Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish 489 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts 02149 Phone: 617-389-5660 Fax: 617-389-2456 RECTORY HOURS 8:30AM-12PM & 12:30PM-3PM Website: Email: [email protected] PASTOR Rev. Gerald Osterman: 617-389-5660 PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Donatus Ezenneka PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Philomene Pean: 617-389-0029 [email protected] Haitian Community Richard F. Randazzo: 617-387-7009 [email protected] [email protected] Notary Public Faith Formation & Confirmation 6-10 FAITH FORMATION (September—May) GRADES 1-5 Sundays 10:15AM-11:30AM In Our School 617-387-7009 Fran Foley, Co-Director Grades 1 and 2 [email protected] Janine Keller, Co-Director Grades 3, 4, 5 [email protected] SPANISH FAITH FORMATION Sunday: 10:15AM-12 NOON In Our School FAITH FORMATION GRADES 6-10 Thursdays 6:00-7:15PM Our School ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursday after 7:00AM Mass (Chapel) Benediction 6:30PM CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Friday: 7:30PM In The Chapel SPANISH PRAYER MEETING Friday: 7:00PM In The Church SODALITY (March-December) First Friday of the Month at 12:15PM RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday: 3:00PM-3:40PM BAPTISM 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:00PM (Chapel) Call Rectory to make arrangements WEDDINGS Call Rectory at least 6 Months prior for An appointment with the Priest Immaculate Conception Parish January 3, 2016 Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord PARISH MASS SCHEDULE DAILY Monday-Saturday 7:00AM (Chapel) Please join us as we welcome the following newly baptized into our Catholic Community: SATURDAY (Sunday Vigil) 4:00PM Nathaniel James Pashke Julian Phonix Nascimento Aylah Brielle Vatalaro SUNDAY 7:00AM; 9:00AM(Family); 11:00AM 12:15PM Spanish Community 4:00PM Haitian Community Mass 5:30PM Mass (Chapel) To the parents of these beautiful children we send the following blessing: We rejoice with you in the birth of your child. The people of this Church bless you and your baby and praise God for the great love and care that brought this infant into being. May the Lord fill you with faith, with courage, knowledge and patience. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2ND (St. Basil) 7:00AM……Vietnamese Intention……………………………….. 4:00PM…….Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… ……………..ASL INTERPRETER………………………………. May the Lord give you strength for the days ahead and all the new things they hold. May the Lord be with you and live in the home you make for this child. SUNDAY, JANUARY 3RD (Feast of Epiphany of the Lord) 7:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 9:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 11:00AM…..Jacqueline Robinson………………1st Anniversary 5:30PM.……Carole Falzone…………………….1st Anniversary ________________________________________________ MONDAY, JANUARY 4TH (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton) TUESDAY, JANUARY 5TH (St. John Neumann) 7:00AM……Marguerite Darling……………...13th Anniversary ……………..Marjorie Darling…………………2nd Anniversary Words cannot express how blessed and thankful we are for everyone’s help during this Christmas Season. We have a lot of people to thank so we will try our best to break it down. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6TH (EPIPHANY) THURSDAY, JANUARY 7TH (St. Raymond of Pennafort) FRIDAY, JANUARY 8TH (St. Thorfinn) Thank you to our Priests, Deacons, Brothers, Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9TH (St. Adrian, Abbot) 4:00PM……Amelia Makacinas & Ann Joyokonis……Memorial Thank you to all our cantors, musicians and choirs that provided us with such beautiful music. SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH (BAPTISM OF OUR LORD) 7:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 9:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 11:00AM…..Lorraine Archibald……………...24th Anniversary 5:30PM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… Thank you to all those who contributed to our Giving Tree, decorated the church, donations of flowers. Our Church truly looked beautiful. Thank you to all those who helped with the Christmas Dinner. Those who donated turkeys, hams, veggies; our amazing kitchen crew, the volunteers who cooked and baked; the volunteers who helped set up for the dinner, served at the dinner and cleaned up after. Thank you to Mike Piazza for donating all the supplies for our dinner (some of which were tablecloths, plates, napkins, cutlery, cups etc), those who dropped off food to those who called to say they were unable to find a way to the dinner as well as delivering food to all our first responders. I never could have done this wonderful day without all of you, sincerely, Julie Murphy. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This weekend, the burning of the Sanctuary Candle, the reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, and the Altar Bread and Wine are in remembrance of: Our Parish Family, Both Living & Deceased And thank you to all who were with us in spirit and praying with us. Thank you and many blessings! 2 Immaculate Conception Parish January 3, 2016 Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Let Us Pray for the Sick in our Parish and those we have been asked to remember: Especially, Mary Agnes, Mark Amaral, Louise Barry, Ricardo Belizaire, Mary Ann Burley, Janet Burridge, Mike C., Vincent C., Lorraine Callinan, Phyllis Camarata, Michael Cannon, J. Case, Leonard Caption, Warren Clifford, Charles Comeau, Connie, Roseann Dasaro, Robert Del Rossi, Donna Del Vecchio, Bob DiLoreto, Dorothy Doran, Robin Doucette, Katherine Draper, Robert Draper, Biriella Eisnor, Ellen, Frank F., Luke Farrell, Michelle Fraser, Robert Freedman, Robert Frost, Rosemarie G., Maryellen Grace, Ginger H., Nina Hanlon, Mary Harkins, William Kemp, Eddie King, Paul Liburdi, Michelle Linnell, Jessica Lunsford, Kelley Ann McCleveland, Arthur McKim, Shirley Melanson, Marcie Meserve, Dorothy "Dot” Mortellite, Nick Murphy, Lynn N., Inh Nguyen, Jon Niedzwiecki, Diane O’Brien, Mary O’Brien, Nicole Olson, Lucille Presti, Trixie Ricci, Albert Rigolini, Jr., Peggy Riley, Drew Simmons, Brad Steed, Marie Sykes, Jackie Tieri. MIDWEEK REFRESHER READ: Matthew 2: 1-12 REFLECT: The Christmas Season continues with yet another view of God in our history. In his very flesh, Jesus is the revelation of God. This is a season to celebrate a baby, but even more the manifestation, "epiphany," of God to the whole world. The gospel warms many hearts with the story of the three visitors to Bethlehem. Following the star, they come to offer gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Aided by the first two readings, we can open up the meaning of this vignette. God is present in our history. This is a gift for all. Whether arriving on dromedaries from Midian and Ephah or bearing gold and frankincense from Sheba, whole nations shall walk by this light. In the early Church, this meant that Gentiles would have to be seen as co-heirs with the Jews, members of the same body. Enjoying the memories and mystery of this day should thus be more than thinking about the three kings. It is also far more important than any technical debate about the translation of "magi" (Greek). They have been called kings, wise men or astrologers. In any event they signal a day to celebrate God's manifestation in Christ Jesus. When we celebrate Epiphany we face the mystery of Christ's identity and our response in faith. Because this revelation is universal, we are presented with a further challenge. Do we treat some as "outsiders" as if we were not co-heirs? Do we act as if epiphany were for a few? Let Us Pray for the Deceased of our Parish: Roy T. MacDonald Rev. Maurice P. Meade, Jr., Rev. Joseph R. Palmisano, SJ Let Us Pray that our men and women in the service might be safe in the days and weeks ahead. Especially those connected to our Parish as well as those unknown to us: Mark Baldacchino, Melissa Lynn Beaton, Olavio PRAY: Pray for a wideness of heart Bisneto, Christopher Brienza, Joseph Dang, Jason Doucette, Michael Doucette, Matthew Evans, John Fitzgerald, John Fitzpatrick, III, Paul Garrity, Chris Grace, Andrew McGlinchey, John O’Rourke, Matthew Pothier, Christina Racca, Brian Ramunno, Stephen Ramunno, Jonathan Rawcliffe, Alex Recupero as well as those unknown to us. ACT: Welcome all! We ask that you remember all those that have given so much for us: The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Please bless them and their families. Scripture for the week of January 3rd 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN BEREAVEMENT MASS JANUARY 17TH AT 11:00AM As an expression of sympathy for our families that have lost a loved one, every month we will celebrate a Mass for those that have passed away. This Mass will be for those who passed away this who passed away in DECEMBER: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 1 Jn 3:22-4:6/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44 1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52 1 Jn 4:19—5:4/Lk 4:14-22a 1 Jn 5:5-13/Lk 5:12-16 1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30 Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Acts 10:34-38/Lk 3:15-16, 2122 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 James F. Carleton, Eleanor M. Colameta Nina DeFlumeri, Phyllis M. Falvey John F. Garland IV, Emanuel D. Gianino Joseph Jean, Roy T. MacDonald Theresa M. Medugno Diane M. Pestana, Jane J. Sheehan 3 Immaculate Conception Parish OFFERTORY: OFFERTORY: January 3, 2016 $5,332 (12/27) $5,741 (Christmas) Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord WINNER: TERRY CAMPBELL (12/27) If you would like to participate in this raffle, fill out the envelope at the back of the church and enclose $1.00. Place the envelope