Dog Management Policy2007
Dog Management Policy2007
GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years George Town Council Dog Management Policy2007 (Policy No. 35) PO Box 161 George Town Tas 7253 Telephone: Facsimile: Email: Website: 6382 8800 6382 3240 [email protected] GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 1 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Table of Contents Definitions 1. PUBLIC CONSULTATION............................................................................................ 5 2. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................ 5 3. OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................... 5 4. PROMOTION OF THE OBJECTIVES............................................................................. 6 (a) Education..............................................................................................................6 5. CODE OF RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP ............................................................... 6 6. REGISTRATIONS........................................................................................................ 7 7. COMPLAINTS RELATING TO NUISANCE .................................................................... 7 8. FEES ........................................................................................................................... 8 9. SEIZURE OF DOGS ..................................................................................................... 8 10. DANGEROUS DOGS .................................................................................................... 8 11. REQUIREMENTS FOR KEEPING DANGEROUS DOGS.................................................. 9 12. (a) Micro-chipping .....................................................................................................9 (b) Warning Signs ......................................................................................................9 (c) Collars...................................................................................................................9 (d) Childproof Enclosures ..........................................................................................9 LICENSES FOR THE KEEPING OF MORE THAN TWO DOGS...................................... 10 (a) 13. Kennel Requirements.........................................................................................11 DECLARED AREAS .................................................................................................... 12 (a) Prohibited Public Areas......................................................................................12 (b) Prohibited Areas.................................................................................................12 (c) Exercise Areas ....................................................................................................13 (d) Off Lead Exercise Areas .....................................................................................14 (e) Restricted Areas.................................................................................................14 (f) Training Areas ....................................................................................................15 14. ADVERTISING / CONSULTATIONS .......................................................................... 16 15. AFTER HOURS SERVICE PROVISION....................................................................... 16 16. SICK AND INJURED DOGS ....................................................................................... 16 GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 2 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Definitions In this policy – “animal” means – (a) any animal or bird kept for farming, breeding or other commercial purposes; or (b) any domestic animal; or (c) any native bird or native animal; “appropriate fee” means a fee determined by the Council; “approve” means approved by the Director of the Local Government Division; “at large” means at large as referred to in Section 5 of the Dog Control Act 2000 (DCA2000); “attack” includes bite, menace or harass; “authorised person” means – (a) a police officer, or (b) the general manager; or (c) a person appointed by the general manager to be an authorised person; or (d) a person who is a ranger under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970; or (e) a person appointed as a bailiff of Crown Lands under the Crown Lands Act 1976; “breeding dog” means a pure bred dog used for breeding purposes, the owner of which has a registered stud with the Tasmanian Canine Association; “built-up area” means an area in which – (a) there are buildings on land next to the road; and (b) there is street lighting at intervals not over 100 metres for a distance of at least 500 metres or, if the road is shorter than 500 metres, for the whole road; “dangerous dog” means a dog declared to be a dangerous dog under Section 29 or 30 of the DCA 2000; “declared area” means a declared area under Division 2 of Part 3 of the DCA 2000; “de-sexed dog” means a dog of either sex which has been sterilised or neutered; “Director” means the Director of Local Government; “domestic animal” means an animal or bird kept as a domestic pet; “ dog “ means an animal of the species Canis familiaris or Canis familiaris dingo; “effective control” means effective control as referred to in Section 4 of the DCA 2000; “exercise area” refers to an area declared under Section 20 of the DCA 2000; “General Manager” means the general manager of the Council appointed under the Local Government Act 1993; “Infringement Notice” means a notice referred to in Division 2 of Part 4 of the DCA 2000; “lead” means a lead, leash, cord or chain of sufficient strength to restrain a dog. