CCCC - Saint John Catholic Church
CCCC - Saint John Catholic Church
PARISH INFORMATION Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Emergency: (479) 967-3699 (479) 967-6215 [email protected] (479) 968-0505 St. John Catholic Catholic Church Church MASS SCHEDULE Pastor: Rev. Jack E. Sidler Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry: Father Mauricio Carrasco Hispanic Ministry: Sister Mayela Baez Briones, MCSC ext. 225 Weekdays (Consult Bulletins for times) Saturday Vigil, 5:00 P.M. Sunday Mornings, 7:00 A.M. (Spanish) ext. 223 10:00 A.M. ext. 222 Parish Asst. Admin: Don Goodlow RECONCILIATION ext. 221 Saturday, 8:00 A.M. & 3:30 P.M. Accounting: Julie Rutherford ext. 227 Secretary: Karla Post ext. 221 Hispanic Ministry Secretary: Norma Cano ext. 222 Catechetical Leader/Director of Youth Ministry: Christi Lynn Priore ext. 233 Director of Music: Karen Greer ext. 233 Facilities: Ralph Horner SACRAMENT PREPARATION Baptism: Parents preparation meeting held every three months. Parental instruction is encouraged during pregnancy. Please call the office to sign-up to attend class. R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. If you wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith please contact the Catechetical Office. ext. 221 Marriage: Preparation must begin a minimum of 6 months before a proposed wedding date. Please contact the Pastor for further information. Regular Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Holy Eucharist & Confirmation: Diocesan guidelines require a full year of religious education prior to the year of preparation for receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. SCHOOL INFORMATION Grades: PreK-5 Phone: Email: Website: (479) 967-4644 [email protected] School Principal: Mark Tyler ext. 231 School Secretary: Rose Crowell ext. 230 Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office if you or someone you know is need of this Sacrament. First Friday of the month following the 8:00 A.M. Mass. Vocations: Please call the Diocesan Vocations Office at (501) 664-0340 for more information. “Christ is the Reason for Our School” Parish Pastoral Council: President: Ryan Mikles Parish Finance Council: Chair: Carol Trusty School Board: President: Greg Barborek P.T.O: President: Wes Boster PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, as a community of believers, Created by the Father, Enriched by the Holy Spirit and sustained by the Blessed Eucharist, are called to respond to Jesus Christ by making the gift of the Catholic faith a shared reality. 1900 WEST MAIN STREET - RUSSELLVILLE, AR 72801 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “WORLD MISSION SUNDAY” OCTOBER 23 – OCTOBER 30, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Jim Weber (Ann Weber & Family) Jesus Antonio Paz + (Irma Paz) For Parish No Mass Closing of L.R.Family Planning Services Abortion Clinic Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic Special Intention Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic Mary Korkanes (Mary Ann Rollans) Closing of L.R.F.P. Abortion Clinic For the Parish 7:00AM 10:00AM 8:00AM 8:30AM LITURGICAL ROLES: October 29– October 30 EUCHARISTIC ALTAR LECTORS MINISTERS SERVERS GIFTS Oct 29 5:00 PM C.Rothert R.Horner G.Guillory B.Barborek P.Gilliam N.Schmidt D.Hurtt M.Schmidt J.Kinavy G.Mascuilli K.Smith B.Smith Oct 30 7:00 AM L.M.Gomez R.Gonzalez A.Salgado I.Espinoza L.Arias C.Gonzalez E.Salgado J.Salgado I.Alvidrez Volunteer Abisai C.Tovar M.Hernandez 10:00 AM M.Murray A.Streett C.Kremers R.Ahlert W.Eastman G.Kremers I.Espendez E.Prince L.Hall L.Prince S.Streett S.Thompson 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 5:00PM 7:00AM 10:00AM $6171.57 Offertory October 15th & 16th “SECOND COLLECTION SCHEDULE” Archdiocese for Military Services Nov 5th & 6th REST IN PEACE ~ Lord, grant eternal rest to the soul sponsor Altar Flowers, to the Glory of God and in honor or memory of someone, please contact the Parish Office. of: Sister Josita. For those we hold in our hearts that have died, may they now rest in the arms of God. Lord, may her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. SAINTS OF THE WEEK: VISITATION REMINDER: Ever been alone and just ALTAR FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS: If you wish to Monday: Friday: Saturday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Ss. Simon and Jude BVM