St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church


St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church
St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church
236 US Hwy 45
Indian Creek, Illinois 60061
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
We are pleased that you have
come to worship with us. The
doors and hearts of our parish
family of faith are always open,
and we invite you
to contact us at any time:
Parish Office:
Religious Education:
Youth Ministry:
Parish Website:
Assistive Listening Devices are
available at the Reception Desk in
the Church Narthex. Please ask the
receptionist for more information.
Parish Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 AM—7:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM—4:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM—Noon
Friday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM
(In Narthex)
Thursday ~ February 4
“It is impossible to spend extended periods of time with
Christ, adoring him, thanking him and uniting our wills to
his, and not have him change our lives.” Francis Cardinal
Masses with Ashes: 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm
Prayer Services with Ashes: 12 Noon and 4:00 pm
We encourage the practice of Daily Mass during Lent. Even if you cannot
attend every day, perhaps you can join us once or twice a week. The Mass
schedule is as follows:
7:00 AM—Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9:00 AM—Tuesday & Thursday
8:30 AM—Saturday Morning
Beginning at 9:30 am in the
Day Chapel
Following the 9:00 am Mass
Concluding at 7:30 pm with
Stations are an old tradition in the Church, especially during Lent. The devotion began in the Middle Ages when Christians longed to make a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land, but found this impossible. Instead we trace the journey of
Jesus along the Way of the Cross to Calvary and Resurrection in our own
church by prayer and meditation. Stations will be on
Friday evenings at 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM in the Church.
Commitment for Eucharistic Adoration
is just one hour per month at SMV.
If you are interested, please contact
Miriam Preussner at
[email protected] or 224-628-1187
The rituals of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) are some
of the best-kept secrets of the Church’s year. What is it about these celebrations of
Holy Week that make them so unique, and how do they fit in with the better-known
liturgies of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? You are invited to come and learn more
about them together with facilitator Charlie Bold, a long-time parishioner and proclaimer of the Word at the 5pm Mass and the liturgies of Holy Week.
This five-part series, approximately an hour and a half per meeting, will be offered in
our chapel with opportunities for both the day people and the evening people. Morning sessions are on Thursdays at 9:45am on February 11th, 18th, 25th, and March 10th and 17th. Evening sessions are
Tuesdays at 7pm on February 16th, 23rd, March 1st, 8th and Thursday, March 17th. These sessions will include music,
prayer, and dialogue about the Holy Week readings and rituals.
Sign up in the Church Narthex on the weekend of January 30-31. Walk-ins are also welcome. For more information, contact Charlie Bold at 847-362-4992.
Instead of giving up dessert or candy for Lent this year, how about giving up some of your valuable time to explore your
relationship with God through the liturgies of Holy Week? Come and rediscover Jesus and the people he encountered
along the way.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Youth Ministry
After all masses the weekend of
February 6 & 7 Alpha Omega
Youth Ministry will have its first
Bake Sale of 2016.
Put your New Year’s Resolution
aside for the weekend (assuming
you’ve kept it this long) and enjoy
some of our delicious homemade
goodies. There’s bound to be
something there you’ll love.
And if you’ve kept your resolution—donations are still welcome.
We thank you
for all your support!
This Wednesday in the RCIA, our inquirers and their sponsors will begin a multiple-week review of our healing Sacraments: Reconciliation and Anointing. Our topic for this week is a challenging one, that of “Evil, Suffering, & Brokenness.” We’ll take a look at the age old question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” We’ll also talk about how
suffering and sin erodes the human spirit, both individual and communal, and how our desire and need to be healed of
the afflictions can cause us to turn away from God.
This is always a challenging session, as painful memories often come to the surface during our discussion; please keep
the group in your prayers! Likewise, the RCIA group will continue to pray for all the people of our parish.
FYI – We now (after the Rites of Acceptance and Welcoming held at the 5:00 Mass last Saturday) refer to our seekers as
Catechumen and Candidate. The title “Catechumen” is assigned to inquirers who are considering entering into the
Church through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The title “Candidate” is assigned to inquirers who have already
been baptized into another Christian community (as Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc.) who are considering entering into full
communion with the Catholic Church through Confirmation and Eucharist. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has recognized baptism in many Christian churches as “one, true Baptism.” This recognition has been formalized in recent years, with the Catholic Church and Protestant Church most recently signing documents making this
recognition official in 2013.
Did you miss Confirmation?
