Aman Cara Pictures
Aman Cara Pictures
O GDEN P ORTER B ROWN A LE A heavy, rich-aromed beer that accompanies most steak dishes, and works as an accompaniment to okra or patapan squash, and when poured over Rice Krispies, makes the sounds “Snap, Krackle, Burp.” C. 9 T ABLE S AUTERNE A jammy sauterne with complex velvet overtones and an aroma reminiscent of wet dog hair, it works well as a desert wine, accompaning Sahara palms or Gobi mud pies. A. 16 C HATEAU S T . S ANFORD R IPPLE A thin, bright blend of merlot and cabaret grapes that enriches any creamy, full-flavored dish, especially Indian cuisine, such as Goat Kebobs. WELCH ’ S M ERLOT L ITE The first adult “grape juice” from America’s premier grape juice manufacturer. It goes with Twinkies and Pringles, and comes with a free mask to prevent embarrasment. Note: this wine does not age. B. 1 D. 18 K REINDURERBRAU Winner of the American Kennel Club’s Best Pedigree award, this rich amber ale has a faint huckleberry aroma, and provides a suitable compliment for franks and beans. (“Hey baby, nice frank…oh dear God no!”) D ANDELION S TINGER Not technically a wine, a dandelion stinger with its bitter, astringent taste will pretty much interfere with anything you eat. So don’t get it. G. 19 E. 2 C HÉ C AFÉ R OSÉ F UMÉ This white wine from Monterrey, California combines traces of peaches, pears, and parsley to provide an exquisite concoction with accents as subtle as a brick to the face. J ILL H ENNESSEY C REAM A LE A frothy, rich ale bearing the name of the Crossing Jordan star. It’s malty, almost milk-like texture creates a limo-like vehicle for celebrity entrées such as the Alyson Hannigan Stew, Bruce Jenner Pork Chops, and Mary-Kate Olson Single Cracker and Cocaine. F. 25 H. 20 Q UASI G RUFF B ITTER QGB, as its known to its one fan, pinches, nay, noogies the palate with a ferocity found typically in the African savannah. It’s aggressive bouquet helps pummel into submission dishes such as liver in garlic and bluefish tartare. L UST P OTION N O . 69 This legendary wine has absolutely no aphrodisiacal effects, but does go well with most oysters as well as such sensual entrées as quail puffs and Bambi casserole. K. 5 I. 25 S IAMESE C OCKTAILS A blend of vodka, vermouth, and crème de cassis joined at the garnish; try these with buffalo wings or caviar. R IOJA G RANDE A thick, nearly black viscuous wine that’ll put out any fire in your stomach, and works well as an enabler of chili poblado, seal habanero, and other spicy dishes. J. 12 L. 19 B RATWURST Trust me, you don’t want to know how this is made, and you especially don’t want to know how many miscellaneous vermin can be found not escaping the bratwurst factory. +3 P OIRE VERTE AVEC LETTRES This fruit dish is an excellent appetizer before a night of debauchery, as it’s high content of pseudophospates will buffer your body against the ill effects of peyote and PCP. -15 B LEACHED B LUEBERRIES WITH S PONGEBOB B RULÉE As a desert, blueberries work well to satisfy groups, as this easily shared desert promotes togetherness and communicable hand diseases. D ATES AND B ANANAS Although usually these two fruits don’t go together, they can be combined to provide a powerful sealant that can seal up large cracks and also exfoliate skin. +1 -17 D ICED V ENISON WITH S QUISHY P EAS This dish originated in the south of England during the early 1100s when it was published in Martin Luther’s 95 Recipes To Anger the Church. Other recipes includes Twice-Banged Wheat and PitRoasted Lizard. C REPES B OURREES Light fluffy crepes with a dollop of whipped cream, served with a slice of smeared beefsteak tomatoes. -18 +1 -14 V ENEZUELAN B EAVER C HEESE After the Monty Python skit that made this fake cheese popular, Venezuelan officials because farming beavers for their milk and in 1983, produced VBC, a mild cheese with an odor that could kill a mule. C HICAGO N O -C ARB P RETZEL Thanks to the wonderful carb substitute from Heliburton Chemical Weapon Technologies, its now possible to enjoy the great taste of a pretzel without any of that pesky food getting in the way. -6 L AGOSTA H OHEN A 3.5 pound lobster smashed against a plate and spread out in a corpselike fashion, surrounded with police tape. Finer restaurants will provide finger bowls to help wipe up the fingerprint powder that inevitably builds up while eating this dish. E ASTER E GGS A U P OIVRE These fine-colored eggs have been refrigerated for three years, auctioned off at Sotheby’s, lost in the mail, then arranged delicately around a small mandolin. -4 -21 +8 O UT -OF -F OCUS T ROPICAL S ALAD This combination of mango (or is that quince?), cherries (or is that star fruit?), and oranges (or are those concord grapes?) will be sure to give the stomach a friendly backrub before kicking it and stealing its lunch money. R ED T RAY S URPRISE What’s under the lid? Is it a fine cut of filet mignon cooked medium rare, or is it a rare yellowfin tuna served with wasabi? Probably neither. It’s probably just a sandwich, but that’s okay, cuz that’s all I really need right now. -5