Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba
Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba
INSTITUT DES PARCS NATIONAUX DU CONGO ET DU RWANDA PUBLlt AVEC LE CONCOURS DE L'INSTITUT BELGE POUR L'ENCOURAGEMENT DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE OUTRE-MER ( I.B.E.R.S.O.M.) Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba MISSION H. DE SAEGER en collaboration avec P. BAERT, G. DE MOULIN, 1. DENISOFF, J. MARTIN, M. MICHA, A. NOIRFALlSE, P. SCHOEMAKER, G. TROUPIN et 1. VERSCHUREN (1949-1952). FASCICULE 34 ACA RI II. F'llll. ACEOSEJ 1DAE DY GERALD Vi. KfL\NTZ (Col'\allis) * BRUXELLES 1962 PA P. E l"i jidac PilI'k all'ea Lhe ! EVA~ (V 1r. 1) (: l' I~ep L·nl~ si if{[ lM P R lM E RIE H A Y E Z. S.p.T.!. 112. rue de Louvain. 112. Bruxelles 1 nér"n!: ]If. Hayez. av. de l'Horizon. 39 Bruxelles 15 stig (Nal PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA. - MISSION H. DE SAEGER en collaboration avec P. BAERT, G. DEMOULIN, 1. DENISOFF, J. MARTIN, M. MICHA, A. NOIRFALISE, P. SCHOEMAKER, G. TROUPIN et J. VERSCHUREN (1949-1952) Fascicule 34 ACARI llY GERALD W. KRANTZ (Corval1is, Oregon) FREE·L1VING II. - iUliSOSTlGlYIATA. THE FAMILY \CEOSEJID \E (1) eJ. Fifteen species of mites l'epl'esenting seven genera in the family Aceose jidae have been identified by the iluthor in samples fl'Om Garamba National r ilrk. Descriptions of new genera and species and references to species all'eady kno,vn ilre ine.! uded in the text. Aside fr'OITI ,1 few minor changes, the subfamilial ilnd generic concepts set fol'th by EVANS (1958) Cl) and EVANS and HYATT (1960) (l) have been uLilized in this review. (1) The species herein described al'e fl'om the I-f. DE SAEGER to Garamba National ParI< ((!HO-I05:?). collection (') The following citation is that of the first paper in this of the Mission eries: Kn,\\TZ, G. ·W., 10G1, Free-living Mesost igmala. from Gar'amM 1'\al ional Park, Congo Hepublie. 1: Two new genera of .\lac/'ochcticlac (Ann. Mus. floy. Congo cl fluancla Unmcli, Fase. 24: 3-13). (3) EVANS, G. O., ]958, A revision of tlie nritisli .,lccoscjinac (.-\cal'ina: i\lesu sligmala) [Pmc. Zool, Sor. l',ondoH, Lll 1.2) : 1ïï-22'l]. ('1) EVA\.', G, O. and K. Il. IlYATT, j~IGO, A l'evisiOl: uf 1Iie Plaly.<eiinae (i\I('~o sligmala : flceosejiclae) based on ma(prial in lhlé eoller,lions of the 13r.ilish i\!useum (NaturaJ Histol'Y) [Bull. Rril. iI1ti~, (Sai. 7lisl.). G (2) : 27-101]. PAH.C NATIONAL 4 DE I.A GARAMBA i\. K Falllily ACEOSEJIDAE B,\KEIl and 'iVUAIlTUX, 1952. Dol'. al shield enLiee, "lith Ol' without lateral incision" and \viLh Lhl'ee Ol' four longitudinal J.'ows of simple Ol' omamented seLile. Stel'nal shield of fernale with thl'ee (rarely two) pail's of seLae, a posteriody truncate epigynial shield with or without a pelir of setae, and an anal or venLr'ianal shield with val'ying nurnbel's of pl'eanal setae. Metasternal shields presenL Ul' absent. Males l.ypically with separate sterniti-geniLal and ventrianal shields. Chelicerae toothed; male with « spermatophOf'enLràger" on novable digit. PalpaI claw two-tined. Legs 1 with or 'without ambulacra; legs II of male unarmed. Free-living species commonly found in forest lilLer, rnoss, eLc. Type species 1. Plisil serie: J \JsLc J seL 2, SelitE digit SeLae c/Ol'Sil cc/en l LaSLoseùlS muricalus KOCH (1839). *** 3. Dorst lengt notch EVANS (Hl57) organizecl the A.ceosejidae into twu subfamilies based on 11l0l'phological chal'actel's used in the following key : 1. Bost,rul seLue and inLernaI seLae on palpLrochanLel' long, whip-like; tal'si II and III, and often IV provided \-vith a pair of long lanceolate setne usuillly inCUl'ved disLally; para-arlHI seLae ofLen situüLed in lille wiLh the posLel'ior margin of the anus al' considerably posLel'iol' to the anus; peritremaLal shield may exLencl beyond the posLel'ior mal'gin of c()xae IV und lhe periLreme lTmy be developed posteriol' to the stigmu; meclian lobe of pulvillus of legs II-IV often lunceolaLe . DOI'Se Lhe cl 4. Dorst, ilI'eas (fig. separ' DClI'sl inser! PLATYS/,','UNAL. H.ostl'al seLae and internaI selile on palptrochantel' nevel' long [lnd whip jike; tarsi II-IV without speciaJized setae; pel'itreme ünd peritrematal shield normal; paru-anal seLae nOl'mal in posiLion; pulvillus nevel' tanceolaLe... ,............. .. ACEOSEJl:VAE. In Lhe com, e of this study, excepLion' la some of EVANs'key characters have heen noLed. These exceptions 'will be menLioned under the specific descl'iplions where lhey OCCLU', 5, WiLh WiLh sub-ci 6, Venh' SI ino' Venll' Lhl'E'e PARC NATIONAL DE LA A KI~Y GARA!VIUA 5 1'0 THE GENER AND 8PECŒS OF PLATYSEIlNrlE COLLECTED BY THE MISSION H. DE SAEGELl 1'0 GARAMBA PARK, CONGO (1949-1952). 1. 1'ùsteriol' portion of dorsal shield with five pairs of seLae in the J series (fig. 23) ........................................................................2 PosLerior J setae portion .. of dOl'sal shield ,viLh . less LhiLn five pairs uf ,.................... 5 2. SeLae of posterior dorSèll shield expandecl and pectinaLe distally; fixecl digit of ehelicera dentate throughout ist length ... FlYATTELLA n. gen. Hyattella epicrioides n. st'. 