TTC 2nd ed. Household handbook
TTC 2nd ed. Household handbook
Household Handbook Mother’s Name Partner’s Name: House Number: Name of ttC -HV Visit 1 – Antenatal Care TB testing HIV testing Antenatal visits Visit 1 – Home Care for the Pregnant Woman handwashing Iodized salt Saving money/birth plan Visit 1 – Home Care for the Pregnant Woman Eat more than usual Sleep under an insecticide treated bednet Eat a balanced diet Visit 1 – Home Care for the Pregnant Woman Avoid alcohol and tobacco B21, HH62 Rest and family support Take Iron and folic acid daily Danger Signs in Pregnancy – all visits Severe headache Breathless Swelling of hands face or feet Painful urination Fever Fits/fainting Lower abdominal pain Bleeding Refer to the clinic immediately Visit 2 – HIV and TB Medicine adherence Early testing for HIV Use condoms to prevent reinfections Antenatal care, nutrition and rest Skilled delivery assistance Early and exclusive breastfeeding Refer immediately Visit 3 – Birth Plan and Family Planning Birth plan Emergency transport Visit clinic Choose appropriate method Clean birthing kit Discuss Family Planning options Visit 4 – Immediate Newborn Care Page Clear airways, wrap and dry but don’t wash for 24 hours Keep baby warm, skin to skin. Do not put the baby in water for at least a full day Clear airways to help baby breathe Early initiation of breastfeeding Immunization Hand washing Visit 4 – Danger Signs in Newborns Unconscious or lethargic Unable to breastfeed Fits, convulsions Chest in-drawing Fast or difficulty breathing Refer to clinic immediately Small baby Fever Visit 4 – Danger Signs in Labor and Delivery Bleeding during labour No fetal movements for 24 hours Ruptured waters with no labour Fever Prolonged labour Severe headache Convulsions Refer to the clinic immediately Visit 5 – Newborn – First week of life Exclusive breastfeeding. No prelacteal feeds Early immunization Play and communication Day and night on demand feeding Regular growth monitoring Birth registration Visit 5 – Maternal Care – First week of life Mother and baby sleep under bednet Mother rests well Take iron and folic acid tablets Postnatal consultation Maternal hygiene Continue to eat well during breastfeeding Visit 5 – Maternal Care – Post partum danger signs Abdominal pain Bleeding Refer mother and baby immediately Difficulty breastfeeding, breasts and nipples swollen red or painful Fever/ chills Visit 5: Danger signs in the newborn Visit 5 – Danger Signs inFever Newb Unable to breastfeed Lethargic/ unconscious Fits or spasms convulsion Q3, Q4, Fast or difficult breathing Chest indrawing T3, H Q2, H Eye infection Skin pustules Jaundice Redness, pus or swelling of cord stump Q9, Q11, H Refer immediately Q1, H Q10, Visit 6: Routine Facility Visit Regular growth monitoring Immunization B85, B71, H Choose appropriate family planning method Visit 6 – HIV Positive Mother Early detection of HIV positive child Cotrimoxazole Cotrimoxazole preventive for the treatment for HIV HIV-exposed child positive child Visit 6 – Technical: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Measles Diphtheria Pertussis B88, A161, HH B89, A162, H Tetanus Pneumonia B87, A160, H Polio B91, A164, H B92, A165, H Visit 6 – Danger Signs in Young Children Fits/ convulsions Unable to drink or breastfeed Vomits everything ingested T2, H Lethargic/ unconscious T10, HH T6, HH T5, H Diarrhoea Bloody diarrhoea Fever Sunken eyes T8, HH T4, H T9, H Cough with difficult breathing Chest indrawing Skin rash T3, H T11, H Visit 7. Sixth Month – Complementary feeding Dietary diversity/3 food groups Continued breastfeeding Iron rich foods Visit 7 – Complementary Feeding: 6 Mo Give clean water to drink (boiled/purified) From 6th month, 2-3 small meals per day B95-extra, A174-extra, H Handwashing and hygiene Diarrhoea 3 watery stools in one day Regular growth monitoring B106, H Family planning Visit 8 – Complementary Feeding: Ninth Month Vitamin A rich food Vitamin A from 6 months Continued breastfeeding Meal frequency 3-4 meals per day Growth monitoring Play and communication B106, H Visit 9 – The One Year Old Child Meal frequency B108, A192, H Iron rich foods Immunization B108-extra1, B110-extra, B85, B71, H Vitamin A supplement at 12 months Deworming from 12 months B109, H Regular growth monitoring Play and stimulation Visit 10 –Eighteen Month Iron rich foods Meal frequency Vitamin A & deworming B110-extra1, H Child should sleep under a bednet B110-extra3, H Practice birth spacing Play and communication