Latest Issue - National Dog


Latest Issue - National Dog
THE Professional eEdition
Volume 16 January/February 2013
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 156 # 1&2
Ph 61 (0) 2 4633 8099
[email protected] 43/46
Wendye Slatyer
General Mgr/Director
Stuart Slatyer
Scandinavia’s Top Dogs 2012 - Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen
Adelaide Hills KC International - Ingrid Matschke
4 Generally Speaking/Guest editorial - Fred Lanting
12 Tommy at Santa Maria Assunta Church
14 Royal Canin Hosts Nutritional Seminar in France
18 A farewell to Countess Marina Ouvaroff
36 The Best of British for 2012 - Geoff Corish
42 CSI - Animal Forensics
47 The British Scene - Geoff Corish
52 Vale Glenyse Acreman 53 Re-united!
55 RASV Dog Committe Update - Robert Bell/Wayne Person Profile
56 Can Permanent Sterilization Be Accomplished in One Dose of Food?
58 Veterinarians Project Both Human andAnimal Health - Sarah Netherton
59 Cocker Puppy presented to HM the Queen/George W Bush’s Barney passes
away/Dances with Dogs Queensland Club
American Grand Champion & Australian Champion
Rose-Treasure Win One For The Gipper (imp USA)
His name originated in American football. Knute Rockne was the coach of the US Notre Dame team in the
1920s and George Gipp was his star player. The story goes that Gipp fell ill and when dying he asked Rockne to
promise that, when things were going badly for the team,
he should inspire them by asking them to
‘win one for The Gipper’.
On our cover ......
Ronald Reagan played the part of Gipp in the 1940 film
Knute Rockne: All American. The screenplay has the line:
And the last thing he said to me, “Rock,” he said,
“sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks
are beating the boys, tell them to go out there
with all they’ve got and win just one for the Gipper”.
Reagan was given the nickname Gipper,
which lasted throughout his life.
Reagan later used the quotation when seeking election as US president.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 # 1&2
American Grand Champion &
Australian Champion
Win One For The Gipper (imp USA)
Jenny & Philip Williams
Kabova Pugs Sydney, Australia
Grand titled before the age of 2, Gipper is the
first American Grand Champion Pug to come to
A truly square and cobby Pug, Gipper has the
substance, bone, head and balance rarely found
in an 8 kilo package - he really is ‘multum in
Already appreciated by Pug and Toy Specialists,
Gipper titled easily in Australia with limited
We would like to thank Carla Rose for this
stunning Pug. National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 156 # 1&2
been considered “unclean” —untouchable. If you
accidentally or through necessity touch one, you must
physically and ceremonially wash your hands and pray
for forgiveness. But even where Muslims make up 97%
of the population (such as in Pakistan), there are some
younger or more modern persons who participate
This issue we have a guest editorial from the well known in Western-style dog breeding, and do not follow
all breeds judge Fred Lanting. We think it is brilliant. tradition. I have met such people whose parents (living
Also on this page, an archival photo of the late Dicky on the same property) do not touch the dogs that their
Ouvarof, with Margart Spira and Rhonda Berge sons rear and exhibit.
Phillips just in time to remind us f what Royals ussed to
be like, see our tribute to Dicky commencing page xxxx In other countries, such as in the stricter, repressive
and also a photo of the winner of the Queen’s Trophy , Middle East, almost all dogs are feral strays that eat
Thelma Gray Memorial - presented each year at The garbage and carrion. In those areas, you would not find
Adelaide Hills KC, for Best Corgi, judge Liz Cartledge dogs in any amiable relationship with humans.
brought out a special T shirt!
In very few places, such as parts of rural Saudi Arabia
The odds are pretty good that you are a dog lover; even or remote Sahara realms of the Tuareg Berbers (these
better that you have either a dog or a cat, or perhaps tribes have been in the news of late), certain coursing
another animal pet. So, I know that I am talking to breeds such as Greyhounds and Salukis are used in
most of you this month. Many of you know that I am hunting, and they are as cherished as the fleet Arabian
called “Mr. GSD” in magazines and websites, although horses or the camels that they depend on. When they
I judge all breeds, not only German Shepherd Dogs. wish to, people find exceptions to the strictest religious
I have judged shows in about 30 countries and have rules. This gives credence to the assertion that religion
lectured in many of them. I judge all breeds, not only is a human invention, for the most part. By that word
German Shepherd Dogs. I have judged shows in about “religion”, I refer to practices, not relationship.
30 countries and have lectured in many of them.
Most of us are somewhere toward the middle of that
There is no place on earth where dogs and dog lovers spectrum. Many of us grieve as deeply over the death
have complete liberty to enjoy life and each other. At of a faithful furry friend as we do over a near-relative,
one end of the scale would be the Hawaiians of sixty or close friend, or lover. Others are less affected but at
more years ago. One of those, our neighbor in 1958, least partly understand or tolerate the human-animal
told us that many natives loved dogs so much, that they bond. But then, there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
nearly worshipped them.
The empire-builders who are dead-set on taking away
the rights and privileges of people who would exercise
At the other end of the tolerance spectrum are the that bond.
more repressive Islamic countries, in which dogs have
The two worst are the
Humane Society of the US
(HSUS) and the terrorist
group called People for
the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA). Both
follow the tried-and-true
subterfuge of choosing
that evoke images of
friendship, service, ethics,
humanity, and other
cont page 8
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 # 1&2
News flash:
16 Feb - Sto
rm just won
his 3rd Best
in Group for
Storm thunders into 2013, winning
two FOUR! Best in Groups by 21 months old.
Owned by Penni Smith and Paul & Phoebe McIntyre. Handled by Paul McIntyre
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 156 # 1&2
has two new Supreme Champions.......
with Mrs CC Ringstrom (Canada)
winning R/U In Group Toowoomba Royal
With Mr John Sheppard (NSW)
who awarded him
his final CC for his Supreme title
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 # 1&2
Ffire Photography
welcomes to Australia from the world famous
(imp JAP)
(imp JAP)
Helen Bright
[email protected]
07 54679310 or 0438154598
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 156 # 1&2
continued from page 4
More detail is found in
But some of the most deadly serpents are the most and and attractive, and it is known by philosophers 2013_Losey-131.asp
and clerics that Satan comes disguised as an angel of
light and love, not a tail- and horn- endowed obvious The former Deputy Chief of Staff for the House
Committee on Agriculture Brent Gattis has said,
“The HSUS raises funds for its lawsuits and lobbying
For the enlightenment of the deceived, it must be said activities while leading the public to believe that the
here that HSUS is not the same as your local Humane donations are supporting local shelters.” (They aren’t!
Society (although some of the latter have been Most local societies have no connection at all with that
snookered into affiliation).
fraudulent “national” group.) Less than one percent of
HSUS incoming monies goes to sheltering activities,
The local groups generally are your sympathetic,
making that organization one of the top scams in the
animal-loving neighbors, but the HSUS is strictly
a money operation that spends an extremely small
percentage of its incoming millions to feather the reports that HSUS is being
beds of the scam’s owners. The latter has successfully
investigated by IRS for tax fraud. Half a dozen
recruited air-headed movie stars (people whom the
Congressmen have called for an IRS investigation after
masses foolishly adore, thinking fame equals truth and
finding that HSUS uses the misleading and incorrect
trust) and uses fund-raising organizations to rake in
assumption that there is a connection with your local
your dough.
animal-welfare groups with similar names to raise
billions of dollars.
On the other side of the battleground are fragmented
groups of the poor and moderate-income, the loving
The IRS is getting involved because of a missing halffamilies that open their hearts and homes to furry
billion on tax returns (See www.memoryofchaucer.
friends. Some of these will graduate (or already have)
com/calltoaction.htm for more). Investigator Frank
to hobbyists and competitive sports enthusiasts, and
Losey (see the www reference in the previous paragraph)
some become active breeders who seek to create that
proves that HSUS deliberately misleads you to believe
elusive perfect combination of bloodlines. They want
that aid to animals is their raison d’être and that they
to create beauty and gain acclaim for doing so. The big
are in bed with your local shelter. Not at all true.
problem is that this competitive spirit is not easy to
mate with the cooperative spirit needed to resist the
Any reader who is tempted (by a combination of a
organized power of a well-funded for-profit HSUS.
soft heart and an uninformed mind) to contribute to
or defend HSUS should think twice. As goes the old
A hundred determined but separate bands of wild
warning that I learned in high-school Latin, Caveat
Celts, Gaels, or Picts were no match, in the end, for the
emptor! Translation: Buyer, beware! or, Don’t get
oligarchic organization of the Roman Empire or even
snookered! Don’t buy into any scheme that you haven’t
the later Romano-British or Anglo-Saxon cultures.
investigated from more than one aspect (point of view).
Getting individual dog owners to band together for
their mutual interests is as hard as keeping Southern
Fred Lanting, [email protected]
Baptist churches from splitting, or getting Protestants
to agree on almost anything.
Once in a great while, hobby breeders have partial,
local, or temporary victories but they are few and
almost insignificant in the larger picture. Early this
year, a Miami-Dade judge ruled in favor of Purebred
Breeders, a family-owned Florida business dedicated
to wedding loving families to well-raised puppies.
HSUS was found to be in violation of the RICO Act
when they attempted to influence the public against
purchasing pets.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 # 1&2
The long-awaited revision of the
popular HD book by Fred Lanting
(the first one sold 10,000 copies!)
Payment by Paypal or credit card
can be arranged. Send order
according to directions on
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Maisilva Australian Shepherds
Is proud to announce our mating
from the Hall of Fame Sire in the USA
to our RUBISS and stunning girl
Donna Puttock: [email protected] Lisa Willis: [email protected]
0408 545964
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
From the co-breeding of Aolani and
Harmony Hills Kennels USA
MBIS, MBISS HOF GCH Harmony Hills Money Talks x Aolani’s Victor Victoria
To be seen in the Minor Puppy/Puppy Classes in 2013
Maisilva Australian Shepherds
The gentle Doc tragically gone from my life but never forgotten
Donna Puttock: [email protected] Lisa Willis: [email protected]
0408 545964
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Tommy at Santa Maria Assunta church
A loyal dog whose owner died late last year has Examples of this type of extreme canine loyalty are
apparently been showing up for Mass every day for the incredibly common.
last two months at the church where the funeral was
In 2011, a fallen Navy SEAL's Labrador retriever lay
down next to his owner's casket at a funeral service in
Tommy, a 7-year-old German shepherd, used to Rockford, Iowa, refusing to leave.
accompany his owner, Maria Margherita Lochi, to
services at Santa Maria Assunta church in San Donaci, And on Tuesday, a 60-year-old man's dog watched and
Italy, according to the Daily Mail, and was allowed to waited for 30 minutes as the Fire Department rescued
sit at her feet.
his owner after he fell through thin ice into the freezing
waters of the Colorado River:
After Lochi died, the dog "joined mourners at her
funeral service" according to locals and "followed after
Nearby hunters witnessed the accident and called 911.
Maria's coffin" as it was carried into the church.
But while they waited for help, the man's dog refused
Tommy, a stray who was adopted by Lochi, has been to leave the scene. Like a worried relative in the waiting
showing up "when the bell rings out to mark the room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to reach
the man, who repeatedly waved the dog off, fearing for
beginning of services" ever since.
its safety.
"He's there every time I celebrate mass and is very well
behaved," Father Donato Panna told the paper. "He "This is simply who dogs are," Dr Karen Overall, an
doesn't make a sound."
Animal Behavior expert, told Yahoo! Shine. "We
have had a close, cognitive, emotional and working
None of the other parishioners has complained, Panna
relationship with dogs for tens of thousands of years,
said, and villagers give the dog food and water and
and we have both been changed by that history. Dogs are
allow him to sleep nearby.
heroic to us because they live up to that relationship."
"I've not heard one bark from him in all the time he has
been coming in," Panna added. "He waits patiently by
the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't
have the heart to throw him out—I've just recently lost
my own dog, so I leave him there until Mass finishes
and then I let him out."
Canine loyalty extends beyond humans.
Last year, a male pit bull refused to leave the side of a
female pit bull who had been dead on the side of a road
in Phoenix. According to local news reports, the male
pit bull stayed with her for more than 14 hours.
(Nikonarte Fotografia/
Daily Mail)
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
“Welcome to Australia!”
“Lex” MBIS CH Huffish Dynamite Street (imp Sweden)
Flash: BIS Canberra Royal
Mr J Reynolds (Canada)
Lex” has hit the Australian show scene with a BANG!
Adelaide Hills International - BEST IN SHOW, under respected world renowned judge Ms Liz Cartledge (UK)
Adelaide Hills International - BEST IN SHOW, under Poodle Specilst Mrs R Kantzou (Greece)
Sunshine Kennel Club - BEST IN SHOW, Mr D Tidswell
Adelaide Hills International - RU BEST IN SHOW, Mr R Scoggins (Mexico)
Australia Day International - RU BEST IN SHOW, Mr M Woods (Canada)
Sunshine Kennel Club (Ruby Jubilee 80th) - RU BEST IN SHOW, Mrs S Mashford
Owned & handled by Camilla Tell-C & Brett Hamilton. Bred By Charlotte Sandell (Huffish Kennels, Sweden)
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
approach – in collaboration with the Waltham
Centre for Pet Nutrition (WCPN), leading research
organization owned by Mars, Inc. - topics of raw
materials, processing, palatability, feeding trials,
quality control and regulation.
Innovation and Operation teams were committed to
In January 2013, Royal Canin invited 15 European help the residents working on R&D and industrial
and American residents specialized in nutrition to its process in real conditions: participants had the unique
Campus headquarter (Aimargues, France) to provide opportunity to formulate and extrude diets live.
them a unique opportunity of training and crosssharing experience. For the first time, the company Dedicated associates also presented Royal Canin’s
opened the doors of its central R&D department, approach of sustainable health nutrition based on a
industrial plant and central & European laboratory, to continual innovation process. More globally, residents
were able to discover through a concrete example, what
future veterinarian specialists.
is required in being an expert on Health Nutrition for
With a way of working based on collective intelligence, Royal Canin.
the objective was to promote the dialogue with and
between residents and facilitate exchanges between
international veterinary students and boards, countries
and passionate associates around the theme of pet
During 4 days, the Royal Canin Campus was visited
by the last promotion of future graduated clinical
nutritionists coming from European and American
Colleges of Nutrition (ACVN and ECVCN). They were
to benefit from a specific program designed to offer
some complementary knowledge regarding pet food
formulation and production.
specific education focused
on ingredients, formulation,
process and regulatory is
not offered to veterinarians,
including those that are
specialized in Nutrition and
clinical nutrition" pointed
out Dr Vincent Biourge,
Health Nutrition Manager at
Royal Canin, and graduate
from both American and
European Colleges.
The agenda provided an
overview of the pet food
manufacturing process from
start to finish including
research principles and
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
“Our global objective is to give our guests access to our
way of working based on collective intelligence and
shared knowledge and offer a highlight for co-building
and creation of added-value” said Jean-Christophe
Flatin, CEO of Royal Canin.
“This project is a perfect example because it gathers
Innovation and Operation teams, but also European
and US Sales teams, and all associates that feel
ambassadors of Royal Canin approach. Finally, this
event will be also provide the opportunity for students
to discover regulators and international trade
associations (AAFCO and FEDIAF)”.
Breed diets
World leaders in
breed-specific nutrition,
creating specific nutrition
for specific needs.
Orders placed on the Pro Shop
during March and April 2013.
*Minimum orders at the Pro Shop are 20kgs. All orders are freight free. New breed diets available mid March.
For further information on our new breed diets please visit
TEAM 6936A4 © ROYAL CANIN SAS 2011. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Labat/Rouquette
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
We are very pleased to be able to offer you information
on how you can protect your pets safely.
No Toxicity building up in the liver, no side effects of any kind … this world wide
PROVEN product is chemical & insecticide free, and cannot harm any pets. It can
safely be used including on new born, lactating, pregnant, and convalescing ones.
since this revolutionary product was launched last year
[email protected]
Other anti parasite controls need to be
applied every few months. Consider the
cost of buying them over two years and
you will have saved 6 times that cost. PET
PROTECTOR Discs cost $60 Inc. postage
and last for 2 years.
The PET PROTECTOR DISC is a revolutionary
patent for all pets’ protection from external
The PET PROTECTOR DISC is a small metal
disc you attach to the pet’s collar … It is
charged with an atom of scalar waves that
THE repel fleas & ticks. External use only of course.
It works without incorporating battery power
… it uses the Earth’s magnetic field, and the
The discs contain no toxic Insecticides or motion of the pet while it is attached to the
chemicals of any kind. This ensures the pet’s collar.
safety of you pets.
To ensure total effectiveness of the disc .. IT
(when in the show ring you can take the collar
Pet Protector can be used from the moment
the puppy or kitten is born. Puppies &
kittens are too young for chemical external
parasite control. As Pet Protector contains
no chemicals it is completely safe for all pets,
including new born puppies and kittens,
lactating, convalescing, & pregnant. No
matter what stage of dog or cat breeding
you are involved in .. this product is totally
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
off and then put it back on later that day).
If the pet needs a bath or even X Rays … it is
safe and necessary to keep it on the pet.
The SCALAR WAVES create a protective
field around the pet, thus driving away all
parasites, and stopping new ones being hosted
on the pet.
However it is imperative that the pet is flea &
tick & larvae free before attaching the disc, ie
Comfortis, Capstar etc.
