Specialist School for Performing Arts


Specialist School for Performing Arts
Oakfield Academy
Specialist School for Performing Arts
“At Oakfield we believe Maths skills are an essenal part of life.”
Our dynamic Maths faculty works ‘‘I enjoy playing maths games on the
quickly to place pupils into classes interacve whiteboard. It makes maths
where they can learn, be
challenged and achieve their best.
In lessons, pupils learn problem solving and
maths skills for use in everyday life. ICT and
interac.ve whiteboard based lessons ensure
a varied delivery of an exci.ng subject.
Our gi1ed and talented pupils are invited to
join in the UKMT Team Challenge and the
Individual Challenge as well as a3ending
G&T courses at Kilve Court and
extra-curricular groups a1er school.
“I love measuring and data
Pupils from Year 5 enjoy a maths puzzle game
Our English lessons at Oakfield Academy are composed of an
integrated programme of reading, wri.ng and speaking and listening.
Reading: Pupils are helped to develop and widen their reading skills in a structured way. We have .metabled opportuni.es
for our children to access the Enrichment Centre and select books under supervision, suited to their interests and ability.
All our pupils are assessed early in the year for their reading ages in case they are having any problems with reading. We
believe that these need to be iden.fied early in their career at Oakfield and appropriate support given where necessary.
We have a comprehensive school library, a wide and varied collec.on of class readers and other resources aimed to extend
interest and skill. Pupils are encouraged to read progressively more challenging and demanding texts and our aim is that they
should become enthusias.c, independent and reflec.ve readers who read for their own interest and pleasure and for
informa.on. We teach them to consider in detail the quality and depth of what they read and to respond imagina.vely to the
Wring: Pupils are given every encouragement to develop their wri.ng skills both in English and across the curriculum. We
focus on correct use of punctua.on and spelling, reinforcing and extending the gramma.cal structures which have been taught
in first schools.
We give opportuni.es to write for varied purposes and audiences and to use this as a means of developing, organising and
communica.ng ideas. Recently we have created the opportunity for our students to publish their wri.ng for a wider public
audience through an internet based forum.
Our pupils are taught to plan their wri3en work and they are encouraged to revise and proof-read it in order to prepare a neat,
correct and clear final copy.
Speaking and Listening: We give our pupils opportuni.es to talk for a range of purposes including an opportunity to
present a persuasive and convincing speech in our local Rotary compe..on “Youth Speaks”. They are encouraged to express
themselves confidently and clearly and to listen carefully to the teacher and fellow pupils.
Broadening the Curriculum: We are lucky to be able to welcome a variety of visitors who are professionals in their
own field, which widens the pupils' experience and apprecia.on of various forms of literature. This includes visits by authors,
e.g. David Gatward, Steve Voake and Emma Craigie and workshops on Shakespeare apprecia.on.
Author David Gatwood leads a wri.ng workshop
Pupils learn about forensic science
Pupils at Oakfield Academy enjoy the
benefit of two well-equipped
laboratories, a new mobile fume
cupboard and an exci.ng science course.
”Science at Oakfield is
interesng, fun and
Year 8 Pupil
Pupils follow the ‘WIKID Science’ course
from the Centre for Science
Educa.on and the Associa.on for
Science Educa.on.
The WIKID Science course supports the
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathema.cs) agenda: to create a
modern, world class curriculum that
inspires and challenges all learners.
CORE SUBJECTS: Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Our MFL provision aims to develop confident foreign language speaking,
a keen interest in exploring other countries and a respect of other cultures and
Modern Foreign Languages are taught throughout both Key Stages. Our
faculty benefits from having a French na.ve speaker as Head of
Department and both French and German are taught by experienced
language teachers.
At Key Stage 2: Students are given the opportunity to study both Spanish
and French in Years 5 & 6. The main focus is on acquiring the key skills
required to learn a new language. Learners are encouraged to explore
similari.es and differences between languages. Songs, games, role play
and the use of ICT are integrated within our lessons. Students have one
language lesson a week, which lasts for 1 hour and they are taught in
mixed ability groups.
At Key Stage 3: In Year 7, students study French for two hours a week
and, in Year 8, they receive an addi.onal hour of German tui.on. Lessons
focus on the four a3ainments targets: listening, speaking, reading and
wri.ng skills. The resources used are relevant, engaging and up-to-date.
Both French and German lessons last for 1 hour and pupils are set in
ability groups in French but taught in mixed ability groups in German.
Oakfield Academy has a formal link with the Collège Georges Desnos in La
Ferté Bernard (in Sarthe region of France) with whom we organise
exchange residen.al visits, exchange of pen-friend le3ers and projects of
intercultural interest.
I love computers …. Pupils quote
ICT develops skills that cross over into learning confidence in other areas of the
At Oakfield Academy, ICT isn’t just a discrete subject; it is
embedded throughout the curriculum. From digital story
telling in English to crea.ng games in Maths, we provide an
educa.on enriched with ICT.