8eLae of posterior dorsal shield simple, or vvith some of the posLer'ior dorsal setae pecLinaLe buL not expanded disLally; fixed digit of cheticera edenLate ]1roximully SEJUS KOCH. 3 :3. Dorsal shielcl sLrongly crenulaLe-l'eLiculiüe; setae J.! less Lhan half Lhe lengLh of the distance between the insertions of setae J,\. and J 5 ; vertex nolehed medially Sejus cren1.llat1.ls n. sp. Dùrséll sh ield ornilmen Led other Lha n above; setae J,. longer than half Lhe distance between seLae and J,; vertex weIl developed ........ Il r, 11. DOl'sal pattern consisLing of sLl'Ong reticulation, with the mediolateral areas of the shield divided transversely inLo four indistinct sections (fig. 18); seLae J, exLending beyond inserlions of Jo; vertical setae sepi.lrated by a disLance equal Lo thaL of the width of Lhe seLae ., ....... Sejns 1cenncdyi EVANS and HYATT. Dorsu m reticulated as illusLrnted; vertical setae widely separuLed unel inserled on two well-eleveloped lobes Scjus lobatus n. sp. 5. \Vith three 01' four pairs of J selae (fig. 13); icliosoma elongate PLESlOSEJUS EVANS and HYATT. f'lesiosejus berlesei n. s p. \JVith only Lwù pairs of setae in the J series (J,. ar~d J.:J; idiosol1la sub-circular or' pyrifonn in outline PL.4.TYSEIUS BERLESE. 6 6. Ventrianal shield fused lutel'ally and posteriody to dorsal shield, vvithout" srinose seLae;-'eLae j 3 and i 4. of neal'ly equal length (fig. 11) . Platyscius congoensis n. sp. Ventrianal shield rounded lalernl1y, not fused to dorsal shielel; with lhl'ee pa il", of sLl'ongly spi nose posLana l selae ...... ,.. ........... , .... Plfltyseius spinnsus EVANS and HYATT. PARC NATIONAL DE I.A GARAMBA 6 Potchel Acarolc Oregon Gemis HYATTELLA n. gen. Dorsal shield entire, without incisions; postel'ior porlion of shield with fi fLeen pairs of pectinn Le, d isLally expanded setae. Vertical setae wel! developed. Prestemal shields presenL. Pulvillar lobes roundec1. T Y P e s P e cie s : HYl/lIclla epicrinù/es n. sp. Hyattella epicrioides Il. MonoLypic. The nopsis, ornamE seLlIe, ' sp. (Figs. H.) 1" e mal e : Length of idiosoma averages 570 fJ., "vilh a range of 555-587 il.; width of idiosoma at level of coxae IV averages 379 fJ., with a range of 3i6-385 /-'. \Vith the charactel's of the genus. Dorsal shield tuberculnle l'eticulate, l'esembling Lhe (;onc1iLion commonly found in lhe family Epicrii clac; laLeral and posLerior nlnrgins of shield scalloped as illustrated (fig. /1). Slemal shield wilh reliculaLe pattern (fig. 1) and three pairs of setae; meta sternal shields frec. Epigyniul shield Lruncate posteriorly and wilh a single pail' of setne. Ventrjflnal shield wilh [ive pail's of seLae in addition to the usual pail' of pre-anal and Lhe single postanal setae. "Vith four narrow platelets belween Lhe epigynial and ventrjannl shields. MeLapodal shields Iru'ge, sub-circu laI'. Peri tremaLal shi clds extendi ng posLeriorly arouncl coxae IV, ornamented anteriorly, peritremes extend anteriorly beyond coxae 1. Tectum (fig. 2) with three anlcriol: projections. Inlernal sela of palpaI femm wedge-shapeel disLally. Fixed digiL of cheliceril (fig. 3) denLaLe throughout il' lengLh ;movuhle digit \vith lhl'ee Leelh. Legs l slighlly longer than dorsal shield anel each \\'ilh il pail' of claws at Lhe end of a long (c. /tO !L) pretarsus. Legs II-IV ,viLh claws and a l'Oundecl j1ulvillus. Mal e ; Unkno\vn. Type material. - HoloLype female and two paralypes with Lhe follo\ving daLa: « Tête de SOUf'Ce déboisée ,,; 13 decernber, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. Jo. 2930); Lwo paeaLypes ex « expan ion marécageuse ", 12 July, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEG&R (Coll. No. 2071); two pamtypes ex « savane herbeuse bl'ûlée en décembre ", 25 Januâry, 1952 Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 30L18); L,vo pal'atypes ex « bOI'el de vallon maré cageux ", 7 August, 1952 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 3921). The holotype femnle will he deposiLeel in the collection of of National Pal'ks of the Congo anrl Ruancla-Unmdi, Bru 'sels, Par-ntypes will be placerl in Lhe collecliolls of Lhe U. S. National WashingLon, D.C., the BriLish Museum (NaLural Bislory), London, Instilute Belgium. Museum, England, Ily(1 elongnl mncrm Jlrovisi 10 Lho~ ascel'ln 7 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMBA Potchefst.r'oom Universit.y, Polchefstl'oom, South Africa, the InstiLute of Acarology, vVoosler, Ohio, U.S.A., and Oregon State Univer'sity, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. *** The genus Hyatlella appears to be closely l'elat.ed to the genl1s lerco nopsis, HULL in that the posterior dorsal setae of Hyallella ep'icr'ioides are ornamented. The ventrianal shield has mor'e than three pairs of preanal setae, and the pl1lvilli of legs II-IV are rounded. r,"GS. 1- .. - J-L!}atclla ('lJicrioi(/cs n. gen., Il. sp. 1 : Venter; 2 : Tecll1m; ~ Femule. : Cl1elicera;> : Dar' ·um. Uyal tella has been placed in the Platyseiùwe pl'imarily because of iLs' elongat.e rostral and 1 alp trochanter setae, and because of the presence of macrosetae on tarsi JI-IV. Ils placement, howevel', should be considered provisional inasmuch as the relative vitlue of these characters as opposecl to those of chelicel'al dentiLion and pulvillar lobe sLructure has noL bepn ascertained. IL is possible that Hyallella epicrioùles represents i:l. group 8 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA which is inlel'lnecliale beLween the PlalyseùTUlc ancl Aceoseji:nae (neal' the genus Zerconopsis HULL) or, on Lhe basis of chelicer-ae, dorsal seLal paLlem ane! plllvillnr looes, an aberrant member of the aceosejine genus Lrlsioseius. Genlis PLATYSEIUS BEIlLESE, 19Hi. Plal!Jseius BERLESE, A. (1916), Reclia, 12 : 42; EVANS, G. O. ancl K. H. HYATT (1960), Bul. BriL. Mus. (Nat. HisL.), 6(2) : ~14. Platyseius spinosus EVANS and HYATT. (Figs. 5, 7, 8.) Plalyseius spinosus EVAi\S, G. O. and K. H. HYATT (1960), Bul. Brit. Mus. (Nat. HisL.), 6(2) : 41. P. spinosus \Vas collected at the fol1owing locations in GarambtL Park: Savane herbeuse de bas-fond ", 28 September, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEH (Coll. 10. 