the May 2016 Newsletter - Arena Congregational Church
the May 2016 Newsletter - Arena Congregational Church
The Good Tidings Arena Congregational Church May 2016 CELEBRATING OUR PAST-EMBRACING OUR FUTURE Affiliated with the Wisconsin Congregational Association Thoughts from here and there...What Moms really pray at night. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my sanity to keep. For if some-peace I do not find, I'm pretty sure I'll lose my mind. I pray I find a little quiet Far from the daily family riot May I lie back - not have to think, about what they're stuffing down the sink Or who they're with, or where they're at, and what they're doing to the cat. I pray for time all to myself Did something just fall off a shelf? And that I need not cook or clean Well heck, I've got the right to dream. Yes, now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my wits about me keep But as I look around I know– I must have lost them long ago. Author Unknown via George Goldtrap, Ormond-by-theSea, FL Special Days in the Secular and Church Calendar May 1, (S), Fellowship Day, Christian Home Month, Rural Life Sunday To cuddle in my nice, soft bed Oh no! Another goldfish - dead! May 3, National Teacher Appreciation Day Some silent moments for goodness sake Did I just hear a window break? May 5, Ascension Day, National Day of Prayer (Continued on page 2) May 4, Holocaust Memorial Day May 6, Nurses Day May 7, Mother's and Daughter's Breakfast, 8:00 am. May 8, (S), Mother's Day, Ascension Sunday May 15, (S),Pentecost May 21, Armed Forces Day these characteristics so that we may achieve the common purposes of our God. It is well worth our time and effort. So come and enjoy and learn how to develop and apply the characteristics of a Christian. May 1, May Day, Christian Home Month, Heritage Month: Lesson: 2 Peter 1.6b, Sermon Title: Passionate Patience May 22, (S), Trinity Sunday May 29, (S), Memorial Sunday May 30, Memorial Day Observed May 8, Ascension Sunday, Mother’s Day: Lesson: 2 Peter 1.6c, Sermon Title: Reverent Wonder A Promise and A Prayer A Promise For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you, (John 13:15, NRSV). A Thought Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Jesus Christ sets the example. He encourages us to emulate it to the fullest. Jesus would have his sisters and brothers to be a people who are zealous for good works, standing firm for principle among the pollution of this present age. We can be a people who hold so fast to the divine strength that we will be proof against every temptation to compromise our faith and standing with God. A Prayer God, help me to be strong; to be a good example of how faith and grace can create strength of character and faithfulness in the performance of good deeds. Amen. Sermons for May May 15, Pentecost: Lesson: 2 Peter 1.7a, Sermon Title: Warm Friendliness May 22, Trinity Sunday: Lesson: 2 Peter 1.7b, Sermon Title: Generous Love May 29, Memorial Sunday, Lesson: 2 Peter 1.8, : Increasing Rewards Praying for One Another Our contacts are limited. We see each other infrequently. There are times when we do not know the other's person's name. We are not able to keep up with each other's needs. No one is to blame; it is a simple fact of life in the 21�� Century. There is something that we can do for one another. We can pray. James 5:16 says, The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. The righteous simply describes those who are members of God's family. That includes us all. Let us (Continued on page 3) Peter in 2 Peter has much of which to remind us. He is writing about character, the character of the Christian. We study THE GOOD TIDINGS is a monthly publication of the Arena Congregational Church, 383 Oak St., PO Box 125, Arena, WI 53503-0125. Editor: Pastor Leslie R. Shultz II 409 W. Daley St. PO Box 488 Spring Green, WI 53588-0488 Pastor’s Phone: 608.574-0707 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Church Web Site: Church Office Phone: 608.753.2242 Contributors: Members, Friends and Officers of the Arena Congregational Church. Ideas and comments about this publication should be addressed to the editor and sent to his home address. The Good Tidings, May 2016, page 2 pray for one another, week-by-week let us pray for one another. Thomas Favreau Alexander Favreau Mrs Sue Favreau Mr and Mrs Aaron Gruszynski and Family Mr and Mrs Joe Hodgson Ms Kathy Johnson Mr and Mrs Ray Wahljohnson and Family Mr. Paul Pfanku For what may we pray? Let your prayers be simple and positive. Here are a few suggestions for your prayers: Pray that each person will have a growing relationship with God and the Church. Pray that each person will live wisely using good judgement. Pray that each person will take care of him or her self and so experience optimum health. Pray that each person, may with God’s help, find the inner strength to live with the reality of success and adversity. Spotlight on the family 12 warnings to prevent family breakdowns1 1. Don't try to make over your spouse or your children. Instead, nurture, teach, encourage, admonish and counsel them. 2. Don't show favorites among family members, or reject one that is being unusually difficult. More specifically, don't compare one child unfavorably with the other. ¹Copyright Communication Resources, “The NEWSLETTER Newsletter, 1990 (Used by permission) 3. Don't try to manipulate your spouse with your emotions, i.e., don't resort to "emotional control" when you perceive you're losing an argument. "Laying on guilt" through using your emotions to squelch arguments will have dire consequences in the long run. 4. Don't make your family your scapegoat. In particular, don't save the rudest side of yourself for your family. 