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View - Madeley High School
Summer 2014 Edition It’s been yet another amazing action packed term at Madeley High. The Year 11 Prom took place on Friday 20th June and everyone enjoyed a fantastic final farewell at the fabulous venue of Tern Hill Hall. Madeley’s Got Talent was a huge success with over 20 entries talking part over two heats and a final, with Gabriel Leath-Yates being voted the eventual winner. There is lots more to read about inside this bumper Made in Madeley edition. Check out . . . . New Prefect Team - Page 4 . . . Humanities Trip to Chester - Page 9 . . . Up Cycle Project - Page 17 STAY SAFE THIS SUMMER! Working in partnership with our community police we take this opportunity to remind pupils of the importance of playing safe over the summer break. Friday 18th July School Closes for Summer break Wednesday 3rd September School re-opens for the Autumn Term Ensure that your parent/carer is aware of where you are playing. Agree a time to return home. Don’t talk to or be encouraged to go off with Friday 5th September Year 7 & Year 9 Photographs strangers. Ride your bike safely and ensure it is roadworthy. Friday 26th September Year 11 Photographs Wear a helmet and respect other road users. Stay hydrated, drink plenty of fluids. Stay out of the mid-day sun. Use sun protection. Wednesday 1st October Prospective Parents Open Evening 6.30pm Observe ‘Keep Out’ notices – They’re there for a reason; it’s not safe to play! Tuesday 22nd October Key Stage 3 Presentation Evening Remember that water has hidden dangers. Deep water and strong currents can challenge even the strongest of swimmers. Thursday 23rd October Year 7 Review Day Friday 24th October School closes for half term break House Charity Day Dear Parents / Carers of those who pick their children up by car: Monday 3rd November School closed for Staff Inset Day Please help us to keep the school site a safe environment for pupils, unless previously agreed with the school, parents should not pick up or drop off pupils in the school grounds. Tuesday 4th November School re-opens after half term break Wednesday 19th November Key Stage 4 Presentation Evening We do appreciate the difficulties in parking at the end of the school day but could we please ask for your consideration of our neighbours when you are parking by refraining from blocking the entrance to Bevan Place, double parking, parking on the path / grass verges and parking across driveways. Thursday 18th December Christmas Concert Thursday 19th December School closes for Christmas break House Charity Day We kindly thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 2 As we come to the end of our first year as an Academy, we have taken the time to review our progress and set out our development and improvement priorities. Our core purpose has steadfastly remained: ‘To inspire enjoyment of learning in a high quality environment where every person matters.’ Enjoyment of learning From this term alone, the wonderful summer spectacular concert; open air Shakespeare with A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Young Engineers in their Green Power car; MMPs in debate in school and at the District Council; CREST awards; all evidence the enjoyment the pupils have in applying their learning in meaningful ways. I remain very proud of the pupils and staff who work hard together to achieve this varied and positive success. High quality environment We will have completed a full replacement of all windows and skylights by the end of the summer holiday, as well as having remodelled a safer main entrance for the school. We will now be following an exciting site development programme over the next 12/18 months, which will create: an ICT Hub bringing together all of the ICT and Computing staff enhancing their teaching spaces an upgraded wireless system to support tablet use across school a LEAP classroom designed by pupils as part of our personalised support curriculum significant internal movement to suite together Maths, MFL, and Humanities departments as well as creating a new library a new resources office, science prep. room and pastoral offices a MAC suite in Technology, alongside a new laser cutter and 3D printing Every person matters It is vital that all pupils experience education in its fullest sense, as Aristotle advises in ‘heart and mind’. I hope that many of the articles in this edition highlight how Madeley High School provides just such an education. At the end of the academic year, I hope that every single pupil can look back on their own achievements and experiences with pride and forward to the challenges ahead with determination. In our school, every person matters. I wish everyone a restful, enjoyable and safe summer. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” 3 Prefect Team 2014-15 Congratulations to our new Prefect Team. They are now role models and ambassadors for the school and will have the opportunity of being school leaders with a big responsibility of helping to improve the school. Head Boy Head Girl James Bosson Rachel Ward Senior Prefects Katie Marley Lucy Matthews Amara Statham Patrick Breslin Tom Heath Billy Shrive Prefects Sam Atherton Katie Boxer Laura Davies Chloe Downs Olivia Goodwin Denby Humphries Alex Molyneux Beth Steele Christian Beeston Lucy Buttery Meg Davies Charlotte Fowler Ellis Graham Olivia Larsson Georgia Owen Beth Wilson Oliver Woodcock Charles Birkin Sam Cooper Aimee Degg Saul Garland-Ferris Bethan Holdsworth Jodie Mellor Robert Plows Charlotte Roxborough We were delighted to appoint our new Prefect Team. The role of Prefect is an important one. It is also a very exciting time for our pupils and will give them opportunities to develop their leadership skills and introduce new ideas into school life. The biggest benefit will be the skills they will develop by carrying out the duties of a Prefect. They’ll work within a team and develop organisational and communication skills. They will gain insight into the workings of our multi-cultural organisation. Being a Prefect will look good on their CV and they will receive training which is designed specifically for prefects. Prefect Inauguration On the evening of 8th May our new Head Boy, Girl and Prefects were presented with their certificates, ties and badges. It was lovely to have so many proud family and friends to join us We look forward to hearing about their new roles in the next ‘Made in Madeley’ edition! 