READINGS FOR THE WEEK: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 4:32-5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 5:21-33; Lk 13:18-21 Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Phil 1:18-26; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Wis 11:22-12:2; 2 Thes 1:11-2:2 Lk 19:1-10 wanted someone to talk to? PLEASE take the time to visit our Parishioners who have moved to local Nursing Homes or are shut-ins in their own homes due to medical conditions. They get very lonely! If you need additional information, please contact the Parish Office at 967.3699. VISITS TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: Please contact the Parish Office at 967.3699 if you are unable to attend Church and wish to receive Holy Communion. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ROSARY: Please join the Knights of Columbus in praying a “Rosary for Our Nation”, in the Church, at 9:40 AM on Sunday, October 30th. CALENDAR WEEK AHEAD: Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 23 24 25 25 26 26 Oct Oct Oct 26 26 27 Oct Oct Oct 27 28 28 Faith Formation Classes 8:30AM RCIA 6:30PM Adult Study 6:30PM Bingo 6:30PM English as Second Language 12:45PM Charismatic Renewal Meeting In Adult Catechetical Center 6:00PM Parish Council Meeting 6:00PM KC Rosary 6:30PM Charismatic Vocal Prayer in Chapel 6:30PM Choir Practice 7:00PM Halloween Carnival 5:30PM Hispanic Choir Practice 6:00PM COMING EVENTS: Oct Nov Nov 31 01 02 Halloween Solemnity of All Saints All Souls Day HARVEST HOUSE ITEMS OF THE WEEK! Canned Meat Peanut Butter Raman Noodles HARVEST HOUSE NEWS: Only 2 more weeks for the "Fall Leaf Tree" in the Narthex! Please take a leaf today and return it with the food item for the food pantry. Also, we will start accepting Thanksgiving Food Items November 1st. More info to follow! Thank you for your support. LET US PRAY ~ for the restored good health of these members of our Parish Family: Daisy Anderson Helen Keim Leonor Brunetti Eric Larson Roger Barlow Marvin Mahoney Pam Cook Tommy McMahon Dorothy Figueroa Deeneen Mendez Elda Floriani Richard Pozdol Ed France Tanya Ramey Heddie Fritz Betty Schwartz Paula Gallagher Richard Schwartz Eleanor Garrison Alex Streett Grayson Gilliam Charles Warren Pat Glover Lewis Weir Jim Graham Dudley Wells Barbara Gray Billie Joe Wesley Joseph Hlass Jeannie Wichmann Mary Hoffman Sharon Wilhelm Fritz Kronberger Mary Lou Wilkerson CALLING ALL INSTRUMENTS: 7th Grade through Adult for our Christmas Ensemble for the 5:00 PM Bi-Lingual Family Mass on December 24th. Rehearsal will start the first week in November. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Greer at 479.857.8600. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S UNION: The River Valley Deanery Catholic Women’s Union will meet on Wednesday, November 2nd in Clarksville at Holy Redeemer from 9:00 AM to approximately 2:30 PM. All ladies of the parish, their friends and anyone who is interested are invited to attend and join in on the easyto-do mission projects. Lunch is provided. For more information, call Marsha Wells at 479.857. 2926 or Betty Gray at 479.331.4701. LET US PRAY ~ for the needs of the following relatives and friends of our Parish Family: Cybil Baker (daughter-in-law of Gary & Gwen Baker) Carl Butala (father of Sherri Fusaro) Natalie Duffee (grddaughter of Damien & Celeste Durbin) Dennis Durbin (brother of Damien Durbin) Cheryl Ebersold (sister of Carol Bethel) Carol Engelmeyer (sister-in-law of Sharon Wilhelm) Lenela Fitzjurls (mother of Cindy Phonvilai) Marla Gardner (niece of Diana Rollman) Blake Joseph Gilliam (grandson of Pam Gilliam) Mark Gilliam (son of Pam Gilliam) Bill Goloby (brother of Celeste Durbin) Mary Lee Grace (mother of Becca Riedmueller) Abbott Warren Heidgen, OSB (cousin of Sue Streett) Marty Heidgen (nephew of Sue Streett) Barbara Hodge (niece of Mary Jo Jennen) Cadrian Hogins (daughter of Reece Hogins) Alison Garrity-Hoglund (sister of Christi Lynn Priore) Joyce Larkin (wife of Mike Larkin) John Eric Laurence (grandson of Mary Jo Jennen) Debbie Long (daughter of Rita & Craig Vrabel) Anita Matthews (sister of John Wink) Sean McBeth (nephew of Damien & Celeste Durbin) Renny McMahon (son-in-law of Catherine Hendron) Angela Mears (granddaughter of Catherine Hendron) Rebecca Mills (sister of John Wink) Gavin Morgan (grandson of Celeste&Damien Durbin) Donna Phillips (friend of