May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity


May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
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Welcome to Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Parish Community. Rich in diversity, we, the people of Saint
Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Parish, are called to be one in living the Word, one in praying, one in
celebrating the presence of God, and one in serving all. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to embody the
presence of God and to continue the mission of Jesus in the world today, bringing about the reign of God.
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
Rev. Thuc Si Ho
[email protected]
Monday thru Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM - Noon
Office Assistant: Vickie Wallace
[email protected]
Walt Sears, Coordinator
[email protected]
Rev. Ernesto Orci
Parochial Vicar and
Director of Liturgy
[email protected]
Rev. Wilfredo Manrique
In Residence
[email protected]
Jennie De La Cerda, Coordinator
Sunday School of Religion
[email protected]
Christie Filios ‐ Principal
[email protected]
Anne Eubanks ‐ Vice Principal
ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE [email protected]
SCHOOLS 408‐296‐2260
Please call the Parish Office at 408‐296‐3000 for the following: Baptism of Infants
At least two months in advance to the desired date
of Baptism
Care of the Sick
Priscilla Murphy ‐ Principal
[email protected]
Children's Center 408‐296‐8077
Teen Center 408‐296‐7085
Extended Day Care
Sue Herbelin ‐ Director
408‐296‐2260 Ext. 322
MASS TIMES MONDAY ‐ SATURDAY SATURDAY 8:30 AM Daily 7:00 PM First Friday 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) RECONCILIATION SUNDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THURSDAY 9:00 AM ‐ 8:45 PM Solemn Benediction ‐ 8:45 PM FRIDAY 9:00 PM ‐ Midnight Saturday 8:00 AM A priest should be called to celebrate the 3:30 PM ‐ 4:30 pm or 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy Sacrament of Anointing when someone becomes by appointment 12:00 Noon seriously ill, is weakened by years, or is preparing
1:30 PM Mass in Spanish C
HAPEL OPEN DAILY for surgery. Communion is brought to all members
6:00 PM Youth Mass 7:00 AM ‐ 7:00 PM
of our community who are ill or homebound.
DEVOTIONS Rosary ‐ Monday to Saturday After the 8:30 AM Mass
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday before the 8:30 AM Mass High School Confirmation
Teens who are in the 9th grade or higher and seek
to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation,
pleas e
c all
e-mail :
[email protected]
At least six months prior to the desired date of the
Wedding Ceremony
Rite of Christian Initiation: RCIA/RCIC
Adults or uncatechized children who have celebrated
their 7th birthday, may inquire about the Catholic way of
following Jesus. People interested in celebrating the
Rites of Initiation may call the Catechetical Office at
408‐296‐0208 or e-mail at: [email protected]
At least four months in advance, the Quinceañera
can be scheduled, please call or e-mail
[email protected]
[email protected] Page 2
Beauty is God’s Handwriting
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
La Belleza es la Huella de Dios
Al volver al tiempo ordinario del calendario del Año Litúrgico de la Iglesia, volvemos a una belleza sencilla en la Iglesia de San Lorenzo Mártir. Digo una belleza sencilla, porque acabamos de vivir la belleza del tiempo de Pascua. Doy personalmente las gracias a todos los involucrados en la donación de su tiempo, bienes y talento para crear el medio ambiente litúrgico. Especialmente durante los 50 días del tiempo de Pascua, y durante la Cuaresma y la Semana Santa, hemos visto la belleza de la decoración de la Iglesia para destacar la importancia de la Semana Santa y de los otros tiempos litúrgicos, y para ayudarnos en el culto a Dios. In addition, in order to help with the worship of God by the community Además, con el fin de ayudar al culto comunitario a Dios, la Instrucción General del assembled, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) speaks about Misal Romano (IGMR) habla de la santidad y belleza de los vasos sagrados que se the sacredness and the beauty of the vessels that are used every time in the utilizan para el Sacrificio Eucarístico: Eucharistic Sacrifice: 327. Entre lo que se requiere para la celebración de la Misa, merecen 327. Among the requisites for the celebration of Mass, the sacred vessels especial honor los vasos sagrados y, entre éstos, el cáliz y la patena, en los are held in special honor, especially the chalice and paten, in which the que el vino y el pan se ofrecen, se consagran y se consumen. bread and wine are offered and consecrated, and from which they are 328. Háganse de un metal noble los sagrados vasos. Si son fabricados de consumed. metal que es oxidable o es menos noble que el oro, deben dorarse 