August 14, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul
August 14, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul
ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON HIS EMINENCE DANIEL CARDINAL DINARDO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6800 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 713-667-9111, FAX 713-667-3453, WWW.SVDP-HOUSTON.ORG August 14, 2016, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. William Young Parochial Vicar Rev. Phong Nguyen Deacons Gus Camacho, Dan Pagnano Business Administrator, Meredith Wyzik, 713-663-3549 Director of Music, Daryel Nance, 713-663-3539 Director of Liturgy, Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 Director of Faith Formation, Nick LaRocca, 713-663-3565 Director of Communications, Mary Gosline, 713-663-3546 Parish School, 713-666-2345 Fax 713-663-3562 Principal, Carolyn Sears MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 6:45 AM and 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:15 AM, Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Spanish Mass: Sunday, 3:00 PM Life Teen Mass: Sunday, 5:00 PM Young Adults Mass: Tuesday, 7:00 PM except No First Tuesday 7 PM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Church Adoration Chapel, 24 hours, Monday, 7 AM through Saturday, 8 AM CONFESSIONS: Tuesdays, 6-7 PM and Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 PM or call 713-667-9111 for an appointment HEALING AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK second Wednesday of the month after 12:10 PM Mass 1 August 14, 2016, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Letter From The Pastor Dear Parishioners: Getting along with others can appear so appealing. “Wouldn’t it be so wonderful to eliminate rancor and discord?” I admit this sounds good, even a bit unrealistic. Getting along with others may be very difficult dealing with others who act out all matter of ideas. An appeal to active tolerance [i.e. putting up with others who make wrong choices when we KNOW the choice is wrong — going out of our way to say wrong is right and right is wrong]. We get into thinking that by leaving people to their own choices and opinions (as long as there is no effect on me), is a permissible Christian response. After all, should we not show love to everyone?, is a common response. The problem of course, is a very flawed idea of love. As I have often said, “God is not nice!. God is love, but love is not nice! Love is justice, truth, demanding, intolerant, et al.” Love is justice because it disciplines one to act with a righteousness towards others. Justice is ensuring I pay my debts promptly, giving to another what is his right to have, returning to God what is his by right including my time, talent and treasures. At times justice may require that we do not just go along but work diligently to make matters correct even if it puts us at odds. Love is truth because only the truth sets one free from false self-perceptions, perception of others, miss-ordered understandings, etc. Truth keeps me from imposing a false view of reality. For example, in the realm of truth I am not free to think the world is flat because it is not. I am not free to believe one race is better than another in the realm of truth because it is not true. Love is intolerant because it cannot tolerate hatred, meanness, brutality, cruelty, adultery, murder, lying, etc., etc., etc. As we hear in the Gospel today, Jesus did not come to smooth things over and help us all be nice. He came for division, he came to disrupt families and all of society. Jesus forces us to choose, “If you are not with me, you are against me” Mt.12:30; the tenth chapter of St. John’s Gospel; “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the father except through me,” John 14:6. Love does not tolerate certain things because it is against the very nature of love. Love cannot tolerate its opposite because it will fail to be love. There is nothing in the Bible that requires I accept and support another’s ideas or behaviors. If that were true, then Jesus’ words today are frivolous. On the other hand, love does demand † that we respect every human being because each is made in the image and likeness of God † that we possess a God-given dignity just because that image is in us † that we may not treat others with meanness † that we treat others with respect and a heart of mercy Of course there are other behaviors love demands but I cannot cover them all. One of the greatest ways we resemble Love himself, is the ability to use our intellect to separate, set priorities, discern the course I follow, make plans, etc. Animals function out of instinct and training while humans are not bound to do what I “feel.” I know of no one who tolerates racism today. We know that we must control our feelings of prejudice towards people. We have a duty to guide others to respect for others because they are wrong (even if they are sincere). If we were truly convinced that we should tolerate others, we should tolerate the racist bigot as well. Love says, “No. Do not tolerate that which is wrong. Stand for truth and tell the bigot of respect and understanding. Do not in when you speak, but speak up you must!” Truth be told, few struggle with the above. For many that intolerance is OK but not with anything concerning anything regarding sexual mores, there we must tolerate even the outlandish. If you see a disconnect, I agree. Pax et bonum, Msgr. Bill Mass Intentions for the Week August 15 to August 21 Monday August 15 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 6:45 AM - Nick,Claire & David Lloyd & Louis & Tuck Berges †, Mary & Razouk Kherkher † 12:10 PM - Wilburn Banks †, Leo Gurren Rockecharlie † Tuesday August 16, Weekday 6:45 AM - St. Jude League 12:10 PM - Ruth & Johnny Kolenda †, Jan Karwowski † 7:00 PM - Evelyn Berges †, Stella