St. Ann Parish - Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church
St. Ann Parish - Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church
St. Ann Parish “To Grow in Grace Through Jesus Christ” SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT • 502 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 • Phone: 610-933-3732 • Fax: 610-935-7958 • [email protected] • • Facebook St. Ann Parish Phoenixville Pastor Rev. John J. Newns Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-933-3732 Retired Priest in Residence Rev. Joseph A. Heim, M.M. Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-933-1733 Permanent Deacon Deacon Daniel T. Giblin Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-952-3765 Holy Family School 610-933-7562 Principal-Ann Marie Braca Chapel DECEMBER 8, 2013 604 South Main Street Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Sacred Heart Church 148 Church St. Saturday: 3:45 - 4:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Weekdays and Holy Days Mass schedule listed in the bulletin CEMETERIES St. Ann: 305 W. Pothouse Road, Hours 8 AM - 3 PM Sacred Heart: 1258 Filmore St. Liturgy & Sacramental Preparation Madelyn O’Hara, 610-639-0923 [email protected] PREP Julie Prichett, 610-755-1077 [email protected] Youth Ministry 610-304-6222 Brett Illig, [email protected] Spiritual Ministry 610-416-5431 Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, R.S.M. Pastoral Associate 215-866-6516 Sr. Rose Marie Martell, MSBT [email protected] Music Ministry 610-933-3732 Tom Denny, [email protected] Business Manager 610-933-3732 Lisa Burghardt [email protected] Church Main Street & Third Avenue Church is open: Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sat: 9:00 AM - Noon WEEKLY DEVOTIONS IN CHURCH Rosary: Monday thru Thursday 7:35 AM Miraculous Medal Novena: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass or call the Rectory to make an appointment. Infant of Prague Novena: Wednesday 7:55 AM Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM CONTACT THE LITURGY AND SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION OFFICE AT 610-639-0923 FOR: CONTACT THE RECTORY FOR THE FOLLOWING AT 610-933-3732 PARISH OFFICE BUSINESS HOURS - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, BAPTISM - Parents of children to be baptized are required to Mon - Fri. Submit all bulletin materials by Noon Monday. attend a Pre-Jordan session. Please make arrangements well CHANGES in address or phone number. in advance of the birth of your child. MARRIAGE - Make arrangements one year in advance. PARISH REGISTRATION takes place in the Rectory after the RCIA - To become a fully initiated member of the Catholic 11:30 AM Mass. Church. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY - Eucharist is brought to those PREP CLASSES - All public school students Grades K-6 are expected to participate in PREP (Parish Religious Education Program). Classes are held on Sundays from 10:45 AM 12:05 PM and Tuesdays from 6:25 - 7:45 PM. Call Julie at 610-755-1077. unable to come to Mass because of sickness or age. ANOINTING OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK - In the event of an emergency contact the Rectory at any time. Anointings can be requested before a planned hospital visit. FROM THE PASTOR THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of Mary in the Womb of Saint Ann Parish Because December 8th falls on a Sunday this year, the observance of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary has been moved to Monday. We will have two Masses this Monday 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM for this Holyday of Obligation. Mary as the Immaculate Conception is the Patron Saint of the USA and the principal Patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. For our own parish, too, this celebration is particularly noteworthy since the original name for this feast was “The Maternity of St. Ann.” Finally, it is worth noting that the four-day series of apparitions at Guadalupe in the year 1531 commenced on December 9th—the date on which at that time the Feast of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated. And