Karen & Doug Greer) Matthew Purgason (son-in-law of Damien & Celeste) Nola Reeves (sister of Diana Rollman) Peyton Rohner (grddaughter of Tony & Kathy Buttanda) Ron Rufkahr (cousin of Sharon Wilhelm) Julie Sessions (friend of Kathy & Bill Smith) Andrew Simpson (friend of Adam & Keri Cox) Rachelle Stanley (daughter of Catherine Hendron) Sheila Terwilliger (sister of Teresa Jones) Dennis Thomas (father of Tina Nufer) Linda Utley (friend of Paula Stamps) Mary Wink (sister of John Wink) Come 0n and Play Bingo! Bingo! Every Tuesday Night at 6:30 PM with the doors opening at 5:30 PM. SAVE THE DATE: The Young Adult Ministry’s “8th Annual Eat, Drink, and Be Merry….for a Cause” will be Monday, November 28th, at 6:00 PM at Lake Point Conference Center. Watch the Bulletin for further details. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Friday, November 4th and First Saturday, November 5th. Please take time out of your busy schedule to spend before the Lord! Sign-up Binder is in the Narthex. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY: Today is World Mission Sunday! In announcing his decision to declare a Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said, “Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy”. Supporting the young churches throughout the world with your prayers and generous gifts is indeed a merciful witness of this mission. The collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the mercy of God. Extend your merciful witness to the whole world through your gift in today’s collection. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: For membership information, or for K.C. Hall Rental Information, please contact Wayne Eastman at 479.567.3920 or email [email protected]. You can also visit the Knights of Columbus website at SUBIACO ACADEMY: A Catholic, Benedictine boarding and day school for boys in grades 7-12 located just east of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Subiaco Academy is hosting Shadow Days on October 28 and November 18, 2016, for interested students and their parents to visit and explore the Academy’s junior and senior high college preparatory program. Young men in grades 6-10 are invited to spend the night before Shadow Day in a residence hall and attend a day of shadowing students, touring the school, and other activities. Overnight accommodations are also available on campus for parents. The event is free of charge. For more information, or to reserve a place for a Shadow Day, please contact the Subiaco Academy admissions office at 800-3647824, 479-934-1034, [email protected]. or WORD OF LIFE: “The dying process is a sacred time—a final season to seek closure in this life and prepare for the next in the hope of sharing in Christ’s Resurrection.” — “Caring for Loved One’s at Life’s End,” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities PALABRA DE VIDA: El proceso de la muerte es un tiempo sagrado, una estación final para buscar el cierre de esta vida y prepararse para la siguiente en la esperanza de participar en la Resurrección de Cristo". — “Cuidado de los seres queridos al final de la vida,” Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB ST. JOHN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Christ is the reason for this school Father Jack Sidler, Sr. Pastor Mark A. Tyler Principal ANSAA Accredited NCEA Member October 22 & 23, 2016 Principal’s Message Public Safety Program “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” -- Philemon 1:6 Being a Christian involves our sharing the Good News with others. We must be Christ to those that we meet and see Christ in those that we meet. Fireman Visit The Pope County Sheriff’s Department present a program on public safety for the Pre-K. Calendar of Events We viewed a program on fire safety during fire prevention week. October 27 7 28 --- Pre-K Conferences October 28 -- Parent-Teacher Conf. October 28 -- No School October 28 -- Halloween Party, 6:00 October 31 -- Halloween November 1 -- All Saints Day November 1 -- School Mass, 8:30 November 3 -- PTO, 5:30 November 4 -- Hamburger Day November 4 -- PD, 1:00 Dismissal November 4 -- Flu Shots November 7 -- Parent Survey November 8 -- Interims November 10 -- Veterans Program November 11 -- Veterans Day 1912 West Main Street Russellville, Arkansas 72801 PHONE: 479-967-4644 FAX: 479-967-4645 Respect Life Respect Life Respect Life October is