Celebration of the Eucharist
Celebration of the Eucharist
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Religious Fr. Kevin Vogel, Pastor PO Box B 402/843-2345 Email: [email protected] Deacon Dennis Wiehn 402/843-5808 Deacon William Camp 402/843-5464 Sister Patricia Hoffman PO Box 219 402/843-5461 Parish Office (for St. Boniface and St. Bonaventure) Parish Website: www.stbonparishes.com www.facebook.com/stbonparishes Mailing Address: PO Box B, Elgin NE 68636 Parish Office Phone 402/843-2345 Fax 402/843-2253 St. Boniface Gym Phone 402/843-2249 Michele Reicks [email protected] Linda Moser [email protected] Audra Borer [email protected] Office Hours: Monday (closed in morning) 1pm-4pm Tuesday-Thursday (Closed 12-1 pm) 9am-4pm Friday 9am-4pm BULLETIN DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Third Tuesday of Month Prayer Chain Request St. Boniface: Call Betty Mackel or Mary Jane Boes St. Bonaventure: Call Mary Ann Fangman or Mary Ann Starman Schools St. Boniface School (K-6) / Pope John Central (7-12) Betty Getzfred, Principal 402/843-5325 Website: www.pjcrusaders.org Religious Education (K-6) Family Formation Cheryl Veik, Coordinator 402/843-5322 Sunday Youth Group (7-12) Louise Schindler, Sunday Youth Group 402/843-5375 Fr. Kevin Vogel, Confirmation Coord. 402/843-2345 Tintern Retreat Center, tintern.homestead.com 402/776-2188 Celebration of the Eucharist St. Boniface Parish Saturday Sunday 5:30 pm 10:00 am Weekdays Monday (Communion Service) 7:20 am Thursday-Friday 7:20 am Wednesday & First Fridays 8:15 am St. Bonaventure Parish Sunday 8:00 am Tuesday 8:30 am Sacrament of Reconciliation St. Boniface Parish Saturday 4:15-5:15 pm St. Boniface Parish Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm St. Bonaventure Parish Sunday 7:30-7:50 am Other times needed? Please call Fr. Vogel at 402/843-2345 St. Boniface Eucharistic Day of Prayer The Day before First Friday, Each Month August 14, 2016 Friends, The Solemnity of the Assumption is this Monday. I am offering Mass in Elgin on Monday morning at 11:30 am. (with the school students) and at 7:00 pm in Raeville. Even though this year it is not considered a "holy day of obligation" since it lands on a Monday, I hope you can attend Mass. Not only as it gives honor to our Mother, but also reminds us of the wonders God does for us as well. On Thursday, August 18th, we will be going back to the 7:20 am daily Mass time. This is with the exception of the Tuesday Raeville Mass and the school Masses. Always refer to the bulletin as things may change from week to week. Thank you to Dave & Janice Eischeid and Duane Hoefer who recently fulfilled their term on the St. Boniface Stewardship and Evangelization Committee, and to Dave Kerkman, and Jake & Kari Schindler who said "yes" to becoming new members. Religious Education begins the end of August. Family Formation (gr. 1-6) begins Wednesday, August 31 with Mass celebrated at 6:30 pm and the class to follow from 7:00-8:00 pm. If you wish to send your child/children and are not already registered, please call coordinator Cheryl Veik at 402-843-8023. Sunday Youth Group (gr. 7-12) will meet Sunday, September 25 after the 10:00 am Mass. Please call coordinator Louise Schindler at 402-843-5375 to register or for more information. Thank you to the many men’s and women’s circles and committees who have been doing work in our parish lately! Next Saturday, August 20 I will be officially installed as your pastor of St. Bonaventure and St. Boniface, by Archbishop Lucas at the St. Boniface 5:30 pm Mass. I would like to invite members of both parishes to attend. The parish staff, trustees and parish council members from both parishes are asked to sit toward the front of church during Mass. An installation ceremony occurs every time a new pastor comes to a parish, but may be more or less formal. Having it as part of a Sunday Mass helps to acknowledge how a change in pastor is significant in the life of a parish, and