FinanteBanci Pistolbroshure EN


FinanteBanci Pistolbroshure EN
Faculty of Finance and Banking, Bucharest
- general overview -
Bucharest, Ion Ghica Street No. 13, Sector 3
Postal code: 030045
Tel: (004021) 455.1000; 314.00.75; 314.00.76
Fax: (004021) 314.39.08
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Factory Street, nr.46G, sector 6, Bucharest
Bus /trolley: 61, 62,136, 236, 336- U.P.B station;
Subway: stations Petrache Poenaru (fostă Semănătoarea), Politehnica, Lujerului;
Milestones: Complex Politehnica, Complex Quadra Place, Naţional TV
Tel.: 021 3169785; 021 3169786; 021 3169788
Fax.: 021 3169783
E-mail: [email protected]
Faculty of Finance and Banking, Bucharest
The Faculty of Finance and Banking, Bucharest of Spiru Haret University opens its doors in
the 2002 – 2003 academic year; starting with the 2009 – 2010 academic year, it is accredited under
Government Resolution no. 943 / 19 August 2009.
We offer the following programmes of studies:
Finance and Banking – full-time studies (FT), accredited for 450 seats
Finance and Banking – part-time studies (PT), authorised for 100 seats
Finance and Banking – distance learning (DL), authorised for 50 seats
Banks and financial markets – Master’s, accredited for 50 seats
Since opening, we’ve been aiming at providing our students a high-level career, scientific and practical
training, enabling them to meet the increasing labour market demands.
In this context, our core objective is training economists, specialists in finance and banking: public
finance, finance and financial management of enterprises and public institutions, international financial
institutions, bank management, currency and credit and the like. We prepare them to work in various
economic fields as banking, insurance and reinsurance, capital market, financial control, financial and
banking expertise and the like. In close connection with the University’s mission and with the aforementioned core objective, a fundamental objective remains consolidating the position of the Faculty of
Finance and Banking within Spiru Haret University and within the faculties in the field nationwide,
increased visibility and prestige as well as maintaining the top position earned over the ten years of
In terms of teaching and learning we pay a special attention to delivering sound specialist knowledge and
facilitating the development of the abilities to use the modern computer devices in processing statistical and
financial and banking data (we have an impressive number of computers). To this end, we organize
seminars and labs where students conduct diagnostic surveys, most of which leading to decision-making in
the field.
The good results obtained at faculty level are due primarily to the optimum conditions provided and,
secondly to the academia’s, students’ and Master candidates’ endeavours to achieve a high-level education
in line with the highest demands.
Through the carefully chosen and well-structured subjects, the curriculum, resulting in stability and continuity
as well as in flexibility and rapid adjustment to the current economic and social demands, is properly
structured also in point of time allocation, enabling the meeting of the Faculty’s objectives and mission in line
with the European standards. The specific subjects and modules are chosen to match the Community
Acquis demands, the European mechanisms and institutions presentation.
Each subject comes with a properly structured and well-established syllabus (course outline). For every
subject in the curriculum the students have textbooks and course books elaborated by the course
coordinators as well as lab notebooks and problem collections necessary for training the future
specialists in economics. All materials are issued by Romania de Maine Foundation Publishing House.
Elaborated according to the curriculum and syllabus at a scientific level in line with the academic
prestige and the authors’ reputation, such teaching and learning resources allow individual study
either within the faculty’s library, or at home. For the past year, part-time and distance learning study
materials have bee edited for all the subjects covered in the curriculum.
We mention that the curricula, syllabi and,
implicitly, the textbooks are closely monitored
with a view to adjust them to the Romanian
and European labour market requirements.
To this end, regular studies on the defining
aspects of the domestic and international
economic and social environment, in general,
and of the labour market, in particular, are
conducted with an emphasis on the future
economist-financier acquiring the knowledge
and developing the abilities required by the
society and the economy.
One of the concerns of the faculty management is practice. In this context, we mention that this
fundamental component of the teaching and learning process is allotted a number of 90 hours in the
2nd academic year. All students conduct practical work in the second semester. Usually, internship is
organised in commercial banks as well as in other financial and banking and insurance institutions, the
Faculty signing approximately 20 practice agreements to this end.
The students advance and complete their practical training in the final year by attending the Financial
and Banking Projects subject; on completion of the course, the students defend a research paper that
requires sound practical knowledge.
At Faculty and University levels, we have in place the transferable credit system, a modern system
facilitating student mobility.
Such achievements are also the fruit of our academia’s work, irrespective of the Chairs they belong to.
Our professors, recognised as such in the academic world, are constantly concerned with successfully
meeting the stated objectives and mission. Our own professors hired within Spiru Haret University are
majority of the teaching staff. The University management is interested in selecting, attracting and
training teaching staff from the graduates of the economic faculties.
The good results of the students of the Faculty of Finance and Banking are largely due to our material
resources. We mention here the modern building housing the Faculty Head Office, the lecture and
seminar halls, the labs equipped with a high number of computers, modern library and the like. In this
context, during lab and most seminar hours, each student can work on their computer, acquiring
practical knowledge required in their profession.
Moreover, it appears that we are one of the few
universities having computer-assisted ongoing or
annual testing in place. Having such advanced
information technology, the University has its own
website which houses the Faculty of Finance and
Banking, Bucharest. Via the Internet, our students
have access to the virtual library and they can
establish a direct and permanent dialogue with
their professors.
We pay a special attention to research, both at student and academia level. To that effect, the annual
events, which have become a tradition, enjoy a huge success and large, active and creative
participation, the papers being published in national and foreign prestigious magazines as well as in
the “Annals of Spiru Haret University”, Economic Series, with CNCSIS B+ indexation (CNCSIS National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education). At the same time, the Faculty
management is concerned with developing own research programmes most of the time resulting in
signing economic contracts with the interested beneficiaries or in their publication in national or foreign
prestigious specialist magazines and in those issued by Romania de Maine Foundation Publishing
The students must attend all the lectures, seminars and other activities, to do their assignments and to
pass all ongoing tests as well as the final test.
Given our constant concern with meeting the stated objectives, we provide our students the best
conditions to acquire sound theoretical knowledge and develop practical abilities, such as:
knowledge, understanding of the basic concepts, theories and methods of the field and area of
specialisation; their proper use in career-related communication;
using the fundamentals to explain and interpret various types of field-related concepts,
situations, processes, projects and the like;
implementing some basic principles and methods for solving field-specific well-defined
problems and situations, under qualified assistance;
proper use of standard assessment criteria and methods to appreciate the quality, soundness
and limits of some processes, programmes, projects, concepts, methods and theories;
elaborating vocational projects by using well-established principles and methods in the field;
Acquiring the above mentioned knowledge enables the students to successfully deal with the complex
problems ahead of them. On completion of the programme of studies they have a series of general
and specific professional competences, as follows:
proper use of the finance-related concepts, theories, methods and instruments in private and
public entities;
collecting, analysing and interpreting information and data on economic and financial
elaborating economic and financial documents within private and public entities;
doing financial operations and transactions specific in private and public entities;
implementing the plans and budgets within private and public entities;
implementing the financial decisions within private and public entities.
We believe that all of the above recommend the Faculty of Finance and Banking to the young people
willing to activate in a promising field as finance and banking.
Professor Gheorghe Pistol, PhD