Defense Threat Reduction Agency – Chemical and Biological
Defense Threat Reduction Agency – Chemical and Biological
UNCLASSIFIED Defense Threat Reduction Agency – Chemical and Biological Technologies UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DTRA Mission “To safeguard the US and its Allies from Weapons of Mass Destruction (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) and High-Yield Explosives by providing capabilities to reduce, eliminate and counter the threat, and mitigate its consequences” Chemical Biological Radiological Radiological UNCLASSIFIED Nuclear Nuclear High-Yield Explosives High-Yield Explosives UNCLASSIFIED Evolution of Expertise and Capabilities DTRA’s lineage dates to WWII “Manhattan Project” • • • • • Arms Control Cooperative Threat Reduction Countering WMD Worldwide Ops planning & readiness R&D products & capabilities US Government collaboration COCOM execution Nuclear Weapons Expertise Combat Support 1998 CBDP 2003 Today 1942 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DTRA and SCC-WMD Span the National C-WMD Mission Areas Across the three C-WMD missions areas, we support: Strategically (global and national) Operationally (theater) Tactically (battlefield) We provide our expertise to: Strategy and Plans Operations Research and Development UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DTRA Chemical and Biological Technologies Dept – Mission “To invest in transformational ideas, innovative people, and actionable technology development for Chemical and Biological Defense solutions” Warfighter Driven Innovation Driven Strategy Driven Product Driven MISSION UNCLASSIFIED Performance Driven Collaboration Driven Warfighter Delivered UNCLASSIFIED Joint Science and Technology (JSTO) J9CB is the Joint Science and Technology Office for the CBDP UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Chemical and Biological Threats • Chemical – Traditional chemical warfare agents • e.g., nerve agents, vesicants – Toxic industrial materials and toxic industrial chemicals – Emerging and non-traditional agents • Biological – Traditional biological threat agents • e.g., anthrax, Ebola – Emerging diseases • e.g., pandemic flu, novel coronavirus – Enhanced threats • genetically engineered, especially virulent UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED J9-CB Portfolio Addressing the Threat Fieldable Sequencing Vaccine Development Standoff/Remote Handheld Dx Bio-ISR CX partnership Production Testing Distributed Point Storage Delivery Release Propagation Wide Area Recovery Exposure Response Recovery BSVE Elimination Environmental Monitor Exposure Monitor Rapid CM Development UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED J9CB International S&T Engagements Poland: 1 Coalition Warfare Project (through Army IEA) Germany: Participant in Army IEA South Korea: 1 PA Czech Republic: 1 PA , 1 active IEA United Kingdom: 1 active IEA Japan: 1 proposed IEA Multilateral Engagement: • CBR Memorandum of Understanding (UK, CAN, AUS) • NATO Joint CBRN Defense Capability Development Group • Legacy activities under The Technical Cooperation Program CBR Defense Group (UK, CAN, AUS, NZ) include 3 active bilateral Equipment and Material Transfer (E&MT) Agreements Singapore: 1 PA, 1 active IEA Israel: 3 PAs; 1 PA in development; 1 active IEA India: 2 PAs; 1 PA in development, 1 active IEA Australia: 1 active IEA Total: 8 Project Agreements (PAs), 6 Information Exchange Agreements (IEAs), 3 E&MTs, 3 agreements in development • Objective – Accelerate development of U.S. C-CBRNE capabilities by accessing unique foreign S&T resources and sharing costs • S&T areas CBR Detection, Protection, Medical Countermeasures, and Modeling & Simulation UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Performers by State VT - 1 RI - 1 12 2 1 1 1 38 1 2 8 12 15 2 2 32 11 5 1 14 2 4 25 10 AK 6 1 16 1 3 3 5 7 6 HI-1 UNCLASSIFIED NH - 3 MA - 32 CT - 1 NJ - 3 DE -1 MD - 136 DC - 16 UNCLASSIFIED JSTO – Core CBDP Capabilities Sense/Shape Diagnostics Shield Sustain Prophylactics Medical Diagnostics Therapeutics Chemical Prophylaxis Chemical Therapeutics Biological Prophylaxis Biological Therapeutics Radiological Prophylaxis Radiological Therapeutics Detection Chemical Detection Biological Detection Protection Hazard Mitigation Radiological Detection Respiratory & Ocular Protection Personnel Contamination Mitigation Expeditionary Analytics Percutaneous Protection Materiel Contamination Mitigation Expeditionary Collective Protection Information Management CBRN Warning & Reporting Operational Area Capability Focus Area ATDs Anticipate Surprise Decision Analysis & Management Basic Research Threat Agent Science UNCLASSIFIED Core Capability Core Capability Not Being Funded by the CBDP Other UNCLASSIFIED FY14 Funding by Major Performer % of S&T Funds % of S&T Funds 16.5% 15.8% 14.6% 10.7% 10.9% 58.6% 16.1% 10.6% 2.2% Service Labs Industry Academia Other USAMRIID NRL UNCLASSIFIED ECBC NATICK 2.8% USAMRICD Other UNCLASSIFIED Summary • What do we do? – Render CBRN threats ineffective through knowledge and actionable, innovative technology – Create technology products and knowledge through the leadership of our Science and Technology Managers – Team with stakeholders across an investment pipeline to effectively translate and transition our products and knowledge • How do we do what we do? – Align with CBDP Strategy • Investment in a strong foundation of knowledge creation and translation • Investments to deliver capability and technology to product development UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED J9CB – Funding Opportunities A. Annual JSTO Program Build 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Fundamental Research BAA C – Innovation BAA Go to Select: Other Agency/Defense Threat Reduction Agency Select Posted Date: Last 365 days or search by title (below) Select ‘Search’ Find a relevant BAA for application (e.g.): A. “HDTRA1-[year]-CHEM-BIO-BAA” – 1 solicitation per year • TRL 1 to 5; JSTO specific; Contracts>OTAs (no grants) B. “HDTRA1-09-[year]-FRCWMD-BAA” – 3 solicitations per year • TRL 1 to 4; fundamental R&D; Grants>Contracts>OTAs>Misc. C. “HDTRA1-11-[year]-RDIS-BAA” – Open Year Round • TRL 2 to 5; innovative novel R&D; Contracts>Grants>Misc. UNCLASSIFIED