Month of Respect Life On July 14, 2016, the Gilliam family was blessed with the miraculous birth of little Greyson. Miracles happen often in unexpected and mysterious ways. The very fact it was even feasible to welcome Greyson home after only one month in the hospital was a miracle. The pregnancy was labelled high risk and Greyson was born with developmental challenges, the full extent of which has not been determined. He is under wonderful medical care through Arkansas Children’s Hospital and a local pediatrician and has already begun physical, occupational, and speech therapy to strengthen developmental phases. The first of multiple surgeries went well in late September. A second surgery is being scheduled in the near future. Obviously there will be many trips ahead to ACH and special needs are extensive. Mom Andrea has sacrificed her job to dedicate full time care for this little bundle. Katlyne, who is Greyson’s big sister, also devotes her time in caring for her little brother when she is not attending school. Grandmother Pam is a faithful parishioner and current sacristan at the 5:00 p.m. mass. Great-grandmother, Mrs. Elda Floriani, is a faithful participant each week as her health allows. Greyson joins the fourth generation of Gilliam’s in our St. John’s parish family. Financial needs are critical in this transitional period of “settling in at home,” establishing care plans, travels and lodging for doctor and hospital visits, etc. Consider this an invitation to a virtual baby shower for little Greyson. Since special needs are varied and extensive, a gift of money allows them to choose exact brands, budget expense relative to travel, and secure a financial drain on resources. Checks may be made payable to and mailed directly to: Pam Gilliam, 161 Hawthorne Lane, Russellville, AR 72802. A folder or container will be in the church office for cash donations. Grandmother Pam related: “This child is God’s creation……so loved……We made the trip to the ‘Door of Mercy’ in Little Rock before Greyson was born and we offered this child to God….to (sic) use this child to show how Jesus loves us all and to bring Peace to us all. He fulfilled that the day he was born. Greyson is our hope for tomorrow.” In this Jubilee Year of Mercy what better way to show mercy and charitable support than with a gift to this family. Your generosity and prayers will be greatly appreciated. Respect Life Respect Life Respect Life October is Month of Respect Life el 14 de julio de 2016, la familia de Gilliam fue bendecido con el nacimiento milagroso de poco Greyson. Los milagros ocurren a menudo en formas inesperadas y misteriosos. El hecho mismo de que era factible, incluso para dar la bienvenida Greyson casa después de sólo un mes en el hospital fue un milagro. El embarazo fue etiquetado de alto riesgo y Greyson nació con problemas de desarrollo, la extensión completa de la que no se ha determinado. Él está bajo cuidado médico maravilloso a través del Hospital de Niños de Arkansas y un pediatra local y ya ha comenzado ocupacional y terapia física, del habla para fortalecer las fases de desarrollo. La primera de las múltiples cirugías ha ido bien a finales de septiembre. Una segunda cirugía está siendo programada en un futuro próximo. Obviamente habrá muchos viajes por delante de ACH y necesidades especiales son extensas. Mamá Andrea ha sacrificado su trabajo para dedicar atención a tiempo completo para este pequeño paquete. Katlyne, que es la hermana mayor de Greyson, también dedica parte de su tiempo en el cuidado de su pequeño hermano cuando ella no asiste a la escuela. Abuela Pam es un feligrés fiel y sacristán actual en la misa de 17:00. Bisabuela, la señora Elda Floriani, es un participante fieles cada semana mientras su salud se lo permite. Greyson se une a la cuarta generación de Gilliam en nuestra familia parroquial de St. John. Las necesidades financieras son fundamentales en este período de transición de "instalarse en casa", el establecimiento de planes de atención, viajes y alojamiento para las visitas de médico y hospital, etc. Considere esto una invitación para un baby shower virtual para poco Greyson. Dado que las necesidades especiales son variadas y extensas, un regalo de dinero les permite elegir las marcas exactas, presupuesto de gastos en relación con los viajes, y asegurar una carga financiera sobre los recursos. Los cheques pueden hacerse