4 Madeley Parliament held a meeting on Wednesday 18th June and below is a summary of the items discussed. SLT Update (Teaching & Learning, Curriculum, Academy, Pastoral): New windows being put in. The car park / bus park will be remodelled during the summer holidays. School looking into ideas of developing social areas. The school is working with a company who organise apprentices. They have a charity who gives funding to schools to develop social areas. The school is therefore looking for ideas to develop social areas. Please feedback to Mr Evans (possible working group to be set up). Technology – Some staff have received Ipads, this scheme will roll out to all staff eventually and then roll out to all pupils. The wireless network is being upgraded. New Mac computers will be introduced to room 14. The library will also have new Mac computers. SLT are currently reviewing the academic year. Speaking to groups of pupils over the next few weeks. The importance of review time was mentioned. Pupils reading feedback given by teachers and acting upon it. Data showing behaviour has improved compared to this point last year. Everyone is responsible for behaviour. In Sept/Oct the anti-bullying policy will be reviewed. In Sept. the school is focussing on pupil premium developments in departments. New special needs reforms are being introduced. The school is currently restructuring the role of Teaching Assistants and seeing how they can work with departments. Isolation room to be replaced by a reading room. Lots of exciting developments about reading. Celebrating Successes: A great range of extra-curricular activities – thank you to all staff involved. House competitions have been working well and pupils look forward to further rivalry! Excellent volleyball links within school. The school is very supportive of fundraising events. The dinner queue has been improved. Technology around school has been improved and is of a high standard. Lots of interactive activities in classes which is making learning fun – thank you to all the teachers. The use of the field during lunch is very positive for pupils. Canteen: Pupils please don’t take cutlery out of the canteen. Could samples of healthy food be introduced? Could more promotions be used in the canteen? Government changes on canteen food were discussed. Pupils asked about taking food out of the canteen when the weather is nice. Suggested Improvements: Music equipment & use of practise rooms. Pupils would like to set up a working group to work with Mr Smith. Could outdoor tables be purchased for the outdoor classroom? The school is developing a strategy for promoting and celebrating reading. How to improve social areas? Ideas should be given to Mr Evans. Toilets – various concerns raised about toilets. Work to take place upgrading the toilets and fixing the window in the boys’ toilets. Pupils thanked staff for an increase in numbers on the field to reduce pupils taking other pupils’ footballs. Could a tarmacced section be put on the field to use it in bad weather? Can graffiti on the outdoor classroom be taken off? Y9 pupils asked for access to the sports hall during lunch (a rota for all year groups?). Could more practical ways of learning be introduced into Y7 PD lessons? Air conditioning in the art room? It gets very hot in there! Ipad Scheme: Pupils will be able to lease Ipads for a monthly payment. This will be fully insured. More details to be sent out to pupils and parents. Pupils will also be able to bring in their own devices. A range of discussion points were talked about. Madeley Parliament was asked to vote on whether the scheme to pupils should be rolled out into year groups or as a whole school at the same time. Voting result: Phased roll out = 28 votes, Whole school roll out = 11 votes. Mr Evans thanked Parliament for making a decision and informed them that the roll out would start with Years 7 and 10 next year (current Y6 & Y9). In a dramatic twist, Parliament then asked for a re-vote knowing which years would get to use the Ipads first. Result of re-vote: Phased roll out = 1 vote Whole school roll out = 38 votes. Parliament therefore passed the motion that the roll out of Ipads should be for all Year groups at the same time. A full copy of the minutes is available on the school website under the Madeley Parliament tab on the homepage. 