Packet - Shasta County Office of Education
Packet - Shasta County Office of Education
Superintendent Tom Armelino Board of Education Diane Gerard Rhonda Hull Sharon Hunter Steve MacFarland Laura Manuel William Stegall Elizabeth “Buffy” Tanner 1644 Magnolia Ave. Redding, CA 96001 (530) 225-0200 Fax (530) 225-0329 SHASTA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING and BUDGET STUDY SESSION AGENDA June 8, 2016 9:00 a.m. Shasta County Office of Education – Board Room 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Mission To be leaders in educational excellence, offering support to schools and community to ensure Shasta County students receive a quality education preparing them for high school graduation and success in career and college. 2015/16 Goals 1. 2. The Shasta County Office of Education will continue to serve as an active partner in the Reach Higher Shasta (RHS) initiative. a. We will continue to serve on the Executive Committee for RHS. b. We will continue to serve on subcommittees of RHS as deemed appropriate. c. We will continue to advocate on behalf of RHS in our community. d. We will continue to pursue resources to support the goals of RHS. Ensure that school districts and community partners receive clear and transparent communication regarding services provided by the Shasta County Office of Education. a. We will survey school districts to determine their needs and interest in services provided by the Shasta County Office of Education. b. We will align the services we offer to best serve the needs of school districts and students we serve. c. We will clearly articulate and ensure school districts understand the services we provide. The Shasta County Board of Education welcomes you to its Regular meetings scheduled on the second Wednesday of each month (except June) at 1:30 p.m. at the Shasta County Office of Education Board Room or other posted location. The June meeting will be held on the fourth Wednesday to allow time for budget preparation. For any month in which a holiday conflicts with the second Wednesday of the month, the meeting will be held on the third or fourth Wednesday as posted. Board agenda materials are available at the Shasta County Office of Education in the Superintendent’s Office at 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting or function of the Shasta County Board of Education may request assistance by contacting the Shasta County Office of Education seven (7) days prior to the meeting or function at: 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA 96001; phone (530) 225-0227; fax (530) 225-0329 1. 2. 3. 4. Open Session CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA HEARING OF PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD REGARDING ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Under this item, the public is invited to complete a Speaker Card indicating which item listed on the agenda they would like to comment on and will be allowed to do so when the item comes up. For Special Board meetings, the law does not require the public be given an opportunity to address items not listed on the agenda. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 of 147 5. DISCUSSION 5.1. Proposed Revisions to Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update (pgs. 4-119) 9:30 a.m. 5.2. PUBLIC HEARING to Receive Public Comment Regarding the Proposed Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update In addition to verbal comments made at the Public Hearing on the LCAP, written comments can be submitted to: Tom Armelino, Shasta County Superintendent of Schools at 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA 96001 and will be considered in any revisions to the LCAP if received by 4:00 p.m. on June 14, 2016. The proposed LCAP is available for public inspection at or at the address provided for written comments. 6. BUDGET STUDY SESSION 6.1. Proposed 2016/17 Budget (pgs. 120-141) 11:00 a.m. 6.2. PUBLIC HEARING to Receive Public Comment Regarding the Proposed 2016/17 Budget 7. BOARD BUSINESS 7.1. Procedure/Timeline to Fill Board Vacancy (pgs. 142-146) 7.2. Superintendent Armelino’s Absence at June 22, 2016 Board Meeting (pg. 147) 8. OTHER COMMENTS 9. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 10. REMINDERS/UPCOMING EVENTS • June 18, 2016, 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Tier I Program Graduation at PDC 11. NEXT MEETING – June 22, 2016, 1:30 p.m. at Shasta County Office of Education, 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA 96001 12. ADJOURN See attached/reverse side for policy/procedures governing participation at the Shasta County Board of Education meetings. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 of 147 THE SHASTA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WELCOMES AND ENCOURAGES YOUR PARTICIPATION AT THEIR MEETINGS. TO ENSURE AN ORDERLY MEETING, ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ASKED TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: Procedures for placing an item on the agenda, making a presentation, or speaking to an item on the agenda shall be as follows (Board Bylaw #9322): Any member of the public or any Board member may request that a matter within the jurisdiction of the Board be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting. The request must be in writing and be submitted to the Superintendent or designee with supporting documents and information, if any, at least seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting date. Items submitted less than seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting date may be postponed to a later meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration and research of the issue. The Board President and Superintendent shall decide whether a request is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Items not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board may not be placed on the agenda. In addition, the Board President and Superintendent shall determine if the item is merely a request for information or whether the issue is covered by an existing policy or administrative regulation before placing the item on the agenda. The Board President and Superintendent shall decide whether an agenda item is appropriate for discussion in open or closed session, and whether the item should be an action item, informational item or consent item. The agenda shall provide members of the public the opportunity to address the Board on any agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. The agenda shall also provide members of the public an opportunity to testify at regular meetings on matters which are not on the agenda but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. (Education Code 35145.5, Government Code 54954.3) Persons addressing the Board shall be guided by the following conditions (Board Bylaw #9323): Members of the public are encouraged to attend Board meetings and to address the Board concerning any item on the agenda or within the Board's jurisdiction. So as not to inhibit public participation, persons attending Board meetings shall not be requested to sign in, complete a questionnaire, or otherwise provide their name or other information as a condition of attending the meeting. In order to conduct business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board requires that public presentations to the Board comply with the following procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Board shall give members of the public an opportunity to address the Board either before or during the Board's consideration of each item of business to be discussed at regular or special meetings. (Education Code 35145.5, Government Code 54954.3) At a time so designated on the agenda, members of the public may bring before the Board, at a regular meeting, matters that are not listed on the agenda. The Board may refer such a matter to the Superintendent or designee or take it under advisement, but shall not take action at that time except as allowed by law. The matter may be placed on the agenda of a subsequent meeting for action or discussion by the Board. (Education Code 35145.5, Government Code 54954.2) Without taking action, Board members or County Office staff members may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by the public about items not appearing on the agenda. Additionally, on their own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, a Board or staff member may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his/her own activities. (Government Code 54954.2) Furthermore, the Board or a Board member may provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, ask staff to report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or take action directing staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (Government Code 54954.2) The Board need not allow the public to speak on any item that has already been considered by a committee composed exclusively of Board members at a public meeting where the public had the opportunity to address the committee on that item. However, if the Board determines that the item has been substantially changed since the committee heard it, the Board shall provide an opportunity for the public to speak. (Government Code 54954.3) A person wishing to be heard by the Board shall first be recognized by the President and shall then proceed to comment as briefly as the subject permits. Individual speakers shall be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board on each agenda or nonagenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. With Board consent, the President may increase or decrease the time allowed for public presentation, depending on the topic and the number of persons wishing to be heard. The President may take a poll of speakers for or against a particular issue and may ask that additional persons speak only if they have something new to add. The Board President may rule on the appropriateness of a topic. If the topic would be more suitably addressed at a later time, the President may indicate the time and place when it should be presented. The Board shall not prohibit public criticism of its policies, procedures, programs, services, acts or omissions. (Government Code 54954.3) In addition, the Board may not prohibit public criticism of County Office employees. The Board President shall not permit any disturbance or willful interruption of Board meetings. Persistent disruption by an individual or group shall be grounds for the chair to terminate the privilege of addressing the Board. The Board may remove disruptive individuals and order the room cleared if necessary; in this case, members of the media not participating in the disturbance shall be allowed to remain, and individual(s) not participating in such disturbances may be allowed to remain at the discretion of the Board. When the room is ordered cleared due to a disturbance, further Board proceedings shall concern only matters appearing on the agenda. (Government Code 54957.9) Thank you for your cooperation. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 3 of 147 ! # June 8, 2016 SCOE LCAP AND ANNUAL UPDATE # Jodie VanOrnum # # Jodie VanOrnum Judy Flores # June 1, 2016 # # ✔ % #$%# $ " % $ % ✔ $ % $ % $ ! % #!$'"! #& The LCAP is an important component of the LCFF. Under the LCFF all LEAs are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to EC Section 52060(d). This is the annual review of the LCAP along with proposed revisions for 2016-2017. The LCAP must address the 8 state priorities: 1) Basic (Conditions of Learning) 2) State Standards (Conditions of Learning) 3)Parental Involvement (engagement) 4) Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes) 5)Pupil Engagemetn (engagement 6)School Climate (engagement) 7)Course Access (Conditions of Learning 8)Other Pupil Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes) 9)Expelled Pupils - (Conditions of Learning) 10) Foster Youth (Conditions of Learning) %""& N/A #& N/A Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 4 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 5 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 6 of 147 1 of 113 Introduction: The state priorities listed in Education Code sections 52060 and 52066 can be categorized as specified below for planning purposes, however, school districts and county offices of education must address each of the state priorities in their LCAP. A. Conditions of Learning: Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section 44258.9, and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section 60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards and English language development standards adopted by the state board for all pupils, including English learners. (Priority 2) Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7) Expelled pupils (for county offices of education only): coordination of instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section 48926. (Priority 9) Foster youth (for county offices of education only): coordination of services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share information, responding to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensuring transfer of health and education records. (Priority 10) B. Pupil Outcomes: Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready, share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4) Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8) C. Engagement: Parental involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making at the district and each school site, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups. (Priority 3) Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduations rates. (Priority 5) School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6) LEA: Shasta County Office of Education Contact: Jodie VanOrnum, Executive Director Student Programs, [email protected], (530)225-0360 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 7 of 147 2 of 113 LCAP Year: 2016-17 Local Control and Accountability plan and Annual Update Template The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update Template shall be used to provide details regarding local educational agencies͛(LEAs) actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance pursuant to Education Code sections 52060, 52066, 47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5. The LCAP and Annual Update Template must be completed by all LEAs each year. For school districts, pursuant to Education Code section 52060, the LCAP must describe, for the school district and each school within the district, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. For county offices of education, pursuant to Education Code section 52066, the LCAP must describe, for each county office of educationoperated school and program, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, who are funded through the county office of education Local Control Funding Formula as identified in Education Code section 2574 (pupils attending juvenile court schools, on probation or parole, or mandatorily expelled) for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. School districts and county offices of education may additionally coordinate and describe in their LCAPs services provided to pupils funded by a school district but attending county-operated schools and programs, including special education programs. Charter schools, pursuant to Education Code sections 47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5, must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities as applicable and any locally identified priorities. For charter schools, the inclusion and description of goals for state priorities in the LCAP may be modified to meet the grade levels served and the nature of the programs provided, including modifications to reflect only the statutory requirements explicitly applicable to charter schools in the Education Code. The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool. Accordingly, in developing goals, specific actions, and expenditures, LEAs should carefully consider how to reflect the services and related expenses for their basic instructional program in relationship to the state priorities. LEAs may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans and funded by a variety of other fund sources when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures related to the state and local priorities. LCAPs must be consistent with school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section 64001. The information contained in the LCAP, or annual update, may be supplemented by information contained in other plans (including the LEA plan pursuant to Section 1112 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of Public Law 107-110) that are incorporated or referenced as relevant in this document. For each section of the template, LEAs shall comply with instructions and should use the guiding questions as prompts (but not limits) for completing the information as required by statute. Guiding questions do not require separate narrative responses. However, the narrative Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 8 of 147 3 of 113 response and goals and actions should demonstrate each guiding question was considered during the development of the plan. Data referenced in the LCAP must be consistent with the school accountability report card where appropriate. LEAs may resize pages or attach additional pages as necessary to facilitate completion of the LCAP. State Priorities The state priorities listed in Education Code sections 52060 and 52066 can be categorized as specified below for planning purposes, however, school districts and county offices of education must address each of the state priorities in their LCAP. Charter schools must address the priorities in Education Code section 52060(d) that apply to the grade levels served, or the nature of the program operated, by the charter school. A. Conditions of Learning: Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section 44258.9, and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section 60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards and English language development standards adopted by the state board for all pupils, including English learners. (Priority 2) Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7) Expelled pupils (for county offices of education only): coordination of instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section 48926. (Priority 9) Foster youth (for county offices of education only): coordination of services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share information, responding to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensuring transfer of health and education records. (Priority 10) B. Pupil Outcomes: Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready, share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4) Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 9 of 147 4 of 113 Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8) C. Engagement: Parental involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making at the district and each schoolsite, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups. (Priority 3) Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduations rates. (Priority 5) School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6) Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 10 of 147 5 of 113 Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful engagement of parents, pupils, and other stakeholders, including those representing the subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052, is critical to the LCAP and budget process. Education Code sections 52060(g), 52062 and 52063 specify the minimum requirements for school districts; Education Code sections 52066(g), 52068 and 52069 specify the minimum requirements for county offices of education, and Education Code section 47606.5 specifies the minimum requirements for charter schools. In addition, Education Code section 48985 specifies the requirements for translation of documents. Instructions: Describe the process used to consult with parents, pupils, school personnel, local bargaining units as applicable, and the community and how this consultation contributed to development of the LCAP or annual update. Note that the LEA͛s goals, actions, services and expenditures related to the state priority of parental involvement are to be described separately in Section 2. In the annual update boxes, describe the stakeholder involvement process for the review, and describe its impact on, the development of the annual update to LCAP goals, actions, services, and expenditures. Guiding Questions: 1) How have applicable stakeholders (e.g., parents and pupils, including parents of unduplicated pupils and unduplicated pupils identified in Education Code section 42238.01; community members; local bargaining units; LEA personnel; county child welfare agencies; county office of education foster youth services programs, court-appointed special advocates, and other foster youth stakeholders; community organizations representing English learners; and others as appropriate) been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP? 2) How have stakeholders been included in the LEA͛s process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP? 3) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and used by the LEA to inform the LCAP goal setting process? How was the information made available? 4) What changes, if any, were made in the LCAP prior to adoption as a result of written comments or other feedback received by the LEA through any of the LEA͛s engagement processes? 5) What specific actions were taken to meet statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement pursuant to Education Code sections 52062, 52068, and 47606.5, including engagement with representatives of parents and guardians of pupils identified in Education Code section 42238.01? 6) What specific actions were taken to consult with pupils to meet the requirements 5 CCR 15495(a)? 