Newsletter March 2016 - Bishop Walsh Catholic School
Newsletter March 2016 - Bishop Walsh Catholic School
March 21st 2016. RE: End of Term Arrangements I send this note to let you know the end of term arrangements for pupils at Bishop Walsh. On the last day of term, Thursday 24th March 2016, we will finish at our usual school time of 3.20pm. Holy Week and Lenten Almsgiving This week is Holy Week. During this week pupils will worship in a liturgy reflecting on the events of Jesus’ passion and ultimate sacrifice. You can be proud that your children have got themselves involved in so many Lenten almsgiving activities. Lent fundraising has involved raising money for CAFOD, St. Nicholas World Development Group and Fr. Hudson's. Walk of Witness in Sutton Town Centre on Good Friday Some of our pupils under the direction of the Drama Department are producing a version of the Stations of the Cross to be shown in Sutton Coldfield Town Centre on Good Friday, Friday 25th March 2016. The pupils involved are from years 7, 8, 9 and 10 and this is the tenth year in the last eleven that pupils from Bishop Walsh have provided the dramatic presentation of the Stations of the Cross. The event is part of the powerful ‘Walk of Witness’ organised by the ecumenical Sutton Council of Churches and begins at the top of Trinity Hill at just after 11.00am. It would be great to see parents walking with our pupils to mark this most solemn day. Staff Leaving We say goodbye to Mr. Gallagher in the Mathematics Department who is leaving Bishop Walsh this week and is moving to a school in Manchester. We wish him well and thank him for his nearly eight years’ service at Bishop Walsh. We also say goodbye to Mrs Aplin who has been working in the ICT technician team for the last three years. We wish her well and thank her for his work as she looks forward to embarking on a teacher training course. PRIZEGIVING – Wednesday March 23rd 2016 at 7.30pm in the Sports Hall This Wednesday we are celebrating all the public examination success of the academic year, 20142015. Past and current students will also receive subject and whole school prizes. Our guest who will hand out certificates and prizes is Declan Bennett. Declan is a Catholic singer-songwriter and actor who was born in Coventry and promotes the Kenelm Youth Trust – the youth services of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Declan has performed lead roles including, Guy, in the UK premier of ‘Once’. In early 2014, Declan joined BBCs ‘Eastenders’ as Charlie Cotton. Declan has recently been chosen by Andrew Lloyd-Webber to play Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar in the West End this summer. Examinations Pupils in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 should be working hard revising for their public examinations at GCSE and A Level while our Year 9 pupils have internal examinations starting on week beginning 9th May 2016 -2and year 7 on week beginning 16th May. From September 2016 We are adding a ‘Traffic Light and Full Report’ reply slip into the homework diary’s and would ask parents that once they have read your son/daughter’s report to please sign this sheet. In the meantime I would also like to encourage any feedback on the report to be sent via email to [email protected] or phone the school on 0121 351 3215. As already communicated to year 8 parents there is a Year 8 Parents’ and Options Evening on Wednesday 13th April 2016. The parents’ evening will take place in the Sports Hall between 4.30pm6.30pm (with three repeated options talks at 4.00pm, 5.30pm and 6.40pm in the Hall). These talks will last about 15 minutes with a chance for questions and answers afterwards. Whole School Golden Jubilee Photograph To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bishop Walsh Catholic School this summer we are having a whole school photograph which includes all pupils and all staff on the morning of Friday 15th April 2016. It has been ten years since there was a whole school photograph at Bishop Walsh. Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Bishop Walsh Catholic School Saturday 9th July 2016 – Open Afternoon/Garden Party, 2pm-6pm. Wednesday 21st September 2016. Golden Jubilee Mass with Archbishop Bernard Longley at 7.30pm in the Sports Hall. Both events are for all current and past pupils, parents, staff, governors and friends of the school. Parental Views from years 10 and 9 Evenings. As you know we ask for your views at every parents’ evenings and later in this newsletter are published the results from the ones in January. Forthcoming Parents’ Evenings. Year 8 Parents’ and Option Evening is on Wednesday April 13th 2016, 4.30pm-6.30pm and Year 7 Parents’ Evening is on Wednesday April 20th 2016, 4.30pm-6.30pm Conclusion I hope you find time to go to the services in your local church on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and for the greatest Christian festival of all, Easter Sunday – the resurrection of Jesus. (Times of services in local churches are printed on the reverse side of this letter) All pupils are expected back in school on Monday 11th April, 2016, at 8.50am. I have appreciated all the support that the school has received from parents this term and I hope that you have a restful Easter break. Yours