district 4 - Minnesota Women of Today
district 4 - Minnesota Women of Today
DISTRICT 4 MID-SUMMER NEWSLETTER Inside this issue: Issue 1 Chapter Updates 2 Chapter Updates 3 Newsletter Info 4 Youth of Today 4 Living and Learning 4 Women’s Wellness 5 District Program- 5 ming VP Community Connections 6 Introducing… Beau- 6 tiful Becky! District Social Event 7 Invitation District Membership VP 7 PALS Event 7 June District Meeting Minutes 8 June District Meeting Minutes 8 May-July 2012 From Our District Director... Hello ladies!!!! First of all I have to say THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me be your District Director this year and thank you for a wonderful 1st District Meeting!!! We had 5 out of 7 chapters in attendance and had a great time! Thank you to the Brainerd ladies for hosting and for providing the delicious meal! Thank you to state staff, Cindy Sanders, Cindy Umland and Tari Seiler for attending as well. I hope we can keep up this bright and bubbly momentum throughout the year! I am so proud to be a part of District 4, especially when I hear the awards given out from state convention, you ladies are all really amazing! I am working on a social event and will let you all know when something is planned; I hope we can have a great turn out at that event. I am hoping we can have our next District meetings in Duluth and Longville, I will definitely keep you all updated as far as those dates as well. I am an excellent emailer, so if you ever have any questions for me, do not hesitate to email me and ask! I am not as available by phone, but if that is how you prefer to communicate, then please leave me a message and I will call you back. I know many of you have taken on new positions this year, so we will elarn our new positions together. We have many amazing women in our District who are great resources, past state staff, past state programming managers, if I don't have the answers, these ladies certainly will. Also in this newsletter is a letter from me introducing myself and my goals for the year, I have no doubts, that when we all work together, we can accomplish anything. "Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer." Becky Stock, DD4 2012-2013 Dates to Remember Aug. 1st LPM and DPM Fast Starts Due Aug. 15th First Tri Renewals due Aug. 19th District Social at Blandin Beach in Grand Rapids, 11:30 to 2:30 Aug. 19-25 Kids’ Week Aug. 30 Ladies’ Night Out Sept. 9 MNWT Day at the Diamond Sept. 14-16 Fall State Convention Oct. 2??? District 4 Meeting??? Page 2 Hibbing Hibbing had their 1st annual chapter picnic on July 15th. With 5 active members, 2 potential new members, 1 guest, and numerous friends and family at attendance, Hibbing was able to celebrate the new year of Women of Today and start of our 2nd year as a reactivated chapter. Hibbing Annual Picnic “Here is to a great chapter, organization, and group of women!” ~Melissa Robbins There was great BBQ food and plenty of games and prizes for the adults and children. Even with the humidity and sun rain, everyone seemed to enjoy the time we had together. Along with the fun, the July newsletter was handed out and introduction of the new HibbingWT brochure was introduced! What a great start to the new year. Many more plans have been made for future fun times with our family and friends within the community and extending out to other local communities. Please look for invites and information via email, text, and facebook! We also introduced the idea of Online Meetings to get to those whom are not able to attend WT meetings in person! Here is to a great chapter, organization, and group of women! ~Melissa Robbins, Hibbing Chapter President, Ronda Wagner, State Delegate, and Alecia Johnson, Membership VP Longville Virginia We'll, Yes I am the Longville Area Women of Today President. This will be my second year. I have to say I was a bit nervous about taking this on but we have such a great group of women in Longville that they have made it so easy for me. My Name is Andrea Wilson and this is my second consecutive year as President of the Virginia Chapter and I am so happy to have several new faces and many