-- ODEON 82.5 WDG Fungicide for the control of Coffee Berry disease in Coffee, early blight on tomatoes, downy mildew and botrytis on Roses. (Dawa ya kuzuia magonjwa ya kuvu yanayodhuru mimea Waridi na Nyanya na kuzuia ugonjwa wa mbegu za Kahawa (CBD) G GUARANTEEIDHAMANA): Chlorothalonil .825 g/kg COMMERCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL CLASS (KUNDI LA BIASHARA NA KILIMO) REGISTRATION NO:PCPB(CR) 0744 (NAMBARIYAU5AJIRI) KEEP OUT OF REACH a WEKA MBALI NA W HE LA~L BEFORE USING . DJ!<OKABLA YAKUTUMIA ~ ~ . Twb years dry frDI'T).J'ai~ {~iakarniwili halisi ambacho place chake .- hakiri' Batch No. (Nambarlya klfurusl) Date 01 Manufacture: (Tarehe ya kutengenezwa) Net Expiry date (Tumia kabla ya) contents: 5 Kg (Ujazo) ... ~ Manufacturer/(Watengenezaji) Makhteshim Chemical Works Ltd. P.O. BOX 60, Industrial Zone Beer Sheva 84100, ISRAEL MAKHTESHIM Tel: 972 8 6296713 A G A N Fax:97286296713 Agent/(Wasambazaji) AmIraa ~ KeapLtd OLD AIRPORT ROAD P.O.BOX 30327, NAIROBI-KENYA TEL: 0719095000 FAX:02 824856/7 MEMBER OFAGROCHEMICAl ASSOCIATION OF KENYA MEMBERSHIP No. AM< 219 ~ ak Incase of Emergency Call Toll Free Number:0800720021/0800730030(24hrs) (Wakati wa Dharura piga simu bila malipo (masaa 24): 0800720021/0800730030) 1h,; »(:St controlpioduct under-unsafe conaitions WARRANTY .Sellers guarantee is limited to the tenns set out on the label and subject thereto, the buyer assumes the risk t persons or property arising from. t}ie use or handling of [his product and accepts the prOduct in that condition ~ [I i]rID Dhamana ya muuzaji ni maelezo yaliyo kwenye kibandiko ambayo ni lazima yafuatwe kikamilifu.MnunuzI laztma akubali hatari zozote zinazoweza kutokana na matumizi ya dawa hii kwa binadamu au mali na lazima aikubali dawa hii katika hali hiyo. " ~ 1" WOO. is a Fungicide for the control of Coffee 8e!!'Y disease in .f blight on tomatoes, downy mildew and botrytis on Roses "Action .IN 82.5 WDG. is absorbed into the fungal cell, attacking it at several .J there by inhibiting sulfur-containing enzymes and di~ting energy .oduction.lt inhibits spore gennination, thus stopping infection before It &tarts MAELEZO KWAJUMLA ODEON 82.5 WDG ni Dawa ya kuzuia magonjwa ya kuvu yanayodhuru mimea ya Waridi na Nyanya na kuzuia ugonJwa wa mbegu za Kahawa (CBD) Jinsi inavyofanya kazi ODEON 82.5 WOO dawa hii ufionzwa ndanl ya chembe chembe za kuvu na kuambukiza sehemu zenye "sulfur enzymes" na kuitalafiana na utengenezaji wa nsuvu ambayo huzuia ukuaji wa "spore".na hivyo kuzuia ukuaji wa ugonJwa JINSI YA KUTVMIA DIREcnoNS FORUSE Ugonjwa I crop OmameI1tals (carnations. roses, etc) I ~3kgIHa 6Ogmsl20 litre (odeon straight) 1.65kg/Ha + 5.5kg/ha (odeon+ funguran SOWP 30 9 + 100g120L) CBD Coffee Preparation of Spray Mixture Half fill the Spl,!Y..tank (knapsack) with water. Add the required amount of ODEON 82.5WDG. as may De reguired and mix by stirring or agjtating, then fill the water to the required level and continue stIrring or agitating until the mixture is thoroughly unifonn AppHcationTiming and Teehnique Start application at first signs of disease occurrence or when the weather favors disease development. R~t after ev~ 7-14 days as nec~ Use a spray volume of 1,000 to 1,500 L per Ha for ornamental crops depending on the size of crop canopy to ensuretliorough coverage. ~ Coffee: for control ofCBD apply 2 weeks by onset of rains, in the events of Heavy rain or .PrOlonged rams. Spray throu the leaves and berries ISessentIal to protect the crop from CB eat 14 -21 days Iy coverage of RE-ENTRY PERIOD Out door crop field: 12hours indoor crops: When the spray mixture has dried PRE-HARVESTINTERVAL Tomatoes: 3 days Coffee: 14 days HAZARDSIPRECAUTIONS HandHng .Wear sUItable protective clothing; gloves, face shield/safety goggles and respirator when preparing the spray mixture and in addition im~eabfe boOts when spraymg. AvOId, breathfug