sincerely, J.B. Farrell. Principal Mass Times for local parishes Erdington Abbey- Parish of SS Thomas and Edmund of Canterbury, Sutton Road, Erdington. (Rector and Parish Priest; Very Rev. Father Gabriel Maguire C.Ss.R) Vigil Mass: 6.00pm. (Saturday) Sunday: 8.00am, 9.15am, (Children's Mass) 10.30am, (Sung) 12.00 Noon, 6.00pm. Holy Cross and St. Francis, Signal Hayes Road, Walmley (Parish Priest; Rev. Father Neil Bayliss) Saturday: 6.00pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 8.30am and 10.30am -3Holy Trinity, Lichfield Rd, Sutton Coldfield Centre (Parish Priest; Rev. Father Michael Ho-Huu-Nghia.) Saturday: 6.00pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 9.30am, 11.00am and 7pm. Sacred Heart, Lichfield Rd, Four Oaks, (Parish Priest; Rt. Rev. Father Michael Ho-Huu-Nghia) Saturday: 5.00pm at Footherley Hall. Sunday: 10.00am St. Nicholas, Boldmere. (Parish Priest ; Rev. Father Allen Morris) Saturday: 6pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 9am and 11am SS. Peter and Paul. Kingsbury Rd. Erdington. (Parish Priest; Rev. Father Joseph McLoughlin) Saturday: 5.15pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 9.00am and 10.30am Please see individual Parish Websites for details of their Easter services. General Information and news Year 9 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 13th January 2016: Feedback from Questionnaires Parents attended: 135 / 153 = 88% Questionnaires handed in: 60/ 135= 44 % QUESTION STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE My child is happy at this school My child feels safe at this school My child makes good progress at this school My child is well looked after at this school My child is taught well at this school My child receives appropriate homework for their age This school ensures the pupils are well behaved This school deals effectively with bullying This school is well led and managed This school responds well to any concerns raised 36 23 1 42 18 39 21 44 16 36 24 29 27 40 20 1 27 27 6 41 19 33 21 1 10. I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress 11. I would recommend this 37 22 1 42 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. STRONGLY DISAGREE No tick 4 5 General Information and news school to another parent Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities – see below 13 .The school informs me about the types of support available for my child’s particular needs. Yes. Excellent communication with SEN especially Mrs Gill and TA’s Mrs Purchase. Yes this has improved dramatically over the years. Absolutely! Yes very happy. Received a letter recently relating to 3 extra sessions per week but no explanation as to why needed. 14. The school provides specialist support for my child’s particular needs. Yes-EP/PSS/Lexia programme/extra literacy. Strongly agree. Yes very happy. This appears to have reduced- is this true? – Query already answered by Mrs Killworth. 15. The school informs me how the specialist provision is helping my child to progress. Yes- in reviews and by phone/communication book. 16. Can you please confirm whether you have received the school newsletter by email? Yes -47 Are there any other comments you wish to make about the newsletter or electronic communication between home and Regular communication via letter/texts/emails/letter. Can system filter so we don’t receive x 2 due to siblings (especially a waste when through post – We are trying to make sure this doesn’t happen anymore – Mr. Farrell) Strongly agree No-2 No tick- 11 Subjects which are below target-I would like monthly progress traffic lights. (To be robust and meaningful Traffic lights must be based on substantial pieces of work or test to justify an end of key stage grade General Information and news – a month is not long enough to arrive at these grade based judgements – Mr. Farrell) school? Could a text be sent out when a newsletter is posted on the website. (Newsletters are emailed to all parents with an email address – those who haven’t got an email address get a hard copy – Mr. F) You keep sending information to the old email address- we have informed you of new address. With siblings- we receive the email twice. More advance notice of dance/drama evenings. It’s good. Parents’ comments Very informative parents’ evening- thank you. My daughter enjoys her time at Bishop Walsh where she feels encouraged and valued. She is naturally keen and takes full opportunity of the extra- curricular activities that are offered to her. Thank you to all the staff who care for our daughter. She loves school and we are so pleased with all her achievements ( we were particularly proud of her 1’s in her traffic light report) Excellent evening, very detailed reports. My daughter is progressing very well in all subjects. We made a comment following the traffic light report but did not receive communication back or a response. We mentioned this to the tutor at parents’ evening- they advised they had not received any information of our concern. It was well run and we managed to see all teachers. Our son started at this school in October this year. To date he appears to have settled well. Really happy with school. Thank you for all your hard work Please thank the teachers for all their hard work. We were disappointed that a dept. took over a week