helping hands this year. Late this Spring the Virginia Women of Today added several new members to our group and we are excited to get started with another year with both old and new members. I moved to Minnesota from California in 2003. I didn't have a way to met other women in the community so I finally went to a LAWOT Membership night and was hooked. We have such a great group of women. For a small town of 180 people we are able to really do a lot. We had a really neat M night in May with a Fear Factor theme. We've been busy with a few Garage Sales already this year and will be helping out with the City's Street Dance on July 28th. We all are busy over the summer months but we really pick up steam at the end of the year. We provide the cakes for a Camp Olson Cake Walk on Halloween, organize a Photo's with Santa day for the kids in town, In December we have our big projects. The Cookie Walk fundraiser, Toys 4 Kids and Santa's Elves projects. We keep busy all year with our monthly meetings and doing our ditch n' dine trash clean up twice a year. ~Erin Burt, Longville Chapter President We take it pretty easy in the summer with some casual meetings but come August we get to work on one of our favorite projects-School Supplies. We buy everything from pencils to notebooks, backpacks to gym shoes for 4 local elementary schools in the area. The school then distributes the items as needed throughout the school year. We receive several thank you notes each year from the staff at the schools as a new backpack or just some school supplies can really make a child’s day. This makes us feel great that we have made a difference in a child’s life. We are also busy planning our 29th Annual Fall Craft Fair which is scheduled for Saturday, November 10 th at the Miner’s Memorial Building in Virginia. This Annual event brings in over 2 full rooms of crafters and hundreds of shoppers and helps us raise money for several of our local causes. ~Andrea Wilson, Virginia Chapter President Issue 1 Page 3 Duluth Duluth is known as the Air Conditioned City, well not this summer! I’m ready for Fall Convention and cool evenings. Congratulations to Becky Stock, savor all the events this coming year being on Exec Council as District Director, you will do us proud. Grandma’s Marathon was our 1st volunteer event this trimester. Mary Bartlett said she couldn’t keep up handing out the water fast enough as the thousands of runners ran past their table. Our chapter’s 1 st M-event will be held at the Rose Garden on Membership Monday, then a week later our chapter will have our summertime social “Music in the Park” with family and friends in attendance at Chester Bowl, Sound Incorporated will perform and I hear they play a mean set of drums. Our big volunteer project will be this September at the Duluth Airshow 2012. National Convention was held in Fremont, Nebraska in June. In attendance was President Nicky Anderson, COB Cindy Sanders, 2009 -2010 National President Sue (Hinky) Dionne from WI, Anne Johnson-Past President 2010-2011, Cindy Umland-Parli and Bernice. We laughed, we shopped, we had a great skit, we slept little, we ate good, we witnessed a black belt demonstration, we attended a great Nat’l Convention and we sadly said our good-byes when going our separate ways on the way home. Thank you Brainerd Lakes Area for hosting the June District Meeting, you served a great evening meal. ~Bernice Graves Brainerd What have we been up to this Trimester? My name is Mindy Roberts, and I am the 2012-2013 President for BLAWT. I had a hard time coming up with a theme for this year. I am very lucky to be blessed with many creative members; one of them suggested being the Dancing Prez. What better way to not only describe me as a person, but our FABULOUS members! We all love to have fun and kick up our heels every “so” often. We started our summer out with a BANG! Our Annual Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction (6/8/12) held at Shep’s on 6th donating the proceeds to Habitat for Humanity. The following day a few members volunteered at the Sour Grapes Marathon (6/9/12); I might add very early the next morning. (Much