a nombre de y enviados directamente a: Pam Gilliam, 161 Hawthorne Lane, Russellville, AR 72802. Una carpeta o contenedor estará en la oficina de la iglesia para las donaciones en efectivo. Abuela Pam relacionado: "Este niño es la creación de Dios ...... ...... tal manera amó Hicimos el viaje a la" Puerta de la Misericordia 'en Little Rock antes de Greyson nació y se ofreció a este niño a Dios ... .para (sic) el uso de este niño para mostrar cómo Jesús nos ama a todos y traer la paz a todos. Cumplió que el día en que nació. Greyson es nuestra esperanza para el mañana. "En este Año Jubilar de la Merced qué mejor manera de mostrar misericordia y apoyo caritativo que con un regalo para esta familia. Su generosidad y oraciones será apreciado considerablemente. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In the family, one sometimes observes a level of competition between children for parent attention, for acknowledgement of their abilities. Somehow, children seem to internalize that the attention given to one member of the family diminishes the attention given to another. In this way, children can often sound like the Pharisee in Jesus' parable. Parents who provide continual reminders to their children that they are loved for who they are, not for what they do, help children develop a healthy spirituality. As a family, talk about what it means to compare oneself to another. Discuss whether it is helpful to compare oneself to another. In what ways might this be positive? In what circumstances might this be unhelpful? Pray together as a family in thanksgiving for the blessing that is each member of your family. Pray that your family will be free from unhealthy competition. Pray in thanksgiving that God's love for us is unconditional. Loyola Press – Family Connection TRIGÉSIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO En la familia, uno a veces se observa un nivel de competencia entre los niños por la atención de los padres, para el reconocimiento de sus capacidades. De alguna manera, los niños parecen internalizar que la atención que se presta a un miembro de la familia disminuye la atención que se presta a otro. De esta manera, los niños a menudo puede sonar como el fariseo de la parábola de Jesús. Los padres que proporcionan recordatorios continuos para sus hijos que son amados por lo que son, no por lo que hacen, ayudan a los niños a desarrollar una espiritualidad sana. Como familia, hablar de lo que significa compararse a otro. Discutir si es útil para comparar a sí mismo a otro. ¿De qué manera podría esto ser positivo? ¿En qué circunstancias podría esto ser de poca ayuda? Oren juntos como una familia en acción de gracias por la bendición que es cada miembro de su familia. Oren para que su familia estará libre de competencia desleal. Orar en acción de gracias que el amor de Dios por nosotros es incondicional. HOW TO LIVE THE YEAR OF MERCY We must all ask ourselves: How do I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit in such a way that my life and my witness of faith are both unity and communion? Do I convey the word of reconciliation and of love which the Gospel, in the community in which I live? What do I do with my life? Do I create unity around me? Or do I cause division by gossip, criticism, or envy? What do I Do? Spreading the Gospel means that we are the first to proclaim and live the reconciliation, forgiveness, peach, unity and love that the Holy Spirit gives us. Pope Francis CÓMO VIVIR EL AÑO DE LA MISERICORDIA Todos debemos preguntarnos: ¿Cómo dejo guiar por el Espíritu Santo de tal manera que mi vida y mi testimonio de fe son la unidad y la comunión? ¿Debo transmitir la palabra de la reconciliación y de amor que el Evangelio, en la comunidad en la que vivo? ¿Qué hago con mi vida? Cómo puedo crear la unidad a mi alrededor? ¿O me causo la división por el chisme, la crítica, o la envidia? ¿Qué debo hacer? La difusión del Evangelio significa que somos los primeros en proclamar y vivir la reconciliación, el perdón, el melocotón, la unidad y el amor que el Espíritu Santo nos da. FOR YOUR MARRIAGE Communication in your family is key. Don’t let wounds fester. Instead, calmly address hurts and ask for the grace to forgive. PARA la Unión La comunicación en su familia es la clave. No deje que las heridas se infectan. En lugar de ello, la dirección calma duele y pedir la gracia de perdonar. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH VIOLENCIA DOMÉSTICA mes de la conciencia The Catholic Church’s Response: “When I Call for Help” October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To learn more about the Catholic response, visit the U.S. Bishop’s website for their Pastoral Letter: “When I Call for Help” ( If you or a family member or friend needs help now, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 800‐799‐7233 (24 hours); 800‐787‐3224; If you are in immediate danger, call 911. —U.S Catholic Bishops OCTOBER: THE GOSPEL OF LIFE “Every one of us, every man and woman, is a miracle of God, desired by God and personally know by Him.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI CATHOLICISM FAITH FORMATION FOR ADULTS The Catholicism Faith Formation Program brings the beauty, goodness and truth of the Church to life so that you can better understand and share your faith. Catholicism Faith Formation for Adults class time: Sunday 8:30-9:40 a.m. Adult Center (morning) Contact Formation office for more details 967-3699. CATHOLIC CATECHISM FOR ADULTS The October 24 session of RCIA will focus on Chapter 5 – I Believe in God of the Catholic Catechism for Adults. The sessions meet on Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Adult Catechetical Center. All adults are welcome to attend the Monday evening sessions. Loyola Press – Family Connection Pope Francis La respuesta de la Iglesia Católica: "Cuando pido ayuda" Octubre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Violencia Doméstica. Para obtener más información sobre la respuesta católica, visite el sitio web del Obispo de Estados Unidos por su Carta Pastoral: "Cuando pido ayuda" ( Si usted o que necesita un familiar o amigo ayudas ahora, en contacto con el nacional Domestic Violence Hotline, 800-799-7233 (24 horas); 800-787-3224; Si usted está en peligro inmediato, llame al 911. —U.S Catholic Bishops, OCTUBRE: EVANGELIO DE LA VIDA "Cada uno de nosotros, cada hombre y mujer, es un milagro de Dios, deseada por Dios y conocer personalmente por Él." Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI CATOLICISMO DE FORMACION EN LA FE ADULTO El Programa de Formación en la Fe da Catolicismo hace vivir la belleza, la bondad y la verdad d la Iglesia para que usted pueda entender major su fe y compartirla. Catolicismo de Formacion en la fe Adulto clase time: Sunday 8:30-9:40 a.m. Adult Center (morning) Póngase en contacto con la oficina de Formación 967-3699. CATECISMO CATOLICO PARA LOS ADULTOS La sesión de octubre 24 del RICA se centrará en el Capítulo 5 Cre en Dios oh Dios del Catecismo Católico para Adultos. La sesión se reúne el lunes por la noche a las 6:30 p.m. en el Centro Catequético de Adultos. Todos los adultos están invitados a asistir a las sesiones de la noche de los lunes. JUNIOR HIGH SPECTACULAR (6-8 grade) A one-day event hosted by the Diocese of Little Rock, will be held Sunday, November 6 at Mount St. Mary Academy in Little Rock for students in grades 6-8. This year’s theme, “He is the Way to Love”. The day will be filled with games, praise and worship, presentations by the Oddwalk Ministries, lunch and Mass. SECUNDARIA ESPECTACULAR (6-8 grado) Un evento de un día organizado por la Diócesis de Little Rock, se llevará a cabo Sunday, 6 de noviembre en el Monte Santa María Academia en Little Rock para los estudiantes en los grados 6-8. El tema de este año, "Él es el Camino al Amor". El día estará lleno de juegos, alabanza y adoración, presentaciones por los Ministerios Oddwalk, el almuerzo y la misa. THINK ABOUT THIS “The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of Love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world. May our adoration never cease.” – Pope St. John Paul II Adoration is offered at St. John’s every day. All are warmly invited to come and spend time with Our Lord, truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Youth Adoration (6-12 grades) will be held on Sunday, October 23 at 7:00-8:00 p.m. Many youth depend on parents for transportation. Parents are welcome to attend. PIENSA SOBRE ESTO "La Iglesia y el mundo tienen una gran necesidad del culto eucarístico. Jesús nos espera en este sacramento del amor. Seamos generosos con nuestro tiempo en ir a encontrarlo en la adoración y en la contemplación llena de fe y listo para hacer reparación por las grandes faltas y delitos del mundo. Que nuestra