If this is not thoroughly adhered to, the fleas
become desensitized to the scalar waves and
will continue the breeding cycle.
Countess Marina Violet “Dicky”
Ouvaroff (1931-2012)
A gathering to celebrate Dicky’s life was held at the Dogs NSW
Complex February 5, 2013.
Frank Pieterse spoke to rhe official eulogyhe had delivered at the
funeral and that will be published in the Dogs NSW Journal, but
here are some selections from the many other tributes on the day.
One of the best anecdotes was about Dicky and a valuable crown,
but that one is not for publication!
I sometimes find it sad that we only hear about
some unknown facets of a person’s life when
we attend their Funeral or as in the case of our
friend Dicky this memorial. Frank touched
briefly on her involvement with Helen Sapio’s
Labradors, I hope that some of the memories I
am going to share with you will not only add to the picture
that is being built up of her, but will give you an insight into
the way the dog world was conducted in the more genteel
I have here the original Minute Book of the Labrador
Retriever Club of NSW which was founded in November
1957. The Minutes record that amongst those present at
the meeting held in February 1958 was Countess Ouvaroff.
She took an active part in the running of the Club and at
the meeting held in March 1958 when arrangements were
discussed for the afternoon tea to be held at the Inaugural
Championship Show it was agreed that she would provide
four dozen buttered pikelets (an early indication of her
culinary skills), at the same meeting she moved that the
entry fees for the show be 4/6d, she also volunteered to
be the Card writer. At the May meeting of the same year
Dickie proposed that 2 guineas be sent to Mr Anderson for
the Roneoing he had done for the Club (no computers in
those days).
At the AGM held in August she was
appointed Publicity Officer, at the same
meeting she donated 5 guineas for Best Dog
and Bitch at the Championship Show. Then
in October 1959 it all went pear shaped, the
Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Officer
Dicky resigned and as they say in the movies
nothing more was heard.
During her time with the Club she would
have been a contemporary of some of the
giants of the Gundog scene, the DeGroen
brothers, Roy Burnell and Bob Philp.
In the comprehensive History of the Labrador Retriever in
Australia from 1929 to 1983 an entry in the Queensland
chapter records that Countess Ouvaroff owned several
Labradors in Queensland during the fifties and bred several
litters under her “Dallam” prefix.
My first encounter with Dicky was in the mid-sixties at a
show at the old Parramatta Showground, an imposing lady
with a large hat, stentorian voice and a walking stick, one
exhibitor who complained about the stick was admonished
with, “it’s a good test of temperament m’dear”.
It was through Dickie that I became a benefactor of the
Shih Tzu Club, buying many raffle tickets over at least two
At my last encounter with her
she greeted me with the familiar
“have you heard this one?”
It is often said that the Dog World
does not have Personalities as
in the past; with the passing of
Dicky we have lost another one.
May she rest in peace.
At a Committee Meeting held in November Dickie was
nominated to judge the February Parade. At the meeting
held in April 1959 she was appointed Editor of the
proposed Club Newsletter. Of interest to Frank was that
at the following meeting held in May the Secretary was
instructed to write to the Dalwood Dog Show regarding Hugh Gent, AOM
the Club policy on Trophy Donations.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Noel’s and my friendship with Dicky goes back quite a
way. It seems now as though she was always there in my
life – first when I was much, much younger. Then, as time
went on, she got to meet my partner Noel – and later, our
beautiful daughter, Rana. We had a wonderful friendship
over many, many years.
for the club.
“Come on, you
miserable lot!”
say. “Put your
hand in your
We owned a couple of shops in Newtown, and almost every pocket!” That
other afternoon, Dicky would pick Rana up from school, was our Dicky.
take her shopping, and then come to our house. There she
would cook the meal, and when she was done she would go She often did
upstairs and put Rana to bed – and read to her, until she the catering
Denise, Ian Rasmussen and Dicky
fell asleep.
for the club –
and once she did three courses. The entrée was borscht and
Then she would go to the loungeroom, and I would dress someone had the temerity to complain to Dicky, “This soup
her leg, a job that became increasingly difficult for her to is cold!” Dicky lips tightened and her eyes narrowed. “It’s
do on her own. Her leg gave her a great deal of pain, but meant to be, you idiot!” she snapped, in her most withering
Dicky never complained. She would get more frustrated tone and with the addition of a few well-chosen expletives.
than anything else, because her leg prevented her from Nobody dared to utter another peep thereafter – and the
doing the things she wanted to do.
soup was finished in silence.
We would watch television while Dicky did her tapestry.
She always boomed, “Turn that bloody rubbish off!” And
so we watched what Dicky wanted! We brought her tea
and there we would talk till the small hours. At some point,
we would go to bed and Dicky would let herself out. This
went on for many years, until we moved to Queensland.
Another memory I have of Dicky is of a day we went
shopping at Franklins in Newtown.
Dicky was so proud of Rana – and when Rana and Andrew
were married, she flew down to their wedding. She asked
for the microphone, then stood in the middle of the room
and gave the most beautiful speech. By the time she
finished, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
I’m sure everyone has very fond memories of Dicky, perched
out at Sydney Royal, day after day, in a wonderful array of
outfits and hats – and always with delicious lunches that
she brought along, enough to feed an army. That was our
When we came out, Chrissy Cortina, Dicky’s car, was gone
– stolen! Well! The air turned blue as only Dicky could
turn it! When we eventually managed to get home, Dicky
made us a cup of tea, sat down in her chair and prayed to
Dicky had a great many friends – and if you were a friend St Anthony.
of Dicky’s, she was fiercely loyal. Three people whom Dicky
loved and adored in particular spring to mind: Frank “St Anthony,” she pleaded, “If you would help me get my
Werner, David Roche and Guy Spagnolo. If any person beloved Chrissy back, I swear I will never, ever, stick the No
dared to utter a word against one of them, they would cop Frills label on the Moccona coffee at Franklins again!” And
a spraying – that’s just how Dicky was!
she never did.
Later, when Rana had her son, Luca, Dicky sat for long She made a special point of being there on Labrador day,
weeks sewing the most beautiful tapestry of Noah’s Ark. It to cheer on Guy and his famous Labs. This was a breed she
hangs in Luca’s bedroom to this day.
was particularly passionate about.
Whenever Noel and I had a litter of Pekingese, Dicky would
wait until they were about 8 weeks old. Then she would
ask to see them: first one by one, then all of them together,
running around the lounge room. Only then would she give
us her opinions on which she thought was best. Thereafter
she always followed their progress. And if they went on to
do well, Dicky would always remind us, “See – I told you
I have a wonderful collection of cookbooks and recipes
given to me by Dicky. But, most of all, I have a collection of
wonderful memories of an amazing woman.
Noel and I are very blessed that Dicky passed through our
lives and enriched them so – and we are so very proud that
she chose us as friends.
Until we meet again, darling Dicky.
Dicky had a great deal of input into the Shih Tzu Club of
NSW. She was forever selling raffle tickets to raise funds Noel and Denise King
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Oscar Wilde wrote: “Memory... is the
diary that we all carry about with us.”
And I carry a diary with a large chapter
devoted to Dicky. A chapter that for
me is overflowing with images, sounds
and smells, rich with colour – and full
of life. These are memories of a lady
– neither of her famous jokes, nor her
judging – but of elegance, culture and
There are memories of her parcels that
I received in the mail at Christmastime. Full not of toys, but of books.
These were not just any children’s
books either – but everything from
cornerstones of literature down to
simple, well-loved stories, which were
always about worlds far, far from my
own. They were gifts for the season –
but they remained with me long after – As I got older and began to make my
and it is to these, and solely these, that own life, Dicky was still there, now not
I attribute my lasting love of literature. a constant presence, but a comforting
In my diary of memories there are also
pages of meals enjoyed over hours that Hers was a voice of reason when
went by like minutes.
emotion clouded your judgment and
others couldn’t seem to get through. A
I remember the smells from her voice that challenged you – always – to
kitchen, her tiny dining room, which be the very best version of yourself.
seemed seem to fit dozens of people,
the colours of the tapestries that Now, as I look back, I think how rarely
she made – and her richly flavoured it is in our lives that we meet people
dishes, whipped up amid laughter and who make such an impact on who one
the sounds of opera – another love is as a person.
that I share to this day.
I was blessed to have Dicky Ouvaroff’s
And of course there were amazing influence in my life – and I will miss
stories, recounted with energy and her deeply.
enthusiasm, which left you wanting
Rana DeRosa
There are many stories I could tell about my experiences
and fun times with Dicky and I would like to pass on just
one of those stories, a story that for me is a fond and lasting
memory of Dicky - and indeed, a fond memory of those
wonderful, almost magical times, in the Australian dog
the largest dog show in the Southern Hemisphere. At his
first Pal in 1971 he won Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Show
and at his second in 1972 he won Best Exhibit in Show.
Kurt was seen by my Dad (whose name was Bob) as his dog.
In fact, Kurt was the only dog that my father had ever shown
any attachment and the family knew that when Kurt was
I told Kim that after a big dog show in Sydney in the late retired Dad would probably lose all interest in the dogs.
60s I was at a post -show party with all the usual suspects in
attendance and when the party ended in the early hours of It was an extraordinary achievement for a dog to have won
the next day, my very good friend Les Skinner and I found what Kurt had won, especially to have won Runner Up and
then Best in Show at two consecutive Pal Internationals.
ourselves to be without a bed.
We were all very proud of Kurt and no one more than my
Dicky as always had a solution and that was for Les and I Dad Bob.
to share her bed - and we did. Dicky in the middle with Les
and me flanking her on either side. It was all very chaste Dad was an Irishman who could tell some great stories and
he was well liked for this but underneath this exterior was
and there were no improprieties!
a man that was prone to outbursts of anger especially when
That is not my story; the relevance of it is that I asked Kim if it came to anyone criticising me or Kurt.
I should tell it. Kim pointed out that he would be telling his
own Dicky stories – and that since I had slept with Dicky Dad had a few very good dog friends but on the whole he
and he had not, then I was more than qualified to tell my took a dim view of dog people. He viewed most of them as
being two faced and hypocrites who said one thing to your
story today - and so I will!
face but another behind your back and he did not keep this
It was the year 1973 and at that time I had a very successful opinion a secret.
German Shepherd Dog kennel in Canberra and indeed that
is where I first met my wonderful friends Bob Curtis and So, here we were in 1973 looking forward to showing Kurt
at his third Pal International. Kurt was then just 4 years of
the late Peter Xradas.
age and we decided that if he could win Best in Show at his
Within my kennel I had a very successful show dog called third Pal we would retire him as Australia’s greatest ever
Horand Prince Huzzar – call name Kurt. Kurt had won a winning show dog. Dad wanted Kurt to go out on top and
great many prestigious shows including two Royals. He compared him to Cassius Clay.
had been exhibited at two Pal International Shows and for
those that may not be aware the Pal International was then
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
As he got close and in
almost theatrical terms
he exclaimed to my Dad
‘Mr Donald, Kurt looked
I knew John quite well and liked him; for me John’s utterances stunning
were all part of the cut and thrust of dog showing but for could have beaten him my Dad, John’s utterances were akin to waving a red rag at congratulations!’.
a very mean bull.
John by this stage was
Dad had known John for quite a long time but unlike me within arm’s length of my
he never liked him. He and John had many a run in and Dad, the waving red rag
then Dad would tell some wickedly untrue stories to people was now well and truly
about him. He would tell people that John’s mother was within striking distance
a gypsy and his father was a camel driver from Egypt, a of the bull’s face and with
terrible thing to say but it reflected Dad’s sense of dark that, my Dad threw the
humour and in those days people could get away with such whole cup of black coffee
all over John and his
white suit. John was visibly shocked and exclaimed in his
So we arrived at the Pal International show which was held
high pitched voice ‘Why did you do that Mr Donald?’.
at night at the Sydney Royal Showgrounds. The floodlights
that lit the rings were such that within the ring it was Dad retorted with, ‘If you like it so much you bloody
dazzling bright white light in stark contrast to around hypocrite you can have the other cup!’ and threw that all
the edge of the ring where it was pitch black. I went into over John.
the open class with about 30 other dogs and at the end of
judging the judge gestured for her first 6 placings with Kurt Pandemonium set in, there were people yelling and
screaming and heading off in every direction and grimly
pulled out first.
striding through this melee came Dicky.
As I walked to the 1st place peg with the other dogs following
me I heard a call from the darkness of the ringside ‘Madam Dicky was pushing people aside, waving her walking stick
in the air and yelling, ‘Move aside, get out of the way - I’ll
judge, Madam judge what about me?.
John who was on the end of the line was dressed in a black take care of this!’.
suit and with an almost all black dog had been missed by
As she approached my Dad she yelled at him, ‘Bob Donald
the steward and the judge.
you have been a very, very, naughty man and YOU are
The judge told us to stay where we were and proceeded to coming with ME!’.
judge John’s dog. From memory he wasn’t placed on the
With that Dicky reversed herself up to my Dad - and when
pegs and as far as John went that was it, or so I thought!
they were standing back to back she swung the crook of her
The Group judging was still an hour away, so Dad and I walking stick firmly around Dad’s throat and hobbled off
headed off to an area where there was a large crowd of dragging my Dad with her.
people gathered, talking, eating, drinking tea and coffee.
That was the last we saw of my father that evening - being
Standing in the middle of this large crowd Dad turned to dragged backwards, eyes bulging, turning blue in the face
me and said he would hold Kurt’s lead and for me to go and making some awful gurgling sounds. I have no idea
and buy him two cups of black coffee and off I went. When where Dicky took him but I was grateful that she kept him
I returned, Kurt who was somewhat akin to being a dog out of sight until after the show.
movie star had now become the centre of attention of the
Kurt won Best Exhibit in Show and with great fanfare
officially retired at the Pal International Ball - my Dad never
I handed Dad both cups of coffee and took Kurt’s lead from attended another dog show - I apologised to John which
him. Dad had only taken a couple of sips when, striding led to a mutually respectful friendship - and my friendship
through the crowd toward us with hand outstretched, came with Dicky was cemented, into one of great admiration,
great respect and eternal loving friendship.
John Sherri.
About a month before the Pal we started getting phone
calls to say John Sherri had a new German Shepherd Dog
and that he was telling everybody that his new dog would
beat Kurt at the Pal show.
What struck me most was that John had undergone a RIP Dicky.
wardrobe change and he was now attired in a white linen
Louis Donald
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Dicky was a dear friend for over forty years. She often spoke
to me of her early life, I was in awe of her indomitable spirit
over enormous pain and misfortune but never did she give
in or say” poor me”. There would be no one that would
have wanted to walk in her shoes or contend with the
circumstances she had to endure. Yet she went through life
bringing love and laughter wherever she was.
The convoy was unlucky and two of the ships were
torpedoed, their ship the Rotorau was damaged and listed
but did not sink. They went in close to the eastern coast of
North America through the Panama Canal and ended up in
New Zealand. The family disembarked and took up a new
life in Christchurch.
Alex took a job managing a horse stud and the children
started school. Dicky went to a Catholic Convent where the
nuns must have wondered what they had struck, Dicky was
always in trouble not wanting to conform to the strict and
disciplined way of life. The stories she told of her encounters
with the pious and humourless women were classic.
I first met Dicky with her mother Alex in the early 1960s at
the Royal Easter Show, it was before the Labrador judging,
where she was exhibiting, I remember Dicky flying around
the ring dashing back into the Pavilion saying to her
mother “quickly take the dogs, I have to go on duty at 2
o’clock. She was a nurse at St Vincent’s Hospital very near
At the end of the war they moved to Australia, first to
the Showground.
Sydney and then to Queensland where Dicky became
She left the Pavilion that fateful day in a flurry and, had involved in the Dog World. Both Dicky and her mother
a serious accident on the way to the hospital. She had no were very fond of the Labrador Breed they had been familiar
recollection of what happened and was unconscious for with in England. She started breeding and handling very
three weeks and was not expected to live, her injuries were successfully retaining a deep affection for the breed all of
severe. When she regained consciousness, the doctors told her life.
her she would never walk again, she defied their predictions
with true grit and determination learned to walk again but It was after her accident that she needed a smaller dog
and was given a Shih Tzu which was the right size to take
her life was changed forever.
up residence in her small house in Erskinville. She was an
At the Royal the next year Dicky in a wheel chair was there enthusiast for some years and supported the Club and their
again with her mother. She was not going to miss the Royal, Specialty Shows.
and so it was for the rest of her life she always attended the
Royal each year. Her life and all that she held dear was very The late Dr Harry Spira encouraged Dicky to join his
Judges Training Scheme after her accident. She took to
much governed by her upbringing in England.
lectures with her usual “gusto” at times taking over, always
Her father was a White Russian nobleman who escaped with humour and Harry encouraging her while he took a
the revolution in his home ountry, went to England where backseat. I was part of that training time and we learned
he met and married Alexandra her mother, a very elegant a great deal about dogs generally from those entertaining
debutant. Dicky was born in 1931, her brother Stephen nights. She had a special affection for Harry, there was a
followed. The family moved to Germany where her father wonderful rapport between them. At times Harry would
took up a post for the British Government. When it became get us together for dinner at a favourite restaurant where
unwise to be in the troubled country pre war with the Hitler Dicky would hold forth with her endless repertoire of jokes
uprising Queen Mary sent for the family to come home.
he delighted in hearing.
