NEW - Shelter Harbor Press


NEW - Shelter Harbor Press
S helter H arbor P ress
fall 2015
winter 2016
NEW Ponderables title
This concise history of neuroscience arrives in
time for The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman, a
new 6-part series to air this fall on PBS
Shelter Harbor Press
illustrated histories
the brain NEW
Forew ord
Steph en
Haw king
Mini maestro
crime lab NEW18
micro fliers
magic tricks
victorian gems NEW
secret spy
poor man’s village
A village lost and found
the pillars of consciousness
titania’s crystal ball
Library of oracles
the cup of destiny
Playing the harmonica
championship yo yo
Dinosaur hunters
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
new october 2015
The Brain
An Illustrated History of Neuroscience
Tom Jackson
Promotional Plans
This concise history of neuroscience arrives in
time for The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman,
a new 6-part series to air this fall on PBS
u Reviews and features in science
magazines, websites, and blogs
u Book reviews in print and online,
and national radio campaign
featuring the author
ere is the essential guide to the human brain, an authoritative reference
book and timeline that examines the three pounds of matter inside our
heads that does all our thinking for us. With 100 billion nerve cells joined by
thousands more to every corner of the body, the brain is wired together with
100 trillion connections. That makes each and every human brain a contender
for the most complex system in the universe, endowing us with an intellect that
far outstrips any other creature. However, one difficult question remains: Are we
intelligent enough to understand our own brains?
Follow the journey as history’s greatest brains, including Avicenna, Thomas
Willis, Charles Darwin, and Paul Broca, try to figure it out by linking structure to
function. How does the brain control the body, make sense of our surroundings,
and allow us to understand, empathize with, and love other people—and their
brains? And how does it create that most mysterious feature of the universe,
u 100 chronological articles tell the story of neuroscience from the dawn of
history to the present day.
u Authoritative text, exciting imagery, and helpful diagrams accompany each
of the steps along the way.
u Biographies of great neuroscientists and a functional map of the brain boost
the content for all readers.
u Feature in holiday round-up gift
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-8-0
Format: Hardcover w/removable fold-out
Extent: 168 pages
Size: 9.25 x 11.20
Illust: 300+ color
Price: $24.95 U.S. /$29.95 CAN
Subject: Philosophy/Reference
Tom Jackson is a science writer based
in the United Kingdom. Tom specializes in
recasting science and technology into lively
historical narratives. After almost 20 years
of writing, Tom has uncovered a wealth of
stories that help create new ways to enjoy
learning about science. He studied at the
University of Bristol, and still lives in the city
with his wife and three children.
“A rich visual
journey that
reveals our most
Kelley Remole Ph.D., Director of
Neuroscience Outreach, Mortimer
B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior
Institute, Columbia University
u This simple guide to neuroscience
draws together current
understanding and sets out the
basics of the field.
u A 24-page removable foldout
concertina neatly housed at the
back of the book includes a 12page Timeline History of the
Brain and 12 pages of optical
illusions that demonstrate how
our view of the world comes
entirely from the brain—which can
sometimes be fooled.
Shelter Harbor Press
Shelter Harbor Press
previously published
An Illustrated History of the
Foundations of Science
Tom Jackson
Without physics,
everything else—
from astronomy to
be a meaningless
Examine the foundation upon which
all scientific knowledge rests and
follow physics through the ages as
great scientists, such as Thales, Galileo,
Feynman, and many others gradually
unpick the fabric of the universe to
reveal an array of fundamental forces,
intangible particles, and indestructible
energy. Today, physics discoveries
make headline news as we confirm
the fresh mysteries of the Higgs boson,
supersymmetry, and more.
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-6-6
previously published
An Illustrated History
of Thought
Tom Jackson
Both art and science
attempt answers to the
big questions: What is
truth? How to be good?
Where did we come
from? But philosophy is the interpreter
we use to verify it all. We need it to make
sense of the simplest math and the most
esoteric poetry. It even has created a
science of information itself.
In this compilation of human
knowledge, we begin our journey at the
boundary of myth and reason and
along the way visit the thoughts of the
most high-flying of minds—Socrates,
Descartes, Kant and others—who
could see that nothing, not everchanging words, limitless numbers,
or mystical visions, was beyond
examination. Far from being the work
of dead geniuses, philosophy remains
at the heart of our battle to make
sense of the quantum universe.
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-7-3
The Universe
An Illustrated History of
Tom Jackson
Since time immemorial,
people have looked
out into the night sky
and brought back
knowledge of how the
universe works.
Gradually, astronomers have learned
how it all began—in a Big Bang—and
are now faced with a variety of possible
endings for space as we know it. The
history of astronomy is as long as
civilization itself. This essential reference
The Elements
Explore the work of history’s greatest
mathematicians including the teasing genius
of Pierre de Fermat, who said he knew the
answers but rarely gave them up; the helpful
guidance of Fibonacci, whose 13th-century
compendium for bookkeepers proved to be a valuable tool for
the most high minded mathematicians; and the fractal pattern
discovered by Wacław Sierpinski now used to plan the route a
mailman takes.
With a glimpse of the abstract landscapes of infinite numbers
and multi-dimensional shapes that these incredible minds
explore, we can begin to get beyond school-day sums and
understand the true power of mathematics.
The Periodic Table, set out by Dmitri
Mendeleev in 1869, is the result of centuries
of accumulated knowledge. It is a powerful
yet elegant tool that opens a window onto
the very stuff of nature—stars, rocks, life, and
more—showing us the way to make ever smarter technologies.