7) How has stakeholder involvement been continued and supported? How has the involvement of these stakeholders supported improved outcomes for pupils, including unduplicated pupils, related to the state priorities? Involvement Process Shasta County Board of Education Impact on LCAP June 8, 2016 Page 11 of 147 6 of 113 Stakeholders have been involved in every aspect of the development of the 2016-17 Court and Community School LCAP. Stakeholder groups include teachers, parents, students, community members via the YVPC, Parent Advisory/SSC,SCOE Board of Education, District Partners, Law Enforcement, Probation, and Bargaining Units. Progress on data has been provided to each of these groups along with an opportunity for each group to share their thoughts, opinions, and feedback about development of the 2016-17 School Year LCAP. The following dates/activities represent stakeholder input: Board of Education Updates/Input: 11/18/15; 2/10/16; 5/11/16; Alt. Ed. Collaborative Forum; 10/27/15 School Site Council Goals Update/Input: 9/22/15; 11/17/15; Stakeholder involvement has had a significant impact on the development of our 2016-17 LCAP. Overall, elements of the ROP, Career/Work model have been effective. Students who have not been successful have barriers such as truancy, drug use and lack of self regulation skills to fully engage in the program. Teachers are improving their capacity to manage online-blended learning and it has been a tool that engages students. Lastly, many of our stakeholders noticed a lot of action/services that were duplications. As such, action steps will be narrowed to focus on Career and College Readiness, teacher effectiveness, and attendance. Input indicates too many repetitive goals and services. the 16-17 LCAP will reflect fewer, more refined goals to emphasize core efforts and emphasis on unduplicated pupils and students with exceptional needs. Achievement Night Parent Input Boards: 2/23/16 YVPC Community Member Goal Progress: 3/24/16 Student Stakeholder Surveys/Forums: 3/22/16; March-April Open Surveys (included Special Education students) Teachers: Monday Collaboration/PD meetings; 4/4/16 Other school personnel: 1/27/16 LCAP meeting; 2/18/16 Student Programs Manager¶s Meeting; 3/1/16 Bargaining Units: CTA 4/15/16; CSEA 4/19/16; 4/29/16 Parents have indicated that services such as career opportunities and behavior counseling that will benefit their students. Student feedback has confirmed the need for staff who have high expectation and develop relationships with their students. Program staff has consistently asked for additional training in relationships, trauma informed instruction and restorative practices. Participants at the quarterly Alternative Education Collaborative Forum (Mental Health, Districts, Special Education and Law Enforcement) have reviewed data and believe an emphasis on reduction of chronic truancy is necessary. In addition, they would like to continue the provision of ROP and work experience options for alternative education students. Staff have identified some options for assessment of ELA and Math. Stakeholder input confirms that integration of career and college opportunities work for some students and should remain available for eligible students. CAHSEE Goals will be removed from the LCAP. Progress towards high school graduation will be represented in ILCP work, local benchmark assessment and the SBAC. Additional impacts of stakeholder engagement included: Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Moving the ROP classroom to the ERC site Staffing reconfigurations to provide for improved Page 12 of 147 7 of 113 teacher/student relationship in the ROP 11-12th class Reduction of a teacher at the Juvenile Court School to meet the lower enrollment; provision of an additional aide to allow for small group instruction; Elimination of the CAHSEE as a measure of student progress Annual Update: Annual Update: Stakeholders have been involved in every aspect of updating the 201516 Court and Community School LCAP. Stakeholder groups include teachers, parents, students, community members via the YVPC, Parent Advisory/SSC,SCOE Board of Education, District Partners, Law Enforcement, Probation, Bargaining Units. Progress on data has been provided to each of these groups along with an opportunity for each group to share their thoughts, opinion and feedback about progress towards goals and adjustments for the 2016-17 School Year. The following dates/activities represent stakeholder input: Stakeholder groups include teachers, parents, students, community members via the YVPC, Parent Advisory/SSC,SCOE Board of Education, District Partners, Law Enforcement, Probation, Bargaining Units. Their input has guided actions for the annual update. Progress on data has been provided to each of these groups along with an opportunity for each group to share their thoughts, opinion and feedback about progress towards goals and adjustments for the 2015-16 School Year. The following dates/activities represent stakeholder input: Board of Education Updates/Input: 11/18/15; 2/10/16; 5/11/16; The BOE has supported the restructuring of staff to meet the required ratios based on enrollment. Based on input from SUSHD/GWUSD, they also understand the decision to offer one Community Classroom for AUHSD as those districts will be serving their own. Alt. Ed. Collaborative Forum; 10/27/15 School Site Council Goals Update/Input: 9/22/15; 11/17/15; Achievement Night Parent Input Boards: 2/23/16 School Site Council members emphasized the need for continued ROP/Work offerings along with counseling. YVPC Community Member Goal Progress: 3/24/16 Parents want continued counseling and career options. Student Stakeholder Surveys/Forums: 3/22/16; March-April Open Surveys Community members emphasized importance of ongoing collaboration to support at risk and foster youth. Teachers: Monday Collaboration/PD meetings; 4/4/16 Student input reveals a need to clarify and streamline systems and responsibilities for sharing information about college and careers (teacher responsibility, career-parent coach responsibility). There is a continued need to educate students about FAFSA completion; transcripts; graduation requirements; emphasis for teachers to use Blended Learning and Technology strategies for instruction. There is also a need for continued implementation of credit recovery strategies for improved graduation rates. Other school personnel: 1/27/16 LCAP meeting; 2/18/16 Student Programs Manager¶s Meeting; 3/1/16 Bargaining Units: CTA 4/15/16; CSEA 4/19/16; 4/29/16 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 13 of 147 8 of 113 Program metrics and data included in the LCAP and used as monitoring tools has been shared with each of the groups in various forums, both formal and informal. Metrics include ACHIEVE 3000 Lexile Growth; Behavioral Data (suspensions/referrals/attendance), and college and career readiness data. The data was reviewed and participants given opportunities to make suggestions for addition or elimination of strategies or services. Input indicates a need to strenghten assessment of students, continue the work in strengthening relationships, and supporting college and career readiness. Parent involvement through the stakeholder involvement process has emphasized the need to offer social-emotional development options for students, along with career/work opportunities. Students have participated in surveys and focus groups and indicate the need for highly engaging instruction from teachers who develop relationships and high expectations. School Site Council has met 4 times during the year to review LCAP progress and identify effectiveness of activities. Interagency partners have shared concerns about student attendance and need to work collaboratively through SARB to decrease the chronic truancy rates. All Staff meetings and weekly collaboration have given staff opportunities for input regarding LCAP goals and updates. Staff have shared the continued need to emphasize engagement through educational options such as blended learning via technology, The SCOE Board has been provided information about the LCAP¶s implementation on multiple occasions throughout the year. Program administration has met to sustain accountability and implementation of activities and services embedded in the LCAP. The involvement process included all of the meetings listed above. The Board of Education will hold a Public Hearing on May 11, 2016 and will approve the document on June 22, 2016. Teacher input will lead to the restructuring of the Professional Development Schedule and Content. Bargaining unit input led to the provision of Restorative Justice Training for a Para-educator to act as lead for others in appropriate classroom strategies. Additional leadership training and inclusion in professional development will be offered for para-educators. Based on input from the stakeholders listed above, several additions and deletions have been made in this year¶s plan: Professional Development have encompassed implementation of the Blended Learning Strategies and Management; Integration of Behavior Management Strategies; Enrollment necessitated reduction in para-educator assignments; Goals will be eliminated and duplication of activities or services will be eliminated. Section 2: Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress Indicators Instructions: All LEAs must complete the LCAP and Annual Update Template each year. The LCAP is a three-year plan for the upcoming school year and the two years that follow. In this way, the program and goals contained in the LCAP align with the term of a school district and county office of education budget and multiyear budget projections. The Annual Update section of the template reviews progress made for each stated goal in the school year that is coming to a close, assesses the effectiveness of actions and services provided, and describes the changes made in the LCAP for the next three years that are based on this review and assessment. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 14 of 147 9 of 113 Charter schools may adjust the table below to align with the term of the charter school͛s budget that is submitted to the school͛s authorizer pursuant to Education Code section 47604.33. For school districts, Education Code sections 52060 and 52061, for county offices of education, Education Code sections 52066 and 52067, and for charter schools, Education Code section 47606.5 require(s) the LCAP to include a description of the annual goals, for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils, to be achieved for each state priority as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i) and any local priorities; a description of the specific actions an LEA will take to meet the identified goals; a description of the expenditures required to implement the specific actions; and an annual update to include a review of progress towards the goals and describe any changes to the goals. To facilitate alignment between the LCAP and school plans, the LCAP shall identify and incorporate school-specific goals related to the state and local priorities from the school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section 64001. Furthermore, the LCAP should be shared with, and input requested from, schoolsite-level advisory groups, as applicable (e.g., schoolsite councils, English Learner Advisory Councils, pupil advisory groups, etc.) to facilitate alignment between school-site and district-level goals and actions. An LEA may incorporate or reference actions described in other plans that are being undertaken to meet the goal. Using the following instructions and guiding questions, complete a goal table (see below) for each of the LEA͛s goals. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Goal: Describe the goal: When completing the goal tables, include goals for all pupils and specific goals for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and, where applicable, at the schoolsite level. The LEA may identify which schoolsites and subgroups have the same goals, and group and describe those goals together. The LEA may also indicate those goals that are not applicable to a specific subgroup or schoolsite. Related State and/or Local Priorities: Identify the state and/or local priorities addressed by the goal by placing a check mark next to the applicable priority or priorities. The LCAP must include goals that address each of the state priorities, as defined in 5 CCR 15495(i), and any additional local priorities; however, one goal may address multiple priorities. Identified Need: Describe the need(s) identified by the LEA that this goal addresses, including a description of the supporting data used to identify the need(s). Schools: Identify the schoolsites to which the goal applies. LEAs may indicate ͞all͟for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5). Applicable Pupil Subgroups: Identify the pupil subgroups as defined in Education Code section 52052 to which the goal applies, or indicate Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 15 of 147 10 of 113 ͞all͟for all pupils. Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes: For each LCAP year, identify and describe specific expected measurable outcomes for all pupils using, at minimum, the applicable required metrics for the related state priorities. Where applicable, include descriptions of specific expected measurable outcomes for schoolsites and specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and at the schoolsite level. The metrics used to describe the expected measurable outcomes may be quantitative or qualitative, although the goal tables must address all required metrics for every state priority in each LCAP year. The required metrics are the specified measures and objectives for each state priority as set forth in Education Code sections 52060(d) and 52066(d). For the pupil engagement priority metrics, LEAs must calculate the rates specified in Education Code sections 52060(d)(5)(B), (C), (D) and (E) as described in the Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template Appendix, sections (a) through (d). Actions/Services: For each LCAP year, identify all annual actions to be performed and services provided to meet the described goal. Actions may describe a group of services that are implemented to achieve the identified goal. Scope of Service: Describe the scope of each action/service by identifying the schoolsites covered. LEAs may indicate ͞all͟for all schools, specify an individual school or a subset of schools, or specify grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5). If supplemental and concentration funds are used to support the action/service, the LEA must identify if the scope of service is districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide. Pupils to be served within identified scope of service: For each action/service, identify the pupils to be served within the identified scope of service. If the action to be performed or the service to be provided is for all pupils, place a check mark next to ͞ALL.͟ For each action and/or service to be provided above what is being provided for all pupils, place a check mark next to the applicable unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) and/or other pupil subgroup(s) that will benefit from the additional action, and/or will receive the additional service. Identify, as applicable, additional actions and services for unduplicated pupil subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section 42238.01, pupils redesignated fluent English proficient, and/or pupils subgroup(s) as defined in Education Code section 52052. Budgeted Expenditures: For each action/service, list and describe budgeted expenditures for each school year to implement these actions, including where those expenditures can be found in the LEA͛s budget. The LEA must reference all fund sources for each proposed expenditure. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual as required by Education Code sections 52061, 52067, and 47606.5. Guiding Questions: Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 16 of 147 11 of 113 1) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to ͞Conditions of Learning͍͟ 2) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to ͞Pupil Outcomes͍͟ 3) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address state priorities related to parent and pupil ͞Engagement͟(e.g., parent involvement, pupil engagement, and school climate)? 4) What are the LEA͛s goal(s) to address any locally-identified priorities? 5) How have the unique needs of individual schoolsites been evaluated to inform the development of meaningful district and/or individual schoolsite goals (e.g., input from site level advisory groups, staff, parents, community, pupils; review of school level plans; in-depth school level data analysis, etc.)? 6) What are the unique goals for unduplicated pupils as defined in Education Code sections 42238.01 and subgroups as defined in section 52052 that are different from the LEA͛s goals for all pupils? 7) What are the specific expected measurable outcomes associated with each of the goals annually and over the term of the LCAP? 8) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was considered/reviewed to develop goals to address each state or local priority? 9) What information was considered/reviewed for individual schoolsites? 10) What information was considered/reviewed for subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052? 11) What actions/services will be provided to all pupils, to subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, to specific schoolsites, to English learners, to low-income pupils, and/or to foster youth to achieve goals identified in the LCAP? 12) How do these actions/services link to identified goals and expected measurable outcomes? 13) What expenditures support changes to actions/services as a result of the goal identified? Where can these expenditures be found in the LEA's budget? GOAL: Goal 1: Ensure that ALL students graduate college and career ready by providing quality programs and support to schools and the community. Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 X 8 COE only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: NA Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 17 of 147 12 of 113 Identified Need: School Site Council and Teachers identified the need for high academic and social-emotional expectations for alternative education students. Students and parents indicated the benefitf of having Career Coach to connect them to Experiential Work programs and ROP. Student surveys indicated low percentages of students prepared for graduation and completion of FAFSA. Board Members, teachers, parents and community members indicate the need to maintain facilities, qualified teachers and standards aligned curriculum in all programs. Also indicated was the need to emphasize educational options that include career readiness and work experience. All stakeholders identify the need to implement state standards, with fidelity, in all programs with all students and subgroups. Teachers, parents and students identified the need for all students, including EL's and those on IEP's, enrolled in or receiving services from County Office of Education programs to have course access: Core, VAPA, Health, PE, CTE Foreign language and Drivers Ed, as appropriate for grade level and student need. Needs were identified through student focus groups; parent forums and surveys; teacher conversations and collaboration meetings; the Single Plan for Student Achievement addresses and references the need for services to prepare students for career and college. Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All LCAP Year 1 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 18 of 147 13 of 113 Expected Annual Priority 1: Facilities will be maintained with FIT rating of ³Good´or better. Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1: 100% of teachers will be fully credentialed and appropriately assigned. Priority 1: 100% Curriculum will be aligned with state standards Priority 2: 100% of teachers will implement California Standards in the areas of math, ELA, and NGSS as measured by walkthroughs. Priority 4: Student Achievement in SBAC Math and ELA will improve. Priority 4: Increase student enrollment and completion of advanced placement courses, including A-G options, by 10% over 15-16 school year Priority 4: 100% of ELL students will be assessed annually for English Proficiency Priority 4: 70% of EL students will demonstrate increased proficiency on CELDT Priority 4: 20% of ELL students will be reclassified. Priority 4: Increase the number of students who demonstrate college preparedness on the EAP or via the Achieve 3000 assessment by 10%. Priority 7: Increase students enrolled in career orientation by 10% over 15-16. Priority 7: 100% of students will have ICLPs that ensure broad course access and are monitored by career coordinator, teachers and administration. Priority 8: 50% of students will earn credits during summer school; 50% of students will earn certifications from courses such as Food Handler's, CPR, Driver's Ed, etc. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 19 of 147 14 of 113 1a. Teachers and paraprofessionals will participate in 30 hours of collaborations and PD that focus on: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. California Standards instruction (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Curriculum alignment (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Student outcome data Course Access including pathways curriculum through ROP partnership Review results of career interest surveys with students and coordinate completion of Individualized Career Learning Plans and career activities X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other See 1b and 1c $1835 S & C ¶s & ¶s $1800 S & C ¶s & ¶s 1b. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide English Language Arts from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS(ELA, ELD). Content area expert will provide strategies for multi tiered supports to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $6428 in Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 1c. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide Mathematics and NGSS from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS. Content area expert will include multi tiered strategies of support to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $5139 Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 20 of 147 15 of 113 1d. Provision of Career Coach to provide guidance and coaching on course access, college and career readiness, monitor Individual Career Learning Plans and engage/coach parents and assist teachers in developing systems to monitor ILCP's. LEA Wide Grades: All 1e. Provide extended time to students to increase overall LEA Wide academic achievement and career and college readiness: Grades: All 1. Extended learning time, including summer school in 2017, to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, including Alternatives and School Choice (reasonable supports) and behavioral support. 2. Extended learning time for after school at Juvenile Court School aligned to standards and pathways. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $52450 S & C ¶s & ¶s _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $2664 S & C ¶s & ¶s $2990 S &C ¶s & ¶s Extended learning time to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, electives and enrichment activities, including visual and performing arts and foreign language. 