328. Sacred vessels are to be made from precious metal. If they are habitualmente por dentro made from metal that rusts or from a metal less precious than gold, then ordinarily they should be gilded on the inside. En el documento del Vaticano II, sobre la Liturgia, Sacrosanctum Concilium, La Constitución sobre la Sagrada liturgia, El Concilio señaló sobre el Arte y los Objetos In the Vatican II document on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Sagrados: Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the Council wrote about Sacred Art and "que las cosas destinadas al culto sagrado sean, en verdad dignas, decorosas Sacred Furnishings stating that: y bellas, signos y símbolos de las realidades celestiales.” Y que “La Iglesia “all things set apart for use in divine worship should be truly worthy, procure con especial interés que los objetos sagrados sirvan al esplendor del becoming, and beautiful, signs and symbols of the supernatural world”. culto con dignidad y belleza,…” (n.122) And that the “the Church has been particularly careful to see that sacred furnishings should worthily and beautifully serve the dignity of worship Como el Director de Liturgia, a la vez que Vicario Parroquial, debo asegurarme de …” (n.122) que todas nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas, sigan “las directivas" de la Iglesia y del Being the Director of Liturgy along with Parochial Vicar, means that I should Obispo, y ayudar a que la persona completa dé culto a Dios ‐ con lo que hacemos, ensure that all our liturgical celebrations follow the ‘directions’ of the Church decimos, oímos, y vemos. Después de consultar con el Padre Thuc, estoy and the Bishop, and allow for the worship of God through the complete person iniciando un proceso de renovación de los vasos litúrgicos que utilizamos en el ‐ in what we do, what we say, what we hear, and what we see. In consultation sacrificio eucarístico semanal y diario de la Misa para que estén de acuerdo con las with Fr. Thuc, I am initiating the process of renovating our liturgical vessels that instrucciones anteriores, y también reemplazar la capa y el velo humeral de la we use in our weekly and daily Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass to align with parroquia. Basándonos en las donaciones de personas, familias y los varios grupos the above instructions, and also replacing the parish cope and humeral veil. parroquiales, nos gustaría comprar un cáliz que sea propiedad de la parroquia, Based on the funds that are donated by individuals, families, and different 8‐10 copas para la comunión, y 6 patenas, que sean de "metal noble" con la parish groups, we would like to purchase a Chalice for and owned by the dignidad que se merece el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo que compartimos como Parish, 8‐10 Communion cups, and 6 Communion patens, all made of ‘a noble comunidad de fieles. La capa y el velo humeral actual que se usan el Jueves Santo, metal’ worthy to be used for the Body and Blood of Christ which we share en las procesiones litúrgicas anuales, y todos los jueves y Primeros Viernes para la together as a worshipping community. The current cope and humeral veil, Exposición, Bendición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento, son los que usaba el which is used on Holy Thursday, in annual liturgical processions, and used Padre Wilkiemeyer, y ya necesitan ser reemplazado por unos nuevos. every Thursday and First Friday for Exposition, Benediction, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, is the one used by Fr. Wilkiemeyer and is in need of Los invito a Uds. a sus familias y a los grupos parroquiales a que discutan y piensen si desean hacer una donación para este proyecto de renovación litúrgica. replacement. Ayúdenos a aumentar la belleza de nuestro culto a Dios, renovando los vasos I invite you, your family, or your parish group to discuss and decide if you sagrados. Cualquier donación será bien recibida para que junto con otros regalos would like to make a donation to this liturgical renewal project. Help us to de la comunidad podamos comprar estos artículos necesarios para el culto. Por continue experiencing the beauty of our worship of God by renewing our favor, asegúrese de marcar en su donación que es para el “proyecto de los vasos sacred vessels. Any amount will be gladly accepted to be combined with other litúrgicos”, y si desea contribuir específicamente para alguno de los artículos gifts from the community to purchase these needed items of worship. Please mencionados anteriormente, puede indicarlo. Puede enviar su donación por ensure that your gift is clearly marked for ‘liturgical vessels project’ or noted for correo, traerla a la oficina parroquial o póngase en contacto conmigo para hacer a specific item listed above that you would like your contribution to go su donación o para cualquier pregunta. towards. You may