St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Services in English Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: Daily Masses: Holy Day Masses: First Friday Adoration: Confessions: Rosary: Novena Our L. of Perpetual Help: Divine Mercy Chaplet: May 29, 2016 Servicios en Español 4 :30 pm 8:00 am & 11:15 am Monday thru Friday 8:00 am Misa del Domingo: Misa todos los Miércoles: Rosario: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Confesiones: no vigil Mass 8:30 am - 12 Noon (Oct.-May) 1:00 pm 7:30 pm Miércoles 7:00 pm Domingos 12:30 pm Miércoles de 6:30 pm-7:25 pm Domingos de 12:30 pm-1:00 pm Serviços em Português Missa de Sábado: Missas de Domingo: and by appointment Missas Semanais: Monday thru Friday 7:25 am Adoração S. Sacramento: Wed. after the 8am Mass Confissão: Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm Friday 3:00 pm • 29 de Maio de 2016 • 7:30 pm 9:30 am e 7:00 pm Terça e Quinta-feira 7:30 pm Quinta-feira 8:00 pm-10:00 pm Sábado 7:00 pm-7:25 pm Domingo 9:00 am-9:25 am 6:30 am-6:55 pm 29 de Mayo de 2016 6350 NW 18 Street, Margate, FL 33063-2320 Ph 954-972-0434 • Fax 954-971-9411 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Rev. Mathew Didonè, c.s. Pastor Rev. Heitor Castoldi, c.s. Parochial Vicar Ana N. Stein Secretary/Bulletin Editor Adriana Procopio Bookkeeper Jane M. Gammon Sacristan Marie Hurley Director of Religious Education Monica Cerqueira Fred Schweitzer Director of Religious EducationBrazilians RCIA Coordinator, English Patricia Maher Guillermo Izaguirre Music Director, English Music Director, Spanish SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS Registration and guidance is available by appointment with one of the priests in the Church Office two months in advance of administering the sacrament of Baptism. A copy of the birth certificate is required at the time of registration. For preparation class, please call Suzanne Schweitzer at 954-790-9603 to make ar r angements. Baptisms are held the last Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm. WEDDINGS Couples must make arrangements directly with a priest 6 months in advance. SATURDAY - MAY 28 4:30 PM †Jean & †August Visich By daughter Irene. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - MAY 29 8:00 AM Fr. Joe Pranzo (45th anniversary). 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Josefine Romero By Ruth Ahrens AND †Edward Hotte (3 years in heaven) By loving mom & sisters AND †Cirina Prestigiacomo (100th birthday in heaven) By Prestigiacomo family. 1:00 PM †Jorge Fernandez (3 años en el cielo) Pide su esposa y hijos. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. MONDAY - MAY 30 8:00 AM For Victoria, Kam & Alex Lau By family AND †Jose Marrero By loving wife Virgie. TUESDAY - MAY 31 8:00 AM †Sabina Cardozo and Almas del Purgatorio By Betty. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. WEDNESDAY - JUNE 1 8:00 AM English Mass. 7:30 PM Misa en Español. THURSDAY - JUNE 2 8:00 AM English Mass. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FRIDAY - JUNE 3 MINISTRY OF THE SICK 8:00 AM †Rose Giuliano & †Peter Mulligan By Michael Giuliano. Please call the Parish Office to request sick calls for patients at home. If you or someone you know is hospitalized and would like to be visited by the Chaplain, please inform the hospital of your Catholic affiliation. For the anointing of the sick please inform the office ahead of time. 4:30 PM English Mass. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. VOCATION CHALICE / CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29 4:30 am Judith Marie Krueger 8:00 am Denise Jaslal Patricia Carroll 11:15 am Domingo 29 de Mayo 1:00 pm Amado y Claudia Taque SATURDAY - JUNE 4 SUNDAY - JUNE 5 8:00 AM English Mass. 9:30 AM Missa em Português 11:15 AM †Edith Cooke (happy birthday in heaven) By Maureen & John Spiecia AND †Betty Landi & †3 Sisters By Landi family AND Roberta Sirevaaz By loving sisters June & Daphne. 1:00 PM †Marcos de Vargas Pide Mayrim Romagosa. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. Page 3 BRAZILIAN FESTIVAL JUNE 2016 OFFICE CLOSED Memorial Day Monday, May 30. MASS OF THANKSGIVING 60th Anniversary of Priesthood Saturday: June 11 4 pm -12 am Sunday: June 12 9:30 am - 9 pm St. Vincent Catholic Church RECOVERY MINISTRY MR. DENNIS BYRNE COUNSELING Every Wednesday, 9 am - 5 pm Every Thursday, 3 pm - 8 pm (954) 951-7098 Cell (954) 554-5570 __________________________________________ MEETINGS Monday 10 am Overeaters Anonymous - room 1&2 Tuesday 6 pm Al-Anon (Families of Alcoholics) - room 1&2 Wednesday 9 am Alcoholics Anonymous - DePaul Center Thursday 6 pm The 12 Steps & The Scriptures - DePaul Center ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Please remember to support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, so together we can continue to bring comfort and peace to our brothers and sisters who are suffering. Thank You! Call 954213-4690 for help. To donate household goods, call St. Vincent Thrift Shop at 954-942-2242. Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, C. S. “Go into the whole world” Sunday, June 26, 1 pm Lunch after Mass at the community center. Donation: $15.00 CCD The teaching staff is vitally important to the success of the CCD Program. Next year we will need teachers. Please think about joining us for this important ministry. Please call Father Matthew 954-972-0434 or Marie Hurley, DRE 954-978-6124 WORD OF LIFE “Pope Francis has captivated the world with his humility, warmth and compassion for each person. Vivid accounts of his tenderness for “the least of these” - the elderly, the imprisoned, those with disfiguring disabilities, the unborn, and many more - seize our attention. Why? At the heart of each of these interactions is a truth which resonates in our hearts, revealing to us something essential to understanding ourselves and our purpose. We are loved.” 2014 Respect Life Month statement, Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities We pray to the Lord for the most vulnerable among us - the unborn, persons with disabilities, the poor, the sick, and those near death that their unique gifts may be recognized, and may we treat them as the gifts that they are. Page 4 ARTS & CRAFTS GROUP Irene Phenix 954-973-6951 Tuesdays 9 am -11 am Comm. Ctr, Rm #4 ALTAR SERVERS Alexandra Giang THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST 954-968-5811 BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Call Suzanne Schweitzer at 954-790-9603 to make arrangements. CCD Mrs. Marie Hurley 954-978-6124 September thru May Wed. 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm Grades 3-8 Comm. Ctr. Sat. 9:00 am - 10:30 am Grades 1-2 Comm. Ctr. CHOIR AND CONTEMPORARY MUSIC PRACTICE Patricia Maher Every Thursday at Church Music Practice begins at 6:00 pm Choir Practice begins at 7:30 pm 954-261-8684 CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Pam Asselin COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) Flo McGrath 954-227-8330 September thru May - 3rd Tuesday of the month. Next meeting, June 21, 7 pm. CHURCH GIFT SHOP Eileen Ferrigno 954-979-5179 Yvonne Gorman 954-993-5269 Clara Villanueva (Español) 954-695-9965 Before & after Sunday Masses and by appointment. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Friday 3 pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Joseph Holmes 3rd Monday 7 PM Community Ctr. Hall 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7 pm De Paul Center Next Meeting, June 14. 408-806-6674 954-324-0571 LEGION OF MARY Judith Marie K. 954-980-1723 Thursdays, 6:15 pm, Comm. Ctr. Rm # 4 NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY Nadine White Tuesday at 8 pm Comm. Ctr, Rm #6 Mass Saturday at 5:30 pm Chapel RCIA 954-643-1474 Fred Schweitzer (September thru May) Wednesday 7 pm Comm. Ctr, Rm #4. 