that as your new pastor, I have the responsibility of being attentive to your pastoral needs and in assisting you in following Christ. Immediately following will be a light meal in the church basement, so all are invited to attend. We will have more tables set up in the basement to accommodate the crowd, and will also have a picnic table outside for the young people to sit on if they wish. I’m happy that Archbishop Lucas will be spending the evening with us! This Week In Our Parish……… Parish E/R E R E/R E Day Monday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Date August 15 August 15 August 17 August 17 August 20 Time 8 am-1 pm 7:00 pm ---------5:45 pm 5:30 pm Event SB/PJ/EPS First Day of School Altar Society Meeting in Convent Raeville Mow Parish Grounds Family Formation Catechist Meeting Fr. Vogel’s Installation Mass w/ Meal in Basement Following Mass *Archbishop Lucas will be here Stewardship for August 5-6, 2016 Please keep our Parish Stewardship Needs in your Prayers St. Boniface Sunday Collection (65 Env.) Children’s Collection Columban Father’s Missionary P.I.E. Sunday Collection as of Fiscal Week 6 Budgeted Total Actual Total Amount Behind $3,276.00 $4.50 $478.00 $1,500.00 $26,160.00 $22,903.76 ($3,256.24) St. Bonaventure Parish Hall Donations Goal Amount: $365,000.00 Received to Date (134 donors): $348,724.59 Addl. Pledged to be paid yet: $2,900.00 A memorial to the Religious Sisters who taught at St. John Berchman School in Raeville is underway. The memorial will commemorate all of the sisters who taught at our school. The cost of the memorial is around $3,200. $2,500 has already been donated to this monument. If you or your family is interested in donating to this, please contact the Parish office. The memorial garden with the monument will be placed north of St. Bonaventure Church. Thank you. Thanksgiving Bazaar Worklist The Thanksgiving Bazaar work list will be compiled soon. If you are one of our more seasoned workers, who may have dedicated decades to our tradition but now wish to step down because you feel you are unable to work a shift, please do not hesitate to let us know. Please call the Parish Office at 402-843-2345 or Julie Borer at 402-843-5528. Please know that your service and dedication to the Bazaar has been appreciated! St. Boniface Altar Society Worklist Church Cleaning: Circle 2 (August) Next Funeral: Circle 5 Kookie Klatch: Circle 3 (August 20 at 2 pm) Next Charity: Circle 3 (Fr. Vogel Installation August 20 after 5:30 Mass) Next Charity: Circle 6 Next Meeting: August 15 at 7:00 pm St. Bonaventure Sunday Collection (21 Env.) Children’s Collection Building Maintenance Columban Father’s Missionary Relgious Sister’s Memorial Sunday Collection as of Fiscal Week 6 Budgeted Total Actual Total Amount Ahead $984.00 $10.00 $200.00 $275.00 $500.00 $5,460.00 $6,068.00 $984.00 St. Boniface Parish Thanksgiving Bazaar RAFFLE Solicitors are beginning to call those who gave last year, so we are hoping you will respond positively when they call. We always need new prize donors- if you have never given, and wish to do so, please fill out the form below. Donor Name:________________________________ Phone Number:______________________________ Prize Donated: _______________________________ Monetary Value of Prize (if Merchandise): __________________________________________ We ask that the prize be submitted the same time the stub is submitted. Deadline: August 18. New Prize Donors, please place slip in the collection or drop it off at the parish office. Repeat donors are asked to give your donation when asked by a solicitor. Thanks so much! Father Kramper’s 70th Birthday! There will be an Open House Saturday, August 20 at the American Legion in Clearwater. A catered meal will start at 5 pm. It is a free will donation with all proceeds going to Father Kramper’s retirement home—Casa de Paz. Father will be celebrating Mass at 4 pm at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Clearwater