Bukowski † Wednesday August 17, Weekday 6:45 AM - Joseph Stanislaus Kania †, Neal Garvis † 12:10 PM - Carmen Esther Irizarry †, Paddy & Lila Naughton † Thursday August 18, Weekday 6:45 AM - Bill Henricks †, Mary Bonner † 8:15 AM - Richard Empson 12:10 PM - Andrea Christine Regnier †, Victoria Scorza † Friday August 19, Weekday 6:45 AM - Antonio L. Verara Sr. † 8:15 AM - Dominic Phan 12:10 PM - Frances Kolenda Ulman †, Carmine Greco † The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday August 20 St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church 8:15 AM - Peter Cangelosi †, Tadeusz Gabrusiewicz † 5:00 PM - Bessie Debo † Sunday August 21 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM - Gregory Watler † 9:00 AM - Stacy Barnett † 11:00 AM - Parishioners 1:00 PM - Thomas F. Green, Jr. † 3:00 PM - Margaret Ann May † 5:00 PM - Helen and Matt Matrisciani † Not a Holy Day of Obligation Monday, August 15, 2016 6:45 A.M., Mass 8:10 A.M., Mass 12:10 P.M., Mass Parish Blood Drive Sunday August 28, 2016 Stewardship Offering Our next Blood Drive will be Sunday, August 28, from 8:00 am until 2:30pm in the School Cafeteria. August is Blue Bell Month! Anyone donating or attempting to donate will receive a coupon for a free pint of Blue Bell Ice Cream. To schedule an appointment visit, log in to Digital Donor then enter sponsor code 0014 or contact Mary Ann at [email protected] or 713-665-0086. Persons with appointments get to go to the head of the line. Please note that if there are people donating and being screened that there may still be a bit of a wait. Walk-ins are also welcome. Before Masses is usually less crowded than after Masses. Make a date to give blood—give life! Infirm Priest Special Collection This Sunday, August 14, 2016 Help provide much needed medical and emergency support for our retired infirm priests with your generous donation. These priests dedicated their active ministry years to the tireless care of the faithful of this Diocese. It is now our turn to provide them with our best care. August 7, 2016, Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Offertory: $38,633.61 Other Charitable: $10,358.68 Total Contributions: $48,992.29 First round baskets passed are for the Offertory and the second rectangular baskets are for the Second Collection. 3 Elementary Faith Formation Registration for Lord's Day and CCE is OPEN Please register your children as soon as possible. Registration forms are online or at the parish religious education office. Completed forms may be returned in person or by mail to the parish office. Please contact Monica Aquila with any questions - [email protected] The Lord’s Day Program is a faith formation program for children 2 years old through 5 years old. You may choose the 9:00 AM or the 11:00 AM class, and they meet in the Primary School Building. The CCE Program provides faith formation for children in grades 1 through 8. We also have a class for children with special needs. CCE meets 10:30AM - 12:00Noon in the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School Buildings and the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: In order to be ready to start preparation for First Holy Communion, students must complete one full year of Catholic Education, beginning no sooner than First Grade. This requirement may be satisfied by attendance at CCE, Catholic School, or Home School (provided the curriculum consists of daily Catholic Education). DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO BE BAPTIZED? If your child is over 7 years or older and needs to be baptized, we have an RCIA program adapted for children. In addition to the Sunday CCE classes from 10:30am to 12:00noon, we will meet once a month on a Monday night from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please talk to Monica for more information about classes. For further information please contact Monica Aquila at 713.663.3509 or [email protected] Life Teen – High School Youth Ministry Registration is now open for the 2016-2017 Teen Confirmation Prep Program Go to the parish website ( to access the online registration. A direct link to this registration and program info is at teenconfirmationonlineregistration Questions? Contact Pat Gunning Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected], 713-663-3524 Lifeteen Mass and Lifenight: All high schoolers are welcome to join us for food, fun, fellowship, and prayer every week at the Lifenight after the 5pm Lifeteen Mass, from 6:00-8:30. Come and take a closer step to Jesus during these dynamic and fruitful nights! 8/21Dodgeball, 8/28-No Lifenight (Core Team Retreat). AYC Reunion: There will be a reunion for all those who attended AYC and their families (and friends) tonight (August 14th) following the 5:00pm Lifeteen Mass! Come join us for free food, a home made movie, and awards to reminisce on the fun and growth that went down at AYC! Bring a friend! Bible Study: Join us for our weekly Bible Study Tuesdays from 6-8:30 PM for all those in high school! There will be an open youth room this Tuesday before our Bible study from 2:30-5:00pm (Aug. 16th). Speedy’s Fast Track, 12-5pm, $30, Saturday, August27. All you can go kart, laser tag, and putt putt! Bring a friend! Sign up by paying the $30 to Pat Gunning. Looking Ahead… Lifeteen Kickoff: Our Lifeteen "kickoff" Lifenight is Sunday September 11th!!!! Come and show your support for your home Lifeteen Parish in the Lifeteen Olympics! Free t-shirts, free food, lots of games, and the chance to make your mark (literally) on our Lifeteen program! For further information contact the Coordinator of Youth Ministry Pat Gunning, at [email protected] and also see Calendar p. 9 Interested in handing on the Catholic Faith? LDP (Lord’s Day Program) - for AGES 2-5 on Sundays from 9am-10am or from 11am-12noon. Teach Bible stories and lead activities with our youngest