5 On Monday 30th June, The peer mentors attended a Celebration Event at Newcastle College. Schools in the Newcastle district organised the event together. The aim of the event was to thank and recognise the peer mentors for their commitment and hard work over the last year. The Mayor was in attendance to present certificates along with two guest speakers. The peer mentors enjoyed the buffet lunch and had the opportunity to network with pupils from other schools, sharing good practice and experience. As the current peer mentors move into Y11 taking on additional duties so it becomes necessary to recruit new ones! We had a very strong field of applicants this year from our current Year 9. After interviewing 23 applicants, some very difficult decisions had to be made by the interview panel (Ms Vorwerg, Mrs Vickers, Christian Beeston and Abie Lawton) until we had the required 14 new peer mentors! C. Atherton, A. Barr, G. Cowie, C. Elden, C. Ellis, A. Hibbert, H. Hopwood, K. Mansell, C. Martin, H. McDonald, I. Morris J. Pountain, A. Pound and S. Sami. Congratulations to them all. The initial training has now taken place, the new recruits have their blue ties, the new opportunity begins.... The annual SWAN ceremony was well attended once again. Twenty of our most able students, accompanied by their families attended the event in school on the evening of the 8th May. This year we also had the pleasure of music from our gifted musicians soloists Lauren Greaves, Cameron Forrest and with his own composed piece, Seb Herbert-Jackson on the piano. The pupils gave wonderful “acceptance speeches” paying tribute to staff and parents for the support they have received throughout their time at Madeley. It was perhaps more poignant given the event coincided with the handover to the Head boy and Head girl and the new prefect team. It is hoped that we will have a Tri-School (a bit Harry Potterish!) event for our Gifted Year 10 pupils in connection with Saint John Fisher and Thomas Boughey High School sometime soon, where the pupils will have the opportunity of experiencing A level type master classes in a wide range of subjects. We hope to forge closer links with the G&T Co-ordinators of these two neighbouring schools to share resources, expertise and funding wherever possible. 6 Examinations This year’s GCSE exams started on Monday 12th May with RE, all the pupils from this first exam to the last on Friday 13th June had a positive approach and their behaviour was impeccable. This was also shown during the extra revision classes put on by teachers with some being held in the half term holidays and at the weekends. Thanks go to Mrs Bonfiglio (Examination Officer) for the organisation of the exams. All of Year 11 were a credit to themselves and the school and hopefully all the hard work will have paid off for them when they get their results on Thursday 21st August. Leavers’ Assembly Year 11 had their Leavers’ Assembly on Wednesday 4th June which was a very tearful event. This day was chosen as it was just about the only day from the start of the exams when there was a break! After break pupils spent an hour with their form tutors and in the afternoon an assembly was held. Thanks to Mr Evans for preparing an epic final leavers’ video with then and now Y7/Y11 pictures and a reflection on a variety of school activities and trips in which the group had taken part over the last 5 years! Mr Kerridge shared some words of wisdom and Mr Royall fought back the tears and managed to get a few coherent words together! The remainder of the afternoon was spent in the sports barn signing shirts and celebrating - an excellent send off! The Year 11 Prom took place on Friday 20th June and everyone enjoyed a fantastic final farewell at the fabulous venue of Tern Hill Hall. The weather was kind and all the pupils looked absolutely fantastic in their outfits and arrived for the evening in a variety of vehicles. An Oscar style awards evening took place with awards being given out and memories shared. A fantastic evening was had by all. 7 Registered Charity Number 1157326 Our aim is to raise funds that make the educational experience successful and pleasurable for all our pupils at Madeley High. Parents/carers of Madeley High School pupils are automatically members and as such everyone is welcome to attend our meetings which are informal and friendly - our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th September 2014 at 6pm, why not come along and find out more about how we can help to support our children during their time at Madeley High School. We have had a fabulous summer term, our most notable achievement has been securing charitable status which provides many benefits, including the ability to receive donations made through company matched giving and payroll giving schemes. There are quite a few companies now that offer this such as Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Vodafone to name a few. You don’t need to donate loads of time but we would really like to hear from parents who can help us with this as this helps boost what we can raise. As a result of our fund raising this year we have been able to support activities such as · Senior Prefect team training · A trip to meet the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra · Exam/stress workshop · A time capsule for the new Year 7 cohort. We would really appreciate if you could spend a few moments by completing a short online survey about what fundraising activities you would like to see next year. Simply paste the following link into your browser - it’s really short and shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to complete. ‘Like’ us on facebook and let us know your thoughts that way or to be kept informed of our events and progress. All up to date information including minutes from our meetings can be found on the Friends of Madeley website at Look forward to meeting you next year and have a great summer! 8 On the 20th May Year 8 went to Chester for their Humanities Enrichment Trip. The aim of this trip was to encourage, engage and challenge pupils; drawing the distinct threads of the humanities subjects together. We visited a number of sites in central Chester, each having a theme. We covered a range of historical eras, geographical topics and Christian sites. For example, the Roman Amphitheatre, where the pupils looked at entertainment in the Roman era, plus the history of the amphitheatre. The day was very successful, the pupils came back having developed skills, building relationships and taking part in a different out of classroom experience. On the return to school the individual teaching sets took part in a year competition to design a display board on the topic of Chester; well done to 8 Indigo, ably led by Mr Dawkins who were judged to have produced the most effective display! Year 8 Chester Enrichment Trip Pupil Review On the 20th May 2014 year 8 from Madeley High School went on our enrichment trip to Chester. We went to answer our key question for this term in Humanities; `How have communities been affected by change?’