City of Petersburg Council Meeting Minutes The Petersburg city
City of Petersburg Council Meeting Minutes The Petersburg city
City of PetersburgCouncil Meeting Minutes The Petersburg city councilmet in a specialmeetingMondayMay 16,2016@ 6:3()p.t,.at city Hall, I 524 MainStreet. Presentwere:Mayor: Darin Greene;NewlyElected t4uyo., SusieMartinez;ci'uncilMembers:lustine Turner,Jenny Livar' GilbertGonzales,carroll Leon, Larry Martinez, and Newly ElectedRosaMarroquin;city Manager: Ronald Heggerneier; and City Secretary, Kayla Monroe. Guestspresentwerechristy Griggs,AllisorrGriggs, LucretiaThurman,Nora Gonzalez,Francis Lopez,Lacy Mayfield, RandalMayfield,Max Maldonado, Jessevu.qr!7, susi" vu.qu ez,MaryGonzales, camilla Hernandez, Benjie Hernandez, Nelly Moralez,Fnily Moralez,AlyssaMoralez, Logan Marlir-tez,Daniel Martinez,Gloria Hernandez, Martina Juarez'YeseniaAlvarado,sara Lopez,Marylou Garza,RaulLopez,yovahn Marroquin,Jimrny Gregoreyk, lsaac'luarez'JuanHernandez,RafaelNava' James Tr.,l.r, FaustinoSanchezJr., RhondaLedbetter, Velrna Solorzano. JoelSolorzano' ArrgelSidhu,StevenJo'es, Parnela Layton,Kevin Layton,christinaHernandez, Lexi Henrandez, .loleen Marquez,TJ MarqLrez, paura cherise L,eon, Martin, l,*ry u,uiir. arrdLeo'ard Neir. Meetingcalledto orderat 6:40p.m. Prayerled by CouncilwomanLivar. Pledgeled by Councilman Gonzales. 2 0 16 . 0 5I. 6 . 0I - A n n o u n c e m e n N t se: x t m e e t i n g J u n e1 4 ,2 0 16 . - A' councilmanLeon moved 2016'05'16'02 to approvethe minuteswith the followingcorrection: ItemNo. 2016'04'12'09 councilrnanMarti'ez seconded the motiorr,not councilmanGonzales. councilrnan Martinez seconded the rnotiorr.All votedfor the motion.Motion carried. B' councilrnanLeon movedto approvethe Financial Staternerrt. councilwomanTunrerseconded the rnotion.All votedfor the motion.Motioncarried. c' councilnlanGonzalesIrovedto approvethe April n P/AR reports.councilwomanl.ivarsecorrded the rnotion.All votedfor the ntotion.Motioncarried. 2016'05'I 6'03 - councilwotnanLivar movedto accept the Electioncanvaasas presented by the city Secretary. councifman Martirez secondedthe motion.AIr voted'for the motion. 2016'05'l6'04 - The city Secretary issuedthe certificateof Elections to the Newly ElectedMayor,SusieMartinez;Reelectedcouncilrnancarroll Leon,arrdNewly Electedcouncilwornan RosaMarroquin. 2016'05'16.05- TheNewly Electedofficialscompleted the Staternent of officer. 2016'05'16.06- TheNewly Electedofficialstook the Oath of office and assumed theirduties. Councilwent intoa recess at 7:00p.m.and reco'venedat 7:10p.m. 2016'05'l6'07 - Mayor Martinezopenednominations for Mayor Pro-tem.councirrnan Gonzalesnorninated councilma' Leon'councilmanLeonnominated councilrnanGonzales. councilrnanMarrineznorni'ated councilwoman Livar. councilmanLeonmovedtlratnominations seize.councilmanGonzales seconded the rnotion.Mayor Marti'ez took a vote and they wereas follows: CouncilmanMartinezvotedfor JennyLivar. Courrcilwornan Livar votedlor JerlryLivar. CouncilwomanMarroquinvotedfoiJenny Livar. Councilman Leonvotedfor Councilrnan Conzales. CouncilmanGonzalesvotedfor CouncilmanLeon. Councilwomarr Livar is votedin as Mayor pro_tem3_l_l 2 0 1 6 . 0 5 . 1 6 .-0 8N o p u b l i cc o m m e r l t . 