caffeine was needed.) We also have some members who are part of the Relay for Life Fundraiser for Cancer on who worked on Friday (7/17/12) during the Candlelight walk. We are currently looking forward to our Annual Flamingo Flocking event raising donations for the local Hart foundation. “Who knows what next trimester will hold for the BLAWT... The possibilities are endless!” Who knows what next trimester will hold for the BLAWT…the possibilities are endless! ~Mindy Roberts, Brainerd Lakes Area President ~Mindy Roberts Aitkin We have been SO busy since the start of our year. From Convention,LOTS, MNJOTS, District meetings, bake sales, m-nights, socials, concessions and safety town. TO Softball tournaments, Riverboat days, Kiddie Parades, Library Parties, Kids Week, Campouts, Highway cleanup, and the Pumpkin Patch! We have been BUSY!! This time of year it seems easy to get swept away with the bustle of trying to get everything done. Fast Starts, LPM reports, DPM reports etc. I want to thank our awesome team in Aitkin for cheering each other on consistently through the chaos of our busy lives! GREAT JOB GALS! ~Jessy McShane, Aitkin Chapter President Aitkin Chapter 2012 Installation Banquet Page 4 Newsletter Title Newsletter Info… Youth of Today Wow! What great newsletter articles! Thank you, everyone, who submitted. KIDS WEEK August 19-25 It's time to celebrate with the youth in your community. You can have a picnic with members and families, play games and enjoy each others company. You can hold a reading day at the local library or start a youth book club. You may want to include local youth to join you in a service project. Take advantage of Kids Week! A few things to keep in mind when submitting an article to a newsletter, whether it be at the chapter, district or state level: Please send in articles by the due date… this helps your newsletter editor finish the newsletter by her own due date Have someone proof-read your article for accuracy, grammar and mechanics Make sure your article is relevant to the audience you are addressing Be CREATIVE!! Have fun with your article… quotes, pictures, and even cheesy catch phrases are a great way to capture your reader’s attention Remember, ANY member may submit an article. Do you have a fantastic Women of Today testimony you would like share? Send it on in! Your district would love to hear from you! PCAMN Our Youth of Today SPM is promoting Prevent Child Abuse in MN. Please check out their website for information about this very important organization. www.pcamn.org. ~Mary Bartlett, Youth of Today DPM Articles for the Early Fall Newsletter edition will be due Wednesday, September 19th. I will, once again, be asking chapter presidents or state delegates for chapter updates as well as articles from DPMs and District officers. Please send articles to: [email protected] Happy writing! ~Heather Goble, Newslet DPM Living and Learning Hello District 4! This is your Living and Learning program manager, Michelle Durant from Brainerd and I am reminding you of my bracelet incentive to certify in the Living and Learning certification this year! I sent a package of information including a sample bracelet to each chapter to share at their next meeting and I hope if you have any questions, you reach out to me! I can always receive emails at [email protected] or give me a call at 218330-9233. I am always here to help! For August I am promoting Spiritual Growth, #3 (on the LL certification) spend some time reflecting, use meditations. Whether it is a few moments in the morning of quiet time for you to collect your thoughts or a breather in the afternoon, take time for yourself to reflect on everything that you are grateful for. “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” ~Best Always,, Michelle, Living and Learning DPM – Confucious Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5 Women’s Wellness Howdy fellow Women of Today. I am the Women’s Wellness DPM for our district this year, and I thought I should tell you a little about myself before I tempt you with some challenges!!! My name is Jessy McShane, my husband Christian and I live on