2618); « hûl'd de rivière ", 2 f• Augl.l. t, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 2351). « According lo the description of Lhis species presenLed by EVANS ancl HYATT, the ventriaflal shield of the female has only Lwo pairs of Lhic], spinose postanal setae, wilh a thire! pair inserted in the inLegumenL posleriüi' to the shield. The specimens which 1 have examined have ail three pairs on the shielcl (fig. 7.). Inasmuch as the original description was based on only one specimen, il is conceivable that the posterior pair of seLae may be on Of' off the shield. IL is doublful that such a variation can have any significance at the specifie level. Platyseius congoensis n. sp. (Figs. 6. 9-12.) Fe m il 1e : LengLh of idiosoma avel'ages 487 p., with a range of 470-517 fl·; widlh of idiosoma aL level of coxae IV avemges 409 iL, wiLh a range of 376-4It6 fl.. Dorsal shield (fig. 11) pyriform, unol'l1amented; dorsal setae impIe, commonly recurved distally, and UlTanged as in figure 11; seLae i 3 and i., are approxima Lely the same length. Trilostel'l1urn large, wiLh two sLrongly spinose lacinae; tritostel'l1al base flanked by a pair of narrow presLernal shields. Slernai shield (fig. 10) unornamented; \ViLh Lhl'ee pairs of setae. of \yhich the most posLerior is disLinctly longe!' than the 1110re antel'ior pail's. Metasternal shields free, flanking the antef'Olateral COl'l1el'S of Lhe postel'iody Ll'uncaLe epigynial shielcl. Epigynial shield separat.ed from ventl'ianal shield by il narrow integumental band wiLh expandecl extremities which represent the tYJJical medial pair of plntelets; wilh il pair' of plaLelels posLerior and lateral Lo the above. Ventrianal shield evenly curvecl anLeriorly Lo the lateral margins of the idiosoma., whel'e iL joins Lo 1he l shie~d . lh ree ill1 longer II Lwice Lh· aLe pulv ~\1 li l <\23-1.32 II range tophol'nl the len! sternal 1 fused 10 9 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GAllAMI3A FIGS. 5, 7 ilncl S. - !'/al.ljsl'ius s!iinuSlis I::VA\S :1IId. 1-11',1'1''1'. 5 : Tcctum; 7 : Venter; [,'IGS. li, !J. (j : - FellHlle. : IJol'sunl. P/a.luseills congocnsi.s n. 'p. 'l'ectlll1l 01' felilale; 9 : Cl1elic:el'D. aI female. it joins the dorsal shield; with four pairs of ventrianal setae in addition to the usual p:lil' of para-an ais and single postanal setae. Peritt'ematal shie~d strongly developed posterio!' lo coxae IV. Tectum (fig. 6) with three anteriot' projections, ail of which are distally divided. Legs 1 slighlly longer than body; with pretarsi and ambulacra on tarsi 1; tarsus 1 nearly twice the length of tibia 1. Legs II-IV each with cln.ws and trilobed acumin ate pulvillus. 1\1 ale (fig. 12): Lenglh of idiosorna averages 427 !L, wiLh a range o( lt23- 1132 [1-; widLh of idiosomu nL level of coxne IV averages 331 [1-, \Vilh il range of 329-333 fi.. Simi'ur in most t'espects to the femule. Sperma torhoral process on the lTlovilble digit of the chelicera more than three times the length of lhe digit. Slernal selae III dislinclly longer Lhan othel' sternal hait's, aS in fernale. « Genilal " portion of ventral sclerotization not fused to sternal shield; geniti-ventrianal Llrea as illustraled. 10 PARC NATIONAL DE: LA GARA\1I3A T Y P e mut e r i il 1. - HoIotype female, eleven paralype females, and allotype male '.vith the following data: " Ex galerie forestière ", 4 March, 1952 - Coll. H, DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 3182). The holotype femnle and allotype male will ]Je deposited in the colleclion of the InstiluLe of National Plcsio cjl 6(2) : L The cl of dorsal Vel'lirlll : 1 200U 12 ! œ, i r FIG '. 10·U, - l'Irl!yscins congiwnsis Il, sp, 10: Venter of felllale; 11 : DOl'sufTI of femulc; 12: Veiller of 1IIUIt.: , Parks of the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, Brussels, Belgium. Para types will be placed in the collections of the U.S, NaLionnl Museum, Wushington, D.C., the BriLish Museum (NaLul'al History), London, England, Potchef stroom U niversi ty, PoLchefstroom, Sou Lh A frica, the InsLitu te of ACill'ology, \Voostel', Ohio, U.S.A. and Oregon State Univer 'ity, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. setae; m beüring s(~tae, in Male wil 'J'y JlI PARC NATIONAL Df~ LA GARAMBA 11 Genus PLESIOSEJUS EVANS and HYATT. Plesiosejus EVANS, G. O. and K. H. HYATT (1960), Bu!. Bril. 6(2) : 42. I[US. (Nat. HisL), The definition of Plesiosejus is expanded as follows : Posterior portion of dorsal shield with three or tom pairs of J setae; dorsal shield entire. VerLical setae present or absent. SLernal shield with three pairs of simple -zoou 15 ~ 16 14 !