Her grandfather was a Colonel in the Life Guards and had She always looked forward to her judging appointments
a close association with the Royal Family with his duties to and we travelled away together on several occasions. Her
the Royal Household.
greatest fear was that as her ability to walk became weaker
and she needed more support the ANKC would not allow
Living in her grandmother’s home on their return had a her to officiate as she needed a crutch or stick but nothing
great influence on Dickie. She learned many of the talents deterred her, she kept judging as long as she possibly could.
she would carry with her into adult life. Needlework,
embroidery, tapestry, and the very fine intricate work of The Dog World gave to her a wonderful interest and made
petite point. She became very interested in the arts, she her life and today we honour her memory, she was an
learnt about cooking by stealing downstairs to the kitchen outstanding woman. All who knew her will be richer for
and watching the cook and her expertise in preparing the her friendship.
They say that no one ever dies until the memory fades away,
In 1938 her father was killed in a car accident. 1939 Alex I am sure that Dicky will live in the hearts of many for a
decided to take her children and migrate to Australia. It long time.
took immense courage to leave in the last convoy out of
England, The War had started and the German U Boats Barbara Ludowici
were terrorising the North Atlantic, it was dangerous.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Dicky had got into the habit – I risk being struck by an
acerbic bolt of lightning from Up There for daring to use
an Americanised tense in the presence of Herself – and on
this day of all days – so I had better rephrase!
As it happened on that birthday night, Dicky was in the
most dreadful pain. Pain of course was her constant
companion and one she held in contempt: for the most
part she simply refused to acknowledge it.
If she were here she would no doubt inform me that “HAD
GOT” is “the sort of English up with which I will not put”
– and I would no doubt riposte innocently with: “I really
don’t know why, since you’ve pinched that quote from
Winston Churchill – and Mr Churchill, as we all know, was
an American half-breed – ” and the game would be on.
However, I had learned to read the signs – and this time
they were particularly grim. When we arrived the dinner
had not been cooked and Dicky was literally green with
agony, her hair damp with sweat and plastered to her face.
So – Dicky ACQUIRED the habit of commandeering my
dinner parties, to which she unfailingly received the first
invitation – and at which she always would be the first to
arrive, along with an assortment of grubby trolleys bearing
the glorious feast for the evening.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that I am fairly crap
at preparing dinner parties – as Dicky would point out
EXTREMELY ANNOYINGLY throughout the meal on those
occasions on which I did cook – leading to some SHORT,
In vain I insisted that we postpone. Dicky was having none
of that. Moreover, she would not even accept a helping
hand from Darryl, an extremely accomplished chef and
restaurateur – who offered to take over. The fact that he
could have done so with ease may, I suspect, have made
her even more determined not to hand over her chef’s hat
in her very own domain.
“I CAN’T BEAR other people in my kitchen!” said Dicky.
“You’ll SIMPLY annoy me, so KINDLY sit down and ENJOY.
YOUR .WINE!” – the last said menacingly through gritted
Needless to say we sat, touter than suite, like a trio of
Consequently this proved to be a highly satisfactory obedience triallists. This was not the time for a good
arrangement all round. I got to entertain my friends argument.
extremely well with a minimum of stress. Nobody was
subjected to my cooking and – most importantly – Dicky Dicky prepared the entire meal on her own with immense
ate precisely that to which she had decided she would be difficulty in her chaotic kitchen. It took hours.
partial on the evening in question!
The goose was as splendidly delicious as I’d remembered it.
And, of course, it was cooked in the only correct manner, But it might just as well have been sawdust. I can’t pretend
that any of us actually enjoyed that evening. However,
this tale illustrates the mark of the lady: immensely brave,
On one point there was always unanimous accord: the bloody-minded, competitive. Impractically high standards
grub was scrumptious. (Since a few lesser mortals passed at times – but always inspiring. Above all, the most
the odd snide comment about our perennially skint but incredibly loyal friend, through the best of times and the
always generous friend, I should add this: Dicky never worst of times.
accepted a cent from me for any of this lavish and unaskedDicky would always rally to the side of the underdog. We
for catering.)
could never walk down King Street in Newtown together
The dinner party that proved to be our last was held at without stopping for a gracious chat with each and every
Dicky’s Tempe home, shortly before she was forced to beggar, most of them regulars whose names she had taken
move into the nursing home at Ashfield – something she the trouble to find out. She never failed to fish out her purse
had always dreaded. The only other guests were our close and hand over a few coins, even if the purse was particularly
friends, Norma Hamilton’s cousin Darryl Ferguson and his empty that day.
partner, Dr Piotr Jankowski.
I accompanied Dicky many times to the Sydney Opera
The occasion was my birthday and so for once Dicky House – in more recent years usually to watch another
allowed me to select the main course, a signal honour. I good friend, the Australian Ballet’s prima ballerina, Amber
had absolutely no hesitation in choosing her fabulous roast Scott, dance enchantingly in dress rehearsal. The last time
goose with bread sauce and all the trimmings, a princely was almost two years ago. I waited for her in the usual spot
dish I had enjoyed just once, many years before. This was in the downstairs forecourt, where she’d once kept me
on Christmas Day sometime in the mid-1990s, at the home waiting, frantic with worry till the start of the Third Act,
of Bruce and Dianne Horner. John Palmer was the other when she breezed in without so much as a word about the
timing of her entrance.
guest that day.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Kim Meyer continued
This time the wheelchair taxi arrived promptly and the
doorman sprung into action as a much reduced, indeed now
tiny, Dicky was reversed down the ramp. They proceeded to
engage in animated conversation as Dicky enquired after
his family.
“Oh,” she said when I asked her later, “I’ve known him for
years.” He was not another of Dicky’s underdogs, as I’d first
thought, but an accomplished musician who moonlights
on the door. As he handed over the wheelchair to me, the
doorman turned to me with tears in his eyes and pleaded:
“Whatever you do, don’t let her stop coming!”
I could only reply that I wouldn’t dare try. But I was off-colour
myself the next few times she asked me to accompany her
– and then she was unable to venture out at all.
No memorial to Dicky would be complete without stating
this unequivocally: In Dicky Ouvaroff the gay and lesbian
community – GLBTI as we now say inclusively – found one of
its greatest champions, long before it became fashionable.
I shall therefore conclude with the tale of the international
Gay Games, held in Sydney in 2002. At that time Syd – e
– ney was still basking in the heady afterglow from the
greatest Olympics ever held, just two years earlier. I really
wanted to take part – but my sporting talents were, shall
we say, not up to show standards. But then I discovered an
obscure event.
would proceed to declaim, the way she believed it sounded
Well, like most writers I felt about my words the way Dicky
felt about her cooking. It was not an easy process, but it
must be said that Dicky never gave criticism that did not
give one the sort of pause for thought that is essential to
create the space in which improvements can take root and
flourish. She had the gift of making you see something new
from a fresh perspective. So we persisted, and gradually I
improved, though it seemed to me my best efforts were
distinctly amateurish.
I discovered that the Friend In Hand pub in Glebe held
performance poetry evenings. I decided to have a rehearsal
and went along to one. My piece was rather different to
most, but I was awarded Runner Up Best In Show.
Much encouraged, I arrived at my first heat of the 2002
International Gay Games Poetry Slam. It was held in a
cavernous hall down in Woolloomooloo. Dicky was there
already and the place was humming.
It became clear from the start that I was competing against
seasoned performers from all over the world. But I waited
my turn, recited my poem and sat down. At the conclusion
of the performances, the judges announced that they
were would consider their verdict. There would also be
an Audience Choice Award, they said. The winner of this
would go forward to the finals, along with the judges’ own
The poetry slam! What, may you ask, is a Poetry Slam? first three winners.
Well, it is competitive performance poetry. According to
the particularly vague rules of the sport, participants had During the interval I went over to the other side of the
to perform a poem that they themselves had written. I hall to talk to another member of Team Sydney. Out of the
mentioned this to Dicky and there was no turning back! corner of my eye, I noticed Dicky.
Before I knew it, I was signed up and was a fully accredited
She seemed to be rather busy writing at our table, but I was
member of Team Sydney. DICKY ANNOUNCED that she
would be my Olympic Coach. I was certainly in need of still pumping adrenaline and rather distracted, so didn’t
one. As all present here would know, Dicky was herself a take too much notice.
performer of Olympian standards. Her dramatic abilities
The lights dimmed and the winners were duly pulled out
– as a raconteur – and as a teller of the vilest jokes in
in reverse order: third, second, first. Then, almost as an
the sweetest of tones that prevented anyone from taking
afterthought, my name was called. Much to my surprise, I
offense – match those of anyone I CAN THINK OF on the
had won Audience Choice Award. I went up to shake hands
international stage.
with the judges. They seemed a little less than effusive;
Indeed the only actor to whom I could possibly compare not, perhaps, at one with the Audience.
her in this particular niche is the redoubtable Miriam
Margo lyes, whom Dicky and I saw perform in Sydney and Afterwards I said to Dicky, “By the way, darling, what were
you up to during the interval? You seemed to be taking a
to whom Dicky gave unstinting praise.
long time voting – you didn’t by any choice vote more than
Well, I am no Miriam and certainly no Dicky. In fact, my once, did you – or even, possibly, more than that?”
voice has a tendency to shrink to a squeak when struck
by stage fright. The stage is NOT my natural habitat. But “Well, of course not!” she replied in wounded tones. “I
Dicky came over to my house and went through a shortlist would never do anything of the sort. Mind you, of course,”
of poems I’d written years before. She decided on one, she added, “There was absolutely nothing in the rules to
about a bird, and proceeded to train me. Over and over and prevent one doing exactly that, had one so chosen!” I knew
over. “No, no, no!” she’d say. “Not like that. Like this! And when to drop the subject – and it was never mentioned
what is that metaphor doing there? Say this instead!” – and again.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Kim Meyer continued
I knew Dicky for many years, from the time she came
to Sydney and showed her DALLAM Labradors and
And so in due course we arrived at the Poetry Slam
Dalmatians and before she had the horrific accident
finals. I did my bit, the performances concluded and
that curtailed so many of her activities for the rest of
the judges announced that they would be considering
her life.
their verdicts. Again there was to be an Audience Choice
Dicky had a fantastic aura about her, even when the
They explained how the voting worked and then, pain she experienced was crippling she faced life with
something quite new – “Please note!” insisted the true courage, intrepid bravery and a wicked wit.
chief judge. “Only one vote per person will be accepted!
Anybody found in breach of this rule will be disqualified!”
I wasn’t disqualified but I didn’t win anything further at
the finals. I’ve never taken part in performance poetry
again. As I said, I find it distinctly disconcerting. And
frankly, the poem I’d written had never quite gelled, I
When I came to organise my tribute here today, I found
that poem once again and reworked it entirely. For the
first time, I feel it is complete. It now has a new title and
a whole new meaning, far less obscure than the original.
I dedicate it to the memory of Countess Marina Violet
Elizabeth “Dicky” Ouvaroff.
Kim Meyer
There are many tales concerning Dicky that we can all
tell, she was without a doubt one of the great characters
of the dog world and as many will recall a fixture at
Sydney Royal where she held court for many years
entertaining all with her often risqué jokes, nd her
basket of culinary delights.
Perhaps my best memory of her was at the old Sydney
Showgrounds at Moore Park where she would turn up
every day of breed judging, armed with a very large
container of delicious sandwiches and cakes which
she proceeded to share with us all – along with her
incisive comments on the judging!
Farewell dear friend, Sydney Royal will never be the
same again but I, along with many others will turn our
thoughts to the clouds above where you sit – sharing
some yarn with the angels – whilst making sure we do
the right thing.
Julie Dickinson Franks
In the American Shih Tzu book by Easton and Brearley
there is a picture of Shih Tzus at the 1967 Sydney Royal,
pictured is Dicky complete with hat and white gloves,
handling her Shih Tzu in the Bitch Challenge lineup.
Dicky was a foundation member of the Shih Tzu Club
of NSW and over many years she was in charge of all
When she recovered from serious motor vehicle catering, a task that she carried out brilliantly.
accident and defied all odds, Dicky was no longer
Fundraising was also another of her talents. The Club’s
physically able to exhibit her Labradors.
Easter raffle was always well supported thanks to Dicky.
Obtaining her first Shih Tzu from Tony and Soo Dobson It was never “Would you like to buy a ticket?” but “How
the original importers of the breed into Australia, many tickets would you like?” Woe betide any person
Dicky’s love affair with the breed commenced and who refused to purchase tickets, they would receive
remained with her till her passing. Dicky was fortunate “the look” from Dicky, one could just imagine them
to obtain as a strong foundation Ch Pilelo Goodness being turned to stone before your eyes!
Me, a gold and white daughter of Phil Cunningham’s
Greenmoss (UK) imports. Dogs bearing the DALLAM When she could no longer get about Dicky organised
prefix were often given very apt names, Ch Dallam friends to take her to special events, it was rather sad
Good For A Tumble is one that I will always remember. to hear her comments on the Shih Tzu breed at the last
show she attended in 2012. ”There are a few nice dogs
Dicky had very definite ideas on the breed and BUT look at the rest what have they done to the breed?”.
always wanted a correct large round head with the
true expression of the breed. Her dogs were always John L Sheppard
substantial, you would never say “fat” to Dicky as in Secretary,
her opinion they were just well fed!
Shih Tzu Club of NSW
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Cabal Photos
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
My late partner, Peter Xiradis, and I first met Dicky
Ouvaroff and her mother, Countess Alex Ouvaroff,
while we were living in Canberra. We were struck by
this very elegant lady, Alex, who was so gracious and
full of charm. I would be surprised if many here today would remember Dicky’s mother. At that time
Dicky and Countess Alex were living in a cottage at
Bondi Junction where we visited them on a number
of occasions.
Nevertheless, this occasionally worked in our favour
as Dicky would, from time to time, offer to come and
cook for us – a most enjoyable event.
Dicky was a well-loved and long-time member
of The Sydney Kennel Club. She would arrive at
meetings with some of her favourite “ribbon
sandwiches” or home-baked cakes for everyone to
enjoy with their tea or coffee once the meeting was
The Club invited her to do General Specials at their
summer show as one the last judging appointments
she was able to undertake.
Our friendship was such that when we were often
called upon to host a dinner party for overseas
judges – some of whom could be a trifle ‘difficult’ –
we would call upon Dicky to join us and inevitably
the night would go swimmingly. In no time at all the
visitors were ‘eating out of her hand’ so to speak.
We moved back to Sydney in 1966 and in 1968 These evenings were highly entertaining and were
we purchased our home in Randwick where we enjoyed over many years.
subsequently resided for 33 years.
Dicky was invited to become a member of The Sydney
The location was ideal for us due to the fact that I was Kennel Club and each month she would look forward
so involved with the RAS Kennel Control. I needed to the monthly meetings with eagerness. I would
to regularly attend meetings at the old Moore Park collect her in my car and as we would be leaving
Showgrounds on two or three nights each week. her home she would advise me to be ‘careful with
More than once I was informed that I should ‘move the sweets’ as I loaded up the parcel of home made
cakes, biscuits or other delectables for the members’
my bed’ to the Showground.
supper. As her health deteriorated Dicky was really
It was during this period that Dicky was nursing at disappointed and quite upset that she was no longer
an old people’s home in Avoca Street, Randwick just able to come and enjoy our meetings.
a couple of blocks from where we lived. Fairly soon
she developed a habit of dropping in about dinner If there were more time I could very well tell lots of
time, knocking loudly on the door, and Peter, being stories about Dicky – but will leave it to others.
hospitable and a terrific cook, would ask her to join
Robert L Curtis OAM
Her experience and understanding of the dog
world was sorely missed when she was no longer
able to attend meetings.
Of course, there was always the latest joke to be
regaled to one and all. Most of them were quite Kay Eldred
The Sydney Kennel Club
“light” at that time of the evening !
She told everyone that she drank Green Tea, which
was purchased especially for her in the beginning.
There were many members converted to this
“tipple” over the years and some still favour it to
this day.
She had strong views about everything to do with
dogs and dog shows, and could swiftly pass a
stinging comment if she thought it was due.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Unlike so many of you here, we in fact were not close Dicky was well educated and sophisticated in the original
friends with Dicky, but we were indeed friends – and for and true meaning of the word, and fun to be with.
almost fifty years.
Then we started to see more of her at the Sydney shows,
We first met her not in Sydney but in Adelaide.
especially the Royals at the old showgrounds, where she
did tend to hold court as she sat in the Council Stand, and
In those days we went to South Australia every year if you knew her expressions sometimes her face was a
for the Royal and at Royal time Dicky also was always study as some of the awards were made, she could beam
there. A valued friend of David Roche, she used to stay widely and she could sit stony faced.
mainly with David’s other close friend, the renowned
vet and breeder, Phil Cunningham, whose prefix was One of her favourite expressions was “Oh dear, oh Lor”
Pilelo. Dicky’s involvement with Shih Tzus was no doubt as in Lord I presume, and she often muttered that to
enhanced by falling under the spell of Phil’s wonderful us out of the side of her mouth with the ever present
import Eng Aust Ch Saffron of Greenmoss.
twinkle in her eye when passing the benches usually a
few steps behind the judges in the old dog pavilion en
David and Phil hosted wonderful parties and Dickie route to lunch upstairs in the dining room.
catered for them in her inimitable manner with food,
glorious food, and heaps of it.
