saint isaac jogues parish
saint isaac jogues parish
SAINT ISAAC JOGUES PARISH 8149 Golf Road ~ Niles, IL 60714 847/967-1060 ~ Fax # 847/967-1070 Website: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 Page Two Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL “A Star of Hope” On June 28, there was a remarkable celebration in Melrose Park. The last issue of the Catholic New World made the "Papal Incoronation of the Statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel" a vivid reminder of the devotion and pageantry I personally experienced on the Amalfi Coast in 1975. Although Melrose Park is a long way from the Sorrento Peninsula, its lemon groves and terraced vineyards, since 1894 the Chicago suburb has been a center for Italian faith and culture. That faith and culture has a special focus in a lovely image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The special papal honors associated with incoronation have been extended to many images of Our Lady in Europe, but only four other images in the United States. When I accessed the website of the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the description of "upcoming events" again recalled the Feast of Our Lady on the Amalfi Coast. Italian band concerts, outdoor processions, street festivals, and High Mass made me feel a special kind of nostalgia. July 12, 2009 I shall never forget asking the concierge of our hotel in Amalfi if there were any local festivals in progress. He told us about a "Festa del Carmine” in a mountaintop village nearby. He told us the name of the village, Pogerola, and that a local bus could take us up the mountain. The buses, however, were overcrowded and we were obliged to hike up the mountain road. Arriving at Pogerola at dusk, we were greeted by a display of fireworks. We had arrived just in time for a band concert of Verdi favorites and the procession of the image of Our Lady from the village square to the parish church for Mass. The band marched with the procession. Banners and candle houses accompanied confraternities and ordinary devotees like us. Marian Procession I wish I could say that the church was as beautiful as the image of Our Lady or that the liturgical music equaled the quality of the band concert. Still the experience was REAL. A elderly widow pinned a 1,000 Lira note to the mantle of Our Lady. Others lit candles, prayed the rosary or nodded off during the homily. The air was heavy and humid. Occasionally, some men would leave for a cigarette intermezzo. There was at least one crying child who did not have an intermezzo. The Mass concluded and the band returned to playing Verdi. As we wandered through the Festa, the vendors sold marvelous limonade and limoncello. Huge Sorrento lemons were everywhere and also a local specialty -- pig's feet! The band continued with a medley of old Neapolitan songs. Below the magnificent panorama of Amalfi after dark Amalfi Coast Page Three Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time sparkled as we walked down the mountain to our hotel. July 12, 2009 SPIRITUAL LIFE ITALIAN PRAYER GROUP? Image of Our Lady and Bishop Papocki From childhood, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been important to me. July 16 was the date my favorite family pilgrimage to Holy Hill, Wisconsin. After my diaconate ordination, a friend and I introduced ourselves to the Carmelites in Des Plaines. We offered the Solemn Benediction, which they were delighted to accept. Thus, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel also began a forty year association with Carmel St. Joseph and a great admiration of Carmelite spirituality. Whether it is in Melrose Park, Italy or anywhere else in the Catholic world, I will never forget July 16. In Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI reflects on Our Lady's place in the economy of salvation: Jesus Christ is the true light, the sun that has risen above all the shadows of history. But to reach Him we also need lights close by-- Who more than Mary could be star of hope for us? With her "yes" she opened the door of our world to God Himself.... - Fr. Luczak We are wondering if there are people in the parish interested in being part of an Italian Parishioner Prayer Group. There are no details yet, until we talk to those who respond to this invitation. We are grateful to Fr. Luczak for his support of this possibility. If you are interested in being part of an Italian Prayer Group here at St. Isaac Jogues Parish, please contact Pietro & Santa DiFranco, 847/966-1802, this week. Thank RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of prayer, reflection, study and discussion for individuals who have never been baptized; who are baptized Christians but who seek to learn more about the Catholic Church; or who are baptized Catholics but have not received First Communion and Confirmation. For more information about the RCIA process, please call Dee Stanton or Joyce Mills at 847/966-1180. POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP Are you hurting from an abortion? You are not alone. Many women who have had an abortion feel the need for forgiveness and healing, but don’t know where to look or how to start. The