faith learners. Contact Beverly Ladnier, [email protected] CCE (Continuing Christian Education) - for GRADES 1-6 on Sundays from 10:30am-12noon. Two catechists share a room of 20 (give or take) students and collaborate to teach the faith. Contact Monica Aquila, [email protected] Edge - Middle School CCE/youth ministry for GRADES 7-8 on Sundays from 10:30am-12noon. Involves large groups talks, games, and activities, and prayer, combined with small group discussions and activities. Contact Phillip Rivera, [email protected] Life Teen – youth ministry program for GRADES 9-12 on Sunday evenings. Confirmation is for high school students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Contact Pat Gunning, [email protected] 4 P4 Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group Sunday Nursery Volunteers Needed SVdP Nursery is seeking volunteers who are cheery, loving, energetic individuals to work with the nursery staff, other adults and teen volunteers during the Sunday morning masses (8:30 AM– 12:30 PM). The nursery provides care for infants and children up to the age of 2 years, with few exceptions. Visit the MJFC Room 102 on Sunday morning or email Megan Doherty [email protected]. Thursday, September 15, 2016, 7:30-9:00PM St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Msgr Jamail Family Center, Room 202 The meeting will feature Guest Speaker Brooke Jemelka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Jemelka is one of three practitioners with Caritas Women’s Care, part of CHI St. Luke’s Medical Group Sugar land. Caritas is dedicated to providing holistic, comprehensive, and restorative services for women from adolescence through menopause. Honoring womanhood and the sanctity of human life, Caritas Women’s Care offers on-site education about natural family planning and infertility in a loving, faith-based environment. Contacts: Shannon Lassen, 832.978.6716 / [email protected] or Janel Greig, 713.586.9567 / [email protected] As members of St. Vincent de Paul's Young Adults (SVDPYA), we strive to live out our Catholic faith in both word and deed. We achieve this goal through our service, spiritual formation, and social events in support of one another, our community, and the Church as a whole. Together, we take up the call of bringing Christ into the world! SVDPYA is centered around a 6:30 pm praise and worship, 7pm Mass, and dinner every Tuesday evening (except for the 1st Tuesday of the month), along with an array of social and spiritual events. Come join us at one of our upcoming events, or find our group on Facebook by searching "SVDPYA" or email [email protected] to get involved. Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Special bilingual (English/Spanish) annual mass celebrated by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo for couples residing in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. 50th Golden Anniversary Sunday, Sept. 25, 3pm, Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a special recognition. Reserved seating will be limited. For more information contact Regina Vasquez, with the Office of Family Life Ministry, 713-741-8720. Register at Bayou Awakening Retreat Retreat for young adults ages 18-25. September 16-18, 2016. The mission of Awakening is to bring young adults to a personal encounter with Christ, provide an opportunity for spiritual renewal and to connect young adults to the Catholic church and a safe community. Register online at or by mail before September 10. All young adults in this age range are welcome. For more information 713-741-8778. You’re Invited to a Free Cub Scout Summer Activity! Bring your family and learn about scouting! Designed for boys entering grades 1-5, Cub Scouts is an exciting program that combines outdoor activities, sports, academics and more while helping instill values such as honesty, good citizenship and respect. Water Balloon Monsoon, Sunday, August 14, 2pm St. Vincent de Paul Athletic Fields, always EPIC!! The Water Balloon Monsoon is a Scout Favorite! Scouts are suggested to bring 50 or more pre-filled water balloons. If you are thinking about joining us for this event, please send us a note so we can have enough food and beverage and keep you up to date on any changes. For this, or any additional information, contact: Bill Macey at [email protected] or Gene Silva at [email protected] Young Catholic Professionals Gala The Young Catholic Professionals 3rd Annual National Gala, "Encountering the Beauty of Faith," will be a marvelous celebration of our growing national movement! Join supporters from cities across the country on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Galleria. The program will include a keynote from Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, dinner, dancing, wine pull and a live auction. For more information and to purchase tickets or a table, visit 5 Young at Heart Meet Next Sunday Please come and join our amazing senior's group (50 years plus). We meet once a month on Sundays from 2:15pm-4:00pm in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center (Rooms C&D) for movies, religious or health related talks, bingo, and other inter-active activities. As a member, you will enjoy your Sunday afternoon with food, drinks, door prizes and camaraderie among fellow parishioners and friends from St. Vincent de Paul and surrounding parishes. It’s only $5.00 a year to join! You have nothing to lose and only friends and fun to gain. Contact Marissa Garcia at 713-201-9740 or [email protected] for more information. All are welcome and encouraged to join! Our next meeting will be August 21, 2016 at 2:15 PM. This will be our "KICK-OFF PARTY" after summer break hosted by the Law Office of Marissa Garcia. There will be food, drinks, games and goody bags. Dr. Shelby McCann will be available for questions and answers on good hearing healthcare and hearing