mail or bring your donation to the parish office or you may Que Dios los bendiga. contact me directly about your donation or with any questions. Padre Ernesto Orci Director de Liturgia y Vicario Parroquial God Bless, Fr. Ernesto Orci Spanish Translation by: Sr. Josefina Montalvo rscj and Fr. Ernesto Orci Director of Liturgy and Parochial Vicar As we return to Ordinary Time in our Liturgical Year of the Church calendar, we return to a simpler beauty in our Church here at Saint Lawrence the Martyr. I say a simpler beauty because we have just experienced the beauty in our Church of the Easter Season. I personally thank all those involved in donation of their time, treasure, and talent for our liturgical environment. Especially during the 50 days of the Easter Season, and some would say even during Lent and Holy Week, we saw the beauty of how our Church was decorated to help us appreciate the importance of Easter and the other liturgical times, and to help us in the worship God. Page 3
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
My RCIA Experience
Dates to Remember June 3, 2010 – Thursday Baccalaureate Mass for the SLEMS 9:30 AM – Church June 3, 2010 – Thursday Baccalaureate Mass for the SLA 7:00 PM – Church June 4, 2010 – Friday Graduation Mass for the 8th grade 6:30 PM – Church June 5, 2010 – Saturday Graduation Ceremony for the Academy 10:00 AM – Piazza June 9, 2010 – Wednesday Education Council Meeting 6:30 PM – Elementary Faculty Room June 10, 2010 – Thursday Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 PM – Rectory Conference Room June 16, 2010 – Wednesday Youth Advisory Board Meeting 6:30 PM – Rectory Conference Room June 17, 2010 – Thursday Parish Finance Council Meeting 6:30 PM – Rectory Conference Room June 20, 2010 – Sunday Infant Baptism at Mass 12:00 Noon – Church Have a safe
an enjoyable
I have thought about becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church for the past few years. I teach at Saint Lawrence Academy and attended Catholic high school and college. I thought I knew most of the teachings and practices of the church. After a couple of RCIA classes I realized I had a lot to learn. The meaning of the Rosary, the deep connection between the Old and New Testaments, different types of prayer and the origins of the Sacraments were all eye opening learning experiences for me. Each Tuesday and Sunday the RCIA team would not only prepare me for the process of becoming initiated into the Catholic Church, but helped me to understand the value of being Catholic. Thanks to the members of the RCIA team, Kaninda Mubedi, Dirk Wunderlich, and Verne Quiazon, all my questions were answered and more importantly the team challenged me to critically examine my faith and role in the Catholic Church. I want to especially thank the RCIA team leader, Steve Varnau, for guiding me each week on this wonderful journey. Although my journey in faith has just begun, I already feel a tremendous transformation in my life. My deepening faith and relationship with Jesus Christ has allowed me understand and focus on the priorities in my life and not to “sweat the small stuff.” The Saint Lawrence community has been exceedingly gracious in welcoming me to the parish. In particular I would like to thank Fr. Thuc and Fr. Ernesto for their dedication and commitment to all aspects concerning Saint Lawrence. The last person I need to thank is my sponsor and colleague, Michael Seidler. Mike has encouraged me every step of the way this past year. His own faith has provided for me a great example of a model Catholic. I hope to impart the knowledge and examples shown to me during the RCIA process to my one year old son. I am very excited to have my family as members of this very caring and faithful parish. God bless, John Bennett Romans 5: 1 - 5
“Brothers and sisters: Therefore, since we
have been justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have gained access by
faith to this grace in which we stand, and we
boast in hope of the glory of God. Not only
that, but we even boast of our afflictions,
knowing that affliction produces endurance,
and endurance, proven character, and
proven character, hope, and hope does not
disappoint, because the love of God has
been poured out into our hearts through the
Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
Page 4
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
Prayer Corner
Mass Readings and Intentions
Liturgy Corner
Please contact the Rectory office to add or remove names from the Prayer Corner MILITARY SERVICEMEN Army Sgt. Wayne Keith Dye II, USA Air Force Pvt. Randy Garibaldi Army Pvt. 1st Class Brain Mulligan Marine Reservist Matthew Wehtstone, USMC P A R I S H I O N E R S F
R I E N D S A N D COMMUNITY PRAYER INTENTION Our prayer intention this week is for the 8th Grade Graduates of the Middle School and the Seniors of the Academy that will graduate at the end of this week.
