Brochure - BK Group
Brochure - BK Group
W elcome to BK Group a trusted name in the corporate, institutional and private w ealth sectors across the globe! Our Services BK Group is a speciali ed nancial ser ices pro ider, assisting clients with corporate, institutional and pri ate wealth matters of all si es and complexit . ur clientele includes listed and unlisted corporations, pri ate e uit and real estate rms as well as high net-worth indi iduals and their families. Since our founding, we ha e ne er de iated from our single mission to understand our clients’ concerns and aspirations, to ad ocate their interests, and to deli er sophisticated, tailored ser ices and thereb to help them achie e their goals. We ha e di ersi ed to become a group with a uni ue blend of tailored ser ices in the corporate, institutional and pri ate wealth sectors across the globe. Being global, howe er, is not onl about si e or geograph . t is all about organi ing, go erning and managing our rm in a distincti e global manner b culti ating global mindset and awareness. Building a long lasting strong client relationship based on trust and mutual understanding. ur ser ices are deli ered cost e ecti el without compromise on ser ice ualit . BK Group is a speciali ed nancial ser ices pro ider, assisting clients with corporate, institutional and pri ate wealth matters of all si es and complexit . ur clientele includes listed and unlisted corporations, S Vs, pri ate e uit and real estate rms as well as high net-worth indi iduals and their families. W elcome to BK Group – a trusted name in the corporate, institutional and private w ealth sectors across the globe! ur multidisciplinar rm is built on the foundation of four companies BK Corporate nternational, Exclusi e Compan anagement, Scandinavian Corporate Services and Trust Alliance each were closel tied to inno ations in the speciali ed nancial ser ices industr . As BK Group does toda , these rms ser ed a global client base of FTSE 100 companies, A uoted enterprises, pri ate e uit and real estate in estment funds, multinational ( blue-chip ) companies, some of the world’s most prominent international nancial institutions, pension funds, endowments and foundations, so ereign wealth funds, owner-managed businesses, expatriates, as well as high net-worth and ultra-high net-worth indi iduals, their families, other bene ciaries and circles of support. For clients seeking the sophistication and ualit of a large rm and the responsi eness and e cienc of a speciali ed bouti ue, we ll a distincti e niche. Clients know the can rel on our expertise and counsel, and that we are a ailable whene er and where er the need us. We assist clients with corporate, institutional and pri ate wealth matters of all si es and complexit . We like to establish long-term relationships with our clients, and take a holistic and intimate iew of their speci c needs, that ma extend far be ond a particular structuring or transaction. As stewards of our principals’ assets, we o en become trul integrated into the fabric of our Since our founding, we ha e ne er de iated from our single mission to understand our clients’ concerns and aspirations, to ad ocate their interests, and to deli er sophisticated, tailored ser ices to help them achie e their distinguished goals. clients’ businesses functioning as an o -site counsel and partner. Clients iew us not onl as their ser ice pro ider, but as a sounding board for ideas on how to preserve and grow their private wealth and corporate or institutional success. We are a long-term organi ation and do not manage to short-term metrics. We march to our own drumbeat and do not feel compelled to respond to competitors’ or anal sts’ perceptions of the corporate, institutional and pri ate wealth market places . We do not accept that nancial metrics are the most useful measure of our own success. ur priorities are client ser ice and organi ational stabilit and sustainabilit . We measure our success b the satisfaction of our clients and the growing demand for our ser ices. W e recogniz e that these w ords, in w hich these principles are expressed, are not uni ue to our rm. What is unusual, is the fact that our rm is actuall managed through the acti e application of these alues we regard e er da as a new opportunit to earn our clients’ trust. t demands hard work, integrit and transparenc , but that’s w hat w e do! Fund Solutions We’re speciali ed in the pro ision of fund administration and corporate ser ices. Not limited to what is outlined but as the name suggest, we pro ide Fund Solutions. ur clientele includes regulated and unregulated companies, S Vs, pri ate e uit and real estate rms. articular in the pro ision of Fund Solutions we ha e a personal approach and strong focus on meeting the client’s expectations. Building a long lasting strong client relationship based on trust and mutual understanding. ur ser ices are deli ered cost e ecti el without compromise on ser ice ualit . Fund Launch • Assistance with fund launch, including coordination of ad isers and ser ice pro iders e iewing fund documentation from