St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church


St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church
St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church
236 US Hwy 45
Indian Creek, Illinois 60061
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 3, 2016
We are pleased that you have
come to worship with us. The
doors and hearts of our parish
family of faith are
always open, and we invite you
to contact us at any time:
Parish Office:
Religious Education:
Youth Ministry:
Parish Website:
Assistive Listening Devices are
available at the Reception Desk in
the Church Narthex. Please ask the
receptionist for more information.
Parish Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 AM—7:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM—4:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM—Noon
Friday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM
(In Narthex)
Our RCIA program is beginning an evolution to a year-round program (instead of the usual school-year calendar
model). Reasons for this change include:
 The Church has been promoting use of a year-round model for a number of years
 A new model would allow the RCIA team to welcome new seekers at any time of the year (not just later
summer/early fall)
 The year-round model allows for a variety of individual program lengths, depending on the faith history/
status of the individual seeker.
There’s much more behind the intent and prescribed RCIA process; we’ll share more in the near future. What is important to know is that anyone who might have an interest in investigating if the Catholic Church is the right place for
them to continue their faith journey should NOT wait until September or October to reach out to our team - the time to
connect is NOW.
To assist with the transition from the old process to the new (still very much a work in progress), the RCIA team is
conducting a series of informal “mini-session” over the summer months. Coming up on our schedule:
Saturday, July 16 (right after the 5:00 PM Mass) - a tour of the church and Q&A about the Mass
Wednesday, August 3 at 7:30 PM - topic TBD
Individuals interested in learning more should come to one of the above sessions or contact either Deacon Mark Zwolski
([email protected], 847-644-7073) or Father Joe Curtis ([email protected], 847-362-1005) with questions
or for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration
"The greatest thing in the world that you
can do is to encourage others and yourself to participate in perpetual adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament. It is the real
presence of Jesus on earth. The blessings that come upon you and your family
will be phenomenal." Mother Angelica
Please stop at the table in the narthex this weekend (July
2/3) to write a short note of appreciation to the SMV family member serving in the military. The ORO committee
will forward your messages to these dedicated service men
and women for the Fourth of July.
Let’s show them we appreciate their service to protect our
independence. Your notes will show them we are thinking
about them as we celebrate Independence Day. Blank
cards, stickers and markers will be provided for your messages. Just deposit the completed cards in the ORO mailbox and the committee will take care of the rest.
Beginning at 9:30 am in the
Day Chapel,
following the 9:00 am Mass
Concluding at 7:30 pm
with Benediction
Commitment for Eucharistic
Adoration is just one hour on the
first Thursday of each month. If you
are interested, contact Miriam
Preussner at [email protected] or
This coming Monday is the 4th of July,
Independence Day. Daily Mass will be
celebrated at 9:00 a.m. that day instead of
the usual 7:00 a.m.
Have a safe and happy
4th of July Weekend!
A Reflection from the Pastor:
Gospel Message for Disciples - 4th of July
I ran across a clipping I had put aside years ago,
which struck me as having a summertime sort of feel. It
told a story about a certain man who sold balloons on a
street corner in Washington, D.C. He just always had
been there. In the snow and rain, on calm and windy days,
and even on the Fourth of July he stood there under his
splotches of color, lots of red, white and blue to be sure
holding on to his balloons, keeping them close to earth.
He never really asked you if you wanted one. He just
stood there like he was reminding you of something even
he couldn’t remember or put into words exactly. When he
was absent, the corner looked bleak and empty – crying
out for his color and presence. His presence was never
forced upon you – until there was nothing to look at, nothing to look for when you passed by. The man comes no
more to that corner.
Perhaps this is a strange story with which to begin
a bulletin column. Yet somehow this unnamed person
traveled through life in some ways reflective of Jesus’ instruction to his disciples this weekend.
Think about it. The man in the story brought
peace to one tiny a corner of a busy world. What he did, he
did simply: he sold balloons. He always welcomed those
who passed by, whether they bought a balloon or not. He
was a presence, a reminder of something “more” to life,
something often forgotten in the hectic pace of life today.
He was a sign, a kind of sacrament, a caring presence there
for the people.
In today’s Gospel (Lk 10:1-9), Jesus is apparently
trying to tell his eager new disciples how to make his presence felt and his message heard among strangers.
On the one hand, they are to share the message in
such a way that it cannot be ignored. On the other hand,
they had to allow people the freedom to choose to accept
or walk away.