M I L Y Vince Adan May Armann Evelyn Arruda Babette Bennett Eleanore Brennan John Cermak Marcia Chang Mimi Eilrich Rhealyn Gamboa Marita Gandeza Mary Jo Harrison Ann Lizotte Charlie Long Barbara Orason Florence Perdue Marge Rene Theresa Sledd Emma Trucano Eva Turenchalk Eric Vanderwyk Hailey Abrego
Diane Alexandre
Brent Blackford
Margaret Brandon
Elaine Cereno
Amalia Cacho
Cheryl Feci
Segundina Fernandez
Barbara Fiori
Bertha Flores
Manuel Garibaldi
Mary Ham
Bill Harrison
Paul Henry
Jinky Javier‐Cumagun
Rose Koenig
Marcy Lape
Riley Lape
Cindy Marota
Lynn Mulligan
Adele Muya
Romeo Muya
Makena Naki
Mike O’Donnell
Barbara Peinthor
Gabriel Potter
Bonnie Reisewitz
Elizabeth Tichy
Daniel Varela
Carol Veneziano
Paul Veneziano
Paul & Linda Zweifel
For our dearly departed:
Sheila Dahlberg
Most Holy Trinity by Deborah Ferry (this article ran previously) Most Holy Trinity Sunday is celebrated a week after Pentecost Sunday in honor of the most fundamental of Christian beliefs—belief in the Holy Trinity. On this day, the church rejoices in the impenetrable mystery that God is triune (three‐in‐one) ‐‐ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We can never fully understand the mystery of the Trinity, but we can sum it up in the following formula: God is three Persons in one Nature. The three Persons of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are all equally God, and They cannot be divided. The origins of the celebration of Trinity Sunday goes all the way back to the Arian heresy of the fourth century, when Arius denied the divinity of Christ by denying that there were three Persons in God. To stress the doctrine of the Trinity, the Fathers of the Church composed prayers and hymns that were recited on Sundays as part of the Divine Office, the official prayer of the Church. Eventually, a special version of this office began to be celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost. The celebration of Trinity Sunday was made universal by Pope John XXII (1316‐34). Since it was after the first Pentecost that the doctrine of the Trinity was proclaimed to the world, the feast appropriately follows that of Pentecost. Our most basic Catholic prayer expresses the belief in the Holy Trinity – The Sign of the Cross. Since we make the Sign of the Cross before and after our prayers, many people don't realize that the Sign of the Cross is a prayer itself. It should be said with reverence; we shouldn't rush through it on the way to the next prayer. The Glory Be, also known as the Doxology, is one of the earliest‐known prayers to refer to the Holy Trinity. This is the solemn day on which we praise and adore God both for what He has done for the world and for who He is. Page 5
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
SOCIAL CONCERNS By: Jim Balquist We talk about “structures of Sin” which we must work to eliminate, but not much about the “structures of Good” which we must value and preserve. The Mercury News recently had an article by Patty Fisher in which she raised reader awareness of the consequences to the poor if proposals to close the state budget gap are implemented. This article could have been a Catholic tutorial on “Rights” and the “Preferential Option for the Poor”. She noted that “basic services we once expected government to provide to all of us, regardless of our ability to pay, are increasingly available only to those who can afford them. Basics like food, shelter, child care, (and) a quality education.” Patty went on: “There is a pattern to (the) choices. (These proposals) would eliminate welfare altogether and cut child care for low‐income families, in‐home supportive services, MediCal and mental health. (These are) Programs established to help the neediest among us: the poor, sick and elderly.” . . . and further: “What happens if we eliminate them? More single mothers and their children will be hungry. More mentally ill people will be in jail. More old people will be forced to move into nursing homes.” What is the point here? The point is not just the content of the article, but the fact that the article exists in the first place and was made possible through a structure within society called “newspapers”. The future of newspapers is fragile. Once we took them for granted, and costs, consolidations, and electronic forms of communication have put them at risk. The presence of people like Patty, an ally in our never‐ending quest to achieve the Kingdom of God on earth, is not assured. (PS – Patty has also been a big supporter of “Step Up Silicon Valley” and Poverty Simulations) The same could be said about investigative reporters, like those who recently successfully raised community issues about the racially disproportionate police enforcement of laws which unjustly “controlled” Hispanics for the benefit of downtown San Jose business interests. I call on all of you to strongly reflect on how much you value newspapers and their structural role in raising awareness and challenge our society to achieve good, and let your faith guide your actions. Page 6