1f. Maintain Facilities with FIT rating of ³Good´or better. LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $0 _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 21 of 147 16 of 113 1g. Provide individualized intervention and acceleration services to students on a daily basis, embedded in regular classroom instructional schedule, to increase overall student achievement and address the individual needs of special education, foster youth, adjudicated youth and ELL students. 1. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide aides to increase student support and access to interventions, 1-1 tutoring and academic support X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $4056 S & C ¶s & ¶s; $10560 S & C 5710 $19,214 Title 1A $4413 S & C 5000¶s Use and evaluate the use of on-line interventions and reporting systems, credit recovery and acceleration resources (i.e, iPass,, ACHIEVE 3000, Odysseyware, Acellus), as well as provide for other qualifying operating expenses. Note: Odysseyware has a wide variety of options, including Spanish courses, psychology and child development, thus meeting the requirements for increasing A-G and course access. Through enrollment in ROP courses of study and Career Choice Curriculum at the 9-10th grade level, students will participate in Career Pathways Instruction and engage in technology based instructional strategies. 1h Teachers credentials and assignments will be monitored by administration in their regular duties. All Schools Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LCAP Year 2 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 22 of 147 17 of 113 Expected Annual Priority 1: Facilities will be maintained with FIT rating of ³Good´or better. Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1: 100% of teachers will be fully credentialed and appropriately assigned. Priority 1: 100% Curriculum will be aligned with state standards Priority 2: 100% of teachers will implement California Standards in the areas of math, ELA, and NGSS as measured by walkthroughs. Priority 4: Student Achievement in SBAC Math and ELA will improve. Priority 4: Increase student enrollment and completion of advanced placement courses, including A-G options, by 10% over 16-17 school year Priority 4: 100% of ELL students will be assessed annually for English Proficiency Priority 4: 70% of EL students will demonstrate increased proficiency on CELDT Priority 4: 20% of ELL students will be reclassified. Priority 4: Increase the number of students who demonstrate college preparedness on the EAP or via the Achieve 3000 assessment by 10%. Priority 7: Increase students enrolled in career orientation by 10% over 16-17. Priority 7: 100% of students will have ICLPs that ensure broad course access and are monitored by career coordinator, teachers and administration. Priority 8: 75% of students will earn credits during summer school; 75% of students will earn certifications from courses such as Food Handler's, CPR, Driver's Ed, etc. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 23 of 147 18 of 113 1a. Teachers and paraprofessionals will participate in 30 hours of collaborations and PD that focus on: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. California Standards instruction (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Curriculum alignment (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Student outcome data Course Access including pathways curriculum through ROP partnership Review results of career interest surveys with students and coordinate completion of Individualized Career Learning Plans and career activities X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other See 1b and 1c $1925 S & C ¶s & ¶s $1890 S & C ¶s & ¶s 1b. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide English Language Arts from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS(ELA, ELD). Content area expert will provide strategies for multi tiered supports to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $6720 in Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 1c. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide Mathematics and NGSS from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS. Content area expert will include multi tiered strategies of support to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $5389 Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 24 of 147 19 of 113 1d. Provision of Career Coach to provide guidance and coaching on course access, college and career readiness, monitor Individual Career Learning Plans and engage/coach parents and assist teachers in developing systems to monitor ILCP's. LEA Wide Grades: All 1e. Provide extended time to students to increase overall LEA Wide academic achievement and career and college readiness: Grades: All 1. Extended learning time, including summer school in 2017, to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, including Alternatives and School Choice (reasonable supports) and behavioral support. 2. Extended learning time for after school at Juvenile Court School aligned to standards and pathways. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $54650 S & C ¶s & ¶s _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $2794 S & C ¶s & ¶s $3140 S &C ¶s & ¶s Extended learning time to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, electives and enrichment activities, including visual and performing arts and foreign language. 1f. Maintain Facilities LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $0 _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 25 of 147 20 of 113 1g. Provide individualized intervention and acceleration services to students on a daily basis, embedded in regular classroom instructional schedule, to increase overall student achievement and address the individual needs of special education, foster youth, adjudicated youth and ELL students. 1. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide aides to increase student support and access to interventions, 1-1 tutoring and academic support X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $4256 S & C ¶s & ¶s; $11060 S & C 5710 $20,114 Title 1A $4633 S & C 5000¶s Use and evaluate the use of on-line interventions and reporting systems, credit recovery and acceleration resources (i.e, iPass,, ACHIEVE 3000, Odysseyware, Acellus), as well as provide for other qualifying operating expenses. Note: Odysseyware has a wide variety of options, including Spanish courses, psychology and child development, thus meeting the requirements for increasing A-G and course access. Through enrollment in ROP courses of study and Career Choice Curriculum at the 9-10th grade level, students will participate in Career Pathways Instruction and engage in technology based instructional strategies. 1h Teachers credentials and assignments will be monitored by administration in their regular duties. All Schools Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LCAP Year 3 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 26 of 147 21 of 113 Expected Annual Priority 1: Facilities will be maintained with FIT rating of ³Good´or better. Measurable Outcomes: Priority 1: 100% of teachers will be fully credentialed and appropriately assigned. Priority 1: 100% Curriculum will be aligned with state standards Priority 2: 100% of teachers will implement California Standards in the areas of math, ELA, and NGSS as measured by walkthroughs. Priority 4: Student Achievement in SBAC Math and ELA will improve. Priority 4: Increase student enrollment and completion of advanced placement courses, including A-G options, by 10% over 17-18 school year Priority 4: 100% of ELL students will be assessed annually for English Proficiency Priority 4: 70% of EL students will demonstrate increased proficiency on CELDT Priority 4: 20% of ELL students will be reclassified. Priority 4: Increase the number of students who demonstrate college preparedness on the EAP or via the Achieve 3000 assessment by 10%. Priority 7: Increase students enrolled in career orientation by 10% over 17-18. Priority 7: 100% of students will have ICLPs that ensure broad course access and are monitored by career coordinator, teachers and administration. Priority 8: 75% of students will earn credits during summer school; 75% of students will earn certifications from courses such as Food Handler's, CPR, Driver's Ed, etc. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 27 of 147 22 of 113 1a. Teachers and paraprofessionals will participate in 30 hours of collaborations and PD that focus on: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. California Standards instruction (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Curriculum alignment (Math, ELA, NGSS, ELD) Student outcome data Course Access including pathways curriculum through ROP partnership Review results of career interest surveys with students and coordinate completion of Individualized Career Learning Plans and career activities X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other See 1b and 1c $2020 S & C ¶s & ¶s $1985 S & C ¶s & ¶s 1b. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide English Language Arts from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS(ELA, ELD). Content area expert will provide strategies for multi tiered supports to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $7050 in Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 1c. Provision of a content area expert in the area of LEA Wide Mathematics and NGSS from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program Grades: All development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS. Content area expert will include multi tiered strategies of support to support our Special Education, Alternative Education, Foster Youth and English Language Learners. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $5640 Title 1A _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 28 of 147 23 of 113 1d. Provision of Career Coach to provide guidance and coaching on course access, college and career readiness, monitor Individual Career Learning Plans and engage/coach parents and assist teachers in developing systems to monitor ILCP's. LEA Wide Grades: All 1e. Provide extended time to students to increase overall LEA Wide academic achievement and career and college readiness: Grades: All 1. Extended learning time, including summer school in 2017, to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, including Alternatives and School Choice (reasonable supports) and behavioral support. 2. Extended learning time for after school at Juvenile Court School aligned to standards and pathways. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $57382 S & C ¶s & ¶s _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $2933 S & C ¶s & ¶s $3297 S &C ¶s & ¶s Extended learning time to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, electives and enrichment activities, including visual and performing arts and foreign language. 1f. Maintain Facilities LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $0 _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 29 of 147 24 of 113 1g. Provide individualized intervention and acceleration services to students on a daily basis, embedded in regular classroom instructional schedule, to increase overall student achievement and address the individual needs of special education, foster youth, adjudicated youth and ELL students. 1. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide aides to increase student support and access to interventions, 1-1 tutoring and academic support X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $4468 S & C ¶s & ¶s; $11613 S & C 5710 $21,119 Title 1A $4864 S & C 5000¶s Use and evaluate the use of on-line interventions and reporting systems, credit recovery and acceleration resources (i.e, iPass,, ACHIEVE 3000, Odysseyware, Acellus), as well as provide for other qualifying operating expenses. Note: Odysseyware has a wide variety of options, including Spanish courses, psychology and child development, thus meeting the requirements for increasing A-G and course access. Through enrollment in ROP courses of study and Career Choice Curriculum at the 9-10th grade level, students will participate in Career Pathways Instruction and engage in technology based instructional strategies. Teachers credentials and assignments will be monitored by administration in their regular duties. All Schools Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 30 of 147 25 of 113 GOAL: Goal 2:Ensure that ALL students are actively engaged and supported through a safe, healthy, culturally responsive, and rigorous learning environment. Related State and/or Local Priorities: _1 _2 X 3 _4 X 5 _6 X 7 _8 COE only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: NA Identified Need: In order for students to be actively engaged, they must be at school. Attendance rates have been unacceptable at under 70% and while chronic absenteeism has decreased to 54% from 73%, this is an alarming number. Students need to be in school to learn and these numbers need to decrease. Parents must be aware of and involved in decision making and participating in their students program to the best of their abilities. Parents reported via phone calls that their students were more interested in school when enrolled in career and ROP classes and learning applicable skills. 60% of students reported that they had not been involved in any career activities. Suspension rates per student have declined because teachers are using relationship development strategies from Capturing Kids Hearts, Trauma Informed Care, etc. Teacher implementation of these strategies needs to continue through the next school year. Nearly 50% of students reported that they were not aware of their progress towards graduation which indicates a need for a more systematic approach of communicating with students and their parents about opportunities available in the Pathways Program. 0% of parents responded to a survey that was mailed 2 times, indicating a need to document other types of parent engagement and involvement in their students' education. Goal Applies to: Schools: All schools Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All LCAP Year 1 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 31 of 147 26 of 113 Expected Annual Priority 3: Parent Engagement data 100% of parents will report knowledge of student progress towards career and college Measurable readiness Outcomes: Priority 3: Maintain parent involvement in school governance (School Site Council). Priority 5: Attendance Rates - Increase average attendance to 90%, a 26% increase over 64% reported in 15-16. Priority 5: Chronic Absenteeism rates - Decrease chronic absenteeism by 20%, to 35%, over the 55% reported in 15-16. Priority 5: MS dropout rate - Does not apply, middle-school not enrolled. Priority 5: HS dropout rate - Reduce the High School Dropout rate by 20% Baseline: 2014 10% Dropout rate Priority 5: HS graduation rate - Graduate 100% of eligible seniors. Baseline: 2014 87% Graduation Rate Priority 6: Suspension/Expulsion Rates - Maintain less than 10% suspensions per year. Baseline: 2014 9.6% Priority 6: Increase number of students and parents who complete the annual survey of school safety and connectedness by 10% Actions/Services Scope of Service 2a. Engage students and their families in relevant LEA Wide learning through participation in ROP classes, Grades: All Experiential Work Program and functional exposure to careers by employing a Parent and Career Coach to work during and after school hours. Shasta County Board of Education Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted Expenditures X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- See 1d; 1h _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 32 of 147 27 of 113 2b. Ensure adequate social and emotional support is provided to students, including special education, ELL, foster youth, and adjudicated youth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide Counseling services Provide professional development in positive behavioral interventions Provide health services via nurse consultations Provide transition services to students via Career Coordinator Collaborate with interagency staff to develop consistent programming between home to school (group home, probation officers, Ed. Right Holders) 2c. Increase Attendance Rates with the following actions/services: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. Engaging learning experiences monitored by administrator Engaging SARB Specialist in monitoring attendance Engaging Social Worker for 20% FTE to make student and parent connections Department will seek parental input about decisions through School Site Council, Parent Surveys, input at board meetings, parent conferences, stakeholder meetings. Shasta County Board of Education All Schools Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $9000 Title 1A $9600 Nurse $6000 YVPC Title 1A See 1d; Part of Director Salary $16791 S & C ¶s & ¶s $6758 S & C ¶s & ¶s $13,528 Social Worker Title 1A X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional cost. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 33 of 147 28 of 113 Ensure that students and parents have the tools and technology available at every event and stakeholder meeting to complete the school safety and connectedness surveys. All Grades: All 2f. A Data Technician will be assigned to the program for LEA Wide provision of streamlined enrollment, data entry and ease Grades: All of direct parent contact. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $6373 S & C ¶s & ¶s $3180 Title 1A ¶s & ¶s LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Priority 3: Parent Engagement data 100% of parents will report knowledge of student progress towards career and college Measurable readiness Outcomes: Priority 3: Maintain parent involvement in school governance (School Site Council). Priority 5: Attendance Rates - Maintain 90% attendance rate Priority 5: Chronic Absenteeism rates - Decrease chronic absenteeism by 10%, from the reported in 16-17. Priority 5: MS dropout rate - Does not apply, middle-school not enrolled. Priority 5: HS dropout rate - Reduce the High School Dropout rate by 20% Baseline: 2016 10% Dropout rate Priority 5: HS graduation rate - Graduate 100% of eligible seniors. Baseline: 2016 87% Graduation Rate Priority 6: Suspension/Expulsion Rates - Maintain less than 10% suspensions per year. Baseline: 2016 9.6% Priority 6: Increase number of students and parents who complete the annual survey of school safety and connectedness by 10% Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 34 of 147 29 of 113 Actions/Services Scope of Service 2a. Engage students and their families in relevant LEA Wide learning through participation in ROP classes, Grades: All Experiential Work Program and functional exposure to careers by employing a Parent and Career Coach to work during and after school hours. 2b. Ensure adequate social and emotional support is provided to students, including special education, ELL, foster youth, and adjudicated youth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide Counseling services Provide professional development in positive behavioral interventions Provide health services via nurse consultations Provide transition services to students via Career Coordinator Collaborate with interagency staff to develop consistent programming between home to school (group home, probation officers, Ed. Right Holders) 2c. Increase Attendance Rates with the following actions/services: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. Engaging learning experiences monitored by administrator Engaging SARB Specialist in monitoring attendance Engaging Social Worker for 20% FTE to make student and parent connections Shasta County Board of Education Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted Expenditures X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- See 1d; 1h _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 $9450 Title 1A $10080 Nurse $6300 YVPC Title 1A See 1d; Part of Director Salary $17630 S & C ¶s & ¶s $7096 S & C ¶s & ¶s $14,204 Social Worker Title 1A Page 35 of 147 30 of 113 2d Department will seek parental input about decisions through School Site Council, Parent Surveys, input at board meetings, parent conferences, stakeholder meetings. All Schools 2e Ensure that students and parents have the tools and technology available at every event and stakeholder meeting to complete the school safety and connectedness surveys. All Grades: All Grades: All 2f. A Data Technician will be assigned to the program for LEA Wide provision of streamlined enrollment, data entry and ease Grades: All of direct parent contact. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional cost. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $6691 S & C ¶s & ¶s $3339 Title 1A ¶s & ¶s LCAP Year 3 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 36 of 147 31 of 113 Expected Annual Priority 3: Parent Engagement data 100% of parents will report knowledge of student progress towards career and college Measurable readiness Outcomes: Priority 3: Maintain parent involvement in school governance (School Site Council). Priority 5: Attendance Rates - Maintain 90% attendance rate Priority 5: Chronic Absenteeism rates - Decrease chronic absenteeism by 10%, from the reported in 17-18. Priority 5: MS dropout rate - Does not apply, middle-school not enrolled. Priority 5: HS dropout rate - Reduce the High School Dropout rate by 20% Baseline: 2017 10% Dropout rate Priority 5: HS graduation rate - Graduate 100% of eligible seniors. Baseline: 2017 87% Graduation Rate Priority 6: Suspension/Expulsion Rates - Maintain less than 10% suspensions per year. Baseline: 2017 9.6% Priority 6: Increase number of students and parents who complete the annual survey of school safety and connectedness by 10% Actions/Services Scope of Service 2a. Engage students and their families in relevant LEA Wide learning through participation in ROP classes, Grades: All Experiential Work Program and functional exposure to careers by employing a Parent and Career Coach to work during and after school hours. Shasta County Board of Education Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted Expenditures X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- See 1d; 1h _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 37 of 147 32 of 113 2b. Ensure adequate social and emotional support is provided to students, including special education, ELL, foster youth, and adjudicated youth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LEA Wide Grades: All Provide Counseling services Provide professional development in positive behavioral interventions Provide health services via nurse consultations Provide transition services to students via Career Coordinator Collaborate with interagency staff to develop consistent programming between home to school (group home, probation officers, Ed. Right Holders) 2c. Increase Attendance Rates with the following actions/services: LEA Wide Grades: All 1. 