店舗 Sagami Restaurant


店舗 Sagami Restaurant
No.1 Noodle Restaurant Company 6
店舗 Restaurant
Graft new customs on old traditions.
Sagami continues to develop.
We have been, are and will be offering the fusion of tradition and new trend.
Our pivotal idea is not only to meet customers’ requirements but to aim
raising customer satisfaction level by offering the combination of the past
and present in a place of communication, recreation and relaxation.
Enjoy Japanese-style delicious.
Inherit food culture.
We grind soba kernels by millstone placed at
We always follow “Cook-to-order” system
Dashi is aromatic broth made on spot from
the storefront. The principle of making best
using canola oil and it is served swiftly. Canola
dried bonito filet flakes.
quality soba is “3 Tates” , namely Hiki-Tate
oil, rich in oleic acid or mono-saturated acid, is
Soup is made from Dashi, containing inosinic
or freshly milled, Uchi-Tate or noodles
regarded light and healthy oil. Having long
acid as an important Umami factor, and
freshly made and Yugaki-Tate or freshly
lasting experience of crispy tempura, we have
Kaeshi, a kind of soysauce containing
boiled. Since the millstone generates least
been receiving high reputation.
heat and this is the secret of aromatic soba.
glutamic acid as another important Umami
The mixture enhances flavor richness.