One hundred ponderables, the puzzles solved and
inspirations reached, tell the story of how the Periodic Table
came to be. The journey begins just as the first cities are
forming and follows the contributions made by philosophers,
alchemists, industrialists, and great scientists. It ends with the
synthesis of superheavy elements never before seen on Earth—
and an understanding of how the universe really works.
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-4-2
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-3-5
An Illustrated History of Numbers
Editor: Tom Jackson
“The teenage math whiz deserves
Mathematics: An Illustrated History
of Numbers which is an exquisite
history of math…”
Washington Post
guide traces how, over many centuries,
great minds have figured out where we
and our planet fit in the great expanse of
the universe.
ISBN: 978-0-9853230-5-9
An Illustrated History of the PeriodicTable
Tom Jackson
“This is exactly the kind of engaging
book I loved to have in my classroom
library—something a student could pick
up and be quickly drawn in to, with
the chance of sparking a bigger interest
in the subject. It would also be a great
coffee table book to have at home for
young kids who are beginning to learn
about the world around them.”
Library Journal
Specifications for all ponderables
Trim page size: 9.25 x 11.20
Extent: 144-page book plus a 24-page
removable fold-out concertina filled with
1000s of facts
Illustrations: approx. 300
Retail Price: $24.95 U.S. /$29.95 CAN
Shelter Harbor Press
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
new october 2015
The History · The Machines · The Writers
Tony Allan
Filled with trivia and archive
photos of writers at their typewriters—
a fascinating look at one of the great
inventions in history
Beginning to lose his
eyesight, Nietzsche bought
the Hansen Writing Ball
typing machine so he could
continue to write.
ersonal computers may have replaced the typewriter in most homes and
offices, but the venerable writing machine is currently staging a comeback.
From portable models that hipsters are snapping up in Urban Outfitters to Tom
Hanks’s bestselling app that recreates the manual experience on a tablet, the
typewriter has never been so hot. This celebration of the typewriter covers what
a platen knob is, why QUERTY won out over other arrangements of keys, which
authors loved (or loathed) their typewriters, and much more.
To boost sales in the
ISBN: 978-1-62795-034-3
Format: Hardcover
Extent: 96 pages
Size: 7.5 x 5.5 landscape
u A gift book with yellowed paper and typewriter fonts for a cool vintage look
Illust: 40 black and white + color
u Timeline of the typewriter features key models
Price: $12.95 U.S. /$14.95 CAN /£9.99 UK
u Foreword by Paul Schweitzer of Gramercy Typewriter Co.
U.S. and Europe, large
manufacturers hired
famous poster artists to
promote the typewriter!
Subject: History/Cultural Reference
Tony Allan After studying History
Promotional Plans
u Reviews and features in Lifestyle magazines, websites, and blogs
u Feature in holiday round-up gift guides
Shelter Harbor Press
at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and
Journalism at Indiana University, Tony Allan
worked for the British Broadcasting Company
and as a magazine editor before turning to
book publishing. In the course of a 13-year
stint with Time-Life Books in London and
Alexandria, Va., he served as editor and writer
on multi-volume book series including the
24-volume Time-Life History of the World.
He has since written children’s books for
Usborne Publishing and schoolbooks for
Heinemann Educational, as well as titles for
adults on history and myth including The
Mythic Bestiary (2008), Prophecies (2009), and
Vikings: The Battle at the End of Time (2010).
At last count his books had been translated
into 14 languages, including Korean and
Launched in 1901, the
Underwood No. 5 sold
millions around the
world and remained in
production for 30 years.
Dorothy Parker at her
desk, with her husband
Alan Campbell in the
background; c. 1942.
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
new october 2015
Launched by London Stereoscopic Company
Launched by London Stereoscopic Company
Victorian Gems
A limited edition “Nest” with three sets of Victorian
stereo cards from the collection of Dr. Brian May, the
patented OWL viewer, and a booklet on stereo card
history and how to collect them.
“A 3-D trip
back in time
to the heyday
of Victorian
Pack 1
Scenes in our Village
n the modern world of round-the-clock working and online
information overdose, this beautiful box set—or Nest—of
Victorian stereo cards provides an escape into a world far from
our own: Queen Victoria is a happily-married woman; the
steam train is an innovation only starting to change the face
of Britain; and Greenwich Mean Time has yet to be adopted
throughout the UK. In the 1850s, people live out bucolic lives
in time-locked villages as they had for centuries.
Celebrated Victorian photographer T. R.
Williams captures a lost way of life in the
Oxfordshire village of Hinton Waldrist in
these 12 stereo cards.
Pack 2
Hinton Waldrist in Oxfordshire was one such village, and the
first pack of 12 stereo cards presents beautifully composed photographs by renowned
photographer T. R. Williams, whose series of “Scenes in our Village” sought to capture
what he saw as the twilight of a timeless lifestyle—threatened by the expanding
railway network and mechanization. With the superbly engineered OWL viewer, you
will see the people going about their everyday lives—but totally immersed in the 3-D
scenes, you’ll almost expect to overhear conversations among these long departed
souls, and to smell the dank cottage interiors and sun-drenched cornfields. It is an
emotional experience!