5. Don't let differences of opinion develop into a battle of the wills where one must lose in order for the other to win. Rather, use differences as opportunities to grow as a family. 6. Don't let family roles be so rigid and stereotyped that you cannot buffer each other during times of need or illness. 7. Don't focus on your own rights, or constantly evaluate whether or not you are getting enough out of family relationships. Rather, seek to unconditionally love and minister to each other. 8. Don't minimize your mistakes. Acknowledge sin and ask for forgiveness. 9. Don't maximize mistakes. Don't repeatedly throw things up to your spouse such as "You're just like your mother," or "I'll never forgive you for what you did to me ten years ago." 10. Don't assume everyone in the family makes mistakes but you. 11. Don't give up when you're exhausted. Get some rest at home or take a brief vacation away from home. 12. Don't hesitate to seek counseling if difficult, overwhelming problems develop. There are counselors who help us can gain insight regarding the inevitable problems that arise in life. Recipe of the Month Party Salad (very easy) From the recipe files of Helga Shultz 1/2 cup mayonnaise 8 ounces cooked sea shell macaroni 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup cooked chicken 8 ounce can chunk pineapple (drained) 1 teaspoon curry powder 16 ounce can of peas (drained) salt and pepper 1/4 cup chopped pecans 8 ounces yogurt Place macaroni, diced chicken, drained pineapple and peas into a large bowl. Mix together yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice and curry. Season with salt and pepper and toss with macaroni mixture. Refrigerate for an hour and sprinkle with pecans. Make about 4 servings. The Good Tidings, May 2016, page 3 Officers for 2014 - 2015 Governing Board President: Jim Favreau, 753.2334 Vice-president: Joanne Brown, 753-2316 Treasurer: Steven Wilkinson, 753.2131 Clerk: Joe Hodgson, 753-2520 Financial Secretary: Ray Johnson, 753-2845 Church Secretary: Steve Wilkinson, 753.2131 Officers Sunday School Superintendent, Karen Wilkinson, 7532131 Choir Director, Leslie Shultz, 574-0707 Head Usher Jim Favreau, 753.2334 and Ray Johnson, 753.2845 Meetings Governing Board: Second Monday, May 9, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Men’s Breakfast: Third Saturday, 7:30 a.m., at Grandma Mary’s. Our next breakfast will be in either September or October. There will be an announcement in the Church Bulletin. Greeters Missions We are supporting the Congregational Mission of Jardin America with a gift of $40 a month through the missions program of the National Association of Congregational Christians. We also contribute $50.00 a month to the Arena Food Pantry, and $25.00 a month to the Food Pantry at the Spring Green Community Church. If you would like to donate canned or dried food products you may put them in the barrel in the entry. Thank you for your support of our local and foreign mission projects. Something to Think About Love yourself - accept yourself forgive yourself - and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things. ~Leo F. Buscaglia Humor You Know You're a Mother When… You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal. You have time to shave only one leg at a time. May 1 - Jim Favreau Family May 8 - Vivian Dodge You hide in the bathroom to be alone. Someone else's kid throws up at a party. You keep eating. May 15 - Joyce Reimann As you cling to the high moral ground on toy weapons; your child chews his toast into the shape of a gun. May 22 - Ray and Colleen and Family May 29 - Joe and Carol Hodgson You hope ketchup is a vegetable, since it's the only one your child eats. June 5 - Judi Salava Adult Bible Study We are meeting at the home of Steve and Karen Wilkinson, 817 Brown St., Arena. You find yourself cutting your husband's sandwiches into cute shapes. You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say, "NOT in your good clothes!" We are studying Paul's Letter to the Romans. Romans You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you. may be the most important letter you will ever read. It is You hire a sitter because you haven 't been out with Paul's masterpiece, the clearest and fullest explanation