adoración no cesan." - Papa San Juan Pablo II Adoración se ofrece en todos los días de San Juan. Todos están cordialmente invitados a venir y pasar tiempo con Nuestro Señor, realmente presente en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar. Adoración de los jóvenes (6-12 grados) se llevará a cabo el domingo 23 de octubre a las 7: 00-8:00 p.m. Muchos jóvenes dependen de los padres para el transporte. Los padres están invitados a asistir. YOUTH INVITE It is a fun and faith filled time of gathering with other youth. Youth of the parish in grades 6-8 and 9-12 are invited on Wednesday, October 19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Your invitation to will change someone’s life forever. You make the invitation, and hand the rest of the work over to God. Invite a friend or your child to participate. COFFEE AND DONUTS Our parish offers coffee and donuts following the 7:00 a.m. mass prior to Faith Formation classes in the Parish hall. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? Founder of “You Shall Believe Ministries”, Tim Francis, will discuss recent miraculous events. Tim will explore what the investigative team discovered and how the results led him to a profound deepening of his own faith and a desire to share these scientific findings with others. Spanish, Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. English, Monday, November 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Free. Open to everyone. For info contact Rosemary Rolniak 479-970-6270 or PASSION & PURPOSE FOR MARRIAGE Dynamic Catholic presents Passion & Purpose for Marriage featuring author and speaker, Dr. Allen Hunt, on Friday, October 28th, 7pm-10:45 pm at St. Joseph Catholic Church Conway, AR Tickets are $25/person. Order online: or call 859-980-7900. LEARN, PRAY, AND VOTE CONSCIENCE As we approach election day on November 8, Catholics in the United States are called to educate themselves on the candidates and issues, pray and then vote their conscience. Catholic tradition holds that "responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation." CATHOLICS CARE. CATHOLICS VOTE JUVENTUD INVITE Es un momento de diversión y la fe llena de reunir con otros jóvenes. Jóvenes de la parroquia en los grados 68 y 9-12 están invitados el miércoles 19 de octubre de 6: 00-8: 24:00 Su invitación a va a cambiar la vida de alguien para siempre. Usted hace la invitación, y de la mano del resto de la obra en manos de Dios. Invite a un amigo o su hijo a participar TU CREES EN LOS MILAGROS? Fundador de "Usted creeremos Ministerios", Tim Francis, discutirá los últimos acontecimientos milagrosos. Tim explorará lo que el equipo de investigación descubrió y cómo los resultados le llevaron a una profunda profundización de su propia fe y un deseo de compartir estos hallazgos científicos con los demás. Español, Domingo, 13 De Noviembre 2016 a 18:00 Inglés, Lunes, 14 De Noviembre 2016 a 19:00 Gratis. Abierto a todo el mundo. Para obtener información Sr. Tere 479-857-2260 or PASIÓN Y FIN DE MATRIMONIO Dinámica Católica presenta la pasión y propósito para el autor boda que ofrece y el altavoz, el Dr. Allen Hunt, el viernes, 28 de octubre de 19:00-22:45 en San José Iglesia Católica Conway, AR Los boletos son $ 25 / persona. Ordenar en línea: o llame al 859-980-7900. APRENDE, ORA, DISCIERNE Y VOTA A CONCIENCIA A medida que nos acercamos al día de las elecciones el 8 de noviembre, los católicos en los Estados Unidos son llamados a educarse a sí mismos sobre los candidatos y los temas, a orar y luego votar según su conciencia. La tradición católica sostiene que la “ciudadanía responsable es una virtud, y la participación en la vida política es una obligación moral”. CATÓLICOS cuidado. CATÓLICOS VOTO Safe Environment e-Newsletter October 2016 Think it’s a Calculator? Think again… How to look for Ghost Apps What Is a “Ghost App” or “Vault App”? These apps are designed to look one way, but they do something entirely different— allowing for secret storage of photos, videos, and more. Many “ghost apps” will ask for a PIN code if you tap on them. Another way to detect “ghost apps” is to check the phone settings. If a seemingly innocuous app is using lots of data, then ask questions. And Most People Don’t Know: Besides the moral and spiritual issues, using these apps to transmit or hide inappropriate photos could also result in criminal charges, even for