. In Chester we visited many sites of historical, religious and geographical interest, for example the Roman Amphitheatre, the Cathedral and the Northgate. At each of the sites we completed a choice of tasks from our booklets. Each site had a different set of tasks, activities and questions to answer. This allowed us to explore each site and learn lots about Chester. We learnt a lot in Chester on this trip as we could actually see the landmarks which really helped us to understand the points. If we had tried to do this in the classroom if would be very difficult; difficult to see the sizes, texture and feel of the sites. Seeing everything added to our learning significantly. The trip to Chester was very enjoyable because the sites and activities were new to most people, which made it fun and interesting to find out about them. Many of us had never been on a trip like this before, with the whole year group, so just travelling to Chester and around was an experience in itself! Most of us found the historical landmarks and sites, some of which dated back to roman times the most enjoyable. It was great fun to explore them. We would definitely recommend this trip because it was very different and interesting, a great way to explore Chester, having fun and learning lots at the same time! Review by L. Cadwgan, C. Fox-Robinson, L. James, K. Quayle, C. Boyd, E. Richardson, A. Vodrey and Y. Cao. 9 This year we made the positive step to hold 4 Intake days for our incoming Year 7 cohort. The first of these was to accommodate the Year 6 pupils from Hugo Meynell who had unfortunately double booked the 1st July with a residential trip to Blackpool. Day 2 was for the pupils joining us from out of catchment schools. 12 very nervous pupils arrived at 9am but were soon put at ease by our wonderful prefects assigned to our Year 7 forms. Tours of the school and games to make friends were followed by some team building games with Mr Goodwin and a super art session with Miss Leath, including drawing objects with their mouths and other people's hands producing some very interesting pieces or artwork. All pupils went away feeling more confident about coming for the proceeding week’s intake days knowing they would know some friendly faces on arrival. On 30th June, the year group were finally assembled and welcomed to the school by Mr Kerridge before being split into forms for form teacher bonding, school tours and further ice-breaking games. Maths and English sessions followed before presentations from Madeley Parliament. Mr Hope spoke about the house system and Mr Green introduced several representatives from various clubs in school. A crazy treasure hunt followed which Mrs Snape’s form won, starting the inter form competitive ball rolling and rounding off a successful day. Pupils were asked to feedback about the best part of the day and perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly the chaos and mayhem of running round the school on a treasure hunt won through. On 1st July in the absence of Hugo pupils, Science was the order of the day followed by a multitude of sporting activities in the afternoon. The intake days were followed by very successful meetings between form tutors and parents on the intake evening and many reported back at how pleased they were at the lengths we had gone to to help their children feel confident about the transition to high school. Some parents even reported that their children did not want to go back to their primary schools the next day! 10 11 Year 8 STEM Event Mr A Edwards and Mr R Edwards took 6 pupils to the Year 8 STEM event (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) on 2nd July at Painsley Academy, Cheadle. Pupils had to design and manufacture, using limited resources, a device that could displace water from a large container into another container that was 300mm higher. They had 1 minute to displace as much water as possible. They had to record all their design ideas and create a learning log (two minute video) of the journey they took to creating their device. There were 11 teams from different schools across the county. They were judged on; how much water they managed to displace, teamworking skills, quality of their initial ideas and progression to their final design (the quality of their learning log). Our team finished in third place, behind two teams from St. Joseph’s College and all students received CREST awards for their participation. All the students had a great time, worked awesome as a team and behaved impeccably. Madeley High was delighted to be host to three undergraduate students all the way from San Diego State University who have spent the last three weeks on a study programme at Keele University. Due to visa restrictions, they were not allowed to teach lessons here. However, the students immersed themselves in classroom activities, observing lessons and shadowing pupils and staff to learn about the British education system. Californians Emily Rais, Alyssa Jerabeck and Alexandra Ligouri spent four days with us. Nineteen-year-old Alyssa said: "The staff have been super nice and the students have been amazing. It's been a really beneficial experience." Madeley's semi-rural location is a world away from San Diego, which is one of the biggest cities in the U.S. and is close to the border with