the spray mist, contact witJi skin, eyes and clotNng. DO not !,pply \lP.wind and stay out of the spray mist. Do not smoke, drink or eat whlrenandling the product. After work Change protective clothpIg and wash hands thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Wash the spraYIng equipment and the contaminated clothing carefully ~:;:~ ti2htly closed reach of cmldien and (or sealed) original container, in a cool dry place out of persons, away from food, drinks and animal feed . .. . . D lspose 0ffb y tripIe nnsmg and crusbin g or oratmg elIlptycontamers and throwing them away in an authorised landfi site or bury lri a safeplace away C from water supplies. Do notre-use empty containers for any otherp~se Pesticide spray mixture orrinsate that cannot be usedmustbe disOOsed offin a safe place where it cannot contaminate surface water and ditches or by ~raymg in a fallow land Pesticide I,.eakage and Spillage In event of heavy spillage, collect the contaminated sod layer and bury in an authorised place away ftom water supplies. .Soaking in sand, soil or sawdust may collect small spillage. Contaminated absorbent material must be stored in marked waste bins prior to disposal In authorised landfill site. The pesticide store must be decontaminated tiy ""ashingwith a lot of water WILDUFEANDENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION ODEON 82.5WDG. is toxic to fish, other aquatic organism. It is moderately harmful to birds, animals and relatively non-toxic bees. Do not contaminate ponds and wateiways by' directappl,icatIon, cleaniI].g ~f equipment, di~sal of wastes and el!!l?ty contamer. ~ hvestockand Wlfdhfe out of treated areas FIRST AID INSTRUCTIONS Ifinhaled.; Remove the patient to fresh air. Keep the patient warm and at rest. If the .patient is not breathing, apply artificial respiration and seek medical attention If in contact with skiD.: Remove contaminated clothing and wash off with plenty of water and soap. Consult the doctor in case the complain persists If in contact with eyes.: Rinse thoroughly with ruooing water fur at least 15 minutes. Ifpain persists, consult an eye specialist Ifswallowed.: Do not induce vomiting. Wash out mouth with plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to unconscious person. Consult a doctor TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ODEON 82.5WDG. is sli~tly irritating to the skin and harmful when swallowed Symptoms of POISOning Irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. May cause ataxia and temporary sensitation may occur in certain individuals charactised by eye redness, brachial irritation and skin rash Antidote There is no specific antidote Note to Physician Remove the victim to fresh air. Keep the victim warm and at rest and give symptomatic and supPQrtivetherapy. Incase of Emergency Call Toll Free Number:080072oo21/080073oo3O(24hrs) This ~t control product is to be used only in accordance with the directives on the label. FKiWiii90-cIia Kio12-1.5mlfurilizi/Helda 'BoIrvIis' 'anya omatoes unauthorised D !Sposal "DrMnynildew' It is an offence under the m:st control products act to use or store a »I:5t controlproduct under unsafe conaitionsj WARRANTY .Sellers guarantee is limited to the terms set out on the label and subject thereto, the buyer assumes the risk t persons or pro~ arising from. tJie use or handling of [his product and accepts the prOduct in that conditIon Kahawa I Ugonjwawa buni I gramu 60/Iita 20 ya maji Kutayarisha dawa Changanya kiasi kinachohitajika cha ODEON 82.5 WDG. Kwa kiasi kldogo cha maji. Ongeza kiasi cha maji kilichosalia na uendele kutingisa bomba au kukologa mchanganyiko wa <lawa Wakati wa kutlmlia Anza kutlmlia ODEON 82.5 WOO wakati dalili za ugonjwa zinapoonekana au wakati hali ya anga inafaa kwa kuenea kwa magonjwa. Endelea kutumia ODEON 82.5 WDG baada: ya siku 7 hadi 14 kulingana na vile mmea unavyokuwa, hali