2. 3. Engaging learning experiences monitored by administrator Engaging SARB Specialist in monitoring attendance Engaging Social Worker for 20% FTE to make student and parent connections 2d Department will seek parental input about decisions through School Site Council, Parent Surveys, input at board meetings, parent conferences, stakeholder meetings. Shasta County Board of Education All Schools Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other $9922 Title 1A $10584 Nurse $6615 YVPC Title 1A See 1d; Part of Director Salary $18511 S & C ¶s & ¶s $7450 S & C ¶s & ¶s $14,914 Social Worker Title 1A X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional cost. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 38 of 147 33 of 113 2e Ensure that students and parents have the tools and technology available at every event and stakeholder meeting to complete the school safety and connectedness surveys. All Grades: All 2f. A Data Technician will be assigned to the program for LEA Wide provision of streamlined enrollment, data entry and ease Grades: All of direct parent contact. Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- No additional costs. _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 $7025 S & C ¶s & ¶s $3506Title 1A ¶s & ¶s Page 39 of 147 34 of 113 Related State and/or Local Priorities: GOAL: Goal 3: Countywide, SCOE will coordinate services to ensure that services for expelled youth are _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 COE only: X 9 _ 10 Local: provided by SCOE in cooperation with local districts with the goal of decreasing expulsion and suspension and ensuring expelled students have appropriate programs. (Expelled youth are included within the unduplicated counts of students receiving services which are included above NA for students in SCOE programs.) Identified Need: Required by State Law. Many districts will be developing programs to serve their own expelled youth in lieu of the Career Pathways to Success Community School. Revisions will be made to the plan to reflect new programs/offerings. SCOE will leverage resources, time and facilities to convene districts and interagency partners together for training in expulsion regulations, best practices and connecting them to resources. Goal Applies to: Schools: Countywide Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All LCAP Year 1 Expected Annual Priority 9: County Expulsion data Reduce County-wide Expulsions by 10% via improved restorative practices and Measurable alternatives to suspension/expulsion. Outcomes: Priority 9: SARB Data Reduce County-wide SARB referrals by 10% via improved practices for improved attendance and alternatives to suspension/Expulsion. Priority 9: Success to transition data Assure 100% of qualifying students receive support to transition to college and career opportunities after high school. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 40 of 147 35 of 113 3a.Update, distribute and implement the 2016 expulsion Countywide plan developed in collaboration with SCOE, LEAs, SARB Grades: All Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall, and related personnel. 3b. Monitor the effectiveness of the plan in collaboration Countywide with LEAs, SARB Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall and Grades: All related personnel. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska See 2c Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part of Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Priority 9: County Expulsion data Reduce County-wide Expulsions by 10% of 16-17 via improved restorative practices and Measurable alternatives to suspension/expulsion. Outcomes: Priority 9: SARB Data Reduce County-wide SARB referrals by 10% 16-17 via improved practices for improved attendance and alternatives to suspension/Expulsion. Priority 9: Success to transition data Assure 100% of qualifying students receive support to transition to college and career opportunities after high school. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 41 of 147 36 of 113 3a.Update, distribute and implement the 2016 expulsion Countywide plan developed in collaboration with SCOE, LEAs, SARB Grades: All Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall, and related personnel. 3b. Monitor the effectiveness of the plan in collaboration Countywide with LEAs, SARB Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall and Grades: All related personnel. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska See 2c Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska See 2c Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LCAP Year 3 Expected Annual Priority 9: County Expulsion data Reduce County-wide Expulsions by 10% of 17-18 via improved restorative practices and Measurable alternatives to suspension/expulsion. Outcomes: Priority 9: SARB Data Reduce County-wide SARB referrals by 10% 17-18via improved practices for improved attendance and alternatives to suspension/Expulsion. Priority 9: Success to transition data Assure 100% of qualifying students receive support to transition to college and career opportunities after high school. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 42 of 147 37 of 113 3a.Update, distribute and implement the 2016 expulsion Countywide plan developed in collaboration with SCOE, LEAs, SARB Grades: All Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall, and related personnel. 3b. Monitor the effectiveness of the plan in collaboration Countywide with LEAs, SARB Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall and Grades: All related personnel. Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska See 2c Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in Director Salary _ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska See 2c Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 43 of 147 38 of 113 Related State and/or Local Priorities: GOAL: Goal 4: SCOE will coordinate services county-wide in accordance with the foster youth grant and _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 COE only: _ 9 X 10 Local: ED CODE and review the plan annually for changes. NA Identified Need: Due to the new state requirements around foster youth, Foster Youth District Liaisons¶identified the need for additional trainings for district classified office staff, foster parent agencies, group homes and social workers. This supports an effort to build best practices for enrollment and to support school success for foster youth. Based on student data, GPA's, student feedback, foster parent feedback needs still exist in the area of providing academic support and mentoring/tutoring services for students. Goal Applies to: Schools: Countywide Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: Foster Youth LCAP Year 1 Expected Annual Priority 10: Foster numbers Measurable Outcomes: Increase by 20% the number of FY students receiving counseling or mentoring services. Sustain 80% passing rates of C or better for FY students based on report cards Maintain less than 10% of FY students being referred to the SARB process. Assure that 90% of FY students are being served in their comprehensive school of residence. Priority 10: Program goal achievement Implement and monitor the Executive Advisory Council for InterAgency Partnership, through quarterly collaboratives. Priority 10: Foster youth surveys Survey 80% of Foster Youth for academic and social-emotional needs. Actions/Services Shasta County Board of Education Scope of Service Pupils to be served within identified scope of service June 8, 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Page 44 of 147 39 of 113 4a. Monitor local policy/procedures and data Countywide infrastructure necessary to support and monitor educational success, including efficient transfer of health Grades: All and education records and the health and education passport. 1. 2. Work with CDE, districts and county child welfare and probation agencies to obtain, share and analyze data to accurately identify foster youth and track progress on all required metrics. Maintain and monitor MOUs with probation, HHSA and district agencies to increase graduation rates and reduce school transfer rates. 4b. Ensure foster youth liaisons (Ed Code 48853.5) and district level oversight staff have adequate time, knowledge, and resources to meet the needs of foster youth. 1. 2. Hire or assign, train and supervise sufficient liaison staff and district level oversight staff to ensure district and school site staff are informed about and implement all laws and district policies affecting foster youth. Monitor services provided to foster youth at the district level to ensure: All foster youth have access to necessary education and school counseling services. To reduce school transfers and ensure foster youth are transported to their school of origin when in their best interest, including funding or otherwise facilitating transportation. Ensure priority access for foster youth to tutoring and other academic and social/emotional supports, afterschool and summer enrichment programs, and extracurricular activities. Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $69,231 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $91,000 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 45 of 147 40 of 113 4c. Students will have a more coordinated delivery of Countywide social services and educational services through Grades: All collaboration with Shasta County Health and Human Services Children¶s Division, Probation, School Districts and Foster Family Agencies. Meetings are held in response to student in crisis and having significant needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. Schedule, attend and document meetings for every high school foster youth to assess academic progress towards graduation Attend foster youth IEP¶s and SST meetings to review academic and behavioral successes and challenges Attend High Risk Team meetings and Critical Family Team Meetings Update foster youth educational database _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $59,780 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Attend intake staffing meetings, assist with educational data entry LCAP Year 2 Expected Annual Priority 10: Foster numbers Measurable Outcomes: Increase by 20% of 16-17 the number of FY students receiving counseling or mentoring services. Sustain 80% passing rates of C or better for FY students based on report cards Maintain less than 10% of FY students being referred to the SARB process. Assure that 90% of FY students are being served in their comprehensive school of residence. Priority 10: Program goal achievement Implement and monitor the Executive Advisory Council for InterAgency Partnership, through quarterly collaboratives. Priority 10: Foster youth surveys Survey 80% of Foster Youth for academic and social-emotional needs. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 46 of 147 41 of 113 Actions/Services Scope of Service 4a. Monitor local policy/procedures and data Countywide infrastructure necessary to support and monitor educational success, including efficient transfer of health Grades: All and education records and the health and education passport. 1. 2. Work with CDE, districts and county child welfare and probation agencies to obtain, share and analyze data to accurately identify foster youth and track progress on all required metrics. Maintain and monitor MOUs with probation, HHSA and district agencies to increase graduation rates and reduce school transfer rates. 4b. Ensure foster youth liaisons (Ed Code 48853.5) and district level oversight staff have adequate time, knowledge, and resources to meet the needs of foster youth. 1. 2. Hire or assign, train and supervise sufficient liaison staff and district level oversight staff to ensure district and school site staff are informed about and implement all laws and district policies affecting foster youth. Monitor services provided to foster youth at the district level to ensure: All foster youth have access to necessary education and school counseling services. To reduce school transfers and ensure foster youth are transported to their school of origin when in their best interest, including funding or otherwise facilitating transportation. Ensure priority access for foster youth to tutoring and other academic and social/emotional supports, afterschool and summer enrichment programs, and extracurricular activities. Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted Expenditures _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $72,694 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,550 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 47 of 147 42 of 113 4c. Students will have a more coordinated delivery of Countywide social services and educational services through Grades: All collaboration with Shasta County Health and Human Services Children¶s Division, Probation, School Districts and Foster Family Agencies. Meetings are held in response to student in crisis and having significant needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. Schedule, attend and document meetings for every high school foster youth to assess academic progress towards graduation Attend foster youth IEP¶s and SST meetings to review academic and behavioral successes and challenges Attend High Risk Team meetings and Critical Family Team Meetings Update foster youth educational database _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $62,769 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Attend intake staffing meetings, assist with educational data entry LCAP Year 3 Expected Annual Priority 10: Foster numbers Measurable Outcomes: Increase by 20% of 17-18 the number of FY students receiving counseling or mentoring services. Sustain 80% passing rates of C or better for FY students based on report cards Maintain less than 10% of FY students being referred to the SARB process. Assure that 90% of FY students are being served in their comprehensive school of residence. Priority 10: Program goal achievement Implement and monitor the Executive Advisory Council for InterAgency Partnership, through quarterly collaboratives. Priority 10: Foster youth surveys Survey 80% of Foster Youth for academic and social-emotional needs. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 48 of 147 43 of 113 Actions/Services Scope of Service 4a. Monitor local policy/procedures and data Countywide infrastructure necessary to support and monitor educational success, including efficient transfer of health Grades: All and education records and the health and education passport. 1. 2. Work with CDE, districts and county child welfare and probation agencies to obtain, share and analyze data to accurately identify foster youth and track progress on all required metrics. Maintain and monitor MOUs with probation, HHSA and district agencies to increase graduation rates and reduce school transfer rates. 4b. Ensure foster youth liaisons (Ed Code 48853.5) and district level oversight staff have adequate time, knowledge, and resources to meet the needs of foster youth. 1. 2. Hire or assign, train and supervise sufficient liaison staff and district level oversight staff to ensure district and school site staff are informed about and implement all laws and district policies affecting foster youth. Monitor services provided to foster youth at the district level to ensure: All foster youth have access to necessary education and school counseling services. To reduce school transfers and ensure foster youth are transported to their school of origin when in their best interest, including funding or otherwise facilitating transportation. Ensure priority access for foster youth to tutoring and other academic and social/emotional supports, afterschool and summer enrichment programs, and extracurricular activities. Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All Pupils to be served within identified scope of service Budgeted Expenditures _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $76,329 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $100,327 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other June 8, 2016 Page 49 of 147 44 of 113 4c. Students will have a more coordinated delivery of Countywide social services and educational services through Grades: All collaboration with Shasta County Health and Human Services Children¶s Division, Probation, School Districts and Foster Family Agencies. Meetings are held in response to student in crisis and having significant needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. Schedule, attend and document meetings for every high school foster youth to assess academic progress towards graduation Attend foster youth IEP¶s and SST meetings to review academic and behavioral successes and challenges Attend High Risk Team meetings and Critical Family Team Meetings Update foster youth educational database _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------- $65,907 FY $ ¶s & ¶s X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Attend intake staffing meetings, assist with educational data entry Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 50 of 147 45 of 113 Annual Update Annual Update Instructions: For each goal in the prior year LCAP, review the progress toward the expected annual outcome(s) based on, at a minimum, the required metrics pursuant to Education Code sections 52060 and 52066. The review must include an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific actions. Describe any changes to the actions or goals the LEA will take as a result of the review and assessment. In addition, review the applicability of each goal in the LCAP. Guiding Questions: 1) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all pupils and did the provisions of those services result in the desired outcomes? 2) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, including, but not limited to, English learners, low-income pupils, and foster youth; and did the provision of those actions/services result in the desired outcomes? 3) How have the actions/services addressed the identified needs and goals of specific schoolsites and were these actions/services effective in achieving the desired outcomes? 4) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was examined to review progress toward goals in the annual update? 5) What progress has been achieved toward the goal and expected measurable outcome(s)? How effective were the actions and services in making progress toward the goal? What changes to goals, actions, services, and expenditures are being made in the LCAP as a result of the review of progress and assessment of the effectiveness of the actions and services? 6) What differences are there between budgeted expenditures and estimated actual annual expenditures? What were the reasons for any differences? Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: Related State and/or Local Priorities: X 80% of alternative education students participating in a pre and post Math and English 1 X 2 _3 X 4 _5 _6 X 7 _8 COE only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: Language Arts diagnostic summative assessments, will demonstrate growth in their scores. Schools: All programs Grades; all Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual 1. Maintain 30 collaboration meetings. Measurable Outcomes: 2.& 6. Maintain baseline of 100% HQT & 0% mis- Shasta County Board of Education Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: June 8, 2016 1. 30 Collaboration meetings were held for a total of 473 hours of training. Page 51 of 147 46 of 113 assignments 2. 100% of teachers meet the HQT requirement and 0 mis-assignments. 3. Increase students enrolled in career orientation course by 50% over 2014-15. 3. Student participation in career orientation courses was sustained at about 33%. 4. 100% of teachers will implement California Standards in the areas of math, ELA, and as developed, NGSS as measured by walkthroughs. 4. 100% of teachers are implementing California standards with room for improvement. 4.a. Maintain 100% math course materials aligned with CCSS 4a. Math materials are 100% aligned to Common Core. 5. 100% of students will have ICLPS that are updated by teachers and monitored by career coordinator and administration. 5. 100% of students have ILCP's developed, less than 30% are monitored by consistently updated by teachers. 6. *See Above 7. Student enrollment and completion of advanced placement courses has not occured. 7. Increase student enrollment and completion of advanced placement courses, including A-G Options by 25% over 2014-15. 8. Offer 19 days of summer learning opportunities 9. 80% of students will meet grade level proficiencies based on diagnostic assessments. 8. 13 days of summer learning will be offered in June 2016. 9. Conistent assessments have not been given and 80% of students have met grade level proficiencies based on SBAC results. ELA - Students in 7-8, and 11 not meeting standards decreased. Students nearly meeting standard increased. work is needed to increase students meeting and exceeding standard. Other Measures API is N/A for the 2015-2016 year. 100% of EL students will be assessed annually for English Proficiency and Reclassification Rates will be reported. 50% of annually assessed EL students will demonstrate increased proficiency on CELDT or other measure. 50% of annually identified EL students will be reclassified. Math - Students in 7-8, and 11 not meeting standards decreased. Students nearly meeting standard increased. work is needed to increase students meeting and exceeding standard. EL students are monitored annually; no students were identified and assessed as EL nor reclassified. 0 students were assessed on the CELDT. LCAP Year: 2015-16 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 52 of 147 47 of 113 Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures 1. Students will experience a more coordinated See 1a and curriculum that is CCSS aligned and incorporates the ELD 1b standards as a result of increased time for teacher collaboration. Teachers have participated in established collaboration and professional development with an emphasis on Math and Language. 50% of teachers based on informal and formal observations are implementing CCSS aligned lessons. Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other $2400 LCFF S&C 30 collaboration days were held for 45 hours of $1,818 Title I D, training, collaboration, lesson study. Additional time $381 Title I A, provided through Staff Development Days held in $478 S & C Extra Teacher August, January 4th and April 4th. Hours Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 1.a. Maintain 30 Collaboration hours of professional development for all programs, utilizing collaboration, lesson study, and site visitation to monitor and improve program delivery. See 1a and 1b LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 53 of 147 48 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 1.b. Establish a schedule for teachers and instructional assistants to meet regularly to review instructional materials and strategies they are implementing cooperatively, including data entry and reporting through Minimum day schedule to include all certificated personnel responsible for student instruction. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 2 hours per month x 10months x 7 paras = 140 hrs x $15/hr = $2364 S & C. Extra pay. A minimum day collaboration schedule was $1,627 S & C developed and followed. Time included Professional Development and training for implementation of best practices and effective strategies. 6 paras were able to meet 1 x per month for an hour for a total of 60 hours. The time was effective in providing para's time to communicate with their teacher and to review materials for instruction. Object: 20003999 Teacher cost included in base pay for work days. Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 54 of 147 49 of 113 2. Students are to be instructed by teachers with See 2a, 2b, excellent pedagogical skills because of improved reading 2c and ELA coaching, including familiarity with NGSS. All students were instructed by HQT. STEP evaluation process is leading to increased teacher knowledge in the content areas. See 2a and 2b See 2a and 2b Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 2.a. Provision of a content area expert in the area of English Language Arts from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS. LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .1 FTE ELA Content specialist 11 sessions were held with Shelly for over 16 hours $10,356 $10,078 Title IA Object: 10003999 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 55 of 147 50 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 2.b. Provision of a content area expert in the area of Mathematics from the County Office of Education to provide assistance and support in program development and implementation, including using time to align K-12 curriculum and instruction with CCSS. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .1 FTE Math content specialist 11 sessions were held for approximately 16 hours of $10,149 training in the area of math. $10,289 Title IA Object: 10003999 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 2.c. Provision of training and participation in NGSS professional development. Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Included in collaboration days. Teachers have been exposed to NGSS Information. See 1a June 8, 2016 Page 56 of 147 51 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 3. Students will have relevant courses with a pathways curriculum through ROP Partnership Collaborative. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other To be incorporated into collaboration time. (see 1.a.) An MOU with ROP for student attendance was executed and eligible students participated in ROP. 50% of students enrolled in the ROP courses made progress towards completion of a career pathway. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide See 9d LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 57 of 147 52 of 113 3.a. Use of standards-aligned instructional materials and strategies by engaging all certificated instructors in regular Professional Development and Collaboration, incorporating all ideas expressed in this document. Scope of service: To be incorporated into collaboration time. (see 1.a.) 30 days of Professional Development provided. Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 3.b. Engage students and their families in relevant learning through internships, job placement and functional exposure to careers by employing a Parent and Career Coach to work during and after school hours. Incorporated in 1a X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .55 FTE Inst Services Coordinator (Parent Career Coach) Career Coach has engaged students in work Title 1 - 13,297 experience and facilitated enrollment in ROP. The S&C - 31219 strategy has been effective in that student participation in ROP and work experience increased. $ 44516 A portion of salary was moved to Foster Youth; $53,020 LCFF S & C Object 20003999 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 58 of 147 53 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 4. Students will use math course materials that are aligned with CCSS. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Books purchased 2014-15. PD to be incorporated into collaboration (1.a.) Students have been instructed in standards aligned curriculum: CPM integrated 1; Carnegie; I Learn. Analysis of additional materials completed and a plan developed for ordering. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 5. Students will use improved Individualized Career Learning Plans, with a focus on college and career. Purchased in previous years. LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Career Coach ILCP's were integrated in to GOOGLE Forms. All Costs See 3.b students complete career interest surveys for entry in to their ILCPs. See 3 b 5.a. Conduct career interest surveys with students and coordinate completion of Individualized Career Learning Plans and career activities Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 59 of 147 54 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 6. Students will have engaging teachers who have the needed content and pedagogical knowledge, including delivery of instructional strategies. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 6a Training has been provided; Conferences in See 6a engagement and strategies have been offered. All teachers have administered the My Student Survey for feedback in strategy. Consistent Implementation of engaging strategies is not evident in the 66% of classrooms. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 60 of 147 55 of 113 6.a. In addition to scheduled PD (#2 above), provide opportunity for alternative education staff to attend the JSSAC, CISC and other conferences that highlight best practices in comprehensive and alternative education. Conference fees $10000 Title IA Teachers have attended multiple $14250, Title 1 conferences: Google Summit; Bruce Perry - Trauma A Informed Care; Restorative Justice; CUE; Title I $4250 Title 1D Conference; JCCSAC; and ASCD Object: 5200 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 6.b. Development and use of a teacher evaluation instrument that emphasizes student achievement and professional learning, including TEACHSCAPE access, 2 days Professional Training, ongoing Peer Observation, Calibration and support. LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Peer evaluation pilot The STEP Evaluation handbook is developed and all $3360 Title I teachers have been trained in program elements. Teachers have access to online teacher support resources. Training for teachers sub cost $120/day $6,000 Eval grant Object 10003000 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 61 of 147 56 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 6.c Local measures for math and language that have Peer embedded-direct application and strategies for instruction evaluation will be identified and teachers will be trained in pilot administration and disaggregation; Training for teachers sub cost $120/day Review and discussion of measures has been conducted. A consistent plan has not been identified or implemented. $2500 Title IA $2050 LCFF Base $10,900 Lottery Object 5801 $6,000 Eval grant Object 10003000 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 62 of 147 57 of 113 7. Students will have the benefit of intervention programs. See 7.a. Scope of service: Interventions and small groups have been effective in increaseing student engagement and for working more closely with students in their identified deficit areas. Students were placed in appropriate lexile levels in Achieve 3000. Additional support of paraeducators for lower student-teacher ratios; as well as additional teacher time for lower class size. Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All $50097; Title 1D Teachers LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 7. a. Provide intervention services to students on a daily basis, embedded in regular classroom instructional schedule. Teachers $100,938; Title 1A X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Cost of additional teachers Students have had benefit of aides and smaller Need $ from class size for more direct instruction and lesson Nancy modification. Achieve 3000 adjusts lessons to match student reading level. Teachers modify curriculum to $65,343 Title meet student grade level in math and use of ILearn. IA $83,171 Title ID Object: 1000 ± Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 63 of 147 58 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 7.b. Provide instructional assistance in each classroom to Paraprofessio Each classroom has the support of a 6 hour aide. assist with one on one instruction and small group nals for Juvenile Court School has 2 6 hour aides. Lower support. instructional enrollment has driven need for reduction of total aide assistance hours. Provision of aides has increased amount of time students receive personalized small group or (Total 5.38 individualized support. FTE ) $29,097 Title 1A $14,382 Title 1D $61,972 LCFF/ S&C Object (2.7 FTE in S &C $23,883 Title IA $29,893Title ID $65,533 LCFF S & C: Object 20003999 Object 5710 for Special Ed Aide Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 64 of 147 59 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 7.c. Continue to use and evaluate the use of on-line interventions and reporting systems, credit recovery and acceleration resources (i.e, iPass,, ACHIEVE 3000, Odysseyware), as well as provide for other qualifying operating expenses. Note: Odysseyware has a wide variety of options, including Spanish courses, psychology and child development, thus meeting the requirements for increasing A-G course access. Scope of service: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other $2500 Title IA Staff has compared the benefits and challenges of on-line applications for credit recovery and $2050 LCFF instruction in A-g courses. Base $10,900 Lottery Object 5801 Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 8. Students will have opportunities for extended learning time $21,319 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 8a Opportunities have been provided for extended learning time: Electives, Tutoring and summer session. Offering SES tutoring via fair and mailers was ineffective, 0 sign-ups. 1000% of students participating in summer school has earned credits. June 8, 2016 See 8a Page 65 of 147 60 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 8.a. Extended learning time, including summer school in 2016, to provide opportunities for students to receive academic support, including Supplemental Educational Services and School Choice (15% set aside for SES) and behavioral support. LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Set asides: $53,202 (SES) + 17,734 (choice) Title IA ,Object: 5801 SES was offered via a letter and through a tutoring fair in October. All families were sent flyers and encouraged to attend. 0 students signed up fro the service. 14 days of summer learning will be provided in June 2016. $0 were spent on SES tutoring or choice. - $7463 out of Base for summer school. cost for paras + teachers = $7554 LCFF S&C Objects 10003000 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 66 of 147 61 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 8.b. Extended learning time for after school at Juvenile Court School aligned to standards and pathways. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Inst Assts 151 hours of support was provided at Juvenile Court $2,418 Title I D. School. $2,827 LCFF S&C Object 20003999 Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LEA Wide - Juvenile Court School Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 8.c. Extended learning time to provide opportunities for $69,686 ASP Over 180 hours of extended learning time was students to receive academic support, electives and Grant provided including band, film appreciation, art. enrichment activities, including visual and performing arts. Objects: 1000 ± Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 $69686 ASP $ Page 67 of 147 62 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 9. Students will be exposed to a variety of technology. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 3 b and 9d Students have access to chromebooks, IPads, and desktops. Various applications for online educational activities are avaialble. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide See 3b and 9d LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 68 of 147 63 of 113 9.a. Alignment of career coaching services with content standards by providing content expert in the areas of Career Technical Education and Instructional Technology Support Hours to provide assistance and support in program development (including on-line learning) and implementation. Scope of service: LEA Wide See 3.b.and 9.d. The Career Coach has been effective in connecting NEED $ from students with work experience and career Nancy classes. Career coach has participated in Program collaboration for alignment of activities; participated redesign with in the CTE Leadership Institute for furthering our ROP career endeavors. Instructional Technology support hours have been embedded in the content coaching days. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 9.b. Exploration and implementation of Advanced Placement through on-line learning. Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Director No Teachers have examined on-line resources for 0 additional advanced placement. Implementation with students costs; is minimal. embedded in work duties Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 69 of 147 64 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 9.c. Increase usage of ACHIEVE 3000, Odysseyware and See 7.c. elimination of Accelerate Education, NearPod. Usage of Achieve 3000 has incresed. Odysseware See 7.c. usage has decreased. Accelerate Ed and Near Pod licenses were not renewed. Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 9.d. Through enrollment in ROP courses of study and $60,000 Career Choice Curriculum at the 9-10th Grade, students LCAP S&C will participate in Career Pathways Instruction and engage Object 5801 in technology based instructional strategies. 9-10th grade students participated in Career Choice $16,800 Curricula while 11 11th-12th graders were enrolled dropped due to in ROP courses. enrollment; Title 1A Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 70 of 147 65 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 9.e. Incorporate recommendations from the technology audit regarding automaticity of enrollment in online licensing and student reporting systems such as . Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other No cost, audit Technology audits led to auto-enrollment via Aeries completed in and Google Domain. 14-15; Director No additional costs; embedded in work duties Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education 0 LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 71 of 147 66 of 113 What changes in actions, services, and expenditures Monitoring of ILCP completion and review is necessary. Identification and development of an assessment plan and packing guide are necessary. Monitoring of lessons for identification of Common Core Standards will be necessary. Collaboration will fully include para-educators. Curriculum and coaching support hours/time will emphasize monitoring and review of assessments. Training will need to inlcude and address NGSS. Barriers such as inabillity to self-regulate, poor attendance and incarceration prevented some students from ROP enrollment. While enrollment will still be available, it will be decreased due to lower enrollment. Implementation of benchmark assessments will occur through assessment plan in 2016-2017. Calibration training in the area of the Danielson Rubric will be included in training and collaboration. Attendance at JCCSAC, ASCD, and CUE are recommended for next year. Odysseyware LIcenses will be increased and implementation will be monitored more effectively in 2016-2017. Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: Related State and/or Local Priorities: GOAL 2. Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies will be implemented in classrooms, _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 X 6 _7 _8 COE reducing referrals and behavior reports by 50%, effectively increasing student¶s access only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: to instructional minutes and increasing attendance to 90%. Schools: All programs Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 72 of 147 67 of 113 Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual 10. Counseling. Maintain 300 hours of individual Measurable and group counseling, with access by 100% of Outcomes: students. Actual Annual Measurable Emphasis on relationships, behavior management and development of the teacher's ability to monitor Outcomes: and engage students has been effective. 10 & 13. Health Consults. Maintain student access to health support, with 10% or less of student population utilizing on a daily basis Over 630 hours of counseling was provided for students in the area of substance abuse; self regulation; choices; etc. Services have been coordinated with individuals and in small groups. Health consultations have had significant decline. Less than 1 student a week has sought out the office as a location for "escaping" the classroom. Discipline refferals have declined by nearly 90%. Less than 20 suspensions were issued, over a 90% decrease. No arrests were made at school. Attendance rate was 64%. Chronic truant percentage was 55% a 20% decrease. 11. 12. & 13. Discipline referrals. Decrease referrals by 50% of 2014-2015 #1029. 11. 12. & 13. Suspensions. Decrease suspensions by 20% over 2014-2015: In school 652; Out of school 499 11. 12. & 13. Arrests at School. Decrease Arrests by 20% (2014-15: 15) The school met FIT with 100% compliance in all areas. 11. 12. & 13. Attendance rate. Increased attendance by 5 % of 14-15 (71%) 11. 12. & 13. Chronic Absenteeism. Decrease chronic absenteeism by 5% (2014-15 baseline 72%) Pupil expulsion rate: N/A Basic Services FIT report results LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures 10. Students will continue to have counseling services. Shasta County Board of Education See 10 a Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures Counseling was provided via a social worker and a sub-contract with Youth Violence Prevention Council. 630 hours of support for 50 unduplicated students. June 8, 2016 See 10a Page 73 of 147 68 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 10.a. Ensure adequate social and emotional support is provided to students, including the availability of a counseling services Oasis/Oasis South X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Counseling via YVPC Over 630 service hours were provided to over 50 $18,000 in title unduplicated students. Emphasis on self-regulation, 1 expenditures. choices and alternatives to addiction were $6,000 LCFF emphasized. Base $6,000 LCFF S&C Object: 5801 Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 74 of 147 69 of 113 10.b. Delivering training aimed at improving staff Included in consistency in dealing with student behaviors and 1.b. and 6.a. reinforcing purposeful relationships, (trauma informed care, capturing kids hearts, Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) Capturing Kids Hearts. All staff attended. Supported $5500 FY Grant via Foster Youth Grant. Capturing Kids Hearts Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 10.c. Provide health support services to students via onsite administrative/health clerk. Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 1.18 FTE Clerical Nursing services were available on site for 36 of 0 days. Services included direct consultation with students, coordinating Planned Parenthood training, $41,827LCFF etc. Administrative Assistant was available to BASE address concerns not solved in the classroom. Significantly lower enrollment eliminated Object: 2000- the need to provide health clerk support. Work was 3999 distirbuted to the alternative education administrative assistant under the guidance of the school nurse. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA WIde Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 75 of 147 70 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 10.d. On site nursing services Scope of service: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other $8,977 LCFF Provision of nurse support has been effective in BASE monitoring student health and compliance with mandated health screenings. On site nursing was Object: 5710 provided on 36 of days. Services included consults, training and Professional Development. Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All $5604 base; $1768 out of S & C; 10003000 object codes Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 11. Improved relationship between students, teachers and See 11 a - b group homes, with greater consistency for students. Suspensions and referrals declined significantly, 11 a - b nearly 90%. Due to lower enrollment, it is difficult to correlate to any specific strategy. My Student Survey indicates a continuing need for teachers to enhance student relationships. Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wde Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 76 of 147 71 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 11.a. Provide transition support to students via Career Coordinator Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 3.b. and 26.a. Coordination between schools and in concurrent See enrollment has improved through engagement of the 26.a career coordinator. Students have received support in transition between schools through the Career Coordinator. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 77 of 147 72 of 113 11.b. Conduct bi-monthly meetings with group home staff Admin Oasis to review individual progress 1.2 FTE Administrative Costs Appointments and communication with group home staff has been at least weekly, including covnersations with the home staff and the student director, Chris Magera. Coordination with Remi Vista via phone and $37,291 Title conferences IA Admin Salaries $28219 Title 1A; $28219 Title 1D $112878 Base $119,585 LCFF BASE $29,897 Title ID Object: 10003999 Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 12. Improved relationships with and between students. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 12 a-b Teachers have implemented Social Contracts and See 12a -b Restorative Practices; Social Groups were provided via Youth VIolence Prevention Council. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Oasis/Oasis South LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 78 of 147 73 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 12.a. Proact and Trauma Informed Care Training for staff. Scope of service: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Included in 6.a. All staff attended the Bruce Perry Trauma Informed See 6a Care training on January 4, 2016. ProAct is planned for the beginning of the 16-17 school year. Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 12.b. Capturing Kids Hearts embedded in Professional Development and minimum day schedule. Provision of training for new administrator, as needed. Scope of service: LEA WIde X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Included in 6.a. All staff attended the Capturing Kids Hearts Recharged session on April 4, 2016. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Oasis/Oasis South See 6a LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 79 of 147 74 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 13. Students will attend school more frequently Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other No additional See 13a-c; cost. Included in teacher base work year Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 13.a. Review best practices and assess current strategies; update/revise as needed. Work to be completed during collaboration meetings. Scope of service: LEA Wide LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other No additional Best practices have been a part of weekly cost. collaboration and site based discussions. Included in teacher base work year Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Included in teacher base work year. 0 LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 80 of 147 75 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 13.b. Due to relevance of the material, as well as a decrease in class sizes, students will participate in ROP courses that will both increase attendance and decrease discipline referrals. Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 9.d. above ROP worked for about 11 students in our program. It did not have a significant impact on attendance and behavior. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 13.c. Students will be provided transportation to the ROP/Oasis programs. Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis SOuth Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other $51,096 Title I Transporation was provided for the first month. Less $9694 than 5 students were riding the bus and the service Object 5710 was discontinued. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education See 9.d. Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 81 of 147 76 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other What changes in actions, services, and expenditures Shasta County Board of Education X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Counseling will continue to be provided. Training will be provided for teachers in identifying significant student health concerns and means to document support provided. Improvement has been made in teacher capacity to identify strategies for de-escalating and re-directing student behavior. Training is still needed for teachers in the area of trauma informed teaching practices. Attendance is an area that will be addressed through systematic reporting of absenteeism. June 8, 2016 Page 82 of 147 77 of 113 Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: Related State and/or Local Priorities: GOAL 3. 80% or more of the students in the Alt. Ed Program for 90 days or more who _1 _2 _3 X 4 X 5 _6 _7 _8 COE only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: take the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) will achieve a passing score (350) or higher. Schools: All programs Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual CAHSEE prep courses will have 80% completion Measurable rates. Outcomes: Actual Annual Measurable CAHSEE was not given due to mandated changes in the assessment plan Outcomes: (CHRISTAL TO INSERT TABLE) Graduation rates have not increased in the Pathways program. The JCS has graduated 5 Students. 10% decrease in middle/high school drop out rates utilizing 14-15 baseline. Pathways drop-out rate is around 31% 10% increase in high school graduation rates utilizing 14-15 baseline. Drop out rates reported for 15-16 have not been calculated. LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services 14. More students will pass CAHSEE as a result of CAHSEE prep course and summer 2016 summer services, and enhanced teacher pedagogical skills (See ¶s 2-4). Scope of service: LEA Wide Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures Included in The exam was not given due to changes in core services. mandates. Emphasis has been on achievment of 7.c. state standards. Summer services were provided in June 2016 and 100% of students enrolled earned credits. See core services and 7c Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 83 of 147 78 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 14. a Teachers will utilize and monitor ACHIEVE 3000. Scope of service: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Included in Teachers are using Achieve 3000 for Lexile testing. core services. 4 free webinars were provided. Data and 7.c. achievement is monitored for provision of student progress. Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 9d Administration of CAHSEE was suspended. ROP classes were offered and engagement was high for participants. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15. More students will pass CAHSEE as a result of relevant instruction in ROP classes. See 7.c. See 9d Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 84 of 147 79 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15.a. Monitor student attendance, credits and evaluate students for AB167 and graduation requirements. Communicate with outside agencies regarding student status. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Data Tech (.75 FTE) $6,661 Title IA $3,330 Title ID Monitoring of attendance and credits has decreased chronic absenteeism, overall attendance rates have not increased and more students have been afforded the AB 167 option. Data technician has provided weekly attendance reports. AB 167 letters have been issued to 16 students. Information has been provided to Probation and partner districts. .75 FTE; $5624 Title 1A $2812 Ttile 1 D $9561 Base $1687 S &C $11,323 LCFF BASE .1 FTE Admin Assistant $1,998 LCFF S&C $6595 S & C Object: 2000 ± .10 FTE Admin Asst. $5,394 S & C Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 85 of 147 80 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15.b. Operate a county wide SARB Board and address attendance issues with SCOE students X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .50 FTE SARB Specialist SARB coordinator has organized 4 quarterly meetings and attended local district SARB's. Letters $28,011 and documentation have been submitted for studetns in programs with poor attendance. $29,969 LCFF BASE Object: 2000 ± Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15.c. Health and nursing services Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 10.c, d. Nurse support was available for 36 of days. Health and e. above support was available in classrooms and via administrative assistants in offices. June 8, 2016 Costs in 10 c., d. and e. Page 86 of 147 81 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15.d. Develop Site Based Coordinated strategies and schedule for CAHSEE Preparation. Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Principal. No Not provided due to deletion of CAHSEE. additional costs Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All 0 LEA WIde Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 15.e. Inform stakeholders of changes that develop in high Director No school accountability and testing. additional costs Teachers, parents and students were informed about In Core the change in CAHSEE Administration as well as program, 0 SBAC testing schedules. additional $ Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 87 of 147 82 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 15. f. Maintain foster/homeless youth program liaison Scope of service: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Title I $11,652 Foster/homeless youth program liaison has been in place and supporting review of AB 167 eligibility. Object 10003999 Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other What changes in actions, services, and expenditures $13,275 Title 1A X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other The school is looking for alternative measures to indicate college and career readiness such as SBAC performance levels and local benchmark progress. Representatives have attended the statewide focus forums on alternative measures and information has been shared with teachers for input. Additional systems and mechanisms for connecting students to adult education and credit recovery in an individualized setting have been piloted. Completion of AB 167 review and analysis will be embedded at intake. June 8, 2016 Page 88 of 147 83 of 113 Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: Related State and/or Local Priorities: GOAL 4. 100% percent of parents/caregivers and students will report having personal _1 _2 X 3 _4 X 5 _6 _7 _8 COE contact with a staff member regarding the progress of their student towards academic only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: and career goals of the student as measured by parent and student surveys. Schools: All programs Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual 16 . & 17. Survey Measurable Outcomes: Baseline 2013-14 Responses Actual Annual Measurable Response Rates Outcomes: Parent Response Rate = Total Responses: 57 Parent knowledge of career readiness PARTICIPATION RATES Parents knowledge of grad requirements Parents 12/180 = Student Response Rate = 71% (34/48 ) 6.7% Students 45/180 = 25% Students knowledge of career readiness 15/34= 44% *Knowledge of career readiness = 42% Students knowledge of grad requirements 20/34= 59% *Knowledge of grad requirements = 75% College and Career resources 2014-15 Survey Response 13 Events; 10 Job Partners; 4 College Visits Response Rate: Parents 19/212=9% 32/212=15% Students Job Readiness Course: Driver¶s Ed; Food cert Knowledge of career readiness 27/51=49% Students completing FAFSA- 2 Knowledge of grad requirements 38/51=69% ACHIEVE 3000 LEXILE Assessment RESULTS College and Career Resources 18 college and career events held PS 12/23 Pre/Post +45 Lexile PSN 5/33 Pre/Post +13 Lexile JCS 3/24 Pre/Post +30 Lexile % of students completing FAFSA ± Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 89 of 147 84 of 113 **transiency makes solid pre/post minimal 50% of students and parents will participate in the survey Knowledge of career readiness will increase to 75% over 2014-15 Baseline Knowledge of graduation requirements will increase to 85% over 2014-15 Baseline 18. College and Career Resources. Increase college and career events by 10% over 2014-15 Baseline Increase # of students completing the FAFSA by 50% over 2014-15 Baseline In 15-16 a baseline assessment will be determined utilizing ACHIEVE 3000 Lexile assessments for determining college preparedness. 2014-2015 baseline # of students completing FAFSA =0 LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures 16. Students and parents will understand their own academic performance in relation to goals, including individuals with exceptional needs. Shasta County Board of Education See 16 a-c Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures Staff has met with students to review Academic Performance, the ILCP, etc. The practice is inconsistent. June 8, 2016 See 16 a-c Page 90 of 147 85 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 16.a. Provide Parent Link and for parents X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other $500 Title IA Object: 5801 Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Oasis/Oasis South Parent Link and have been purchased. $2500 Title 1 Staff are evaluating components for regular updates to assure parents have current information. Scope of service: Grades: All Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 16.b. Parent/Career Coach to hold semi-annual meetings See 3.b. with parents to review student opportunities available for above college and career goals. 3 Achievement Nights were held in conjunction with See 3.b. Parent Q&A sessions. In addition, teachers hosted "Open House" events during the school day so that parents could drop by classrooms. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 91 of 147 86 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 16.c. Bi-annual parent conference week established to Part of regular assure that teachers/parents are connecting regarding teacher hours progress towards completion of high school diploma, completion of A-G requirements; ICLP¶s and opportunities No extra cost for completing Financial Aide Applications FAFSA. 2 parent conference weeks were scheduled. Participation was not very high. Teachers made contact via phone and through Probation Supervisors. Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All 0 Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 17. Students and parents will understand their own career See 17 a-b goals and meet with staff regarding INDIVIDUALIZED Learning and Career Plan and report cards)., including individuals with exceptional needs. Parent conferences were held, phone contacts made, transcripts and progress reports provided regarding student progress. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 See 17 a-b Page 92 of 147 87 of 113 Scope of service: LEA WIDE Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 17.a. Teachers will provide monthly updates and review of Part of regular This action was not embedded in collaboration as a 0 INDIVIDUALIZED Career & LEARNING PLAN during teacher hours regular activity. Review of ILCP's was inconsistent. collaboration. No extra cost Scope of service: LEA Wide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 93 of 147 88 of 113 17.b. Bi- annual Administrative review of INDIVIDUALIZED Career & LEARNING PLAN 1.2 FTE The ILCP's were reviewed by the administrator with See 11b Administrative the intent of emphasizing teacher accountability and Costs participation in completion. $37,291 Title IA $119,585 LCFF BASE $29,897 Title ID Object: 10003999 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 18. Students will experience improved exposure to community resources, including career opportunities Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 3 b above Students have been exposed to various resources such as career fairs, SMART Center, College Support, etc. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide See 3. b. LEA Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 94 of 147 89 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 18.a. Engage students and their families in relevant See 18 b learning through internships, job placement and functional exposure to careers by employing a Parent and Career Coach to work during and after school hours, including individuals with exceptional needs. Students have been exposed to multiple work experiences, volunteer opportunities, and job shadows due to the coordination of the career coach. 2 individuals with exceptional needs have been in ROP work experiences. Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 18.b. Utilize Career Options Curriculum, College Options and/or similar career education curriculum and provider to access students and develop career and college exposure. See 18 b X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other POINT OF CONTACT: Administrator and Career Coach Career Options Curricula was implemented in the See 26.a. and 9th-10th grade class. Students in 11th-12th grade 3.b. had opportunities to engage in work experience, ROP classes, career fairs and an online career class with the career coach. See 26.a. and 3.b. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 95 of 147 90 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other What changes in actions, services, and expenditures Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other The program will develop a white paper to be included with the enrollment packet. The services of a career coordinator are a continued need for assisting parents and students in developing their career and college readiness and knowledge base. Systems for holding all staff accountable for completion of the ILCP will be developed along with monitoring schedules. The addition of Curriculum/Assessment Coach for up to 14 days is recommended for development of pacing and assessment plan. Systems will be created for recording information about parent contacts. Administrative changes will be made based on lower enrollment. June 8, 2016 Page 96 of 147 91 of 113 Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: GOAL 5: 100% of students will explore career fields and have exposure to the workplace and college as documented in INDIVIDUALIZED Career and LEARNING PLAN or 10 year plans, and teacher lesson plans. Related State and/or Local Priorities: _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 X 8 COE only: _ 9 _ 10 Local: Schools: All Programs Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual 50% of student enrollment will have completed a Measurable career orientation course. Outcomes: Actual Annual Measurable All students enrolled in Pathways Community school have taken a career orientation course. Outcomes: 20% increase in students participating in Experiential Work Program. 4 students have participtaed in Experiential Work Program 20% increase in students participating in College Visits. 16 students participated in college visits; a 77% increase over last year. 100% pass rates for students engaging in certification classes. All students participating in certification courses have passed. 19 students took certification courses, including food handlers and driver's education. LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services 19.a See Numbers 3, 17, 18 above. Scope of service: Oasis Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures Cost included See numbers 3, 17 and 18. in 1.a. See 1.a. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 97 of 147 92 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 19.b Students attending the ROP class will complete ROP $60,000 course. LCFF Supp/Conc Object 5801 17 students were enrolled in ROP Courses Scope of service: Scope of service: Oasis See 19 d 6 students completed a full semester. Students from Oasis South were also included in ROP classes. Grades: All Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 19.c All students will engage in Career Zone activities and See Goal 1 profiles, with 9th & 10th grade utilizing Career Choice #6 Curricula. $1,055 LCFF S&C 9th and 10th graders were engaged in Career Choice Curricula. Career Zone Activities and profiles are embedded in the Google Career class hosted by the Career Coach. $330 LCFF/S&C Object 4310 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 98 of 147 93 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 19.d Employability Day will be coordinated for provision of See Goal 1 Career Options. #3. B. Students were able to attend a Job Fair at the Red Lion Hotel. See Goal 1 #3 b. Students enagged in the Job readiness elective received new clothes for interviewing and participated in mock interviews with local employers who provided feedback to students on strengths and areas of growth. Scope of service: Oasis Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 99 of 147 94 of 113 19.e College Visits will be coordinated to 2 and 4 year colleges. $1,200 Title I 17 Students have visited Shasta College on 3 A occasions and once to Chico State. $800 Title 1 Object # 5801 Scope of service: Oasis Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 19. g Experiential Work Program options will be expanded. Scope of service: Oasis Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See Goal 1 Experiential Work opportunities have expanded to See 3b #3. B. $1,650 include Safe Haven Horse Rescue, Burrito Bandido, LCFF Base COE transportation, Girronda's, and COE IT dpeartment. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Oasis Oasis/Oasis South Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 100 of 147 95 of 113 19. h Identify appropriate CTE training for certificated staff Title 1 and secure participation. Scope of service: #7.c Career Coach participated in the Leadership Development Institute offered by the CDE. Scope of service: LEA Wide Grades: All Scope of service: LEA Wide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Goal 1 # 9.d Two certification courses were offered, including Food Handlers and Driver's Ed. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 19. i Certification classes such as Food Handlers, CPR, Driver¶s Ed will be offered to students. See 7. c. Supported through grant. See 9.d. LEA Wide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 101 of 147 96 of 113 What changes in actions, services, and expenditures Certification and Experiential Work Program courses will continue to be embedded in programming. Outcomes and activities will be consolidated to prevent duplication; will be represented in 1 goal. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 102 of 147 97 of 113 Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: Related State and/or Local Priorities: _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 COE GOAL 6. Countywide, SCOE will coordinate services to ensure that services for expelled youth are provided by SCOE in cooperation with local districts with the goal of only: X 9 _ 10 Local: decreasing expulsion and suspension and ensuring expelled students have appropriate programs. (Expelled youth are included within the unduplicated counts of students receiving services which are included above for students in SCOE programs.) Schools: Countywide Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: All Expected Annual Actual Annual 100% of 9-12th students expelled will be eligible to Measurable Measurable 100% of students who met the criteria of SARB and be enrolled in SCOE alternative education programs. expulsion were enrolled. Outcomes: Outcomes: 100% of 7-8th students expelled will be eligible to enroll in inter-district programs per placement agreements and notification to Countywide SARB. 100% of 7-8th grade students were enrolled in district programs. Refinement of communications necessary. 