Through our Baptism, each one of us is called
“Christian”. At least by name, we are disciples of Jesus
Christ. So the Gospel instructions are for us as well. First,
we are to realize that this task of ours is a “call”, a
“ministry” – not just a job we do for a living. Every aspect
of our lives is tied up in our following of Jesus and bringing this message to others.
Next, we are to do this by living simply – no fuss,
no muss, and no clutter! The extras so often get in the way.
We don’t need anything but our own self and the Lord
July 3, 2016
who dwells within us. We need only be like Jesus to bring
God’s presence into others’ lives.
Our mission is to bring people the gift of peace.
We give an opening, not shove our foot in the door. We
come only to remind, to point to another – Jesus and his
presence. Our very person ought to say to others “Peace to
this house!” This “peace” is received according to the
needs of those we approach. For the sick, this peace takes
the form of inner healing. For the sorrowing, it comes as
consolation. For those caught in sin, it appears as forgiveness. For the oppressed, it is the antidote to despair.
For those divided, it is the hope of harmony.
What happens when we are not accepted? Though
it is hard, we are asked to be content, trusting in the Lord.
We are to look lovingly on each person and each house we
are welcomed into. Sometimes there will come a point
when we know we must leave, and so we walk away –not
with bitterness, but sadness, and take our message elsewhere. If we have lived simply, brought peace and the
presence of Christ to this person, then they know that the
Lord does exist and does love them.
On this Fourth of July weekend, we joyfully celebrate our birth as a nation and the freedoms that we hold
dear. We delight in a wonderful diversity that respects
differences and still fosters unity and peace. Yet, we know
that we are also challenged to speak the Lord’s message
faithfully and honestly. It is wise to keep some aspects of
religion and politics separate in any number of spheres.
Yet, in terms of deep rooted Christian values, the message
of Jesus - about the values of human life, social justice and
peace among others - still needs to be shared (not forced,
but shared) so that the society we love so very much can
continue to improve.
Just like the 72 disciples of old, Jesus sends each
of us out to be identified as those who LIVE Christian values in such a way that others experience the gift of peace
and can come to appreciate the power of these values to
make our American way of life even better.
I am reminded of one of the many beautiful sayings of Mother Theresa of Calcutta: “One drop changes
the whole ocean, one person changes all humankind.”
Even if we might only be “balloon” persons, we
travel as disciples do - with a message and a presence that
will build up the community of God’s people. We are
Christ and his peace for all those who are looking for
something more in life.
Happy Summer!
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joe
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We have often heard requests for a Bible Study Program to be presented during the daytime hours from those unable to
attend evening or Saturday sessions; well here is an opportunity to show just how many people we can attract for a daytime program. SMV is presenting a 12-part series “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” to meet on consecutive Wednesdays at 9:15 AM in the Parish Center, room 118, starting on August 3rd and completing October 12th, for roughly
one and a half hours per session.
“The Bible and the Virgin Mary” series is a dynamic, beautifully shot, digital Bible study comprised of 12 different
DVD presentations, each roughly 25 minutes in length with discussion time at the end of each episode.
The series is based upon the work of theologian Dr. Scott Hahn and his book “Hail Holy Queen”, and is presented by
speaker and author Matthew Leonard. It explains how Marian doctrine and devotion are firmly rooted in Sacred Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, and answers common objections from both Catholics and non-Catholics to Church
teachings on Mary.
There are suggested readings for further study from “Hail Holy Queen”, the “Catechism of the Catholic Church”, and
the Bible at the end of each lesson.
The cost of the program will be determined based on the volume of the study workbooks and “Hail, Holy Queen” books
we order, however it should be less than $30 for both books. Registration is open at this time with July 24 being
the Registration Deadline to allow for ordering and shipping of materials. We may need to limit registrations
due to space restrictions and the dynamics of group discussion, so register early to ensure a spot.
Please contact Jim Felice at [email protected] or 847-371-1872.
Join Father Michael Owen of Queen of the Rosary Parish in Elk Grove for a unique one-of-a-kind itinerary to the heart
of Italy. We travel during Spring break and during a glorious time of the year in Italy as the squares begin to come to
life with cafés, street entertainers, and locals taking their afternoon strolls. Our program is a pilgrimage, an opportunity
to visit some of the most important sites in the development of Christianity including the tomb of St. Peter in the Vatican, the catacombs, the great Constantinian-era basilicas built to honor the early generations of Christians, the beautiful
and spiritually evocative city of Assisi – home to St. Francis and St. Clare, and the historic abbey of Montecassino that
shaped Western monasticism through the Benedictine tradition. Our program includes ancient Roman sites such as the
Forum and Colosseum and great art venues, such as the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. Come join us for an enriching and fun journey to Italy. For program details and registration (due in July) visit:
or call Illume at 800-368-6757 ex 128.