The second pack, “Diableries,” is far less sentimental. These stereo photographs of
sculptures from 1860 satirize the regime of Napoleon III of France, depicting the devil
and a host of skeleton henchmen in scenes which show the devil (Napoleon) at
play, at war, and relaxing while feeding poor souls into the fires of hell. Each tableau
is the work of two Parisian sculptors, creative geniuses Habert and Hennetier. This
very strange phenomenon makes sense when you realize that any obvious attempt
to ridicule the regime resulted in a one-way trip to prison. Rather different from the
unremitting satire modern western politicians are subjected to!
The third pack of stereo cards reveals another cultural phenomenon, previously
unknown outside collectors of Victoriana. Using real actors and staged scenes,
distinguished photographers reconstructed Victorian works, including those by Millais
and Wallis, to produce photographs for commercial reasons—a new painting by a
great artist was big news, but most people were not able to access new works of art.
These beautiful cards shed light on the famous paintings in Tate Britain and illustrate a
great deal about society at the time.
Shelter Harbor Press
A series of Diableries features
stereo photographs of sculptures
from 1860 satirizing the regime
of Napoleon III of France.
ISBN: 978-0-9574246-7-8
Extent: 32-page paperback: 3.42 x 6.85
3 sets of 12-card stereo card decks
3-D viewer
Slipcase box: 7.75 x 4.56 x 5.5
Subject: Art & Photography
Price: $200.00 U.S.
Pack 3
Poor Man’s Picture
This item is non-returnable
Renowned Victorian photographers
restaged famous paintings from
Tate Britian London to produce
these 12 stereo images.
Shelter Harbor Press
previously published
previously published
Published Titles from London Stereoscopic Company
Published Titles from London Stereoscopic Company
The Poor Man’s Picture Gallery
Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell
Brian May, Denis Pellerin, and Paula Fleming
Stereoscopy versus Paintings in the Victorian Era
Denis Pellerin and Brian May
devilish 1860s sensation–finally
unleashed on the 21st century! In France,
around 1860, from the loins of a traditional
national fascination with all things diabolical, was born
a new sensation: a series of visionary dioramas depicting life
in a strange parallel universe called ENFER—Hell—communicated to an eager
audience by means of stereoscopic cards, to be viewed in the stereoscopes which
had already become popular in the 1850s. This 3-D phenomenon, which fascinated
a nation for 40 years, is now yours to share. This book, the fruit of half a lifetime’s
study by three impassioned authors, brings every one of the published Diableries
into the 21st century for the very first time. Some of them are so rare that at the
time of writing there is no known complete collection of the originals of these
masterpieces. But this book enables all but two of the 182 scenes to be enjoyed
just as their creators intended, in magnificent 3-D, using the high-quality patent
OWL stereoscopic viewer supplied.
Shelter Harbor Press
An annotated tour of the 1850s series of stereo
‘Scenes in Our Village’ by T. R. Williams
Brian May and Elena Vidal
ISBN: 978-0-9574246-1-6
ISBN: 978-07112-3039-2
Format: Hardcover: 208 pages,
over 300 photographs and
illustrations, slipcased with 3-D
Format: Hardcover: 240 pages,
500 photographs, slipcased with
3-D viewer
Size: 9.5 x 12.80 x 1.5
Originally published in Fall 2009
Price: $75.00 U.S.
Subject: Art & Photography
Subject: Art & Photography
Price: $75.00 U.S.
Size: 9.5 x 12.8 x 1.5
ISBN: 978-0-9574246-0-9
Format: Hardcover: 280 pages, 500
photographs, slipcased with 3-D viewer
Size: 9.5 x 12.80 x 1.5
Price: $75.00 U.S.
Subject: Art & Photography
Los Angeles Times
“The book is written by Brian May, the Queen guitarist,
(who has a doctorate in astrophysics and is a life long stereo
photography collector), Denis Pellerin and Paula Fleming.
It contains detailed context for each Diablerie, explaining
political references, pointing out jokes and illustrating
technical accomplishments. The images were created by
photographing hand-sculpted scenes. They look sepiatoned in daylight and fill with color when backlighted,
which is particularly frightening when the eyes of the
damned glow red as the green devil parades by.”
A Village Lost and Found
Wall Street Journal
“Who says dinosaur rockers can’t raise hell? In the poshly
published Diableries Brian May… shares his long-standing
passion for 19th-century stereopticon images. He bought
his first pair of these 3-D cards over 40 years ago from a
psychedelia vendor at Portobello Road Market in London.
In this nearly complete set of a phantasmic French
stereopticon series from the 1860s, skeletons enact an
elaborate danse macabre. Curiously, Satan bears a striking
resemblance to King Louis Philippe.”
his astonishing set of stereocards from Brian May’s
collection reconstructs 14 well-known Victorian works in
Tate Britain using real actors and staged scenes. The stereos
are contemporary with the paintings, and their existence was
hitherto unknown outside the circle of specialist collectors of
Victoriana. They were produced for commercial reasons—the
advent of a new painting by a great artist was big news, but
most people were not able to access and enjoy the new works
of art. Entrepreneurial photographers of the day reconstructed
the scenes, photographed them, and sold the stereocards for
profit. In addition to their beauty, they shed light on the story
of these famous paintings, and reveal a great deal about the
society of the time.
ow with a new home under the creative wing of the
team who originally wrote and produced the book in
2008, A Village Lost and Found joins the imaginative program
of 3-D publishing that is the mission of Brian May’s London
Stereoscopic Company (LSC). Relaunched alongside the
LSC’s new titles for Fall 2014, A Village Lost and Found received
fabulous reviews, and is available to a new market as Shelter
Harbor’s team goes large with it across the USA. This book is
the perfect antidote to the stress of life in the 21st century,
portaying the idyll of life in an 1850s English village “far from
the sound of the train’s whistle.”