to contact us when we identified an issue. We had to speak to Mr Koryl before they contacted us. We were disappointed that our son was moved groups in Maths and English without any prior notification. His end of Yr. 8 report did not identify any issues. It was very pleasing to know the concerns I put on my son’s report was given to the teachers. Mrs Chilwan has done an exceptional job. Extremely pleased with teaching. My daughter is doing very well and is very happy with the school. Can we confirm examining boards for each subject. (We will put this information on the ‘exams’ tab of the website) A great parents’ evening. Our son has made great progress and we are really pleased with the effort and support the teachers have shown him. Many thanks. I would like to see the introduction of Ipads used in all subjects. Electronic communication only please. Generally pleased with school. We have been in regular contact with the school over the last 2 and half years. We find staff to largely be very professional and hardworking. We have always been impressed at parents’ evening that staff know our son and give positive, constructive comments. Mrs Mannion is a real asset and has provided considerable effective support. The SEN dept are very good- know our son inside out and back to front. Mrs Purchase and the other female TA’s in Yr 9 are great. Mr Farrell’s leadership is inspirational- he is firm, fair, approachable General Information and news and dedicated to the school and pupils. Mr Koryl has given us a lot of his time as parents and is well respected by the children as a fantastic teacher. Reception staff are very welcoming and helpful. Thank you everyone. Only 1 thing (that I have mentioned before) that would improve- can school ensure reports are received by parents within term time so that any issues can be addressed with school, there and then. Year 10 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 27th January 2016: Feedback from Questionnaires Parents attended: 134 / 152 = 88% Questionnaires handed in: 43/ 134= 32 % QUESTION 12. My child is happy at this school 13. My child feels safe at this school 14. My child makes good progress at this school 15. My child is well looked after at this school 16. My child is taught well at this school 17. My child receives appropriate homework for their age 18. This school ensures the pupils are well behaved 19. This school deals effectively with bullying 20. This school is well led and managed 21. This school responds well to any concerns raised 22. I receive valuable information from the school STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE No tick 29 13 1 32 9 2 25 18 27 16 26 17 18 23 1 1 26 15 1 1 23 20 30 12 1 26 16 1 29 14 General Information and news about my child’s progress 23. I would recommend this school to another parent 36 6 1 Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities – see below 13 .The school informs me about the types of support available for my child’s particular needs. The communication is getting better- we would have liked more support for our daughter earlier. The school is not well equipped for any disabilities. (An improved disability action plan is under review by the Full Academy Committee. Any parent who has an immediate worry please telephone school – Mr. Farrell) 14.The school provides specialist support for my child’s particular needs. Not yet. 15. The school informs me how the specialist provision is helping my child to progress. Not yet. The intention and care from management is clear but with long term disabilities, the core subject teaching lacks any clear support from staff. 16. Can you please Yes -31 confirm whether you have received the school No-0 newsletter by email? No tick- 12 Are there any other comments you wish to make about the newsletter or electronic communication between home and school? No very efficient. Works really well. Disappointed it is left to parents’ evening to discover my son is 2 levels behind in chemistry. You have 2 email addresses and 2 mobile numbers. Good system- it works at keeping parents informed. Should have a link to parent pay on school website. (A link is now on the front of the school’s website – Mr. F) General Information and news Parents’ comments Bigger signs please- having to go up to check/find teacher. Egg timer – why have it on the table if it is not used. Sports hall packed- all teachers occupied. CN building- teachers waiting for parents. Empty seats- I managed to see 3 teachers in 15 mins and still empty. (We will do our best to act on what we can here – Mr. F) Great school. Great enthusiasm from all staff. My son has so many thanks for all your hard work. Only moanmy son finds mixed Yr 9/10 PE very difficult with Yr 9 behaviour. Also, choice of general sports limited. Is this due to behaviour. I do think it is a shame not to enthuse them in a variety of different sports. I do appreciate it is difficult if the classes’ behaviour is poor. (We are extending range of sports done to include Rugby soon - Mr. F) I am always kept informed of my daughter’s progress and wellbeing. I cannot praise the school and staff enough for the sensitivity and support they show her. Meeting with my daughter’s teachers has been a great help in understanding how she is getting along