in the collection basket. CATHOLIC APPEAL GOAL: $43,119 (Received $29,237 by 80 Donors-68% (9/15) GRAND ANNUAL: Thank you to those who have already donated. If you haven’t sent in your donation yet, please put it in an envelope and place it in the collection basket marked “Grand Annual” or feel free to send it directly to the Rectory. Drawings take place weekly. (You will be contacted if you win.) 1,000 CLUB: SATURDAY, JANUARY 9TH 4:45PM The $1,000 Club is one of our Fundraisers we conduct all year round. Numbers are always available for purchase. If you don’t have a number, please consider purchasing one for yourself or as a gift for a family member or friend. Bequests to our parish are strongly encouraged and gratefully accepted. Please think about putting a donation to our Church In your Will. Or when a loved one dies, please advise relatives and friends to make a donation to “Immaculate Conception” in memory of the deceased, and include this wish in the obituary notice. Thank you and blessings! Thank you in advance. ONLY $4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH 7:30-10:30AM In Our Church Hall Come and join your fellow parishioners for a nice warm breakfast on the above date. (Pancakes, eggs, toast, coffee, tea, juice). Sounds delicious. How can you resist? PRAYER MINISTRY EVERY SUNDAY 10:00-10:45AM Meets at the St. Joseph’s Altar FOXWOODS TRIP JANUARY 19TH $27PP ZUMBA CLASSES EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30PM ($5) Bus leaves Rectory by 6:59 Sharp! Return to Rectory by 7:30PM BIBLE STUDY TUESDAYS (1:00PM-LOWER CHURCH HALL) Free Buffet or $10 Food Credit and $10 Slot Play Coffee AND……..on Bus Down SODALITY (MASS/PENNY SALE/LUNCHEON) WATCH HERE FOR DATE (12:15 MASS) Call Rectory to Reserve a Seat! NO PAYMENTS ON BUS… Please Pay at Rectory VIETNAMESE DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP JANUARY 2ND (7:00AM) SACRAMENT OF THE SICK JANUARY 4TH SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 13TH (7:30PM-RECTORY) Our parish would sincerely like to thank CONNORS FARM IN DANVERS for sponsoring our bulletin. Without them this publication would not be possible. SPARE CHANGE JANUARY 17TH (All Masses) 4 Immaculate Conception Parish January 3, 2016 (Twitter@Pontifex) Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord DECEMBER 17TH (FINAL) CLASSES RESUME JANUARY 21ST “When Christ is your friend, you have joy, serenity, happiness.” Pope Francis DECEMBER 20TH CLASSES RESUME JANUARY 24TH We want to wish all our Faith Formation Students and their families a Happy and Holy New Year!!! _______________________________________________ RelEd Grades 1-5 wish everyone best wishes for a very Happy New Year!!! _____________________________________________________ “90 PLUS JANUARY BIRTHDAYS” PRAYER FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE SERVICE God Bless the following who are celebrating a special birthday this month: Dear Father in Heaven, Holy is your name, we come to you in Jesus name, petitioning for your grace upon our troops that serve us. We ask that you keep them in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Please help them to make it through the weather extremes. We pray also that you will give each leader wisdom. Lead them not into temptation but deliver them from evil. Please heal the broken hearted and encourage the down cast. Please bring this war to a quick resolve. Ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord. Amen. Helen Allen Lorraine Callinan Warren Clifford Walter J. Erickson Lucy Fusco Mary J. Gillis Mary Maser _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held EVERY THURSDAY from 7:45AM to 6:30PM in our Chapel. Each Thursday’s adoration will conclude with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 6:30PM. All are welcome to come and spend some time in the Lord’s presence. Please invite other to join you. WELCOME TO YOUR PARISH Whether you are a visitor, a new member, or an established member of our faith community, we hope that you will experience a warm welcome and a true feeling of community here at the Immaculate Conception. The Rosary at 6:30AM (Before Mass) The Angelus at 12:00PM The Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00PM The Rosary at 5:30PM for Peace and the Holy Father’s intentions The Divine Mercy Chaplet (Sung) at 6:00PM Thank you for joining us in today’s liturgy If you would like more information, call Madeline McComish at 617.387.7820 5 Immaculate Conception Parish January 3, 2016 Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord MUSIC SATURDAY, JANUARY 2ND (4PM) MUSIC SUNDAY, JANUARY 3RD (9; 11AM; 5:30PM Entrance: Penitential Act: Gloria: R&A: Offertory: Memorial Acclamation: Communion: Meditation: Recessional: Entrance: Penitential Act: Gloria: R&A: Offertory: Memorial Acc: Communion: Meditation: Recessional: #384 As With Gladness Men of Old Sung—Lord Have Mercy Christmas Gloria Pg. 30-31 #382 We Three Kings When We