a small farm in Mission Township just west of Crosslake MN. We raise chickens, pigs, goats, and a plethora of other critters that are just along for the ride! We have a 10 year old son named Payton, who (when I can tear him away from the i-pad) LOVES all of his animals! He also likes to help in the garden by weeding, harvesting, or ridding our potato plants of those NASTY potato bugs!!! eeeewWWWWW!!! I am the General Manager of a small local and organic food co-op in Brainerd. I LOVE the co-op and all of the people I serve! I also teach Zumba, Jiu Jitsu, and take kickboxing classes! I like to paint, draw and create raku pottery. My husband and I also play music together whenever possible. YES.. I AM a BUSY gal!!! This year I have been fortunate enough to be Aitkin’s chapter president! Working with such a positive and fun group of gals has been a GREAT experience for me! Thanks to my chapter for all of the support over the last year! NOW onto the CHALLENGE!! -Each chapter that registers to participate in the 8-week Healthy Living Weight Loss Challenge BEFORE Fall State (send me a copy of the form) will receive an incentive prize! (email [email protected] to get a registration form) -Each chapter that sells over 12 bags of Trail Mix by August 13th, will receive an incentive prize. YOU GO GIRLS!! ~Jessy McShane, Women’s Wellness DPM From Our District Programming Vice President PLEASE REMEMBER TO LOOK AT YOUR CIPS FOR ANY INFORMATION THAT YOU MAY NEED ABOUT YOUR PROGRAMMING OR OFFICER POSITION. THESE FLIERS ARE FILLED WITH IMPORTANT DATES, INCENTIVES, INFORMATION ABOUT FORMS AND DIFFERENT PROJECTS AND GIVES YOU YOUR SPM CONTACT INFROMATION. THERE ARE 3 CIPS A YEAR, THEY COME OUT AT TRIMESTER TIME. PLEASE LOOK FOR THEM IN SEPTEMBER, JANUARY, AND MAY. TAKE YOUR TIME AND MAKE A PLAN OF ACTION ON WHAT YOU WISH TO DO FOR THE YEAR WITH YOUR AREA. MAKE A THEME OR GOAL AND FLY WITHIT. IT IS COMPLETELY UP TO YOU TO DECIDE WHERE YOU TAKE YOUR AREA. LPMS-CONTACT YOUR DPM DPMS-CONTACT YOUR SPM ALSO YOUR DISTRICT PROGRAMMING VP IS ALSO A GOOD CONTACT WITH QUESTIONS. REPORTS ARE A WAY FOR THE DISTRICT AND STATE TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITHIN YOUR PROGRAMMING AREA OR OFFICER POSITION. THE FOLLOWING REPORTS ARE DUE: FAST STARTS, LPM-DPM-SPM REPORTS, OFFICER REPORTS, AND TRANSMITTALS. *LPM, DPM, SPM REPORTS ARE DUE ONCE EACH TRIMESTER. *FAST STARTS-ONCE A YEAR *PRESIDENTIAL REPORTS-EVERY MONTH *TRANSMITTALS-EVERY PROJECT THERE ARE A FEW OTHER REPORTS THAT ARE NEEDED SPECIFIC TO EACH PERSON’S POSITION, LOOK INTO YOUR HANDBOOK AND SEE WHAT APPLIES TO YOU. SEE MELISSA FOR HANDBOOKS. IF SHE DOES NOT HAVE ONE, SHE WILL ORDER ONE. ~MELISSA ROBBINS, District Programming VP Page 6 Newsletter Title Community Connections We started off the 2012-2013 year with a bang. Thank you so much for your approval of monies to purchase glue sticks, crayons, and colored pencils. With $50, I was able to fill two bags full! Barb Berndtson, CC SPM, and Camp Friendship will certainly appreciate these items. It’s not too late to donate more items, personally, or as a chapter. Bring them to the Service Project on Friday night of Fall Convention. Barb would also like to remind us to start thinking if any of our chapters has a possible candidate for the Outstanding Person with Developmental Challenges award, given at Winter State. Forms can be found online or from Barb directly. Aitkin has submitted candidates several times and is a very worthwhile and heartwarming project. Submissions are due November 1. Just a quick reminder that LPM Fast Starts are due August 1. It would be wonderful if District 4 had a good showing of LPMs, in all nine areas, completing their Fast Start. It will get you off to a good start for the year. Please contact myself, 218927-6175 or [email protected], or Barb if you have any questions or concerns with Community Connections, “The Heart of the Community!” ~Leslie Goble, Community Connection Connections DPM Introducing… Beautiful Becky! Hello ladies of District 4! “I try to be bubbly and bright in my life I am so honored to be your District Director this year! A little info about