March 8, 2015 - Church of the Pines
March 8, 2015 - Church of the Pines
Worship on Sunday, March 8, 2015 Third Sunday in Lent Into the Presence of God Prelude Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior Greeting and News of a Church Alive *Introit Holy God, We Praise UMH 79 Thy Name. v.1 *Call to Worship Leader: We stand in need of the presence of God. People: Our lives can easily become corrupted by our own greed. Leader: But the Lord has heard our cries, and calls us forward on this journey. People: Lord, guide our steps. Leader: Come, let us worship God, who is always with us. People: Let us open our hearts to the healing, restoring love of God. Amen. Time for Children *Hymn *Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow *Prayer of Dedication Lift High the Cross UMH 159 Prayer of Confession Patient Lord, we have cluttered the “temples” of our lives with so many unnecessary things, that they have blocked out Your healing words of hope and mercy. We have been keenly aware of our economic situation, and have spent much time and energy worrying about these things. Forgive us when we have been so preoccupied with these things that we have not listened to Your words and followed Your ways. Clear away our fears and frustrations. Give us clean hearts and spirits. Help us to be confident in Your mercy and transformational love. These things we offer in the name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen. Words of Assurance Rejoice! You are forgiven. Let the clutter of your life fall away and be replaced by the love of God in Christ Jesus. Amen. Pastor Mark Gilbert The Word of God Scripture Matthew 25:31-46 Lynn Tosch pg.29 of the New Testament *Hymn Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service UMH 581 Interpretation of the Word Pastor Mark Gilbert “Driving A Stick Shift” Moment for Reflection Our Response Offertory The Glory of These Forty Days UMH 94 Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn Majesty, Worship His Majesty UMH 176 SERVICE OF THE WORSHIP OF GOD March 8, 2015 10:00 am and March 11, 2015 5:50 pm Lenten Theme: A World Worth Saving Into the World *Benediction Pastor Mark Gilbert *People’s Response: Live Christ’s Love NOW! *Closing Song Forth In Thy Name. v.1 UMH 438 Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go My daily labor to pursue Thee, only Thee resolved to know In all I think or speak or do Postlude Theme: Feeding Others and Starving Our Guilt (Motivated Neither by Fear, or Guilt, but by Love) Text: Matthew 25:31-46 This worship service will help me see that, when I serve another, I serve Christ. In These Days of Lenten Journey 415 Chippewa Street (corner of Chicago St. and Highway 51N) P.O. Box 144 Minocqua, Wisconsin 54548 (715) 356-3041 FAX: (715) 356-3225 Email: [email protected] Facebook: United Methodist Church of the Pines Rocking Horse Childcare Center & Preschool: (715) 356-5567 We are a Stephen Ministry Church. March-April 2015 Worshippers, please sign the red Friendship Pads, located in the hymnal racks. Guests, please place your name and comments in the Guest Registry in the South Entry. Guest name tags are available in the hymnal racks. We encourage you to use the time before worship for prayer, to open your heart and mind to God and His message for you. Please be considerate of others when you enter the Sanctuary by entering quietly. Large print bulletins, hymnals, and Bibles are available. Hearing assistance is also available. Please ask an usher about any of these! If you have a prayer request, please complete a prayer card. These are pink and can be found in the pew rack. Hand the card to an usher when we receive the offering. Sunday M T 8 9 10 Daylight Savings Begins 9:45 Child Care 1:00 Prayer shawl 2:00 Bible study 10:00 Worship knitters 11:00 Coffee Hour 5:30 Bible studies 15 9:00 Choir 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour 7:00 Bible study 16 17 5:30 Bible studies Worship Stewards Greeters: Byron and Mary Wechter Ushers: Larry and Bonnie Duffee Liturgist: Lynn Tosch Flowers: Jeff and Sue Nienow, for their anniversary WOW Musician: Anna Gilbert 22 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour Mission Stock Sales Turn-the-Page Book Club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm—join us! MARCH 19: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith AARP Foundation Tax Aide Free tax help to low-and-moderate-income taxpayers, especially those 60 years and older. Appointments available at the Lakeland Senior Center hosted by Bryn Lottig March 19, at Bryn’s house in Arbor Vitae To be on our book club email list, contact Sandi Rexroade, [email protected] February 2—April 8, 2015 Mondays, 8:30-3:30 and Wednesdays, 11:30-3:30 For an appointment, call (715) 356-9118 7:00 Bible study 23 6:30 Ministry Council 24 10:00 Between Friends 2:00 Bible study 5:30 Bible studies 29 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship T 12 9:30 Lydia Circle F S 13 14 12:00 Ruth Circle 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:30 Choir rehearsal 5:15 Dinner 6:30 Stephen 5:50 WOW Worship Ministry 6:30 GROW & Impact 5:30 Odd Couples 6:00 Family Movie Night 18 20 21 27 28 19 12:00 Keenagers 2:00 Bible study There are activity bulletins for children. Child Care is offered at 10:00 in the Nursery for children four years old & younger. We also have a Cry