We often laughed at shows in more recent years at
Erskine Park when we would glimpse Dicky being
Two of the most memorable events were the New Year’s trundled along the path, talking her head off to whoever
Eve party when we flew over to spend the evening with was nearby, stopping every so often to chat and usually
them all and Thelma Gray who was visiting from England opening the conversation with her signature line “Now
deciding whether or not to move to Australia, which she have you heard the one about …..”
subsequently did, and the night Barry Ross’s Standard
Poodle, Can (and subsequently Aust Ch and BIS at a She again so often held court at the shows, and would
Pal International) came home from quarantine. Dicky imperiously wave the ubiquitous walking stick in
suddenly realised she needed an ingredient and said to someone’s direction to summons them to her presence.
Barry “Just pop over to the shop will you my dear?” I can Then her face would break into that lovely smile, she
still hear her saying it with her beautiful diction and in would welcome them with genuine affection and she
her voice that carried so well without ever booming.
would be happy.
So we all did as requested and trooped out into the street
to cross the tram tracks at Port Adelaide to the little
convenience store. The only thing was that Barry walked
Sybil out without a lead, she had only been collected that
day from quarantine and we all had a fit, his reply was
“She has her CD so she won’t do anything stupid”. When
we trooped back into Phil’s house we told Dicky what had
happened, and she said almost exactly the same thing
that Barry had said, “Well why would she do anything
stupid, she has her CD!” and went on cooking with the
much needed ingredient added.
I am ashamed to say we did not visit Dicky during her
increasingly often trips to hospital, and I am sure many
others here today had the best intentions to do so but
never got organised either. I am sure Dicky understood
that, she never seemed to expect anything from any of
We sent loads of messages dutifully delivered by her
special friend Kim Meyer and he kept us posted with her
replies, which were always positive, usually cheeky and
often outrageous.
Bear in mind none of us were Obedience people including She remained so amazingly cheerful, at least outwardly,
of course Dicky, but that was just so typical of her attitude which must have taken an enormous effort on her part,
to – and understanding and respect for - dogs.
and she enjoyed the mad things her friends devised to
keep her entertained like pedigrees for stuffed toy dogs.
We had never met anybody like Dicky at that stage in
our lives. For many years we knew nothing of her early Dicky valued her friends greatly and they in return valued
days in Queensland, nor of her regal background and her. She has left a great legacy in that respect, and “Oh
upbringing, she was simply Dicky, full of life, always dear oh Lor Dicky” you have earned your pain free peace.
delighted to see a friend, warm and welcoming, gracious,
Wendye and Stuart Slatyer
extremely intelligent.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
The top dogs and breeders of
the year 2012 in Scandinavia
report and photos Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen
This year the competition for the Top Showdog of the Year in Finland has
been unusually exciting and even. There has been many gorgeous dogs with
almost equal points. Finally the first place had to be shared between two
top dogs who had exactly the same amount of points, the Afghan Hound
Ch Agha Djari’s Blue Blood and the Smooth Fox Terrier Ch Texforrier Get
Off My Cloud. Both of them are young dogs, just coming into their best
bloom, so we probably will see them campaigned in the future as well.
The Afghan Hound, called Pacino, is a German import, coming from
the very famous strain of Stefan Boieck and bears also some American
blood. His three joint owners, Mikko Ylitalo, Arja Hirvelä and Michaela
Ståhlberg usually go together to the shows. Mikko is the handler, while
the dog lives with Arja and she also is responsible for the every-day care,
and Michaela is a kind of manager, who deals with international contacts.
They all have been good friends for years. Mikko and Michaela show also
Setters, and in Arja’s house there are some more Afghan Hounds.
The Smooth Fox Terrier, called Skäbä, is a real cosmopolitan and also
owned by a trio of enthusiasts. He is usually handled by the breeder Molli
Nyman, but lives in Estonia with Sari Laitinen, and the plan is that one
day he will travel to Australia to Janice Campbell. His dam, which is bred
by Janice, was staying in Italy, when the owner died. Then Molli got her,
but promised Janice to send something back some day. The bitch was
artificially inseminated by an American top stud dog. The result was only
two puppies, and the other one had to be put to sleep. But if you get one
real jackpot, it was worth all the trouble and money!
When these two shared the first place, there is no second, but also on
the third place there were two dogs with exactly the same points, just
ONE little point behind the top pair: the Smooth Collie Int Ch Timonan
Veronica Velvet of Tuula Tikkanen and the Smooth Dachshund Unita’s the
King of the Björkmans. Tuula Tikkanen is certainly the most successful
exhibitor of the country, as her dogs are among the top three on all three
lists. Her veteran bitch Int Ch Timonan Neat Nefertiti was second on the
Veteran list and she was third among the breeders. Quite an achievement!
The Top Veteran (that is over 8 years) is, however, the Standard Schnauzer
Int Ch Chivas Grand Calvera, a nine-years-old Czech import owned
by Anne Mäkimaa. The Best Veteran in Show is always very big and
important part of the Scandinavian shows. In each breed Best Veteran of
Breed is chosen, and those go to the main ring to the final. In big shows
like Helsinki there can be about 250 brilliant oldies, many of them still
winning BOBs and Groups as well. On the Veteran list only the placings
in the Best Veteran in Show are counted, even if the competitors can have
other merits. So the Smooth Collie Timonan Neat Nefertiti was second
among the veterans.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Third was the Pyrenean Mountain Dog Int Ch Chenespace Insigne of
the Salonen family, a team of mother and two daughters.
They have been very successful with their Pyreneans, they even
regularly go to France to the specialty shows and do winning there!
In the Breeder of the Year list only the placings in Best Breeders’
Group in Show finals matter. Again, in each breed the best team is
chosen in the breed ring, and only one team of four dogs in each
breed can go to the final. This is a really impressive sight, when all
the breeder’s groups are parading in the main ring. Many judges
coming from other countries have been admiring this.
This time the winner was not one of the Finnish breeders, but Laurent
Pichard from Switzerland, whose prefix is Vigie. He has sold four
black&white American Cockers to a team of Finnish ladies, who have
been showing the dogs over here. During the summer in some shows
there was one from Sweden among them. Usually most breeders can
bring different dogs from show to show, at least part of the team
can vary, but as Laurent doesn’t live in Finland, he didn’t have this
The members of the team, lead by Sanna Vartiainen, who, by the way,
got herself a baby in June, are very skilful groomers and handlers
and the dogs have been winning BOB and groups as individuals, too.
The newborn baby kept Sanna away from the shows only a couple of
weeks. Laurent Pichard came himself to the Helsinki Finnish Winner
Show to collect the award and was, of course, very thrilled. He met
Sanna about ten years ago, when he was judging in Finland and was
impressed by her skills as a groomer. That was the start of their cooperation.
Juha Kares of the Chic Choix fame ended up as second on the breeders’
list with his Lhasa Apsos. He, too, has a dedicated team of owners and
co-owners of the dogs around him, and they have the patience and
skills to take care of the coats. Many of the dogs are individually big
winners, like Finnish Winner Show BIS winner Cleopatra Eurydice.
Also the breeders’ competition was incredibly even this year, the
winning American Cockers beat the Lhasas by only two points, and
the Timonan Smooth Collies were just two points behind them.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
In Sweden they only give two awards, the Dog of the Year and the
Breeder of the Year. In 2012 there was no doubt who is going to be
the top showdog in the country: the Wire Fox Terrier Int and Multi
Ch Crispy Legacy, owned and bred by Agneta Åström, who has been
breeding Fox Terriers for quite a long time and has always had high
quality. What is also essential in this breed is that she is also extremely
skilful in trimming and presentation. Legacy had so many BIS wins
during the year, that he could skip the most important show of the year,
the end of the season, the big Stockholm show in December, because he
was then in USA representing Sweden in Eukanuba World Challenge.
So the black Standard Poodle Int Ch Aleph American Idol, who was tightly
following him, had his chance and went Best in Show and guaranteed
his placing as second on the list. Among other things he won BOB at
Crufts this year, too, but that, of course doesn’t help on the Swedish list.
He was born in the USA and has been staying in Sweden in the capable
hands of Charlotte Sandell, who has guided so many Poodles to big
achievements before this, too. There was quite a tough competition in
Standard Poodles, because the white Danish-born Abica’s Miles Ahead
ended up as third on the list.
On the breeders’ list on the top there were two familiar kennels, who
have changed placings between them for many years. Both of them have
won or been on top placings many times. It seems, that these breeders
can produce even and high quality year after year, and also manage to
keep good contact with their puppy buyers. Now the winner was the
famous Badavie Salukis of Maria Nordin and Marie Branden, while the
equally famous Almanza Flat-coated Retrievers of Ragnhild Ulin took
the silver. Third place went to the Caratoot’s Papillons of Kaj Gänger.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
The Norwegian Kennel Club is very proud to be elected to host the
FCI European Winner Show in 2015. There is no doubt they will do a
great job. The new showground, Lilleström Fair Centre near the Oslo
airport, is a beautiful venue and most suitable for big shows. The
Norwegians have done several dress rehearsals there, as the main show
of the country has been held there for a couple of times already.
As it sometimes happens in the most important shows, the stars can
fall. None of the top three Norwegian dogs was placed in the Group
finals in the last and most significant show of the year, the Norwegian
Winner Show at Lilleström. The Kerry Blue Int Ch Shyloch Navigator to
Edrus held his place as the leader on the list and became the Dog of the
Year. He is home-bred by Helge Kvivesen, who has been breeding Kerry
Blues for a long time and had many top winners even before. He is also
a Terrier judge. The Pomeranian Int Ch Dan-Star-Kom Neverending
Tiny Jewel stayed as second. He is owned by a real wizard of the breed,
Dag Löken, who has bred many BIS-winning Poms during the years,
but this one is actually not bred by him. This dog is born in Russia,
bred by Ludmila Komyakova. Lars Hallblom’s Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Int Ch Golddigger Cymraeg Ci was third on the list. He was bred by
Christine Sonberg, who is originally Norwegian, but lives in Belgium.
She has been busy travelling between the countries to handle the dog
in the Norwegian shows.
Who was the BIS winner of the Norwegian Winner show, if it was not
one of these three? It was the American-born Portuguese Water Dog Int
Ch Robel Alexander the Great Aquatass, owner Runi Kristiansen. He
had been shown only five times during 2012, and he ended up as fifth
on the Top Dog list. Actually,
in Norway it is called
“Bamselisten”, because the
winner gets the “Bamse”
statue, illustrating the first
dog which was taken into the
stud book over a hundred
years ago, a Norwegian Grey
Elkhound called Bamse. The
name actually means “Teddy
Bear” and is still a very
popular name for a dog.
The competition for the title “Breeder of the Year” was most tough
and even between the two top breeders. After winning in the Winner
Show the Tangetoppen Pugs of Elisabeth Olsen had reached exactly the
same amount of points as Tor Johansen’s Quantos German Shepherds.
However, according to the rules the first place was not divided. After
careful counting of the points and placings it was settled, that the
Tangetoppen Pugs will win, because they had more first placings in
the Breeder’s Groups finals. Elisabeth Olsen was really touched when
she went to collect the trophy and had to wipe her eyes.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Several Pugs of her breeding
have been big winners in
various countries.
Tor Johansen has also had
tremendous success with his
German Shepherds in the
past few years. His top bitch,
Zanta av Quantos, was top
winning dog in Norway three
consecutive years. However,
this magnificent bitch died
sadly in the summer in a fire in
Ireland, where she was staying
with her handler.
The Veteran of the Year winner
was the Pharaoh Hound Ch
Antefa’s Q-Lahn, owned by
Sonia Törres, and the Stud
Dog of the Year winner
was the Miniature Poodle
Ch Sjarmtrollet’s Elleville
Drömmer, owners Ann-Mari
Hattmyr and Anne Stine Berge.
In Scandinavia it is not really considered going abroad
if you go from one country to the other. We are all
more or less the same family. The language in Sweden,
Norway and Denmark is practically the same, only
Finnish is different.
Sweden and Norway are very long countries, so the
distance between south and north is looooong. It is
much easier for those, who live in the south of Norway
or Sweden, to go to Denmark to the shows. Nowadays
you can just drive, because there is a bridge over the
straits, and there is frequent ferry traffic as well. There
are practically no border formalities, you may just
need to show the vaccination certificate of the dogs. No
wonder that also many of the “top” titles in Denmark
went to dogs living in other countries.
This year it was Denmark who hosted the Nordic
Winner Show. Actually, it was two one-day shows in
the end of the year at Herning, in the very same venue
where the World Show was held a couple of years ago.
On Saturday the titles “Danish Winner” were available,
while on Sunday the “Nordic Winner”.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Most of the top winners from all the Scandinavian
countries were present. However, there were some
others shows in the neighbouring countries in the same
weekend. Obviously some exhibitors had calculated
that the top ones certainly are going to Herning, so
there might be good chances to win something at Tarto
in Estonia or Växsjö in Sweden. At least the two top
Swedish dogs were absent, because they had to collect
the last points for Dog of the Year at Växsjö.
The top winning dog in Denmark 2012 was the white
Standard Poodle Ch Abica’s Miles Ahead, owners
Kirsten Nielsen & Kathy Arnold & Mikael Nilsson,
Sweden. He was in fact born is Denmark, and was
already booked to be sold but when the Swedish
Poodle genius Mikael Nilsson saw him as a puppy,
he persuaded Kirsten to keep him. Mikael promised
to prepare and handle the dog as co-owner, and it has
been one victory after another.
However, on the Herning weekend, he was not placed
at all in the Group final on the first day. On the second
day, when it was the more prestigious Nordic Winner
Show, he took his place as Best in Show and this
confirmed his win as Top Dog of the Year.
There are only 8-9 international shows in the year in Denmark, so
there has been time to go to shows in the other countries as well.
Abica’s Miles Ahead was third on the list in Sweden, and he has also a
BIS win in Finland.
The next ones on the Danish list were the Australian-bred Puli Int
Ch Cordmaker Hurdy Gurdy, owner Bodil Rüsz, who has successfully
visited the other Scandinavian countries as well. The Australian
Shepherd Ch Leading Angel’s Pure, owned and bred by Bitta Wöhliche,
was born in Denmark out of two American imports.
The Veteran of the Year was the English Springer Spaniel Int Ch Sieger’s
Pool Position, owned and bred by the Madsen family. This dog is well
remembered among other things for his Group win at Leeuwarden
European Winner show on the previous year. The Madsens have bred
Springer Spaniels successfully for a long time and they have had many
big winners. The Herning weekend was especially good for them, as
they won the Group both days, but with two different dogs.
The Norwegian Phalene breeder Anne Grethe Lyngstad, kennel
Freetain, is a particularly busy exhibitor, who can be seen every
weekend somewhere in Europe with a bunch of her Phalenes. Usually
she shows a Breeder’s Group. She has been in nearly all the Danish
shows, not without success, and she became the Breeder of the Year
in Denmark. In her own country Norway she was fifth on the list of
breeders, so not bad that either.
Also the title Stud Dog of the Year went to a dog who doesn’t live in
Denmark. It was the Standard Mexican Hairless Ch Tlacatl, owner
Ia Bäckström, Sweden. His offspring have been successful also as
individuals, one of them won the Group on the Danish Winner Show
and another one at the Norwegian Winner Show. However, only the
wins and placings in the Best Progeny Group in Show are counted for
this title.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
The Best of British for 2012
Geoff Corish
The Top Dog All Breeds in the UK for 2012 will be no
great surprise to anyone. She has led the field for the
whole year and is the first of her breed to take this
award. Of course l am speaking of ‘Jilly’, the PBGV.
To give her her full details, she is Ch Soletrader Peek
A Boo. Bred by Gavin & Sara Robertson in 2009, coowned by Sara and Canadian Wendy Doherty, usually
handled by Gavin, Sara has also handled her too. She
is sired by the Dutch import Ch/Dutch Ch Cappucino
v Tum-Tums Vriedjes, who Gavin campaigned in the
Uk for a while and who has two Soletrader parents.
Her dam is Cappuccino’s dam’s sister, the breed CC
record holder Ch Soletrader My Aphrodisiac. ‘Jilly’
won her first CC when a puppy in 2010 but it wasn’t
until Crufts, the following March, that she sprang to
wider fame. Though still a junior, she won her second
CC and BOB, going on to top the Hound Group and
ending up Reserve BIS under Paolo Dondina. She won
the title by a considerable margin, her 185 points were
the highest since ‘Yogi’ the Vizsla in 2006.
Runner-up to ‘Jilly’ has been her closest rival on
many occasions and that is ‘Graham’ the black Toy
Poodle Ch Vanitonia You’llSee - owned by Lee Cox
and Tom Isherwood of Vanitonia fame.They had had
a remarkable few years in this competition, as in
2010 their homebred Chinese Crested Ch Vanitonia
Unwrapped was Top Dog, taking a record eight BIS
during a single show season. ‘Graham is sired by the
Japanese imported, Jap Ch Smash JP Best Beart at
Vanitonia, who actually only sired two puppies in the
UK, the other was a big winner in Russia. His dam is
the lovely Ch Vanitonia Gloria May.
In fourth place and the Top Toy is the Pekingese Ch
Yakee Ooh Aah Cantona bred by Bert Easdon and Philip
Martin and usually handled by Bert. ‘Eric’s’ victory is
even sweeter as of course he is one of the high profile
breeds that have been under fire this year. Because of
his placing he is by far the most ‘veterinary checked’
of any breed. He is sired by the successful Ch Livanda
Santana ex Ch Yakee of Noble Birth, a daughter of
Ch Yakee A Dangerous Liaison, who was top dog All
Breeds and BIS at Crufts.