The format is to show the painting itself, followed by the
stereocard versions of that painting with explanatory text.
The artists include Landseer, Maclise, Wallis, Millais, Calderon,
Collinson, Frith, Egley, Collins, Leslie, Haydon, and the
photographers were the most distinguished of that time. The
book accompanies an exhibition of these cards held at the Tate
since October 2014.
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
recently published
L i b r a r y o f o r ac l e s
I Ching
The Chinese Book of Changes
Klaus Holitzka and Marlies Holitzka
f o r g u i d a nce a n d sel f - awa r eness
L i b r a r y o f o r ac l e s
f o r g u i d a nce a n d sel f - awa r eness
Includes high-quality
Birchwood Runes
Includes high-quality
Brass Pendulum
Includes 78 cards of
the antique Tarot of
Includes set of 30
special number cards
ISBN: 978-1-62795-019-0
ISBN: 978-1-62795-020-6
ISBN: 978-1-62795-021-3
ISBN: 978-1-62795-022-0
Format: Paperback + 24 solid
birchwood runes + fabric
carrying pouch
Format: Paperback + high quality
brass pendulum + fabric carrying
Format: Paperback + 78 card
Tarot deck + fabric carrying
Format: Paperback + set of 30
special number cards + fabric
carrying pouch
ISBN: 978-1-62795-033-6
Extent: 160 pages
Extent: 160 pages
Extent: 160 pages
Extent: 160 pages
Format: Paperback + 64 oracle
cards, and a fabric carrying
Size: 5.75 x 8.74 x 1.60
Size: 5.75 x 8.74 x 1.60
Size: 5.75 x 8.74 x 1.60
Size: 5.75 x 8.74 x 1.60
Illust: Four color thoughout
Illust: Four color thoughout
Illust: Four color thoughout
Illust: Four color thoughout
Extent: 160 pages
Price: $19.95 U.S./ $24.95 CAN
Price: $19.95 U.S./$24.95 CAN
Price: $19.95 U.S./$24.95 CAN
Price: $19.95 U.S./$24.95 CAN
Size: 5.75 x 8.74 x 1.60
Subject: New Age, Occult
Subject: New Age, Occult
Subject: New Age, Occult
Subject: New Age, Occult
Runes are the magical alphabet of central and northern
Europe. Though they were
used as a form of writing,
particularly for short magical
inscriptions, their primary use
was divination and decision
making. Meaning “whisper”
or “secret,” runes are a system
of symbols that can connect
you with your ancestors,
spirits, and the living world.
Guy Ogilvy, one of the
world’s best known rune
specialists, has created
a wonderfully illustrated
handbook for this set.
Pendulums are an ancient
Tarot has existed in many
forms for over 600 years. In
its time it has been a card
game played by the Italian
nobility, works of fine art,
allegories of moral teachings,
a coded system for magic
and esoteric wisdom, a
gateway for meditation and
much more.
As readers become more
deeply involved with the
cards, they will gain unique
insights into aspects of their
lives where they are seeking
help or advice.
The language of numbers
is known to us as an ancient
science called numerology.
Numerology explains your
motivation, reveals your
talents and displays how
you appear to others. By
using it, you can map the
trends of each day—see
what is happening, what
has happened, and why.
And it can indicate what is
to come.
The authors provide clear
explanations on how to use
numerology to bring about
positive changes to your life.
The Alphabet of the
Guy Ogilvy
The Magic Pendulum
Susanne Peymann
he I Ching, or Chinese Book of Changes, is the world’s
oldest divinatory method to remain intact.
As an oracle, it sets out a framework of symbols and
readings which give insight into the forces—literally, the
changes—occurring at any particular moment in time and
which can provide answers to questions about our lives,
relationships, health, wealth and happiness.
The first creators of the I Ching studied the stars and
tides, plants and animals, as well as the rhythms of natural
forces such as wind, thunder, fire and water. They began to
recognize repeating patterns in their kinship and families, in
commerce and politics, and in the eternal dramas of love,
ambition, conflict, and honor. In time, this led to a complex,
intertwined pattern of relationships that placed a central
importance on the eternal metamorphosis of all things.
The I Ching consists of 64 hexagrams, or six-lined figures,
each of which has a name and carries a brief description.
Anyone who wishes to consult the I Ching simply focuses
on a question, constructs a hexagram following simple
instructions, and then looks up its meaning for the answer.
Marlies Holitzka offers a direct approach to this
ancient Chinese wisdom and
its interpretations in this fully
illustrated, detailed guidebook.
A deck of 64 oracle cards, each
beautifully illustrated in traditional
Chinese colors and style with
pen and ink drawings by Klaus
Holitzka, completes this unique
Shelter Harbor Press
Includes 64 oracle
cards beautifully
illustrated with pen
and ink drawings
by Klaus Holitzka
Illust: Four color thoughout
Price: $19.95 U.S./$24.95 CAN
Subject: New Age, Occult
art of accessing information
not available to us through
the use of our senses. Basic
dowsing pendulums consist
of a weight suspended on a
flexible string or chain.
