Celebrate Our Ministries!
Celebrate Our Ministries!
SEPTEMBER 23, 2 0 0 7 THE NEWSLETTER OF ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH VOLUM E X V N U M B E R 33 Celebrate Our Ministries! Thanks! On Saturday, Sept. 8, Parish Clean-up Day, fifty hard-working volunteers helped embellish our beautiful church. On their hands and knees they scrubbed floors and cleaned corners. Many thanks to all who participated in this wonderful event, from Buildings and Grounds. Blessing the Animals On Sunday, Sept. 30 at 9:00 a.m., we’ll have our annual Feast of St. Francis Family Eucharist and Blessing of the Animals. Please join us with pets, pictures of your pets, or your favorite stuffed animal on the North Lawn for this joyful service. At 10:15, children and parents in preschool through fifth grade are invited to our Sunday School Open House to visit the classrooms, meet the teachers, and hear about our plans for the wonderful year ahead. Calling All College And Grad Students! Student Indaba is waiting to welcome you to our wonderful student group, which meets on the first and third Sundays of the month after the 11:15 a.m. service. You can find us at the stone bench near the lawn—please come and say hello! Also save the date for our WELCOME POOL PARTY, Sunday, Sept. 30 after the 11.15 a.m. service. For more information contact Lucie Pelleriti at africanfusion1975@ gmail.com. To Make the Dream Come True from susan russell, senior associate parish life I love Whitman’s Sampler Chocolates. They may not be as chichi as Godiva or inspire the same kind of local loyalty as See’s but they have that great little map on the inside of the cover so you can not only see what kind of chocolate you’ve got before you bite into it but you can also get an overview of the wonderful diversity that goes into making a really great box of chocolates. With apologies to Forrest Gump, that’s kind of how I think about Celebration of Ministries Sunday – it’s like a big box of chocolates spread all over the All Saints Quad Lawn where we get to see, touch, feel and experience the wonderful diversity of the work that goes on 24/7 on behalf of the Gospel here at All Saints Church. GALAS and COLORS and EDEN and Sustainable World. Prayer Shawls and Foster Care and Ushers and Women of Spirit. Sign a letter to Congress at the Peace & Justice table or reach out to a homeless woman at the Women’s Council table. Find out more about ministry with college students at the Indaba table or support children fighting childhood cancer at the CYF table. It is all part and parcel of the work of turning the human race into the human family – of bringing heaven to earth – of proclaiming the Good News of God’s inclusive love made available to all. That is the work we are about at All Saints Church – each and every Sunday and all the days in-between. And THIS Sunday – Celebration of Ministries Sunday – is when we intentionally celebrate every aspect of the diverse ways we live out the mission we sing about whenever we sing the words of this familiar hymn: A world in need now summons us to labor, love and give To make our life an offering to God that all may live The Church of Christ is calling us to make the dream come true A world redeemed by Christ-like love; all life in Christ made new. So come – bring all that you are and all that God is calling you to be to our Celebration of Ministries. Give thanks for the diversity of gifts working to make that dream come true - for the knitters and the prayers - for the advocates and the letter writers and the agitators. Check out the “Whitman’s Sampler” of work and witness spread out on the Quad Lawn - and maybe consider taking a bite out of something you haven’t tried before. It’s going to take each and every one of us - and then some! - to make the dream come true. So dig in - and celebrate! Sunday SEPTEMBER 23, 2007 eUCHARIST at 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. S E V E N T E E N T H S U N D AY A F T E R P E N T E C O S T A DULTS AT 10:15 RECTOR’S FORUM Language for the Holy Meal: Continuity and Change with Maggie Cunningham Central to our understanding of God at work in the life of Jesus is our weekly celebration of the bread and wine made holy in the Eucharist. Over the past two years a group has gathered with The Reverend Margaret Cunningham to examine the theological assumptions embedded in the liturgy and creeds of the Episcopal Church that may obscure, distort or deny the God revealed in the authentic words of Jesus. One of the results of this study is a new Eucharistic prayer, which will debut