954-790-9604 RESPECT LIFE NORTH BROWARD 954-977-7769 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Diane Hebisen 2nd & 4th Monday 7 pm Next Meeting June 13, De Paul Center. ST. VINCENT MEN’S GUILD 954-213-4690 Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 August thru June 1st & 3rd Monday 7 pm Next Meeting June 6, De Paul Center. The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates from Latin to “Body of Christ”. This feast originated in France in the mid thirteenth century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. this feast is celebrated on the Thursday following the Trinity Sunday or, as in the USA, on the Sunday following that feast. This feast calls us to focus on two manifestations of the Body of Christ, the Holy Eucharist and the Church. The primary purpose of this feast is to focus our attention on the Eucharist. The opening prayer at Mass calls our attention to Jesus’ suffering and death and our worship of Him, especially in the Eucharist. At every Mass our attention is called to the Eucharist and the Real Presence of Christ in it. The secondary focus of this feast is upon the Body of Christ as it is present in the Church. The Church is called the Body of Christ because of the intimate communion which Jesus shares with his disciples. He expresses this in the gospels by using the metaphor of a body in which He is the head. This image helps keep in focus both the unity and the diversity of the Church. The Feast of Corpus Christi is commonly used as an opportunity for public Eucharistic Precessions, which serves as a sign of common faith and adoration. Our worship of Jesus in His Body and Blood calls us to offer to God our Father a pledge of undivided love and an offering of ourselves to the service of others. CONGRATULATIONS Rose Sommella $73.00 50/50 Winner for May 21 & May 22 WEEKLY COLLECTION REPORT MAY 21 & MAY 22 Collection $12,732.60 Building Fund $ 1,157.00 ____________________________________________ Total of all Collections: $13,889.60 Page 5 ESCRITÓRIO FECHADO ORGANIZAÇÃO LITÚRGICA E ATIVIDADES Memorial Day Segunda-feira, 30 de maio. ADORAÇÃO AO SANTÍSSIMO SACRAMENTO Quinta-feira, às 8 pm, na Capela ACÓLITOS Gustavo de Souza Nunes Maria Luisa dos Santos 508-405-5204 754-367-0652 CARCERÁRIA Lisett Llovera Wadson Abreu 954-773-4185 954-708-5626 CATEQUESE DE EUCARISTIA (sábado às 5 pm) Monica Cerqueira 561-929-0639 CATEQUESE DE CRISMA Nestor Sigismondi Mauricio Santana 954-588-7418 561-789-4602 C.E.S. (Centro Educacional Scalabrini) Luzeth de Oliveira Joana Lucia Sloan 954-871-9434 954-224-6853 CORAL PINGO DE LUZ Fátima Silveira Juliana Cardoso Samira Damasceno 754-367-1391 954-495-1103 754-235-9017 DÍZIMO Monica de Paula Neide Monteiro 754-367-2225 754-367-5388 FAMILIAR Anselmo e Marilene Carvalho 954-309-3702 GRUPOS DE REFLEXÃO BÍBLICA Luzeth de O. e Sandra Ferreira Paulo Nunes Edson Neves Cissa Motta Quinzinho 954-798-3453 508-395-6333 954-501-4660 954-643-0239 954-548-5258 JOVENS (JOBUC) Encontro todos os sábados após a missa Entre 18 e 25 anos Breno Dias 561-584-0155 Vinicius de Melo 561-929-8861 LITURGIA MISSA DE AÇÃO DE GRAÇAS Celebração 60 anos de Sacerdócio Pe. Alex Dalpiaz, C. S. “Ide por todo o mundo” Domingo, 26 de junho, 1 pm Almoço após a Missa no centro comunitário Doação: $15.00 RELATÓRIO DO DÍZIMO 21 de maio 7:30 pm $1,370.00 22 de maio 9:30 am $1,218.60 22 de maio 7:00 pm $ 725.00 __________________________________ TOTAL: $3,313.60 Luciene Marcelino 1. 203-526-7715 MINISTROS EXTRAORDINÁRIOS DA SAGRADA COMUNHÃO Marcia Alves-Rodrigues 561-752-6359 Luzia Zucoloto 561-305-3424 MÚSICA Marizete Nogueira 401-835-3935 PASCOM Ricardo Cukier 954-856-9022 PASTORAL DA ARTE Aristides de Jesus (Didi) PAIS (Projeto de Assistência ao Imigrante) 754-235-4647 954-951-7098 RENOVAÇÃO CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA Beatriz Braga 954-494-8058 Marcio Santana 561-502-5999 VICE SACRISTÃO Agnaldo Duarte 561-305-6860 SACRISTÃO ST. VINCENT MEN’S GUILD (Agosto a Junho) Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 Reuniões na 1ª e 3ª segunda-feira do mês, às 7 pm, no De Paul Center Próxima reunião, 6 de junho. TERÇO Cina DaSilva TERÇO DOS HOMENS Moises Vidal Izaias A. Silva 954-825-1456 954-907-0314 561-672-9639 Page 6 SACRAMENTOS BATISMOS: Inscrições e orientações estão disponíveis com hora marcada no escritório da igreja com um dos padres. A ficha é preenchida somente por um dos padres com dois meses de antecedência antes da