an administrati e perspecti e • Transfer Agenc • n estor due diligence and anti-mone -laundering eri cation Customised in estor communication, reporting and mailings Set up and maintenance of the in estor register for unitised and non-unitised funds anaging subscriptions, redemptions and distribution process aintaining in estor communication and respond to in estor ueries n estor reporting distribution • • • • • Central Fund Administration • • • • • • • • Fund registered o ce pro ision Comprehensi e administration ser ices including coordinating administration of in estment process Coordination with custodian Accounting and bookkeeping Fund accounting, production of nancial statements and fund reporting NAV Calculation egulator reporting n estor reporting preparation Accounting Continuousl changing reporting and compliance standards is pu ng pressure on our nance department. isking non-compliance, increased liabilit and abo e all an unnecessar o erburden on ou and our emplo ees. ur dedicated professionals will guide ou through all the regulator accounting and tax compliance re uirements. We pro ide cost-e ecti e accounting and nancial reporting solutions for all clients. Accounting and Bookkeeping • Set up and maintenance of companies books and records rocessing of all the companies nancial source documents and completing general ledger with subledgers for accounts recei able, accounts pa able and cost centers Accounts recei able follow up a ment processing • • • eporting and annual accounts • • onthl , uarterl and annual nancial reporting for management and or consolidation under re uired accounting standards. econciliation of intercompan transactions, balance sheet and pro t and loss accounts reparation of the annual statutor accounts in accordance with applicable reporting standards Accounting support of general matters, e.g. assistance to auditors • • a roll and Human esources • onthl pa roll for the companies emplo ees Journal entries for the companies 0 -rule applications for expatriates Annual lings for tax and social insurances llness reporting Human resources assistance • • • • • Tax Compliance • Tax lings for VAT, a roll and Corporate income taxes ersonal income tax returns Di idend tax returns All other related tax compliance issues • • • Li uidation of Companies • reparation of the closing balance sheet, and an other re uired reports Famil ce Acting for man of the world’s wealthiest, we pro ide independent and tailored ser ices, designated to shoulder the burdens of accumulated pri ate wealth. Alwa s with a deep sense of discretion, diligence, impartialit , independence, transparenc and high alue-added in the short, medium and especiall the long term. We are recogni ed for our abilit to deplo well-con gured, cross-border pla orms that pro ide the depth of knowledge, breadth of experience and responsi e ser ice that our clients and their families re uire to meet their critical ob ecti es. Accounting and Bookkeeping • Famil considerations Discretionar management and administration of famil assets Coordination of nancial planning and succession planning to ensure control and asset preser ation Coordination and super ision of o shore trust information hilanthrop facilitation Global coordination and guidance • • • • • anagement of third-parties • Solutions pro ider access to our comprehensi e network of best in class’ third part pro iders anage and monitor relationships with selected counterparties Tailored ser ices to families in arious areas nancial-, legal-, and tax optimi ation • • Consolidated reporting • • ro iding consolidated reporting of all our bankable and non-bankable assets Trust accounting and maintenance of asset ledgers eal-Estate BK eal Estate pro ides global dedicated and integrated fund and corporate management ser ices to our real estate in estments. ur clients include listed and non-listed propert funds, in estment rms and pri ate in estors. ur team consists of specialised real estate professionals which ha e profound knowledge in guiding transactions, nancing, accounting, legal and dail management of real estate in estments. We ensure coordination and integration of our ser ices within the network of local and international fund managers, asset managers, propert managers, banks and other ser ice pro iders in ol ed in the structure. our team will be full dedicated during the lifec cle of the ehicles. The understanding of our client’s needs combined with our personal attention, pro-acti e solution orientated a tude and responsi eness ensures timel anticipation in handling operations and cost e ecti eness. We o er a global single point of contact to organise cross urisdiction e cienc in communication. Fund ser ices • Fund launch Transfer agenc Central administration • • Corporate ser ices Formation and implementation of structures Domiciliation and management Corporate secretarial ser ices Financial administration ser ices including audit assistance and consolidation Assistance restructuring of por olios and transactions Tax compliance Li uidation ser ices • • • • • • • anagement responsibilities • • • • • Coordination and super ision de ning roles and responsibilities for the structure ro-acti e communication with propert manager and asset manager Arrange meetings with board, bondholders, banks, stakeholders and ad isors anagement of distressed por olios Ensure good legal standing of ehicles within the structure Corporate Ser ices Trust is a uni ue opportunit to work with our clients and build long-term relationships. Alwa s with a deep sense of discretion, diligence, impartialit , independence, transparenc and a alue-added approach. ur dedication to customer ser ice has earned the trust of a broad range of international clients. We are recogni ed for our abilit to pro ide the depth of knowledge, breadth of experience and responsi e ser ice that our clients and their families re uire to meet their critical ob ecti es. Traditional Trust • Coordination and super ision of o shore trust formation Trusteeship and related ser ices Discretionar management of assets Administration of trust funds Trust accounting and maintenance of asset ledgers Global coordination and guidance • • • • • Directorship of Companies roacti e in ol ement in the management of the compan onitoring of the compan ’s acti ities epresentation of the compan • • • anagement of third-parties • • Solutions pro ider access to our comprehensi e network of best in class’ third part pro iders anage and monitor relationships with selected counterparties Trust Alliance Compliance Solutions (a subsidiar of the BK Group) The solutions pro ider for isk ntelligence in the Netherlands Trust Alliance Compliance Solutions is a dedicated reseller of Thomson euters World-Check, FinScan, thagoras and Keesing eference S stems in the Netherlands. We deli er isk and Compliance ser ices as a trusted pro ider to corporate and go ernmental institutions. Global isk and Compliance in the local marketplace, trusted b more than 100 companies and go ernmental institutions in the Netherlands. eputational and brand damage is as de astating as breaching compliance legislation. Successful organi ations around the world choose World-Check ser ices to manage regulator , nancial and reputational risk. ur comprehensi e screening ser ice co ers aspects such as Anti one Laundering (A L), Know our Customer (K C) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) legislation as well as E monitoring. World-Check isk Screening re eals risk hiding in business relationships and human networks. ur solution is the most comprehensi e and widel adopted source of structured intelligence on oliticall Exposed ersons ( E s), high risk indi iduals and organi ations. ur isk Screening minimi es the cost of compliance, meticulousl structured data and inno ati e features ensure the highest le el of accurac sa ing our clients time and mone . What we co er • • • • • • • • • • • Trul global network - more than 400 research anal sts based in 11 research centers across 5 continents Local language research - research team speaks more than 5 languages Unparalleled in estment - 750,000 man hours of research a ear Specialist research units - including Terrorism, nsurgenc and rgani ed Crime Widest co erage - o er 00 sanction lists and 100,000s of information sources monitored Earl warning - high-risk entities identi ed months or ears before the appear on go ernment lists Best matching ltering so ware, hosted as well licensed nline searching, high olume screening, re ol ing batch screening and ltering, Global in-depth Enhanced Due Diligence in estigation Consultanc ser ices and E-learning, to bring strategic as well as operational support First-class D Fraud protection, D fraud anal sis, and automated D-authentication s stems including D-scanners,so ware and control units Fast, reliable, alue for mone , high ser ice, total solution pro ider of risk intelligence Global risk and compliance for your company with a strategic local partner Please contact us on +31-(0)73-6278037 or [email protected] and visit us on BK Group International The Netherlands Amsterdam BK Group Netherlands B.V., Kingsfordweg 105, 1043 GP Amsterdam, The Netherlands t +31 88 10 09 333 | e [email protected] Amsterdam Schiphol Airport branch BK Group Netherlands B.V., Schiphol Boulevard 399, 1118 BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands t +31 88 10 09 333 | e [email protected] Den Haag HulsbosKlatt, Castellum gebouw B, Loire 182-184, 2491 AL Den Haag, The Netherlands t +31 70 30 12 720 | e [email protected] Luxembourg Fund Solutions S.C.A., 1, Côte d’Eich, L-1450 Luxembourg, Luxembourg t +35 22 644 251 | e [email protected] Curaçao BK Group Curaçao N.V., Schouwburgweg 5, Willemstad, Curaçao t +59 997 66 55 44 | e [email protected] United Kingdom: BK Group (United Kingdom) Ltd., 47E Harrington Gardens, SW7 4JU London, UK t +44 20 7373 9528 | e [email protected] Accounting and Bookkeeping | Domiciliation of Companies | Consolidation | Corporate Secretarial Services | Central Administration | eporting | Compliance Support | Directorship of Companies | Famil ce ncorporation of Companies| Fund Launch | Transfer Agenc | Li uidation of Companies |