Here is your opportunity to be confirmed with other people your age!
Men & Women 19 years old and above.
Tuesdays beginning March 8, 2016
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Contact Maureen Evers @ 847-362-1005 or
by email: [email protected]
A registration form can be found at our website, On the home page, scroll down to the
Beloved Retreat information, and click for a registration form.
“Before you were born, I consecrated you.” If you think that you may be set
apart by the Lord to serve Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, Call
Father Francis Bitterman (312) 534-8298, or write: [email protected]
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Do you enjoy meeting new people? Looking to get involved in the parish but don’t have a lot of time? Here are three
opportunities that involve a minimal time commitment and in which we have a great need for additional volunteers:
1) Greeters before and after Mass. Welcome people at the doors, help newcomers become acquainted with the parish, thank people for coming after Mass. Greeters typically serve 1-3 times a month as their schedule allows. Training is required and can be arranged to fit your schedule.
2) Hospitality once a month after Mass. Serve coffee and food after Mass, assist with cleanup. Hospitality ministers
are trained on the job and may serve monthly or every other month as their schedule allows. WE HAVE A CRITICAL NEED FOR SATURDAY 5PM MASS VOLUNTEERS IN THIS MINISTRY.
3) Parish Library table volunteers once a month after Mass, typically on the same week as Hospitality. Assist people in checking out and returning good spiritual reading material.
Simply drop this form in the collection basket at Mass or put it in the mail to Maureen Evers at the parish office.
You may also email Maureen at [email protected] if you have questions or would like to volunteer.
I am interested in the ministry of:
_______Greeter _______Hospitality
My preferred Mass times are: ____5:00pm Saturday
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Living Your Strengths Workshop—A Journey of Self-Discovery
Discover your God-given talents from among 34 themes revealed through an online assessment tool.
Saturday, February 20, 2016 
 
9-11:30am in the Parish Center 
Maureen Evers
Pastoral Associate
Strengths: Empathy, Adaptability,
Developer, Connectedness, Maximizer
Linda Keller
Parish Pastoral Council Member
Strengths: Consistency, Harmony,
Maximizer, Empathy, Belief
Patrick Phalen
Former Parish Pastoral Council Chair
Strengths: Learner, Achiever,
Analytical, Relator, Strategic
Who is invited? All parishioners, high school age and up.
Why should I attend? God has given each and every one of us talents we are called to use for the good of others. This workshop will help you discover those talents and begin the journey toward using them more fully in
your daily life.
But I don’t have any talents! Yes, you do! “God looked at everything He made, and He found it very
good.” (Gen. 1) Come find the good in you!
How do I sign up? There is a $15 fee to cover materials and refreshments. Stop by the Parish Office to register, or contact Maureen Evers (847-362-1005 or [email protected]). Books will be distributed upon
registration. Registration closes on February 8 in order to give you time to read the book and take the online
assessment. You need to submit your top five strengths from the assessment tool to Maureen by February
Note: Living your Strengths is based upon the Clifton
StrengthsFinder 2.0. If you have already taken this assessment, you are welcome to join us free of charge. Simply email
your top five strengths to Maureen Evers by February 12.
I really loved that painting (lamp, knickknack, bread bowl, china set) when I got it;
but now I just look right past it. Wonder if
someone else would enjoy it more now???
SMV Rummage Sale July 29 & 30, 2016
Collections start June 25th
Why Should I Come to Hear a Concert?
Composer Dan Schutte, a collaborator with the famous St. Louis Jesuits, has composed many songs you
have learned to love over the years. This weekend at
Mass here at St. Mary of Vernon, we used “Where
Love is Found” as a prelude at most Masses, and also
“Let Us Go to the Altar” as our gathering song. Did
you know that the latter was used at the Dedication
of our new church building in 2006?
Many other songs you know were written by this dynamic musician, among them “City of God”, “River of
Glory”, “Sing a New Song”, “Behold the Wood”, “Blest Be the Lord”, “Glory and Praise”, “Here I Am
Lord”, “Hosanna to the Son of David”, the arrangement of “Infant Holy” that we used at Christmas,
“Only This I Want”. Dan Schutte continues to write and publish music that touches the heart.
Mark the date and plan to bring the family for this huge parish event! The composers will not only play
and sing for us, they will share stories of their faith journey, and stories of how some of these songs
came to be written. You don’t want to miss it!
Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 7:30 pm
St. Mary of Vernon Parish—in the Church
online at
Watch for ticket sales in church as well coming next month
$15 Adults $50 Family pass (4 or more people)
QUESTIONS? Michele Farmer—[email protected]
Maureen Evers—[email protected]
Medical and Permission Forms, if required, can be found on the parish website:
or in the Kiosk (wooden tower) in the Narthex (gathering space of the Church).
Bake Sale
Saturday & Sunday, February 6 & 7
After all Masses this Weekend
Help us raise money for Alpha Omega Youth Ministry. You can help in a couple of ways:
1) You can bake something and bring it to the table at the mass you are attending.
2) Buy something that looks good to you and share it with your family (Or don’t share it.)
Service Night
Sunday, February 14th
6:30-9:00 PM
We will be serving our parish faith family by doing a variety of projects around the church. The evening will be a great
opportunity to “get in” some service hours and meet new people at the same time. As always, snacks will be provided.
Weekend-long Winter Retreat
The Master
Friday, Feb. 19 to Sunday, Feb 21
You and your high school friends can join us for an amazing weekend long Retreat!
 Leave Friday from SMV at 6:30pm
 Return to SMV on Sunday at 3:00 pm
 $150 per person includes 2 nights lodging, transportation, all meals, and retreat supplies
 Scholarship money is available. Don’t have money be the reason you don’t go. Call Jim 847-362-1021
 Forms and money due Friday, February 5th.
We welcome the families who
have joined the St. Mary of
Vernon community in December
2015 and January 2016.
The Castro Family in Vernon Hills
The Cole Family in Vernon Hills
The Flaviano Family in Vernon Hills
The Freihammer Family in Vernon Hills
The Gatewood Family in Great Lakes
The Gomez Family in Vernon Hills
The Griffith Family in Vernon Hills
January 31, 2016
The Herrmann Family in Round Lake
The Jimenez Family in Mundelein
The Lustig Family in Lincolnshire
The Magbitang Family in Vernon Hills
The Pekala Family in Gurnee
The Pieta Family in Hawthorn Woods
The Spitzer Family in Vernon Hills
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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It is doubtful that Saint Paul, when
he sat down to write what we now
know as the thirteenth chapter of
First Corinthians, knew that he was
penning what was to become one of
the keystones of Christian ethics. In
this brief passage, he set down ideals
about love that have held fast
through the centuries. Sometimes we
may think that because these are ideals to which we aspire, we are excused from them in our daily living.
But what Paul was writing was a letter to his friends, providing them
with some sound advice about what
it meant—and still means—to live in
love, day by day, as a follower of
Christ. We find in his words to his
friends a broadening of the great
commands of Jesus to love God and
neighbor. Today we hear what this
love must look like in our own actions, and how it ought to guide our
relationships with others.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Open House at East Lake Academy—February 4 at 9:30 a.m. Meet
the teachers, observe classes, take a
tour and experience the East Lake
difference. East Lake is a Roman
Catholic school of academic excellence and is now accepting applications for PreK through grade 8. It’s
at 13911 W. Laurel Drive, Lake Forest. For more info, or to register,
contact Admissions at 847-2470035, ext. 204.
Open Houses at School of St.
Mary—February 4 from 6-8 p.m.
Preschool to Grade 8 Information
Night. Meet the teachers and students. February 23 from 9:30—11
a.m. for Preschool to Grade 3.
Classroom tours and information.
It’s at the Primary Grade Center, 900
West Everett Road, Lake Forest.
Call 847-283-9800, ext. 202.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Human Concerns Commission
Our Catholic tradition encourages us to observe Lent through prayer, fasting and
almsgiving. Almsgiving is the act of helping the poor and performing acts of charity
and mercy. The Human Concerns Commission is offering an opportunity for all parishioners to contribute to a specific charity over the six weeks of Lent. Each week a
worthy charity will be highlighted and specific requests for donations will be listed.
You can participate as often as you like by bringing your donations to the narthex collection area each weekend. Cash donations can be placed in the blue box on the table
in the center of the narthex.
The six charities that were selected this year represent a cross section of needs in our local community;
namely, care for the elderly, support for mothers and children, the homeless, the imprisoned, education and
fostering vocations. We hope that this opportunity to reach out to the poor and vulnerable and those in need
will serve to bring you closer to the full observance of Lent. Two charities are new this year: the Laboure
Society and Dress-a-Girl Around the World.