data do curso. É necessário cópia da certidão de nascimento da criança. O curso de preparação para pais e padrinhos toda segunda sexta-feira de cada mês às 7:30 pm, na Igreja. Os batismos são realizados no primeiro e quarto sábado do mês, às 7:30 pm. Coordenadores: Alex e Waneska Adame CASAMENTOS: Os casais devem falar diretamente com um dos padres com 6 meses de antecedência. ENFERMOS: Ligue para o escritório paroquial para solicitar visitas aos doentes. Se você, ou alguém que você conhece, está hospitalizado e gostaria de receber uma visita, por favor informe os padres com antecedência. SERVIÇOS GRATUITOS CURSO DE PREPARAÇÃO PARA EXAME DE CIDADANIA 2º e 4º Domingo do mês Horário: 6 pm Local: Lott English Academy 4301 North Federal Highway, Suite 4 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 INFORMAÇÕES 954-951-7098/954-536-3983 ADVOGADAS DE IMIGRAÇÃO Assistência sobre assuntos de imigração com as advogadas Inna Shapovalov e Sara Cohen. 3ª Terça-feira do mês (Dr. Inna Shapovalov) 1ª Quarta-feira do mês (Dr. Sara Cohen) Local: Escr itór io da Igr eja Horário: 5 pm Para marcar horário, ligue para 954-951-7098 e deixe seu nome e número de telephone. PSICOTERAPIA E ACONSELHAMENTO SOBRE ABUSO DE SUBSTÂNCIAS COM DENNIS BYRNE EM INGLÊS Consultas todas as quartas-feiras Local: Escr itór io da Igr eja Horário: 1 pm - 5 pm Para marcar horário, ligue para 954-951-7098 e deixe seu nome e número de telefone. Agradecemos aos primeiros patrocinadores que já nos ajudaram com a Festa Junina 1. Trust Pay Corporation 2. Mauricio’s Bar and Grill 3. Phoenix Plywood Finishing 4. Machado Insurance 5. Restaurante Brasil 6. Humana 7. Christiane & Company Inc. 8. Schilling Insurance 9. Galaxy Marble 10. Imex Grocery 11. Gazeta Brazilian News Page 7 TERÇO DOS HOMENS OFICINA CERRADA Terça-feira, 31 de maio após a Missa. Memorial Day Lunes, 30 de mayo. SOLENIDADE DO CORPO E SANGUE DE CRISTO “CORPUS CHRISTI” A celebração teve origem em 1243, em Liège, na Bélgica, no século XIII, quando a freira Juliana de Cornion teria tido visões de Cristo demonstrando-lhe desejo de que o mistério da Eucaristia fosse celebrado com destaque. Em 1264, o Papa Urbano IV através da Bula Papal “Trasnsiturus de hoc mundo”, estendeu a festa para toda a Igreja, pedindo a São Tomás de Aquino que preparasse as leituras e textos litúrgicos que, até hoje, são usados durante a celebração. Compôs o hino “Lauda Sion Salvatorem” (Louva, ó Sião, o Salvador), ainda hoje usado e cantado nas liturgias do dia pelos mais de 400 mil sacerdotes nos cinco continentes. A procissão com a Hóstia consagrada conduzida em um ostensório é datada de 1274. foi na época barroca, contudo, que ela se tornou um grande cortejo de ação de graças. No Brasil, a festa passou a integrar o calendário religioso de Brasília, em 1961, quando uma pequena procissão saiu da Igreja de madeira de Santo Antônio e seguiu até a Igrejinha de Nossa Senhora de Fátima. A tradição de enfeitar as ruas surgiu em Ouro Preto, cidade história do interior de Minas Gerais. A celebração de Corpus Christi consta de uma missa, procissão e adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento. SOLEMNIDAD DEL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO “CORPUS CHRISTI” Hoy estamos celebrando la fiesta que nos reúne a todos los cristianos católicos para manifestar nuestra fe en Jesús vivo y presente entre nosotros. La solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. El evangelio de hoy nos narra el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los peces, el único acontecimiento en la vida de Jesús que se menciona en los cuatro evangelios; este hecho no se produjo más que por el gran amor de Jesús a su pueblo. De esta manera podemos comprender que su presencia real en el Sacramento de la Eucaristía es la entrega más sublime de su infinito amor. San Agustín llamaba a la Eucaristía: Sacramento de amor, símbolo de unidad, vinculo de caridad. Pero esto solo podemos entenderlo por medio de la fe, sin fe sería imposible poder llegar a comprender el verdadero significado de estas palabras. Si verdaderamente creemos que Jesús está