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
St. Lawrence Eighth Graders Glean More Than Lettuce
This week, the eighth grade will be want to stop,” reported eighth graduating from St. Lawrence. grade homeroom teacher Meredith There will be much ritual and cele‐
Somavia, who, with her partner eighth grade teacher, Kim White, bration to mark the occasion. The arranged the action‐style retreat. students have spent recent weeks reminiscing, pondering the future The second part of the retreat was and reflecting on their accomplish‐
an afternoon spent at Sacred Heart ments. The St. Lawrence Learning Community Services, where the Expectations (SLEs), which are dis‐
eighth graders performed a variety played in every classroom, are a summary of what graduates have of tasks, including packing up family done and will continue to do in meals, hanging, sorting and their future lives. Organized into displaying clothing, creating St. Lawrence eighth grader sorts fruit at Sacred Heart Community Services. three sections – spirituality, acade‐
emergency personal item packs and mia and personal responsibility – students can see how they are sweeping the floor. After the retreat, students were asked to reflect developing into someone who will Believe as a child of God, Achieve on what it meant to them. Jeff Thomas wrote, “People have so much less than me and this has helped me realize I live in luxury.” Donovan as a life‐long learner and Succeed as a citizen of the world. Ramelb reflected, “I think I might become a person more on the give This year, the eighth grade retreat incorporated a number of the SLEs side in the give‐take continuum.” Many students noted that in a two day service experience in which students participated in teamwork created a greater impact on how much help reached those implementing social justice by working for those in need. On the first in need, and that is was fun to work together. day, thirty‐nine eighth graders and eleven adults drove to a farm in Salinas to glean iceberg lettuce. Working with the non‐profit Considering the importance of the visit to Sacred Heart Community organization Ag Against Hunger, the St. Lawrence crew salvaged Services, Chris Carrillo summarized his feelings. “Today I saw God in perfectly good lettuce which was deemed unacceptable for the the face of every person that was in need. I also saw God in the commercial harvest because of size or ripeness. The students, their helpers that volunteered to help those people. My understanding of teachers, and parent chaperones, bent at the waist, worked up and Social Justice has deepened thanks to this experience. All people in down the rows of lettuce to cut the lettuce from the plants. In two hours the crew gleaned roughly 10,000 pounds of lettuce for local need should and can be helped, and that is what distribution. “The students wanted to keep harvesting. They didn’t I think Social Justice is.” Saint Monica Sodality – for those who have fallen away from the church. Please leave your list of names to be prayed for at the Rectory or give the list to Mary Ann Miller. Your names will be placed in an album and on the last Sunday of each month a special Mass will be offered for these intentions. Receive a Novena Prayer Card to help you pray each day. For more information, please contact: Mary Ann at 408‐887‐3675 Page 7
May 30, 2010 - The Most Holy Trinity
On Tuesday, May 18th, 2010, the Academy recognized over 130 students for their achievements in academics, athletics, community service and activities. Here is a highlight of some of the achievements which were honored: Bank of America Certificates: For over half a century, the Bank of Use this space to tell your readers about your business, product,
or event.