Collection Date
Donation Needed
February 13/14
Kolbe House
Men’s underwear, socks and clothing, postage stamps, envelopes and writing paper,
copy paper
February 20/21
Laboure Society
February 27/28
Catholic Charities
Diaper Bank
Disposable diapers of all sizes
March 5/6
Dress a Girl
Around the World
Monetary Donations, girls underwear sizes 414
March 12/13
Cristo Rey High School
Monetary donations to support their scholarship fund.
March 19/20
Aid for Women of
Northern Lake County
Baby Pajamas, socks, Baby books and toys,
Baby diapers, Pullups, wipes, cream, ointments, pack and play sheets, umbrella
Monetary donations to support vocations
All donations can be left in the narthex collection area. Cash and checks made out to
St. Mary of Vernon can be placed in the blue metal collection box.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Unemployment Line
The purpose of our Wellspring Employment Resource Community (WERC) ministry is to provide a
safe and effective forum for sharing work search tools and techniques which can enable unemployed,
underemployed, and job-searching parishioners in their efforts to find meaningful and rewarding work.
Our team of experienced job seekers and HR managers provides a range of services including job
search strategy/planning, resume reviews, practice interviews, and networking recommendations.
All are welcome – from recent graduates looking for that first job to the individual looking to make a change in their
career or current role to the seasoned job hunter.
To help one of our job seekers, we’re looking to find a business that is looking for a well-qualified Financial & Operations Analyst. If you know of any such organization(s), please drop us a line at [email protected]. Thanks!
Upcoming “WERC” Events
Monday, February 8th at 7:30 PM – WERC Support Group
Monday, February 22nd at 7:30 PM – WERC Support Group
WERC members and guests will have the opportunity to meet to ask questions of our team and each other,
network, share success stories and advice, and discuss some of the challenges of the job search. Our support
group meets the second Monday of each month in room 110. All are welcome.
Refer to the SMV website for additional links to resources for job seekers. Questions? Contact the WERC team at
[email protected]. Any Parishioner is welcome to join the WERC LinkedIn Group to share/post job information
– on LinkedIn, search for the WERC (Wellspring Employment Resource Community) Group and complete a “Request
to Join”.
Events in the area . . .
Lenten Day of Reflection for Nurses. Saturday, February 20 at 9 a.m. Marytown Retreat Center, on Route 176
just west of Butterfield. Breakfast at 9 a.m. followed by speaker and time for private prayer. Mass will be at noon, followed by lunch. Members $25, non-members $30. RSVP to Marion by February 15 at 847-548-1309 or email [email protected]. All nurses welcome!
Retreat for Mid-Life Singles (mid-30s to 50s). Register today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at the
Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein on March 4-6, 2016. Cost is $197 for meals and a single room. Take a
chance and get involved . . . You won’t regret it! Call 312-532-8286, email [email protected], or visit for details.
Living in Love Retreat for Married Couples—March 5-6 at St. Joseph’s in Libertyville. The best gift you can give
your spouse is telling them that they are worth spending time exploring ways to grow deeper in love with each other.
This 1-1/2 day workshop retreat, held on site, offers get-away time to bring back the appreciation and passion for each
other. You don’t stay overnight, but go home to your own comfortable bed. The weekend is private. There’s no mandatory personal sharing with other couples. Couples from past weekends told us that it has made a huge difference in their
marriage, reigniting that “in love experience” that made them want to be married in the first place. No married couple is
too young OR too old not to benefit from this retreat. Cost is $125 per couple and includes a romantic candlelight dinner
on Saturday evening. Questions? Call Dave & Glenda Braun 847-816-0494 or register today on the Marriage Enrichment page of St. Joe’s website:
Monday, Feb 1—2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Mk 5:1-20
7:00am—No intention
Tuesday, Feb 2—Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40
9:00am—Stephen J. Grosko, Jr
Wednesday, Feb 3—2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Mk 6:1-6 St. Blaise, St. Ansgar
7:00am - No intention
Thursday, Feb 4—1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; Mk 6:7-13
9:00am—No intention
Friday, Feb 5—Sir 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29 St. Agatha
7:00am—No intention—Communion Service
Saturday, Feb 6—1 Kgs 3:4-13; Mk 6:30-34 St. Paul Miki & Companions
8:30am—Philip M. Morrow
5:00pm—Ray Fini
Sunday, Feb 7—Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 5:1-11
7:45am— Joanne Gerst
9:30am—Robert Murphy, Frank Urbanus, Rita Pleines
11:15am—Greg & Epfania Manoloto
Please pray for the repose of the soul
of Jean Charles, mother of Cary
We offer our sympathy to the family
and pray that her soul now rests in
peace and joy in the arms of God.