presente en el Sacramento de la Eucaristía podremos descubrir que por amor quiso quedarse entre nosotros y, que al alimentarnos con su Cuerpo y su Sangre nos convertimos en un solo cuerpo; porque al recibirlo a Él, recibimos también a nuestros hermanos y nuestro amor por ellos debe prevalecer siempre, no podemos guardar solo para nosotros el don del amor que hoy celebramos. MATRIMONIO 2000 Convalidación de Matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica “Para Parejas Que No Han Recibido El Sacramento Del Matrimonio” El programa es de un día de duración y se realiza en la Iglesia Católica Saint Timothy de 8:15 a.m. a 5:30 pm, y en el participan parejas de las distintas parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Haga su reservación llamado al 305 -821-0002 o fax a 305-821-0772. El próximo será el domingo, 17 de julio y 16 de octubre, 2016. Por que esperar mas por el Sacramento que ustedes desean recibir y Cristo y su Iglesia quieren brindarles? Page 8 ATENCIÓN - BAUTISMOS MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO EN LA MISA Coro / Música Guillermo Izaguirre Lectores Felipe Jiménez Debido a la celebración sacerdotal del P. Alex, los bautismos para el mes de junio serán el dia 19. Ministros Extraordinarios Comunión Pedro Gangi Yudancy Gangi 754-245-0694 954-515-9549 954-548-6151 Acólitos y Monaguillos Felix Narciso FESTIVAL BRASILEÑO JUNIO 2016 954-601-6529 954-204-8819 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO Y FORMACIÓN Visita a las Cárceles último miércoles de cada mes Lisett Llovera 954-773-4185 Visita a los Enfermos Ney Colón 954-984-0617 Bautismos Mariela Fajardo 561-305-5816 Crecimiento Matrimonial Sábado: 11 de junio 4 pm -12 am Domingo: 12 de junio 9:30 am - 9 pm Iglesia San Vicente Ayudan a la vida matrimonial poniendo a Jesús en el centro de Matrimonio. Carlos & Jessica Iglesias 754-368-4583 Emaús Preparan retiros de conversión y ayudan en varios servicios de la parroquia Emaús Hombres Cada Martes a las 7:30 pm Wilberto Alonso (Tony) Emaús Mujeres Cada Viernes a las 7:30 pm Desayuno, tercer sábado 8 am - Lisett Llovera 954-261-4498 (puntualmente) 954-773 -4185 Grupo de Oración MISA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Celebración 60 años de Sacerdocio P. Alex Dalpiaz, C. S. “Id por todo el mundo” Domingo, 26 de junio, 1 pm Almuerzo después de la Misa en el centro comunitario Donación: $15.00 Se vive una experiencia de fe y oración en comunidad. Miércoles 7:00 pm en la capilla. Lilita Agudelo 954-601-6495 PAIS - Proyecto Asistencia Inmigrante Scalabrini Realizan diferentes actividades en favor de todos los inmigrantes en este país. 954-951-7098 R.I.C.A Jueves 7:00 pm Mariela Fajardo 561-305-5816 Sacristana Carmen Guzman 954-648-6524 St. Vincent Men’s Guild Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 Agosto hasta junio; reuniones el 1º y 3º lunes del mes a las 7 pm, en el DePaul Center. Próxima reunión, 6 de junio. Talleres de Oración y Vida Lorena Garcia 305-469-0395 Es un taller que nos enseña a rezar con la ayuda de la Palabra de Dios. Page 9 CURSO DE PREPARACIÓN PARA EL EXAMEN DE CIUDADANÍA SACRAMENTOS BAUTISMOS: La matrícula y orientación están disponibles con cita previa en la oficina de la iglesia con uno de los sacerdotes. La inscripción solamente es llenada por uno de los sacerdotes con dos meses de anticipación a la fecha de la preparación. Es necesario traer copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño. La charla de preparación es el primer miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm, en DePaul Center. La celebración del bautismo es el último domingo del mes, durante la misa de la 1:00 pm. MATRIMONIOS: Las parejas deben hablar directamente con uno de los sacerdotes con 6 meses de anticipación. ENFERMOS: Llamar a la oficina para solicitar la visita para las personas enfermas que están en su casa. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está hospitalizado y le gustaría una visita, por favor informar a los sacerdotes con anticipación. Segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes Hora: 6 pm Lugar: Lott English Academy - 4301 North Federal Highway, Suite 4 - Pompano Beach, FL 33064 Información: 954-951-7098 / 954-536-3983 ABOGADAS DE INMIGRACIÓN Cada tercer martes del mes (Dr . Inna Shapovalov) y cada primer miércoles del mes (Dr . Sar a Cohen) Asistencia sobre asuntos de Inmigración con las abogadas Inna Shapovalov y Sara Cohen Lugar: Oficina de la Iglesia Hora: 5 pm Por favor llame con anticipación al 954-951-7098 deje su nombre y número de teléfono. PREVENCIÓN EN SALUD MENTAL ORIENTACIÓN PERSONAL Y FAMILIAR Gratuito - Español y Portugués Lugar: Oficina de la Iglesia San Vicente Lunes: 12 pm - 5 pm Y Viernes: 2 pm - 8 pm Por favor llame con anticipación al 954-951-7098 deje su nombre y número de teléfono. Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. BRAND NEW upscale resort style apartment home community redefines luxury living. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! Toscana is centrally located to major highways, great shopping malls, parks, beaches, restaurants and local entertainment. 800-566-6150 3050 Toscana Lane West | Margate, Florida 33063 | 954.933.3652 Mention this ad for your move in special A smile happens in a flash, ...but its memory can last a lifetime. Air Around the Clock AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE SERVICE A D U LT S • S E N I O R S • C H I L D R E N No Appointment Needed • Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome! Se Habla Español HOLIDAY SPECIAL • Oral Exam (D0150) Dental Insurance, HMO’s and PPO’s accepted! • Full Mouth X-rays (D0272) Flexible payment plans offered! Humana Gold Plus Plan, REG. $150 • Cleaning (D1110)* SALES — SERVICE — INSTALLATIONS • 10% 11840 NW 41st Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 Off Repairs (with Ad) • 75 $ [email protected] Broward (954) 742-5544 Boca (561) 395-7799 CarePlus, Solstice New Non-Insured Patients Only. With Ad. *Unless gum disease is present. 1509 N. State Road 7, Suite H Margate, FL 33063 954-974-8550 514009 St Vincent Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 4125 West Sample Road Coconut Creek, FL 33073 FERNANDA B. MCCOSH, DMD FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY 954-968-8333 Dentistry for Adults and Children Formerly The Health Center of Coconut Creek Offering Skilled Rehabilitation and Nursing Services 954.971.8800 Services Include: We Speak Portuguese 5800 Colonial Drive, Suite 406 Margate, FL 33063 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 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Margate 973-9589 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Donald Buikus, Attorney (954) 974-2704 $20.00 OFF Service Call REASONABLE FEES Real Estate Closings $495*, Quick Claim Deed $125* Simple Will $75.00, Durable Power of Attorney $75 Probate (Call for price) “DON’T GET MAD, GET MOODY” *Plus costs, recording fees, filing fees or title insurance premiums 1402 North State Road 7, Margate, Florida ————House Calls Available———— (954) 972-1079 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information regarding our qualification and experience. Service • Remodels • Construction Family Owned and Operated Licensed & Insured Lic# CFC057434 5440 N. State Rd. 7 • Ft. Lauderdale Daily Early Bird Special 10% Discount Not To Be Used With Any Other Offer Or Discount And Max Value Up To $25.00 Discount Ph. 484-0400 St. Vincent KRAEER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTER Serving the Catholic Community Since 1952 1 North State Road 7, Margate (954) 972-7340 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning • Se Habla Español Our Lady Queen of Heaven (954) 972-1234 1500 South State Road 7 North Lauderdale • FL 33068 514009 St Vincent Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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St. Vincent Catholic Church
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St. Vincent Catholic Church
curso. Necessário cópia da certidão de nascimento
da criança. O curso de preparação para pais e
padrinhos é toda segunda sexta-feira de cada mês às
7:30 pm, na Igreja. Batismos são realizados no