so there is a deep connection between this week’s celebrations of the Immaculate Conception (12/8) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (12/12). OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Patron Saint of the Americas This Wednesday (12/11), the Vigil of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, our devotions will begin at 5:30 PM as we start the Procession at St. Ann Church and process down Main Street to Sacred Heart Church. We thank the Phoenixville Police Department who will block vehicular traffic during the procession. At 6:30 PM we will celebrate Mass in Sacred Heart Church, and following Mass everyone is invited to Sacred Heart Cafeteria for a Social with traditional foods. A Mariachi Band will lead the singing during the Procession and Mass, and the musicians will also play after Mass in the Cafeteria. On Thursday (12/12) in Sacred Heart Church from 5:00 to 7:00 AM there will devotions in Spanish, with traditional foods available in Sacred Heart Church Hall for folks to enjoy before they leave for work. Our one parish 8:00 AM Mass this Thursday will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church in a bilingual manner, and following Mass everyone will be welcome in Sacred Heart Church Hall for fellowship and traditional foods. While these celebrations Wednesday night and Thursday morning will be mostly in Spanish, the homilies will be in both English and Spanish and there will be bilingual worship aides. 1 026Ann First Penance – Please pray for the following children who will be making their First Penance on Saturday, December 14: Katherine De Carvalho Sean Gallagher Colin Harrison Bella Lieto Adam McCarthy Sean McGuigan Margaret Mercer Brendan Schlitt Colin Schlitt Gunnar Wolff REMEMBER OUR SICK Alicia Andrews, David Gioconda Annable, Chad Berish, Beth Booth, Don Brogan, Mary Ann Brown, Ashley Rose Bukay, Ed Cain, Leroy Campbell, Marie Childs, Stanley Clark, Angeline Costello, Lizanne Dathe, John Daly, Joe Demyan, Michael DiArcangelo, Lida Dickinson, Barbara Douglas, Marie Dvorak, Tom Fedick, Carl Ferretti, Maria Foerster, Kim Edney, Caroline Fusco, Ryan Gerhold, Gordon Gladden, Desiree F. Hennessey, Kristie Hertzog, Jean Hoffman, Joseph Hohenleitner, Angela Hogan, John and Pearl Hrivnak, Michael J. Hudak, Jeanette Jelus, Ann Johnson, Rita Kamerdze-Hadden, Robin Kanaskie, Dolores Kassel, Irene King, John Koch, Theresa Kraynak, Irene Layden, Denise Long, Ray Long, Claire Maestrale, Pat Malarkey, Steve and Joanne Mardi, Marie Marosek, Helen McElroy, Rebecca Melvin, Ann and Liam Metscher, Tom Mitchell, Patti Morgiton, Ron Motzer, Tom Moyer, Karen Nesspor, Fred Nolte, Georgene O’Donnell, Florence Paster, Cindy Patton, Sherman Perkins, Dianne Litishin Ponzio, Anne Pristash, Christine Radoiss, Katherine Raggazino, Jerry Ratchford, John Rodenbaugh, Raymond Rodenbaugh, J. Richard Rosmos, Robert Scarangi, Pat Scott, Helen Shoemaker, Margaret Sim, James Smith, Ronald Spitz Sr., Eleanor Stecz, Marc Stevenson, Debbie Stonier, Ethel Thomas, Glenn Thomas, Don Troncelliti, Helen Twargoski, Anthony Valerio, Doris Valerio, Jeff Vance, Joe Vargo, Charles Wertz, Paul Wright, our homebound, parishioners in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and all serving in the Armed Forces. HELP NEEDED - We will need additional people to serve as MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will have experienced Ministers of Hospitality at each service to direct any extra one-time helpers. If you are able to help, please put your name and phone number on one of the sheets in the lobby of Chapel or near the St. Joseph statue or in Church. Sunday Collection for November 24, 2013 21st Sunday in Fiscal Year Budget: $15,780 Collected: $16,503 Overage: $723 (+4%) # Donors: 508 Sunday Collection Fiscal YTD July 1, 2013 - November 24, 2013 Budget: $326,740 Collected: $311,544 Shortage: $15,196 (-5%) THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURES Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Next Sun: Block Collection as of November 24, 2013 Budget: $35,000 Collected: $35,455 Overage: $455 # Donors: 271 Thank you for your support! 