Michael Mark, Pat Slovak,
Alexander Orenchuk,
Don Schneider, Sr.
Dorothy Leskanich,
Vilma Fernandez, Jim Ramuta
Please Pray For Our SMV Loved Ones Who Serve in the Military
CPT Jay Althoff, USA
FCSN Trevor A. Amos, USN
LTC William S. Brewster, USA
LTC Steven Carozza, USA
CPT Efren B. Catalla, USA
CPL Michael J. Cinnick, USMC
SGT Thomas Cleary, USA
SrA John R. Czuj, USAF
CPT Brian A. Dillon, USMC
SGT Alyssa Eastman, USA
AT2 Swen Erickson, USN
EPSN Michael Gielczyk, USN
SGT Nick Halverson, USAF
COL Matthew Hepburn, USA
ENS Alex Hoersten, USN
ENS Melanie Lecaroz, USN
SPC Kimberly Martinez, USA
MAJ Michael Milas, USA
MAJ Neroliza Quiles Milas, USA
MAJ Paul J. Milas, USA
LCPL Israel Montelongo, USMC
1LT Christian A. Moree, USA
1LT Sean P. Morrow, USMC
CPT Thomas W. Morrow, USMC
PO1 Vincent Q. Padaoan, USN
SGT Anthony R. Powers, USA
SGT David Ptak, USA
CDR Katie Schullian, USN
SFC Jason B. Strait, USA
CPT Matthew Tegeler, USAF
LCDR Matthew Wauson, USN
CPL Michael Wick, Jr., USMC
1LT Stephen M. Woldridge, USA
CPT Daniel T. Wolff, USA
Please call Sue Wogan at 847-362-1005 if you would like to add your loved
one to this list or have any changes to their information.
February 6 & 7, 2016
Presider: J. Curtis
Homilist: J. Curtis
7:45 AM Presider: D. Olson
Homilist: J. Curtis
9:30 AM Presider: Fr. Meaza
Homilist: J. Curtis
11:15 AM Presider: J. Curtis
Homilist: J. Curtis
5:00 PM
Have you been planning to make a
change in your life, but you can’t
find the time and energy? Maybe
we can help. The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities of
the Archdiocese of Chicago provides
counseling services at our office in
Mundelein and other locations. We
have affordable fees, and we accept
private pay and/or behavioral health
insurance. We are in network with
BC/BS PPO. To schedule an appointment or find out about our
other locations, please call Catholic
Charities’ Holbrook Counseling Center at (847) 782-4049.
Sunday Jan 24 Collection
Sunday Donations Give Central
December 2015
Fiscal Year to Date
$ (5,897.00)
Thursday, February 4
SMV Week at a Glance
Sunday, January 31
12:30pm—Beloved Retreat Team, 118
Monday, February 1
6:30pm—Boy Scouts, ACCR
7:00pm—Small Christ. Comm., 118
7:00pm—Operation Reach Out, 110
Tuesday, February 2
6:30pm—Sharing Hands
6:30pm—Catholic Ed Commission, PO
7:00pm—StrengthFinders Journey
Group, 118
7:00pm—Parish Transformation, RLL
Wednesday, February 3
6:00pm—Youth Choir Practice, Church
6:30pm—Boy Scouts Blue & Gold Dinner, PC
7:00pm—Human Concerns Comm, RLL
7:00pm—Knights of Columbus, 125/126
7:00pm—Teen Confirmation Class, TR
7:30pm—RCIA, 118
7:30pm—Adult Choir Practice, Church
9:30am—CS Lewis Discussion, 118
9:30am—Adoration, Chapel
6:00pm—PADS, PC
6:30pm—SPRED, 125/126
7:00pm—Small Christ. Comm., 118
Friday, February 5
Confirmation Practice & Dinner
Saturday, February 6
9:00am—Sharing Hands
9:00am—Furniture Ministry, Garages
9:00am—Bible Study, 118
Bake Sale for Mission Trip
Sunday, February 7
 8 am—12:30 pm—Cub Scouts
Pack 44 Pancake Breakfast, PC
9:00am—PREP Classes
12:30pm—Beloved Retreat Team, 118
2:00pm—Teen Choir Practice, Church
Location Code:
AC=Administration Center
GH=Great Hall, JP Finnegan Center
NH=North Hall, JP Finnegan Center
O/S—Off-Site N—Narthex
TR=Teen Room
PC or Numbers= JP Finnegan Center or Classrooms
PO=PREP Office RLL= Rectory Lower Level
ACCR= Admin Center Conference Room
6:00 – 8:30 PM— C. Levitz, C. Walter, M. Kelly, E. Brettmann, J. & D.