This text should
the reader what
your offer
America Achievement Awards Program has tell
recognized more than can do for them.
one million young people. The program is a collaborative effort between educators and Bank of America to recognize and reward outstanding high school seniors throughout the state. Faculty committees at their individual schools select students. Students who demonstrated excellence in specific subject areas were issued List your hours or the time and date of your event.
Bank of America Certificates of Excellence: English – Roshani Fernando Describe your location by landmark or area of town.
Social Science – Andrew Kalt Business – Ryan Lonski Mathematics – Nathan Brown Foreign Language (French) – Mehal Garg Science – Christopher Beichler Religious Studies – Katharine Meyer Tel: 555
555 5555
Fine Arts (Visual Arts) – Nathan Brown Organization Name
Service Hour Awards: During the course of four years at Saint Lawrence Academy, students are Use
required to serve minimum this space
toa tell
your of 100 hours doing community service. Many students go beyond readers about your busithat minimum. The following students have more than doubled ness, product, service, or
their required hours. event. This text should tell
Seniors: the reader what your offer
Brendan Carroll can do
for them.
527.5 Samantha Synegal 360 Mehal Garg 239 Christina Chan 237.5 Roxanne Page 233 Gregory Siggins 227 Arianna Knightly 204 Juniors: Seth Wright 432 Rachel Synegal 395.25 Michaela Rhine 348 Matthew Luu 280 Sophomores Christiana Freiri 613.5 Nicholas Polini 321 Tel: 555 555 5555
Freshmen David Clawson 244 Organization Name
Describe your location by landmark or area of
List your hours or
the time and
date of your
space tothe tell your readers
about your business, This product, service,year, or event. This textat should tell
Standout Athlete Use
of Month: the reader what your offer can do for them.
conclusion of each month, the school recognized an outstanding athlete. These students display leadership and character on and off the athletic field. The following students were recognized for their athletic achievement. List your hours or the
September – Nicholas Polini October – Josh Lehga time and date of your
November – Hien Phan Describe your location by
December – Brendan Carroll landmark or area of town.
January – Raymond Lazaro February – Evanjelina Romo March – Alan Chen April – Miles Britton Tel: 555
555 5555
National Honor Society: The membership of the Saint Use this space to tell your readers
Lawrence Academy Chapter of the National Honor Society about your business, product, service,
has been earned by the effective demonstration of the four or event.
qualities held in high esteem by text
the should
Society tell
– scholarship, reader
leadership, service and character. The following for
students were inducted into the National Honor Society: List your hours or the time and
Theresa Barsanti date of your event.
Nathan Brown Describe your location by landmark or area of
Anna Chappelle town.
Elena Favre Josh Lehga Name
Ali Palla Hien Phan Alesa Stallman Tel: 555 555 5555
Lauren Steinberg Looking for a great opportunity to share your time, talent, and treasure at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Parish and Education Center? Interested in learning Publisher 2007? Join the Bulletin Team as Lay‐out Artist… Please contact: UseAward: this space
to tell your readers about your busiRon Modeste Athletic Ron Modeste, our past principal, is service,
event. This
text should
the person credited ness,
with product,
establishing an orathletic program at Saint thehas reader
what your
offerthat can do
for them. in Lawrence Academy. tell
He a basic belief participation sports is a healthy List
addition to a oryoung person’s It event.
takes your hours
the time
and datelife. of your
discipline to be a team player, and discipline takes character. The will to win, to push Describe
one’s limits – these location
are qualities by
that are your
important in life. Each year, a senior is selected who demonstrates Organization
or area
of town.
strong character traits as a team player. This year’s recipient is Brendan Carroll. Tel: 555 555 5555
Therie Velasco‐Gonzales [email protected] 408‐340‐0846