2 Is 11:1-10/Rom 15:4-9/Mt 3:1-12 Gn 3:9-15,20/Eph 1:3-6,11-12/Lk 1:26-38 Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14 Is 40:25-31/Mt 11:28-30 Zec 2:14-17/Lk 1:26-38 Is 48:17-19/Mt 11:16-19 Sir 48:1-4,9-11/Mt 17:9a,10-13 Is 35:1-6a,10/Jas 5:7-10/Mt 11:2-11 026Ann THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 8, 2013 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT TUESDAY Advent Weekday 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church SUNDAY Second Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Mass in Chapel 9:30 AM Mass in Chapel 11:30 AM Mass in Chapel 6:00 PM Spanish Mass in Chapel and Social (Church Hall) 8:30 AM - Confessions (Church) 5:45 PM - Youth Choir (Chapel) 6:25 PM - PREP K-6 (Church, School) 6:30 PM - Jr. High Youth Group (Church Hall) 6:30 PM - Confessions (Church) 7:00 PM - Adult Choir (Chapel) 7:30 PM - Stewardship Meeting (Rectory) Special Collection – This weekend we unite with the other Catholics of our nation in the annual collection to support the Retirement Fund for Religious. Our donations will help with living expenses and the cost of health care for elderly religious who have no pension and only minimal Social Security benefits. For more details see WEDNESDAY Damasus I 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Church) 5:30 PM - Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession See Page 1 From the Pastor for info. 6:15 PM - ESL Classes (Church Hall, 1, 3 & 4) 7:00 PM - Charismatic Prayer (Church Hall 2) Crab Cake Sale - The Knights of Columbus will be taking Crab Cakes Orders after Masses this weekend. Enjoy crab cakes and other delicious options as a highlight to your holiday celebrations. Proceeds go towards the Knights general fund which is used to support those in need in the Phoenixville area. Thank you for your support. THURSDAY Our Lady of Guadalupe See Page 1 From the Pastor for info. 8:00 AM Mass in Sacred Heart Church 9:30 & 11:30 AM - Children’s Liturgy (602) 10:45 AM - PREP K-6 (School) 12:30 PM - Parish Registration (Rectory) 1:30 PM - Holy Family School Preschool Christmas Spectacular (HFS Cafeteria) 7:00 PM - Sr. High Youth Group (Rectory) 8:30 AM - Church Cleaners (Church) 5:45 PM - Youth Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - Adult Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - Scripture Study (Rectory) Meals for St. Mary’s Shelter - The parishioners of St. Ann's will provide dinners for the residents and guests of St. Mary's Franciscan Shelter December 913. If you or your family, or your group would like to prepare a meal and drop it off at the Shelter, contact Patti Phillips at 610-935-2687 or [email protected] for more information. Parish Advent Meal - All of our members and their guests are invited to share a meal in St. Ann Church Hall this Friday. Although we will pray Grace and start serving at 6:00 PM, you are welcome to arrive anytime up to 7:00 PM. FRIDAY St. Lucy SATURDAY St. John of the Cross MONDAY Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Day of Obligation 7:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study (Church Hall) First Penance – We will gather in St. Ann Church this Saturday at Noon for the last of this year’s four First Penance Services. Please keep our 83 children in prayer as they encounter Jesus for the first time in this wonderful Sacrament of Mercy. See page 2 for names. 9:00 AM Mass 6:30 PM Mass All in Chapel 3:45 PM - Confessions (Sacred Heart Church) 10:00 AM - Bible Timeline (Church Hall) 7:30 PM - Pastoral Council (Church Hall) 7:30 PM - Legion of Mary (Church Hall 2) Vigil of Third Sunday of Advent 5:00 PM Mass in Sacred Heart Church 3 026Ann UPCOMING EVENTS MAKING A STATEMENT – As we celebrate Gaudete Sunday next weekend, we invite you to wear something rose colored to Mass as a statement not only of fashion but also of our faith. JOHN CALVECCHIO turns 90 on DECEMBER 18 2013 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS If you would like to receive a statement for tax purposes contact the Rectory at 610-933-3732 or [email protected] after January 15, 2014. St. Ann Parish Advent Service presented by our PREP students Sunday, December 15th 4:00 PM St. Ann Chapel SOME WINTER RELATED ITEMS The obligation to celebrate the Eucharist on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation does not apply in the case of hazardous weather conditions. Those with special health needs and those who are up in years should err on the side of caution when there is snow and/or ice on the ground. It is no sin to stay home on Sundays in the case of questionable weather conditions. In fact, this is why Mass is broadcast on TV. All are Welcome!! A new Blanket & Stuffed Animal Collection will begin at 3:15 PM outside of Chapel. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for The Parish’s After School Homework Program at Holy Family School 2 to 4 days a week from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. If interested please call Ann Haney at 610-917-8677. Good Health, Good Sense During the cold & flu season it makes sense to take steps in the interest of good health. First, if you are sick it can be an act of charity to refrain from being around others. Second, you may want to exchange the Sign of Peace during Mass with a nod of the head rather than a handshake. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL December is an active time for the students of HFS. We entertained our families and friends with the sounds of Christmas. We exercised our minds and bodies in a special assembly with the Philadelphia Soul football team. Our 5th grade will graduate from the substance abuse resistance program, DARE, sponsored by our Phoenixville Police Department. At HFS education extends beyond the classroom walls. Contact us for more information at 610-933-7562 or [email protected]. Weekday Cancellations Due to Weather Our parish will cancel any scheduled 8:00 AM weekday Mass when, due to inclement weather, the Phoenixville Area School District either cancels school or delays the opening of school. To find out Mass status on a snowy or icy day, go online to or (Phoenixville’s school closing number is #856). We will cancel weekly Eucharistic Adoration when such a closure or delayed opening falls on a Wednesday. 4 026Ann Wish Lists for a number of local human service agencies (Mom’s House, St. Mary’s Franciscan Shelter, Good Samaritan Shelter, PACS, The Clinic) are currently posted in the Main Street Lobby of Chapel, Church and on our website. Each week a different one will be listed in the bulletin. GIVING TREE - This year, as in the past, we are collecting gifts for the retired IHM Sisters in Camilla Hall. Please take a gift tag from the GIVING TREE near the Blessed Mother statue and return your gift under the tree by December 15. “WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?” - All money contributed through our Parish Poor Boxes this Advent and Christmas Season will be sent to the Good Samaritan Shelter here in our own town. 2013 WISH LIST Large Trash Bins Trash Bags - tall kitchen bags and 33 gallon black bags Mops, buckets, dusters, brooms, Swiffer Wet Jet and Handheld Dirt Devil Dish Detergent and washer soap Cleaning supplies Paper towels and toilet paper Twin Sheets and Twin Bed Frames Tool Kits 60 Watt Light Bulbs Copy Paper First Aid Kits and Tylenol Coffee Supplies: coffee, filters, cups, stirrers, powdered cream and sugar packets GIFT CARDS: Staples, Redners and Giant SEPTA Bus Tokens (can be purchased at Heidi Sue Variety Store on Bridge St in Phoenixville) YEAR END GIVING - You might want to donate appreciated stock or mutual fund shares to St. Ann Parish. Such gifts may qualify for a Federal Income Tax Deduction, and you also may avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation (please check with your tax advisor). If you want to make the gift of appreciated securities to the parish, please contact Lisa at 610-933-3732 or [email protected]. Please note that parishes will receive the full sale price of donated securities processed through the Archdiocesan brokerage account. Please call 610-933-9305 if you would like to arrange a drop off. NEED A RIDE - HOPE volunteers drive people in need to appointments or on essential errands, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Schedule a ride 4 days in advance. AID FOR FRIENDS - If you can assist us by creating single-serving meals with leftovers for the homebound in our community, you can pick up empty trays and supplies and meals can be dropped off at: HOPE CAPTAINS: December 1 - 16: Bill Ross at 610-933-4740 Dec. 17 - 31: MaryAnn Fennell at 610-933-1058 Necesita un “RIDE” - Nuestro Ministerio HOPE tiene voluntaries disponibles para llevarlo a citas esenciales de lunes a liernes, de 7 AM a 4 PM. Para coordinar esta actividad por favor llame a Rosa Padilla al 484-302-6056 con 4 días de anticipación. 