Best-selling author
Susanne Peymann provides
a unique bridge between
the traditional esoteric
approach, and modern day
psychology. She presents
old and contemporary
pendulum tables to provide
practical support to those
seeking answers.
The Secrets of the
Johannes Fiebig and
Evelin Bürger
The Secret Language
of Numbers
Christine Bengel and
Patrick Stahel
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
recently published
illustr ated histories
Giles Morgan
their history and myths reveale d
illustr ated histories
Dead Sea
The Cathars
ISBN: 978-1-62795-010-7
ISBN: 978-1-62795-006-0
ISBN: 978-1-62795-008-4
ISBN: 978-1-62795-003-9
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Alan Butler
thei r hi story an d myth s r eve ale d
Sean Martin
Karen Ralls
John DeSalvo
reemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular brotherhoods. Past
members have included kings, presidents, military leaders, writers, and
philosophers. Today, there are over 10 million Freemasons around the world.
Its origins have been associated with medieval stonemasons, the Knights
Templar, and even a secret order known as the Priory of Sion, guardians of
the true nature of the Holy Grail. Theories abound about Freemasonry’s older
origins—with ancient mystery cults or the construction of the great Temple
of Solomon in Jerusalem. Whatever the truth, Freemasonry history is full of
drama and mystery. That Freemasonry played a role in the American War of
Independence and French Revolution is without a doubt, and its influence has
been detected in other diverse historical events.
To an outsider, Freemasonry rituals can appear obscure, pointless and baffling,
or even sinister. Yet an intensely stratified and hierarchical structure underpins
most Masonic orders, and the utmost secrecy is still demanded of its members
even though much of its tradition is known to outsiders.
In this clearly laid-out study, Giles Morgan examines the reality and the myth behind
the organization. Distinguishing one from the other, he provides a concise and highly
compelling account of one of the world’s most secret societies.
Extent: 192 pages
Extent: 192 pages
Extent: 192 pages
Extent: 192 pages
ISBN: 978-1-62795-038-1
Size: 7 x 9.25
Size: 7 x 9.25
Size: 7 x 9.25
Size: 7 x 9.25
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Illust: Four color throughout
Illust: Four color throughout
Illust: Four color throughout
Illust: Four color throughout
Extent: 192 pages
Price: $16.95 U.S./$18.95 CAN
Price: $16.95 U.S./$18.95 CAN
Price: $16.95 U.S./$18.95 CAN
Price: $16.95 U.S./$18.95 CAN
Size: 7 x 9.25
Subject: History/Cultural
Subject: History/Cultural
Subject: History/Cultural
Subject History/Cultural
Since their descent into
oblivion in 1307 from their
position as one of the most
powerful institutions of the
Middle Ages, the Knights
Templar have been a source
of great fascination, and the
subject of much historical
In this beautifully
illustrated book, Alan Butler
takes the reader from their
humble beginnings to their
tumultuous destruction 200
years later.
The Dead Sea Scrolls continue
to fascinate readers from all
walks of life. Discovered by
a Bedouin shepherd of the
Judean desert in 1947, they
remain the subject of endless
debate and speculation even
to this day.
When all 800 documents
became available in
translation in 1991, numerous
alternative theories arose
about their authorship and
dating. The now famous
Copper Scroll and theories
surrounding it are examined
here, as is their relevance to
the New Testament and the
messianic Jesus.
The Cathars practiced
vegetarianism, non-violence,
a liberal attitude towards
women, and tolerance. And,
without lifting a sword, they
posed a threat to Catholicism
greater than the Muslims
or Jews. Catharism was the
most successful heresy of the
Middle Ages.
Today, the Cathars
mystique is stronger than
ever as historians continue
to find links with movements
such as the Knights Templar,
the Troubadours, and the
search for the Holy Grail.
Mary Magdalene—probably
the Bible’s most enigmatic
and controversial figure—has
fired imaginations for nearly
two thousand years.
In the search for the true
story, the author takes the
reader through the gospels
of the New Testament, the
Gnostic Gospels, and Nag
Hammadi texts, as well as
through the High Middle
Ages when adoration of Mary
Magdalene was at its height.
Illust: Four color throughout
Price: $16.95 U.S./$18.95 CAN
Subject: History/Cultural Reference
Giles Morgan is an academic bookseller with
a longtime fascination for esoteric subjects.
He is a regular contributor to many esoteric
magazines in the UK and is the author of five
books. He lives in London, England.
Shelter Harbor Press
Shelter Harbor Press
recently published
8-page feature on the Starmus
meetings in the May 2015 issue
of Astronomy magazine
50 Years of Man in Space
Garik Israelian and Brian May
Foreword by Stephen Hawking
Astronomers, astronaut-explorers, Nobel Prize–
winning scientists, artists, and rock stars came
together for the 2014 Starmus Festival—a
spectacular lineup of notable scientists,
including Stephen Hawking, for a celebration
of space, art, and the world’s largest telescope.
The book features the talks made by an all-star
cast of speakers at the 2011 Starmus Festival,
including some of history’s greats—and with a
forward by Stephen Hawking.
ever before has such an ambitious series of talks, articles, and recollections
been assembled to celebrate the human exploration of space. It is the result
of the unique Starmus meeting in 2011 on Tenerife, where the legendary Russian
and American pioneers of the space age met up for the first time to share the
moments that electrified the human race.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Bill Anders, Yuri Baturin, Charlie Duke, Victor Gorbatko,
Alexei Leonov, Jim Lovell, Claude Nicollier, and Sergei Zhukov tell their personal
stories about the first space walk, the lunar landing, the heroic recovery of Apollo
13, the repair of the Hubble Space Telescope, and much more.