-'IGS. D-le.. - PLcsiosc,ius ùcrlesci n. sp. Femalc. ']3: DOJ'SUIII; g: Cl1elic:eJ'a; ']J : Teclum; 16: Yenler. setae; metasternal shields free. Genilal shield tl'uncate posleriorJy and bearing a pail' of etae. Venll'ianal shield \Vith lhree Or four pairs uf setae, in addition to Lhe lisual pair' of para-anal and single posLanal setae. Male wiLh slel'l1iti-genital and ventrianal shields. T Y P e sile cie s : .,1 'IIwl'osei'llS i./(/licus nERLESE, 190;). ----~~---- 12 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMBA Piesi ose jus berlesei Tl. sp. (Fig.; nI6.) li' e m al e : Lenglh of idiosoma averages 4 f18 ~., wiLh a ra.nge of f123- f156 fi·; \-vidth of idiosoma at level of coxae IV averages 283 il, with a range of 258-296 fi.. Dorsal shield with a fine reticulale paltern; simiLu' Lo P. ilalicus, except that a pair of short ver-tical selae is present, and thaL only one pail' of J setae is missing (J 1); length and disposition of dorsal seLae as illustrated (fig. 13). Tritosterllurn well-devel0l'ed, with two pilose lacinae; pl'esternal platelets absent. Sternal shield unornamented, with Lhl'ee pairs of simple setae; metasternal shields free. Epigynial shield flanked posteriorly by lwo nULTow pnirs of plalelels. Ventrîanal shield large, reliculale, poillled laterally (fig. 16), and with three pairs of ventrianal setae in addition lo the para- and postanal setae. Peritrematnl shield developed posterior to coxae IV; melul'0dal shields present. TecLurn (fig. 15) with Lhree smoolh anlerior spines. Chelicerae (fig. ili) narrow, long; movable and fixed digits edenLate. Legs 1 approximalely as long as the idiosoma, tibia 1 % the lenglh of Larsus 1; larsus 1 with claws and ShOl-t prelarsi. Pulvîlli on legs II-IV produced into three acuminute lobes. Scjas ken! Hist.), j S. fr.eru de source No. 2930); SCHUHEN ( Coll. H. [ A disLi and HYAT' The Il div speci fic et Mal e : Unknown. '1' Y P e mat e r' i al. - Hololype femule and three para type females \viLh Lhe following daLa : « Galer'ie for'estière ", 4 Mar'ch, 1.952 Col!. H. DE SAEGEH (Coll. ~o. :3182). The holoLype femule will be deposited in the collection of Lhe InsLituLe of NaLional Parks of the Congo and Ruanda Urundi, Brussels, Belgium. Paratypes will be placed in the U.S. National Museum, 'Washington, D.C., the British Museum, (Nalural History), London, England, and Ol'egon State University, COl'vallis, Oregon, U. S. A. Genus SEJUS C. L. KOCH, 184~-). Se jus KOCH, C. L. (1843), übers. Al'tlchnidensysL., 3 : 92; EVANS, G. O. and K. H. HYAlT (1960), Bul. Brit. Mus. (NaL. Hist.), 6(2) : 49. Cheiroseius BEHLESE, A. (1916), Redia, 12 : 33. Episeius HULL, J. E. (1918), 'l'raDs. Nat. RisL. Soc. NorLhumbel'1and (n. s.), 5 : 63. Episeiel11l \JVILLMANN, C. (1938), Al111. Eist. Nat. iVlus. Hung., 31 : Hii. Femn 517 1-'-; wic 282-305 [l. iar lobes Lhan rlilll PAHe NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMBA 13 Se jus kennedyi EVANS and HYATT. (F'ig,>. 17-]~.) Se/us kennedyi EVANS, G. O. and K. H. HYArr (1960), Bul. Br·it. Mus. (1'\:11. HisL), 6(2) : 65. S. kennedyi \Vas found in lhree locales wilhin Garnmba Purk - « Tête de source déboi ..ée ", 13 Decemher, 1951 - Coll. f-I. DE SAEGER (Coll. 1\'0. 2930); « Galer-ie for'eslière dense ", 15 January, 1952 - Coll. J. VEII SCI-IUREN (Coll. No. 3026); « Galerie foreslière sèche ", 18 April, 1952 Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 3338). A distinctive feature of this species which was not alluded tu in EVANS and HYATTS'descripLion is the ornamenLaJion of lhe dorsal shielrl (fig. 17). The « division" of the shield into four secLors appenrs to supply a useful specifie charneter. FIGS. IÎ-lx. - ')t'jus f,elliwdyi EVA\S and 11LITT. l;ell1ale. J7 : Vente!'; 18 : OO!'SUnl. Sejus lobatus n. sp. (Figs. 1:1-22) Fe mal e : LengLh of idio~oma averages l199 iL, wiLh a l'ange of 4.70 517 IL; width of icliosoma at level of coxae IV averages 292 ~t, wi lh a l'ange of 282-305 fl. Dorsal shield entil'e, slrongly reticulaled, and with two large anter ior lobes on \-vhich seLne DI, D2 and Ml are inserted (fig. 22). Seta J, longer thaD hitlf the di 'Iance belween setéle J., and J 5 • Other dorsal setae as 14 PARC j ATIüNAL DE LA GAHAMBA illuslraled. Tl'iloslernal base flanked by a puir of nanow preslel'Oal plaLe leLs. SLernal shield \viLhoul dislincl ornamentation, and with lhree pairs of shorl simple setae; melastemal shields ftee. Epigynial shielcl truncate posLeriorly, wiLhout distinct ornamentution; with four sm ail plaLelets beLween the epigynial and venLrianal shields. Ventrianal shield (fig. 19) reLiculaLe, rOllndecl posteriorly, pointecl latemlly, and wiLh four pairs of Type m the followi n Coll. H. DE i in the collecl U mndi, Bl'u of the U.S. (Natul'al Hisl Oregon, U.S Femule !J.; width of 282-296 illustraLed (f of the dista as illllstntte, anterior pro (EVANS and illllstr'aLed (f between epi the ventriaJ untel'iorly, a tel'ior to cO) distûlly divi prominenL L short preLar, longer lhan pulvilli. {lÎ4 Male Fl(iS. 19-22. - Se)lls lolJa/us Il. ~p. l.'emale. :10: Venter; 20: 'J'eclurll; 21 : Cllelicera; 22: Dorsum. seLae in addiLion Lo the pill'a- and posLanal seLne. Perürematal shields exLending posteriorIy well beyond coxae IV. TecLum wiLh Lhree anterior disLally divided projections (fig. 20). Chelicerile ilS illustl'aLecl (fig. 21). Legs 1 somewhat longer Lhan hody; claws ilnd pretal'si minuLe; Larsus 1 nearIy Lhree Limes Lhe lengLh of Libia 1; pulvillar lobes of legs II·IV acuminaLe. Mill e : UnlwO\vlI. T Y P e Il Lhe followin GER (Coll. NI of the 1nsLi LI BelgiulTl. 