Mexico. In large American cities, high schools often have at least 3,000 pupils and security is much more high-profile too. Pupils walk through metal detectors when they arrive and police officers may be stationed on site. In one particularly tough Californian neighbourhood, staff have even been known to teach behind a security screen. Emily, aged 21, said: "In America, you also learn alongside different age groups. It's not about age, it's more about ability. Here, students can have individual music tuition on an instrument. That doesn't happen at schools back home. she added. "We also don't start specialising in subjects until much later on." The San Diego university students are taking four-year degrees, which include taking a major in a subject like liberal arts and also completing 50 hours of visits to schools. But the main teacher training is completed through an extra year called a 'credential', similar to Britain's PGCE courses. Emily believes Americans could learn a lot from British schools. "I really love the uniforms. That's something we don't have in American schools, although some have a school colour like khaki pants," she added. We enjoyed having them all with us in school and wish them all the best for their future! 12 On Friday 4th July, Year 10 GCSE Spanish pupils took a trip to Newcastle-under-Lyme College on a taster day for languages at A-Level with Señora Slight. We spent two hours learning Spanish with an A-Level Spanish tutor called Edna, completing various activities which included writing a menu in Spanish with students from Clayton Hall Business College and then presenting them to the group. At dinner we were served Spanish food which was interesting because it gave us an extra insight to their culture and country! After dinner we went back to Spanish for 30 minutes and finished our presentations. It made us realise that taking Spanish was a useful option as there are so many countries that speak Spanish all over the world. We then had the choice of three different languages to try out, these were Italian, Polish and Japanese. The Italian session was exciting because none of us had never learnt Italian before and the lesson was fun. Some of our group also went to learn Japanese; they thought it was inspiring because they learnt about four different types of Japanese. Overall the trip was an amazing experience but we all learnt that it will be hard to get on an A-Level language course so we’d best start revising! Review by B Wilson, K Marley, R Ward, E Ward, L Irwin, O Larsson, E Graham, A Martin & J Goldstraw. Year 8 pupils were invited once again to Keele University to take part in a ‘Routes into Languages’ day, which included various language workshops and introduced them to a variety of different languages. C. Martin 8NJ On Monday 7th April I went to Keele for ‘Routes into Languages’. Whilst I was there I learnt Italian, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese and Chinese. I really enjoyed this trip because it gave me a real insight of what I would like to learn when I am older. I would really recommend this to everyone because it’s really interesting and fun because you meet new people and new languages. J.Hawkins Farrow 8NJ I enjoyed the day because we learnt lots of facts about different countries and their languages including Romania, Italy, Russia, Portugal and Greece. I would go again because it was very fun, it was run very well and I live very close to it. I would recommend this to anybody that is interested in languages. G.Griggs 8NJ I learned parts of Romanian, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese and Greek. My favourite lesson was Italian because I learnt that there are lots of words that we use regularly without knowing that they are Italian or originated from an Italian word. I also enjoyed learning Greek because I learned that my name is of Greek origin and I learned why the Greek people call themselves Ellias. I also liked the tour of the university grounds. I would like to go again because I enjoyed learning about the other languages and some of the important parts of each language and culture. I liked meeting people from other countries. 13 During this half term Year 6 pupils from Betley and Baldwins Gate have been attending our Young Engineers’ Club for Goblin car driver training. On Tuesday 24th June, Mr Mayers, Mr Hardy and pupils in Y7 and Y9 supported pupils from Betley and Baldwins Gate primary school at the 8th Staffordshire Schools Greenpower 'Goblin' car event. Although we didn't win any awards everybody had a super day out. Two members of Audley Rotary Club visited Madeley on Wednesday 18th June to judge our six entries for their 'Young Innovator' award. The Rotary Club commented on the high quality of entries and Pieter Drijfhout was selected as our winner. Pieter designed and made a cabinet to contain his model railway parts and components. We are waiting to hear if Pieter has been selected as a regional winner. Esme McMillan in Year 7 has won our Design and Technology Academy Department Logo competition. Her logo will be put on aprons and used throughout the department. On Monday 7th July the Y10 greenpower team went to Rockingham for the Midlands Regional Heat. The team wanted to test the car ready for the KMF Young Engineer Final at Darley Moor on Wednesday. The team finished 53rd at Rockingham covering just over 10 miles and clocked an average speed of 14 mph. Chris Jones and Dominic Nunn then 'tuned' the car for Wednesday where great performances from the drivers Ellie Evans, Charles Birkin and Charlotte Fowler steered the team to a podium finish of 3rd covering 29.8 miles with an average speed of 20 mph. Congratulations to all the team; Rachel Ward, Katie Marley, Alex Molyneux, Sam Atherton, Sam Cooper, Oliver Woodcock and Laura