on Sunday at the 9 and 11:15 a.m. services. Maggie and members of the committee will explain the changes and the continuities the words of this new prayer reflect. Maggie was a parishioner for 30 years before All Saints sponsored her for ordination. Following her ordination to the priesthood in 1997, Maggie served on the All Saints staff for five years before moving to Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania to become Associate Rector of the Church of the Redeemer. She is now retired from staffing a church and free to put her creativity to new uses. Forum Jesus and Moral Thought O n Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. from Oct. 7 – Dec. 2, this series of small group discussions, led by Jim Prendergast, will meet to consider “When Jesus Came To Harvard,” by Harvey Cox. In the early 1980s the faculty at Harvard College asked Professor Cox to teach a course on Jesus in a newly introduced Moral Reasoning division of the undergraduate curriculum. The class that resulted, Jesus and Moral Thought, was structured to consider Jesus as rabbi, through the stories in the Gospels of and about Jesus, and how these ancient stories give us a way to approach moral decisions today. The class became the largest attended class at Harvard, attracting not only undergraduates but also students from the law, medical and business schools. As stated by Professor Cox, this is an invitation to “anyone who is equally dissatisfied with both mor- F O R C H I L D R EN Preschool (ages 2–4), SCOTT HALL 9:00Infant and Child Care with Bible Stories 10:30Room 3— 5: Preschool Story and Worship Grade School (K–5), LEARNING CENTER 9:00Children’s Chapel: Children go to church 10:15 11:15 with their parents, leave after the Gospel, and return before the offering. Grades K—5: No Sunday School, Celebration of Ministries Children’s Chapel: Children go to church with their parents, leave after the Gospel, and return before the offering. F O R YOUTH, JR. HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL 10:15–11:00 JR. & SR. HIGH SCHOOL: Celebration of Ministries alistic fundamentalism and do-yourown-thing relativism to take a fresh look at a certain first-century rabbi from an obscure corner of the Roman Empire called Galilee…The premise of this book is that despite all the sacred formulas and pious bumper stickers, and behind all the doctrines and dogmas about him, rightly understood, the Galilean still has a powerful, even imperative, moral significance for our times.” To register, stop by the Small Group Table or contact Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 or [email protected] for more information. Vestry Nominations T he Nominating Committee welcomes your nominations of candidates for membership on the Vestry, the governing board of All Saints Church. Composed of the Rector and 24 parishioners elected to fouryear terms, the Vestry retires six of its members and one youth representative each year. Candidates must be faithful in worship, service and financial support of the parish, as a pledger or giver of record. Individuals proposed should have a “systems” mentality, concerned about the church as a whole, as well The rector will preach on Using Street Smarts For God’s Wisdom at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 a.m. The Rev. Abel Lopez will preach at the 1 p.m. Spanish-English service. At 9 and 11:15 a.m., Coventry Choir accompanied by a string trio offer Laudate Jehovam, omnes gentes by Georg Philipp Telemann and O Lord, Increase My Faith by Orlando Gibbons. SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURES Amos 8:4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13 Join Us for the Next Saturday Celebration at 5 p.m. this Saturday. as any individual program or ministry area in which they are involved. Candidates should be interested in the functions of the Vestry: formulating policies and collaborating with the Rector and Staff on goals and objects of the overall ministry, as well as reviewing the performance of the Rector and various ministries. The Vestry is also responsible for the stewardship and financial management of the parish and the care of the physical campus. A variety of skills and working backgrounds is desirable for a strong Vestry, as well as a balance among the members in age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and length of membership. Nominating forms will be attached to the liturgy on Sunday, Sept. 23, and are available in the church office. For more information, please contact Anne Peterson, 626.583.2713 or [email protected]. Your