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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Medical and Permission Forms, if required, can be
found on the parish website:
or in the Kiosk (wooden tower) in the Narthex (gathering
space of the Church).
Many of us will be away on our Mission Trip to Detroit
Lakes, MN (please pray for the success of the Trip); so we
will not have an event this evening.
Thursday, July 7th
6:30—9:00 PM
Miniature Golf & Ice Cream
Thursday, July 28th
6:30—9:00 PM
Join us for a great cookout and picnic games! We’ll grill
hotdogs and hamburgers with all the fixins and side dishes
you’d expect at a picnic. We’ll also play a TON of great
picnic games including: three-legged race, water balloon
toss, potato sack races, and much more.
Thursday, July 14th
6:30—9:00 PM
We’ll start off with sand volleyball then move to basketball, four square, kick ball, and more. If the weather is
good, plan on being outside. In bad weather we’ll play an
inside version of these games. Either way there will be
tons to do and tons of FUN! Remember that your friends
are always welcome.
July 3, 2016
No Event on Thursday, July 21st
Get ready FORE a great night of PUTTING around!
We’re headed to the PAR KING in Lincolnshire. The
cost is only $8.00 per person. We’ll go out for ice-cream
after the golf, so bring extra money for that. Permission
Forms are required and can be turned in early (at the
Youth Ministry, PREP, or Main Offices) or the night of
the event. (Adult chaperones are needed.)
Saturday, August 6, 10am to 6pm
Bike to the Lake
details to come...
Sat-Sun, August 13 - 14, 5pm mass - 9am
Summer Fun Lock-in details to come...
Saturday, August 20, time frame tbd
Movie Night
details to come...
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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St. Mary of Vernon Rummage Sale
July 29 & 30, 2016
8:00 am—3:00 pm
Cash Only
Collections begin the evening of July 7, 2016
We cannot take donations before this date.
Now that spring has arrived, you are probably doing some spring cleaning and have many items that you have
determined you no longer need or can use. WE WANT YOUR DONATIONS. A list of the items we are
looking for is below.
What to donate
What Not to Donate
Lamps that work
No Stuffed animals (health reasons)
No Computers
Children’s toys
Small sporting goods (skates,etc)
No Computer software
Children’s clothing, clean, up to size 6X only
No Large lighting fixtures
Games for all ages
Baby strollers
No Large exercise equipment
Books for all ages
Baby/Toddler riding toys
No Encyclopedias
Puzzles (no missing pieces)
No Teen/Adult clothing
Small appliances that work
Linens for beds
No Christmas trees
Kitchen items
Holiday decorations
To volunteer to help accept, sort and price items, please call Margaret Kuretich at 847-367-1424. Or
email [email protected] Jobs are available for anyone willing to help. This is a good project
for teens to complete service hours.
You can also sign up online to volunteer. Go to Click on “Find a signup” (top right).
Search by email. Enter [email protected]. Enter random number (which they will provide). Click on
“St. Mary of Vernon 2016 Rummage Sale”. Select “dates/times”. Click on “Submit and signup”
July 3, 2016
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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If you would like to volunteer to help with collections or with the sale itself, please see the instructions at the bottom of
the article on the previous page. Many hands make light work 
July 3, 2016
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Unemployment Line
Welcome to WERC!
The St. Mary of Vernon Wellspring Employment Resource Community (WERC) is here to
help any job seeker with the planning and execution of their job search strategy.
SPECIAL NOTE: Our July meetings will be held in the Rectory basement;
please enter through the door at the “Garden level” on the East side of the Rectory - closest
to the church.
Upcoming “WERC” Events
Monday, July 11th at 7:30 PM – WERC Support Group
Monday, July 25th at 7:30 PM – WERC Support Group
WERC members and guests will have the opportunity to meet to ask questions of our team and each
other, network, share success stories and advice, and discuss some of the challenges of the job
search. Our support group meets the second and fourth Monday of each month in room 110. All are
Refer to the SMV website for additional links to resources for job seekers. Questions? Contact the WERC
team at [email protected]. Any Parishioner is welcome to join the WERC LinkedIn Group to share/
post job information – on LinkedIn, search for the WERC Group and complete a “Request to Join”.
Sharing Hands Food Pantry
Item For July:
Save the Dates!
Dress A Girl Around the World
Sew & Serve Days
St. Mary of Vernon Parish Center
236 US Hwy 45, Indian Creek, IL 60061
1 - 5pm
Pancake Mix & Syrup
Please bring your donations to Mass
or to the Sharing Hands drop-off
door on the side of the Parish Center
(please call for the daily code). We
will see that the items get to needy
families. (Please check expiration
dates. We must dispose of items that
are not current).