Archdiocesan program “Project Rachel” is beginning a Bible-based support group for post-abortive women. The group will meet weekly this summer for eleven weeks from 7-9 p.m. There are multiple locations. Confidentiality Page Four Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 will be stressed. Call Margie from Project Rachel for details, 312/534-5335. religious education every year to assist them in their faith development and formation. READINGS FOR THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Families who have children with special needs or older children who have not yet celebrated First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, etc, are encouraged to talk with us to see what options are available for your children’s participation. For more information or to have questions answered, please call the Religious Education (RE) Office at 847/966-1180. Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:13-18 Mark 6:30-34 ABOUT NEXT WEEK’S READINGS JEREMIAH: “The Kingdom of Judah had a royal lineage that lasted from the time of David in the 10th century B.C. to the Babylonian exile—about 500 years. The last kings in this line were not good ones, and it was during that time that the prophet Jeremiah preached. Christians have seen Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecy in today’s reading.” EPHESIANS: “We continue today our readings from the letter to the Ephesians. Ephesus was a community in which Jewish and Gentile Christians lived side-by-side. The author, a Christian who was of Jewish background, is addressing Gentile Christians, converts from paganism. The references to ‘one new person’ and ‘on body’ refer to the Church, which is the body of Christ.” EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS *Registration for the 2009-2010 Religious Education Program is currently taking place! Kindergarten classes meet on Sunday mornings, 10:30-11:30 a.m. and Grs. 1-8 (Confirmation Year II) meet on Monday evenings, 6:45-8:00 p.m. Students must participate in religious education classes (in an RE Program or Catholic School) for at least two years prior to receiving a sacrament. Families are strongly encouraged to have their children attend Theology-On-Tap, now in its 29th year, is a fourweek summer speaker and conversation series exclusively for young adults in their 20s and 30s, married and single. It begins at various parishes and Campus Ministry Centers throughout the Archdiocese beginning today (Sunday, July 12th). The conclusion will be on Sunday, August 9th, with a 3 p.m. Mass at Madonna della Strada Chapel (Loyola University, Lakeshore Campus) followed by a picnic at Halas Field, across from the chapel until 7:30 p.m. Cardinal George will preside at the Mass. Tickets for the event will be available at all Theology-On-Tap host sites. Young adults of St. Isaac Jogues Parish might want to check out for the sessions which will be offered on Sunday evenings at St. Emily Church in Mt. Prospect at 7:30 p.m.; the Sheil Center at Northwestern University in Evanston at 7 p.m.; St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Chicago at 4:00 p.m.; on Tuesday evenings at Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago at 7 p.m.; on Wednesday evenings at St. Nicholas Parish in Evanston at 7:30 p.m. Child care is provided at some of the sites. Sessions in the Polish language will be on Sundays at 7 p.m. at St. Thomas Becket Parish in Mt. Prospect. Check it out—meet new people, enjoy interesting topics and speakers, learn more about our Catholic faith, become more “spiritually fit” and have a good time while you’re at it! Page Five Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 Financial Snapshot First Sunday of July 2009 Actual Budget Difference Actual Last Yr Difference Sunday Collection $11,832 $12,800 ($968) $11,832 $14,463 ($2,631) Month to Date $11,832 $12,800 ($968) $11,832 $14,463 ($2,631) Year to Date $11,832 $12,800 ($968) $11,832 $14,463 ($2,631) HUMAN CONCERNS “Christmas in July” FOOD DRIVE Our Lady, Mother of the Church will hold a non-perishable food drive Wed., July 22 in the church lot, 8747 W. Lawrence in Chicago. Collected items will be donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository – GCFD. The GCFD distributes donated & purchased food through a network of 600 food pantries, soup kitchens & shelters to 500,000 adults & children every year. In 2008, the GCFD distributed 46 million pounds of nonperishables. Their programs & services benefit children, older adults & the un- or underemployed. The drive’s most needed items include beans, cereal, chili, pasta, rice, peanut butter, soup, tuna, canned vegetables & canned fruit. They cannot accept glass, perishable or homemade items. For further information, contact Joan McConville, Parish Nurse, at 773-625-3371. Home Away from Home – a Collaborative Respite Program Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Older Adult Day Services & St. Matthew Center for Health have formed a cooperative Respite Care program. Home Away from Home enables families currently utilizing LGH Adult Day Services an opportunity to leave home for a vacation or other needs. The loved one using Older Adult