Learn More - K9s For Warriors
Learn More - K9s For Warriors
FROM SHELTER TO SERVICE K9s For Warriors finds most of their amazing animals in rescue shelters. Working with local and not so local rescue groups select dogs are chosen for the K9s For Warriors program after a strict evaluation. MISSION K9s For Warriors is dedicated to providing service canines to warriors suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. SERVICE K9 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Our goal is to empower them to return to civilian life with dignity and independence. A PRESCRIPTION ON FOUR LEGS Service K9s are a proven alternative for recovery from the effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disability and symptoms of traumatic brain injury and military sexual trauma. With special training, these dogs help mitigate many different types of disabilities including neurological, psychological and/ or mobility needs. Once accepted the dogs are placed into the kennel side of the K9s For Warriors operation. There, professional trainers and dedicated volunteers begin the work of transforming neglected dogs into elite Service K9s. K9s For Warriors rescues the dogs, the dogs rescue the warriors. K9s For Warriors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ACCREDITED CHARITY #82286 give.org 114 Camp K9 Road • Ponte Vedra, FL 32081 904.686.1956 • 904.686.1957 Fax www.K9sForWarriors.org GIVE A NEW LEASH ON LIFE TO RESCUE DOGS AND MILITARY HEROES A NEW LEASH ON LIFE HELP IS A 4-LEGGED WORD With the support of dedicated sponsors, K9s For Warriors is able to rescue dogs at risk and train them to become Service K9s for military heroes. Your sponsorship is a commitment to provide for the care and training of a Service K9 given to a military hero. “I definitely had a hard time adjusting. So for about three years, I didn’t leave the house,” said 2014 graduate Mike. Sponsorship VETERANS AND RESCUE DOGS INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF A RESCUE DOG AND A MILITARY HERO Through your generosity, you will save two lives: a rescue dog, and a veteran. Your support with help K9s For Warriors provide a trained service dog, an essential tool in a veteran’s life-changing road to recovery. Sponsorship includes everything a dog needs to become a Service K9 such as veterinary care, equipment and training material. INDIVIDUAL SPONSORSHIP $15,000 • Welcome Kit includes an introduction card to your sponsored Service K9 • Regular progress updates of your sponsored dog(s) including photos. • Notice of placement with military hero and an invitation to their graduation. • Right to name Service K9. *Name subject to approval & availability. CORPOR ATE SPONSORSHIP, $20,000 • Welcome Kit includes an introduction card to your sponsored Service K9 • Regular progress updates of your sponsored dog(s) including photos. • Notice of placement with military hero and an invitation to their graduation. • Right to name Service K9. *Name subject to approval & availability. • • • • Photography & collateral. K9s For Warriors Proud Supporter Logo. Social media recognition. Support for your organization outreach efforts. For more information on how you can sponsor a Service K9, please contact [email protected] or call (904) 686-1956. Many veterans suffering from PTSD choose to seclude themselves from the outside world. A Service K9 helps a warrior to go outside of their comfort zone and become responsible for the care of another life.