days of old, Knuckleheads has resumed the four o’clock feast on Sundays. Chris and Chrissy somehow found the ugliest cook in town (Smokin’ Joe Foster), and once again the Party is at Knuckleheads on Sunday afternoons. We are looking forward to seeing you there Sunday! 23 OCIB 29th Annual BIKER DAYS y onl .00 $20 in the OSAGE o $20 nly .00 Budweiser • Food • Games • Live Music • Camping September 19th • 20th • 21st Biker Park • USA neutral ground Pawhuska, Oklahoma Junction Hwy 60 & Hwy 99 Bruno is back! Info: Nelson Carter 918.287.3249 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 25 $5 Blasters $1.50 Rattlesnakes Happy Hour 4:30 - 6:30 PARTS • SERVICE • CLOTHING MOTORSICKLES FOR SALE AND TRADE 202 N. OSAGE (HWY 75) DEWEY, OK 74029 918.534.3789 866.591.3647 26 STURGIS 2008 Make no mistake about it, the 68th Annual Sturgis Bike Rally was nothing less than great. Despite all the talk about how attendance was going to be down, (and yes it was), the rally again proved that no matter the size of the crowd, the rally itself is still the best in the world. Attendance was down for sure, and while at the time of this writing I don’t have the estimated attendance figures, officials gave an early indication that they predicted about a 15% drop in attendance from last year. Others have said that attendance was down 30%50%. Certainly this is not good news for vendors and for the city of Sturgis itself, those in attendance at the rally got to enjoy a rally with fewer traffic jams. Obviously Sturgis and the vendors will make adjustments, but that is what is going on everywhere in the industry, so why should they be any different. Businesses relying on huge attendance numbers will make their adjustments and life will go on. While attendance may have been down, when it came time to call the roll, the most important showed up. The Black Hills, the Badlands, Devil’s Tower, Vonacker Canyon, Needles Highway, Spearfish Canyon Rd, Deadwood, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and many more were all in attendance. In addition to the natural attractions at the Sturgis Rally, there were plenty of man made attractions as well. Concerts were once again numerous with headliners such as Kenny Chesney, OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMABIKER BIKERRAG RAG Kelly Pickler, KISS, Kid Rock, Lynard Skynard, ZZ Top, and even Larry the Cable Guy. Senator and Presidential candidate John McCain spoke at the Buffalo Chip and honored the troops serving overseas. If you wanted your attractions a little less monumental, there were the usual events. Bikeshows were going on everyday, take your pick. One day it’s a Trike show, the next it’s a Perewitz sponsored Best Paint bike show, and of course the Rat’s Hole held it’s annual Sturgis Bike Show. The 3rd annual bike builders breakfast held at the Broken Spoke on Tuesday morning attracted over 20 renowned bike builders. All there to help raise money for the South Dakota Make a Wish Foundation via a silent auction. If bike sporting events are more your thing, there were the usual races, both drag and short track, and of course hill climbs too. And you could always go and watch someone burn up a tire, a drive belt or even an engine at the Full Throttle burn out pit. If you couldn’t find a bikini, wet t-shirt contest, or some other named contest involving scantily clad biker babes, you weren’t looking very hard. As usual, you could even just take a stroll down main street and see sexy biker babes. You beginning to get the picture? Who cares if there is 300,000 or 400,000 for the rally? It’s still the biggest and best rally around. Photos and Text by Darryl Briggs 28 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG Senator Obama’s Visit To Afghanistan I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram, Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to The War Zone. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers were lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn’t say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the Clam Shell (pretty much a big-top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights), 29 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the Americans back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from a Senator, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don’t understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-andChief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. In service, CPT. Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier WEDNESDAY BIKE NIGHT FROM 6-9 $7 Domestic Buckets 1/2 Price Magoo’s Sampler 1/2 Price Bosce Breadsticks 1/2 Price Buffalo Wings 25% Off on Burgers in May Designated Bike Parking Biker Attire Welcome Live Music by KEVIN PHARRIS BAND BIKERS ARE ALL WAYS WELCOME AT MAGOO’S 5002 S Memorial Ave • Tulsa • 918.663.3364 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 3119 W 61st • Tulsa 31 FRITZ and CECIL Oct. 12, 2008 at 2:00 pm Cimarron Bar 2629 S Memorial Tulsa Everyone welcome!!!!! OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 32 What’s Happenin’ August 16 8th Annual Barney Whorton Poker Run To Benefit Cancer Sucks. Starts And Ends At Joe’s Crab Shack In Tulsa. Registration Starts At 9:30 With Last Bike In At 2:00. Bike Show 1:00 To 3:00. Music By Hard Truth. Mini Chopper Give Away. 50/50. Bikini Bike Wash August 19 Elephant Run Pool Party (Brand New Sponsor For Cancer Sucks) Bike Parking. Beer Specials. 50/50. Live Music & Radio Remote! Benefits Cancer Sucks! August 23 Mikey & Steve Are Coming From Orange County Choppers Orange County Chopper Grand Opening And Bike Show. Trinity Motorcycles. Tulsa. See Ad This Issue August 30 Sweaty Butt Putt Benefiting Ally’s House Magoo’s • 51st & Memorial • Tulsa. Three Live Bands • Food • Five Hundred Dollar Bikini Contest See Ad Back Cover August 31 Labor Day Party Ed’s Hurricane Lounge 3216 E 11 Tulsa 918.587.4610 September 14 Woody Brown Memorial Poker Run. Town Pump At 9 Am. September 19 - 21 OCIB’s 29th Annual Biker Days In The Great Osage Pawhuska. Junction 60 & 99. Info: Nelson.carter@milliondollarelm. com Or 918.287.3249 See Ad This Issue October 11 Biker Bash @ Victory Motorcycles Come On Out And See If You Can Win The Cancer Sucks Victory Motorcycle That Will Be Given Away! Food. Cold Bud. Vendors. Bike Show. Live Music. Door Prizes. KMOD Celebrities On Hand. Benefits Cancer Sucks. October 18 How To Photograph Custom Bikes And Beautiful Women With The Photographer And Models From Easyrider And Biker Complete Details Next Issue By the time you read this our new website should be up and functioning. Our goal is to list EVERY event in Oklahoma and surrounding areas FREE of charge on our website. We want to be the one place you can log onto for a complete listing of events in your area. If you want your event listed FREE of charge please send your information to: pictures@ and we will be sure it is put on our online calendar. We are also accepting events to be placed on our annual printed calendar. Thank you for your continued readership in our Rag. Rooster & Rose Sports Grill & Pub Daily beer and food specials 33 Keystone Lake on Hwy 412 Biker Owned Rt. 1 Box 55 Cleveland 918.243.5242 $1.25 Draws Mon-Thur $1.75 Longnecks Fri-Sat Sunday 12pm-12am 12pm-2am 12pm-10pm Pool Darts Foosball Huge Dance Floor No Cover Charge Located at Hwy 88 & 169 behind Conoco in Oologah Mid Summer Thunder BUSINESS DIRECTORY List your business here for only $25 per month Scarlett’s Rodehouse Ron’s Cycleland 6905 E 15th – Tulsa 7120 E Pine – Tulsa 918.836.8330 918.835.8215 Puppies For Sale 918.479.6464 USDA Certified Breeder Avalon Steakhouse 6205 New Sapulpa Road (Rt 66) 918.446.9917 Mention this Ad for Biker Discount Located at Copperhead Rally Grounds Hwys 20 & 82 • Spavinaw (Watch for Signs) 36 OKLAHOMA BIKER RAG 918.251.3064 If you think you’re funny send us your best gut grabbin’ grinner to: [email protected] The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that only Ernie was left. ‘Ernie, do you have a story to share?’ ‘Yes ma’am. My daddy told a story about my Aunt Karen. She was a pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn’t break, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops. She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands.’ ‘Good Heavens,’ said the horrified teacher. ‘What kind of moral did your daddy tell you from this horrible story?’ ‘Stay the f--k away from Aunt Karen when she’s been drinking.’ Help OKLAHOMA BIKER in boycotting Anheuser-Busch since they are sellouts. Drop your beer off at our office and we will dispose of it. We’ll teach those bastards! 25 N Mill • Pryor 918.825.5720 Burgers • Beer Motorcycles HOURLY DRAWING FOR $$ CASH & PRIZES LIVE MUSIC - FOOD - PHOTOGRAPHS the summer’s hottest party! COME JOIN US FOR THE sweaty butt putt Hands are $5 Each or 5 for $20 High Hand Wins 50% Entry Fee ON WIN S UR R MO E I Sign In Begins at 10:30am E T D T OR WE E OF LA G YO ENT 1ST Scotty’s Bar C N IN ND 0 FUL YCL TY BR NI A 0.0 KINI 3119 W 61st – Tulsa G AS L O E TA I 0 I OL F NK First Bike Out at 11am BIK E $5 CE B TEST INE S H A N T PL O Last Bike Out by Noon C Last Bike In by 3pm 1st Stop: Pop’s Place Hwy 88 & 169 – Oologah 2nd Stop: D’s 66 C I TO FREE WI Hwy 66 N of Claremore S N MU ARTS ITH NDS BIK 29T TICK 3rd Stop: Wizzer’s Pub R W T A U S PM B O TH ER H A ET 2 IVE R Y NT 1006 W Archer – Claremore E D N S T PA OSA AYS NUA A EE L FO NME 4th Stop: Knuckleheads W R G I HU GE IN L TH AYIN ERTA SK AT 16002 E Pine – Tulsa A PL ENT Last Stop: Magoo’s 51st & Memorial – Tulsa Saturday - August 30th OD K FO DRIN ALL T D S A AN CIAL NG S ’ E SP Y LO OO G A D MA All of the money raised at the sweaty butt putt will be donated to ALLY’S HOUSE to aid Oklahoma children who are suffering from cancer. $500 BIKINI CONTEST
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