Davies. £ £ £ £ £ Open each day 8:30am till 9:00am, Break 11:20am till 11:40am, Lunch 12:40pm till 1:20pm ***On Sale *** Cereal Bars Drinks Cakes, Flapjacks, Shortbread A selection of ‘Tasty Tuck’ Fresh Fruit Chocolate Treats on a Friday Birthday Cards Hair Bobbles Pencil Cases Pens Pencils Football hire 50p each 55p to £1.20 50p each 50p each 20p each 50p each £1 each 10p each £2.50 to £3.50 50p each 20p each 20p a day 14 £ £ £ Congratulation to our ‘Britain in Bloom’ winners who gained 2nd Place and two ‘Highly Commended’ prizes. Their work went on display at the Barracks in Newcastle in May and the prize giving was at Keele University on the 11th June, afterwards we went for the now traditional ice cream treat. Year 11 completed their Fine Art Course. There was an excellent response to this year’s exam themes: Disguise, Openings, Fragments and Mirror Images. Moderation went well and pupils work will now go on display around the school. The school has enjoyed success in the Rotary Club Young Photographers’ Competition, with Briony Bowler in Year 7 winning the senior prize and the school taking a prize for the portfolio submitted by Miss Leath. The prize giving was at Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College on 24th June. Briony had her work framed and won a medal, vouchers and a half day work experience at Normans photographers in Newcastle. All Photographs were also on display. Work from all the competitions will be on display in school. Congratulations, Briony! This week a cross-curricular Art and History Mural is being painted to commemorate the First World War. Year 9 pupils are designing this and Year 8 plus some of our recent Year 11s will be helping to paint it, we look forward to seeing the finished design. 15 On Thursday 10th April, forty pupils spent a day at MediaCity UK in Salford. It was a fantastic opportunity to see the BBC Philhamonic Orchestra lead a workshop and perform. On Wednesday 9th July our fantastic Musical Spectacular Summer Concert took place. It was an absolute joy to see the musical and performance talents of our pupils so evidently being enjoyed by friends and family. It was a wonderful celebration; thanks to everyone who took part and especially to Mr Smith and Ms Vorwerg for organising the event. The KS3 drama group entertained an appreciative audience with their open air performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ on the evening of 6th July. We performed our play on the grassy hill outside the English blocks and the music room. We all agreed it was a great new place to perform as it was a natural stage which created an atmosphere of its own. The black clouds overhead, which perhaps would have been more appropriate had we been performing ‘The Tempest’, threatened to dampen the occasion, but apart from a few spots of rain, we were lucky. Projecting our voices in the open air presented us with a new challenge and all pupils worked hard to learn their lines, get into character and to understand the meaning behind Shakespeare’s words. There were fantastic individual performances and an unforgettable humorous performance from Clare Atherton, Year 9, as The Wall. We put our own 60s theme on the play and I for one really enjoyed floating around on the grass, barefoot as Titania to the sound of ‘California Dreaming’. A huge ‘Thank You’ to Ms Vorwerg and Marianna Glazewska who worked so hard and helped make the play a success. Review by Harriet Hopwood, Year 9 16 The Upcycle project has now been officially opened by Matthew Ellis, the Police Commissioner for Staffordshire. The project was the brainchild of Madeley PCSO Johnathon Cartwright and the Locality Action Partnership team (LAP). With the support from the LAP and under PCSO Cartwright’s leadership, they secured £7,500 of funding to set up a bicycle repair workshop which is based in the grounds of Madeley High School. People will be allowed to bring along their bikes and have them maintained. The police will also provide stolen bicycles that have not been claimed. These will be refurbished and then sold on so that the funds can be used to keep the project going. There are 3 adults at present who are fully qualified bicycle engineers and they will be passing on their skills to the youngsters and training the next bicycle engineers for the future so the Upcycle project can continue into the future. The workshop artwork has been designed and painted by Ross Cotton, Curtis Hackett and Lewis Anderson, under the leadership of Miss Ball from Madeley Art department. If you are interested in bikes and getting involved you can call Tel: 01782 915137, email [email protected] or find them on facebook. Themed weeks this term have included World Cup specials. Aspens offer a number of Meal Deals at Lunch-time - All @ £2.20 Look out for next term’s promotions! New Menus: There will be brand new menus starting in September details can be found on the Aspens web link below. Debbie and the Catering Team wish everyone a lovely summer break! 