loss. She will also be able to schedule free hearing tests. Adult Life Ministries Other Activities Continuing Through the Summer Free and Open to Adults All are held in the MJFC Centering Prayer: Tuesdays at 10:00 in 206. Christian Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in 206. Share the Word Bible Study: Thursdays at 10:30 in 206. Teresians: Mondays at 11:00 in 208B. SVdP Book Club: Second Wednesdays at 10:30. Opening Doors: Call 713-663-3564 for current schedule. Cards (Canasta): Thursdays at 1:30 in 206. Mah Jongg: Every Monday & Thursday at 12:30 in 206. Mexican Train Dominoes: Thursdays at 1:00 in 206. English Class (ESL): Tuesdays at 9:30 in 208A. Italian I: Wednesdays at 10:00 in 202. French I: Wednesdays at 10:30 in 208A. Spanish I and II: Tuesdays at 1:00 in 208A. Stitch ’n Time: Tuesdays at 12:30 in 208B. Sugar Sticks: Wednesdays at 1:00 in AB. Bridge: Tues.1:00, Wed.1;30, Fri. 1:30 in 206. Tai Chi: Fridays at 5:00 pm in MJFC. Bus Trips: As scheduled. Bus Trip for September 8 The trip next month will be on Thursday September 8. On that day we shall visit NASA where many are looking forward to seeing and touring the space shuttle atop the big Boeing 747 and taking the 90-minute tram tour through Rocket Park as well as viewing the rest of the museum and seeing movies with different themes elating to space. Your repayment of $19.90 also will give you a group discount ticket for lunch with a drink, fries, hamburger, hotdog, chicken burger, or pizza available at the center. Boarding for the bus will be at 8:00 am. English Classes (ESL) English as a Second Language meets Tuesdays, 9:30am, in Room 202 in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. You may register when you come to the class for the first time. You will be asked to buy the text which costs 29.00. John XXIII Study Group 10:00 am on Mondays in Room 208A of the MJFC. Walk-ins are welcome, as topics frequently originate within the group as they address them in light of church doctrine found in the documents of Vatican II and other papal publications. Current world problems and issues related to church teachings provide ample topics for discussion. Your Invitation to Volunteer in Adult Life Ministries If you are interested in helping in any of these opportunities, please contact Elaine at [email protected] Teaching French I and another for French II Teaching Italian II (volunteer discerning at present) Teaching/coordinating a program in art and/or music appreciation. Spiritual Direction For an appointment with a spiritual director call: Sandy Marcello at 713-529-8162, Eileen Meinert at 713-363-1961, or Elaine Caldwell at 713-663-3564. 6 John XXIII Study Group You are welcome to join the John XXIII Study Group for a review of church doctrine found in Vatican II and other papal documents. Current world problems and issues related to Catholic life provide ample topics for discussion. The group meets on Mondays, 10:00 – 11:00 am in MJFC room 208A. Previous registration is not required. Society of St. Vincent de Paul In today’s Gospel Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it be accomplished! Your gift to the Society to assist those suffering in poverty will help set the earth on fire with the gift of God’s love. Call 713-664-5350 for help, or if you are interested in membership in The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please use the organization link in the Church website to access more information on the Society. The St. Jude Chapel Poor Box proceeds are used by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time. Choice Wine Marriage Date Night Program Marriage Thursday Night Bible Study The Thursday Night Bible Study will resume weekly meetings on Sept. 8, 7pm, in the MJFC main room. Our first study for the 2016-2017 season will be Thomas Smith's course on "The Prophets". This is a 10 week study which is free and open to all adult members of the parish. Workbooks will be available at the first class for $20 each. Please consider joining us. For more information, contact Joan Molinaro @ 713-408-3556. Join us for "The Choice Wine" Marriage Date Night on Friday September 16th, 7pm to 9pm at the Monsignor Jamail Parish Family Center. The evening consists of dinner, an inspiring marriage enrichment video, and discussion on God's plan of authentic marital happiness. Dinner will be served buffet style and you can bring along a bottle of wine to share as a married couple if you wish. There is no cost for this Marriage Date Night, simply email Nick LaRocca at [email protected] to sign up so that we can reserve a spot for you and your spouse. SVdP Book Club The SVdP Book Club will meet on September 14, 10:30 a.m., in MJFC 206. Our September selection is: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Schaffer. 290 pages. A brief synopsis: January 1946: Juliet Ashton receives a letter from a stranger, a founding member of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. And so begins a remarkable tale of the island of Guernsey during German occupation, and a society as extraordinary as its name. Houston Public Library has limited copies with several holds; Harris County Libraries has numerous copies with almost no holds. Available from Better World Books, Half Price Books online (unsure about stores), and other online and retail bookstores. Also available in audio and electronic formats. New members, and returning members always welcome. For questions, contact Mary Ann Beachler at 713-665-0086 or [email protected]. 