July 3, 2016
July 10, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 13
and in 2017:
January 8, February 19, March 26, April 30, May 21, June 11
Contact Illinois Amb. Sidney Czynski, [email protected] - 708-220-3777
Although we do not host our PADS homeless shelter during the summer, a
group of parishioners still gathers each Thursday to prepare bag lunches for
homeless people. They need individual bottles of water to include in the
lunches during the hot summer months. If you can donate a case of bottled
water, it will really be appreciated. Please bring it to church on Sunday, or
call for the PADS donation door code if you bring it during the week. Thank
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Monday, July 4—Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Mt 9:18-26
9:00am—James K. Ringer
Tuesday, July 5—Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Mt 9:32-38 St. Anthony Zaccaria
9:00am—Stephen J. Grosko, Jr.
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
Wednesday, July 6—Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Mt 10:1-7
7:00am—Barbara Putlak
St. Maria Goretti
Thursday, July 7—Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Mt 10:7-15
9:00am—Rose Hoffman
Friday, July 8—Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23
7:00am—No intention
Saturday, July 9—Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33 St. Augustine Zhao Rong &
8:30am—Juan-Carlos Falcon
5:00pm—Regina Kalandyk
Sunday, July 10—Dt 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
7:45am— Richard Andersen
9:30am—Rita Pleines, Bridget Joyce (living)
11:15am—Grant Bentner, Donna Schoch, Alfonso Araya
Please Pray For Our SMV Loved Ones Who Serve in the Military
CPT Jay Althoff, USA
SN1 Trevor A. Amos, USN
COL Steven Carozza, USA
CPT Efren B. Catalla, USA
Cpl Michael J. Cinnick, USMC
SGT Thomas Cleary, USA
Capt Brian A. Dillon, USMC
ENS Sara Dillon, USN
SGT Alyssa Eastman, USA
PO2 Swen Erickson, USN
ETV3 Michael Gielczyk, USN
SSgt Nick Halverson, USAF
COL Matthew Hepburn, USA
ENS Alex Hoersten, USN
LTJG Melanie C. Lecaroz, USN
SPC Kimberly Martinez, USA
MAJ Michael Milas, USA
MAJ Neroliza Quiles Milas, USA
MAJ Paul J. Milas, USA
LCpl Israel Montelongo, USMC
1LT Christian A. Moree, USA
Capt Sean P. Morrow, USMC
Capt Thomas W. Morrow, USMC
PO1 Vincent Q. Padaoan, USN
SGT Anthony R. Powers, USA
SSG David Ptak, USA
CDR Katie Schullian, USN
SFC Jason B. Strait, USA
Capt Matthew Tegeler, USAF
LCDR Matthew Wauson, USN
SN Anthony J. Wick, USN
Cpl Michael Wick, Jr., USMC
1LT Stephen M. Woldridge, USA
CPT Daniel T. Wolff, USA
Made children of God by water and
the Holy Spirit:
Kairiann Ly Korn, daughter of Jeff
Korn & Melinda Sierzega
Christopher James Pokryfke, son
of Michael Pokryfke & Kathleen
Nicholas Kyle Heintz, son of Kyle
Heintz & Leah Strifling
We congratulate the proud parents
and welcome the newest members of
our community of faith.
With joy we announce the upcoming
marriage of
Ivan Ambriz & Mary Beth Scully
Bryan Walsh & Whitney Cler
Please pray for them as they prepare
for their marriage in the Lord.
Please pray for the repose of the
souls of Rose Gaubatz, mother of
Tom Gaubatz; and Helen Wetzel.
We offer our sympathy to their families, and pray that their souls now
rest in peace and joy in the arms of
Please call Sue Wogan at 847-362-1005 if you would like to add your loved
one to this list or have any changes to their information.
July 9 & 10, 2016
5:00 PM Presider: B. Beaven
Homilist: B. Beaven
7:45 AM Presider: B. Beaven
Homilist: B. Beaven
9:30 AM Presider: J. Curtis
Homilist: J. J. Curtis
11:15 AM Presider: J. Curtis
Homilist: J. Curtis
July 3, 2016
M. Rizzo
M. Edwards
C. Haberkorn
C. Penhaligen
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Michael Mark, Pat Slovak,
Jerome & Evelyn Schultz,
Georgette Scully,
John Marko, Donna Rollo,
Gertrude Vale, Gina Rubel,
Charles & Rita Schramm,
Paul Arends
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SMV Week at a Glance
Operation Reach Out in Narthex
Sunday, July 3
 3:30pm—Wedding, Church
Monday, July 4
 Mass at 9am, not 7am.