& S. Krippinger, L. Morabito, M. Baker, J. Sanchez
8:30 – 11:00 PM—M. Katzner, A. Foley, J. Ivers, D. Panek, C. Black,
S & G. Tumino, E. O’Donnell
11:00 PM – 3:00 AM— S. O’Donnell, J. Schulz, J. Hornung
3:00 –7:00 AM— B. Reintert, D. Wascow-McGuire, B. Foley
5:15 – 7:00 AM—J. Venard, B. Hogan, T. & M. Wesson, T. Rieder,
M. Latham, S. Bahlmann, C. Brownson, N. Kranberg
If you have called Jane for a sub, disregard your name above.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Alcohol or drug abuse: Call
Alcoholics Anonymous 847-362-1811
Al-Anon 847-680-4640; Adult Children of Alcoholics 847-680-4640
Gambling: Call Sarah at 847-927-0265
or 1-800-522-4700 or visit
Grief Support @ SMV: call Helen at
Emotions Anonymous: 847-370-6937
Ask for Don.
Drinking or Emotional Problems:
Holbrook Counseling Ctr of Mundelein,
Physical/sexual abuse: Call Jane 847367-5676 or Lee 847-367-5034. The
Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center offers
counseling for children & adult survivors of abuse. Call 847-244-1187. Hot
line is 847-872-7799.
Reporting Allegations of Child Abuse
to Civil Authorities: Contact Matt
Chancey, Chief of Criminal Division at
847-377-3000. D.C.F.S. = 1-800-2522873. To report sexual abuse of minors by priests or deacons, lay employees, and/or volunteers: Call Leah
McCluskey, MSW, LSW, 312-7515205. Confidential Hotline: 1-800-994-6200.
Domestic Violence Group Counseling
offered in English & Spanish. Monday
evenings in Waukegan, Tuesday evenings in Mundelein. Call 847-249-4450
Pregnant and Need Help? Call 847-2492700 (Aid for Women of Northern Lake County)
Annulment Information/Support: Call
Nancy at 847-234-4517 ; [email protected]
Veteran Support.
Sharing Hands Food Pantry
Item For February:
Macaroni & Cheese
Please bring your
donations to Mass or
to the Sharing Hands
drop-off door on the
side of the Parish
Center (please call
for the daily code).
We will see that the
items get to needy
families. (Please
check expiration dates
on cans. We have to dispose of items
that are not current).
Page 14
Parish Office: 847-362-1005
Religious Education: 847-362-0653 Youth Ministry: 847-362-1021
Rev. Joseph C. Curtis, Pastor
Rev. John P. Finnegan, Pastor Emeritus
Maureen Evers, Pastoral Associate
John Glenn, Deacon
Dan Moore, Deacon
Gerald E. Nora, Deacon
Phillip Pagnotta, Deacon
James W. Wogan, Deacon
Mark R. Zwolski, Deacon
Marion Hornung, Director of Religious Education
Jim Welch, Youth Minister
Susan Gray, Business Manager
Frank Ruder, Director of Sharing Hands
Michele Farmer, Director of Music
Sr. Mary Barbara Hassler, OSF, Director of Ministers of Care
Contact for people with special needs: [email protected]
Fax: 847-362-6375
Sunday Masses: Saturdays at 5:00 PM
Sundays at 7:45, 9:30 & 11:15 AM
11:15 AM Sunday Mass signed for the hearing impaired.
(Except on the 4th Sunday of the month,
when there is a Mass for the Deaf)
4th Sunday of the month—Mass for the Deaf—4 PM
Weekday Mass:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:00 AM
Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 AM
Saturday Morning at 8:30 AM
Holy Day Masses:
7:00 AM, 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM on the Feast
Confessions: Saturdays 4:15 to 4:45 PM, or by appointment.
Baptisms & Weddings: Please call the Rectory to make
arrangements as far in advance as possible.