ya hatari ya ugonjwa naaina ya mmea.tlmlia kiwango cha maji cha kati yalita 10001500 kwakun)'lffiyizia mimea ya waridi. Kahawa: Anza kun)'lffiyizia odeon 82.5WDG muda mfupi kabla ya mvua ya masika haijanza rudia baada yakila siku 14-21 ikiwa mvuani1rubwa MUDA SALAMA WA KUlNGIA SHAMBANI Shamba la kawaida:Baada ya masaa 12 Jumba la mimea:.Baada ya mchanganyiko wa dawa kukauka Muda Salama Wa Kuvuna Nyanya:Baada ya siku tam Kahawa: Baada ya siku kumi na nane TAHADHARI . Matumizi Vaa ngao la kujikinga, vizuizi vya mikono, uso {face shield), kofia na viatu visivyopenya maji unapotayarisha mchanganyiko wa dawa na m~i na unaponyun~ dawa. Jiliadhari uslpumue mVuke wa dawa, mchanganyiKo wa dawa usingIekwenye macho aukumwagikiangozi na nguo ulizovalia. Usin)'lffiyize dawa hii ukielekeza upande upepo unakotoka. Usivute ya siC '.na usile..w31a unapotumia dawa hii Baada ' wakati ' . .. . kunyua Yua nguoza kazi na VlZUlZl vya K ku~ikin ga, oga m ik ono na uso kw a kutlmlla maJI na sabuni. Safisha bomha la knn)'lffiyizadawa na mavazi yaliyomwagikiwa na dawa kwa uangalifu Kuhifadhi Hifadhi dawa hii katika chombo chake asili ambacho kimefunikwa sawa sawa na kuwekwa manali pakavu na pasipo na joto, mhali na watoto, watu wasiornhuslwa, ~a, majina vyakula vyamifugo .. tupa~,- b I.. hada Sunza 1l11\.0a u 10lS wa . ki ha hoe bo s uto au u nyeze na maJI mara tam, na utupilie au uzike mahali ambapo pameidhinishwa mbali na maji. Usitumie mkoba wa dawa kwa matumizJ men,gine yoyote. MchanganyilCo wa dawa na maji ambao haujatumika au maji yahyoosha vyombo ni lazuna itupiliwe mbali mahali ambapo ni salama, panapokubaliwa, na mbali na chemi chemi ya maji au kwa kunyunyizia sehemu ya shamba ambayo haijalimwa Dawa Ikimwagika au Kuvunja Chukua mchanga uliomwagikiwa na dawa, uzike mahali ambapo ni salama na mbali na maji. Dawa ikivunja, iloweshe kwenye sehemu ndogo ya mchanga au 'sawdust' kisha ufungie mahali ambapo ni salama kabla ya kutupilia mbali mahali ambapo pameidhinishwa. Ghala la madawa m lazima liosliwe mara kwa mara ili ktltoa takataka ya dawa iliomwagika au kuvunja MADHARA KWA MAZINGIRA ODEON 82.5WDG. ni sumu kwa samaki na viumbe vinglne vya maji.lnaweza kudhuru ndege na wanyama.haina madhara kwa nyuki.Usichafue mazingira kwa kun)'lffiyiza, kumwaga mabaki ya dawa, kutupa au kusunza mkoba wa dawa kwa mito, visima au vidimbWl na chemichemi MAELEZO YAHUDUMA YAKWANZA IkipumuHwa: Toa m~onjwa mahali penye hatari na umpumzishe mahali ambapo ni salama. Kama mJeriIhi anashida,,; ya Ikupumua, msaidie apumue, kisha um peleke.kwadak¥ . " . .. lki mwagl ki a ngoZl: y ua mavazl ya ku~lkinga na uoge kwa kutlmlla maJI safi na sabunl. Iwapo maumivu yataendelea, muone daktiui Ikingia kwa macho: Fungna macho na uyasafishe kwa maji safi yanayotiririka kwamuda wa dakika 15.lwapomaumivu yataendelea, muonedaktari kimezwa: UsinIfanye mgonJwa atapike. Usimpatie mjeruhi ambae amezirahi kitu chochote cha kunyna wala kul3. Osha md3mo wa mjeruhi na umpeleke kwa daktari Maelezo kuhusu sumu ODEON 82.5 WDG. haiwashi lkimwangikia ngozi na ni sumu ikimezwa DaliU za kusumika Inaweza kusababisha unyonge wa mwilUufa ganzi, kupoteza hamu ya chakula.kuwashwa kwa umeo la pumzi na vipelepele katika sehemu zilizo guswa nadawa Makata: Hakuna makata maalum iwapo dawa imemezwa Maelezo Kwa Daktari Hakuna tiba maalum. Tibu mgonjwa kulingana na dalili za maumivu Wakati wa Dharura piga simu bila maUpo (masaa 24): 0800720021/0800730030) LANI KWAMTUMIAJI Dawa hii sharti itumiwe kulingana na maagizo yaliyo kwenye kibandiko.Ni hatia chini ya sherlaza madawa ya kUangamiza wailuilu waharibifu kutumia an laihifadhi dawa hii katika hall isiyo salama THIBmSHO Dhamana ya muuzaji ni maelezo yaliyo kwenye kibandiko ambayo ni lazima vafuatwe kikamilifii.Mnunuzl laZIma akubali hatari zozote zinazoweza kutokana na matumizi ya dawa hii kwa binadamu au mali na lazima aikubali dawa hii katika hali myo. .