 SMV Office closed
Thursday, July 7
 9:30am—Adoration, Chapel
 6:00pm—9pm—Rummage Sale Collec
tion, PC
6:30pm—Youth Ministry, Grounds
Friday, July 8
 10:00am—3:00pm—Rummage Sale
Collection, PC
5:30pm—Wedding Rehearsal, Church
Saturday, July 9
 9:00am—3:00 pm—Rummage Sale
Have a great holiday!
Tuesday, July 5
 10:00am—Operation Reach Out, RLL
 6:30pm—Sharing Hands
Wednesday, July 6
 10:00am—Grief Support, 118
 6:30pm—VIRTUS Training, 118
Collection, PC
9:00am—Sharing Hands
9:00am—Furniture Ministry, Garages
2:00pm—Wedding, Church
6:30pm—Wedding Rehearsal, Church
Sunday, July 10
 6:30pm—Baptism Prep, Church
Location Code:
AC=Administration Center
GH=Great Hall, JP Finnegan Center
NH=North Hall, JP Finnegan Center
O/S—Off-Site N—Narthex
TR=Teen Room
PC or Numbers= JP Finnegan Center or Classrooms
PO=PREP Office RLL= Rectory Lower Level
ACCR= Admin Center Conference Room
Alcohol or drug abuse: Call
Alcoholics Anonymous 847-362-1811
Al-Anon 847-680-4640; Adult Children of Alcoholics 847-680-4640
Gambling: Call Sarah at 847-927-0265
or 1-800-522-4700 or visit
Grief Support @ SMV: call Helen at
Emotions Anonymous: 847-370-6937
Ask for Don.
Drinking or Emotional Problems:
Holbrook Counseling Ctr of Mundelein,
Physical/sexual abuse: Call Jane 847367-5676 or Lee 847-367-5034. The
Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center offers
counseling for children & adult survivors of abuse. Call 847-244-1187. Hot
line is 847-872-7799.
Reporting Allegations of Child Abuse
to Civil Authorities: Contact Matt
Chancey, Chief of Criminal Division at
847-377-3000. D.C.F.S. = 1-800-2522873. To report sexual abuse of minors by priests or deacons, lay employees, and/or volunteers: Call Leah
McCluskey, MSW, LSW, 312-7515205. Confidential Hotline: 1-800-994-6200.
Domestic Violence Group Counseling
offered in English & Spanish. Monday
evenings in Waukegan, Tuesday evenings in Mundelein. Call 847-249-4450
Pregnant and Need Help? Call 847-2492700 (Aid for Women of Northern Lake County)
Annulment Information/Support: Call
Nancy at 847-234-4517 ; [email protected]
Veteran Support.
Would you like to join the St. Mary
of Vernon Parish Family? You can
do so online at
Click on “About Us”, then “New Parishioners”, then “Online Parish Registration”. Or, stop at the Welcome
Desk in the Narthex next time you’re
here for a registration form; or stop
into the Parish Office during the
July 3, 2016
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Parish Office: 847-362-1005
Religious Education: 847-362-0653 Youth Ministry: 847-362-1021
Rev. Joseph C. Curtis, Pastor
Rev. John P. Finnegan, Pastor Emeritus
Maureen Evers, Pastoral Associate
John Glenn, Deacon
Dan Moore, Deacon
Gerald E. Nora, Deacon
Phillip Pagnotta, Deacon
James W. Wogan, Deacon
Mark R. Zwolski, Deacon
Marion Hornung, Director of Religious Education
Jim Welch, Youth Minister
Susan Gray, Business Manager
Frank Ruder, Director of Sharing Hands
Michele Farmer, Director of Music
Sr. Mary Barbara Hassler, OSF, Director of Ministers of Care
Contact for people with special needs: [email protected]
Fax: 847-362-6375
Sunday Masses: Saturdays at 5:00 PM
Sundays at 7:45, 9:30 & 11:15 AM
11:15 AM Sunday Mass signed for the hearing impaired.
(Except on the 4th Sunday of the month,
when there is a Mass for the Deaf)
4th Sunday of the month—Mass for the Deaf—4 PM
Weekday Mass:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:00 AM
Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 AM
Saturday Morning at 8:30 AM
Holy Day Masses:
7:00 AM, 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM on the Feast
Confessions: Saturdays 4:15 to 4:45 PM, or by appointment.
Baptisms & Weddings: Please call the Rectory to make
arrangements as far in advance as possible.