'J Museum, VI PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA 15 Type mate rial. - HoloLype female and foul' pal'atype females ,vilh Lhe following data: « 'fête cie source déboisée ", :13 decembel', :195:1 Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 2930). The holoLype female will be deposited in the collection of the Inslitute of Nütional Parks of the Congo and Ruanda Urundi, Brussels, Belgium. Pal'atypes will be placed in lhe colhJctiolls of the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., the British Museum (Natural History), London, England, and Oregon Slale Universily, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. Sejus crenulatus (I.'ig~. Il. sp. 2:3-25.) Fern 11 1e : Length of idiosoma 11veruges 117:1fL, with a range of 470 474 "'; widlh of idiosomû al !evel of coxae IV averages 285 fL, with a l'ange of 282-296 !J.. Dorsal shield notched antel'iorly, Cl'enulate-reticulate as illustrated (fig. 23); vertical selae short, selae J, less lhan half Lhe length of Lhe distance beLween the insertions of J, and J s ; olhee do l'saI selae as illustra.ted. Pl'estel'nal shields ab ent. Stel'l1al shield with a pair of antel'iol' prominences, as in S. signatus, nepalensis, necorniger, and athel'. (EVAi\S and HYATT :1960); melastel'l1al shields free. Epigynial shield as illustrated (fig. 25), flanked po. teriorly hy two pairs of platelets. Distance beLween epigynial and venll'ianul shields almost equa! to the lenglh of the ventrianal shield (:1: 1,25). Ventl'iûnal shield triangular, truncate unLeriorly, and wiLh nine seLae. Peritremulal shielcl weIl clevelopecl p08 lerior to coxae IV; melapodal shields small. Tedum (fig. 24) with three disLalJy divided anterior pr-ojecLions. Movallle digit of chelicera wiLh one prominent tooLh; fixed digit denlale clisLally. Legs 1 wi lh claws ancl a shor·t pretal'sus; at leasL :1 V2 limes longer Lhun dorsal shield; Libia 1 distinctly longer Lhan Larsus I. Legs II-IV \Vilh ambulacrû and triple-Iobed acuminale pulvilli. NI nIe : Unknown. 'r y p e mil tel' i il! . -- Hololype fernale ancl one pal'atype female wilh the following data: « Galerie forestière ", 4 March, :1925 - Coll. H. DE SAE GER (Coll. No. 3:182). The holotype fernale will be deposited in the collection of the InslituLe of National Plll'ks of Lhe Congo and lluanda-Urundi, Brussels, Belgium. The puratype will he placed in the collection of the .S. National Museum, \Vashington, D.C. 16 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMLlA Dorsal se l!le longe !\ lŒY '1'0 THE GI~ EnA AND SPEcms 01' :1.CEOSE.ll.\'.l/~ COLLbCTED BY 'l'HE MISSION H. DE SAEGEI{ '1'0 GARAMBA PARK, CONGO (HH9-i952). 1. Wilh poslerior marginal setae in the inlegument adjaeent Lo the c!ursnl shield; elongaLe speGies \-vith well-developed dOI'sal llnd ventral sclero tization LASIOSEIUS BERLESE 2 Wil;h posLer'ior' mal'ginal setae inserted on the dorsal shield G 2. Sternal shield convex l'usteriol'ly; seLae Jo extending weIl 1 eyond the insertions of J, (fig. 26) .... Lasiosei'lls convcxus n. sp. Stel'l1al shield concave posleriorly; seLae Jo at most l'eaching the insel' tions of J.l .. ~l Lasioseius dururnae n. sp. 3. Melasternal shields absent IIetasternnl shields pt'esent fL .................. f l Stel'l1al seLae 1 inserled on prestemal plateJets whieh are parLially fllsec\ lo stemnl . hielcl; wilh lhil'leen setae on the venLrianal shield Lasioseùls garambae n. s1>. Slernal seLne 1 inserled on stel'l1al shield; pl'estemal IJlaleleLs free; wiLh eleven setae on the venLr'ianal shield " :s 1 t ~ l ~ 1 5. Tarsus IV with three long slout setae; tectllt11 dentiGUlale; with an integumental slrip bel.ween epigyninl and v nl.rianal shields Lu.sioseius analis EVAI\s. Tarsus IV withoul long stout selae as above; lectllm with lhree anterior projections; wilh four nnl'l'o\V pln.teleLs beLween epigynial and ventrinnal shields Lasio eius nambirimae n. sp. 6. Idiosoma pyriform; len'si II-IV with basal venLrnlly; wilh venlriannl shield « sen 'ory " stl'lldme Ifig. 38) flFnlCOSEIUS n. gen. Aj-ricoseius areolatus n. sp. Idiosomn. elongnte; tarsi Il-IV vvilhoul. sll'l.1cLu1'8 l'eferl'ed lu above; with anal shield PHOCTOLAEL:lPS BEHLESE 7 7. Dorsal seLae l'obust, simple; dorsal shield ol'l1arnenl.ed; anill. shield wilh prominent nIlleriol' pl'oj eGtion ... "....... Proctolaelaps oudemansi Il. sp. LrlSiosei'lls BE Zool. Soc rlceosejus SEI nOl'inquo/rtel l . 17 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA Dorsal setüe (except for Dl and Z5) attenuate, the more poslerior being the longer; anal shieJrl wilhout prorninenL ilnterior projection . ProcLolllr[(llis IIc/lI'llhrix n ..~Ji. FICS. 2:1-2,1. - SeillS crennloll/.1 n. ~p. [··elliaie. 2:1 : Dürsulll; 2', : Tectum: ;,J.i : Venler. FICS. 26-28. - La~ioseia< conve.nlS Iî. sp. Female. 2G : DCI'.ïlm; 27 : Teclulîl: 2,· :\·elîter. Genus LASIOSEIUS BERLESE. Lasiosei71S BEHLESE, A. (HH6), Redia, 12 : 34; EVANS, G. O. (1958), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 131(2) : 215. rlceosejus SELLNICK, M. (194.1), Zool. Anz., 133 : 149. f]orinquo{llelflps Fox. A. (1946), J. Parasit., 32 : 450. PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA 18 Lasioseius convexus n. sp. (Fig~. 