Day Services would continue to spend their day at the Center & then receive care & comfort nights & weekends at St. Matthew. The Center would provide transportation between the two facilities. Home Away from Home offers short term breaks for family caregivers who need respite to relieve stress, restore energy & promote balance in their lives. For further information, contact Gwynne Chovanec, Director of Older Adult Services, or Mindy Dicker, Information & Referral, at 847-723-7770 or Carrie Emerson, St. Matthew Center for Health, at 847-825-5531. The Nurse Is In… Today, July 12 Our Parish Nurse, Pat Kellen, will be in Room 6 today, July 12, from 8:30AM to 1:30PM for meetings with individual parishioners to discuss a health issue, check a blood pressure or start you on the road to completing your Advance Care plans. Please stop by! Page Six Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 FROM THE PASTOR-PARISH LIFE ALTAR FLOWERS CAN BE A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE From the weekend of June 7th through Thanksgiving Day, November 26th, 2009, parishioners are invited to decorate the altar with flowers in honor or memory of a loved one. There will be two arrangements each week. Your name and intention will be listed in the Bulletin. The cost of a flower arrangement will be $50.00. Dates fill up quickly, so please book well in advance. Please call the Rectory at 847-9671060 to arrange the date to make your remembrance special! The flowers on the altar this weekend are from: “In Celebration of Dee Stanton’s Birthday” “In Celebration of Zofia Statkiewicz’s 85th Birthday from her loving children” MEMORIALS We are grateful for a set of green vestments donated by Edith Savino and Dianna and Bob Bridges fn Memory of Marion Sawicki and a Communion Pyx donated by Billy Savino also in memory of Marian Sawicki. Recently, I donated a set of red vestments -- a monastic-style chasuable, two concelebrant: chasuables and a dalmatic (deacon vestment) in memory of the Gordon Family. These vestments are intended for Palm Sunday and Good Friday or any major feast of amartyr--e. g ., that of St. Isaac Jogues. I encourage parishioners to consider memorials and bequests. If you are interested in more information, contact Bob Kerls or me. -Fr. Luczak Here’s a simple test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t. — Anonymous MASS INTENTIONS FOR 2010 The 2010 Mass Book is now open. Anyone wishing to reserve Masses for loved ones or special intentions may do so. Please note: we will take only one intention for each liturgy. We suggest a $10.00 stipend for each Mass. According to the Code of Canon Law 948: Separate Masses must be applied for the intentions of those for whom an individual offering, even if small, has been made and accepted. What is normative in the practice of the Church is that there be separate individual Masses offered for individual intentions. Therefore, the practice of combining individual intentions on a regular basis has ceased at St. Isaac Jogues. Page Seven Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 Remembering Buddy: An Afternoon with Some of His Friends We knew Buddy Gries for years as parishioner, leader of the Rosary Prayer Group, Lector, Confirmation Catechist and friend. Others knew him as Buddy Charles, singer and piano player extraordinaire. Influenced by Fats Waller and his stepfather, jazz great Mugsy Spanier, Buddy was known for having a vast repertoire and played such places as the Acorn on Oak Street, the Coq D’Or in the Drake Hotel, and Chambers Restaurant in Niles. September 12, 1997, was proclaimed Buddy Charles Day in the City of Chicago. Many felt blessed to know this warm, understanding and caring man. A couple days before Christmas, 2008, Buddy’s funeral Mass was celebrated here at St. Isaac Jogues Parish and some of his friends in the business remembered Fr. Luczak saying he regretted Buddy did not have the chance to perform a concert at the parish, as he had hoped to do. So his friends asked to do a show in Buddy’s memory and to benefit St. Isaac Jogues Parish. “Remembering Buddy…An Afternoon with his Friends”, a concert in memory of Buddy Charles Gries, will be held NEXT SUNDAY, July 19th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. Several of Chicago’s top professional entertainers will perform, including Joel Barry, Anne and Mark Burnell, David Green, David Hamilton, Steve Heliotes, Noelle Lesniak, Mary Lukas, Audrey Morris, Jeanne Scherkenbach, and concert organizers Scott Urban and Bob Solone. Buddy’s wife, daughters and son will also be with us to enjoy the show. Tickets are $15 per person. The monies raised will be used to purchase a new piano in the Holy Family Room. A few snacks will be provided or you can bring your own appetizer. Drinks will be sold for $1-$2 (soda, water, beer and wine). Tickets will be sold after all Masses TODAY. You can also purchase tickets at the Rectory or by calling Dee Stanton at 847/966-1180. While advance ticket purchases are appreciated for set-up/planning purposes, you may buy your ticket at the door the day of the concert. Come for great entertainment and to celebrate the life, friendship and music of