HS Friday Bulletin 09-27 - ISM High School
HS Friday Bulletin 09-27 - ISM High School
International School Manila d September 27, 2013 A weekly bulletin for Parents and Students For ATTENDANCE concerns, please contact the HS Office (Sam Ramos or Laurie Atilano) Tel: 840 8650 / 840 8653 Email [email protected] For GUIDANCE or IB/AP concerns, please contact Bella, Eloisa or Nyla Tel: 840-8655 / 840-8660 MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION: Dear Parents Today is a very special day in the HS calendar. An ISM tradition, The Battle of Bearcats, or BOB as it is commonly known as, has been described by students as simply the best day of the year! I guess the reason for this is that it is a chance for hardworking students, in an academic institution, to let their hair down and have some good old fashioned unadulterated FUN! The student body association, ISSBA, organize the events run on a grade level basis across 41 different events. I can report that the mighty roar of class unity and Bearcat Spirit resounded throughout the corridors of the HS, from the loud and raucous opening assembly in the HS Gym, to the spirit points awarded at each venue, to the final culminating award ceremony. I am sure you will hear much about this year’s action. According to the HS Student Planner the purpose of BOB is to promote student involvement in activities and class spirit; and, of course, school spirit. I am pleased to report that this year’s BOB was a great success and ISSBA should feel very proud of their efforts. A number of long standing parents have commented to me over the years that the annual Grade 12 TOK presentations are a true example of the success of an ISM education and I encourage all parents if they have time to pop into the Little Theater next week to witness these thought provoking and inspiring presentations. Please refer to the TOK Schedule posted in this bulletin. We will shortly be sending out information on how to make your online sign-ups for the upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. These will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 21 and 22. You will need your Power School login to make these reservations. On the sport and cultural front, First Season IASAS Sports will culminate in the respective IASAS tournaments, October 9-13. Soccer will be in Taipei, while Cross Country and Volleyball will be in Jakarta. In schools like ISM there are many rich opportunities, both competitive and non-competitive. I encourage all high school students to pursue their personal interests and passion and to get involved in an activity that best suits their individual personality. We certainly had that today in BOB, with activities as diverse as basketball, mine craft, cake decorating, speed painting and “so you think you can dance!” Let’s keep the Bearcat spirit alive and well! Kind Regards William R. S. Brown High School Principal 1 HS CALENDAR: Monday, September 30: MAP Testing IB2 TOK Presentations (schedule can be found in this bulletin) Tuesday, October 1: MAP Testing IB2 TOK Presentations Wednesday, October 2: Student Late Start MAP Testing IB2 TOK Presentations Thursday, October 3: MAP Testing IB2 TOK Presentations Friday, October 4: MAP Testing IB2 TOK Presentations Saturday, October 5: SAT UPCOMING EVENTS: October 14: Eid-Ul-Adha Holiday—No School October 15: Faculty In Service – No Classes October 21-22: Parent Teacher Conference October 25: FILIPINIANA REMINDERS: *Photo Orders for the Kawayan Yearbook for Grades 9, 10 and 11 will still be accepted in the HS Office. *Kawayan Photos for graduating Seniors will be taken on November 23 and November 30. CAMPUS CARD SYSTEM This is to give additional information regarding Campus Card. 1. Information about Campus Card has been provided via your child as well as through the school News Bulletins at the beginning of the school year. 2. campusonline.ismanila.org links you to the official website. You can also login through the parent portal at www.ismanila.org, see attached screenshot. 3. Low Balance Alert – Alerts will be sent to parents once amount hits below the low balance limit. The default low balance limit is currently set at P1,000 per family account. Should you wish to change this amount you may login to Campus Card and adjust the limit. 4. For common reports such as: Blocked cards, contact the security office as they need physical access to the card to unblock the card. Blocked cards will occur if card has been lost/misplaced by a student and they have reported this to the security office. Username/password/or other website concerns - kindly email [email protected] or endorse your concerns to the HR office. We appreciate everyone’s patience in regards to the new Campus Card System. 