The Ragus is a kennel well known the world over for its
Norwich Terriers and Lesley Crawley has now won the
Top Terrier four times, three of her own Norwich and
one of her late husband’s. Her latest winner is the red
male, Ch Ragus Merry Gentleman, home-bred and coowned by Mathew Oddie. ‘Paris’ is by Jill Stevenson’s
Ch Brickin Ready To Rumble ex Ch/American Ch
Ragus Got The Look. He took a general championship
BIS during the year and he is the fifth Norwich BIS
winner, each one campaigned by Lesley.
We had another Toy Dog in sixth place, David Reece’s
homebred Smooth Coat Chihuahua Ch Copymear
Celebration. She is sired by Stanghurst Blue Heaven ex
Arrendene Dizzy Dreamer at Copymear. She won a BIS
award during the year, and though several males have
done so over the years, she is the first Smooth bitch to
win a General Ch show BIS award.
We had an American visitor in seventh place and one
who made quite an impact during his stay in the UK. A
Westminster BOB winner and multiple BIS and Group
winner back home, seven year old Sh Ch/Am,/Can Ch
Salty Dog of Tampa Bay is owned and bred by Linda
Hess, sired by Am/Can Ch Aquarius Centercourt
Delight ex Belquest Splash of Covergirl. He arrived
here in 2011 and has been campaigned by Anthony
Allen. He left these shores just in time to compete at
For the second year running the Gundog Group is
the National Championship in Florida to take BOB!!
headed by the US imported Irish Water Spaniel Show Ch/Am Ch Whistle Stop’s Elements of Magic CD Two dogs share eighth place and one of them is another
RN. Last year’s win was the first time the breed had American import, this time it’s a bitch. Ch Fleet St Fire
achieved this status in the UK and has ended up in third and Ice the Irish Terrier. This follows on from the 2011
place this year. ‘Merlin’ was bred in the USA by Stacy success of her half-brother Ch/Am Ch Fleet St Fenway
Duncan and Colleen McDaniel and is jointly owned by Fan who was sixth overall and Top Terrier, and who
Colleen with Judith Carruthers who handles him in the rounded off his UK career by taking Group 3 at Crufts
UK. He is sired by the big American winner Am Gr Ch and BIS at National Terrier. She was bred in the US by
Poole’s Ide Got Water, a son of Judith’s multi-titles Sh RC Carusi, Shari Carusi Boyd and Stan Wojewodski,
Ch Fynder Freethinker, ex Am Ch Whistle Stop’s The sired by Am Ch Galeway’s Harbor Master ex Am Ch
Wind Moriah. Several of ‘Merlin’s’ litter-mates have Fleet St Firebird, who is also the dam of Fenway Fan. In
had top wins in both the USA and Scandinavia.
the UK she is owned by Tony & Jean Barker and John
Averis and handled by the latter.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
With the same number of points is the Dalmatian
Ch Offordale Chevalier bred and owned by Jenny
Alexander, who took her Ch Offordale White lady to
Norway to be mated to Ch/Int/Dan/Norw/Fin/Sw/
Pol/Cro/Bos Ch Bell-A-Mir’s Elegant Envoy, this litter
also included his Group winning sister Ch Offordale
In tenth and yet another Toy Dog, is the King Charles
Spaniel Ch Maibee Theo, a remarkable achievement
for this breed which relatively seldom features at
Group level in the UK. It is also a poignant one, as
Shealagh Waters, who bred and owned him jointly with
Joyce Robbins, died sadly young in 2011. He is now
campaigned in the joint names of Joyce and Shealagh’s
husband Bill Moffatt and handled by Tanya Ireland.
The top Pastoral is the Australian Shepherd bitch Ch
Allmark Fifth Avenue. Owned by Neil Allan and Robert
Harlow, she was bred by them as well as Neil’s wife
Angie who handles her. Her dam is the Group winning
Ch Allmark Careless Whisper, who spent a month in
the US where she was mated to Am/Braz Ch Dazzles
Bill A Bing Bill A Bong. The resulting litter, only two
years old, included two other CC winners as well as
‘Tiffany’. They had previously campaigned another
Aussie to this award, Ch/Am Heatherhill Shock N Awe.
Top Working for the year is the imported Bouvier des
Flandres Ch/Dutch Ch I’m Special Inessence Movado
at Kanix, bred by Pat Murray and jointly owned with
her by UK breeders Fiona Lambert and Janet Hughes.
He is sired by Am Ch I’m Special Every Move I M ex
Norwegian-bred Am Ch Praxters Jennie. He has been
handled by Dave Killilea who has campaigned so many
Redwitch Akitas to top wins. As he was docked in the
US, under UK ministry rules, there are some shows,
including Crufts and Windsor, that he cannot attend.
(ND Editor’s note: Windsor has waived their entrance
fee so that docked dogs can compete, and there is also
an upate on Crufts!)
With quarantine now gone in the UK, the doors were
open for breeding programmes to be extended, and in
some cases, breeds were saved from virtual extinction.
So when the Top Stud and Top Brood leagues are
announced its always interesting to see ‘what came
from where.’
For the second year running, Top Stud Dog All
Breeds is the Irish Setter Show Ch Caskeys Concept
at Aoibheanne. He is a great-great-grandson of Sh Ch
Kerryfair Night Fever who won this award five times
in succession. Another Irish Setter to win the trophy
was Night Fever’s double grand-son Sh Ch Caspians
Moving up one position into second place, and topping
the Hounds for the second year is the American-bred
Basenji Ch/American Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley,
owned by Dee Hardy and Trish Hallam in partnership
with his breeder Carol Webb and by Am Dual Ch Taki’s
Classic Architecture ex Am Ch Kazors Ima Lilytoo. He
himself a Group and Reserve BIS winner, ‘Riley’ was
imported as a mate for his aunt, the famous Ch/Am Ch
Klassic’s Million Dollar Baby, and two matings to her
produced several CC winners including the top Basenji
for 2012 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming.
In third place is the most familiar of faces, the Hungarian
Vizsla Sh Ch/Aust Ch Hungargunn Bear It’n mind,
arguably Britain’s most famous show-dog of all time,
whose death l announced recently. Bred in Australia
by Naomi Cragg and sired by Aust Gr Ch Hubertus
Dealers Choice ex Aust Ch Hungargunn Unforgettable,
he was owned jointly by her and Kathryn Armstrong.
In all, he has sired 18 champions.
On a personal level, it gives me great satisfaction to say
that in fourth place is the Bichon Frise Ch Pamplona
Bring Me Sunshine, owned by Michael Coad and Top
Dog All Breeds in 2011, and now Top Toy stud for
2012. Also bred by Michael, ‘Eric’ is a multiple BIS
winner, sired by Pamplona Harry Potter ex Pamplona
By Request. He retired at Crufts having taken the CC
record from his grand sire, the great Ch/Am Ch Paray’s I
Told You So. Michael of course had something to follow
on and his son Ch Pamplona Brings It On became top
Bichon for 2012 and another son Ch Chasnaz Touch of
Frost at Pamplona, the 2012 ‘Pup of the Year’ winner
also gained his title and Ch Arthlorns Ready to Rumble
won the Eukanuba Ch stakes final and represented the
UK at the World Challenge in Florida, where Ireland’s
representative, was, amazingly, another son of his.
Topping the Working Group is the Dobermann Ch
Amazon El Torro, this kennel has produced some great
Dobes over the years with great input to the breed.
Owned by Clive and Nancy Evans and sired by the breed
record holder Ch/Lux Ch Supetas Ozzy Osbourne ex
Ch Amazon She Will Be Loved.
And we have another Gundog in sixth place, and
another bred in a famous kennel. Sh Ch Asquannes
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
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Gillespie, the black Cocker Spaniel, bred by Anne and
the late Allan Webster. A very consistent breeder and
he is bred from two other Asquannes champions, Sh
Ch Gonzales and his grand-daughter Sh Ch Georgette.
We had a Dobe in fifth, and now have his father in
seventh place, Ch/Lux Ch Supetas Ozzy Osbourne. His
sire is the Russian import Ch Korifey iz Zoosfery ex
Ch Supetas Enuf Alredi. He is the current breed record
holder and was top Doberman in 2012.
In eighth place is the dual-BIS-winning Afghan
Hound Ch Saxonmill Rum Tum Tio, owned and bred
by Roberta Hall and by the Danish import Ch/Int/Sw/
Ir/Dan/Lux/Bel Ch Exxos Gameboy at Zharook ex Ch
Saxonmill Jellicle Jett, who was twice All Breeds Top
Brood bitch.
A Border Collie, bred in Finland, heads the Herding
Group. His name must be a spelling nightmare!! Sh
Ch Pikkupaimenen Great Pretender at Lochiel, as l
previously said, bred in Finland by Sari Solanti and
co-owned by her and Heather Turner. He is sired by
the Australian-bred Aust/Am/Fin/Est Ch Nahrof The
Cohort ex Fin/Am Ch Pikkupaimenen Front Page
Topping the Terriers is a breed that often tops the
number of dogs in this Group, the Staffordshire Bull
Terrier. So in tenth place it is Ch/Ir/Int Ch Lackyle
Diabhai Og. Bred in Ireland by James Byrnes and owned
in the UK by Fred Jones. Sired by Knockon The Divil
Himself at Kilvana ex Ir Ch Lackyle Solas Na Gealai.
And in 11th place, is the winner of the Non-Sporting
Group, the fawn French Bulldog Ch Friend De La
Parure. Of course bred in the famous Belgium kennel
of Victor, Ricky, Dimitry and Chantal van Ramsdonk
and owned in the UK by Darren Friend. He comes from
a long line of De La Parure champions and ‘Friend’ is
sired by Confucious De La Parure ex the Italian-bred
Luce del Mielocchi dell’Akiris
And now it is the ladies’ turn, those unsung heroes
(heroines!), who always seem to be left in the
background but whose contribution is tremendous.
As in the Stud Dog table, we have a second consecutive
victory in the Top Brood bitch competition.
she was Top Brood 2011 and she was Top Hound Brood
in 2010. She was a great showgirl gaining many top
awards. After winning her American title as a puppy,
‘Millie’ came to the UK where she quickly gained her
title, was BOB at Crufts five years running, smashed
the breed record, became the first Basenji bitch to win
BIS at a general championship show and won the Top
Hound award.
She was bred by Sue Kite and Jeff Gillespie in the US
and is co-owned by Dee Hardy and Trish Hallam in the
UK. She is sired by Am Ch Penda Taji’s Tri-Umphant
One ex Am Ch Klassic’s Rooty Toot Toot, herself also a
spectacularly successful show and brood bitch. ‘Millie’
had two litters, both by her brother’s son Ch/Am
Ch Kazors Make Way For Riley, also imported from
the US by Dee & Trish and himself Top Hound Stud
Dog 2011/12 and overall runner-up 2012. Among the
resulting champion progeny was the top Basenji for
2012 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming.
Yet another Hound is in second place and another that
comes from a long line of bitches that regularly appear
in this competition. This is Ch Saxonmill Star Struck,
an Afghan Hound owned and bred by Roberta Hall,
and one of the many champions produced by a former
double Top Brood All Breeds, Ch Saxonmill Jellicle
Jet. Her sire is the Danish dog, Int/Dan/Sw/Norw/
Lux/Ger/Fr Ch Boxadan Grandpa Lives Forever, bred
by the famous, and unforgettable, Lottie Jorgenson in
Denmark. All of ‘Star Struck’s’ litter of 5 have won CCs
and 4 are already champions.
The top Gundog for the second year, and in the top five
for the third year, is the third-placed German Short
Haired Pointer Int/Dutch Ch Isara Kurzhaar Chatline
of Kavacanne, owned by Sue and Peter Rose and bred by
the late great Fio Roberts, sired by Sh Ch Stormridge
Moonraker of Bessalone ex Isara Kurzhaar Jakobine.
In fourth it’s the Herding Group winner, the Swedish
Vallhund, imported from Australia, Dlarah Summer
Rain at Starvon. Owned by Ada and Tim West and
bred by the late Leonie Darling in Australia. Sired by
Finnish-bred Aust Gr Ch Konnunkodon Draco Malfoy
ex Aust Ch Dlarah Rock A Hula.
We have another Gundog in fifth place and yet again
from a kennel that has produced some of the best
of their breed for many years. I am speaking of the
Overall winner is the US bred and imported tri colored Weimaraner Sh Ch Gunalt Delicious, bred by Steve and
Basenji Ch/Am Ch Klassic Million Dollar Baby at Tokaji, Patsy Hollings and owned by Jane Elders and Genna
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Samria. Sired by Sh Ch Gunalt Rumours About Sybaris
ex Sh Ch Gunalt Intuition. The list of champions from
this kennel just goes on and on, and including the
progeny from this bitch, was the top Weimaraner for
2012 Sh Ch Gunalt De Ice at Stridview.
In sixth is the well travelled Australian Shepherd Ch
Allmark Careless Whisper, bred by Neil and Angie
Allen by the US import Bayshore’s Tears Of A Clown
ex Ozzypool Molly Malone at Allmark. Owned in
partnership with Robert Harlow and the Allens, she
went to the US for her first mating, these puppies
included the Top Herding 2012, All-Breed Reserve BIS
and Group Show BIS winner Ch Allmark Fifth Avenue.
Her second litter involved a journey to Italy where she
produced another CC winner.
And yet another from the Herding Group is in seventh
place, the Malinois Bonvivont Ombrage at Belsharose,
bred by Jan Ralph by Bonviants C’est Moi Sabrefield ex
the Belgian import Chiraze du Terril des Loups avec
Bonvivant and owned by Debra and Paul Lloyd.
In eighth place and is the Great Pyrenees Ch Gillandant
Annie Oakley, bred and owned by Gill Pollard and
sired by former Top Stud Dog Ch Shanlimore Midnight
Cowboy ex Ch Gillandant Krystaleen. She herself
won a CC at the Breed Club show in 2012. The Top
Pyrenean for 2012 Ch Gillandant Rockafella was one
of her progeny.
The leader of the Working Group is the Portuguese
Water Dog Bregantia Funky Diva, bred and owned by
Rachel Redden and Ruth Bussell, by Rarjo the Prodigy
ex Breghantia Oriana. She was the dam of the breed
record holder Ch Rarjo’s She’s The One.
There are two bitches who share the tenth place. The
Finnish Spitz Ch Toveri Samppanja herself won a CC
during 2012. She is owned by the Thompson family
and Angela Cavill. Bred of course by Angela and Dave
Cavill and from two of their champions, Ch Toveri Ville
and Ch Toveri Pirtea from Santasepon.
The Welsh Springer Spaniel Weslave Hope For The
Future for Glenbrows was bred by John and Joy Hartley
by Haregate Rue ex Sh Ch Ferndel Cameo on Weslave,
and is owned by Tim & Honor Harrison.
Top Non Sporting, and yet another top kennel who
produces champion after champion, is the Akita Echo
Stars Portrait at Redwitch, owned by Dave and Jenny
Killilea and Arlene Clure and bred from two Redwitch
exports in Sweden by Mirko Lunden, by Ch/Fin/Sw/
Norw Ch Redwitch The Heat Is On ex Sw Ch Redwitch
Pardon Me Boys.
The Terrier Group is led by the Bedlington Ch Bisbee
Benvenuto, bred and owned by Dorothy Owen by Ch
Rathsrigg Ranolph ex Ch Josoll Juliana by Bisbee.
Top Toy Brood is from another line of bitches which
has featured here frequently down the generations. She
is the Miniature Pinscher Ch Impala Chase The Sun
to Vardenais, owned by Aileen Coull and bred by Sue
Burns by Ch Impala Johnny Angel ex Ch Hawkesflight
In The Pink at Impala. Indeed she is the third generation
to take this award following her dam and grand-dam
Ch Viva Forever at Hawkesflight.
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National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
BIS, Best Toy - GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari
Breed: Affenpinscher
RUBIS, Best Herding - Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Best Terrier - GCH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek
Best Hound - Ch Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box
Breed: Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Breed: American Foxhound
Best Gundog - GCH Mt View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm
Breed: Pointer (German Wirehaired)
Best Junior Showman Savannah Livingston
Best Working - GCH Claircreek Impression De Matisse
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Best Non Sporting - GCH Vogelflight’s Honor To Pillowtalk
Breed: Bichon Frise
©photos Joe Grassa
and John Ashbey
and Group second to our Australian bred Puli
GCH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
CSI: Animal Forensics
“True crime” shows are extremely
popular these days. It seems
like you can turn to almost any
channel and see a clever detective
using science to solve mysteries
and catch criminals. Most people
thankfully aren't exposed to much
of this kind of problem-solving;
these shows are the closest that
they get to it. But I am such an
animal lover and I'm always
thinking of ways that something
is related to pets, so when I read
a great article on animals and
forensics I had to share it.
When I say “animals and
forensics” you might think of a
pet detective. But that's not it…
so what IS forensics, anyway?
What most people mean when
they say “forensics” is more
science”; that is, the use of
science to answer questions
in the legal system. "Forensic"
comes from the Latin word
"forensis" meaning “a forum or
a place to talk.” During the time
of the Romans, a criminal charge
meant presenting the case before
a group of public individuals.
Both the person accused of the
crime and the accuser would give
speeches based on their side of
the story. The individual with the
best argument and delivery would
determine the outcome of the
case. Basically, the person with
the best forensic skills would win.