Room at the back of the Sanctuary. Please ask an usher or a greeter if you need assistance. Please join us in the Ministry Center for coffee fellowship at 11:00. W 11 9:30 Dawn Circle 7:00 SPRC 30 31 Palm Sunday 11:00 Coffee Hour 25 12:00 UMW General Meeting 2:00 Bible study 4:45 A Time to be Still 7 8:00 Lakeland Food Pantry 26 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:50 WOW Worship 5:30 Choir rehearsal 6:30 GROW & Impact 1 2 3 12:00 Esther Circle 5:30 Bible studies 7:00 Bible study 5 6 8:30 Early service 9:00 Choir 9:45 Childcare 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour 5:30 Missions 6:00 Deborah Circle 7:00 Bible study 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:30 Turn-the-Page 5:50 WOW Worship Book Club Mission Stock Sales 6:30 GROW & Impact 8 9:30 Dawn Circle 1:00 Martha Circle 2:00 Bible study 6:30 Trustees 12:00 Good Friday service 5:00 Choir rehearsal 6:00 Maundy Thursday service 9 10 9:30 Lydia Circle 12:00 Ruth Circle 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:50 WOW Worship 6:30 GROW & Impact 6:30 Stephen Ministry 4 11 UMW Rummage & Bake Sale 6:00 Family Game Night Official Cancelation Policy: During the week, if the schools are closed, all church activities are canceled (meetings, classes, meals, services). If there is a safety issue, the office will close at the discretion of the Pastor. Sunday morning cancellations will take place at discretion of the pastor, Ministry Council chair, and Lay Leader, with notification being made as early as possible, preferably the night before. If school is canceled ahead of time for Thursday, Sunday’s procedure will apply to WOW activities. Next Week’s Worship Theme: Seeking Justice Text: Micah 6:8; Isaiah 11:1-10 This worship service will help me see how my actions should build justice and community. Greeters: Joan Crawford and Mary Fasse Ushers: Len and Alice Hill Liturgist: Carolyn Hendry Special Music: Bob Smith United Methodist Church of the Pines Staff Rev. Mark D. Gilbert………..…………………....................……...………..Pastor Andrea Yates………....Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries Anna Gilbert……..………..…………………...………….Administrative Assistant Kim Albano………………..………...………………………....…..Childcare Provider Rudy Vlosak……………………………………………………………………….Custodian Sue Meyers……………………………………..…………..…………………….Organist Lisa Hernandez..………………...…………………..…………..…….Choir Director Carol Cady……………….……………………………………………………...Lay Leader Daniel and Rachel Gabler…………………...………………………..Missionaries W.O.W. United Methodist Women Dawn Circle will meet next Wednesday, March 11, at 9:30 am in the Ministry Center. Bonnie Duffee and Marilyn Remien are hosts. Ruth Circle will meet next Wednesday, March 11, at noon, at “Tootsie’s.” Call Jean Bishop or Nancy Pallin for more information. Lydia Circle will meet next Thursday, March 12, at 9:30 am, in the Ministry Center. Luella Lakich will lead the study of chapter 9. Sue Loeffler will host. Our General Meeting is March 25, at noon, in the Ministry Center. Deborah and Martha Circles are hosting. A speaker from the Tri-County Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault will be presenting. This is an agency we support through our mission money, and we will have a chance to hear their story. The program is open to anyone, not only UMW members. To hear the program only, please come after lunch at 1:00. Worship On Wednesday March 11, 2015 5:50 pm Into the Presence of God Passing the Peace Prayer Worship through Music Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer The Word of God Scripture Missions March 15 is a day to give to One Great Hour of Sharing. UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee On Relief, will mark this Sunday of sharing with a service of celebration at the New Jersey church where it was founded in 1940— 75 years ago. One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday is a day during which churches across the globe collect an offering that enables UMCOR to continue its 75-year legacy of responding to those in need. Donations to One Great Hour of Sharing fund UMCOR’s administrative costs, and allow 100% of all other donations to be spent on programs as specified by the donor. Plan to give generously! YOU CAN DONATE ONLINE! Go to and scroll down to “One Great Hour of Sharing.” Matthew 25:31-46 Message Pastor Mark Gilbert Our Response Offering and Closing Song Into the World Benediction Live Christ’s Love NOW! Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Join us for our next Family Movie Night on Friday, March 13 at 6:00 in the Ministry Center! Our movie this month is based on the classical theatrical “Our Gang” short subject series. The sanctity of a little boys’ secret club is threatened when one of its most respected members, Alfalfa Switzer, falls in love with a girl! It’s up to Alfalfa’s friend, Spanky McFarland, to set his pal straight before Alfalfa’s indiscretions jeopardize the club’s chances of winning the big go-cart race in a few weeks. Kids are encouraged to come in their cozy clothes and bring a sleeping bag or blanket and pillow. Popcorn will be served! Mission Stock Sales: You can support our youth summer mission trip by purchasing Mission Stock after the worship services on March 18 and 22, and on April 19. This summer’s trip will be to Milwaukee the week of June 14. Your donations help with the