2 MESSAGE FROM THE CLINIC: The season of “-ber/brrr months” has started and its peak season for germs again!!! The First Line of Defense Against Germs 1. Wash and Sanitize your Hands! Germs - such as bacteria and viruses - can be transmitted several different ways, especially through personal contact, touching door knobs and other surfaces, or using the bathroom. If you pick up germs from one of these sources, you can unknowingly become infected simply by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Good hand washing fights the spread of many illnesses - and not just the common cold. More serious Illnesses can be stopped with the simple act of washing your hands. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers — which don't require water — are an excellent alternative to hand washing, particularly when soap and water aren't available. They're actually more effective than soap and water in killing bacteria and viruses that cause disease. However, soap should be used is hands are visibly dirty. To use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer: Apply about 1/2 tsp of the product to the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together, covering all surfaces of your hands, until they're dry. 2. Cover your Cough Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Put your tissue in a waste basket and use hand sanitizer. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands. Sources: http://www.wellnessproposals.com, http://www.cdc.gov UNIVERSITY VISITS: PSAT INFORMATION: ISM is fortunate to have many universities from around the world visiting. Almost all university visits are scheduled during lunch, and take place in the High School Counseling Office (VSH Counseling Center). Parents are always welcome to attend any of these visits. To facilitate accessing the schedule of universities, you can subscribe to the College Visit calendar. Bookmark our High School Blog at http://guidance.ism-online.org/ and review the calendars on the right hand side of the screen. You can subscribe to both the College Visit calendar as well as the HS Counseling Program Important Dates calendar. The counselors encourage all HS parents to subscribe to both so that you have the most current, accurate information! Monday, Sept. 30, is the deadline to sign up for the PSAT test. No late registrations will be accepted. The PSAT test will be given to students in grades 10 and 11 at ISM on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Students must register for the test by paying the fee of $20 USD to the ISM Cashier. When you view the College Visits calendar, you will notice that there are numerous dates during which more than one university is visiting. Please come and learn more about these universities. 3 FROM THE ATAC OFFICE: Unfortunately due to heavy overnight rain in parts of Manila the 2nd Rifa Soccer festival was cancelled last Saturday, many local schools were unable to attend due to localized flooding and the other venues with grass pitches would also have been badly affected. All up to date information about our ES/MS soccer teams and the RIFA festivals etc can always be found here http://atac.ism-online.org/atac/1stseason/es-soccer-rifa-league-festivals/ and here for MS festival teams http://atac.ism-online.org/atac/1st-season/mssoccer-rifa-league-festivals/ In the event of a cancellation or if you are unsure whether a festival will be held please refer to the links above or http://atac.ism-online.org/manila-weather-forecast/atacevent-cancelation-extreme-weather/ As soon as a cancellation is notified ISM security is informed and posts are made to the pages referred to on the ATAC blog. Parents please note- Permission slips are issued to all players via the coaches at training prior to each festival with all festival details for our ES and MS teams. Please take careful note of the times and venues as these can change at short notice. ATAC blog will have the most up to date information. The 2nd season practice schedule which runs from Oct 23 to Feb 4 will be posted on notice boards around school, next week and is also available on the ATAC blog. 2nd season sports are Basketball, Tennis, Varsity swim team, Rugby and Touch http://atac.ism-online.org/schedules/hs/ The ISM XCountry teams race at Faith tomorrow Sat Sept 28 for the 4th race of the local season. Race results can be found here for all events