The ICT faculty believe that developing the pupil’s ICT skills
is fundamental to ensure that they can use ICT safely,
responsibly and effec.vely both in and out of school.
At the Academy, we are fortunate to have two ICT suites, as
well as a bank of equipment, including iPads, digital
cameras and Lego Robo.cs to enhance lessons and a1er
school ac.vi.es thus promo.ng both enthusiasm and
The curriculum includes research topics, projects and
compe..ons. Pupils at Oakfield have good access to
computers around the school as well as in the Enrichment
“ICT is learning without
knowing it.”
Year 7 pupil
Safeguarding is in place for all computer
based ac.vity at Oakfield.
Pupils from all year groups at a media a1er-school club
CORE SUBJECTS: Informaon Communicaons Technology (ICT)
Performing Arts: Music
At Oakfield, we are proud of our musical tradi.on.
Music represents a unique area of experience in the
curriculum which enables pupils to:
express their thoughts and feelings through a wide variety of
develop creavity through individual and collaborave effort
learn in alternave contexts including visual, tacle and sensory
develop skills in performing, composing, appraising and listening to
help them make value judgements and aesthec decisions
develop interpersonal skills and enable them to become acvely
involved in shaping their environment
build confidence and self-esteem
develop a greater understanding of the world around them as well
as a lifelong love, appreciaon and understanding of all the arts.
We offer professional tuion in a wide range of instruments where pupils can
learn in groups as well as on an individual basis. Pupils can also come and join
our popular karaoke club, Oakfield Academy choir and orchestra. The Academy
regularly puts on musical concerts and performances such as Blues Night,
Summer Spectacular, Oakfield’s Got Talent, Samba workshops and parades as
well as collaborang with the Drama Faculty in school producons.
“In the Music department there
are many opportunities, such
as orchestra and choir which I
really enjoyed.” Year 7 pupil
All pupils at Oakfield are encouraged to express themselves crea.vely.
Pupils learn to improvise as well as following
more structured approaches to the
Opportuni.es to perform or take part in back
stage or technical roles, in greater or lesser
degree, throughout the year are available.
The Drama faculty has the benefit of a newly
refurbished performance hall, prac.se
mirrors and outdoor performance stage.
Oakfield regularly invites theatre groups to
perform for pupils as well as organising
regular trips to the theatre.
Oakfield enjoys links with local theatres - our
outdoor performance area, set in award
winning gardens, was opened by local
thespian, Humphrey Barnes.
2012 produc.on of High School Musical
Performing Arts: Drama
Performing Arts: Art and Design
Pupils learn how to make sculptures
skills but with a lifelong love, apprecia.on and understanding of all the arts.
The Art Department offers a variety of opportuni.es to experiment in
a range of materials and mediums both within and outside of the
curriculum. In class all prac.cal work is supported by the study of
appropriate ar.sts and Year 8 students receive Art ICT lessons,
learning how to use digital Art programmes to enhance their Art
Wednesday a1ernoon enrichment sessions offer extra Art at all key
stages and a1er school clubs are run by three members of staff. We
are now offering Arts Award to KS3 pupils with a view to extending
this to KS2 once a training course has been completed. Please go to
www.artsaward.org.uk for more informa.on.
There are regular Art trips to galleries and workshops which are held
at the Black Swan Arts Centre and at FFC. We have a good rela.onship
with the Rook Lane Art Gallery, where students work has been on
Last year alone has seen: being awarded the Gold Arts Mark from the
Arts Council of England.
Workshops: Art A3acks, Neil Buchanan (work exhibited at Rook lane
Chapel) Aardman (work exhibited at The Black Swan, Frome).
Openstorytellers Community Art Workshop (led by Art workshop at
Barrington Court).
Year 5s annual clay workshop with a visi.ng ar.st
Year 5 and 6 Arts weeks in the summer term
Gi1ed and Talented workshop (Frome Community College)
“Art is my favourite lesson because we
can always be creave and learn new
ways of doing things.” Year 8 Pupil
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY: Cooking, Texles and Resistant Materials
FOOD :Pupils are able to enjoy the use of our well
equipped kitchen and they produce a variety of dishes
that encompass the skills required to allow them to produce basic foods. There are compeons held during
the school year such as Gingerbread Houses – widely
enjoyed by all - especially KS2, and also Master Chef
which is open to all years. The standard of food
produced in this compeon is extremely high and the
recipes are really adventurous!
TEXTILES: Pupils are taught a variety of sewing skills by
producing products that are suitable to their age and
ability. They are taught how to safely use a sewing
machine as well as more tradional hand sewing
techniques. They are also able to use a variety of
prinng methods both tradional and modern to
decorate their work.