The most amazing event in science!
ISBN: 978-1-62795-026-8
Format: Hardcover
Our discovery of the Universe, our place
within it, and the meaning of life on Earth
also forged dramatic moments at Starmus
through the presentations of some of the
world’s leading scientists and thinkers
such as Rich Goldman, Brian May, Jack
Szostak, Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, Joseph
Silk, George Smoot, Michel Mayor, Robert
Williams, Adam Burrows, Garik Israelian, Kip
Thorne, Sami Solanki and Leslie Sage.
This volume was originally conceived to mark
50 years since Yuri Gagarin’s first spaceflight,
but is now equally dedicated to one of our
greatest heroes in human history—Neil
Armstrong, who so sadly passed away in 2012.
Starmus: 50 Years of Man in Space
celebrates the critical human moment we
have lived—the first steps into outer space, the
explosion of knowledge about our cosmos, and
where it might all be taking us. It will become
one of the seminal books of our era.
Extent: 192 pages
Size: 9 x 11 x 1
Price: $40.00 U.S./$50.00 CAN
Subject: Astronomy, History & Reference
Illust: over 200 color and b/w images
Publisher: Starmus
“Let us hope that our
grandchildren at our age
can look back and say,
‘The 20th century was a
century of advancement
and improvement in
technology, and the 21st
century was a century
of advancement and
improvement in human
Neil Armstrong – Starmus Festival 2011
Shelter Harbor Press
Shelter Harbor Press
new october 2015
recently published
mini Maestro Series
Crime Lab
Gather clues and solve
tricky cases!
mini Maestro Series
Micro Fliers
Magic Tricks
ISBN: 978-1-62795-039-8
ISBN: 978-1-62795-028-2
ISBN: 978-1-62795-029-9
ISBN: 978-1-62795-030-5
Box size: 3.75 (w) x 4.75 (h) x 2 (d)
Box size: 3.75 (w) x 4.75 (h) x 2 (d)
Box size: 3.75 (w) x 4.75 (h) x 2 (d)
Box size: 3.75 (w) x 4.75 (h) x 2 (d)
Hardback book size: 3.75 (w) x 4.50 (h) x .5 (d)
Hardback book size: 3.75 (w) x 4.50 (h) x .5 (d)
Hardback book size: 3.75 (w) x 4.50 (h) x .5 (d)
Hardback book size: 3.75 (w) x 4.50 (h) x .5 (d)
Extent: 48 pages
17 model planes to make
and fly!
Secret Spy
18 top secret missions to
est your crime-busting abilities and
enter the fascinating world of a Crime
Scene Investigator working as scientific
support with police forces. This cool kit
comes complete with the necessary
equipment for collecting evidence: a stamp
pad, tweezers, chalk, an evidence pot and
bags, and crime scene tape. The 48-page
book provides insight into the unique role
the CSI plays in crime detection, describing
the tasks involved and how evidence is
carefully retrieved from the scene of a crime.
Inside this kit you’ll find: 1 Black Stamp Pad
1 Black Plastic Tweezer
1 Chalk
1 Evidence Pot
2 Evidence Bags Crime Scene Tape
Shelter Harbor Press
Extent: 48 pages
Extent: 48 pages
Extent: 48 pages
Illust: Full color throughout
Illust: Full color throughout
Illust: Full color throughout
Illust: Full color throughout
Age: 7+
Age: 7+
Age: 7+
Age: 8+
Price: $9.95 U.S.
Price: $9.95 U.S.
Price: $9.95 U.S.
Price: $9.95 U.S.
Subject: Games
Subject: Games
Subject: Games
Subject: Games
The sky is the limit with this box set!
Build and fly seventeen magnificent fliers
and learn amazing facts about famous
The 48-page book will guide you from
rookie projects all the way to becoming
an advanced aviator. The kit contains
ten color models, a launcher and rubber
bands, so you’ll be airborne right away.
This box set is just what you need to
get the magic touch! Astound your
friends and family by learning to perform
eighteen magical acts.
The 48-page book will teach you the
secrets behind impressive tricks and
illusions, and the special rings, coin
box, mystery dice, and magic ball will
help you on your way to becoming a
spellbinding magician.
Welcome to the world of espionage!
Discover how to be a top code breaker,
and then go undercover to complete secret missions which will test your sleuthing skills. Use the decoder card, compass,
and secret marker pens included in this
kit to become a super spy.
The 48-page book will teach you covert
know-how and includes 20 pages of challenges to put your new skills to the test.
Shelter Harbor Press
previously published
previously published
The Pillars of Consciousness
Titania’s Crystal Ball
Buddha · Zen · Tao · Tantra
The Cup of Destiny
Now You Can See Your Future
Titania Hardie
A traditional fortune-teller’s cup and saucer
plus illustrated book of interpretations
Jane Lyle
From one of the most influential
and bestselling spiritual leaders
of the 20th century comes a work
that explores the four pillars of
Eastern wisdom
Each kit includes a glass
ball which is nearly 2½
inches in diameter
u Osho’s books have sold millions
u The Osho Foundation is well connected on social media platforms
ISBN: 978-1-62795-009-1
u There are few books by such a renowned author that cover all four Eastern
Extent: 560 pages
There is a long fascination in Western countries with the mysteries of the East, and in
recent times this extends to the spiritual realm. As more people define themselves as
“spiritual” rather than “religious”—in search of more open, individual approaches to the
sacred—the Eastern traditions hold a special appeal.