me. I have been a member of the Brainerd Lakes Area chapter since January 2006. In this time I have help positions of secretary, Membership VP, President and am currently our Programming VP. I have held LPM positions and DPM positions and chaired or co-chaired many projects. I am a single mom of a very tall and funny 14 year old boy, Jaden. I work part time as an office manager at a security company and part time at home doing freelance graphic design. I love to do things that are creative or goofy, I love hanging out with my friends and family, enjoy dancing, drawing, playing games....pretty much anything fun. I love volunteering, I have had so many wonderful blessings in my life, it just feels good to be able to help others and pay that forward. when meeting new people or starting new challenges and I know that this District is the same way!” ~Becky My theme this year is Bubbly & Bright with District 4 in Sight! I try to be bubbly and bright in my life when meeting new people or starting new challenges and I know that this District is the same way! You all do such amazing things, I know we will have a very bright year together! ~Becky Stock, District 4 President Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7 From Our District MPV... Hello Membership Vice Presidents and Chapter Members, BLANDIN BEACH 10th Ave 6th St NW Grand Rapids Sunday Aug 19, 2012 11:30 – 2:30 Husband, children, lawn chairs, Pot luck (dish to pass) beverage of your choice, Kids game, Good Weather and Chapter Members. What will be provided: Plates,napkins,utensils,condiments,grilling Hotdogs w/Buns. (if you want other grilling choice, bring I’d be happy to grill. IF it’s a rain day, a Fall District Sept Social will be planned. PLEASE, PLEASE rsvp because of Food purchasing and note what you wish to bring for potluck. Thank you! Bernice Graves District 4 Membership V.P. 218-626-3041 [email protected] As a District Membership Vice President, I want to see our District 4 grow, but I want you to also realize that retention is vital to keeping each of our chapters strong and above water. Recruiting is another significant factor at gaining membership, so… one of my requests from the Chapter MVP’s is to receive 3 M-event ideas (for all 3 trimesters) that worked signing new members or brought in prospectives for your chapter. I will forward back the M-event ideas to your Chapter MVP and I will wait with anticipation for your chapter’s good results. My goal is to have 80% retention and to grow by 23 members. I have great confidence that District 4 will delight District Director Becky Stock and President Nicky Anderson each trimester. Did your chapter call or email 1st trimester Early Bird renewals by July 16th? To avoid a $10.00 late fee, dues need to be postmarked Aug 15. I would like to do a district social in August or September; I’ll give you ample time for putting it on your calendar. To those that don’t know me, I have been a member with the Duluth Chapter since 2005. I work at Essentia Health in the HIS Dept as a scanner. I’m single and have a few cats to keep me hopping. I love to rummage sale and scrapbook. Chapter members I want you to have FUN this year in your endeavors but I also want you to remember that membership is EVERYONE’S responsibility. ~Thank You, Bernice Graves, District Membership VP Nisswa, Brainerd and Aitkin Meet For a PALS Event Twenty-nine ladies from our district attended a PALS event on Tuesday, July 24th. Wow!!! The evening began at Pirate’s Cove where the Brainerd and Aitkin chapter met for some intense mini-golf. Amanda, from Aitkin, was on fire with the lowest score of 42 and Heather, from Aitgood spree with a score of 58. Afgolfing, some of us met with the Nisswa chapter at Iven’s on the Bay for drinks, food and great conversation. It was a fun night of fellowship and laughs! ~Sarah Steinkopf, Aitkin PALS coordinator kin, was on a not so ter mini- Page 8 Newsletter Title DISTRICT 4 WOMEN OF TODAY June 26, 2012, Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today, First Lutheran Church of Brainerd Members present: Aitkin -Roxy Appel Wigton, Leslie Goble, Jessy McShane, Amanda Brynes, Heidi Westerlund, Cathy Olson, Heather Goble; Brainerd LA- Kim Finch, Cindy Carlson, Michelle Durant, Kelly Kruize, Stacy Robin, Kimberly Kay Bell, Rhian Hardee, Darlene Matthew, Beverly Bourassa, Jen Olson, Robin Park; Longville - Tal Hess; Duluth - Cindy Sanders, Bernice Graves, Mary Bartlett. Guest: Cindy Umland, State Parliamentarian. Also present - Cindy Sanders - Past State President, and Tari Sieler - Newslet Meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by District Director, Becky Stock. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by BLA chapter Invocation - Michelle Durant Ice Breaker - BLA - Favorite summer beverage in a red solo cup Orders of the Day - Tari Sieler reviewed Parliamentarian Report - Tari Sieler Quorum - 5 out of 7 chapters present, a quorum was established . Secretary Report - Roxy Appel Wigton District meeting minutes of March 3, 2012 were approved with addition of Kelsi Carlson, BLA as March first timer. Motion by Secretary, second by Aitkin, motion carried. Treasurer Report - Roxy Appel Wigton Beginning Balance 3/3/12 $471.47 Income: $169 (Lucky Buck 69; Dues Longville 75; Nisswa Registration District meeting $25). Expense: $120 ($10 check cashed that was thought voided, donations $50 each Can Do Canine Name Puppy and Amer. Heart Assn., $10 awards District meeting). Ending Balance $520.47. Chairman of the Board Report - Tari Sieler Went over the list of awards received at Annual Convention. Aitkin - #10 in Success, Community Impact Award for Vintage Style Show; 75% or more retention. Longville - 75% or more retention. Year End Growth - Nisswa, Virginia, Hibbing, Aitkin, District 4. President Challenge: Leslie Goble (CC SPM) & Heidi Westerlund (EVP); State Delegate Bronze Key Leslie Goble, Aitkin, Gold Key Leslie Goble Community Connects, Gold Key Heidi Westerlund, Ext. Vice President. State Delegate’s Reports: May Current New Attending Attended Miles to Base Base Members D4 Mtg Convention D. Mtg____ Aitkin: 28 28 6 5 32 Projects: Memorial Bake Sale, LOTS training, Park Bench, Community Meal, Ladies Night Out, Memory Books, Highway Clean Up, LPM Orientation, Safety Town. Coming Up events: Golf Social, Kid’s Week, Pep Course, Day at the Diamond, Founders Day Picnic, Campout, Softball Tournament, 4 th July concessions, Riverboat Days Kiddie Parade, Library Party and Float, Pumpkin Patch, convention. Spotlight of Trimester: Safety Town 6/11-15 8:30-11:15 -82 children 35 teen helpers, 7 members and community members from speakers to organizations helping out. Brainerd: 33 34 1 13 0 hosting Projects: Shriner’s Wine Tasting event (benefits Shriners), Finnegan’s Pub Crawl (local Salvation Army food shelf), and annual Easter Party for local childhood education scholarships. W&M projects including coat check at Bridal Expo and concessions at local MMBA Home Show. Volunteers for events such as Jaycee’s Ice Fishing Extravaganza, Frozen Fore, the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, the Run for the Lakes marathon, the Arthritis Walk, and the Sour Grapes Marathon. 5 Members participate in United Way Fitness Challenge, 3 in Polar Bear plunge, and Personal Enrichment course CHANGE. Sponsoring Slammers (girl softball team), visited Harmony House (senior assisted living) - every other month do manicures for the residents; maintain Adopt-A-Highway. June is Bachelor/Bachelorete Auction for local Habitat for Humanity, Susan G Komen Race for the Cure and ‘Flock Your Friends’ flamingos gone wild for local women’s shelter. Spotlight of the Trimester: Annual Easter Party - in April with crafts, games, pictures with Easter bunnies District Meeting June 26, 2012 State Delegate’s Reports: May Longville: Projects: Spotlight of Trimester: Nisswa: Virginia: 24 Page 2 Current New Attending Attended Miles to Base Base Members D4 Mtg Convention D. Mtg____ Duluth: 16 17 1 3 3 110 Projects: getting ready for annual and national convention. Gramma’s Marathon - worked 7 mile water station - 4 members and 6 guests Spotlight of the Trimester: Gramma’s Marathon Hibbing: 10 11 3 possible 3 130 Projects: Teddy Bear Drive. Future plans: Family picnic July 