RESISTANT MATERIALS: Pupils enjoy excellent DT facilities with
a new block devoted to resistant materials . Creativity and control
over a range of specialist areas encourages hands on exploration of
plastic, graphics and wood. Hand and power tools are used and
through their learning, pupils find new ways to develop analytical,
design, motor and reflex skills.
“I like using all the tools in DT and
then seeing the finished product.”
Year 7 pupil
The Geography department delivers an inclusive and interac.ve
curriculum, allowing for students of all abili.es to explore the
natural and man-made world around us. With a focus on the local
area, students are encouraged to par.cipate in a wide range of
diverse, challenging ac.vi.es, with an emphasis on developing the
key skills students possess, as well as aiding the progression of new
Ac.vi.es can include: learning how to build their own tectonic
plate map, designing and making a range of sustainable clothing, or
even designing an airport for Frome!
In 2011, the department was recognised for its efforts in fostering
an outstanding learning environment for pupils in Geography by
being awarded ‘The Quality Mark in Geography’ by the
Geographical Associa.on.
“Geography is awesome! I like knowing
where all the places in the world are.”
Year 8 Pupil
Year 5 pupils learn about the Tudors
HUMANITIES: History, Religion and Philosophy
The History faculty at Oakfield Academy covers a range of
themes and topics as pupils progress through their
At Key Stage 2, pupils take a topic approach to their
History lessons through the study of the Tudors in Year 5
and the Ancient Greeks in Year 6. Pupils learn about
many aspects of these periods by examining the lifestyles
and cultures of the past and through sampling foods,
costumes, music, dance during special themed days.
At Key Stage 3, pupils are given the opportunity to
develop as historians through the teaching and learning of
key skills such as historical enquiry, source analysis and
the use of evidence. Through the study of topics such as
Medieval Times, the Crusades and the Bri.sh Empire
pupils are able to demonstrate empathy and imagine how
they would have reacted in these different .mes, and the
decisions they might have made being in these situa.ons.
Through the planning and prepara.on of engaging and
dynamic lessons, pupils are able to experience past events
and significant periods. These in turn allow them to
compare and contrast to their present lives, and even
begin to ques.on what of their history might shape their
Religion and Philosophy is an important part of the curriculum at
Oakfield and we aim to bring the subject to life for all pupils.
Pupils look at new developments in religion and research the
five dominant religions of the world using a thema.c approach.
At Oakfield we encourage all pupils to ques.on and explore the
opinions of others before forming their own ideas.
“I love R&P it’s helping me to understand
other people’s cultures and I like the
Year 8 Pupil
“History is a really invenve and
interesng subject.”
Year 8 Pupil
Oakfield Academy P.E. faculty has the benefit and use of a new mul.-use sports
court, a fully equipped gym, the hall and extensive playing fields.
Our PE curriculum includes a wide range of spor.ng ac.vi.es which
include games (football, hockey, netball, rugby, tennis, volleyball,
basketball, ul.mate frisbee, rounders and cricket), gymnas.cs, dance,
(swimming in Year 5) and athle.cs.
Alongside the curriculum, we offer clubs in football, netball, hockey,
rugby, cricket, rounders, athle.cs, basketball and volleyball. If there is a
request from students for par.cular sports we do try to arrange coaches
to come into school.
Regular fixtures and tournaments are played against other schools in the
Mendip and surrounding areas. Inter-form compe..ons are also
organised. This year we celebrated the London Olympics with our own
Mini Olympics. All children in the school were involved in tutor group
Oakfield Academy has invested in the development of games within
Oakfield and the local first schools through a Games Organiser. Sports
Leaders are trained and help with the organisa.on of sports ac.vi.es for
the First Schools Sports Fes.vals and Oakfield’s Sports Days.
Students are given the opportunity to learn and develop new skills,
techniques and games strategies. They are also encouraged to work
independently, co-operate with others and lead small groups as well as
becoming aware of their own and other pupil’s strengths and
Trips have been organised to the London Olympics, Somerset Cricket
Ground, QPR and the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff to watch high quality
“The PE department is brilliant
because of all the opportunies that
they provide for all students including:
netball, football, hockey, basketball,
volleyball! And the list goes on. The
fixtures are amazing - we go to so
many it’s unbelievable! My favourite
sports trip was 100% the Olympics
Trip! It was an experience not to
Year 8 pupil
Believe and Achieve.
Every Wednesday Oakfield suspends the usual .metable for the
last lesson so that pupils can choose to experience new ac.vi.es,
learn from visitors from the community, develop their problem
solving skills and take part in praise assemblies which parents are
invited to.
This occurs on a four week rolling .metable for each year group.
Oakfield believes this flexibility leads to an enriched learning
experience for all pupils and ensures our pupils have the
opportunity to be inspired by local ar.sts, authors and business
Ac.vi.es this year include: horse riding, yoga, golf, willow
sculp.ng, running and drama.....