100% of LEAs participate in the process of developing the plan. 100% of LEA's contributed to the process documented by signed MOU's. LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures 20. Implement the 2015 developed expulsion plan. Review the 2013 plan at a superintendent meeting and monitor compliance throughout the year. Revise as needed and gain approval of all LEAs. Shasta County Board of Education Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures To be Expulsion plan was implemented per the revisions. See 11 b completed by Document shared at September 2015 Chief School Student Administrator meeting. Plan reviewed quarterly by Program SARB Board. Plan posted on SCOE website. Director as part of assigned duties. June 8, 2016 Page 103 of 147 98 of 113 Scope of service: Countywide Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 21. Monitor the effectiveness of the plan and internally review the plan for any modifications that are needed. Scope of service: CountyWide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other To be SARB chair has included plan in quarterly meetings. See 11 b completed by Plan has been reviewed and revisions will be Student shared with stakeholders. Program Director as part of assigned duties. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 104 of 147 99 of 113 21.a. Meet with SARB Board, Probation, Juvenile Hall, and related personnel to identify gaps in services in the current plan. Scope of service: Countywide To be Quarterly meetings have been held. completed by Student Program Director as part of assigned duties. Scope of service: Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 21.b. Revise the plan and distribute to all local Boards of Education and designated Superintendents. Scope of service: County Wide Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other To be Expulsion plan has been revised to relfect changes completed by in community school providers. Student Program Director as part of assigned duties. Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education See 11 b See 11 b County Wide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 105 of 147 100 of 113 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other What changes in actions, services, and expenditures Original Goal from prior year LCAP: Goal Applies to: X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other Communication processes will be refined. SCOE will not provide a classroom for SUHSD students. Revisions will be made to the Expulsion Plan and distributed to districts. GOAL 7: SCOE will coordinate services county-wide in accordance with the foster youth grant and ED CODE and review the plan annually for changes. Related State and/or Local Priorities: _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 COE only: _ 9 X 10 Local: Schools: Countywide Grades: All Applicable Pupil Subgroups: Shasta County Board of Education Foster Youth June 8, 2016 Page 106 of 147 101 of 113 Expected Annual 30 foster youth will receive mentoring through YVPC Measurable Outcomes: 80% of Foster youth students will have a passing grade of C µs or better in all of their classes Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: Maintain attendance at Regional and County level student focused meetings (SST and IEP¶s) at current level 345 17 Foster Youth have received counseling to date. 82% of Foster Youth are passing classes with C's or better. Foster Youth staff are attending all meetings. Calpads identifies total Alt Ed placements for K-12 at 14 to date 3/30/2016, a 36% decrease. 10% decrease in FY placement in alternative or continuation schools (2013-14 18 total foster youth attended an Alternative Educational or continuation school setting in and out of Shasta County; 14-15 results pending June data) SARBs to date = 8 representing a 66% reduction as of 3/30/2016 20% reduction in foster youth in grades K-12 will referred to SARB ± pending June Data) Local policy, procedures and data infrastructure will be completed and implemented LCAP Year: 2015-16 Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services Budgeted Expenditures 22. Establish local policy/procedures and data infrastructure necessary to support and monitor educational success, including efficient transfer of health and education records and the health and education passport. .60 FTE Coordinator $86,225 Foster Youth Grant Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures A Foster Youth Coordinator has been employed and .5 FTE vital to the success of developing infra-structure. Coordinator $48262 FY Grant $12066 Title 1A Object: 10003999 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 107 of 147 102 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All Countywide Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 22 Collaboration with interagency partners via the Breaking Barriers conference. See 22 22.a. Work with CDE, districts and county child welfare and probation agencies to obtain, share and analyze data to accurately identify foster youth and track progress on all required metrics. Scope of service: Countywide Scope of service: Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 108 of 147 103 of 113 22.b. Collaboratively develop and enter into MOUs with probation, HHSA and district agencies to increase graduation rates and reduce school transfer rates. Scope of service: See 22 MOU/Contract in place Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All Scope of service: Countywide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 22 9/23/16 Needs/Support Survey completed Shasta County Board of Education See 22 3/25/16 10 New SW training informational Scope of service: Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Countywide Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 23. Ensure foster youth liaisons (Ed Code 48853.5) and district level oversight staff have adequate time, knowledge, and resources to meet the needs of foster youth. See 22 Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 109 of 147 104 of 113 23.a. Hire or assign, train and supervise sufficient liaison staff and district level oversight staff to ensure district and school site staff are informed about and implement all laws and district policies affecting foster youth. Scope of service: Included in 22.a. Coorrdinator duties Foster Youth Liaison Not yet hired due to funding allocations delay by State Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All 1. X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other See 22 Monitor services provided to foster youth at the district level to ensure: All foster youth have access to necessary education and school counseling services. To reduce school transfers and ensure foster youth are transported to their school of origin when in their best interest, including funding or otherwise facilitating transportation. Ensure priority access for foster youth to tutoring and other academic and social/emotional supports, afterschool and summer enrichment programs, and extracurricular activities. Scope of service: Countywide Goals presented/discussed at following trainings: See 22 9/23-24 FY Liaison Training 5/3/16 HS Training 2/16/16 Executive Advisory Committee Transportation Policy written and supported by Social Services Communicated to Foster Youth Liaison 9/2324 and 5/3/2016 Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 23.b. $0 Countywide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 110 of 147 105 of 113 _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other 24. Students will have a more coordinated delivery of See 22 social services and educational services through collaboration with Shasta County Health and Human Services Children¶s Division, Probation, School Districts and Foster Family Agencies. Meetings are held in response to student in crisis and having significant needs. Coordination services and collaboration addressed with interagency team (Social Services, Probation and Mental Health and LEA) attending Foster Ed Summit 4/2016 and Breaking Barriers Interagency Team 4/20-21/2016. Scope of service: Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All Countywide Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 24.a. Schedule, attend and document meetings for every high school foster youth to assess academic progress towards graduation See 22 X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .20 FTE Admin Asst. $13,215 Foster Youth Grant On-going STAR meetings 9 as of 3/30/16 $11, 621 Object: 2000 3999 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 111 of 147 106 of 113 Scope of service: Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 24.b. Attend foster youth IEP¶s and SST meetings to review academic and behavioral successes and challenges Countywide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .35 FTE Admin Asst. $23,127 Foster Youth Grant Ongoing attendance at student IEP's and SST's. $21,100 Object: 2000 ± Scope of service: Countywide Scope of service: Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 112 of 147 107 of 113 24.c. Attend High Risk Team meetings and Critical Family .25 FTE On-going attendance at High Risk and Critical Team Meetings Admin Asst. Family Team Meetings... 16,519 Foster Youth Grant need # $15,071 Object: 2000 ± Scope of service: Scope of service: Countywide Grades: All Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 24.d. Update foster youth educational database Countywide X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .20 FTE Admin Asst. $13,215 Foster Youth Grant Completed 350 educational records 12/2015 $12,057 Object: 2000 3999 Scope of service: Countywide Scope of service: Grades: All Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All June 8, 2016 Page 113 of 147 108 of 113 _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other 24.e. Attend intake staffing meetings, assist with educational data entry X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other .70 FTE Admin Asst. $51,041 Foster Youth Grant Ongoing attendance at intake staffing meetings. $40,675 Object: 2000 ± Scope of service: Countywide Scope of service: Grades: All _ All --------------------------------------------------------------------X Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _ Other Shasta County Board of Education Countywide Grades: All X All --------------------------------------------------------------------_ Foster Youth _ American Indian or Alaska Native _ Hispanic or Latino _ Two or More Races _ Low Income Pupils _ Redesignated fluent English proficient _ Asian _ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander _ English Learners _ Black or African American _ Filipino _ White _ Students with Disabilities _ Homeless _Other June 8, 2016 Page 114 of 147 109 of 113 What changes in actions, services, and expenditures In reviewing our past progress with actions, services and expenditures, we will: Include 9th and 10th grade foster youth in our STAR (Student Transcript and Academic Review) meetings in an effort to increase our high school completion goal. Collaborate with community agencies, LEA¶s, Community Colleges, CSU and UC systems and workforce agencies, such as SMART Center, Workforce Investment Act in an effort to support Transitional programs and services to foster youth Support districts with appropriate information related to successful intervention strategies, specific to records related to the history or on-going work with the foster child while maintaining confidentiality. Section 3: Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant funds and Proportionality A. In the box below, identify the amount of funds in the LCAP year calculated on the basis of the number and concentration of low income, foster youth, and English learner pupils as determined pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(5). Describe how the LEA is expending these funds in the LCAP year. Include a description of, and justification for, the use of any funds in a districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide manner as specified in 5 CCR 15496. For school districts with below 55 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils in the district or below 40 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils at a schoolsite in the LCAP year, when using supplemental and concentration funds in a districtwide or schoolwide manner, the school district must additionally describe how the services provided are the most effective use of funds to meet the district͛s goals for unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priority areas. (See 5 CCR 15496(b) for guidance.) Total amount of Supplemental and Concentration grant funds calculated: 123978 Background Information: Student programs offered by Shasta County Office of Education have been in declining enrollment for 3 years and reorganized each year to meet needs of students. As a result, we have examined both our core and supplemental services and defined the scope of each. Changes in include: Reduction of .80 administration; The majority of actions will be offered districtwide and will be applicable to all students. Because of the small enrollment within each school and the large percentage of unduplicated students, it does not make sense to segregate the services to specific identified populations. Additionally, as an alternative education service provider, all of the students we serve have extensive needs and will benefit from the services provided with the supplemental and concentration funds. Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 115 of 147 110 of 113 Supplemental and Concentration funds are being used to support students in several capacities. Funds will: Provide additional paraprofessional training to insure they have the skills to meet the needs of the students Provide additional paraprofessional support to allow for more individualized support for students Provide a .50 Parent and Career Coach Pay for student enrollment in the Regional Occupational Program Pay for applications for credit acceleration and recovery Provide for a portion of a staff member for attendance and data monitoring The following description addresses core and supplemental: CORE SERVICES Administrator 1 per 300 students: Clerical support: including data services 1 per 300 students Teachers: 21 enrollment - 17 in seat Facility expenses Textbooks and supplies for core courses SUPPLEMENTAL Administrative services beyond core Behavioral and Social-Emotional Support Clerical support beyond core Consultaiton services Counseling Curriculum Specialists and professional development Instructional Assistants Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 116 of 147 111 of 113 Instructional Services Coordinator to provide career support and family outreach Nursing Consultations Psychologist for non-special education services Social worker Textbooks and supplies for ROP courses Transition service B. In the box below, identify the percentage by which services for unduplicated pupils must be increased or improved as compared to the services provided to all pupils in the LCAP year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a). Consistent with the requirements of 5 CCR 15496, demonstrate how the services provided in the LCAP year for low income pupils, foster youth, and English learners provide for increased or improved services for these pupils in proportion to the increase in funding provided for such pupils in that year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(7). An LEA shall describe how the proportionality percentage is met using a quantitative and/or qualitative description of the increased and/or improved services for unduplicated pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils. 2.27 % Supplemental and concentration funds are being used to support students in lowering the student to staff ration. These services are particularly needed for foster youth, students of poverty, special education and EL. Students in these categories have had less exposure to career activities because of isolation in specialized programs. Research indicates they benefit from extended learning opportunities and counseling. We plan to spend $123,978 on identified services which will meet our MPP requirement. In addition to supplemental and concentration funds, we are using Title 1A and D funds to provide coordination, monitoring and training in the area of foster and homeless youth,, addressing the needs of this unduplicated student group. LOCAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN AND ANNUAL UPDATE APPENDIX For the purposes of completing the LCAP in reference to the state priorities under Education Code sections 52060 and 52066, the following shall apply: Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 117 of 147 112 of 113 (a) ³Chronic absenteeism rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The number of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30) who are chronically absent where ³chronic absentee´means a pupil who is absent 10 percent or more of the schooldays in the school year when the total number of days a pupil is absent is divided by the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the regular day schools of the district, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays. (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2). (b) ³Middle School dropout rate´shall be calculated as set forth in California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 1039.1. (c) ³High school dropout rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The number of cohort members who dropout by the end of year 4 in the cohort where ³cohort´is defined as the number of firsttime grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4. (2) The total number of cohort members. (3) Divide (1) by (2). (d) ³High school graduation rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The number of cohort members who earned a regular high school diploma [or earned an adult education high school diploma or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam] by the end of year 4 in the cohort where ³cohort´is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4. (2) The total number of cohort members. (3) Divide (1) by (2). (e) ³Suspension rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was suspended during the academic year Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 118 of 147 113 of 113 (July 1 ±June 30). (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2). (f) ³Expulsion rate´shall be calculated as follows: (1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was expelled during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 ±June 30). (3) Divide (1) by (2). Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 119 of 147 SHASTA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM This form is due to the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant eight (8) calendar days prior to the Board meeting date Board meeting date: 6-8-15 2016-17 Proposed Budget and Public Hearing Agenda item topic: De'An Chambless Name of person requesting agenda item: Name of person to attend Board meeting to address agenda item: Adam Hillman Adam Hillman Name of Cabinet level supervisor for this agenda item: 5-31-16 Date reviewed by Cabinet level supervisor: Additional materials are provided with this form for the Board agenda packet: Yes ✔ No Type of agenda item (check one): Action on Consent Agenda (these items are of routine nature or items for which no discussion is anticipated at the meeting, the Board has the option to request that these items be discussed at the meeting before taking Action) Action on Regular Agenda (these items are discussed by the Board at the meeting before taking Action) ✔ Discussion (these items are presented to the Board at the meeting and will be discussed) Information (these items are not discussed at the meeting unless requested by the Board at the meeting) Recognition (the person requesting to do a recognition will make arrangements for those being recognized to attend the Board meeting) Agenda Item Background/Description: Ed Code requires the County Office to hold a public hearing to allow for comment on the proposed budget along with a public hearing held for the Local Control Accountability Plan. The public hearings must be held at a public meeting separate from the board meeting in which action will be taken to approve the budget and LCAP. The proposed budget for each fund is summarized on the attached forms. In addition, we have included a detail of the proposed General Fund Ending Fund Balance amounts and a multiyear projection. We will review our key budget assumptions at the 6-8-16 board meeting. The final budget will be presented for action at the 6-22-16 board meeting along with the budget summary book providing more detailed budget information. The following areas are to be completed for Action agenda items only: Analysis: Recommendation: Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 120 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 121 of 147 July 1 Budget County School Service Fund Unrestricted and Restricted Expenditures by Object Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County 45 10454 0000000 Form 01 2015-16 Estimated Actuals Description Resource Codes Object Codes Unrestricted (A) Restricted (B) 2016-17 Budget Total Fund col. A + B (C) Unrestricted (D) Restricted (E) Total Fund col. D + E (F) % Diff Column C&F A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 6,995,079.00 0.00 6,995,079.00 6,744,928.00 0.00 6,744,928.00 -3.6% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 35,977.00 2,643,430.00 2,679,407.00 0.00 2,599,628.00 2,599,628.00 -3.0% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 981,906.00 6,249,296.00 7,231,202.00 51,683.00 6,933,952.00 6,985,635.00 -3.4% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 5,358,670.00 2,843,914.00 8,202,584.00 5,370,195.00 3,410,271.00 8,780,466.00 7.0% 13,371,632.00 11,736,640.00 25,108,272.00 12,166,806.00 12,943,851.00 25,110,657.00 0.0% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 1,346,121.00 3,036,251.00 4,382,372.00 1,241,989.00 3,211,194.00 4,453,183.00 1.6% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 5,399,756.00 2,588,011.00 7,987,767.00 5,752,539.00 3,030,066.00 8,782,605.00 10.0% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 2,561,653.00 1,906,823.00 4,468,476.00 2,793,349.00 2,341,045.00 5,134,394.00 14.9% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 1,126,477.00 592,218.00 1,718,695.00 929,694.00 409,704.00 1,339,398.00 -22.1% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 2,532,106.00 3,257,161.00 5,789,267.00 2,433,118.00 3,509,460.00 5,942,578.00 2.6% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 1,231,961.00 36,740.00 1,268,701.00 78,849.00 650,000.00 728,849.00 -42.6% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299 7400-7499 6,564.00 0.00 6,564.00 6,564.00 0.00 6,564.00 0.