2 0 1 6 ' 0 5 ' 1 6 ' 0 9 - AP' r e s e n t ebdy c h i e f T h u r m a nS. t a t e d t h a t t h e r e w e r e 4 r callsg , v i o l a t i o n s , a n Id a c c i d e n S t .e e attached. B. Presented by TJ Marquez.SeeAttached. c' Presented by Kevin Layton.Statedthat they had severalcalls, Abernathyhad to respondto one and olle wastransported but tlrenturnedover to Abernathy.He saii that it will be about 120daysuntil we receivethe new ambulanceandtalkedaboLrtoptionsfor the old ambuiance. Statedthat a cardiacrnonitorwas not includedin the grant, but a Irewstretcherwas' He alsostatedthat he hired his son and wastold he could not do that due to nepotism. councilman Leon requested a reviewof tlre personnelpoliciesand councilwoman Livar requested to seehow the EMS areemployees of the City. D' Presented by Lacy Mayfield. Statedthat the SummerReadingprogram will go from June7- Jurre30. They are alsogiving a rewardfor Box Toos. E. presented by RorraldFieggemeier. l. water salesare down rerativeto the budgetbut Lrpfronr trristirne rastyear. 2 . W e a r e 3 / o obhe h i n do n A d V a l o r e mc o l l e c t i o n s . 3' Salestax collectiollsare rtpettoughto offsetwhat we are dowrron watersales.They are up $2600for the year. 4' Therewas danrageto the fountainin the Plaza.The bottorn bowl was found lying on the grourrd'Do not know what happened.Looking into differentoptionson eitlrerrepairor replacement. 5' Thereis a darnagedvehicledue to an accidenton Main Street. we haverequested a.other truck frorn Atmos. 6. Ron gavean updateon CommunityCenterfunds. 7' Ron statedthat he did not find any ordinanceor resolutionpertaining to smokingin City buildings,but he did posta no-smoki'gsign i'trre cornmunity center. 8' Ron presented tlrepreliminaryassessed valuationandstatedthatwe will be downgl0.2g0 in taxes. 9. Ron presented the recomrnended budgetand tax adoptioncalendar. 10.Ron gavean updateon the yearto datebudgetand iecornmendatio's. I l. RandyMayfieldgavean updateandexprairied the currentTCEe vioration. councilrnanGonzales movedto acceptthe reportsas presented. councilwomanMarroquinsecorrded the motion.All votedfor the motion.Motioncarried. 2016'05'16'I0 - councilwomanLivar nrovedto authorize the city Secretary to pay$34.00to Alfred,sAuto care out of line iterl 4536.CouncilmanMartirtezseconded the rnotiorr. All votedforthe motion.Motioncarried. 2016'05'16'lI - councilwomanLivar rnovedto authorize the city Secretary to pay$2,715.12 to wylie Marruf-acturing out of line itenr4616'Courrcilman Gonzales seconded the rnotion.All votedfor the motion.Motioncarried. 2016'05'l6'12 * councilwomanLivar movedto tableitem until the nextmeetingfor furtherreview.councilmanLeon seconded the rnotion.All votedfor the motion.Motion carried. 2016'05'16'l3 - council talkedwith the city Manageraboutdifferent optionsfor the new communitycentercontract. No actiorrwastakenon this item. * councilwomanLivar rnovedto table 2016'05'16'14 tlrisiternuntilthenextmeeting.councilmanMartinezseconded the motion.AII votedfor the motion.Motion carried. 20 I 6'05' I 6' I 5 - councilwornanLivar movedto cancelthe meeting setfor TuesdayMay I 7,20i 6.councilwoma' Marroqr-rin seconded the motio'. All votedfor the motion.Motioncarried. MeetirrgadjoLrrrred at 8:30 p.rn. yor, SusieMart{nez ATTEST: , KaylaMonroe