Buddy Charles Gries! Page Eight Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 Women's Center Bulletin Announcement for July, 2009 At The Women's Center we treat those who are pregnant and in difficult situations with compassion, friendship and help. Very often they want their babies, but are being coerced into aborting them. With our support and encouragement, they are enabled to give them birth. We receive beautiful "thank you" notes after their babies are born. We need volunteer ultrasound sonographers RDMS Certified for our Cicero Ave. and Evergreen Park offices. Call Kathy Michalak at 773-783-6100 for information. Volunteers are needed (bi-lingual helpful) to answer calls on our crisis counseling line at our Cicero Ave. and Evergreen Park offices. Training provided. For more information call 773-794-1313. We are in need of diapers in sizes newborn, 4, 5 and 6. If you can organize a diaper drive, perhaps as a service project for Scouts, Confirmation, service hours, a summer project, etc., call Peg at 773-794-3292 for more information on diaper drives. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Infant sleepers, crib sheets, crib bedding, bumper pads and clothing for infants (3 to 9 months) and boys and girls sizes 4 and up are also needed. We desperately need 12 baby cribs, 4 double strollers, 3 toddler beds, 3 small chest of drawers, 7 bouncers, 5 baby swings and pack 'n plays. Pick ups for baby furniture ONLY. All clothing needs to be dropped off unless accompanied by baby furniture. For our address, or if a pick up is needed, please call 773-7941313. The families who receive these are grateful for your generosity. If you shop at Dominick's Food Stores and register your Fresh Values card with The Women's Center, we earn a percentage of what you spend. You can shop any day and at any time of day. Please call us at 773-794-1313 to register your card. You can also benefit us by calling to receive Jewel Shop and Share coupons. CALLED BY GOD Today's scriptures invite us to listen to two calls. The first is the call issued by the Lord to the prophet Amos, the "shepherd and a dresser of sycamores (Amos 7:14). The second is the call the Lord Jesus issued to the Twelve, whom he sent out "two by two" (Mark 6:7). These' faithful people responded to the call, prophesying and preaching to the people to whom they had been sent. Each of us received a call when we were baptized. The second reading invites us to ponder that call as we are reminded that we are chosen in Christ and that, in love, God "destined us for adoption" (Ephesians I :5). As adopted daughters and sons of God we are called to bring the presence of Christ into our marriages, families, schools, and places of work. Let us be inspired today to say "yes" to the call we hear once again through God's living word. © J. S. Paluch Co. Page Nine Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2009 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION At the time of the Reformation, although England broke away from papal authority under Henry VIll, a silent majority clung to the Catholic faith. Henry's eldest daughter, Mary, restored the "old religion" in a fierce persecution of Protestants (she is called "Bloody Mary" for good reason.) His youngest daughter, Elizabeth, rejected papal ties. Under her reign, beginning with legislation in 1593, Catholics were persecuted again, and only the very wealthy could afford the fines for not attending Anglican services on Sunday. They were called "recusants," from a Latin word meaning "refuse," since they refused to attend the liturgy of the Church of England. Many families maintained Catholic tradition in secret, and today their descendants claim "Recusancy" as a mark of family pride. For generations they sent their young people abroad to be educated in convents and monasteries. It is not surprising that the first monastery in colonial America springs from Holland with the daughters of patrician English recusant families. Port Tobacco, Maryland, proved fruitful soil for the Carmelite tradition. -Rev. James Field, © J. S. Paluch Co. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifteenth "Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Henry Tuesday: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Wednesday: St. Bonaventure Thursday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saturday: St. Camillus de Lellis; Blessed Virgin Mary Page Ten Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, July 12 7:30 am Marge DiPrima 9:00 am Mary Swanson 10:30 am For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Michael Young 12:00 pm Kurian Karikulam Monday, July 13 8:00 am Purgatorial Society; Tom Halpin July 12, 2009 Liturgies next weekend July 18 — 19 Presider 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Fr. Kalas/Deacon Rod Fr. Kennedy/Deacon Paul Fr. Luczak/Deacon Paul Fr Janas/Deacon Rod Fr. Stagaman/Deacon Rod Altar Servers Tuesday, July 14 8:00 am Kurian Karikulam 5:00 pm Wednesday, July 15 8:00 am Joe Bellissimo Thursday, July 16 8:00 am Nellamattom Kurian 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Friday, July 17 8:00 am Tom Halpin 12:00 pm Saturday, July 18 8:00 am Communion