and how we can help her improve. Fantastic school. Great teaching. Additional funding for further school facilities would be a great benefit. (We have gained over £200,000 extra funding for school facilities in last year and seek further grants and ways of improving facilities – Mr. F) Well organised evening. Please can the list of your child’s teachers be in a larger font. Felt more optimistic re getting through due to egg timers. Brill. Well done! The school continues to provide a nurturing and family environment, great staff who care and a wonderful experience for our son. Real enjoy attending parents’ evening but the teachers did not use the egg timers provided. I feel it would be better use of their time if they were used, allowing teachers to finish at a reasonable time. (Staff are reading this and I will prompt them to use egg timers provided – sometimes we just forget! – Mr F.) I am not happy that my child cannot bring home her English novel because we have not paid for a copy. Other subjects allow text books to be brought home. A big thank you to Mrs Adriano for the clear information on our daughter’s progress and encouraging her to believe in herself. Can you put a bigger gap between the chairs so that the parents with the teachers are further away from those queuing? Thank you Discipline needs to be across the board. All pupils treated equally regarding appearance and not singled out. This has distracted my daughter from her school work. She is a child who enjoys school and attending school, however, with her being singled out, she felt harassed and did not want to attend. (We do not apologise for high standards of uniform and would hope that parents who have chosen to send their children to Bishop Walsh Catholic School support these standards – Mr. F) Really helpful to have careers advisor at the parents’ evening. Greatly helped and given all the information and more. Welcome idea to sell RE booklets on the day. Hour glass- welcome thank you. Great well organised evening. Our daughter enjoys school, we fell she has lost confidence in her ability and is doubting herself. We are working at home with her and we are happy that a number of her teachers recognise this too. We know she has the ability to achieve excellent grades and with the help of all of us we pray she is successful. I implore the governors and management to look into the provision of care for children and staff who face physical difficulties. Please look at the budget- please install a lift to the top floors- especially core subject areas. Provision is made for children with learning difficulties and emotional issues but the school General Information and news architecture cannot cater for physically impaired/disabled children so that all children can receive a full education. (see earlier comment about disability awareness plan – Mr. F) There are occasionally subjects where control of the wider class is weak which is disruptive to the learning of those pupils who really want to learn. Exemplary pupils can find themselves dispersed across the class to assist in improving control which compromises their attainment. Also concern at the minimal 2hrs per week language tuition when for top universities you need a GCSE language qualification. (We are changing our options system for the current year 8 to accommodate some of the sentiments expressed her – Mr. F) Hugely positive parents’ evening and as I always say – the care, interest and enthusiasm from my daughter’s teachers comes across. F.A.O. Can additional English focus more on the English GCSE poetry/English text they are studying? A huge thank you to all of my daughter’s teachers and let them know their support, help and teaching is greatly appreciated. __________________________________________________________________________ Lourdes pilgrimage The students continue to work hard in raising funds. Thanks go to Megan McGovern and Anna Wright who arranged a very successful cake sale at Holy Trinity Catholic Church on Palm Sunday. We are grateful to the parishioners of Holy Trinity for supporting this. Please note there has been a change of venue for the RACE NIGHT on April 22nd. It is now to be held at St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, Jockey Road, Sutton Coldfield. Mrs Hayes ___________________________________________________________________ Physical Education Well done to the Bishop Walsh U13 netball team who finished 4 th in the Birmingham Schools’ Netball Tournament in February 2016 and narrowly missed out on a medal. Our players exhibited some strong, skilful netball, working cohesively as a team. The team consisted of Eleanor Upham, Eve Darby, Brady McGlynn, Corey McGlynn. Grace Pattinson, Grace McDermott, Ciara Coulson, Marcella Aimuwu, Daisy Mackey, Nicole O’Toole. Mrs Clegg Sixth Form news Year 12 students’ last full day of normal lessons will be on Thursday 12th May. As of the 13th May and right through the start of the AS exam period Year 12s will have the option to attend structured revision sessions lead by their teachers. We strongly urge students to attend these for some final and vital ‘booster’ revision. The schedule for these sessions will be released after the Easter holiday. Year 12 will all return to school after their exams on Thursday 16th June. Students