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES (1,656,695.00) 12,547,943.00 C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) 823,689.00 674,161.00 12,091,365.00 (354,725.00) (982,534.00) (1,793,011.00) 24,639,308.00 11,443,091.00 468,964.00 723,715.00 734,534.00 13,886,003.00 (942,152.00) (1,058,477.00) 7.7% 25,329,094.00 2.8% (218,437.00) -146.6% D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 117,923.00 0.00 117,923.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100.0% b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 324,693.00 11,201.00 335,894.00 123.9% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board of Education California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-a (Rev 03/22/2016) 8980-8999 (371,375.00) 371,375.00 (403,452.00) 371,375.00 June 8, 2016 Page 1 0.00 (32,077.00) (1,003,375.00) 1,003,375.00 (1,328,068.00) 992,174.00 0.00 (335,894.00) 0.0% 947.1% Page 122 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM July 1 Budget County School Service Fund Unrestricted and Restricted Expenditures by Object Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County 45 10454 0000000 Form 01 2015-16 Estimated Actuals Description Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) Unrestricted (A) Restricted (B) 2016-17 Budget Total Fund col. A + B (C) Unrestricted (D) (604,353.00) Restricted (E) 50,022.00 Total Fund col. D + E (F) (554,331.00) % Diff Column C&F 420,237.00 16,650.00 436,887.00 -226.9% 9791 7,911,081.00 711,896.00 8,622,977.00 8,331,318.00 728,546.00 9,059,864.00 5.1% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7,911,081.00 711,896.00 8,622,977.00 8,331,318.00 728,546.00 9,059,864.00 5.1% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7,911,081.00 711,896.00 8,622,977.00 8,331,318.00 728,546.00 9,059,864.00 5.1% 8,331,318.00 728,546.00 9,059,864.00 7,726,965.00 778,568.00 8,505,533.00 -6.1% 9711 18,375.00 0.00 18,375.00 18,375.00 0.00 18,375.00 0.0% Stores 9712 155,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 0.00 728,546.00 728,546.00 0.00 778,568.00 778,568.00 6.9% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9780 6,613,943.00 0.00 6,613,943.00 5,983,590.00 0.00 5,983,590.00 -9.5% Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 1,144,000.00 0.00 1,144,000.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 1,170,000.00 2.3% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments d) Assigned Other Assignments e) Unassigned/unappropriated Shasta County Board of Education California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-a (Rev 03/22/2016) June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 123 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM SHASTA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Estimated Actuals 6/30/16 Ending Fund Balance LEGALLY RESTRICTED: AltEd - Restricted Lottery Educator Effectiveness Locally restricted programs Medi-Cal Prop 39 Energy Efficiency Nutrition Services SELPA & Special Ed programs TOTAL LEGALLY RESTRICTED TOTAL NONSPENDABLE (revolving cash, inventory, prepaids) TOTAL ASSIGNED FOR ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY (includes $400,000 additional reserve) Student ADA Based Programs AltEd - Unrestricted Funds SpecEd - Unrestricted Funds $ Adopted Budget 6/30/17 25,042 $ 21,957 43,792 166,802 53,238 60,587 357,128 728,546 25,023 10,757 48,893 221,397 53,238 30,970 388,290 778,568 273,375 273,375 1,153,000 1,170,000 Subtotal 359,152 23,890 383,042 344,923 23,682 368,605 Subtotal 79,863 9,195 34,600 110,934 19,746 75,680 164,942 23,758 518,718 79,863 7,795 102,930 21,440 41,063 81,909 9,829 344,829 Subtotal 1,005,292 2,000,000 3,005,292 355,292 2,000,000 2,355,292 Subtotal 429,568 102,647 532,215 400,000 62,362 462,362 Subtotal 100,000 235,000 700,000 1,130,676 2,165,676 100,000 250,000 700,000 1,402,502 2,452,502 TOTAL BOARD ASSIGNMENTS 6,604,943 5,983,590 UNASSIGNED/UNAPPROPRIATED TOTAL FUND BALANCE 300,000 9,059,864 $ 300,000 8,505,533 SCOE Internal Programs / Donated Funds Career Pathways Donated Funds / Student Scholarships Latieze Funds Project Share STEM Supplemental Educational Services Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Fund WES and Need Camp Facility Needs Deferred Maintenance Projects Facility Improvements / Repairs Early Childhood Services ECS: Projects / Facilities Nutrition services Other Board Goals AB1200 Fiscal Oversight Technology Equipment Replacement Retiree insurance obligation Future Board Priorities Shasta County Board of Education $ June 8, 2016 Page 124 of 147 SHASTA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 2016-17 Adopted Budget 2016-17 Adopted Budget Multiyear Projection BEGINNING FUND BALANCE Unrestricted Restricted 2017-18 Projection Total Unrestricted Restricted 2018-19 Projection Total Unrestricted Restricted Total 8,331,318 728,546 9,059,864 7,726,965 778,568 8,505,533 7,600,187 787,438 8,387,625 6,744,928 51,683 5,370,195 (1,003,375) 11,163,431 2,599,628 6,933,952 3,410,271 1,003,375 13,947,226 6,744,928 2,599,628 6,985,635 8,780,466 25,110,657 6,807,060 51,683 5,370,195 (353,375) 11,875,563 2,599,628 6,933,952 3,517,227 353,375 13,404,182 6,807,060 2,599,628 6,985,635 8,887,422 25,279,745 6,870,696 51,683 5,370,195 (383,375) 11,909,199 2,599,628 6,933,952 3,607,349 383,375 13,524,304 6,870,696 2,599,628 6,985,635 8,977,544 25,433,503 1,241,989 5,752,539 2,793,349 9,787,877 929,694 2,433,118 78,849 6,564 (1,793,011) 100,000 224,693 11,767,784 3,211,194 3,030,066 2,341,045 8,582,305 409,704 3,509,460 650,000 734,534 11,201 13,897,204 4,453,183 8,782,605 5,134,394 18,370,182 1,339,398 5,942,578 728,849 6,564 (1,058,477) 111,201 224,693 25,664,988 1,256,893 5,925,113 2,930,428 10,112,434 904,694 2,268,118 78,849 6,564 (1,793,011) 100,000 324,693 12,002,341 3,249,728 3,154,299 2,459,417 8,863,444 409,704 3,376,429 734,534 11,201 13,395,312 4,506,621 9,079,412 5,389,845 18,975,878 1,314,398 5,644,547 78,849 6,564 (1,058,477) 111,201 324,693 25,397,653 1,271,976 6,073,241 3,069,129 10,414,346 904,694 2,248,118 78,849 6,564 (1,793,011) 100,000 424,693 12,384,253 3,288,725 3,233,156 2,566,821 9,088,702 409,704 3,271,315 734,534 11,201 13,515,456 4,560,701 9,306,397 5,635,950 19,503,048 1,314,398 5,519,433 78,849 6,564 (1,058,477) 111,201 424,693 25,899,709 (604,353) 50,022 (554,331) (126,778) 8,870 (117,908) (475,054) 8,849 (466,206) ENDING FUND BALANCE 7,726,965 778,568 8,505,533 7,600,187 787,438 8,387,625 7,125,133 796,287 7,921,420 Components of Ending Fund Balance NonSpendable - Rev Cash/Prepaids/Stores Legally Restricted Board Assigned Reserve for Economic Uncertainty UnAssigned Total 273,375 5,983,590 1,170,000 300,000 7,726,965 778,568 778,568 273,375 778,568 5,983,590 1,170,000 300,000 8,505,533 273,375 5,864,812 1,162,000 300,000 7,600,187 787,438 787,438 273,375 787,438 5,864,812 1,162,000 300,000 8,387,625 273,375 5,374,758 1,177,000 300,000 7,125,133 796,287 796,287 273,375 796,287 5,374,758 1,177,000 300,000 7,921,420 REVENUES LCFF Revenues Federal Revenues Other State Revenues Other Local Revenues Interfund Transfers In Other Sources Contributions TOTAL REVENUES 8010 - 8099 8100 - 8299 8300 - 8599 8600 - 8799 8910 - 8929 8930 - 8979 8980 - 8999 EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries 1000 - 1999 Classified Salaries 2000 - 2999 Employee Benefits 3000 - 3999 Total Salaries & Benefits Books and Supplies 4000 - 4999 Services, Other Operating Expenses 5000 - 5999 Capital Outlay 6000 - 6599 Other Outgo 7100-7299, 7400-7499 Direct Support / Indirect Costs 7300 - 7399 Interfund Transfers Out - Transp Equip. 7619 Interfund Transfer to ECS TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE Shasta County Board of Education O:\_INTERNAL\_SCOE BUDGETS\2016-17\16-17 Adopted\MYP 16-17 OB June 8, 2016 Page 125 of 147 5/31/2016 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 126 of 147 Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 09 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 996,760.00 998,222.00 0.1% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 16,005.00 73,287.00 357.9% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 0.00 0.00 0.0% 1,012,765.00 1,071,509.00 5.8% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 477,926.00 441,109.00 -7.7% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 69,303.00 113,813.00 64.2% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 154,426.00 191,912.00 24.3% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 34,000.00 28,000.00 -17.6% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 179,983.00 211,909.00 17.7% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 0.00 0.00 0.0% 915,638.00 986,743.00 7.8% 97,127.00 84,766.00 -12.7% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 0.00 11,201.00 New b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 11,201.00 New 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 127 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 09 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference 97,127.00 95,967.00 -1.2% 9791 0.00 97,127.00 New 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 97,127.00 New 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 97,127.00 New 97,127.00 193,094.00 98.8% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 3,359.00 7,491.00 123.0% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 93,768.00 185,603.00 97.9% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 128 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 129 of 147 Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Child Development Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 12 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 3,950,467.00 4,254,479.00 7.7% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 8,311,373.00 8,916,049.00 7.3% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 2,461,497.00 2,361,765.00 -4.1% 14,723,337.00 15,532,293.00 5.5% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 992,648.00 1,119,197.00 12.7% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 2,057,754.00 2,132,421.00 3.6% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 1,158,381.00 1,260,680.00 8.8% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 282,861.00 296,667.00 4.9% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 9,348,480.00 9,900,082.00 5.9% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 982,534.00 1,058,477.00 7.7% 14,822,658.00 15,767,524.00 6.4% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) (99,321.00) (235,231.00) 136.8% D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 0.00 224,693.00 New b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 224,693.00 New 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 130 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Child Development Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 12 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference (99,321.00) (10,538.00) -89.4% 9791 284,650.00 185,329.00 -34.9% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 284,650.00 185,329.00 -34.9% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 284,650.00 185,329.00 -34.9% 185,329.00 174,791.00 -5.7% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 33,562.00 33,562.00 0.0% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 151,767.00 141,229.00 -6.9% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 131 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM SHASTA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES 2016-17 ADOPTED BUDGET Stages 2, 3 & CAPP REVENUES Federal Revenues FTE's Stage 1 CalWORKS FTE's Instructional Programs FTE's Nutrition LIA & Homes FTE's Non-Direct Services FTE's All Other Awards Combined FTE's TOTAL Funding 8100 - 8299 2,430,596.00 0.00 229,332.00 1,377,487.00 217,064.00 0.00 4,254,479.00 Other State Revenues 8300 - 8599 4,653,697.00 0.00 2,589,646.00 48,425.00 1,558,335.00 65,946.00 8,916,049.00 Other Local Revenues 8600 - 8799 8910 - 8929 8910 - 8929 8980 - 8990 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224,693.00 0.00 0.00 20,605.00 0.00 0.00 7,345.00 307,051.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34,109.00 0.00 0.00 (7,345.00) 2,361,765.00 224,693.00 0.00 0.00 7,084,293.00 2,000,000.00 3,043,671.00 1,453,862.00 2,082,450.00 92,710.00 15,756,986.00 Interfund Trnfs In-ECS Contrb Interfund Trnfs In-Brd Desgn Contrib Intrafund Contribution TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries FTE's 1000 - 1999 19,187.00 0.2 18,989.00 0.6 739,435.00 22.1 0.00 0.0 341,586.00 6.6 0.00 0.0 1,119,197.00 29.4 2000 - 2999 296,192.00 6.4 430,732.00 8.3 880,581.00 29.8 127,001.00 2.2 382,758.00 6.8 15,157.00 0.2 2,132,421.00 53.6 Employee Benefits 3000 - 3999 134,877.00 180,720.00 541,459.00 62,009.00 271,059.00 70,556.00 1,260,680.00 Books and Supplies 4000 - 4999 13,000.00 6,036.00 40,553.00 1,731.00 230,219.00 5,128.00 296,667.00 5,844,541.00 1,150,000.00 0.00 1,236,122.00 0.00 0.00 8,230,663.00 0.00 0.00 Provider Payments-Child Care and 5805 - 5819 Meals Support Internal Programs - within 5710 ECS Support External Programs - within GF 5750 - ECS Reserves Support External Programs - within GF 5750 - Rents & Leases Support Ext Pgrms-within GF-Rents 57XX Rec'd,Copier Chrgs,Fld Trips,Grph Maint and Operations - C.U.s 5759 Per Meal Chargeback 5766 185,615.00 (28,512.00) (146,570.00) 0.00 (10,533.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,600.00 0.00 105,654.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 120,054.00 0.00 38,401.00 6,656.00 1,668.00 1,121.00 250.00 48,096.00 22,579.00 11,372.00 29,663.00 1,692.00 22,580.00 0.00 87,886.00 0.00 0.00 1,938.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,938.00 Vended Meals 5101/5801 0.00 0.00 146,540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146,540.00 Other Services 5000 - 5999 30,940.00 27,124.00 509,399.00 12,582.00 675,156.00 9,704.00 1,264,905.00 Capital Outlay 6000 - 6599 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Indirect 7300 - 7399 524,762.00 165,138.00 188,363.00 11,057.00 166,704.00 2,453.00 1,058,477.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/FTE's NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE ENDING BALANCE Shasta County Board of Education 7,084,293.00 6.5 2,000,000.00 8.9 3,043,671.00 51.9 1,453,862.00 2.2 2,082,450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,391.00 21,391.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,171.00 12,171.00 June 8, 2016 13.4 103,248.00 0.2 15,767,524.00 (10,538.00) (10,538.00) 151,767.00 141,229.00 185,329.00 174,791.00 Page 132 of 147 83.0 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 133 of 147 Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Special Education Pass-Through Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 10 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 1,810,333.00 1,858,303.00 2.6% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 4,993,395.00 5,270,307.00 5.5% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 11,009,773.00 10,541,625.00 -4.3% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.0% 17,842,501.00 17,699,235.00 -0.8% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 17,877,903.00 17,740,669.00 -0.8% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 0.00 0.00 0.0% 17,877,903.00 17,740,669.00 -0.8% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) (35,402.00) (41,434.00) 17.0% D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 134 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Special Education Pass-Through Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 10 2015-16 Estimated Actuals (35,402.00) 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference (41,434.00) 17.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited 9791 5,811,363.00 5,775,961.00 -0.6% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5,811,363.00 5,775,961.00 -0.6% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5,811,363.00 5,775,961.00 -0.6% 5,775,961.00 5,734,527.00 -0.7% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 5,775,961.00 5,734,527.00 -0.7% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 0.00 0.00 0.0% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 135 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:44 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Pupil Transportation Equipment Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 15 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 100.00 100.00 0.0% 100.00 100.00 0.0% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 142,252.00 28,000.00 -80.3% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 0.00 0.00 0.0% 142,252.00 28,000.00 -80.3% (142,152.00) (27,900.00) -80.4% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 150,000.00 100,000.00 -33.3% b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 150,000.00 100,000.00 -33.3% 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 136 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Pupil Transportation Equipment Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 15 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference 7,848.00 72,100.00 818.7% 9791 93,593.00 101,441.00 8.4% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 93,593.00 101,441.00 8.4% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 93,593.00 101,441.00 8.4% 101,441.00 173,541.00 71.1% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 0.00 0.00 0.0% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 101,441.00 173,541.00 71.1% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 137 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Forest Reserve Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 16 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 786,153.00 0.00 -100.0% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 0.00 0.00 0.0% 786,153.00 0.00 -100.0% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 668,230.00 0.00 -100.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 0.00 0.00 0.0% 668,230.00 0.00 -100.0% 117,923.00 0.00 -100.0% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 117,923.00 0.00 -100.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 -100.0% 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education (117,923.00) June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 138 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Forest Reserve Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 16 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9791 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 0.00 0.00 0.0% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 0.00 0.00 0.0% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-b (Rev 03/08/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 139 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Capital Facilities Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes 45 10454 0000000 Form 25 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference A. REVENUES 1) LCFF Sources 8010-8099 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Federal Revenue 8100-8299 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Other State Revenue 8300-8599 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Other Local Revenue 8600-8799 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.0% 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.0% 5) TOTAL, REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES 1) Certificated Salaries 1000-1999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Classified Salaries 2000-2999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3) Employee Benefits 3000-3999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4) Books and Supplies 4000-4999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5) Services and Other Operating Expenditures 5000-5999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 6) Capital Outlay 6000-6999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7) Other Outgo (excluding Transfers of Indirect Costs) 7100-7299, 7400-7499 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8) Other Outgo - Transfers of Indirect Costs 7300-7399 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.0% 9) TOTAL, EXPENDITURES C. EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND USES (A5 - B9) D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 1) Interfund Transfers a) Transfers In 8900-8929 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Transfers Out 7600-7629 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8930-8979 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7630-7699 0.00 0.00 0.0% 8980-8999 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2) Other Sources/Uses a) Sources b) Uses 3) Contributions 4) TOTAL, OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-d (Rev 02/02/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 1 Page 140 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Office of Education Shasta County Description July 1 Budget Capital Facilities Fund Expenditures by Object Resource Codes Object Codes E. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (C + D4) 45 10454 0000000 Form 25 2015-16 Estimated Actuals 2016-17 Budget Percent Difference 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.0% 9791 49,801.00 130,801.00 162.6% 9793 0.00 0.00 0.0% 49,801.00 130,801.00 162.6% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 49,801.00 130,801.00 162.6% 130,801.00 211,801.00 61.9% 9711 0.00 0.00 0.0% Stores 9712 0.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expenditures 9713 0.00 0.00 0.0% All Others 9719 0.00 0.00 0.0% b) Restricted 9740 0.00 0.00 0.0% c) Committed Stabilization Arrangements 9750 0.00 0.00 0.0% 9760 0.00 0.00 0.0% d) Assigned Other Assignments 9780 130,801.00 211,801.00 61.9% e) Unassigned/Unappropriated Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 9789 0.00 0.00 0.0% Unassigned/Unappropriated Amount 9790 0.00 0.00 0.0% F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 1) Beginning Fund Balance a) As of July 1 - Unaudited b) Audit Adjustments c) As of July 1 - Audited (F1a + F1b) d) Other Restatements 9795 e) Adjusted Beginning Balance (F1c + F1d) 2) Ending Balance, June 30 (E + F1e) Components of Ending Fund Balance a) Nonspendable Revolving Cash Other Commitments Shasta County Board California Dept of Education SACS Financial Reporting Software - 2016.1.0 File: fund-d (Rev 02/02/2016) of Education June 8, 2016 Page 2 Page 141 of 147 Printed: 5/31/2016 2:45 PM Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 142 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 143 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 144 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 145 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 146 of 147 Shasta County Board of Education June 8, 2016 Page 147 of 147