Service-No Intentions 5:00 pm Steven Zourkas Sunday, July 19 7:30 am Richard M. Arendt 9:00 am Ed Puisis 10:30 am Ljubica Greblo 12:00 pm For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Tom Halpin Sacristy Committee Kathy Zacharia, Diana Korman Reconciliation Fr. Janas Roshan & Rino Muringothu Ian De Leon Colin & Jacob Austria, Celina Antony Marco Lambo, Elizabeth Stanton, Samuel Ratner Joana & John Hidalgo, Samantha Lopez Albino & Ashith Chirayath, Rene Dumayas Relatives & Friends Please remember the sick and hospitalized: Bob Arns, Shirley Arns, John Arns, Jr., Andre Baros, Noah Baros, Shawn Bong, Genevieve Conway, Mary Cornwell, Marian DeMeo, Edward Gaske, Shirley Klein, Mark Koz, Maria Ladd, Gailmarie Mattison, Laura Maya, Lillian McCloud, Sr. Flannan Mc Guane, OP, Marilyn Michaels, Tammy Heffernan Propst, Tony Romito, Clariza Saint George, Linda Bong Sanchez, Irene Seifert, Paul Sitkowski, Clariza St. George, John Terzakis, Pat Terzakis, Pat Walter, Chuck Watson, Mary Zimniewicz, Alec Upshaw, Megan Zimniewicz Upshaw, Rene Vega. REST IN PEACE Marion Sawicki, mother of Marilyn. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven. - Psalm 85:12 Page Eleven Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR: Rev. Andrew Luczak ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Camillus Janas, O.F.M PASTORAL STAFF: Deacon Bob Kerls, Parish Business Administrator Mrs. Dolores Stanton,Director of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Kellen, Parish Nurse Mrs. Lisa Hall, Music Director DEACON COMMUNITY: Deacon & Mrs. Robert C. O’Keefe Deacon Rod Ranola Deacon & Mrs. Paul M. Stanton WEEKEND LITURGY PRESIDERS: Rev. Ron Kalas Rev. Bernard Kennedy, O.F.M. Rev. Philip McGlynn, O.S.M. Rev. David Stagaman, S.J. Eucharistic Celebrations: Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, & 12:00 Noon Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon or anytime by request. July 12, 2009 Sacrament of Matrimony: Must be registered for six months prior to setting the wedding date with an additional six months for necessary preparation. Note: The following wedding times can be scheduled: Friday at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.; Sunday at 3:00 p.m. (Ceremony only) Sacrament of Baptism: Second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Session must be completed before Baptism. Contact the Parish Office as soon as possible for details. Parish Office Website: E-mail: [email protected] 8149 Golf Road, Niles, IL. 60714. . . . . . . 967-1060 Mrs. Janet Piovosi (Parish Secretary) Mrs. Emilie Casacchia (Data Processor) Mrs. Marlene Garber (Data Processor) Mrs. Jane Piper (Bulletin Editor) Religious Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1180 Staff Secretary Parish Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1094 Music Ministry. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1091 Parish Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-1091 Ministry Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6911 Parish School: St. John Brebeuf School. . . . . . . . . 966-3266 Principal: Mrs. Margaret Whitman ADDING NAMES TO THE PARISH SICK LIST It has always been the policy of St. Isaac Jogues to offer our parish community an opportunity to pray for those parishioners who are ill and in need of our prayers. We have tried to keep close track of these names for our Bulletin as they are made available to us. However, now we face an important privacy issue, very much like the issues faced by hospitals, health institutions, and certainly by other parishes. We cannot (by law) publicly let our parish community know the health status of any of our members without their permission. We appreciate the fact that often friends, neighbors, and acquaintances wish to do something special for a person who is ill, and ask to place their name on the list to be prayed for. While their intentions are surely good, we simply can no longer accept names in this manner. We will institute a new process regarding calling in names for the Bulletin list. Names for the sick list placed in the Bulletin have to be called in by the person who is ill, or by a member of their family. At the time they call in the name, they will be asked whether they are the sick person him/ herself, or a member of their family, and if they give permission for the name to be placed on the list. They will be asked for the correct spelling of the sick person's name. If a family member, they will be required to give their name for our records. Thank you for your patience regarding this new process. We wish to do all we can to offer our parish community the opportunity to offer prayers for those who are ill — but we must also be cognizant of the fact that all members of our congregation are entitled to their privacy in this regard. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS ST. ISAAC JOGUES #512032 8149 Golf Road Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 967-1060 CONTACT PERSON Jane/Janet SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Canon IR 3035 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION July 12, 2009 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS THANK YOU!