Did you know that there is
a growing science of animal
forensics as well? I didn't know
much about it so I asked one of
our wonderful writers to research
animal forensics and explain it to
If you find forensics fascinating
and you love animals, you will
definitely want to read this article
<[email protected]>
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
People love
mysteries, putting
together and solving a quandary or
a crime. That’s probably why CSI
is a very popular television show. It
reminds us that science is cool and
problems can be solved. It’s also
important and saves the lives of
people and animals.
Everyone is familiar with the basics
of the forensics put to work at human
crime investigations, but did you
know that there is a growing science
of animal forensics as well? If you
find forensics fascinating and love
animals, you definitely want to read
Protecting Animals
Another facet of animal forensics
is the examination of animals to
determine if they have been abused
and how. This is sort of the Special
Victims Unit of forensics. The ASPCA
actually has a Veterinary Forensics
Unit whose job is to examine evidence
and offer expert testimony on animal
Investigators look at x-rays, bone
fragments, bullet trajectories as
other bits of evidence to try and build
a case again animal cruelty offenders.
Animals can’t tell us what happened,
so investigators are starting to
depend on forensics to talk for them.
The ASPCA has even funded a special
Clues that Animals Leave Behind
CSI van to go directly to the scene
There are several labs that specialize in of the crime, such as a dog fighting
animal forensics in the United States. ring where evidence can be collected
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory swiftly.
at the University of California’s
School of Veterinary Medicine in A Career in Animal CSI
Davis is one of the leading animal
forensics labs in the country. As If you love science and helping
law enforcement agencies began to animals, but want to pursue a
request more information regarding
specialty after going to veterinary
animal “clues” a forensic branch was
school and earning a D.V.M., animal
forensics might be a great career for
Most of the work done at the Davis you!
involves looking at biological animal
evidence in order to tie an animal into
the scene of a crime. For example, the
evidence would point to the owner of
the animal being the criminal. Cats
leave behind a lot of hair and if they
find your cat’s hair at the scene of the
crime, it just might implicate you as
the perpetrator.
You would be required to take
extra classes in criminology as well.
Choosing a program that offers
degrees in pathology will also help
you on your way. Individuals wishing
to pursue a career in this field should
be confident that they can handle the
difficulty of being at gruesome or
heartbreaking crime scenes. It isn’t a
People have even been convicted of profession for the faint of heart.
crimes based on the evidence left
behind by an animal. Phillip Stroud The demand for experts in this field
was placed at the scene of a murder is rapidly growing. In a nation with
based on dog feces that were found so many pets, there are almost always
outside of the house and also on his one or two at the scene of the crime.
sneakers in 2000. Stroud had claimed
You’ll be helping people, not to
to have not entered the building, but
mention getting the satisfaction of
the DNA doesn’t lie.
helping to put away animal abusers.
on Fri 1st, Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd Feb 2013. There was an international panel of judges, including
Liz Cartledge from the UK who is a Corgi Specialist,
who judged three groups including BIS one day.
She also judged the Queen’s Trophy - Thelma Gray
Memorial Trophy for the Best Corgi. Liz very kindly
brought over with her a t-shirt, which she awarded as a
prize to the winner of the trophy. The winner was the
same dog that won RUBIG (Kitty Flynn’s ‘Walker’). Website link to In show awards and judges list:
Photos Matschke
RUBIS Friday
J V & E Carter - Cocker Spaniel (American)
Ch Azel Always Bet On The Black
RUBIS Saturday S L J & A Martin/Kataku Knls Alaskan Malamute
Ch Kataku Mystical Charm
BIS Friday and Saturday and RUBIS Sunday
Tell-Collinge/B Hamilton - Poodle (Standard)
Huffish Dynamite Street (imp Swe)
BIS Sunday J Johns - Border Collie
Ch Waveney Kozomonaut
Winner of the greatly prized Queen’s Trophy for Best Corgi,
and RUBIG Friday
K Flynn’s Pembroke Gr Ch Dwynella Skyewalker (imp NZ)
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
BIG Toys
A Griffon Bruxellois Sup Ch Statuesque Pumpernickel
B RUBIG Bichon Frise Ch Pinefield Bugle Boy
BIG Terriers
C Staffordshire Bull Terrier Ch Seighford Wooralla
D WHWT Ch Alborada Tamborilero (imp Esp)
BIG Gundogs
E Cocker Spaniel (American) Ch Azel Always Bet On The Black
F Weimaraner Ch Waldwieze Dirty Lil Secret (imp NZ)
BIG Hounds
G Afghan Hound Sup Ch Tahkira Take A Chance On Me
H Irish Wolfhound Ch Tirowen Quinn
BIG Working Australian Cattle Dog
I Sup Ch Landmaster Memphis Blues
J Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Gr Ch Dwynella Skyewalker (imp NZ)
BIG Utility
K Siberian Husky
Aust/Can Ch Pvtstk Boomerang To Chrisdon (imp Can)
L Alaskan Malamute Ch Hamalek Rumble In The Jungle
M BIG Poodle (Standard) Huffish Dynamite Street (imp Swe)
N Poodle (Miniature) Ch Arataire Exemplify
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
sorry no further photo
sorry no photo
BIG Toys Pug Pandanlamo Rudolph Valentino
RUBIG Bichon Frise Ch Pinefield Bugle Boy
BIG Terriers Bull Terrier Trahern Yankees Skipper
RUBIG Lakeland Terrier Ch Sandimorn The Deal Is About Me
BIG Gundogs Weimaraner Ch Waldwieze Dirty Lil Secret (imp NZ)
RUBIG German Shorthaired Pointer Aust Sup/Can Ch Flower Creek Takn’ Care Of Business (imp USA)
BIG Hounds Afghan Hound Sup Ch Tahkira Take A Chance On Me
RUBIG Saluki Ch Pazada Grand Royale
BIG Working Puli Aust/Am Ch Cordmaker Dizzy Miss Lizzie (imp USA)
RUBIG Australian Cattle Dog Sup Ch Landmaster Memphis Blues
BIG Utility Alaskan Malamute Ch Kataku Mystical Charm
RUBIG Siberian Husky Ch Asryn Dream Seeker
BIG Non Sporting Poodle (Standard) Huffish Dynamite Street (imp Swe)
RUBIG Dalmatian Ch Jazzanda Lethal Weapon
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Afghan Hound
no further photo
no further photo
Poodle Standard
BIG Toys Papillon Sup Ch Mondelise Stairway To Heaven
RUBIG Bichon Frise Ch Pinefield Bugle Boy
no further photo
BIG Terriers Bull Terrier Trahern Yankees Skipper
RUBIG Staffordshire Bull Terrier Bustabones Thtrubl With Tequila (AI)
BIG Gundogs Weimaraner Ch Waldwieze Dirty Lil Secret (imp NZ)
RUBIG German Shorthaired Pointer Ch Heiderst Risky Business
BIG Hounds Afghan Hound Sup Ch Tahkira Take A Chance On Me
RUBIG Rhodesian Ridgeback Macumazahn High Voltage
BIG Working Border Collie Ch Waveney Kozmonaut
RUBIG Shetland Sheepdog Ch Sharndah Jaggers Edge
BIG Utility Siberian Husky Ch Asryn Dream Seeker
RUBIG Alaskan Malamute Ch Kataku Mystical Charm
BIG Non Sporting Poodle (Standard) Huffish Dynamite Street (Imp Swe)
RUBIG British Bulldog Ch Bullyack Muskateller
The handlers (James Camac Memorial Shield) was won by Brodie Bonham. National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
The British Scene
One of the few
shows this year
that we had sun
at was Richmond,
beautiful grounds
of a stately home,
About one hours
drive from central
one the better
supported shows
of the year because
it also holds the semi-finals of the junior handlers, very
much the baby of Liz Cartledge. Each Group has two
ages as well, so the younger ones don’t compete, at this
stage, with the older juniors.
as she had sent in both the top winners. In Reserve Best
in Show was the Samoyed bitch with such a record, Lisa
Bobrowski’s Ch Vandreem Imperial Hermioni, now the
holder of 10 Groups and 34 challenge certificates.
And winner of Best in Show was the red Norwich
Terrier Ch Ragus Merry Gentleman bred and co-owned
by Lesley Crawley and Mathew Oddie, and well in the
running for Top Terrier 2012. There could have been
a problem here as in the Terrier Group Kate Irving
had shown her Border Terrier and won Best of Breed,
fortunately only going Group 2 and saving a little
embarrassment for the Best in Show judge. In the UK
it is quite acceptable for one to judge and one to show
on the same day, but obviously not in the breed rings.
At one time it was quite acceptable to judge one day
and then the same person to show at the same show
on another day. But this was stopped several years ago
when Andrew Brace handled his Beagle one day and
This year’s best in show judge, was former Kennel Club then judged on another at the same show.
chairman, Ronnie Irving. Ronnie together with his wife
Kate, owners of the very successful Dandyhow Border So out of the Richmond showground, turn right and
Terrier kennel. More of the finals later.
5/6 hours drive north and your at Darlington show and
another held in the grounds of a country estate. Newby
From Sweden came Renee Sporre-Willes to judge Hall is a grand imposing building, filled with treasure
some breeds and a couple of the Groups. She judged of days gone by. The estate even has its own church in
the Toy Group and gave the top sport to Barbara the grounds of the estate. The gardens are immaculate
Murray’s black and tan Smooth Griffon Ch Beauview and if you have a bad day at the show, then go and see
Brave As A Blizzard, at present he holds the record for the gardens and house, you most definitely won’t be
this color. From Finland came Elina Haapaniemi and disappointed. They have their own website, so just type
she did the Working Group and it was a first Group in Newby Hall and take a look.
win for the Newfoundland Ch Kalibah Artemus Pride.
Renee did Gundogs as well, heading the group a dog This a three day show and the only one in the country
that has had a great career since he arrived here from that schedules every breed recognized by the Kennel
the US, Labrador Show Ch, Am/Can Ch Salty Dog of Club, so it’s a mammoth task of organization.
Tampa Bay owned by Linda Hess, who was at the show
to watch his perform. As always superbly handled by One of the most popular judges is Mrs Liz Cartledge,
Anthony Allen, he is now a veteran but you would Swedish by birth, she has lived in this country now for
hardly know that. He was attending one of his final many years. She judged Best in Show and 5 of the Groups
shows as he was due to leave these shores and attend and three of them had won their Groups at Richmond
the Eukanuba classic in Florida in December. British the week before, the Samoyed, Norwich Terrier and the
all rounder Robin Searle was in charge of the Hounds Dalmatian. In Hounds she gave this to the current Top
and his winner was Zena Thorn Andrews’ Mini Wire Dog All Breeds, Sara Robertson and Canadian Wendy
Dachshund Ch Drakesleat Win A lot, Zena’s kennel Doherty’s Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Ch Soletrader
producing over a 100 champions, quite a record. Crufts Just Jilly. Well known all rounder and local lad Frank
committee member tom Mathew did the Non Sporting Kane gave the Gundog Group to a lovely lemon and
Group and made a 3rd Group first for the Dalmatian white Pointer Show Ch Wilchrimane Ice maiden. Toy
Ch Offordale Chevalier, can you believe his sire has 9 Specialist Stephen Bardwell gave his Group to the
European titles??
back and tan smooth Griffon Ch Beauview Brave As A
Blizzard, the only back and tan smooth Griffon EVER
And as l said it was up to Ronnie Irving to decide the to win a Group in this country.
two top spots and Renee Willes must have been thrilled
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
For Best in Show Liz awarded the American-bred
Bouvier des Flandres Ch I’m Special Inessence Movado
at Kanix, owned by Fiona Lambert, Janet Hughes and
US breeder Pat Murray and handled by Akita specialist
Dave Killilea.
wins, and this in a very competitive breed. Recently he
returned to the US and to attend the Eukanuba classic,
let’s hope he has left a legacy behind him.
Another dog that has had a wonderful year and this
time from ‘down under’ is the tan and white Beagle Ch/
For UK exhibitors one of the biggest challenges is Aust Ch Orobay Graceful Triumph, now the winner of
attending Belfast Ch Show. Airline companies will 11 Certificates but a Group first seems to elude him.
now not take dogs on flights to Ireland and so the only
route is by boat. There are several ways but each in its Because of boat journeys, Group judging is always
way makes it a difficult journey. There are three places earlier so that exhibitors can catch early boats should
that you can sail from, one on the west coast of Wales, they wish. For us we tend to drive south to Dublin and
and that means quite a drive when you arrive in the catch the ferry home that way and so that we can stay
Irish Republic. The other is on the island of Anglesey to watch the Groups.
and this time the north of Wales and that takes you
into Dublin port and a drive of about 2/3 hours. Or One of our early protégés is Sarah Jackson, and so to
you can sail from Stranraer, again on the west coast watch her win the Toy Group under top lady all rounder
of Scotland, but the roads are not good however you Ferelith Somerfield was exciting for us. Ch Benatone
do get their quicker. We ourselves do the Anglesey Gold Boots has now won three Groups plus 20
journey as the sail is only 4 hours and the roads up to Certificates. Those in the US will remember RC Carusi
Belfast are so much better these days.
handling the Irish Terrier, Ch/Am Ch Fleet St Fire And
Ice for Tony Barker and Stan Wojewodski. Well since
The Belfast Dog Show Society was founded in 1880 and coming to the UK he has now won 5 Groups plus a
over the 132 years has seen many changes, this year the Reserve Best in Show and here at Belfast he added to
showgrounds had undergone major improvements and that total by winning under the world renowned Terrier
really brought it back to the 21st century. Of course in man Harry O’Donoghue, who of course is owner of the
years gone by the troubles in the north were quite a world famous Blackdale Wire Fox Terriers.
factor with many exhibitors, but l have never missed a
show here and can honestly say we have not seen any I know the home crowd are always delighted when at
signs of trouble. As in most cases, it was in certain least one the major awards stays in Ireland so there
areas that this occurred, but the showground was not were huge cheers when Tegwyn Jones gave the Pastoral
in one of these thankfully.
Group to the Ford’s Old English Sheepdog Ch/Irish Ch
Oakfarm Gypsy Rose at Clenmaen, his sire Ch Brinkley
Because of the distance etc the entry is never as high as American Pie, has American breeding and was Best of
on the UK mainland but the entry was up by 168 dogs Breed at Crufts in 2011. Another Group winner but
to make the total entry 2,361 dogs with Labradors top with both American parents, was the winner of the
breed entry with 95 dogs.
Working Group Ch I’M Special Inessence Movado at
Kanix, he was the previous show’s BIS winner. Owned
Ever since Judith Carruthers imported the US Irish by Fiona Lambert, Janet Hughes and his American
Water Spaniel, Sh Ch/Am Ch Whistle Stops Elements breeder Pat Murray, handled as usual by Akita breeder
Of Magic from his breeder and co-owner Colleen Dave Killilea.
McDaniel, he has had a phenomenal career. Now an
18 challenge certificate winner, plus 4 All Breed Best Crufts committee member and UK Toy Secretary Tom
in Shows, he again won the Group at Belfast. Recently Mather judged Best in Show and it was repeat BIS
l judged at the Stockholm Christmas show and l was winner from 2011 in Lee Cox and Tom Isherwood’s
delighted to be able to meet Colleen in person, well to black Toy poodle Ch Vanitonia You’ll See, sired by an
say she is thrilled would be an understatement!!
import from the famous Smash kennel in Japan, this
was his 8th BIS award.
Linda Hess must also be delighted with the career
of her imported yellow Labrador Sh Ch/Am/Can Ch Following him all the way, was this year’s Top Dog All
Salty Dog of Tampa Bay. Shown in the UK by Anthony Breeds at this stage, the Petit Griffon Vendeen, known
Allen he also now has 22 Certificates plus three Group to everyone simply as ‘Jilly’. To give her her full name
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
she is Ch Soletrader Peek A Boo and is owned by Sara
Robertson and Canadian Wendy Doherty and handled
by Sara’s husband Gavin. This was her 25th Group first
win. In 2011 she was Top Hound and now has 6 BIS
awards to her name.
As the season moves on, it becomes necessary for shows
to move to indoor venues, our climate it so weird, that
you could never risk being outside. And you could even
say the same for this year’s summer, that’s if you could
call it that.
South Wales Kennel Association is one of the oldest
clubs in the country. And how appropriate, that the
person selected to judge this year’s BIS had attended
HIS first ever show at South Wales in 1949. Its home
then was Pontcanna Fields in the city of Cardiff. Sadly
it is now a sports venue and since those heady days, the
show has moved to different venues for various reasons.
Now it is settled at the Royal Welsh Showground,
Bulith Wells, in the heart of mid Wales. The venue also
for the Welsh Kennel Club in August and of course for
the world famous Royal Welsh Show. So who is that
person selected to judge the top award? Well it could
not be more appropriate than Peter Green. Do l really
need to say anymore about this famous Welshman??
