Iluminatta Business


Iluminatta Business
A ICC (International Coaching Community) é uma comunidade
internacional de coaching com sede na Inglaterra e mais de 4.000
membros, todos eles coaches certificados, de 57 países. Ela conta com 30
trainers que são os profissionais responsáveis pelos programas de
certificação de novos coaches. Destes, 3 são brasileiros e eu sou um deles,
o que favorece eu ser um dos convidados como palestrante nos
congressos da ICC. Então, na realidade, não é uma participação da
Iluminatta, mas de um dos trainers da ICC e que é sócio da Iluminatta. De
qualquer forma levarei para o congresso toda uma experiência da
Iluminatta que trabalha e dá cursos de formação em áreas como PNL e
Eneagrama e que enriquecem os processos e treinamentos de coaching. O
tema é "Crenças na Relação Cliente Coach" e apresentará a importância do
estado interno do coach no seu trabalho. Quais são os seus valores, no que
ele acredita e como, independentemente das técnicas que ele tem à
disposição, isto interfere (possibilitando ou limitando) no seu trabalho
como um coach.
A experiência dos coaches da Iluminatta na prática do coaching mais o
nosso conhecimento e aplicações de PNL e Eneagrama nos treinamentos
contribuirão muito nesta apresentação. Acredito que melhor do que falar
de PNL e Eneagrama, é falar dos benefícios que estas matérias podem
trazer. Afinal o congresso é de coaching e não de nenhuma destas
ferramentas. Dentro disto, o coach que conhece a si mesmo, além das
técnicas com as quais trabalha, tem opções de conduzir os processos com
seus clientes além dos seus hábitos de vida e maneiras de pensar e, a partir
dai, oferecer um suporte transformador.
[João Luiz Cortez]
Coaching é uma nova disciplina
que esta encontrando um terreno
fértil em um mundo de constante
mudança e evolução, cheio de
novos desafios, porque alcança a
essência dos indivíduos e
organizações, permitindo-lhes
alcançar o sucesso e a felicidade
que estão procurando.
Cada momento oferece inúmeras
desafios que requerem alta
motivação, liderança,
c o n h e c i m e n t o s e
desenvolvimento pessoal e
and Lambent do Brazil tem o
prazer de oferecer a
oportunidade de assistir a um
importante evento que coloca
juntos alguns dos mais prestigiados
palestrantes em todo o mundo
para apresentar suas visões,
tendências e conhecimento a
A International Coaching
Community (ICC), INPACT S.A. todos os participantes.
will meet
in Santiago
On October 9th and 1Oth of 2O1O
Coaching is a new discipline
that is finding fertile ground
in a world of constant
change and evolution, full of
a new challenges, because
it gets to the essence of
individuals and organizations,
allowing them to achieve
success and happiness they
are seeking.
Every moment offers countless challenges that require
high motivation, leadership,
knowledge and personal and
professional development.
The International Coaching
Community (ICC), INPACT
S.A. and Lambent do Brazil
are pleased to offer the
opportunity to attend an
important event bringing
together some of the most
prestigious speakers
worldwide to present their
vision, trends and knowledge
to all participants.
•Directors, Managers and top
executives of public and private
•Companies and Professionals of
different areas.
•Authorities and teachers of
Universities and Coaching Schools.
•Coaches Leaders of opinion.
•Professionals, such as Psychologists,
Therapists and Consultants of
•Students of the careers of Psychology,
sociology, anthropology, etc.
•Professional of all areas.
•University and Technical Colleges,
•Family parents
•Diffusion and promotion of Coaching
in Chile.
•To serve as space of meeting for
leaders, companies and Coaches
interested in the activity of the
Coaching and in knowing the last trends
and the latest of national and
international investigations about
Opening ICC Congress
Coaching and Executive
Joseph O’Connor
Jorge Boixeda
How to assess intangibles
in executive coaching
Omar Salom
Coauthor of the book : “The Routledge
Companion To International Business
Coahcing” edited by Michel Moral.
Business Coach and Executive Coach
for more than 12 years in Latin America
and USA. Omar Salom has been coach
for the three last Montsanto’s ceos and
for more than 25 high potential executives. Designer, and director of corporate
coaching programmes for Banamex,
Scotiabank, Cadbury, RCI, Michel Page
and Cemes, among others.
Founder and CEO of Exeller Coach
Trainers in Barcelona. Accredits more
than 25 years of professional
experience in the field of human
resources, as well as experience in
managerial positions in other
professional fields in the service.