for anyone that would like to attend. If you are purchasing anything from Amazon please use Smile.Amazon.com and select Pope John XXIII. The school automatically gets a portion of what you spend from Amazon. Mass Intentions for the Week…… Parish Day Date Time Intention E R R E E E E R E August 15 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 21 11:30 am 7:00 pm 8:30 am 8:15 am 7:20 am 8:15 am 5:30 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am +Erin Cannon Rust Assumption Holy Day All School Mass by Faculty For the People Assumption Holy Day +Leonard Meis & Robert Thiele +Mary & Stephanie Eischeid by 5th/6th grade +Jerry & Lita Tunink Family +Jim & Paul Eischeid For the People of St. Boniface and St. Bonaventure +Joe & Lorraine Stuhr +Ron Reestman/Delores Bode Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Sunday Please Remember In Your Prayers: Payson Guthard, Taylor Rudley, Bob Fritz, Cheri Cavanagh, Bob Spieker, Dodi Bauer, Jay Ericson, Dallas Stuhr, Dona Elliott, Bob Redler, Travis McKillip, Logann Pelster, Juliann Starman, Paul Ahrendt, Vincent Vacha, Jerry McNally, Lincoln Schindler, Amy Mezzacappy, Rose Gall, Karen Seger, Lila Winger, Kurt Saner, Brian Furgeson, Jessica Peterson, Craig Allemang, Daniel Brunning, Lauren Andersen, Jamie Smith and unborn son, Linda Dinslage, Janet (Parilek) Bumgarner, David Schalk, Dan McCarty, Newborn Makai Gossman, Joyce Kallhoff, Lisa Moser and unborn daughter, Teri (Monte) Reicks. Parishioners: Helen Neukirch, Margaret Dozler, Christine Studley, Alfreda Pelster, Eve Kallhoff, Don & Shirley Henkenius, Don Skillstad, Dee Bode, Yvonne Heithoff, LaVern Jochum, Sally Beckman, Bertha Farris, Mary Beelart, Marjorie Bode, Emma Voborny, Melvin Kallhoff, Herman Starman, Evelyn Pelster, Mary Jane Henn, Mary Ann Starman, Neil Childers, Loretta Zegers, Charlene Beckman. [Please let us know if a name can be removed.] Young adults who have settled here after graduation, college or marriage are asked to please register as an adult member of the parish. You may do so by stopping off at the parish office to request a form. We are happy to have you back in our parish! The next Baptism Class for St. Boniface and St. Bonaventure Parishes is scheduled for Monday, August 22 at 7:30 pm at Bill & Phyllis Camp’s residence. In order to have your child baptized, it is necessary for you to attend this class if you are a first time parent, a parishioner recently registered in either parish, or if it has been over two years since you last attended the class. Please call Bill or Phyllis at 402843-5464 by August 15 to register. An order will be placed this week for bulk subscriptions to the Magnificat. This prayer book contains the Mass readings, morning, evening and night prayer of the Church, along with daily info about the lives of the saints. Meditations each day are chosen to help us grow deeper in our spiritual journey. The cost is $35. If it is ordered singly the cost is $45. There are some sample copies in the back of church for you to take. Please let Linda Kerkman know by August 15th. Phone: 843-8524 “Partners in Education” is an effort to supplement the portion of St. Boniface tuition that some families are unable to provide for a variety of reasons. All donations and recipients are strictly anonymous. If you would like to give something for this worthwhile cause, use the envelope provided in the recent mailing or mark a plain envelope “P.I.E.” and place it in the basket. Raeville New Hall Painting will be held the week of August 22. If you are able to help, please call Chris Grundmayer at 402-386-5611 so a specific day can be set. Thank you! Please remember the Thanksgiving Bazaar when freezing sweet corn. (zip lock bags thaw easier) …..and please remember our Country Store when canning jams, jellies, fruits and vegetables. St. Boniface Altar Society will have their first meeting after their summer break, on Monday, August 15 at 7:00 pm at the convent meeting room. A variety of topics will be on the agenda, with a busy fall planned. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Thank you to those who donated aluminum cans. They were recently sold and $258.84 was received for St. Boniface School! WE NEED YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER! We are running into many instances where our parishioners are getting rid of their land lines at home. In these cases, we would be happy if you could let the parish know your cell phone numbers so we can keep our records up-to-date. Call or email us with your change. The parish staff addresses are on the front of bulletin. St. Boniface appreciates the following memorials given in loving memory of Vincent Thiele: St. Boniface School $35.00 Liturgical Ministers for Assumption, Monday, August 15, 2016 Mass Servers Ushers Greeters/ Rosary Leaders MONDAY AUGUST 15 11:30 am ELGIN Gift Bearers Lectors Music EMHC *To the sick ALL SCHOOL MASS Assumption MONDAY AUGUST 15 7:00 pm RAEVILLE Harlie Bode Lexi Bode Mark Grundmayer Jerry Schrage -------------------- Assumption Jerry & Tami Schrage Family Brian Stuhr Joyce Reestman Ann Beckman Liturgical Ministers for Sunday, August 20-21, 2016 SATURDAY AUGUST 20 5:30 pm ELGIN Austin Bauer Natalie Bauer Ray Braband Michael Braband Clayton Dozler Brian Henn Karen EischeidW Mark & Brenda Schrage- N & S Ron & JoAnn Beckman Alan Reicks SUNDAY AUGUST 21 8:00 am RAEVILLE Emily Seier Lauren Seier Tyler Reestman Matt Sands Paul & Brenda Kuhlman Craig & Gini Seier Mark Grundmayer Joyce Reestman No Precious Blood- Miles Schrage SUNDAY AUGUST 21 10:00 am ELGIN Kayce Kallhoff Skyler Meis Dave Eischeid Ron Eischeid Travis Eischeid Bill Eischeid Ron & Linda Eischeid- W Dave KerkmanN Jodine Meis- S Joe & Lori Beckman Dan Polk Rosie Schueths Lindy Borer & Choir No Precious Blood- Pastor, Deacon, *Sue Schiltmeyer to choir, *Betty Getzfred, *Jim Getzfred, *Terry Reicks $$$ Calendar Lottery Winners $$$ 8-8-16 8-9-16 8-10-16 8-11-16 8-12-16 8-13-16 8-14-16 Mary McKillip Barb Bartak Merle Moser Travis Eischeid Jim & Anne Meis Gene Selting Jennifer Henn $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $75.00 Raeville will mow their parish grounds on Wednesday, August 17. St Frances Cabrini will be hosting a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Mexico over the feast day in December. The Catholic Pilgrimage will be December 8 – 13, $2,294 per person including air from Omaha, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Daily. Holy Mass every day. For more information please call Cathie or Mike Milano at 1-800-773-2660. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Psalms 46:10 Deb Baum Becky Kerkman Pastor, Deb Beckman Travel for the Canonization of Mother Teresa with Fr. Rodney Kneifl, Pastor of St. Cyril and Methodius, Clarkson, NE on our Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta - Italy Regular trip. Where: Rome, Assisi, Tuscany, Florence, Venice. Trip Dates: Sep 1-9, 2016. Cost: $3,900.00 Airfare and ALL-Included. To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508) 3409370. You can also register online at www.proximotravel.com. All are invited to join Archbishop Lucas for Mass and a rosary procession Saturday, September 3, 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary Church in Bellevue, offered for the intention of increased respect for the dignity of the unborn and all human life. The archbishop will lead the rosary procession to the local abortion facility. After the closing Benediction, all are invited to stay for a reception. Lindsay Holy Family Parish will be hosting their annual Bazaar & Dinner on Sunday, August 28th with a roast beef and sausage dinner and all the trimmings from 12-4 pm in their air-conditioned auditorium. Craft stands, Farmer’s Market, inflatable toys, concessions and raffle drawing. Handicapped and elderly parking available. Everyone is welcome!
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