17 You maybe aware that Staffordshire is responding to the proposed changes identified within the Children and Families Bill and the new Code of Practice. For all of us that work with or support children and young people with special educational needs, this is a really exciting opportunity to work together to shape the future to achieve better outcomes for children and people with SEND. Following on from Staffordshire’s initial work and from the feedback received from the SEND events attended by health, education, social care, parent partnership groups, Special needs agencies and parents held during January and February 2014, they have now set up dedicated web pages to give some more clarity to the changes that will be taking place in the short term and over the coming years. The aim is to use these pages to provide you with up-to-date information and advice to keep you informed about the progress of work on introducing the reforms in Staffordshire and let you know about any upcoming opportunities to work together. We as a school at Madeley have been attending conferences and workshops so that we can begin to support the implementation of the new code of practice. We are also working with our partner primary schools on this to share current good practice and to provide consistency across the partnership. During the Autumn term we will be providing parents with more information about the new SEND reforms through evening workshops so we can keep you as informed as possible and to answer any questions that you may have. To find more information about the SEND reforms please go to the Staffordshire website below: Behaviour Once again, IRIS data is showing a decline in behavior incidents at Madeley compared to last year. One target this year was to improve positive behavior at break and lunchtimes. This has improved due to the various strategies employed, e.g. prefect deployment, Year 11 setting up lunchtime clubs, opening the library by using a lunchtime supervisor, employing a high quality lunchtime supervisor and increased visibility of SLT around school. Safeguarding Following on from a year or two ago where safeguarding was being lowered in terms of bureaucracy and policy, this year has seen an upturn again with more updated policies and legislation. This not only includes safeguarding policy, but also Medical policy and DBS policy. I am pleased to say we are up to date with these. We have also completed a safeguarding audit and passed this on to Mrs Jackie Onions the Safeguarding governor who has approved it and added several recommendations for us that are reflected in her experience of working in a special school. The new safeguarding policy will be published on the school website. 18 Professional Tutor update This year has seen a very challenging time for teacher training in schools and universities as the landscape changes towards School Direct and School based training. We have managed to survive and overcome these challenges and are delighted to see success for our trainees yet again. In the final teaching practice we have had 7 students completing their teacher training and all seven have gone on to find teaching posts in various part of the country. A huge thank you to the subject mentors within the departments They have been fantastic and the success of the students going onto teaching posts goes to show the high quality training the mentors and Madeley provides, which reflects the outstanding teachers the mentors are. On top of this we have supported our primary colleagues by giving the primary ATs experience of a secondary setting here at Madeley as part of their Primary teacher training. We have also given an English Secondary School experience to several American trainee teachers within the departments of Maths, English and Humanities who have come in to observe the English education system and to share American culture and ideas with the staff and youngsters. (See the full report on Page 12). Next year we will continue the Associate Teacher training programme. Keele University are now partners with Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy in Blurton. They will jointly deliver the teacher training programme that will be known as the ‘OAKES’- the Ormiston And Keele SCITT. We of course, will be in alliance with Blackfriars Special School who are making additional links with Chester University. On Friday 11th April we supported the work of the Brain Tumour Research Charity, by taking part in ‘wear a hat to school’, raising over £100. It was great to support such a worthy cause. 19 Athletics As ever Madeley pupils were a credit to themselves and the school at both the senior and junior Newcastle Schools Athletics Championships. There were a number of strong individual performances with 14 pupils qualifying to represent Newcastle Schools at the county championships. Cricket Boys The Newcastle Schools league is once again running with the u13 competition being run as a knockout and the u15 competition as two pools with the winner of each playing off for first position. U13 Boys – Lost their preliminary game to STB and failed to qualify for the semi-finals. U15 Boys – A youthful Madeley team made up of predominantly Y7,8 & 9 boys lost their opening two games of the competition against SJF and STB. The final match v Chesterton will provide the boys will a chance to finish the season in a positive frame of mind. Girls In the Staffordshire schools U13 outdoor competition at Endon C.C., the Madeley girls finished runners up in their group and narrowly missed out on the knockout stages as they ended as second best runner up. Volleyball The club link with Newcastle Staffs VC remains as strong as ever. The level of performance and commitment from the Madeley pupils continues to astound us. Despite the Y11s leaving, it has been brilliant to see Pieter Drijfhout, Harry Dawson and Joe Machin returning in their own free time to continue to coach both the Y7s and the Y5/6s from the local Primary Schools. I am delighted to report that the trend of senior pupils coaching the juniors is set to continue with Lucy Matthews, Aimee Degg, Katy Marley and Harry Kearon already stepping up to help lead the Friday sessions. The u15 girls (Katy Marley, Lucy Matthews, Aimee Degg and Ineke Drijfhout) won Gold at the Staffordshire School Games. This is the second year that Madeley u15 girls have been crowned champions. Trampolining George Bellamy, Charlotte Boyd, Keating and Pia Young were crowned team winners at the Newcastle Schools competition and represented the district at the county event where they performed admirably against some stiff competition. 