parish thanks you! Got Video? Weekly sermons are available on video via the All Saints web site, audio podcasting via iTunes, and/or in print. Sermons, rector’s forums, and selected other presentations are also available on CD ($7) or DVD ($10). Go to the CD/DVD Table on the lawn on Sunday or call the church office. If there’s something you missed, ask about it! Millenium Development Goals Workshops Workshops on The Millenium Development Goals will be held on Thursday, Sept. 27 from 7–9 p.m. for anyone interested, and on Saturday, Sept. 29, from 2:30–4:30 p.m. specially for young adults (twenties and thirties). Both will be in the Guild Room. Join Wilma Jakobsen and Petrina Pakoe, Project Co-ordinator for Hope Africa, the non-profit development organization of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa, in this workshop about the challenge and joy of working to end poverty and achieving the millennium development goals in the challenging region of Southern Africa. For more information contact Wilma Jakobsen at wjakobsen@ allsaints-pas.org or 626.583.2762. GALAS Book Study Group GALAS Thursday night book study group’s first meeting will discuss Anne Lamott’s Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith. The group will meet at the home of Deb Ogden and Judy Detomaso, 127 N. Melrose Ave., Monrovia (north from Foothill Blvd, in between Santa Anita and Myrtle Avenues). The group starts Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m., and runs six weeks. Please call Deb Ogden at 626.303.3509 or Margi Austin at 909.982.7525 with any questions. GALAS events are inclusive–all members of the All Saints community are warmly welcomed. Walk-of-the-Month Club: Little Tokyo So. Cal. slow. On foot. With food. And companionship. On Saturday, October 6, you are invited to go for a walk in Little Tokyo. We take one once a month to explore different areas of Los Angeles. Then, each month, we eat together. A diversity of neighborhoods, a diversity of foods. The walk will be about one mile. We will meet at the church in the north parking lot at 9:00 a.m. on October 6 and take the Gold Line together into downtown. Walks are held on the first Saturday of the month and participation is limited to the first fifteen people to register. So please sign up soon. To register or for more information, contact Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 or [email protected]. New Ways to Welcome Newcomers Two new outreach programs start Sunday, Sept. 30. Welcome Bags Anyone visiting All Saints for the first or second time is invited to stop by the welcome table to pick up a goodie bag. We’re glad you’re here, and we’d like to show it with a special treat, parking passes and information about our church community. Ask Me! Got a question about All Saints? Answers are available from anyone wearing an Ask Me button. Answer people will be on the lawn Sundays. Let us help you learn more about All Saints. Just ask! Saturday in the Park SATURDAY-IN-THE-PARK is a new, monthly event for twenty and thirtysomethings, married or single, with kids or not. On Saturday, Oct. 6, join Wendy Barrie, Wilma Jakobsen and other young adults and families at Victory Park, Pasadena, from 10am-12noon, and include a visit to the Farmer’s Market next door to the park! It’s a great relaxing way to meet other young adults and families of the church and do some errands! For more information contact Wendy Barrie at [email protected] or 626.583.2733. Our Kids Involved! At Celebration of Ministries on Sunday, Sept. 23, see how children at All Saints Church live into our shared mission to make a difference in the world! Kids in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to host ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND! This is a national organization dedicated to supporting pediatric cancer research. We need families to staff the stand in 1/2-hour blocks from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and to bring homemade cookies and brownies. Please e-mail Wendy Claire Barrie at [email protected] if you are able to help. Memorial flowers are a beautiful way to remember a loved one, celebrate a special event, or to give thanks for so-meone who has touched your life. To donate flowers for the altars, please call 626.583.2721 Fiction Fun! Reads Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss On Friday, Sept. 28, Fiction Fun! gets back to fiction, with a discussion of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss, winner of the 2006 Man Booker Prize. In awarding the prize, Desai’s novel was