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 3 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years “licence” means a licence to keep on premises – (a) more than two dogs over the age of 6 months; or (b) more than 4 working dogs over the age of 6 months; “occupier” in relation to premises, includes a person who has or is entitled to possession or control of the premises; “owner of a dog” means a person referred to in Section 6 of the DCA 2000; “pensioner” means a person in receipt of a Pension as defined in the Local Government Act 1993; “pound” means a pound established under the Local Government Act 1993; “premises” includes land or any part of any premises or land; “prohibited area” means an area declared under Section 22 of the DCA 2000; “public notice” means a notice published in a daily newspaper. “public place” means – (a) a public place as defined in the Police Offences Act 1935; and (b) a road; and (c) a road related area; “register” means a register kept under Section 15 of the DCA 2000; “registered dog” means a dog registered in accordance with the DCA 2000; “registered disc” means a disc or tag referred to in Section 10(1) of the DCA 2000; “restricted area” means an area declared under Section 23 of the DCA 2000; “road” means – (a) an area that is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving or riding of motor vehicles and is open to, or used by, the public; and (b) a part of the kerb; and (c) an unsealed part of a sealed road; “road-related area” means – (a) an area that divides a road; or (b) a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road; or (c) a footpath or track that – (i) is not a road; and (ii) is designed for use by cyclists or pedestrians; and (iii) is open to the public; “shopping centre” means a collection of shops in an enclosed area covered by a roof or forming a courtyard or square, excluding any area provided for the parking of vehicles; “special assistance dog” means a dog specifically trained to assist a person with a disability and includes(a) a guide dog as defined by the Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs Act 1967; or (b) a hearing dog as defined by the Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs Act 1967;or (c) a dog trained to be a guide dog or hearing dog; GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 4 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years “training area” means an area declared under Section 21 of the DCA 2000; “veterinary surgeon” means a person registered as a veterinary surgeon under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987; “working day” means a day on which the public office of the Council is open for business; “working dog” means a dog used principally for – (a) droving or tending stock; or (b) detecting illegal substances; or (c) searching, tracking or rescuing; or (d) working with police officers. 1. Public Consultation The consultation process will be in accordance with Part 1 section 7 (3) of the Dog Control Act 2000. 2. Background The Dog Control Act 2000 came into force on the 4th of July 2000. This replaced the Dog Control Act 1987 as the primary Act managing the control of dogs in Tasmania. Council has the responsibility of enforcing the Act within the municipal area. The Act requires Council to develop a dog management policy which is to include. 3. A code relating to responsible ownership of dogs. The provision of declared exercise areas. A fee structure. Any other relevant matter. Objectives The objectives of this Dog Management Policy are to Ensure that owners of dogs in the George Town municipal area comply with their obligations under the Dog Control Act 2000. Minimise nuisance caused by dogs to the public. Actively promote the responsible ownership of dogs through education and information . Provide for the reasonable exercise and recreational needs of dogs and their owners. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 5 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 4. 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Promotion of the Objectives (a) Education Council sees education as the best tool to combat problems associated with dogs and we will endeavour, where practicable, to use education as our main “tool”. Council currently has an accredited instructor for the Delta Dog Safe program. This strategy teaches practical, proactive and dog friendly ways in which families and communities can significantly reduce the incidence of dog bites, particularly in young children. Council also has educational brochures available with information and practical advice in regard to ‘Barking Dogs’ and ‘Escaping Dogs’. Council’s Animal Control Officers are happy to provide information in regard to other dog behavioural problems upon request. 