No of course l don’t, except to say we ‘lent’ him to
the USA, but he is ‘ours”, he belongs to Wales, he is a
true Welshman!! Sadly his weekend would be tinged
with sadness, as on the Saturday night his dear friend
Elizabeth Matell, of Cracknor Norfolk fame, was found
dead at her home. Something that affected so many
people on the final day of the show, sadness, shock,
Yakee Scottish kennel of Pekingese, and his latest
top winner is Ch Yakee Ooh Aah Cantona, Peter also
judged this Group as well. If you wonder what a strange
name he has, all l will say is that it refers to a famous
footballer. For this lad it was his 11th Group first win
but he is also winner of 27 Certificates plus 2 BIS. Stuart
Mallard is one of our most respected all round judges
and he sent forward the Samoyed bitch Ch Blueaegean
Aphrodite by Kalinski, who alhough she has Group
placings this was her first Group win. Carol Harwood
is better known for her Minarets Miniature Poodles,
but she also judges several breeds in the Non Sporting
Group plus the Group itself. Her winner was the Akita
Ch Dykebar Revenge Is Sweet at Stecal, who remains
top Akita for the year and now has three
Group firsts to her credit.
So as l said Peter had a superb line-up to choose from and
the one dog that won a gGoup that l haven’t mentioned
was the one that eventually did go BIS. For most of the
year she has been Top Dog All Breeds, she has won 26
certificates, 25 Group firsts, and seven Best in Shows.
So quite a record. She is owned by Sara Robertson and
Canadian Wendy Doherty, of course l am talking about
who we all refer to as, ‘Jilly’. To give her her full title
Ch Soletrader Peek A Boo, handled this time by Sara’s
husband Gavin. In Reserve it was the Norwich Terrier
Lesley Crawley and Mathew Oddie’s Ch Ragus Merry
It turned out to be quite a weekend for the Soletrader
kennel as they also took four other BIS wins. BIS at
the Basset Fauve de Bretagne ch show, in the US with
Ch Soletrader Maggie May and Jilly’s grandfather
Soletrader Bjorn Borg took two BISs in Germany.
But the show had to go on and Peter did have a wonderful Quite some achievement wouldn’t you say?
line-up as the winners paraded before him. Peter had
judged the Terrier Group and his winner was Lesley From one of the oldest clubs in the country to one that
Crawley’s Norwich Ch Ragus Merry Gentleman, a is not quite as old, only being established in 1968. The
contender for the Top Terrier award. Tan Nagrecha has Midland Counties Canine Society was establish by, the
bred some wonderful St Bernards over the years. His then chairman of the Kennel Club, Air Commodore
Chandlimore kennel has probably won more Groups Cecil-Wright and gained its championship status in
than any other Saint kennel postwar. His latest ‘star’ 1976 and so this year’s show was its 37th championship
is Ch Chandlimore Sparks Will Fly over Samhaven, show. As with its title the show is held in West
co-owned with Alison Grainger, this was her second Midlands at Stafford Showground, a very popular
Group win.
venue for many championship shows and liked by all
exhibitors because of its central location and close to
In Gundogs, he had the most lovely lemon and white the motorway network.
Pointer bitch Sh Ch Wilchrimane Ice Maiden. Also
her second Group win, she had such a stunning puppy This year there was the same judge for all the Groups
career and now whilst an adult is doing even better. and BIS. Ann Ingram is originally from Northern
Another top kennel is Bert Easdon and Philip Martin’s Ireland but now resides in the south and now comes
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
under the FCI banner as an all round judge. Her family
were originally in Terriers, but her mother, Millicent,
and herself are better known these days for the Tirkane
Boxers, and in recent years Toy Poodles. And she chose
quite a line-up for BIS. There was the US imported Irish
Terrier ‘Fire And Ice. Bert Easdon Pekingese ‘Cantona’,
Sara Robertson and Wendy Doherty’s PBGV ‘Jilly’, the
current Top Dog All Breeds for 2012. Then there was
the US bred Bouvier I’m Special Inesssence. The US
‘imported’ photographer Lisa Croft Elliott with the
Cardigan Corgi ‘Floatin Helen’ owned in partnership
with Dutch breeder Hanno Dijkhorst.
Then we have the two that finished up BIS and Reserve.
In Reserve it was ‘Graham’ - Ch Vanitonia You’ll See the black Toy Poodle owned by Lee and Tom from the
Vanitonia knl and for the top spot Ann chose Sarah
Corbett’s English Springer Spaniel, Show Ch Trimere
Tigra. What a great career this 8 year old bitch has
had. She has a previous BIS at the Welsh Kennel Club,
several Groups and 29 Certificates. She also won the
Group at this show in 2011 and so a lucky show for
her owner. On the day she was handled by her breeder,
who also happens to be her mother, Ann. It was Sarah’s
birthday, but sadly was not at the show, as she had to
Kennel Club pick on the ‘white’ breeds first, because
obviously if you are white you ‘must’ use something to
get them white. The poor old Poodle exhibitor is picked
on because everyone knows that the breed uses some
spray to frame the top-knot. Maybe they should think
about other ‘colored’ breeds as well, that seems to have
not occurred to them, and that chalk does come in
colors other than WHITE!!! As it stands at this moment
in time, random coat-testing remains suspended while
further investigation takes place ahead of this year’s
One of the most famous dogs to come to the UK in
recent years is of course ‘Yogi’ the Hungarian Vizsla
from Australia. l am sad to report that he has died just
two weeks short of his tenth birthday. He was Britain’s
top BIS winner of all time. To give him his full title,
He was Show Ch/Australian Ch Hungargunn Bear It’n
Mind. He was bred in New South Wales, by Naomi
Cragg in 2002. On a judging trip to Oz in 2004, he was
first seen by John Thirlwell, and the next day Moray
Armstrong obviously agreed with John by awarding
him the Gundog Group. After a lot of negotiations,
and persuasion, Naomi allowed Yogi to come to the
UK to be campaigned. In 2010 he secured his 17th BIS,
smashing the previous record that had been held for 70
years by one of the famous Heather Scottish Terriers.
His final show was at Crufts in the same year and he
went all the way to BIS. I was delighted to have given
him one of his BIS which was at The Scottish Kennel
Club in 2007. He was twice ‘Dog of the Year’, and has
sired 18 UK titleholders. He was quite a boy!!
So with Christmas very nearly with us it was the last
general championship show of the year. The Ladies
Kennel Club, better known as the LKA, has always had
a great atmosphere. With just a week to go before the
celebrations, everyone was in a party mood. In days
gone by, every breed would have its own party close to
the benches. Tables full of all kinds of food and drinks
and everyone would have a great time, win, draw or
lose, it didn’t matter.
The long awaited Kennel Club working party, set up to
carry out a review of coat-testing, has now recommended
that some chalk, and hair spray should be allowed. The
random selection of dogs was highly controversial
amongst exhibitors. More so, in the fact that it seemed
more ‘high profile’ exhibitors found themselves being
taken away for samples to be taken. In our case we
have been tested about 6 times now. Random? I don’t
think so!! In each case our samples were clear. Would
we be stupid enough to use something, knowing full
well the chances were quite high if we were to be
selected?? Also the working party concluded that, on
the basic of its review and the results of some initial
scientific studies, the procedure is ‘suitably robust and
that there is a reliable basis upon which to rebut claims
that the possibility of cross-contamination invalidates
the procedure’.
But then the spoil-sports at the National Exhibition
Centre, the same venue as Crufts, put a stop to it, as
Well l am no scientist, but if you are standing next to their own food concessions were not doing so well. But
a person, using huge amounts of hair spray, then the even so people still enjoy themselves and there is a lot
chances are that an awful lot of it will come onto your of Christmas card swapping and celebrations, though
dog as well. Of course we are not told, what ‘amounts’ a little muted. But it’s well liked by exhibitors as the
are needed to give a positive result. To my mind, this entry testifies. For the last two years it has drawn, apart
is a minefield, and as such, has caused an awful lot of from obviously Crufts, the top entry of the year, quite
bad feeling amongst exhibitors. Of course as usual the something when you consider that not every breed has
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
CCs allocated to this show. Rather crazy in my view.
This year there were 11,267 dogs, with Goldens having
the top entry of 261 dogs. Intrepid travelers had also
come from Czech Republic, Norway and Belgium.
Gordon Setters are one of Britain’s oldest show
breed-indeed a black and tan setter was one of the
winners at the first ever recorded dog show in 1959.
Yet amazingly no Gordon had ever won BIS at a UK
all-breeds championship, that was until this show,
where the judge was Ken Sinclair of the famous Araki
Tibetan Terrier kennel and breeder of course of the
famous Ch Araki Fabulous Willie, BIS at Crufts. Ken
also co-bred the Beagle ‘Ada’ owned by co-writer
Andrew Brace. The history-maker was Show Ch
Hernwood Talladega Racer, handled by Claire Lewis
and co-owned with his breeders Christine and Pete
Sandford. He is a mixture of American, Canadian and
UK lines. His sire is Hernwood Delaware Diamond
whose dam, Sh Ch/Am Ch Greenglen’s Glass Chime
at Hernwood, was imported in whelp. Ken’s choice
for Reserve was the Tebbutt’s Irish Wolfhound Ch
Caredig Delilah, her major win at this level.
The highest breed entry comes in Labradors with 490
dogs for the two judges. Golden Retrievers are next
with 454 dogs and three other Gundog breeds top 300
dogs: Cockers 367, Irish Setters 351 and Flat Coated
Retrievers with 337. Hounds are topped by Whippets
with 416. Border Collies top the herding with 379.
Staffordshire Bull Terriers have 361. Toys are topped
by Cavaliers with 334. Rottweiler’s top Working with
224 and Dalmatians top Non Sporting with 215. All
these breeds, with the exception of Dalmatians, will
have two judges. However the highest breed for a
single judge is Border Terriers where the judge Jayne
Gillam has 274 dogs to judge, so a busy day for her.
In days gone by, Crufts used to be the first major
championship show of the year. Nowadays the
Manchester Dog Show Society has pre-ceded
it. Normally the Kennel Club will only allow
championship shows to hold them within their area,
and are quite strict about it. However, we are a small
island and venues are difficult to find. Manchester is
a major northern city, however a venue large enough
to hold a three day show was impossible to find. Also
the weather in January makes it impossible to hold a
Other Group winners included the Smooth show outside. So the Kennel Club allows them to use
Chihuahua Ch Copymear Celebration, the Westie the very popular show centre in Stafford, and also in
Ch Peppabby Prank, the Akita Ch Dykebar Revenge a separate county.
Is Sweet, the Tervueren Hawkesflight Made in Style
for Bellpins and from the Czech Republic the Alaskan There was a lot of speculation as to how the show
Malamute International Ch Rasta-Man Shamanrock. would fare with news of impending snow. There was a
As everyone left the show with Christmas wishes to little snow on the first day but the second day was
everyone else, some reflected on the year past, and quite different. I was an early arrival and all was OK,
but then it started to snow, and it just never stopped,
what would 2013 bring to us all??
and most exhibitors decided on an early departure.
Crufts is very nearly with us and the excitement This was a four day event and by the third things had
is building, well it is in this household! For those improved quite a lot.
who have never attended then it is huge! And bring
BIS went to the big winning German Shepherd Ch
comfortable shows if you are planning on walking
Elmo vom Huhnegrab, bred in Germany, by Sieger
around for 4 days, and you can shop till you drop at
Zamp vom Thermodos ex Ofi vom Huhnegrab. He
the sea of trade booths.
was top Herding in 2010 and won the Group at Crufts.
He is owned by John and Sandra Cullen and handled
Crufts 2013 has drawn an entry of 20,566, down on
by Ateve Cox. For Reserve it was the winner of the
last year by 463 dogs and the lowest total since 1997.
Working group Fiona Lambert, Janet Hughes and Pat
Nevertheless the show remains the biggest to be held
Murray’s Bouvier Ch/Dutch Ch I’m Special Inessence
in the world since last year’s Crufts, the closest being
Movado at Kanix, he is all American breeding, sired
the World Show in Austria which drew 18,607 dogs.
by Am Ch I’m Special Every Move I Make ex Am Ch
Praxters Jenni.
One encouraging feature is that the overseas entry
has topped 2,000 dogs for the first time. A total of
2,131 dogs from 41 countries will take part, including
Please visit our site to see outstanding showdogs
dogs from Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Malaysia,
none of which have previously been represented.
[email protected]
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Vale Glenyse Acreman
Norma replied I am going back now; I only wanted to
see what colour her dress was!
Our friend Glenyse Acreman – How in a short space
of time can one do justice to placing on record the
contribution this remarkable lady has made to the Dog
In her early days, Glenyse was also involved with her
mother in breeding and exhibiting Pembroke Welsh
Corgis, Papillions and Collie Roughs, producing
champions in all these breeds.
The large gathering here today is without doubt However, her greatest successes came when she became
testimony to the very high regard in which Glenyse involved in 1960 in the early days of the re-introduction
Acreman was held by all members of the canine of the Shetland Sheepdog to the Victorian Show scene.
For me, Glenyse was not only a well respected All
Breeds Dog Judge, Club Administrator and Steward;
she was also a very good friend of my family, especially
my late father-in-law Harry Rizzetti.
From that time under the “HILLACRE” prefix there
have been some 70 Champions and 6 Grand Champions.
Not just Australian Champions, but HILLACRE’s
also titled in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
These dogs didn’t just title, but won some fantastic
awards, like: Best Exhibit in Show at All Breed Championship Shows
on more than 50 occasions
Best Exhibit in Show All Breeds at 2 Royal Shows
27 CC wins at Specialty Shows, 29 CC wins At Royal
Shows and the list goes on and on.
I cannot clearly recollect the first time we got to know
each other. When I started to show Collie (Rough’s)
back in the mid to late 1950’s (without much success),
Glenyse was already well entrenched in the world of
show dogs. However, I can clearly remember Norma
Acreman (her mother) giving me some encouragement
when I started to show. Glenyse would have only been There has been many noteworthy HILLACRE’s, but
around 10 years old at that time.
the most significant would be Aust Grand Champion
Hillacre Wee Macgregor (owned by Fiona BrownObviously, Glenyse’ interest in dogs came from Elkner), who in an outstanding show career, in 1998
her mother, who as a teenager had started showing was Best in Show at the Sydney Royal under Hans
Australian Silky Terriers. Her early childhood Lehtinen (Finland) and Best in Show at the Adelaide
involvement of dogs at home and attending shows with Royal under Gael Morison (South Africa).
her mother was the start of her becoming a staunch
devotee of the Canine World. In fact, Norma would Glenyse was a much sought after judge for many
tell us that Glenyse attended her first Melbourne Royal decades and having gained “All Breeds” status in 1980.
as a 3 month old in a pram.
She has judged extensively in all Australian States and
Over the years we have had a few laughs over different
things that involved both Glenyse and her Mum. For
instance, one such story Jennifer and I recalled over
the last couple of days was about the time Colour TV
was introduced here in Melbourne.
Territories, including several of the Australian “Royal
Shows”, as well as internationally in Countries such as
New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Denmark,
Norway, South Africa, The Philippines and Japan.
Glenyse not only gained a lot from her involvement in
the Dog World, but was one of those members who put
Norma wasn’t one for change, and when Glenyse a lot back into her hobby.
purchased their first colour Television set, she was
annoyed because her mother wouldn’t watch it. With Glenyse for many, many year’ put countless hours into
the new colour TV in the lounge, the old black & white the Victorian Judges Training Scheme. She was an
set was taken down to the kitchen where Norma would extremely accomplished Lecturer and was instrumental
watch her shows. One particular night they were both in helping many of today’s judges in achieving their
watching the exact same program in different rooms, dreams. She not only lectured here in Victoria, but
when suddenly Norma came into the lounge room and also gave lectures in other States and overseas.
stood in front of the TV, Glenyse was annoyed and said
Mum what are you doing I am watching that show?
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Throughout the years, Glenyse was also heavily
involved in Club administration. She was very
instrumental in the forming of the Junior Kennel Club.
And, as she got older, Glenyse held such positions as
President, Secretary, Show Secretary, etc. of several
Dog Clubs and right till the end was President of
the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Victoria and the
Metropolitan Dog Club. She was also Patron of the
Australian Silky Terrier Club of Victoria.
And from my point-of-view, for almost the last 10
year’s Glenyse was an important member of the
Royal Melbourne Show team of Stewards, as a ‘ring
announcer’ and assisting with trophies.
My family will miss Glenyse at Christmas time.
Glenyse always called in on a night leading up to
Christmas to see ‘The Boulevard Lights’ and have a
It was always un-announced and sometimes it was
just the family at home, other times it was absolute
bedlam because the house would be full of Louise’s
theatrical friends, but we didn’t mind and neither did
Glenyse, she put up with the noise just as well as we
did. So in some ways for my family, Christmas will not
be quite the same anymore.
more important show about to start up there, and
Glenyse was needed either as a Judge, Steward or
Administrator extraordinaire.
The Dog World will sincerely miss Glenyse Acreman’s
presence. The contribution Glenyse made to the Dog
World is without doubt exemplary. Glenyse, we will
all miss you. My dear friend - Rest in Peace.
Condolences to her family, especially her sons Dean
When I got the news that Glenyse had finally passed and Shayne Malcolm.
away, all I could think of, was that there was a much ROBERT BELL
The next time you catch yourself crying on a street She posted the photo to Facebook, where strangers
corner, just hope that Maria Sanchez is taking pledged to help the man.
clandestine photos of you.
Since Thomas hadn't left a phone number or a name
Last week, Dave Thomas, a San Bernardino man, was at the facility, Sanchez needed to identify him before
briefly jailed for failure to appear in court for traffic she could reach out.
violations, leading to the impoundment of his dog on
She made phone calls and posted calls for help online.
February 13.