20 Sports Council Over 6500 Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers have been collected, these will enable the department to redeem them against a range of sports equipment. Thanks to everyone who has collected them for the school. SGO Mrs Armstrong remains as busy as ever co-ordinating a range of activities for both Madeley High School pupils and pupils from the cluster Primary schools. Y9 pupils B. Jordan, T. Rodwell, I. Morris and K. Mansell have attended Tri-golf, mini-tennis and Kwik Cricket training. They will use this training to help support the Newcastle District competitions for KS1/2 pupils in the next few weeks. Y10 Madeley Sports Leaders helped to run Tri-golf competition at the Staffordshire Schools Games and were a credit to themselves and the school. 30 pupils from Y7 and the cluster primary schools have been enjoying the Cheerleading Club which is being run at Madeley on Mondays after school. KS1/2 Multi-skills festival (Keele University) and KS2 Volleyball tournament (Madeley) are planned before the end of term. Below is a flavour of the extra curricular activities offered at Madeley High. A new updated programme will be circulated to both pupils and parents in September. 21 Britannia Stadium Football Tournament On Friday 23rd May 2014, Madeley High School Year 10s went to the Britannia stadium to play in a 7-a-side football tournament. The team was managed by Mr R Edwards, otherwise referred to as Ed Guardiola or Jose Edmourinho. The sum it cost to play on the Britannia was paid by Stoke City’s Bosnia and Herzegovina goalkeeper Asmir Begovic. Madeley turned up on the Britannia pitch for there to be only two other teams at the competition, it was decided that each team would play each other twice. This would be decided in a league format, and the team at the top of the league would take the trophy. The first game was contested between The Co-op Academy and Wolstanton, it finished as a draw. Madeley then went on to play The Co-op Academy in their first game. The game started with a fast tempo, Madeley passed the ball and the play was dictated by Port Vale centre midfielder James Bosson. However after 10 minutes and the score at 0-0 Madeley started trying to break the deadlock. The moment came as Matt Barnes found Kieran Brown on the edge of the box, he turned and shot. Madeley were 1-0 up. With some magnificent saves from goalkeeper Logan Westwick Madeley held on to victory, to go top of the league. Next game vs. Wolstanton, Madeley were slow out of the blocks, conceding a headed goal after just 2 minutes, from here the game only got worse. Madeley were unable to break down the Wolstanton defence and were hit multiple times on the counter attack. The game finished 4-0 to Wolstanton. Madeley dropped down to 2nd in the league. The next game in the league was between The Co-op Academy and Wolstanton. Wolstanton went on to win this comfortably. This put pressure on Madeley. They had to win against The Co-op Academy to be in with a chance of winning the league. Madeley went all out from the start, and it proved to be the way, as they got the goal they needed through Connor Morris. Then after 5 minutes Madeley doubled the lead as James Bosson scored. Super sub Jack Kennedy grabbed the third, and Kieran Brown rounded the scoring off, 4-0 to Madeley. This stood Madeley in good stead to win the league, however they would have to beat Wolstanton in their next game, a draw would not be enough. The final game started slow. Wolstanton sat back knowing a draw would be enough to claim the title, and Madeley were cautious about being caught on the counter attack. The game was decided in some ways by the strong defensive performance of Tom Whitehouse who for the first ten minutes marked the man who scored a hat-trick in the previous game out of the game. In the twelfth minute came a moment that no one would forget, a moment that made everyone forget about what they had done well at in the tournament, because this moment outshone them all. Joe Eaton picked up the ball on the right, and Ousama Assiadiesque cut in and fired it into the top bin, this would later be the winning goal in the tournament. Madeley went on to defend like a team of John Terry’s and took the trophy in style. Madeley were then lucky enough to play a game on the Britannia Stadium, a big thanks to Sir, and all the lads who participated. A great review by Kieran Brown. 22 The 2013-14 House Competition is almost at a close. Moving into the final day of competition, this year's competition looks like a two horse race between Fire who have led for most of the year and last year’s champions Space. However, neither house should be counting their chickens and celebrating too soon...with double points available in all Sports Day competitions throughout the day there may yet be a surprise or two! Fire 345pts Space 340pts Water 304pts Air 302pts Earth 275pts 23 Autumn Term 2014 Staff: Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd September - STAFF INSET DAYS Pupils: Wednesday 3rd September - Friday 24th October Holiday: Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October Staff: Monday 3rd November - STAFF INSET DAY Pupils: Tuesday 4th November - Friday 19th December Holiday: Monday 22nd December - Friday 2nd January Spring Term 2015 Staff & Pupils: Monday 5th January - Friday 13th February Holiday: Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February Staff & Pupils: Monday 23rd February - Thursday 2nd April Holiday: Friday 3rd April - Friday 17th April Easter Sunday: Sunday 5th April Summer Term 2015 Staff & Pupils: Monday 20th April - Friday 22nd May May Day: Monday 4th May Holiday: Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May Staff & Pupils: Monday 1st June - Friday 17th July 24