Unlike religions born in the Middle East—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—most
Eastern approaches to spirituality place little or no emphasis on a supreme being as
a source of divine guidance and dispenser of blessings. Rather, the emphasis is to
develop one’s own inner sense of the sacred—or, in the words of Buddha, to “be a
light unto yourself.” This volume explores four major streams of Eastern wisdom as
seen through the understanding of a contemporary mystic, and offers a window into
a broad spectrum of options—from the disciplined awareness of Buddha and Zen to
the relaxed acceptance of Tao and Tantra. Each has something to offer readers with an
open mind and a taste for the challenge of breaking old patterns and exploring new
Format: Paperback w/flaps
Size: 6.6 x 9
Illust: Four color throughout
Price: $24.95 U.S. /$29.95 CAN
Subject: Philosophy/Religion
Osho (1931–1990) is a contemporary mystic
whose teachings have inspired millions of
people from all walks of life.
His works, which have been published in
more than 40 languages, are transcribed from
talks given over a period of 35 years. They
cover everything from the individual search
for happiness to the most pressing social,
political, and spiritual concerns of our time.
Osho’s wisdom is legendary, as is his skill in
guiding his audience to an understanding
of complex philosophical concepts using
humor and the art of storytelling, and his
books are bestsellers in many countries.
“Discontent clouds your eyes and your
vision; contentment makes your eyes
unclouded and your vision clear. You
can see through and through; you can
understand things as they are.”
20 Shelter Harbor Press
Born in Australia, Titania
Hardie is a third generation
White Witch. Her maternal family
originates from Cornwall, England
and, through her mother’s
guidance, she nurtured her own
psychic abilities.
She is most recently known for
her new age novels, The House Of
The Wind and The Rose Labyrinth.
Titania lives in Somerset, England.
ISBN: 978-1-62795-000-8
Format: Paperback + crystal ball +
handy tip sheet
Extent: 64 pages
Size: 5.9 x 5.9 x 3.5
Price: $19.95 U.S/$24.95 CAN
Subject: New Age
u One of the bestselling crystal ball authors of all time
u Titania Hardie’s books have sold over a million copies
Open this pack and you open your mind to your own ability
to “see” the future. The guidebook explains everything you
need to know, from “What will I see?” and “How do I start?” to
“What else can I do?” Bestselling author Titania Hardie is your
expert guide.
Crystalomancy is now within everyone’s grasp. Titania takes
readers by the hand and, with easy-to-follow steps based on
her own practical experience, introduces the reader to the
ancient art of scrying.
Britain’s most famous White Witch explains how, with the
right approach, anyone can learn to see the future.
Jane Lyle learned the
traditional art of reading tea
leaves from her grandmother.
She lives in London.
A delightful way
to see the future
while enjoying
a cup of tea or
ISBN: 978-1-62795-001-5
Format: Paperback + facsimile
Edwardian cup and saucer +
positioning cloth with handy
tip sheet of the most important
symbols and meanings
Extent: 96 pages
Size: 6.7 x 6.5 x 3.6
Price: $19.95 U.S./$24.95 CAN
Subject: New Age
Learn the ancient art of reading tea leaves—or coffee
grounds—with this beautifully designed cup and saucer, based
on an original Edwardian design. Reading leaves is a fun and
easy way of making predictions for you, your friends, and family.
An ivy leaf shows that you need endurance and faith now,
but you will win the support of your friends. A heart near the
rim of the cup means that love is not far away.
Why not turn the kettle on now and start your first reading?
The Cup of Destiny reveals the secrets of this ancient
method, allowing you to make predictions for yourself and
your friends.
Shelter Harbor Press 21
recently published
recently published
Playing the Harmonica
Dave Oliver
Championship Yo-Yo Tricks
Dave Oliver
Dinosaur Hunter: T. Rex
Peter Eldin
hen did dinosaurs roam the earth? How did they live, and what
happened to them? This great book and puzzle kit contains a
24-page paperback that explains all about these fascinating beasts: when
they lived, how they evolved, their different types and habitats, and how
they became extinct. T. Rex, the most famous dinosaur of all, is featured in
the truly monster-size puzzle that extends nearly four feet in length. Kids
will learn everything they want to know about these prehistoric creatures
and have loads of fun in the process.
ISBN: 978-1-62795-031-2
Box size: 7.37 (w) x 8.87 (h) x 3 (d)
Paperback book size: 7.25 (w) x 8.62 (h)
Extent: 24 pages
Illust: Full color throughout
Dave Oliver is a journalist
and highly experienced writer
specializing in music, games,
technology, and popular culture.
In his spare time he plays bass
and harmonica in blues and soul
bands in London.
ISBN: 978-1-62795-024-4
Format: Paperback + quality
harmonica + handy carrying
Learn 32
yo-yo tricks!