7 St. Vincent de Paul Church Catholic Inquiry Sessions An introduction to the Catholic Faith Do you have Questions about the Catholic Church? -Who does Jesus Christ claim to be? -What is the main theme of the bible? -What is a Sacrament? -How does the process of RCIA unfold at St. Vincent de Paul Church? Are you wondering about the Catholic Church? To register go to - 1 Corinthians 1:23&25 Wednesdays August 17th, 24th & 31st, 2016 7pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Family Center RCIA Orientation- Sunday Sept. 11th 10:30am Walk-ins welcome but registration is encouraged “We proclaim Christ crucified…. the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” Contact Nick LaRocca at the email/phone below. Phone:713-663-3565 E-mail: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Church "Fiercely holding on to truth and graciously inviting others to join us!" 8 CCSC Looking for a Full Time Receptionist Christian Community Service Center is seeking a fulltime Receptionist to provide primary office support for our community-based nonprofit. The receptionist will provide professional telephone coverage, greet visitors, and provide general office and clerical duties. Other duties include database entry, donation processing, website and social media updates, and various projects. Qualifications: proficient in MS Word and Outlook, database experience, impeccable attention to detail, ability to multi -task, professional telephone skills, punctuality, dependability, and flexibility. Candidate must have high school diploma or equivalent and 2+ years office experience. For a full job description, please visit our website at: To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Stephanie Parker, Office Manager, Email: [email protected] Archdiocesan Family Life Ministry Events Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Fatima Ministry to the Widowed, The Harvesting Our Tears Program, an eight week support group for the widowed meets every second Thursday of the month from September 8, 2016 – May 11, 2017. St. Dominic Center Morkovsky Hall Building, Room 202, 2403 Holcombe Blvd., 77021. To register: Call Elsa Aguilera at 713-7418708 or at [email protected] Separated and Divorced Ministry The Catholic Divorce Survival Ministry meets every fourth Thursday of the month until October 27 at St. Dominic Center, Morkovsky Hall, Room 202, 2403 Holcombe Blvd., 77021. Register at: Retrouvaille Next rediscovery weekend for marriages in crisis is October 14, 15, & 16 in Houston, Texas. Register at: For more Archdiocesan events and information go to: 12 Day Pilgrimage Tour of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Fatima, Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Zaragoza, Lourdes, Rome, Assisi May 11 - 22, 2017, $3590.00 Per person from Houston (Includes round trip air fare from Houston, first class hotels, double occupancy, two meals a day, full breakfast, and dinner, English speaking tour guides, all entrance fees and sightseeing as per itinerary, airport taxes and fuel surcharges, tips to guides and drivers.) Tour Coordinator: Lucie Gardea, 832-413-2746 9 You’re Invited to a Free Cub Scout Summer Activity! Bring your family and learn about scouting! Designed for boys entering grades 1-5, Cub Scouts is an exciting program that combines outdoor activities, sports, academics and more while helping instill values such as honesty, good citizenship and respect. Water Balloon Monsoon, Sunday, August 14, 2pm St. Vincent de Paul Athletic Fields (date & location subject to change) Always EPIC!! The Water Balloon Monsoon is a Scout Favorite! Scouts are suggested to bring 50 or more pre-filled water balloons. You can’t have too many. Refrigerated balloons are chilling!! If you are thinking about joining us for this event, please send us a note so we can have enough food and beverage and keep you up to date on any changes. For this, or any additional information, contact: Bill Macey at [email protected] or Gene Silva at [email protected] Saints and Special Observances Catholic Radio for Houston Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday: St. Stephen of Hungary Friday: St. John Eudes Saturday: St. Bernard Radio for your soul!!! KSHJ 1430 AM,, 24 hours every day! Listen and Learn! Today’s Readings Readings For The Week First Reading — They took Jeremiah and threw him into the cistern (Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10). Psalm — Lord, come to my aid! (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-4). Gospel — I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing (Luke 12:49-53). Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28; Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:1012, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Long ago, a signet ring was an essential part of the wardrobe of influential people. A letter or document would be sealed with hot wax, and a signet ring pressed into the wax would affirm the origin of the document. In the case of the pope, at least from the thirteenth century, the ring was used to seal public documents with hot lead, saving the red wax for private letters. The public documents were called bullae after the Latin name for the lead stamp, and we still call them “papal bulls.” It is not surprising, therefore, that a signet ring has long been bestowed as part of the inauguration of a pope. The ring is called the Pescatorio, or “Ring of the Fisherman.” It reminds the wearer of his link with Peter, and his responsibility to continue the apostolic ministry of “fishing for human beings.” Until 1842 it actually functioned as a signet ring. Now, each pope receives a new gold ring at the beginning of his ministry. It goes on the fourth finger of his right hand and bears some fisherman design, usually St. Peter casting nets from a boat, as well as the pope’s name in Latin. A custom that endures for the pope, but not so much for bishops, is for people being introduced to him to kiss the Pescatorio as a sign of respect for his teaching authority. Another enduring custom is for the ring to be smashed and defaced at the pope’s death, originally a way of preventing counterfeit deathbed documents. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THE COSTS OF DISCIPLESHIP Today’s responsorial psalm, Psalm 40, is more familiar to us with the refrain “Here am I, Lord.” This “Here am I” is Jeremiah’s great prophetic response to God’s call. But today’s story of Jeremiah and the refrain “Lord, come to my aid!” remind us that there are always two sides to following the call of God. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews knew this, too. He reminded his readers that even weighted down with burdens and sins, we can still persevere by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, who himself knew the shame and pain of the cross, but saw beyond it to the joy of sitting at the right of the throne of God. Jesus himself gave the disciples a “sneak preview” of a baptism that would not be as wondrous as the one in the Jordan that inaugurated his ministry, but would be one of fire and anguish. Today’s words from scripture may not be terribly soothing, but in their honesty and strength we can acknowledge the difficulties of daily discipleship, and take comfort in the assurance of our own salvation in Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 10 Next Coffee & Donuts in the Family Center Parish Information Following: 7, 9, 11a.m. and 3pm Masses Sunday, August 21, 2016 Hosted by St. Rita of Cascia Family Guild Sacrament of Baptism: Children, age 6 or younger requirements: parents registered parishioners, attended baptism class within 3 years and completed forms before baptism can be scheduled. For info and forms contact Paulette, [email protected]/713-663-3515. If your child is over 7 years old and not baptized, contact Monica Aquila, 713-663-3509 or [email protected]. Sacrament of Matrimony: Six to eight months are required for marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office, 713667-9111 for an appointment with the marriage coordinator. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office as soon as you or someone in your family schedule surgery, hospitalization or suffer serious illness or injury. Sunday Nursery Available Children 1-24 Months. Let them play while you pray during the 9am and 11am Masses. Ground floor, Monsignor Jamail Family Center. No Fees Free Family Fun Party August 28 Houston Catholic Radio (AM 1430) is throwing a party for their listeners, just to say thanks for being awesome. It’s free, family-oriented, centrally located, and conveniently timed on a Sunday afternoon to get you home by bedtime. It’s Sunday, Aug. 28, 25:30pm, indoors at the Univ. of St. Thomas. There will be free food, games, bounce houses, music, and prizes. Details online at FamilyFun or email [email protected]. ============================================================== Altar Servers: Contact Tom Green, [email protected] Bulletin:. Deadline is 9am, Thur., 10 days before date of bulletin, holiday bulletins at least 1 week earlier. Email to [email protected], or drop off articles at the Parish Office. Announcements before or after Mass will not be allowed unless submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday before the weekend of the scheduled event for approval to Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 / [email protected]. Facilities Request: Request deadline: two weeks prior to event. Contact Megan at [email protected] or 713-663-3561. Can’t Get to Church? If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, but are home bound, or in a nursing or retirement residence and unable to get to Mass, call 713-667-9111. Nursery: Ages birth to 2 years during Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses at the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. St. Jude League Enrollment Membership Cards are available in the Church by the St. Jude Shrine. Teen RCIA: Teens who desire to become Catholic and have not been baptized or received the sacraments, call the Youth Office, 713-663-3565. St. Jude League Enrollment St. Jude League is opened for enrollment throughout the year. Membership for enrollment is $5.00 for the year. The 6:45 A.M. Mass each Tuesday is celebrated for intentions of those enrolled in the League. St. Jude is a powerful intercessor for anyone in need. Membership Cards are available by the St. Jude Shrine in our church. ============================================================== New Parishioners: To register, complete and return the Parish Registration Form available at the Parish Office, the Greeter’s Station in the Church Gathering Space or online at Mass Intentions Why do Catholics offer Masses for the dead? When we die in God’s friendship we eventually go to Heaven, but if we haven’t properly atoned for certain sins we have to be purified in Purgatory first. We pray for the souls in Purgatory to help them pass through faster than they would otherwise. The 2016 and 2017 Books for Mass Intentions are now open. Please see Paulette Blackburn in the Apostolic Center for your Mass Intention requests. Parenting Help The office of Family Life Ministry have trained eight professionals around the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to provide services to parents who are willing and need help raising their children. The program is designed to offer advice, support and formation to parents with common developmental and behavioral problems in children. To obtain more information please contact us at 713-741-8739 or 713-741-8711. St. Vincent Catholic Church Mobile App 3 ways to get the app 1. Scan the QR code 2. Search in the app store 3. Go to 11 Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 14 de agosto de 2016 ¿VALORAR LA FAMILIA? 