http://atac.ism-online.org/atac/1stseason/cross-country-race-results/ IASAS Venues this year are Volleyball/XC at Jakarta and Soccer is at Taipei. Match schedules can be found here http://atac.ism-online.org/iasas/iasas-1st-seasonschedules/ New families please take some time to peruse the ATAC blog as this will help orientate you with the wide variety of co-curricular programs ISM offers. A great way to stay in touch with the ISM ATAC program is to subscribe via RSS feed to the ATAC blog and also to follow via twitter (see twitter feed on the blog home page) Each Monday I will post the weeks happenings and highlight important events for students and parents information on the ATAC blog and in the regular Friday parent bulletins. GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Information about all mid-week/weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to the power school secure site http://powerschool.ismanila.org/public/ You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedule pdf. BEARCAT DEN: http://atac.ism-online.org/bearcat-den/ The Bearcat Den is open for business, please drop by to check out the range of Bearcat products. We have a great team of volunteers who run the den and are always looking for more people to help out. If you are interested in joining a fantastic group please contact any of our den members during den opening hours or please contact Carolyn Ching for details [email protected]. We are always looking for new volunteers and encourage parents from ES/MS to join our group. Have a great year at the Home of the Bearcats! See Sailfish blog for details and results from the Brent meet held last weekend. Well done to all swimmers for a great 1st meet of the year. 4 FROM THE ESL OFFICE: FROM THE COUNSELING OFFICE: 5 ToK Presentation Schedule September/October 2013 Here is the schedule for the ToK presentations. If you enter the LT when a presentation is in progress please do so very quietly. Day 1 (Monday) Morning Session 9.00 – 11.10 Block C – Relf/Cook Time Students Topic 9.05 Welcome 9.15 - 9.35 Bianca Fuentes, Ji Min Kim Park and Tomo Koide Miracles and medicine 9.38 - 9.58 Andrew Berry, Jesse Halley and Kabi Shresthra Punishment and Deterrent with specific reference to Internet Piracy 10.01 - 10.21 Sam Crowe, Valerie Toze and Caroline Maupin Is Google making us more stupid? 10.24 - 10.44 Franco Ezmendi, Daniel Toze and Liam Kilpatrick Humour 10.47 - 11.02 Charles Lane and Hank Poblador Whistleblowing, spying and ethics 11.02 - 11.10 De-brief 11.10 Change and go to lunch Afternoon Session 12.05 – 14.55 Block D – Gifford/Collett. Arrive ready and changed at 12.05. Time Students Topic 12.10 Welcome 12.20 – 12.40 Kavita Srinivasan, Aaron Chen and Eiki Kan Common sense - What is it and can we trust it? 12.43 – 13.03 Lisa Lee, Panchalee Perera and Isabel Wilson Can racial discrimination ever be justified? 13.06 – 13.26 Becky Chung, Charlotte Chung and Sunny Bae Co-ed versus single sex schools 13.29 – 13.49 Kate Cabigao, Ben Lang and Joy Yuen Nuclear power - is it ethically viable? 13.52 – 14.07 A-John Acacio and Shivani Phadke Can we ever be truly happy? 14.10 -14.25 Mayumi Edirisinghe and Sarah Jachim Can we justify changing our physical appearance? 14.28 – 14.48 Lindsay Langevin, Kara Jude and Gabs Villafuerte Buzzfeed and acquisition of knowledge 14.48 – 14.55 Debrief 14.55 Dismissal 6 Day 2 (Tuesday) Morning Session 9.00 -11.40 G Block - Marshall Time Students Topic 9.05 Welcome 9.15 - 9.30 Daiki Kuriyama and Jose Olivera. Piracy: To what extent does it help or hurt the artist and the consumer? 9.33 - 9.53 Red Giuliano, Leonard Kressirer and Jin Young Lee. Drones: Ethical implications for the future of war 9.56 - 10.16 Michael Bell, Matthieu Capuano, Varun Duggal and Fatima Mannapbekova. To what extent is inequality necessary and inevitable? 10.19 - 10.34 Jae Seung Lim and Husan Mannapbekov. Is globalization making the world a better place? 10.37 - 10.52 Wendell Macapagal and Linh Nguyen. To what extent does culture influence the knower? 10.55 - 11.10 Teru Konishi and Sang Hyun Ma. Art education and its criteria: A motivation or a burden? 11.13 - 11.33 Andrea Narciso, Nacho Tambunting and Yusuke Fukuyama What degree of parental control is most beneficial for teenagers? 11.33 - 11.40 De-brief 11.40 Change and go to lunch Afternoon Session 12.05 - 14.20 B Block - Woods Time Students Topic 12.10 Welcome 12.20 - 12.40 Ariana Mapua, Jacob Hobbins and Sidney Tinney How can we know that the use of violence is justifiable? 12.43 - 12.58 Dominique Purdue and Alyzza Acacio To what extent is the status of women justified? 