must attend school from the 16th June to the Friday 15th July as failure to have good attendance in this summer term will result in a poor attendance record which we are obliged to report on UCAS, apprenticeship or employment references. Don't forget that that the last week of the summer term, the week beginning the 18th July is where you have arranged work experience. Students are to make sure that they have plans in place and are using this time to gain a valuable insight into a planned field of employment. Year 13 students’ last full day of normal lessons will be Friday 27th May. Year 13 students are welcome to attend the AS revision classes during the school day but they must be mindful of the fact that due to specification changes in light of the A Level Reforms, this may not be appropriate in all cases. With regards to Year 13s who are re-sitting AS exams they will be granted the following final preparation time: They will be allowed the morning off for an AS re-sit in the afternoon. They will be allowed the afternoon off for an AS re-sit the following morning. They will be allowed to sign out after period 4, at 1.15pm An email will be sent with this letter together with notification of how to access the electronic revision session schedule for AS when it is complete. I, along with the rest of the Sixth Form Leadership Team, the Form Tutors and all of the subject teachers, wish our students good luck with their revision and exam preparation. We hope that they are successful in the summer. Mrs Marston-Smith Head of Sixth Form 18th March 2016 Dear Parent /Guardian, I am writing to inform you of the revision sessions which will be taking place for year 11 over the Easter holidays. The table below summarises which subjects will be running revision sessions over this two week period. subject Drama- Mrs Priestnall's Drama pupils. Computer Science Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Easter Revision Sessions Friday Monday Thursday 1st 4th 31st April April Tuesday 5th April Wednesday 6th April Thursday 7th April 10.003.00 9.0012.00pm. C2 Revision. 9.00-3.00 Chemistry Child Development 9.303.00 C3 Revision 9.003.00 9.303.00 9.30 – 3.00 Music Drama - Mrs Yeubrey's Drama pupils. 10.003.00 9.00 3.00 BTEC Science 10.001.00 French/German English Lit GCSE English Lang GCSE Art and Fashion Spanish Friday 8th April 9.003.30 9.00 till 3.00 9.0012.00 9.00-12.00 9.003.30 9.00 till 3.00 10.00-1.00 10.001.00 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Pupils who attend these revision sessions must sign in and out of school in reception. It is their responsibility to ensure they note their time of arrival and departure in the book which will be on a table immediately opposite the main entrance. As is shown in the table above there are a number of revision sessions running on 4th – 5th April. Mrs Hornby-Walsh is running a joint Art and Fashion workshop for both subjects on these days. The Coursework deadline for both Art and Fashion is 27th April and this component makes up 60% of the overall marks. Exam Sketchbooks have to be complete and handed in during the first session of the 10 hour exam which starts in the first week back after the Easter holiday; and accounts for the other 40% of the marks. Pupil attendance of the English Language (4th April) and English Literature (5th April) revision sessions is voluntary. Mrs Bissell will be running two sessions on both days; 9.00am till 12.00pm and 1.00pm till 3.30pm. If your child would like to attend they must book themselves onto one of these sessions by seeing Mrs Bissell personally during the final week of this term. The maximum number of pupils for each session will be 25 pupils. If a pupil who is attending the Art or Fashion coursework workshop would like to go over the topics and themes covered by Mrs Bissell in these revision sessions, they are welcome to book an appointment with her immediately after the Easter holiday. Mrs Bowker will be inviting pupils in to school to attend the French / German revision sessions taking place on 5th, 6th and 7th April. These will run from 10.00am till 1.00pm. The revision sessions will take the form of ‘drop ins’. Pupils can come into school to practise their exam skills or complete a speaking and listening or written assessment in an effort to further improve their overall grade. Mr Early will be contacting pupils who he would like to attend his Spanish revision sessions on Tuesday 29th March and Wednesday 30th March. Pupils who will be asked to attend these sessions will work on controlled speaking and listening assessments. Mrs Nash is running revision sessions for both year 11 and 12 pupils during the Easter period. She will be contacting the parents of year 11 pupils who must attend these sessions shortly, but all pupils who want additional tuition in the year 11 Child Development course are welcome. Mr Lewis will be running a revision session on 31st March from 9.00am till 12.00pm. Computer Science pupils are welcome as are pupils who study GCSE ICT. There are two drama preparations days taking place over the Easter period. Mrs Priestnall’s class as expected to come into school on Thursday 7th April and Mrs Yeubrey’s class will have their additional preparation day on Monday 4th April. Both these sessions