26-2 .) Fe mal e : Length of idiosoma averages 546 p., wiLh il l'ange of 517-582 p.; width of idiosoma at coxae IV averages 303 p., with a l'ange of 300-305 f'-. Dorsal shield with l'eLiculate pattern laLerally (fig. 26) and with a ddind punctate area posteriorly. Setae Z" peclinate distally; other setae simple, as illustrated. Trito. ternum flanked basally by a scleroLized strip of cutide which is sinuous posteriol'ly (fig. 28); prestemal shields at least parLially divided. SLemal shie]d wiLh weak puncLate paLtern; notched anteriol'ly ancl convex posleriorly; wiLh Lhree pail'. of _elae. vViLh a pail' of meta sLemul shields flanking Lhe anteriol' corners of lhe truncaLe epigynial shield. With four narro\V plateleLs between Lhe epigynial and lhe venLrianal shield. Ventrianal shie]d ornamenled as illustrated (fig. 28); wiLh eleven setae. PeriLrernatal and endopoda] shields fused al coxae IV; periLrerne extending anLeriorly and dorsally lo a point adjacent to setae MI; melapocta]s pre enL. TecLum with distally divided cenLra] pl'ojection (fig. 27) und Lwo ]ateral tusk-like prominences. Fixed digit of chelicera with approximately fourLeen Leelh; movable cligiL wiLh four. Legs short; wiLh \-vell-deve]oped amhulucra and rounded pulvilli. Ma ]e l'emule widLh of id 220-235 :1.. ex pa nded cC distally (fig. nknown. Type maLerial. - Ho]oLype female and Lwo paraLype female \vith the following daLa: « Savane de vallée », 30 March, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEH (Coll. No. 1489). The holoLype female will be deposited in the collection of Lhe Insti Lute of JaLional Purks of the Congo and Huanda Urundi, Bru 'sels, Belgium. Paratypes will be placed in the collecLions of the U.S. National Mu eum, vVushington, D.C. and the DriLish Museum (Natural HisLOl'Y), London, Englancl. Lasioseius analis EVANS. Lrlsiose'ius rtfwlis EVANS, G. O. (1958), Ann. Mag. Nut. Hist., sel'. 13, vol. i : 581. L. anlllis was round in the following sUll1p]es: « TêLe de source j\ boisement dégradé », 5 June, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEll (Coll. TO. 1883); « galerie forestière très claire », 13 Jul.)', 1951 Coll. H. DE SAEGEn (Co]l. No. 2062); « galerie forestière », :13 Augusl, :1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Co]l. No. 227G); « galerie forestière li, 2/1 .-\pril, 1952 - Coll. H. DE Si\EGEIl (Co]l. No. 3330). llilmenled si namenLed li hie]e! with sh ielcls extE dorsa Il.)' to i 'l'eel u III \\' il . pines (fig-. \-vith severn l'u]villi; la without ]0 19 PARC NATIONAL DE LA CAHAMBA Lasioseius nambirimae n. p. (Figs. '.':)-31.) Fe mal e : LengLh of idiosollla averages 403 p" \Vith a l'ange of 385-423 p,; widLh of idiosoma aL level of coxne IV average 232 p., with a l'ange of 220-235 p.. Dol' al shield l'eLiculnte; man y of Lhe dorsal 'etae with an expanded ollêll' di Lally; postel'ior etae expanded and weakly pecLinaLe distnlly (fig. 31). \iVilh a pail' of )ll'esLernal shields anlerior lo the unOl' FICS. 20-:31. - T,a~ioôciu.s nmnliirimae n. "p. Female. l'a : Vellter; 30 : Tecllll1l; 31 : Dorslim. namenled ternal shield; melusLernal 'hield free. Epigynial shicld UllO!' namenled and flêlnked posLeriorl,)' by four nalTOW platelets. Ventriannl shield with eleven setae, ornamented as illustrated (fig. 29). Perilremalal shields exLending ul'Ound coxae IV; periLl'ellleS exLending anLeriorly and dorsally lo iL poi nl anLel'ior of setae \1,' 'Ni th t\",·o pai l'S of meLapodal sh ields. Teclurn \Vith distally divided cenLral prolllinence and l\Vo nalTOW laleml "pines (fig. 30). Movable digit of chelicern \Vith Lhree Le th; fixed ctigit \Vilh several small leelh. Legs wilh well-developed ambulncra and l'oundect pulvilli; Larsus I approximaLely L\Vice the lenglh of tibia I; lal'sus IV without long spinose setae. 20 PAnc NATIONAL Mal e OF: LA GAnAMRA Unknown. T YIl e m ü't el' i al. - HoloLype fel11ale and eleven paruLype femèLles wilh lhe following daLa : « Galerie foresLière ", 7 AugusL, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 22 l19). The holoLype female will he dei osited in Lhe collection of Lhe InsLi lu Le of Nalional Parks of the Congo and Hu anda Urundi, Brussels, 13elgium. Pal'alypes will be deposiled at the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., the British Museum (Natural History), London, England, Potchefstroom University, PotchefsLroom, South Africa, the Insli luLe of Acal'Olgy, \Vosoler, Ohio, U.S.A., the Soulh Australian Museum, Adelaide, ünd Oregon SLaLe University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. Lasioseius garambae n. sp. (figs. 32-33,) 1<' e mal e : Length of idiosoma averages 379 p., with a range of 376-385 il.; widl.h of idiosoma at the level of coxae IV averages 257 fL, wilh a runge of 2l 14-282 !-'.. Dorsal shield with stl'Ong l'eliculale paLtern (fig. 33); dorsal seine as illustra Led. Preslernal shields fused to unOf'11amented slernal shield and bearing the first pilil' of sternal s tae (fig. 32); metasLernal shields fl'ee. Epigyniu,l shield wilhout ornamentation and flanked posteriorly hy four ni.llTOW plateleLs. Ventrianal shield paLlerned as illusLrated, with five pairs of shorL 'imple venLl'ianul setae, in addilion to Lhe usual pair 35 of liura-il nill podal IVexl Tectum and idiosorna; lil Mil] e T,v" e Il following dél - Coll. H. 1 j Il lhe colle H.uanda-Urll D.S. Nalion Flli:-'. :{:!.:t:L l.ffS;().'\f'iflS !/urr1JUllffl' II. :J'! : Yl'lIler: :1;) : Dar '\1 III , :--.p. Fl'III:lIL'. Felllaic widlh of idi :i52!