2006 © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. El escuchar a Jesús describir los hogares divididos como consecuencia de seguirlo a Él, resulta un tanto sorprendente para nuestra sociedad, donde la Iglesia cristiana se ve como uno de los más grandes refugios que le quedan a la familia. No obstante, sabemos que la religión todavía divide a las familias de muchas maneras: cuando un cónyuge practica su religión y el otro no, cuando los niños escogen o rechazan las creencias de sus padres, cuando los estilos de vida de un ser querido no se conforman a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, cuando una pareja se casa o se casa de nuevo fuera de la Iglesia, cuando un niño bautizado pero no creyente finge ser religioso sólo para complacer a sus abuelos … y así sigue la lista. Ya desde hace siglos, Jesús sabía que las convicciones profundas vividas honestamente podrían ser a menudo causa de división, a pesar de que Él y su Padre en el cielo lo que más profundamente desean es la unidad. EL TÍPICO ADOLESCENTE En los tiempos en que se escribió el Evangelio de Lucas, el cristianismo ya estaba en su adolescencia. Durante la infancia del cristianismo, éste era una rama o secta del judaísmo. La disensión dentro de la fe judía acerca de la naturaleza de Jesús y su misión mesiánica fue causa de desavenencia, la cual fue intensificada debido a las situaciones sociales y políticas, y agravada por la destrucción del templo de Jerusalén. Lucas estaba predicando y escribiendo a muchas personas que día a día vivían la clase de divisiones familiares que Jesús describía. Alguien que ha vivido junto a un adolescente sabe bien que "el hijo en contra del padre" y "la hija en contra de la madre" son situaciones comunes. No fue diferente para el cristianismo al separarse de su religión de origen. Los discípulos de Cristo en tiempos de Lucas iban descubriendo que a veces un hogar dividido era el precio que se pagaba, como dice la carta a los Hebreos, por permanecer “fijos los ojos en Jesús, autor y perfeccionador de la fe” (Hebreos 12:2). Lecturas de hoy: Jeremías 38:4–6, 8–10; Salmo 20:2–4, 18; Hebreos 12:1–4; Lucas 12:49–53 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PEREGRINACIÓN CELEBRANDO EL CENTENARIO DE FÁTIMA Peregrinación a Portugal, España, Francia e Italia Fátima-Alba de TormesSalamanca-Zaragoza-Lourdes-Roma-Asís. Fechas: mayo 11-22, 2017. Costo: $3,590, partida de Houston. Se require un depósito de $500 con la aplicación para reservar su espacio. Folleto con aplicación disponible en las oficinas parroquiales. (Incluye viaje de ida y vuelta desde Houston, hoteles de primera clase, en habitación doble, dos comidas al día, desayuno y cena, guías de turismo, todas las entradas y visitas turísticas de acuerdo al itinerario, impuestos de aeropuerto, propinas para los guías y conductores.) Agencia de Viajes: Inspirational Tours, Houston, TX. Coordinadora del tour: Lucie Gardea; Contacto: 832-413-2746. 12 EL COSTO DE SER DISCÍPULO El Salmo responsorial de hoy, Salmo 40 (39), nos es muy familiar por el refrán “Señor, date prisa en socorrerme”. La historia de Jeremías hoy y el refrán “¡Señor, date prisa en socorrerme!” nos recuerda que siempre hay dos caminos para seguir el llamado de Dios. El autor de la Carta a los Hebreos también lo sabía. Él recordaba a sus lectores que aunque nos agobien desgracias y pecados, podemos todavía perseverar si mantenemos nuestros ojos fijos en Jesús, quien también conoció la vergüenza y el dolor de la cruz, pero vio más allá del sufrimiento, el gozo de sentarse a la derecha del trono de Dios. Jesús mismo dio a sus discípulos una “idea” de un bautismo que no sería tan maravilloso como el del Jordán que inauguró su ministerio, sino de fuego y angustia. Las palabras de la Sagrada Escritura hoy pueden no ser terriblemente apaciguadoras, pero en su honestidad y fortaleza podemos reconocer las dificultades que el discípulo enfrenta a diario, y consolarnos por la seguridad de nuestra salvación en Cristo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. estaban también algunos instrumentos de oración como el rosario, la Biblia y algún otro libro de oración. También en casa de mi abuela materna, en Texas, había un rinconcito sagrado. Muchos latinos tenemos altarcitos familiares. Algunos son verdaderos altares como el de mi abuela, Mamá Lilia. Otros son rincones especiales como el de Mamá María, con alguna imagen y libro de oración y fotografías de nuestros parientes. A fin de cuentas no importa ni su tamaño ni su forma. Importa su existencia y sobre todo su uso para recordarnos de la presencia e importancia de Dios en nuestros hogares y familias. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El profeta del Señor sufre peligros y deshonra para proclamar el no grato mensaje de Dios para la ciudad (Jeremías 38:4-6, 8-10). Salmo — Señor, date prisa en socorrerme! (Salmo 40 [39]) Segunda lectura — No te desanimes. Persevera en la lucha igual que Cristo soportó la cruz (Hebreos 12:1-4). Evangelio — Jesús vino a purificar la tierra con su santo fuego y a sembrar división y no paz (Lucas 12:49-53). Los bautismos en español Las pláticas de preparación bautismal en español se ofrecen el primer sábado de cada mes con la excepción de julio. Nos reunimos a las 9:00 a.m. en la biblioteca del Centro Parroquial (segundo piso). Para más información, hablar con Lucie Gardea después de la Misa de español los domingos o al correo [email protected]. Requisitos: La familia deber estar registrada en la parroquia. Ambos padres deben asistir las pláticas. Se requiere una copia de la partida oficial de nacimiento del niño. Se requiere una copia de un documento oficial de identificación Se requiere un/una padrino y/o madrina. Los padrinos deben ser católicos completamente iniciados en la Fe. Deben ser mayores de 18 años. Si son casados, deben estar casados por la Iglesia. Los padrinos deben llevar una vida congruente con la Fe y la misión que van a asumir. La cuota para las pláticas es $25 para las familias registradas en la parroquia. Si no son parroquianos, el costo es $50. La cuota para personas tomando las clases como padrinos es $10. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: La Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María Martes: San Esteban de Hungría Viernes: San Juan Eudes Sábado: San Bernardo Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Vigilia: 1 Cr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Sal 132 (131):6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lc 11:27-28 Día: Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Sal 45 (44):10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lc 1:39-56 Martes: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Miércoles: Ez 34:1-11; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Jueves: Ez 36:23-28; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Viernes: Ez 37:1-14; Sal 107 (106):2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Sábado: Ez 43:1-7a; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Domingo: Is 66:18-21; Sal 117 (116):1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lc 13:22-30 Jóvenes de Luz St. Vincent de Paul Somos un grupo de jóvenes adultos interesados en profundizar en nuestra fe a través de la formación espiritual, el servicio, y actividades sociales que nos permitan crecer en comunidad buscando imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y las virtudes de nuestra Madre María. Como jóvenes adultos, nos esforzamos en ser luz siendo testigos de nuestra fe y así dar a conocer el mensaje del Reino de Dios desde nuestra vida cotidiana. Nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el segundo piso del centro parroquial. Si desean agregarse a nuestra lista de contactos para recibir información acerca de nuestros eventos, pueden enviarnos un correo a [email protected]. ¡Los esperamos! TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El otro día leí un artículo escrito por un pastor bautista sobre la necesidad de tener un altar en casa para educar a nuestros hijos en la fe y la oración. Lo leí con interés ya que el uso del altarcito tiene una larga historia en la Iglesia católica. En casa de mis abuelos paternos, en México, había un bello altarcito en forma de pirámide que contenía flores, velas y figuras de Jesús, María y algunos santos. Además de esto 13 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Men • Women • Children Inside Original HAIRHUT 800-566-6150 • 3907 N. Braeswood 713.666.5975 Cell 832.651.3281 A Full Service Salon ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! With Hearts and Voices Songs and Prayers of a Faithful People More than 80 traditional Catholic songs and prayers familiar to our moms and dads. Large print for older eyes. Book ($3), Four-CD Music set ($49.95), Spoken Prayers CD ($17.00) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Journey For Home by Deanna Light & Paul Tate Spoken and musical reflections to accompany your faith journey. Ideal for times of grief, struggle or longing. CD with mini journal $14.95. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Ave Maria Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. 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Call Joy Salazar, Parishioner 2421 W. Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030 713-524-4422 515135 St Vincent De Paul Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Michael Butera LCSW Class Tailors & Mei, True Classic JoAnn Butera LCSW Anne Tailors • Alterations Individual, Marriage, Family Counseling 1801 Lexington PRAY FOR VOCATIONS Your ad 2429-A University • 713-524-8819 TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE! Parish Vocations Committee could be in this space! (713) 524-0142 DO YOU HAVE AN OLD CAR YOU WANT TO DONATE? You can help Catholic Charities! Perot Plumbing Call 866.915.GIVE (4483) 7 days a week. We will tow your vehicle at no cost to you. Get a tax deductible receipt and help us alleviate poverty and strengthen families! 24//7 Emergency Service 713-667-7500 MP # 17909 713.401.6000 2504 Bissonnet 713-528-2404 Highland Village Jesus A to Z Air Conditioning & Heating Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Call the company that service built! 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ORTEGON, DDS, MS Board Certified Prosthodontist Maxillofacial Prosthodontist Specialist in Esthetic, Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry Dental care for the cancer patient 4747 Bellaire Blvd., Ste 525 • 713-664-9900 Parishioner Beef *Produce *Pork *Goat *Chicken *Bakery *Beer *Grocery *Seafood Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA 9223 Stella Link • 713-660-9495 • Open 6am to 9pm En la compra de 2 tacos de desayuno llévese 1 “GRATIS” In the purchase of 2 breakfast tacos, you get 1 more for FREE BRAESMAIN (TEXACO) CENTER & MOUDRY MOTORS Service and Repairs Specializing in Auto Air Conditioning and Transmission Service 8001 Braesmain at 2600 S. Braeswood Blvd., Houston, TX 77025 (713) 667-1553 • ED MOUDRY, Owner Commercial Real Estate Services National Tenant Representation Specialists Industrial | Retail | Office Randal Moudry - President SVdP Class of ‘86 (Parishioner) (O) 832.378.8687 | (C) 713.296.9747 [email protected] | TIM WOODSON FINE CUSTOM FRAMING SINCE 1946 6565 W. Loop St. Suite #130 MATT MOORE 713-666-7335 JASON LEVINE Strength of Family Since 1889 713-667-6505 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Visit To Receive A FREE 800-566-6150 • Planning Guide 515135 St Vincent De Paul Church (A) 713-664-0330 6719 STELLA LINK “The Roofing Specialists” Re-Roofs • Repairs Insulated Windows Hardi Siding • Gutters Gus Campos, Parishioner St. Ambrose 713.680.3530 MARTHA GARCIA Parishioner REALTOR Cell 713-294-7762 [email protected] PARK AT BELLAIRE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 6333 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77081 23 Passenger Bus • Errand Service Planned Activities • Doctor Appointments 713.830.5400 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941