602 S. Main St. Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 5:30 - 7:00 PM For more information call Kate at 610-933-3814 or [email protected]. 5 026Ann DEVLIN ROSMOS KEPP & GATCHA FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Services, Inc. George Michael T. Gatcha, Supervisor • J. Richard Rosmos, F.D. Funeral Pre-Planning 517 S. Main St. at Fourth Ave., Phoenixville 610-933-3012 William Reardon, DMD & Associates "We Make Smiles!" 908 Gay Street Phoenixville PA 19460 610-935-2883 PAINTING Deck Refinishing Power Washing Free Estimates•Fully Insured PARISHIONER 935-2924 • 948-2327 CAMPBELL-ENNIS-KLOTZBACH MAIN 35 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Downingtown PA 19335 610-269-0489 JAMES JOHNS SUBURBAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, INC. FUNERAL HOME INC. 610-933-3572 ST. AT FIFTH AVE., PHOENIXVILLE Residential • Commercial Industrial • Installations Troubleshooting References Available KURT E. KLOTZBACH F.D. (1957 - 2002) WILLIAM E. HARNER IV F.D. DAMIAN M. PETACCIO F.D. JOSHUA T. KLOTZBACH F.D., SUPVR. GERALD J. RAFTER F.D. 610-792-2600 Cell: 610-256-4688 Thomas J. Michinock - Parishioner [email protected] Family Health and Wellness Pediatrics • Women’s Health Osteopathic Manipulation & Treatment (OMT) Nutritional & Health Education Musculoskeletal Injuries Living at home with a little assistance. Long & Short Term Care Recovery ~ Respite When you need us, we are here. Free Assessment with Ad $69 Air Conditioning Tune-Up “Primary Care with a Primary Focus on You” Educating Her Mind. Opening Her Heart. 480 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Phoenixville 610-933-0660 610-527-3915 2012 People’s Choice Award Recipient Come Out For Molly Maguire's Bottomless Brunch Buffet Every Sunday from 11-3 197 Bridge St., Phoenixville 610-933-9550 300 Schuylkill Road (Route 23) Phoenixville, PA 19460 Tel: (610) 935-3929 Fax: (610) 935-0635 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 9am-5pm Tuesday: 9am-8pm & Friday: 9am-3pm We Accept Most Major Health Plans Dr. Stephanie Kaliner Dr. Stephanie Kaliner is board-certified in Family Practice and is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians and the American Osteopathic Association. Donald V. Ferrari, DO, FACC Lankenau Heart Group Lionville General Cardiology Exton Medical Arts Building 80 W. Welsh Pool Rd. | Suite 105 North Exton, PA 19341 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 10, 2013 EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, December 7, 2013 484.876.2160 ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Ages 16 and older Serving PA, NJ & DE PA Lic. #006806 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED Follow us on: CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. CALL BOB FREE INSPECTION Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $50 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 15% OFF 25% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. TO SAVE! RATES FOR TEENAGE DRIVERS!) Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 15% OFF (GREAT Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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Please help. 1-888-354-0060 CRS.ORG/cb • Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) • Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) • Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair • Tile & Grout Cleaning, Sealing & Coloring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Countertops & Much More! • Power/Pressure Washing SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Licensed & Insured • Chimney Cleaning 1.866.264.8444 026 St. Ann, Phoenixville, PA (i) E CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Catholic Relief Services serves poor people in 91 countries John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Terry's Groomies Thomas P. Piskai, DDS, LLC Family Dentistry The Professional & Grooming Service For All Our St. Ann Families 1096 W. Bridge Street Phoenixville, PA Professional Groomer Parishioners Bonded & Insured HOME HEATING OIL 710 WHEATLAND STREET PH (610) 933-5881 (610) 933-3338 610-935-0590 610-933-6560 CHARLIE’S BARBER STYLIST Haircuts For Men & Boys HOURS Tues.-Fri.: 8:30-6:00 Sat.: 8:00-4:00 Appts. Not Necessary 935-8766 610-917-9600 GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & SERVICE Pothouse & Charlestown Rds. Phoenixville, PA Frank S. Hennessey, ChFC Serving clients for over 25 years 1106 RAPPS DAM RD. PHOENIXVILLE, PA 19460 (next to Foresta’s Market • Ample Parking) [email protected] PUB & RESTAURANT 231 Bridge St., Phoenixville 610-933-5600 10am to 1pm Providing long-term care and income strategies for pre-retirees and retirees who are concerned about outliving their income. Adults $11.95 • Child (under 12) $4.95 10% OFF Brunch with this ad RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED H Seandy r J.D.G. viceman Enterprises s Dr. Shannon Burgess Dr. Guy Brignola Im H pr o ov me em en ts 610-935-4880 Joe Guarinello Ed Bonanno, Family Parishioner NMLS# 138851 Residential • Commercial • Reverse Mortgage VA • FHA • Investment Properties • Refinance Home Purchase • Jumbo • Conventional 866-907-2739 [email protected] 610-933-1355 Gia O'Donnell - Sales Associate PA Lic.#: RS320593 1220 Valley Forge Rd. Suite 47-B, Phoenixville, PA 19460 610-917-1000 Office 610-209-2136 Direct [email protected] Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Lic./Ins. 1260 Valley Forge Rd. Suite 108 Phoenixville, PA 610-917-0700 291 Stony Run Rd. Spring City PA 19475 St. Mary's Parishioner MASONRY, HARDSCAPING & BUILDING MATERIALS 249 Bridge St. closed Monday Dr. Leonardo Galletto Phone: 610-792-5500 [email protected] Practice Limited to Orthodontics for Children & Adults • Natural Stone: Flag, Tread, Veneer, Walls, Sills • Salt & Winter Add Mix 935-8599 • No Charge for Initial Consultation • Insurance Plans Accepted • Sat. & Evening Hours Available • Masonry: Block, Brick, Cement, Flues & Lintels • All Bulk Products • Stucco, Lath, Tyvek, Tar Paper • All Geotextiles & Erosion Control • Tools for Masonry, Hardscape & Landscape • Concrete Accessories: Rebar, Sakrete, Wire, Sonotube THE GATEWAY PHARMACY “Old Fashion Christmas” hosted by GET WELL GABBY FOUNDATION Reliable Prescription Service Gifts-Cards-Candies to benefit childhood cancer research 165 Nutt Rd. 933-2609 Continental breakfast, visits with Santa, horse-drawn sleigh ride, crafts & story time, vendors, secret Santa shop, & more! Hrs: Mon.-Sat. 9-10, Sun. 9-9 Butler's Janitorial Service Independent Living • Personal Care Memory Support • Continuing Care Retirement Community "Guard Dog" Burner Service Floors Stripped & Waxed Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Window Cleaning Power Washing • Home & Office Wilma Butler 610.933.0519 December 8th at Oakbourne Mansion West Chester, PA Register now to reserve your seating at 490 Manor Avenue • Downingtown, PA 888-479-4314 SCOTT D. COONRADT Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~ Parishioner ~ IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS • MAINTENANCE Commercial Residential 610-415-1137 Licensed & Insured 610-731-6806 Cell FRUIT FLOWERS Chocolate Covered Strawberries Across from Phoenixville Hospital 610.983.9700 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 Victor James Plumbing & Heating Replace that old boiler now Don't wait until winter Great Spring & Summer Prices! Call Now for the Best Promotion of the Year! 610-933-1413 Angels of Our Lady RELIGIOUS GIFTS & BOOKS 592 Schuylkill Rd. (Rt. 724) 610-917-9470 026 St. Ann, Phoenixville, PA (b) E John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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