characterized as “a magnificent novel of humane breadth and wisdom, comic tenderness and powerful political acuteness.” Please join us for social time in the Guild Room beginning at 7:00 p.m. The discussion starts at 7:30 and continues until 9:00. All are welcome. Call Rusty Harding at 626.583.2735 for more information. Portantino will discuss legislative progress in the past year in saving the kids in the system. The Foster Care Project’s Public Policy Committee advocates on behalf of these children and youth especially in the areas of education and housing. Actions Alive! Foster Care Project presents Assemblymember Anthony Portantino California Assemblymember Anthony Portantino will speak on “Legislative Changes Affecting the Lives of Foster Children and Youth” on Sunday, Sept. 30 from 12:45 to 2:00 p.m. in Sweetland Hall. There are approximately 20,000 children and young people in foster care in Los Angeles County. Each of them has suffered from various forms of abuse and neglect. Last year the Select Committee on Foster Care made saving kids in the foster care system a priority and took significant first steps to improve the system. A member of the Select Committee on Foster Care, Mr. Thank you for your generosity at the Action Table on July 15 and 22. $6,700 was collected for the Anglican Hospital in Northern Gaza and sent to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). ERD will develop the recourses via the Diocese of Jerusalem. Over 250 people participated in supporting the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan by calling members of Congress to request full funding of the program and a Congressional override of a presidential veto. This would be the first override of an executive veto during the present administration. Thank you for supporting healthcare for all of our children! shorts COPING with DIABETES This program provides relief from the stress and distress of living with diabetes, while helping to encourage improved clinical outcomes. Participants support and help one another implement desired lifestyle changes. All Saints parishioner George Byrne leads the group, assisted by David Zableckis. Both are diabetics. Educational segments emphasize bodily aspects of diabetes, but the participants are always reminded that healing is a matter of mind and spirit. The Fall 2007 series will begin Wednesday, Sept. 26. There will be seven bi-weekly meet- ings. For information or to register, please contact George Byrne at 818.952.9687 or at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE: Walking to Serve the Hungry: CROP Walk Sunday October 28! All Saints will again host hundreds of people walking to raise money for hunger- alleviating work both here and around the world. Last year the walk raised a total of $40,000, with $6,500 of that raised by All Saints. Let’s see if we can beat last year’s total! For further information contact Betty Cole, CROP Walk coordinator, at bcole@westridge. org or 626.441.3425. prayers FOR THE PARISH COMMUNITY Remember those for whom prayers have been requested: August Beucke; Donald Cameron; Ahmed & Parvin Chamany; Steve Cheney-Rice; Ian, Aidan and Sally Farnham; Melissa Gilbert; Jody Gunn; Patricia Gunderman; Terry Iverson; Benjamin Kayumba; Kurt Kreeger; Rob Larsen; Patrick Lubow; Ernie Mack; Jim Meagher; Jim Pattillo, III; Elizabeth Rivali; Miguel Angel Ruiz, Jr.; Alma Iris Torres; Kay Walker; Amanda and Melissa Walter; Sharon Weiser; Hope; Cecilia; Lisa and Ella; Rich In thanksgiving for: the births of Bronx Ralph Ellis Williams, son of Winter Williams and Deon Mitchell and grandson of Hilda Boulware; and Enlai Antonio Rooney, grandson of Tony and Robin Aquino; for the ordination to the priesthood of Peg Bradley; and for all the wonderful volunteers who helped with the Parish Clean-up Day For those who have died: Anthony Day; Liz Endle; Madeline L’Engle; Mary S. Martin; Elmer MacKinnon; Winnie Noriega; Luciano Pavarotti saints alive Volume 15 Number 33 Sunday, September 23, 2007 Deadline for September 30, 2007 issue is Tuesday, September 11, 2007 USPS 553-760 Published weekly except biweekly in July and August Postmaster: Send address changes to Saints Alive, 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101-1796 Telephone 626.796.1172 Fax 626.796.4749 Online www.allsaints-pas.org J. Edwin Bacon, Jr., Rector Printed on recycled paper. Attention Postmaster: Dated Material 1 3 2 N O R T H E u c l id A v en u e Pasadena, CALIFORNIA 91101 ALL SAINTS CHURCH Pasadena CA PAID Periodicals Postage
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