Coffee Break
Is your Current Beliefsystem
Supporting or Limiting your
Patric Orjala
Company Founder of Orjala Consulting in Sweden. He has several years
of experience as a leader and is now
an experienced Coach in the business
Spiritual Corporate
Renewing Organizational
Collective Consciousness
The Power of Coaching
in Sales
Mauricio Oltra
Carlos Alonso
Partner of the International Coaching
Certification Technologies, founder of
the Mexican Association of Coaching;
of the National Association of
Human Development, and of the
Sports Coaching International
Association, in Mexico. Creator of
Working Teams Neurological Field
Alignment and Meta Dimensional
Coaching Model.
Commercial Director of Group IMPEL
of Mexico. Management consultant and
trainer in human and organizational
processes. Offers Conferences,
Seminars, Courses, Experiential
Workshops, Retreats and Coaching,
with large experience in the
professional field.
Coaching Applied to the
Management Function
Wolfgang Hoffmann
President of Idear Consultores C.A.,
in Venezuela. A leader in the area of
consulting and design, head of
Caribbean and Central America of
his company.
First Latin American to write a book on
executive coaching, “Handbook of the
Professional Coach.” Specialist in the
area of communication and emotional
intelligence in teams with high level of
responsibilities within organizations.
Beliefs in the Coach-Client
Joao Cortez
Iluminatta Executive Director in Brazil, a
company specializing in human development that works with individuals and
Business Management specialist.
10 de Octubre
09:00 - 10:10
Developmental Coaching,
Mental Training and Positive
Psychology - The Ideal Triad
Lars-Eric Unesthal
President of the Scandinavian International University in Sweden. Founding President of the International Society for
Mental Health, author of 17 books. With
over one hundred research papers
published in areas such as “variant of
States of Consciousness”, “Relationships
Mind and Body”, “Sport Represents”,
and so on.
10:15 - 11:10
Changes and Personal Limits
in Turbulent Times
Nick Cheong
Lives and works in Sao Paulo – Brazil as
a coach and he is Business Consultant in
Asia, Europe and South America.
Specialist in Marketing and Post Graduated in Information Sciences.
11:10 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:25
16:00 - 16:55
Success in Business and
The Spiral on Innovation
A Journey to Success
Paul Anwandter
Founder and Managing Director of
Inpact S.A. in Santiago, Chile. Professor
of Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy,
creator of the Integral Coaching model
ICI. Author of 3 books, as well as
numerous articles in the press.
12:30 - 13:25
Innovating Beliefs to Exist
Norma Alonso
CEO at Impel Group of Mexico, a
company with an Employee Assistance
Program, Human Development and
Coaching experience. She is CEO of
IDEHT (Institute of Human
Development and Transcendence).
Specialist in Gestalt Therapy.
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:55
Creative Autocoaching in
Time of Crisis
Ricardo Escobar
General Director of International LIM
(Leadership in International
Management) in Mexico, specializing in:
Re-engineering, Human Development,
Oriental Studies, Accelerated Learning,
Creativity, Team Coaching, Coaching
Neurosemantic, Ontological Coaching.
Co-author of the book: “Creativity in
the service as a competitive strategy to
Roberto Bernal
Wekan S.A. Executive Director,
a Panamanian company with
international experience, specializing
in Coaching and Training for individuals,
companies and organizations.
Founder and President of the Coaching
Association of Panama. Expert in:
Entrepreneurial Capacity Development,
Internal Leadership Development,
Coaching, Negotiation and Sales,
Customer Service, Time Management,
Communication, Team Development
and more.
16:55 – 17:15
17:15 - 18:05
Mind your Kids!
How to Use Coaching
Philosophy when Raising
Kids, or Working with Kids
Jorgen Svenstrup
Mind Develop partner in Denmark.
His experience and open mind make
him a challenging trainer, among
executives in many fields.
He is a demanded conferencist in
the international arena of training and
is deeply involved in facilitating personal
processes, which is the special feature
behind the superior quality of the ICC
Closure ICC Congress 2010
Joseph O’Connor
Notice: The chats as well as the
hours are susceptible to changes.
October 9th and 10th of 2010
For more information please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 56 2 376 3842
Fax: 56 2 235 6584
Sociedad de Fomento Fabril
Av. Andrés Bello 2777, 3th floor,
Las Condes
Santiago - Chile
Phone (56-2) 391 3100,
Fax (56-2) 391 3200
Web site:
General Public
ICC - ACC Members
US$ 120
US$ 100
US$ 106
Note: Prices are in US$ and are to be
cancelled in US$ or Chilean Currency
at the official rate payday and do not
include the cost of lunch.
Jessica Bulos Espinoza
Silvana Trigo Collao
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 56 2 376 3844
Fax: 56 2 235 6584