5. Code of Responsible Dog Ownership Dogs are an important part of our society and people value their companionship. Responsible dog ownership means accepting full responsibility for our dogs in terms of their needs and the standards for dog management that is expected by our community. Council is committed to the objective of promoting responsible dog ownership and has adopted the following code which requires dog owners to: ensure your dog has adequate food, shelter, and water; ensure that the dog is kept under effective control at all times; ensure that your dog is registered in accordance with the Dog Control Act 2000; ensure that your dog receives adequate exercise; take all reasonable steps to ensure that your dog does not cause a nuisance or impact negatively on any other person; ensure that your dog does not injure, endanger, or cause distress to stock, poultry, domestic animals, or wildlife ; ensure that your dog does not damage any property belonging to any other person; ensure that you remove your dog’s faeces from any public place, this includes off leash exercise areas including beaches; ensure that your dog is wearing a collar and current registration tag whilst in a public place; ensure when on private property, your dog is securely confined to that property; ensure that council is notified on the death, loss or disposal of a dog, or change of address. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 6 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 6. 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Registrations Dog registration is an important investment in your pet, providing safety and security. In addition it assists Council to contact you if your pet is lost, injured or involved in an incident. Registration not only allows Council to keep better control of the dog population but also provides improved facilities and conditions for responsible dog owners. When keeping more than two dogs on your premises, or four working dogs, you must apply to your local Council for a special licence. Under the Dog Control Act 2000, all dogs aged over six months must be registered. Council Officers routinely conduct checks of all residential and rural properties to ensure all dogs are registered. Owners of unregistered dogs can be fined. 7. Complaints relating to Nuisance On receipt of an initial complaint the authorised person will make a personal visit to the property and will: inform the dog owner/s of the nature of the complaint; assess the validity of the complaint; determine the extent of any nuisance; advise the dog owner/s of their legal responsibilities; provide recommendations and advice to modify/prevent nuisance behaviour; and advise the dog owner/s of subsequent action should any nuisance not be abated. By using this approach it is anticipated that the majority of complaints may be dealt with at the discretion of the authorised person. As the frontline investigator they are the best people to determine the most appropriate course of action. Should the authorised person conclude that little or no progress is being achieved they may request the complainant lodge a formal notice of complaint with Council, in accordance with the Dog Control Act 2000. A formal notice of complaint is to be on the approved form, accompanied by the appropriate fee and state the nature of the nuisance. Additional information must be supplied by the complainant if so requested by the authorised person. The complainant must also be prepared to appear in court as a witness if legal proceedings are instigated. It is only by this means that formal action can be initiated. If a complainant is not prepared to lodge a Formal Notice of Complaint and/or not prepared to appear as a witness in court, the authorised person may determine that no further action will be taken in regard to the complaint. On receipt of a Formal Notice of Complaint the matter will be dealt with expeditiously and in accordance with Dog Control Act 2000. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 7 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 8. 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Fees All fees payable under the Dog Control Act 2000 will be determined by Council. The schedule of fees will be set annually prior to the end of May in each year and will be in line with the financial year, ie 1st July to 30th June. Consultation with other municipal Councils may occur to ensure a level of consistency and uniformity in regard to fee structure. Fees subject to this section include: Registration fee Formal notice of complaint Keeping of more than two dogs Impounding reclaim fee Impounding maintenance fee Replacement tag fee In addition to setting a schedule of fees, Council will also determine categories of dog registration, discounted registration fees and the required evidence in order to claim a discounted registration fee. 9. Seizure of Dogs Pursuant to The Dog Control Act 2000 an authorised person has the power to seize and impound any dog that is found to be at large that has attacked or chased any person or animal that has given cause to believe may attack or chase any person or animal that has committed an offence under the Dog Control Act 2000 If a dog is impounded and its owner is identifiable Council will notify the owner in writing. If after five working days the owner has not reclaimed the dog Council may sell, destroy, or otherwise dispose of the dog. In the case where the owner is not identifiable the Council may not less than three working days after the date of its seizure sell, destroy, or otherwise dispose of the dog. All dogs impounded including any dogs suitable for adoption, will be displayed on the Council Website. 10. Dangerous Dogs Problems exist with a small section of the dog population, which pose a significant threat to the community through aggressive behaviour. These are the dogs that may threaten or attack people or animals causing injury, damage or distress. It is important that where dogs are perceived (through their behaviour) as dangerous, that the Council or Police are informed to enable a proper investigation to take place and any necessary action to be taken to ensure public safety. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 8 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years A dog may be declared dangerous if the dog has caused serious injury to a person or another animal, or there is reasonable cause to believe that the dog is likely to cause serious injury to a person or another animal. When dealing with dangerous dogs Council may: issue a warning or an infringement notice; prosecute, where the offence or the effects of the offence are significant; Declare offending dog(s) to be a dangerous dog(s); seize and detain a dog believed to have attacked a person or animal to enable a proper investigation to take place; ensure all requirements of the Dog Control Act 2000 are undertaken with regard to a dangerous dogs; or euthanase the animal. Properties where a declared dangerous dog lives will be inspected from time to time by the authorised person to ensure compliance with conditions of the Dog Control Act 2000 and Council’s Dog Management Policy. Council will maintain a register of declared dangerous dogs in accordance with standard operating procedures. Any request for details from this register must be made in writing to the General Manager. 11. Requirements for Keeping Dangerous Dogs (a) Micro-chipping The owner of a dog declared dangerous must ensure that the dog is implanted with an identifying micro-chip in an approved manner within 30 days of being served notice of the declaration. (b) Warning Signs The owner or person in charge of a dangerous dog must ensure that approved signs are displayed at all entrances to the property where the dog is kept. These are available only through Council. (c) Collars The owner or person in charge of a dangerous dog must ensure the dog wears an approved collar at all times. These are available only through Council. (d) Childproof Enclosures When on private premises and not under adult supervision or in the case of a guard dog when the dog is not performing guard duties, it is to be housed in a childproof enclosure, or secured and restrained by a lead not exceeding 2 metres. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 9 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years The owner or person in charge of a dangerous dog must ensure that the dog, when in a public place, is: a) muzzled; and b) on a lead not exceeding two metres that is of sufficient strength to control and restrain the dog; and c) under the control of a person at least 18 years of age. A childproof enclosure is to meet the following minimum standards: 12. Be fully enclosed. Walls, roof and gate to be constructed of brick, timber, iron or 3.15mm chain mesh or 4mm weldmesh with a maximum spacing of 50mm. The floor is to be constructed of concrete to a minimum depth of 50mm and graded to allow drainage. The walls are to be fixed to the floor or constructed to be no more than 50mm above the floor. The gate is to be self closing and have affixed to it a lock which is to be used whenever the dog is in the pen. Have a minimum floor area of 10 square metres. Have a minimum height of 1.8 metres. Have a minimum width of 1.8 metres. Contain a raised (50mm) weatherproof sleeping area. Licences for the keeping of more than two dogs Any person wanting to keep more than two dogs on a premises, or in the case of working dogs, more than four, must apply to the General Manager for a licence to do so. The application is to be on the approved form and accompanied by the appropriate fee. The applicant must advertise by public notice their intent to apply for a licence and the address and the number and breed of dogs to which the application relates. The advertisement must also call for any objections to the granting of the licence. Persons residing or owning land within 200 metres of the boundary of the premises to which the application relates may object to the granting of a licence. Any objection is to be made within fourteen days of the public notice being published. It is to be in writing to the General Manager and set out the reasons for the objection. Council will not consider a kennel licence application until 28 days after the publication of the public notice, and all objections will be considered. A property inspection will be carried out to ensure that kennel requirements are complied with and that adequate provisions for the health, welfare and control of the dogs on the premises are provided. If granted the period of the licence will expire on the 30th June following the date of granting the licence and is renewable on payment of the appropriate annual fee. Property inspections will be conducted within three months of the licence being renewed to ensure that: No dogs other than stipulated in the licence are being kept on the property. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 10 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years All dogs over six months of age on the property are registered. Provisions for the health, welfare and control of the dogs is maintained. No nuisance to any other person is likely to be caused. The General Manager or his delegate may cancel a licence if satisfied that: Provisions of the Dog Control Act 2000 or other relevant Act is not complied with. Conditions of the licence are not being complied with. The situation or condition of the premises is creating a nuisance. It is in the public interest that the licence be cancelled. An application or holder of a licence may, by notice in writing to the clerk of petty sessions, appeal to a Magistrate any decision by the General Manager or his delegate to: Refuse to grant or renew a licence Cancel a licence The General Manager may grant a temporary exemption of a licence for the keeping of more than the allowed number of dogs if in the opinion of the General Manager that in doing so it will not cause a nuisance to any other person in any other premises. (a) Kennel Requirements The following specifications are considered the minimum required for the construction of kennels and yards on licensed premises: The kennel or yard is to be at least nine metres from any neighbouring dwelling house. The kennel or yard shall be at least two metres from any boundary of the premises on which the yard is constructed. The premises shall be enclosed in such manner so as to contain ay dogs kept in the kennel or yard. The kennel or yard shall be constructed in such way as to provide effective methods of cleaning and disinfection. There shall be sufficient room to allow dogs reasonable freedom of movement. There shall be a raised (50mm) and weatherproof sleeping area. Adequate ventilation and insulation shall be provided to maintain a comfortable internal temperature free from condensation. A sanitary method of disposal of excreta and waste shall be provided. Council may issue a licence for the keeping of a specified number of dogs on premises which shall not comply with some or all of the above minimum specifications provided that the General Manger or his delegate is satisfied that adequate provisions for the health, welfare and control of the dogs is provided, and that no nuisance is likely to occur to any other persons. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 11 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 13. 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Declared Areas Council may declare certain areas that allow, restrict or prohibit the access of dogs. Declared areas will be included in the Dog Management Policy 2007 as existing areas. These areas will be reviewed during the life of this Policy. Areas may be added to or removed from the Dog Management Policy 2007 during the policy if considered appropriate. Declared areas for any future Dog Management Policy will be reassessed during the normal review period of the Policy. Notification of declared areas will be by public notice in a daily newspaper circulating throughout the George Town municipal area. All declared areas are listed in (Annexure A) to this Policy. The types of declared areas are as follows: (a) Prohibited Public Areas Dogs are not permitted under the Dog Control Act 2000 into certain public areas at any time, the only exception being special assistance dogs, ie guide dogs, hearing dogs etc. which are permitted access with their owners. Prohibited public areas are: (b) Any grounds of a school or crèche or any other place for the reception of children, without the permission of a person in charge of the place. Any shop or shopping centre other than a pet shop, veterinary clinic, pet grooming shop, or other premises related to the care and management of dogs. The grounds of a public swimming pool. The playing area of a sports ground. Any areas within ten metres of a child’s playground. Prohibited Areas These are areas where dogs are prohibited at all times and include: George Town and Low Head George Town Cemetery Blue Gum Park, with the exception of the designated training area School grounds Penguin Rookery except within the Low Head Road Reservation Wildlife Sanctuary, from North Esplanade George Town to the South end of Lagoon Bay, with exception of the walking track where dogs must remain on lead at all times. Refer to map Beechford, Extending west from the northern point of Ryan Street along the coastal reserve between Esplanade and Curries River, and extending to the low tide mark. Refer to map Weymouth GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 12 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years • The estuary sand flats extending South from the boat ramp for a distance of approximately 1000 metres. • The triangular section of bush land located North of Major Street and East of Smith Street. Refer to map Bellingham • The estuary sand flats extending South from the boat ramp for a distance of approximately 1000 metres. Refer to map. Hillwood • Football oval. Lefroy • Lefroy Cemetery (Refer to Annexure A for details) (c) Exercise Areas Exercise areas will be provided for use by dog owners to exercise their dogs in a safe and acceptable manner. Exercise areas shall be defined as “on lead” or “ off lead “ dependent upon public activity and environmental impact. On Lead Exercise Areas Dogs must remain on lead at all times. George Town and Low Head • East beach, starting from the Western end and extending East to Cimitiere Creek. • The York Cove Walking Track. Hillwood • The day use area at Egg Island Reserve. Bell Buoy Beach • East of the beach access track off Marina Court, extending for a distance of approximately 300 metres. • West of the beach access boardwalk off Lord Liver Pool Drive, extending for a distance of approximately 300 metres. Tam O’Shanter • Extending East from the mouth of the creek for a distance of approximately 300 metres Beechford • Designated section of the ocean beach extending East of the public access track via the foot bridge, for a distance of approximately 500 metres. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 13 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date (d) 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Off Lead Exercise Areas A dog off lead must remain under effective control. Effective control is defined as, in close proximity and within sight of the person. That person must, if so directed by an Authorised Officer, demonstrate that the dog is immediately responsive to that persons commands. George Town and Low Head • Regent Square, north of the Memorial Hall • Monument public reserve • York Cove and Rivulet park lands (excluding the play ground and walking track) • East Beach, east of Cimitiere Creek. Hillwood • The cleared area adjacent to the day use area at Egg Island Reserve. Refer to map Weymouth • Designated section of the ocean beach extending east of the beach access track that passes the public toilet in the recreation ground for a distance of approximately 500 metres. Bellingham • Designated section of the estuary beach extending north from the boat ramp for a distance of approximately 500 metres. Refer to map. • Recreation ground. Refer to map. Beechford • The oval and the cleared area including the old camp ground, with the exception of the tennis courts. Lulworth • Designated section of the ocean beach East of a straight line delineated between the end of Beach Road and the low tide mark for a distance of approximately 500 metres. Lefroy • Recreation ground. Refer to map. (Refer to Annexure A for details) (e) Restricted Areas These exercise areas are not permitted for the period from September 1st to March 31st, except before 9.00am and after 6.30pm. The exception being Lagoon Beach and Pilot Beach where the restricted period is from December 1st to March 31st each year. Low Head GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 14 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Lagoon Beach Pilots Bay Beach Lulworth West of a straight line delineated between the end of Beach Road and low tide mark. Refer to map. Weymouth Designated section of the estuary beach extending north from the boat ramp to the mouth of the river, including the BBQ area and picnic ground. Designated section of the ocean beach extending West from the access track that passes the public toilet in the recreation ground for a distance of approximately 300 metres. Bellingham • Designated section of the estuary beach and head land. Refer to map Beechford • Designated section of the ocean beach extending East of the mouth of Curries River for a distance of approximately 300 metres. Tam O’Shanter • Extending West from the mouth of the creek to the headland. Refer to map Bell Buoy Beach • Extending East from Lord Liver Pool Drive beach access track to the beach access track off Marina Court (Refer to Annexure A for details) (f) Training Areas Council may declare a training area for the purpose of obedience or agility trial training. These areas may be for the use of a club, business or individuals and may be subject to specific conditions. George Town South East corner of Blue Gum Park. Refer to map Council leased area North of unmade South Street (Refer to Annexure A for details) GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 15 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 14. 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Advertising / Consultations For the purpose of ensuring a well educated and informed community in regard to issues relating to dog management, Council will advertise any intention or decision that may have significant impact on the community. Where appropriate a process of consultation will ensue from the date of advertising, and submission from members of the community will be considered. Advertising will be by means of a daily newspaper circulating throughout the municipal area. Some examples of where advertising may occur are: 15. Annual registration fees Other relevant fees Incorporating or revoking a declared area Review of the Dog Management Policy After Hours Service Provision Council will provide an emergency after hours animal management service for the following situations only: Dog attack – This will be at the discretion of the officer on call. Livestock – which is straying and posing a traffic hazard or threatening a person’s safety. Members of the public who have secured a stray dog outside of Council’s normal working hours are encouraged to keep the dog until the next working day and then contact Council. Should after hours assistance be required please phone 6382 8800, your call will be received by Day Night Security Services, and they will contact the appropriate Council Officer. 16. Sick and injured Dogs Enquiries regarding sick and injured animals should be directed to the RSPCA or the animal taken to a veterinarian practice. GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 16 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years Annexure A GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 17 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 18 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 19 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 20 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 21 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 22 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 23 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 24 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 25 Adopted 26 June 2007 GEORGE TOWN COUNCIL NO.35 DOG MANAGEMENT POLICY Adopted Reviewed Next Review Date 27 May 2002 Minute Ref: 148/02 26 June 2007 Minute Ref: 207/07 To be reviewed every 5 years GTC Dog Management Policy 2007 Page 26 Adopted 26 June 2007