She drove around town posting flyers. She received a
Upon release, Buzz Lightyear, a 2-year-old pit bull traffic ticket and had her car sideswiped.
mix, was waiting for him at the San Bernardino City
Animal Shelter. But Thomas couldn't pay the $400 to All the while, donations poured in. On Monday night,
get his pet back, KABC reported.
KABC identified Thomas and put him in touch with
Sanchez, who
Just as Thomas found out he couldn't get his dog told him the
back, Maria Sanchez, a photographer at the shelter cost of getting
who happened to be watching, captured the scene on Buzz back was
"He was pouring water into his dog's water bowl, his
dog sat there and licked up the water for about a
minute, he sat down next to him and started weeping,"
Sanchez told KABC.
"God bless you
said over the
photo Dave Thomas
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Holistic Veterinarian
Dr Julie Buzby's ToeGrips Restore
Mobility and Stability for
Senior and Disabled Dogs
The enhanced mobility Winnie has with ToeGrips made
her emotional state better too. Gregory noted, "She is
still affected by her loss of vision, but I can say that she
is a better dog with her restored balance. I would say
that if you want to teach an old dog new tricks, help it
to engage in movement. ToeGrips do this. ToeGrips are
Veterinarian-endorsed and dog lover-approved product truly a breakthrough for canine geriatric medicine."
addresses issues of slipping, sliding and struggling
across hard-surface flooring and the emotional distress In addition to helping dogs like Winnie, Buzby says
ToeGrips have been valuable for three-legged dogs,
it causes for older dogs
patients recovering from orthopedic surgeries, and
BEAUFORT, S.C., Feb. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Dogs dogs recuperating from injuries.
love lying on cold floors and homeowners love the look
of hardwood and tile, but according to Dr. Julie Buzby, "ToeGrips cannot solve every dog's mobility issues,"
veterinarian and animal acupuncturist, dogs weren't Buzby adds, "but for the right dog, ToeGrips are a
designed to live on hard-surface flooring.
simple, affordable, natural solution to an age-old
"Dogs engage their toenails to gain traction," Buzby
explains. "When slipping or sliding, a dog will flex his ToeGrips are sold through more than 100 veterinary
toes and dig in his nails. This is the perfect design for professionals in six countries, and can be ordered
acquiring traction on earthen terrain; on hard-surface direct online at
flooring, however, this only makes the slipping and
struggling worse."
Slipping is hard on dogs' joints and increases the risk
of injury. Many veterinarians emphasize that it can be
an emotionally traumatic experience as well.
"Fear is real for many senior or disabled dogs who live on
hard-surface floors," Buzby says. "Owners of struggling
dogs recognize this fear, but until now there hasn't been
an effective solution for dogs slipping on hardwood and
Buzby developed Dr Buzby's Toe Grips for Dogs,
which she describes as "a biomechanical solution to a
biomechanical problem." ToeGrips are natural rubber
rings that slide on to dogs' nails, adhere by friction, and
provide traction and confidence for senior, disabled,
and rehabilitating dogs.
Dr Lee Gregory, an emergency/critical care veterinarian
who is also certified in acupuncture and rehabilitation,
uses ToeGrips on Winnie, her own 13-year-old Shar Pei
mix. Winnie experienced two neurologic episodes that
left her with balance deficits. In addition, her vision
was worsening. This combination caused Winnie to
become fearful.
"Fear affects her mobility," Gregory explains, "and
also translates to every part of her life. Veterinary
professionals have come to recognize how fear can ruin
a dog's life."
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Profile of the new Chairman of the Dog Section,
Royal Melbourne Show.
Royal Agricultural Society
At a recent meeting of the Committee, Bob Bell
announced that after 16 years, he was standing down
as Chairman of the RASV Dog Committee, and was
delighted to hand the reins over to Wayne Pearson.
This change had been approved by the RASV Board
some time ago.
Wayne has had dogs in his family for his entire life
and acquired his first Golden Retriever over 33 years
ago. During this period he has successfully owned,
bred and handled under the Jindabo prefix and
more recently with his wife Jill under the Beaucroft
Kennels’ prefix, campaigning many dogs to their
Australian Championship titles. With his wife Jill, they
currently have five Golden Retrievers that are actively
campaigned in the show ring.
The Dog Committee now comprises, Wayne Pearson
(Chairman), Neville Hodgkins (Deputy-Chairman)
together with Bob Bell, Andrew Burt, Clive Makepeace,
Heather Tilley, Gael Wilcock & Lois Wilkinson.
He was first licensed to judge at Championship Show
Level and award CCs to all ANKC Gundogs in 1993.
Since then he has fulfilled assignments in all States of
Australia, as well as being privileged to have judged in
New Zealand, Korea, Finland and Sweden under the
FCI system. The highlights have included being invited
to judge the Golden Retriever Breed Specialty Shows
in Finland, New Zealand and Korea as well as NSW,
Queensland and Tasmania in Australia. His wife Jill
is also approved to judge Gundogs at Championship
Show level.
The Canine administration and practical skills of the
members of this committee indeed ensures the future
planning and direction of the dog section of the Royal
Melbourne Show is surely in very capable hands.
For many years, Wayne has also presented lectures on
the Golden Retriever Breed Standard, its construction
and judging of the Breed for the Judges Training
Scheme in Victoria, Australia.
In the RAS Office Julia Grainger is the Event
Coordinator – Dogs, and for all canine matters
relating to the Royal Melbourne Show, please contact
Julia as follows: -
As an administrator, he has served on numerous
committees of All-Breed clubs and the Golden Retriever
Club of Victoria Committees including holding the
positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer,
Show Manager and Committee Person.
Bob Bell informed the committee it was time to
hand over to someone younger, however, he certainly
intends to remain on the dog committee and continue
to carry out some of the administrative duties for a
while longer, but generally take life a little bit easier.
Tel: 03 9281 7430 – Fax: 03 9281 7530
Email: [email protected]
When not involved in dogs, much of his time is
consumed in his professional role as Managing
shareholder of Cellplex
Pty Ltd, a company whose
principal activity is to
import, manufacture and
distribute cardiovascular
medical products used
in open heart surgery
within Australia, New
Zealand and parts of
South East Asia.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
ND Editor’s note, we feel we must comment before
people even read this article.: The concept is great,
the risk of it being so easily available to all the nutters
out there who hate dogs and could with a single dose
sterilise every dog they could get this food to
is mind numbing.
They will not distinguish between stray dogs,
pets/neighbours’ dogs, and show/breeding dogs.
And let’s not forget jealous fellow exhibitors and
breeders, because sadly they also exist.
Is this very cose to release product
really such a good idea?
a) Make a female dog reproductively sterile for life.
b) Produce sterility in a female dog after eating just
ONE “Dog Treat.”
c) In effect, spay a female dog - without surgery and
without negative side effects.”
“When perfected, “the Dog Treat” will give us the ability
to end the cycle of suffering for the world's 600 million
stray dogs, who give birth every year to an estimated
one billion stray pups,” Dr Young states.
Currently, multiple doses of this product are needed
to produce sterilization. 600 Million Dogs is working
to change this--so that a single dose will produce
sterilization. They have commissioned scientists to
perform this work, and clinical trials have very recently
begun, says Dr Young.
Animal lovers, sheltering agencies and rescuers
struggling to care for and re-home the endless stream
of surplus, unwanted dogs (and cats) all over the
world—may find hope in the efforts of a new non-profit
organization, 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, which
has been founded by Alex Pacheco, co-founder of PETA
and Humane America, with one main mission—to stop 600 Million Dogs says its goal is to be able to conclude
current trials and finalize the formula within 18
dog (and cat) overpopulation.
months, if funding permits. At that point the next phase
The goal of 600 Million Stray Dogs is to develop will begin. This is the really exciting part--it involves
“permanent birth control dog food,” an edible using the product on a controlled basis in real-life
sterilization formula, which will permanently sterilize applications in three specific countries. Unfortunately,
a dog with only one dosage and provide the equivalent due to high costs, the U.S. is not one of the first three,
of a “cure” for dog overpopulation. (Permanent birth they say.
control cat food, a one-dosage edible cat sterilant, is
also planned.)
How likely is it that permanent birth-control dog food
is possible? The answer, says Dr. Young, is “very likely,”
Dr Jeffrey Young, a highly respected Veterinary Surgeon for three reasons:
with more than 20 years devoted to establishing spay/
neuter programs and training veterinarians all over the 1) Birth-control dog food has existed for over 25 years.
United States, Latin America and Europe, and also the Though it did not accomplish permanent sterilization,
founder of Planned Pethood, is serving as the Scientific a product was made by Carnation Foods, the producer
Director for 600 Million Stray Dogs—a position he fills of Mighty Dog dog food and was announced by
as a volunteer.
Carnation in 1985. The New York Times published
the news that, within months, birth-control-dog-food
Along with Alex Pacheco, Dr Young made an “will be on store shelves across America.”
announcement in September 2012 that clinical trials
have begun on permanent birth control dog food, Tragically, Carnation's birth control dog food appears
currently nicknamed “the Dog Treat.”
to have been torpedoed. It mysteriously and quite
literally disappeared and has never been made available.
Following are exciting excerpts from a letter published (The New York Times article about Carnation's
by Dr Young, who explains, “This “Dog Treat” has a announcement can be seen at www.600MillionDogs.
sterilizing formula inside of it. Though it is not ready org).
yet, once it is completed and when used as intended, it
2) There currently exists a single-dose sterilization
formula for male dogs, called Neutersol, which has
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
been approved for use in the U.S. by the FDA. However, already exists far more data on dogs than cats -- thus
this product must be injected – in its current form it it should take less time to finalize a dog formula than
does not work when it is eaten.
a cat formula.”
Neutersol is described as a "99.6% effective, safe
alternative to surgical castration" for male dogs. But
injections cannot end the stray-dog overpopulation
because each dog must first be captured before it can
be manually injected directly into the testicles.
There are thousands of exhausted rescuers and shelter
workers who would celebrate any product that would
help end dog and cat overpopulation on a mass,
worldwide basis and also in states, cities and small
communities across this country. However, anyone
with experience with the pet industry understands
that there are also powerful forces that thrive on
perpetuating the maximum number of four-legged
“consumers” possible.
3) Based on years of scientific data generated by
numerous other scientists in more than one country,
the founders of 600 Million Stray Dogs say they have
sound reason to believe that an oral-sterilization
formula is within reach. Various species of animals
have been given different versions of the formulas
which the organization is targeting--and sterility has Will “Dog Treat” be able to survive in a marketplace that
needs to assure that millions of puppies and kittens are
available each year to maintain the consumer market
Until their scientific study and initial work is for supplies, food and services on which American pet
completed, there are humanitarian reasons why some owners, alone, reportedly spent $52 billion in 2011?
information they would like to share must, instead, be
kept confidential, say the founders of 600 Million Stray A one-time ingestible dog/cat sterilant that has
Dogs. They do not want their “Dog Treat,” the planned permanent results is the dream of anyone who has
permanent birth control dog food, to be torpedoed worked with homeless animals anywhere. Although
and mysteriously disappear like Carnation's did.
there is still work to be done, does it sound like 600
Million Stray Dogs is on the right track with “Dog
Could “the Dog Treat”—a one-dose edible sterilant
Alex Pacheco and Dr Jeffrey Young of 600 Million Stray for female dogs-- be a “cure” for dog overpopulation
Dogs state that, even at this preliminary stage, they worldwide? (ND Editor’s note: or could it be the answer
can disclose that there is over 20 years of data on the to the prayers of organisations like PETA?)
ingredients on which they are focusing in developing
“Dog Treats,” which, when used as intended, will not By Phyllis M Daugherty, Mon, January 14, 2013
only sterilize a female dog in one edible dose, but also: Source: WWW.600MILLIONDOGS.ORG
--- Do not harm the animal.
---Do not harm or sterilize people.
---Do not transfer sterilization from one animal to
another. (Meaning: If a dog ate the treat and then an
eagle ate the dog, the eagle would not be sterilized.)
---Do not have any known negative side effects when
used as intended.
---Do not harm the environment.
“We have not forgotten cats,” say the developers of “Dog
Treat, “the reason we started with dogs is because there
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
Veterinarians Project Both Human and Animal Health
By Sarah Netherton
Most people think of veterinarians as the
doctors who give yearly exams to dogs and cats
and care for sick pets. Yet, veterinarians play a
crucial role in many aspects of human health,
from ensuring a safe food supply to preventing
the spread of infectious disease.
“Veterinarians are the only health professionals
actively engaged in the food production industry,” notes
Dr. Jack Herrmann, a veterinarian on faculty at the
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
in Urbana. “The number one employer of veterinarians
in the United States is the Department of Agriculture.”
A free public forum addressing common public health
misconceptions was held at the College of Veterinary
Medicine on January 24. “Marijuana, Monsters and
Milk: Public Health Perspectives” is the first in a series
on public health issues, titled “One Health & You:
News You Can Use,” offered throughout spring 2013
by the Center for One Health Illinois. At each event, a
panel of experts will present evidence on health topics,
followed by a period for questions and comments from
the audience.
The January 24 forum will cover marijuana research
and policy, energy ("monster") drinks and heart
disease, cell phones and cancer studies, vaccination
safety, antimicrobials in milk and meat, and safety
issues related to bottled water and hand sanitizers.
Three subsequent panel presentations will cover risks
Food animal veterinarians work with animals and animal associated with emerging diseases, raw diets and other
food products, such as meat and milk, to ensure that food fads, and animal welfare issues from farms to
these products are safe for human consumption. They home to zoos.
inspect farms and facilities used in food preparation,
vaccinate animals, ensure that antimicrobial drugs For more information about food safety, speak with
are used appropriately, advise farmers and managers a food animal veterinarian or visit the Center for
on welfare and profitability of their animals, and help One Health Illinois website at
prevent transmission of disease from animals to people. onehealth/.
Veterinarians that are employed by the government set
up surveillance programs that assure food safety.
Source - Dr Jack Herrmann
As director of the veterinary college’s Center for
One Health Illinois, Dr. Herrmann is on a mission to
provide fact-based information that can help people
make good decisions regarding health issues, and to
raise awareness about veterinarians’ role in human
health. “One health” is a term used to convey the
interconnectedness among health issues for people,
wild and domestic animals, and the environment.
“There are many food myths in circulation. One is that
milk contains antibiotics,” says Dr Herrmann. “When
I’m giving a talk and ask who believes milk contains
antibiotics, nearly half of the hands in the room go
up. But the truth is that there are at least four safety
checks for antimicrobials and other drugs in place—
at the farm bulk tank and at various points along the
consumer product production process—to ensure that
milk for sale in stores is antibiotic free.”
Veterinarians working for the Food and Drug
Administration developed this multi-check system,
and farmers are responsible for carrying it out.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
An archive of Pet Columns from the University of
Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine is available
online at
Requests for reprints of this article may be directed to
Chris Beuoy, [email protected].
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Championship, in association with Eukanuba,
was held on the 16th and 17th of January 2013.
By the gracious permission of Her Majesty
The Queen, the Championship took place
at Sandringham Estate, Norfolk. Despite
extreme weather conditions The Queen
insisted on presenting the numerous prizes,
trophies and diplomas. The officials of the
Kennel Club and Eukanuba expressed their
gratitude with a very special thank-you gift –
a beautiful, chocolate brown working Cocker
Spaniel puppy, bred by Ian Openshaw.
Statement by President George W Bush on the passing of Barney Bush:
Laura and I are sad to announce that our Scottish Terrier, Barney, has
passed away. The little fellow had been suffering from lymphoma and
after twelve and a half years of life, his body could not fight off the illness.
Barney and I enjoyed the outdoors. He loved to accompany me when I
fished for bass at the ranch. He was a fierce armadillo hunter. At Camp
David, his favorite activity was chasing golf balls on the chipping green.
Barney guarded the South Lawn entrance of the White House as if he
were a Secret Service agent. He wandered the halls of the West Wing
looking for treats from his many friends. He starred in Barney Cam and
gave the American people Christmas tours of the White House. Barney
greeted Queens, Heads of State, and Prime Ministers. He was always
President George W Bush holds his dog
polite and never jumped in their laps.
Barney after arriving in Waco, Texas,
Barney was by my side during our eight years in the White House.
He never discussed politics and was always a faithful friend. Laura and in this December 26, 2007 file photo.
I will miss our pal.
The Dances With Dogs Club Qld ended the year on a
great note with a double competition at Dayboro at
the end of November – resulting in 55 Titles for the
Club and four Champions during the year – (making
a total of 7 Champion Titles in the Club altogether).
There are now 21 Champions (Freestyle and/or
Heelwork to Music) in Australia. Some of these dogs
are also Tracking, Obedience and Grand Obedience
There was also a segment filmed for Better Homes and
Gardens – the film clip can be seen on the website.
The Club is looking forward to a big year in 2013 with
a return visit from Michele and workshops being held
by local and interstate presenters.
This new sport of DANCES WITH DOGS is gaining
momentum in Australia with all States except two
being involved now – it is growing from strength to
During the year the Club held eight official Competitions strength.
plus three organized by other Clubs/organizations.
Details on the Qld Club at :
There were also many training days and a visit from
Michele Pouliot USA who ran a two day workshop.
Ann Shannon, DWDCQ Competition Manager
Many Club Members also attended weekend workshops
at Camp Tailwaggers during the year.
National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2
The dog world is surviving, even thriving, despite predicted doom and gloom
and more and more people are looking at Australia to source top quality healthy dogs
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National Dog - The RingLEADER Way
vol 16 #1&2