13.01 - 13.16 Gabriel Lorenzana and Francesca Iriola To what extent are the implications of listening to music beneficial for high school students? 13.19 - 13.39 CC Yulo-Loyzaga, Komal Prakash and Samantha Castillo To what extent to do women play a major role in modern society? 13.42 - 13.57 Dustin Ercolano and Mark Jennings To what extent is the American school system efficient? 14.00 - 14.15 Isfandyar Niazi and Brian Ko Democracy: The best form of government? 14.15 - 14.20 Debrief 14.20 Dismissal 7 Day 3 (Wednesday) Morning Session 8.50 - 11.05 D Block – Gifford/Collett Time Students Topic 8.55 Welcome 9.05 - 9.25 Hans Thieme, Melika Carlson and Farshad Labib Is being a TCK considered an advantage? 9.23 - 9.38 Jim Kang and Hyun Ra How is Korean culture reflected in its language? 9.41 - 9.56 Ashley Miller and Minah Kausar Does altruism really exist? 9.59 - 10.19 Amy Mes, Kris Reid and Andres Limcaoco Is cheating in sport justifiable? 10.22 - 10.42 Charlene Mamaril, Jasmine Ho, Jenny Hwang and Carlos Suarez Is love at first sight a fact or fallacy? 10.45 - 11.00 Yuejia Fu To what extent does language and emotion play a role in the successful transition of students between international schools? 11.00 - 11.05 Debrief 11.05 Change and go to assembly Afternoon Session 12.20 - 14.25 E Block - Woods Time Students Topic 12.25 Welcome 12.35 - 12.55 Yoke Lim, Dhania Kamayana, Ji Yoon Lee and Joshua Sorono To what extent is K-POP a form of music that expresses musical integrity? 12.58 - 13.18 Selene Po Vergnes, Manuel Kressirer, Scott Cooper and Ramya Srinivasan To what extent is choice beneficial? 13.21 - 13.41 Jak Khamudkhan, Stuart Sy and Joanna Hirsh Is privacy dead? Civil rights in the digital age 13.44 - 13.59 Giancarlo Gatti Can money buy happiness? 14.02 - 14.17 Jay Yoon Is honesty always good? 14.17 - 14.25 Debrief 14.25 Dismissal 8 Day 4 (Thursday) Morning Session 9.00 -11.20 A Block - Anderson Time Students Topic 9.05 Welcome 9.15 - 9.35 Jessica Frey, Aika Misawa, Sunaina Ahuja Human trafficking and prostitution 9.38 - 9.53 Callum Gregori & Alex McCorkle Doping in cycling 9.56 - 10.16 Christian Wilkerson, Stephanie Lenz and Harry Gaskin Violence and Video Games 10.19 - 10.34 Mercedes Arndt and Nick Ching SATs and discrimination 10.37 - 10.57 Izzie Del Val, Daniella Calma and Bridget Teo Celebrity culture 11.00 - 11.15 Ryan Bui and Rene Concepcion Film Censorship 11.15 - 11.20 Debrief 11.20 Change and go to lunch Afternoon Session 12.05 - 14.12 C Block – Relf/Cook Time Students Topic 12.10 Welcome 12.20 - 12.40 Almira Silva, May Ann Todd and Rebecca Wu What is the key to happiness? 12.43 - 13.03 Mia Kawazu, Gaea Morales and Sam Chapman Alone in a crowd [social isolation] 13.06 - 13.26 Luna Iai, Isabel Benares and Alison Lee Are the current prison systems around the world effective? 13.29 - 13.49 Rohan Seth, Tom Clark and Amar Wadii Are schools motivating students in the right way? 13.52 - 14.07 Patrick Lim and Kento Kobayashi Are performance enhancing drugs beneficial or harmful to sports? 14.07 - 14.12 Debrief 14.12 Dismissal 9 Day 5 (Friday) Morning Session 9.00 -11.25 F Block - Marshall Time Students Topic 9.05 Welcome 9.15 - 9.35 Wakako Kobayashi, Iria Jimenez-Garcia and Eunice Lee How does language affect the knower? 9.38 - 9.58 Alexander Gotianun, HJ Kim, Daniel Lawrie and Adilet Segizekov. ConCERNed with society? 10.01 - 10.16 Edward Kim and SY Kim Favouring one gender over the other 10.19 - 10.39 Disha Bhattacharyya, Paolo Tan and Ayushee Vohra To what extent can the breach of privacy be justified? 10.41 - 11.01 Andrea Fiechter, Kimberly Go and Isabel Lilles AWKWARD. 11.04 - 11.19 Steffi Del Rosario and Micaela Santos What caused the pork barrel scandal and how will the public response influence the outcome? 11.19 - 11.25 Debrief 11.25 Change and go to lunch Afternoon Session 12.05 - 14.15 H Block - Peabody Time Students Topic 12.10 Welcome 12.20 - 12.40 Mohaid Assad, Anirban Chatterjee, John Du, Tae Eun Kim How can we determine if nuclear energy is safe enough to justify its continued development? 12.43 - 13.03 Fee Croke-Martin, Billy McIntyre and Deryek Sandhu The Ethics of Cloning 13.06 - 13.26 Bianca Jimenez, Daniella Mutuc and Karina Swee The carrot or The stick? What motivates us? 13.29 - 13.49 Andrea Ayala, Jae Woo Jang, Daniel Um and Grace Wilson The Ethics of Genetic Engineering 13.52 - 14.07 Celina Lui and Zehn Mohammed From one person to another (The ethics of organ transplant and donation) 14.07 - 14.15 Debrief 14.15 Dismissal 10 11 12 13 14 15
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