Baby Friendly Hospital - Good Samaritan Medical Center


Baby Friendly Hospital - Good Samaritan Medical Center
Baby Friendly
What is "Baby Friendly"?
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative is an
international project of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the United National
Children's Fund (UNICEF) that supports
breastfeeding for all babies. Good Samaritan
Medical Center is the first hospital in
Colorado and the 55th in the nation to
become a cbaby friendly" hospital.
Why is it important to choose a
"Baby Friendly" hospital?
"Baby Friendly" birth facilities and their
physicians and staff h ave taken special steps
and attended hours of additional education
to create the best possible environment for
successful breastfeeding.
Breatfeeding offers an unmatched
beginning for newborns.
Human milk provides the most complete
nutrition possible with the optimal mix of
nutrients and antibodies for each baby to
thrive. Scientific studies show that breastfed
babies have fewer and less serious illnesses
than those who never receive breast milk.
Mothers who choose to breastfeed
are healthier.
Recent studies show that women who
breastfeed enjoy decreased risks of breast and
ovarian cancer, anemia and osteoporosis.
Both mother and baby enjoy the emotional
benefits of the very special and close
relationship formed through breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is economical.
Since breastfeeding is free, it provides cost
savings of formula and bottles and savings
from sick visits to the doctor as children who
are breastfed are generally more healthy.
Since breastfeeding saves money, parents feel
less financial pressure and take pride in
knowing they are able to vie their babies the
very best.
Ask the experts ... our lactation specialists in
the Center for Childbirth can answer all your
questions about breastfeeding and being a
"baby friendly" hospital. Call today for more
information at 303-689-4766.