your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking of the gospel in the Bible. on the kids. Worship On Compact Disks The Worship Services are recorded each week on a CD so that you may share in the fellowship and enjoyment of worship. If you would like to listen to a service to share the music, pray the prayers and learn from the sermon call either Steve Wilkinson, 753-2131 or Pastor Shultz, 574-0707 and a CD will be delivered to you. Let us know if you need a CD player. You use your own saliva to clean your child's face. You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything. - from Laugh & Lift [email protected] The Good Tidings, May 2016, page 4 Getting a Passport Before she died, an old lady wanted to visit England, the home of her ancestors. She went to the Federal Office and asked for a passport. A mother shows every emotion...happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love, hate, anger, helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow...and all the while hoping and praying you will only know the good feelings in life. "You must take the loyalty oath first," the passport clerk said. She's the place you came from, your first home, and she's the map you follow with every step you take. "Raise your right hand, please." The senior citizen raised her right hand as the clerk asked, "Do you swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, domestic or foreign?" The sweet old face paled and the voice trembled as she responded, "Well, I guess so, but ... will I have help, or will I have to do it all by myself?" from Thomas E. (via [email protected] She's your first love; your first friend, even your first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not space...not even death! Author unknown Mikey's Funnies <[email protected]> J J J J J Survival Tips from Mom - If you are lavishly praised, enjoy the taste but don't swallow it whole. J J J J J A little old Jewish lady is flying out of New York City on her way to Miami Beach. She looks at the businessman sitting next to her and asks him, "Excuse me sir, but are you Jewish?" The man responds politely, "No, ma'am, I'm not Jewish." After a little while, she again asks him. "You're really Jewish, aren't you?" - After a certain age, if you say something outrageous, everyone will think it's cute. Take advantage of this. - Your children may leave home, but their stuff will be in your attic and basement forever. - If you wouldn't want to see it in a newspaper or on the evening news, don't do it. - Don't let a child with the stomach flu sleep on the top bunk. Barely 10 minutes later, the little old lady asks him once more, "Are you sure you're not Jewish?" - If you humiliate yourself, be consoled with the thought that you probably made someone else's day . . . maybe even their week. Think of your humiliation as an act of charity. Finally, in exasperation and in a final effort to shut her up, he replies, "OK. Yes, ma'am, I am Jewish." - Avoid marrying anyone who deliberately flushes the toilet when you're taking a shower. "Funny," she says, looking puzzled. "You don't look Jewish!" - It's a proven fact that zipping up a small child's snowsuit will cause her to wet her pants. There is no known cure for this. Again he responds, "No, ma'am, I am not Jewish." - from Laugh & Lift [email protected] - If you want to hide candy bars so you can eat them after the kids are in bed, put the candy in the freezer in a paper bag labeled "Fish." J J J J J Your Mother is always with you. She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street. She's the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick and perfume that she wore. She's the cool hand on your brow when you're not feeling well. She's your breath in the air on a cold winter's day. She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep, the colors of a rainbow. She is Christmas morning. Your Mother lives inside your laughter. Mikey's Funnies <[email protected]> J J J J J I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids. Mikey's Funnies <[email protected]> J J J J J Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. She's crystallized in every teardrop. ~Phyllis Diller The Good Tidings, May 2016, page 5 Mother’s Day Breakfast 8:00 am, Saturday, May 7, 2016 In celebration of Mother’s Day, the men will be serving breakfast to all mom’s, guests of mom’s and children of mom’s. Come and enjoy! THE GOOD TIDINGS Arena Congregational Church 383 Oak St PO Box 125 Arena, Wisconsin 53503-0125 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Thank you for your contributions to the Community Connections Free Clinic and the Iowa County Homeless Coalition. We were able to send $100 to each of them. May 30 is Memorial Day. It is a day to remember those who have given their lives in the fullest expression of devotion to family and country. It is a day to experience a lump in the throat and a tear in the eye. Please join the members of the VFW in a service of remembrance at the Arena elementary school.