our youth: How To Recognize Them: An icon may look like a normal calculator or a utilities icon, but clicking it will then require a PIN code for access. Parents and teachers alike should talk to children and teens about the risks involved in sharing any personal information online, but especially photos/videos. Most Popular “Ghost/Vault Apps”: Private Photo Vault // Photo Vault Gallery Lock Best Secret Folder Keep Safe KYMS Vaulty Calculator // HiCalculator The app allows you to lock your photos/videos behind a pin and keeps them hidden Boletín de Ambiente Seguro Octubre 2016 ¿Piensas que es una Calculadora? Piénsalo de nuevo… Cómo buscar Aplicaciones Fantasmas ¿Qué es una “Aplicación Fantasma” o “Aplicación Bóveda”? Estas aplicaciones están diseñadas para aparentar una cosa, pero hacen algo totalmente diferente—permitiendo el almacenamiento secreto de fotos, videos y más. Muchas “aplicaciones fantasmas” piden un código personal si les oprimes. Otra manera para detectar “aplicaciones fantasmas” es verificando las configuraciones del teléfono. Si una aplicación aparentemente inofensiva está utilizando muchos datos, entonces haz preguntas. Y la Mayoría de la Gente No Sabe: Aparte de los problemas morales y espirituales, utilizar estas aplicaciones para transmitir o esconder fotos inapropiadas también puede resultar en cargos criminales, incluso para nuestros jóvenes: (video en inglés) Cómo Reconocerlas: Un ícono puede verse como una calculadora normal o un ícono de utilidades, pero al oprimirlo pedirá un código de acceso personal: Tanto los padres de familia como los maestros deben hablar con los niños y adolescentes sobre los riesgos que corren al intercambiar información personal en línea, pero especialmente fotos/videos. “Aplicaciones Fantasmas/Bóvedas” Más Populares: Private Photo Vault // Photo Vault (Bóveda de Fotos Privadas // Bóveda de Fotos) Gallery Lock (Galería Segura) (La Mejor Carpeta Secreta) Best Secret Folder (Mantener a Salvo) Keep Safe (Mantén tus Medios Seguros) KYMS Vaulty Calculator // HiCalculator (Calculadora // Calculadora Escondida) La aplicación te permite guardar bajo llave tus fotos/videos detrás de una contraseña y las mantiene escondidas ROBERTS ROOFING & Repair • Brakes • Tune-Up • Oil Change • Eng. 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Main • Russellville, AR GENERAL CLEANING 8 Years Experience ~ Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed ~ References Available Licensed & Insured Residential & Commercial Call Now! Esmeralda Cell: 479-857-0570 Email: [email protected] 479-968-1757 Mary Golden Freddie Rood Eddie Rood Mark & Laura Bazyk Cell: 479.747.5140 Office: 479.968.3300 Pina Gonzalo Landscaping (479) 968-3131 4810 West Main Russellville License # 102931 Full-Service Landscaping COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Licensed and Insured • References Available • Se Habla Espanol • Lighting •Retaining Walls • Sprinkler Systems • Trenchless Sprinkler Systems • Water Feature Installations • Drainage • Sod • Stone Work ~ Flagstone Patios/Pools, Pavers, Walkways & Driveways 479-857-2714 Call Home: email: 479-229-1011 [email protected] 3492 W. Sunset • Springdale, AR 479-750-3663 HINDSMAN & SON, INC. Wholesale Plumbing Inc. • Passenger • Light Truck • Heavy Duty Commercial 1309 East Main • Russellville, AR 72801 479-968-8068 1500 S. Knoxville 479-880-1222 Sam Hindsman Great Mexican Food Friendly Service -Daily Specials- Tacos, Burritos, Salads, Quesadillos, Nachos, and More NEW! BONELESS WINGS Open 6:30 am for Breakfast 1103 N. Arkansas 1819 E. Main THOMAS G. WERNER, D.P.M., P.A. Shoptaw, Labahn Complete Foot Care & Company, P.A. FOOT HEALTH CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS A full service accounting firm John W. Shoptaw, CPA Lori A Melton, CPA Jeffrey S. Nufer, CPA 915 West Main, Suite B, P.O. Box 1065, Russellville, AR 479-967-3600 CLINIC 2503 W. MAIN PLACE RUSSELLVILLE, AR (479) 968-1311 Smoke • Fire • Water Damages Repair P.O. Box 399 • 701 Weir Road Russellville, AR (479) 967-2018 We offer Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing, Activities, Laundry, Housekeeping & Meal Service. We are family here at Russellville Nursing and look forward to serving you and your family. Contact Kyle Eubanks to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 678-4574 x4061 215 S. 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