begin at 10.00am and end at 3.00pm. The key purpose of these revision sessions is for pupils to practise and further improve their performance pieces which will be assessed on Wednesday 27th April. Mr Bryan will be running the two Chemistry revision days on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th April. The focus of the former will be on the C2 examination, the focus of the latter will be on the C3 module. Mr Roxburgh will be running a GCSE Music revision session for from 9.30am till 3.00pm on Friday 8th April. On Friday 8th April, Miss Twist will be running a coursework completion day for all year 11 pupils who are studying the Level 2 BTEC Science course. We encourage all of our year 11 pupils to attend. I am also re-sending the revision schedule showing all of the revision sessions our departments are currently running at school. I would be most grateful if you could continue to encourage your child to attend these as part of their revision programme. Finally, I would like to thank you for your support throughout this academic year. Your child’s success is very much based upon the efforts of yourselves as parents, along with the hard work of the child and the dedication of our teaching staff and support staff at Bishop Walsh Catholic School. If you have any questions about the Easter revision sessions or how we can further help your child in their final preparations for GCSE, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. After Easter I will be sending you a letter outlining the plan for the ‘Collapsed Timetable’ initiative which will begin on Monday 16th May. Yours sincerely, Mr Henryk Koryl. Vice Principal i/c Learning and Teaching Bishop Walsh Catholic School. REVISION SCHEDULE YEAR 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Venue 3.30-4.30 Physics- Already running. Art- Already running. Fashion- Already running nd Music Drop In Session- Commencing w.b 22 February. nd Music technology- Commencing w.b. 22 February. Child Development (see information below). Culinary Arts (see information below). Spanish Drop in Session- Already running. Science 6 Textiles 1 Textiles 1 Room 32 Music technology Room Learning Resource Centre Learning Resource Centre Room 9 3.30-5.00pm nd Dance- Commencing w.b. 22 February. Dance Studio 3.30 till 4.30 English (See information below) French- Already running. German- Already running. Room 13 Room 14 Wednesday Morning (8.15 till 8.45AM) nd History- Commencing w.b. 22 February. 3.30-4.30 Mathematics-Already running. nd History- Commencing w.b. 22 February. nd Dance- Commencing w.b 22 February. Chemistry- Already running Art- Already running. Fashion- Already running. nd Music Drop In Session- Commencing w.b 22 February. Child Development (see information below). Culinary Arts (see information below). Spanish- Already running. 3.30 till 5.00PM nd Drama coursework catch up session- Commencing w.b. 22 February 8.15am till 8.55am Computer Science and ICT- Already running. nd Business Studies- Commencing w.b. 22 February. 3.30-4.30 Mathematics- Already running. nd Biology- Commencing w.b. 22 February. nd Geography- Commencing w.b. 22 February. Computer Science and ICT- Already running. nd Dance- Commencing w.b. 22 February. Art- Already running. Fashion- Already running. Media- Already running. nd Music Drop In Session- Commencing w.b 22 February. th Physical Education- Commencing 18 March. Child Development (see information below). Culinary Arts (see information below). Spanish Drop in Session- Already running. nd Business Studies- Commencing w.b. 22 February. 3.30 till 5.00PM nd Drama coursework catch up session- Commences w.b. 22 February. 3.30-4.30 Art- Already running. Fashion- Already running. nd Music Drop In Session- Commencing w.b. 22 February. Spanish Drop in Session- Already running. CN3 Room 7 CN3 Dance Studio Science 3. Textiles 1 Textiles 1 Room 32 Learning Resource Centre Learning Resource Centre Room 9 Room 10 Rooms 29 and 30 Business 2 Room 7. Science 4. Room 17. Rooms 29 and 30. Dance Studio. Textiles 1. Textiles 1. Media 1. Room 32. PE Department. Learning Resource Centre. Learning Resource Centre. Room 9. Business 2. Room 10 Textiles 1 Textiles 1 Room 32 Room 9 GCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES Year 10 GCSE EXAM DATES The whole of Year 10 are sitting their GCSE Religious Studies exams on: Unit 3: Monday 16th May AM Unit 10: Monday 23rd May PM Both exams are 1 hour 30 minutes. REVISION CLASSES Well done to all those pupils who have attended the revision classes so far. The remaining 5 sessions are: Tuesday 22nd March - 10:4 Living the Christian life Thursday 14th April - 3:3 Marriage and the Family Tuesday 19th April - 3:2 Matters of Life and Death Thursday 28th April - 10:2 Community and Tradition Thursday 5th May - Tips for revision and the exam and essential Bible passages EVERYONE IS WELCOME! REVISION DAYS REVISION GUIDES Year 10 pupils will be having two intensive GCSE Religious Studies revision days in preparation for the exams. Most pupils have now purchased a copy of the GCSE revision guide. If anyone still needs one we have a few left - please see Mrs. Keane with £3.50. Dates will be confirmed soon! The RE department wish you all the very best in your GCSE Religious Studies exams. WORK HARD AND DO YOUR BEST!