cost of the rental van and gas, chaperone fees, church t-shirts, and financial scholarships. When you purchase Mission Stock, you will receive a postcard from one of the youth while on the trip, and you will be invited to our Pasta Dinner on July 16. The Dinner is a time of thanks and sharing. We appreciate your generosity and support of these life-changing trips. Andrea Yates, Coordinator of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries [email protected] (715) 356-3041, ext.3 Would you consider being a positive role model for a child, and teaching them about Christ’s love? We are in NEED of adults who will Trustees At the March Trustees meeting we talked about the window well covers and concrete work that will be completed as soon as possible (weather depending) to prevent flooding downstairs. encourage, nurture, love, and help teach our children what it means to Live Christ’s Love NOW! Thank you to Jerry Weber for getting prices on doors for in Rocking Horse. Thank you to Louise for volunteering to paint Kathy Almekinder’s office downstairs. We will set a date to paint the back stairway. Thank you to Brandon Komarek and Scott McDougall for working on the closet in Rocking Horse. We checked a bubble of wallpaper in kitchen. It is all dry so we will just keep an eye on it. Thank you to Bryce for leading the meeting and everyone who came to the meeting. Current and upcoming opportunities include: assistant in the Nursery on Wed. & Sun. evenings Vacation Bible School Leader (July 2015) L.A.M.B.S. Leader (Fall 2015) King’s Kids Leader (Fall 2015) Christmas Program Assistants (Fall 2015) Thank you for considering this! Please call Andrea Yates to with any questions, or to volunteer! (715) 356-3041, ext. 3 Nurture: growing in our relationship with God and one another. Odd Couples meets this Friday, March 13 at 5:30 pm at Norwood Pines Supper Club. The hosts are Al and Lindakay Ebel and Skip and Lynn Tosch. Dessert will be served afterwards at the restaurant. To RSVP, please call Lynn Tosch at (715) 356-6656. Outreach: reaching out beyond ourselves/our church to love others. Keenagers will meet next Wednesday, March 18, at noon for their potluck lunch. Do you know what “Caritas” is? Come and hear our speaker, Judy Ozinga, tell us about Caritas and what it does. Anyone who is interested in local missions should hear this program. If you would like to come only for the program, plan to arrive at 12:30. Tom and Patty Frandy will be hosting. When John Wesley said that there is “no holiness but social holiness” he was warning the church against the practice of isolating itself from the world. There is always a danger of hiding away within the walls of the church while the world is perishing around us. Holiness calls us to be God’s witnesses in a hurting world. We cannot hide, for we live not in the isolation of our holy temples but in the world where people are hurting. The faith that Jesus demonstrated is lived out in the world. It is a faith that cares about the needs of the poor, cares about the illnesses of the sick, the nakedness of the unclothed, the oppression of the enslaved, and the loneliness of the imprisoned. Biblical faith is active faith. It isn’t reserved for the purity of the holy cloister. It is faith that rolls up its sleeves and goes into the world to make a difference. Yet most Christians fail to make this connection. Church for most Christians is something we do on Sunday. Many create a strong divide in their minds between “church” and “society,” the sacred and the secular. Church is the pure sanctuary where we come to be holy. Society is the sinful world where we live the rest of the week. WEEKLY STUDY OPPORTUNITIES Study of Samuel meets Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Pastor Mark Gilbert is the leader. Afternoon Bible study meets Tuesdays at 2:00. Pastor Mark studies the scripture for the upcoming worship service. Making Sense of the Bible meets Sundays at 5:30 pm. Led by Pastor Mark; child care provided. Road Trip small group study meets Sundays at 5:30 pm. Lead by Anna Gilbert; child care provided. Sign up for the Prayer Chain! If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact Patty Frandy at (715) 3562172 or [email protected]. There will also be a signup sheet in the Ministry Center until March 15. You can either be part of our e-chain, or our traditional phone train. Our chain currently has about 60 “links,” but more participants will only make it stronger! Please keep these individuals in prayer: Kristine Buchholtz; Marge Chadek; Fran Ouimette; Fritzi Braatz; Jayne Claflin; Donna Liebenstein; Hedy Blank; Jim Goetz; Betty Jones; Mary Erickson; Mary Ellen McEwen; Eve and Warren Luy; Tom Caroselli; Andrea Yates; Peggy Drehmel; Irene Boudreau; John and Judy Allen; Fran Bechtolt; Alberta Almekinder; Dick Hewitt; Howard and Alice Fager; Doretta Strassburg; Barb Saving; Jim Erickson. Please share your joys and concerns on our Prayer Chain so we can all support each other. Call Patty Frandy at (715) 3562172, Jean Bishop at (715) 356-9289, or email the church office, [email protected]. If you have information for this column, or for any prayer chain additions, please contact Mary Fasse, Nurture Team Leader, at (715) 358-5032 . As our church explores putting our faith and spiritual practices into action this Lenten season, we would like to