15, Aug. 19 Kids Pool Party, Aug 24-25 garage sale for Isaacs Journey, Labor Day Shoot Out Weekend a Duke Skorich BBQ fundraiser. Spotlight of the Trimester: FirehouseTeddy Bear Drive - 998 Officer/DPM Reports 26 Garage Sale Service Project not present not present 4 1 0 Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 9 Membership V.P. - Bernice Graves - covered duties, rebate information. Encourages reading CIP Programming V.P. - Melissa Roberts - Monkeys and Banana‘s is her theme: light, simple, and to the point. Fast Starts are due August 1 st. Living and Learning - Michelle Durant - goal is to have 24 gals complete the individual LL certification. Have 12 complete the Health & Wellness Certification. Each month she will send chapter’s LPMs examples and suggestions to complete certification. Also had list of MN Historical Landmarks. Newslet - Heather Goble - needs contact information from chapters, Newslet LPMs, DPMs, Presidents/State Delegates, [email protected], articles need by July 18th for first newsletter. Encourage submitting greetings at $2.00 in state NEWSLET. Public Relations - Mindy Roberts - July 1st Founders Day, Aug 5 Friendship Day, Aug 30 Ladies Night Out, Sept 9 Day at the Diamond, Sept 23-29 Women of Today Week. Records and Recognition - reviewed how to set up Women’s Wellness - Jessi McShane - March of Dimes ends August 13th, Healthy Living Challenge Oct 1-November 31st. Ways & Means Darlene Matthew - will email contact information to every chapter. Fast Starts information and It’s My Pan personalized cake pans, also other items for sale through Ways & Means. Community Connections - L. Goble - covered needs for Camp Friendship, domestic violence for Project Fair at Fall State. Covered OYA submission and to look at Community Connects nominations - Joint Ventures, Civic/Environmental Awareness, and Community Impact. Issac’s Journey - reported by Melissa Roberts - reported on on-line store that you purchase and proceeds go to children’s cancer. There will be pins made that will be sold at convention etc. More information will be coming Youth of Today - Mary Bartlett - Kid’s Week August . Check out websites for ideas. Area promoting Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota. Flyer in CIP to get more information. Outstanding Young Adult - be thinking about this - check CIP also. Speaker: Cindy Umland State Parliamentarian. Had a bag of items that were reminders about parliamentary procedures. Tari Sieler - state NEWSLET. Congratulated Aitkin and Hibbing on submitting a newsletter to SPM. NEWSLET articles due - Sept 21 for personal greetings, Sept. 7 for articles. District Director Report - Becky Stock - set up visitation schedules and Aitkin July 9, Longville 10 th, August 7, August 13, Hi Sept 10, Virginia Sept 11 Next meeting Longville Fall district meeting in October and Duluth winter district meeting. Plan of Action - has information in it - gave to chapter presidents and will email to others at request. Theme Bubbly and Bright with District 4 in Sight. District Awards Spotlight Award - Project of Trimester - Hibbing, Teddy Bears Chapter Mileage Award - Hibbing Chapter Attendance Award - Aitkin First Timer Award - # 3 attendees) - Chapter: BLA Name: Kelly Kruise Recognition of Host Chapter - Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today Ongoing Business: District Social - will be contacting chapters - where and when Community Connections asked for contacts from chapters who did not have a LPM. New Business - None presented Training of LPMs and DPMs follows meeting. Next district meeting - will contact chapters when location agreed upon Good and Welfare - Past District Director Tari Sieler gift from District 4. A cooler bag, beach bag and towel and 2 cooler cups. Door prize awarded Benediction - Michelle Durant US Women of Today Creed - Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today Lucky Buck: Aitkin -supplies $20, BLA wine basket $45,Duluth cooler $50, Longville gift items $23 for total of $151. Registrations: BLA $42.00 to district. Adjournment at 8:55 p.m. Signed- Roxy Appel-Wigton Secretary District 4 Women of Today