ISBN: 978-1-62795-023-7
Jigsaw size: 47.25 (w) x 26 (h) 100 pieces
Format: Paperback + 2 yo-yos—
one traditional wooden and one
that flashes
Age: 7+
Extent : 64 pages with four color
Extent: 64 pages with black and
white illustrations
Size: 8 x 6 x 2.5
Size: 8 x 6 x 2.5
Price: $14.95 U.S./$16.95 CAN
Price: $14.95 U.S./$16.95 CAN
Subject: Music, Music Instruction
Subject: Games. Hobbies
Playing the Harmonica is a great kit for older children, teens,
and adults. The kit includes a fully illustrated 64-page book, a
genuine 10-hole blues harmonica in the key of C, and a red felt
carrying pouch.
Using clear text and colorful, easy to follow illustrations, the
book shows you how to play the harmonica in a variety of styles
and provides 20 well-known tunes that you can get started on
right away. Within minutes you can be playing real music!
Also included:
Tips on how to refine your sound
A brief history of the harmonica
How to care for your harmonica
Inspirational profiles on some of harmonica’s greatest
players, including Little Walter and Larry Adler
Shelter Harbor Press
Price: $15.95 U.S.
Subject: Games
Peter Eldin is an experienced children’s
book author of over 200 titles that cover
a wide range of subjects, from dinosaurs
and science to magic and mysteries. He
also compiles quizzes for radio and TV.
Championship Yo-Yo Tricks is a great kit for older children,
teens, and adults. The stylish box with reflective foil cover
contains a 64-page paperback book PLUS two brilliant
yo-yos—a plastic one with flashing lights and a traditional
wooden one.
The book describes 32 tricks. Each one has step-by-step
instructions and clear black and white illustrations. The tricks
are ranked from easy to hard so as you progress through the
book you master increasingly challenging tricks.
Spinning yo-yos is fun and exciting and brings with it all sorts
of practical “spin-offs”—from improved hand-eye coordination
to the ability to hold a party audience spellbound!
Shelter Harbor Press
previously published
The History of Farting
Dr. Benjamin Bart
Over 400,000 copies
sold worldwide!
Everyone farts, admit it or not. From the ancient Greeks to monarchs and presidents,
here is a chronicle of broken wind that sails through the ages. Featuring classic
limericks, actual history, and humorous definitions, this book is a real ripper.
ISBN: 978-1-62795-005-3
This collection of papers was started by Benjamin Bart on discovering several
papers in his grandmother Emily’s cedar chest, and is available with the help of
the Austrian Literature Council. The book encompasses all aspects of the history of
farting, from the place of farts in culture to an A–Z of classic farts. Also included are
sections on Le Petomane, France’s greatest farter whose performances impressed
Le Moulin Rouge, and on the Farta from Sparta, the old rugby club favorite
immortalized in a 12-verse epic limerick. For the medically minded, one chapter
considers the physiology of farting.
Illust: 16 b/w
Format: Paper over board
Extent: 160 pages
Size: 4.5 x 6
Price: $9.95 U.S./$10.95 CAN
Subject: Humor
Dr. Benjamin Bart is a fiction. In order
to protect the guilty, he is currently in an
author protection program.
Kurtis Lowe (WA, OR, AK, MT, ID, UT-N)
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Shelter Harbor Press
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Fax: 866-583-2066
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Causten Stehle (Select Accounts Hudson Valley)
55 McKinley Av #D214
White Plains NY 10606
Tel: 914-948-4259
Fax: 866-861-0337
[email protected]
Tom Bowen (OK, TX, Central/Western AR, LA)
4151 Cobblers Ln
Dallas TX 75287
Tel: 972-381-1828
Fax: 972-381-1829
[email protected]
Beth Chang (Western IA, NE, Eastern SD, KS)
2745 Bradfield Dr
Lincoln NE 68502
Tel: 402-476-6199
Fax: 800-537-2618
[email protected]
Mark Fleeman (Chicago & Central/North IL, IN, KY,
LA, Central WI)
161 Moorland
Valparaiso IN 46385
Tel: 219-476-0346
Fax: 219-476-4366
[email protected]
Andrew Holcomb (Chicago, IL, Eastern MI, OH,
Select WI)
3319 Alton Court
Ann Arbor MI 48105
Tel: 734-913-4310
Fax: 734-661-0513
[email protected]
Don Sturtz (Select Chicago Accounts)
7 Pine Shadow Court
Savannah GA 31411-3055
Tel: 630-908-8990
Fax: 708-354-6534
[email protected]
Eric Heidemann—Head of Group (Eastern AR,
Central & Southern IL, Chicago, Eastern IA, MO,
Kansas City)
75 Sunny Hill Dr
Troy MO 63379
Tel: 636-528-2546
Fax: 636-600-5153
[email protected]
Kathy Boggs-Office Mgr/Customer Care
75 Sunny Hill Drive
Troy MO 63379
Tel: 708-978-7826
Fax: 708-949-8846
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Barbara Aronson (MN, ND, Western SD, Northern
WI, Chicago, UP-MI)
803 Oak Ridge Dr
Osceola WI 54020
Tel: 715-220-4546
Fax: 920-273-2608
[email protected]
Sales Representation:
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Toronto ON M6S 2C8
Tel: 416-516-0917
Fax: 416-516-0911
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Orders & Customer Service:
100 Armstrong Avenue
Georgetown ON L7G 5S4
Tel: 905-877-4483
Fax: 905-877-4410
[email protected]
Shelter Harbor Press
The History · The Machines · The Writers
published this October
Vintage typewriter
ribbons from
around the world.
(see page 39)
S h e lt e r H a r b o r P r e ss
603 W 115 Street • Suite 163 • New York, NY 10025
T: 212 864 0427• F: 212 316 6496
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