share an excerpt from Church and Society 2013-2016 (copyright 2012 by Cokesbury. Used by permission): How can United Methodists become disciples transforming the world if we never bring the church and world together? Jesus wants broken people to experience healing, sinful people to experience love and grace, fallen people to regain their strength and leap for joy. This is the way He lived. These are the lessons He taught. So why would it be any different for those of us who are committed to be followers of Jesus in the twenty-first century. If the church is the body of Christ, we need to constantly measure ourselves by the example of Christ. Are we walking “in his steps”? What will you do today and in the days ahead to reach out and share God’s love with others? If you have information for this column, please contact Dennis and Lonni Harrison, Outreach Co-Leaders, at (715) 358-0419 or email denlon [email protected] Worship: living lives that glorify God every day. A Guy Named Bill His name was Bill. He had wild hair, wore a t-shirt with holes in it, blue jeans and no shoes. In the entire time I knew him I never once saw Bill wear a pair of shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his whole four years of college. He was brilliant, and became a Christian while attending college. Across the street from the campus was a church full of well-dressed, middle-class people. They wanted to develop a ministry to the college students, but they were not sure how to go about it. One day, Bill decided to worship there. He walked into the church, complete with wild hair, t-shirt, blue jeans and bare feet. The church was packed, and the service had already begun. Bill started down the aisle to find a place to sit. The people were looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one said anything. As Bill moved closer and closer to the pulpit, he realized there were no empty seats. So he squatted and sat down on the carpet right up front (although such behavior would have been perfectly acceptable at a college fellowship, this was a scenario this particular congregation had never witnessed before!) By now, the people seemed uptight, and the tension in the air was thickening. Right about the time Bill took his "seat," a deacon began slowly making his way down the aisle from the back of the sanctuary. The deacon was in his eighties, had silver-gray hair, a three-piece suit and a pocket watch. He was a godly man, and very dignified. He walked with a cane and, as he neared the boy, the church members thought, "You can't blame him for what he's going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and background to understand some college kid on the floor?" It took a long time for the man to reach the boy. The church was utterly silent except for the clicking of his cane. You couldn't even hear anyone breathing. All eyes were on the deacon. But then they saw the elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he sat down on the floor next to Bill and worshipped with him. Everyone in the congregation choked up with emotion. When the minister gained control, he told the people, "What I am about to preach, you will never remember. What you've just seen, you will never forget." by Rebecca Manley Pippert, copyright 2000 Canfield/Hansen submitted by Jake Bonack If you have information for this column, please email [email protected], or speak with a member of the WOW Planning Task Force. The season of Lent is upon us, and we have begun, with Jesus, the journey to the cross and Easter. Instead of giving something up for Lent, we are being encouraged to put our faith into action, to Live Christ’s love NOW. Encouragement will come as we follow Rev. George Hovaness Donigan’s A World Worth Saving, weekly in our worship. Each week he will give as daily suggestions for putting our faith and spiritual practices into action. This third week of Lent we continue to seek to serve others, not out of a sense of guilt, but out of love for Jesus. We are also encouraged to take action to ensure everyone has the necessities of life. Day 1. Pay attention to how our community is seeking to ensure that everyone has food, clothing, and shelter, especially in the winter. Pray for guidance about how you could help care for people in this way. If you already are doing something, how could you do one thing more? Go and do it. Day 2. Talk to someone else in church about providing a monthly meal at the homeless shelter in Rhinelander. When you have talked together, come speak with Pastor Mark and Dennis and Lonni Harrison, and see who else is going to help. Day 3. Today, examine why you want to help feed and shelter others? What feelings do you have? If you feel guilt or duty, pray that God would take those feelings from you and fill you with his love for all. Day 4. Pray today that you will see Jesus in each and every person you meet. Pray that you will see Jesus in every person you interact with today. Literally, say to yourself or out loud, “I see Jesus in you.” Day 5 and 6. Continue praying for the issue of hunger and poverty in our community. Ask God how you can address these issues here. Day 7. Rest and worship. Blessings, Pastor Mark
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preferably the night before. If school is canceled ahead of time for Thursday, Sunday’s procedure will apply to WOW activities.