Eat This Bread #365 Away In A Manger Toca Me #388 The First Noel #388 The First Noel Sung—Lord Have Mercy Christmas Gloria Pg. 30-31 #382 We Three Kings When We Eat This Bread #813 One Bread, One Body In The Bleak Midwinter #367 Good Christian Men Rejoice ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 Please fill out envelope and place in the offertory basket. (978) 851-9103 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at Msg. & data rates may apply Space Available Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE 617-779-3770 For more information We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Special Second Collection January 16-17 To Help Catholic Elementary Schools Developing Saints and Scholars Space Available The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston Don’t let another year pass you by BEGIN PRE-PLANNING TODAY WITH OUR FREE KIT! Why put our families and loved ones through an emotional, chaotic and financially burdensome rollercoaster? We have made pre-planning comfortable, easy and affordable. Let us send you a free pre-planning kit with information on the pre-planning process, tools for organizing your personal affairs, information on our local Catholic cemeteries, details about our payment plans and much, much more. The kit is free! Our Catholic cemeteries in your area include: Holy Cross, Malden • St. Mary, Salem • St. Paul, Arlington • St. Mary, Beverly • Calvary, Waltham • St. Joseph/ St. Jean/St. Mary, Lynn • St. Patrick, Stoneham • Calvary, Winchester CALL TODAY: 339-226-1271 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins • Immaculate Conception Parish, Everett, MA Over 65 Years Experience 617-387-1110 419 Broadway CARR * HENDERSON MALDEN AUTO BODY of EVERETT 87 BROADWAY RT99 EVERETT, MA 02149 331 Main St, Everett 617-387-4180 617-389-3030 Everett, MA 02149 Member FDIC/Member SIF NMLS #443050 J.F. WARD FUNERAL HOME Service with Compassion & Professionalism Offering Pre-need Planning Family Owned & Operated Serving Our Parish Since 1925 With Professional, Personal & Caring Service Francis O’Hara, Director Pre-Need Planning Available Kevin S. Creel Director, Notary Public 519 Broadway, Everett • • 617-387-3367 Messinger Insurance Agency, Inc. 772 Broadway, Everett J. Lester MacLaughlin & Company Regal mexican grill 440 Broadway, Everett, MA - 93rd Year Of Service - Business and Professional Insurance 617 387 2700 475 Broadway • Everett, MA 02149 Manteniendo adultos Manteniendo adultos mayores demayor 55 saludables 55 saludables e independientes Manteniendo adultos mayores dee independie 55 saludables e independientes Plumbing - Heating Gas Fitting - Fire Sprinklers Established 1929 ElderServicePlan ElderServicePl East Boston Neighborhood Health Center 507 Broadway • Everett OpEn 7 DAys A WEEk 617-294-2393 T WE DELIVER Lester S. MacLaughlin • Master’s Lic. No 7874 617-387-4058 DED! EXPAN rAnS DentAl CAre We accept all Dental Insurance as well as Mass Health WHIte FIllIngS .DentureS root CAnAlS. CroWnS . BrIDgeS Se Habla eSpañol | 617-884-0165 10 Gove & 20 Maverick Sq. Blue Line Maverick Stop 617-387-6285 Mount Vernon Restaurant $8.00 OFF/Person for SUNDAY BrUNCH } communion from 9:30–2:30 Suits Rent & Sale | Dresses & Veils 14 Broadway, Somerville | 617-666-3830 | Function Rooms for All Occasions POLLO R E S TA U R A N T ROYAL “Fresco, Jugoso y Sabroso” 15% OFF* 115 Commercial St Lynn, MA 01905 WITH THIS COUPON 781.780.9953 617-568-6377 • 620 Broadway, Everett Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM . Sat 9AM-5PM . Sun 9AM-3PM WITH THIS COUPON (Up to 8 guests) East Boston Neighborhood Health ElderServicePlan Sirviendo las comunidades East Boston NeighborhoodaHealth Center Sirviendo a las comunidad de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, de East Boston, Revere, Chel Sirviendo a las Everett comunidades y Winthrop Now Accepting New Patients Everett y Winthrop de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, 617-568-6377 • 617-569-5800 Everett y Winthrop 617-568-6377 • www.ebnh 242 everett Ave. . CHelSeA . MA 02150 { 617-387-0506 1-877-tux-shop Chelsea . Stoneham . Andover TM 529 Broadway Revere, MA 02151 781.284.6039 *Not valid with any other coupons or discounts • Not valid on deliveries White’s Auto Body Foreign - Domestic ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE 617-779-3770 For more information We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. 617-387-7609 At the corner of revere Beach Parkway and Vine in everett. mA reg #1805 Malden Catholic High School A Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School Since 1932 Today’s Outstanding Students Call to shadow 781.475.5308 Tomorrow’s Outstanding Leaders Apply online For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins • Immaculate Conception Parish, Everett, MA
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Immaculate Conception Parish
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