-'.. Dnr: Sl,illU,'(\ ulh num, und f 21 PARC NATfONAL DE LA GARM'1BA FIGS, ;l~<1(j. -- /.rlsioscius el.l/l'IIl/laC J', : TeclulII, J,) : Il, ~p. Feillale. \'elltlèr; ;J(j : DüI'5UIII. of para-anals and the slngle 110sLanai seLae. PeritremaLal shield and exo podal IV extend ing around coxne IV; w ith two palrs of meta podill plateleLs. Tectum and chelicerae not clear in either specimen. Legs shorter than ldlosoma; Larsl with slrong' claws ilnd l'Ounded pulyilli. \if ale: Unknown. T Y P e 111 il Le]' i al. - Holotype female and paratype female wiLh Lhe following dilta : « VesLiges de galerie forestière ancienne ", 23 August, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 2313). The holoLype female will be placed in the collecLion of the InsLiLule of Nalionnl Pm'l{s of the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, Brussels, Belgium, The paf'ül,ype will be sent ta the U.S. NaLional Museum, yVashington, D.C. Lasioseius durumae n. sp, (Figs. 3'·3G) li' e In a je; Lenglh of idiûsomil lLyel'ages 509 fi., \.\'iLh a l'linge of 495-517 !J.; widLh ofidiosoma at leyel of coxne IV averages 339 [L, wiLh Il range of 329 :352 !Jo, DOl'sal shielcl (fig, 30) :-iLlongly retlculate; postel'ior setile long <Incl spillu,,;e, oLhers us illu::itlllteci. l-'t'esLel'Ilid shlclds lm'ge, f1anklng triLoster nu m, and fusedposteriol'!y 10 sLernal shield. SLernal shield ornamenled 22 PAHe NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMBA il' illusLl'aLed (fig. 35); wiLh lhl'ee pairs of seLlIe; lIoLched posLerollledially. lVreLaslernal shields absenL; meLasLel'l1al seLae insel'led fl'ee in Lhe inLegumenL. E[Jigyniai shield wealdy l'eticulate, plaLelds flcll1king the shield fused. Ventrianal shield l'eliculaLed; with eleven setile, including the paea- and postanal setae; melapodal shields prominent. Pel'ilrernalal shields ahutting expodals IV but not insensibly fused \-viLh them. Teetull1 (fig. 34)rouncled and denticulate; chelicerae denlate distlllly. Legs shol'Ler lhan idiosomll; Lal'si wiLh well-developed cl,lws and l'ounded pulvili. (fig. 39) wi shields elo shield. El il pail' of large wiclel simple ver Mal e : Length of idiosoma = 441 p.; \vidt:h of idiosoma at level of coxa.e IV = 305 !J.. Similtu' to female except fol' the following: metasternnl seLae inserled on an unol'Oamented sLernal shield; geniti-ventrianal shield sLrongly reLiculaLed; genital opening at anteriol' edge of sLernal shield. Chelicel'ae not cleal'. T Y P e mat e r' i al. - Hololype femille, allotype male, and four paratype females wilh the following data: « galerie fOl'estièl'e dégradée, tête de source », 30 May, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 1861). The holotype female and ailolype male will be deposited in the collection of the Institute of Nu tional Parks of Lhe Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, Brussels, BelgiulTl. Pueatypes \vill be senL to the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., Lhe British MuseulTl, (NaLural HisLol'Y), London, England, Potchefstroom University, Pote'hefstl'oom, South Afl'ica, and Oregon SLate University, COl'vaIlis, Oregon, U.S.A. Genus AFRICOSEIUS n. gen. 37 Icliosoma pYl'iform; postel'iol' marginal setae inserted on Lhe dorsnl shielcl; dorsal setae insel'Led on smaIJ tubercles. Sternal, metastel'Oal and epigynial shields Lypical fol' family; venLrianal shield large, ellipLical, and \Vith nnni opening of normal size. PeriLremalal shield fused wiLh exopodals IV. Tarsi II, III and IV wiLh a large « sensol'Y » apparaLus pl'oximoventl'uIly. Hypostomal setae II and anLeroventral seLa of Lhe pnlptl'ochünter elongate as in Platyseiinae. Tarsi normal for subfamily. Type speeies : Ajricoseius areolatus n. sp. MonoLypi" Africoseius areolatus n. sp. (!'i gs. :~7-:l!).) Fe 111 II 1e : Length uf idiosoma = 4011 p.; widLh of idiosoma at level of coxne IV = 319!-L. Dorsal shield PYl'ifol'm, unornnmented nntel'iorly, huL \Vilh lll'eolllle pattern posLel'iorly (fig. 37); pal'avel'Lical seLae ahsent; selal placement and length as illustl'illed. Preslel'nal shields appill'enLly divided ll'anSVel'sely and fla n king a ,veak ly pl umose Lei losLernurn. SLernal shield Pel'itl'emal peri Ll'erne~ TecLurn il of chelicel nncl IV el be sensOl pulvilli. Ma le Type fÙI'eslière h lolype !'al'k::; of 23 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAl\'1BA (fig. 39) with füint patlern and with three pairs of simple setue; metustel'l1ül shields elongüte und placed mediad of lhe posLeriol' corners of Lhe slernal shield. Epigynial shield unornamented, brondened posLeriorly and with a pair of short setae; poslel'ior platelels not observed. Ven tl'ian al shiell large wider than long and omamenLed as illustrated; \ovith six pairs of shorL simple venLrianal seLle, in addition lo the usual para- and posLanal setae. FIGS. 37-3(), - rlf)'icoseius auolcUus n. g-en., n. 5p. Femalc. 37 : OOI'5UII1; :38 : Proximal portion of venter of tal'5U5 II; 3V : Vellter. Peritremalal shield fused to exopodals IV and developed al'Ound coxae IV; peritremes exler.d anteriol"!y and dOl'sally to the apex of Lhe idiosoma. 'rectum appill'enlly rounded and unornamented anteriorly. Movable digit of chelicera with two teeth; digitus mobilis with one tooth. Tarsi II, III and IV ench wiLh ü proximovenLnil structLll'e (fig. 38) which appeal's Lo be sensory in funcLion. Tarsi with well-developed clüws and blunt pulvilli. iVI ale: Unknown. '1' Y P e mu le r i u l . - One female with the following data.: « galerie fOI'e'Lièl'e ", 211 API'il, :1952 - Col!. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 3330). The holotype female will he deposiled in the collection of the ln ·titute of National l'arks of the Congo anrl 11 ua ncla-U l'LI nd i, B,'ussels, Delgi U 111. * ** ~-----,,-- 24 PAn." NATIONAL DE -- -- - LA GA HAMFlA Accol'ding Lo the taxonomic scherne developed by EVANS (1958) fol' the Aceosejinae, flfricoseius is most closely l'elated lo the genus PToctolaelaps BERLESE, subgenus Neojordcnsia EVANS. The aJfinities of A{ricoseius to Nf'ojordcnsia appeal' to the au Lhor Lo be sLl"Ong l' Lhan those beLween Procto lap/aps s. sb', and Neojordensia. A subgeneric relaLionship heL\oveen A fricoseius and Proctolaclaps is considered u nlikely, inaslTl uch a' gren t differences beLween these groups al'e obvious (see following key and descl'ip Lion '). A genel'ic sepal'aLion of Procfolrœlaps and Neojordcnsia would da ri fy Lhe posi tion of Lhesc Lwo gl"Ou ps in relation Lo Africoseùls. The following revision is proposed : and unOI'nlll wi th th t'ee shol'L; Lu'si 1 iVI n 1C 'l'y pe Il following di (Coll. No. 2; - Coll. H. c1ep silecl il' 1. Femille with an anal shield; }1el'iLl'ematal and exopodal shields nol fused ""'.' ,.. ,"',"'".,",.".,' ,.".", .. ,."" Proctolaelaps l1ERLEsE, Female wiLh a ventrinnal shield; peritl'ematcl1 and exopodal shields fused """""""""""""""".,.""",." ... "".,."" .. "".".,.".".,.""",.,., 2 2. Idiosoma pyrifOf'm; ven Lria nal shield rounded anteriotly .. Africoseius n. gen. Idiosoma elongale; ventrianal shield excavaled antel'iorly .. Neojordensia EVANS new . LaLus. Genus PROCTOLAELAPS BERLESE. Proctolaelaps BERLESE, A. (1923), Redia, 15 : 255; Zool. Soc. London, 131(2) : 197. Seiopsis BERLESE, A. (1923), Redia, 15 : 255. Jordensia OUDEMANS, A. (1936), K. H. O. A., Bd Chamo,'aelaps HULL, J. K, in TÜRI<, F. A. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5(12) : 482. Blflltilaelaps "WOMERSLEY, H. (1956), Jour. Linn. EVANS, G. O. (1958), Proc. 3 A : 214. S. M. TÜRI{ (1952), Ann. Soc. London, 42: 566, Proctolaelaps oudemansi n. sp. (Fig~, 40-'t2.) lt' e mal e : LengLh of idiosoma average' 411 [L, ,vith a range of 385-460 y.; widLh of idiosorna aL level of coxae IV averages 249 p" wilh a ['ange uf 225-291 [J.. Dorsal shi Id wiLh Jight l'eLiculate paUem; dorsal seLae robusL, many exLending Lo the insel'Lions of setac behincl Lhem (fig. f10). Tritostel' nun, weakly pilase, with bvo lacinae; flanked la.tel'opostel'iorly by a pair of pre Lemal platelets. Stemal shield (fig. 42) omamented wiLh a weak reLiculate pattern and berlring lhl'ee paü's of setae; mela.stemal shields fl'ee. Erigynial shielcl raLterned as illustratecl and wiLh a pail' of impie setne. VenLl'ull'egion wiLh severa! pairs of sLrong- sehe. .\nal shield obovoid and \Vith an anLerior pl'Omillence; n.nal openillg large. PeriLl'emnLal shield free; exopoc1nb fused and exL nc1ing around coxae IV. Tectum (fig. 41) rounded and HuaIt( the U.S. N History), L \ f l' ica, Lhr \VaosLcl', ' LJ. UilI! pl'esence ( ll10dificilli P. ollr/cm· ?luu/si dOt PARC NATIONAL OE 25 LA GAHAMBA and unornamented. Fixed digit of cheliceril multidenLate; movable digit \Vi th Lhl'ee disLinct teeth. COl'niculi ewd hyopstomal setne normal. Legs shurt; teU'si with stt'ong cla\\'s and rounded pulvilli. Male: Unknown. T YP e maL el' i al. - HoloLype and tluee pCLmLype femules \viLh Lhe fullowing dah : « Savane herbeuse 4 Oclobef', 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 257"i); fom' pal'atype females ex « savane herbeuse 8 July, 1952 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEl1 (Coll. No. 3748). The holotype female will be deposiLecl in the collection uf Lhe Institute of National Parks of the Congo )l, )l, Pl'oclolac[a]lS o7il/clilansl n. "p. fClI1ale. !.O : Dorsunl; .\1 : TeelullI; /.2 : Venter. FIGs. /.0-\2. - ilnd tl.uilnda-Ul'undi, Brussels, Belgium. Pal'atype femules will be sent Lo the U.S. National Museum, 'Washington, D.C., Lhe Bl'itish Museum (Natural History), London, England, Potchefstl'oorn University, Potchefstf'Oom, South Afl'ica, lhe South Australiun Museurn, Adelaide, the Institute of Acarology, WoosLel', Ohio, and Oregon State Univ8l'sily, COl'vallis, Oregon, U.S.A. V owlcmansi may he disLinguishecl fl'om closely l'elated fOl'l11s by Lhe' lll'esence of a lm'ge anLeriol' pl'otuherance on the anal shield, a peculial' moclific.;aLion shared hy P. lUllflijil1i.1 (CHA'rr) ilnd P. bicklcyi (BEM'I). P. olll!cmflilsi is dislinguishcd frOlll Lhe:-ie species in LhaL seta J, of P. out/t.: lIl(tnsi cloes nol extencl heyond Lhe insedions of J.,. 26 PAnG NATIONAL DE LA GAHAi\IBA Proctolaelaps nemathrix n. p. (Figs. 43-47.) Fe mal e : Lenglh of idiosoma averages q31 fi., wilh a l'ange of l123-q46 fl-; v.:idlh of idio orna al level of coxae IV averages 286 fl-, wilh a range of 282-291 fi.. Dol' al shield unornamenLed and cUf'ving venlral laleroposle l'iody; dorsal selae, with the exception of D, and Zs, aUenuate, the 11\ore poslerior selae being the longer (fig. q6). Prestemal platelets abulling ~43 of dorsal sh cornculi sli foUt' distin( NI al e ( of coxae 1\ maLophoral ing beyond T Y JI e followillg ( 1951 - Col herbeuse ni five paraLy - Coll. H, marécageuJ paraLype fi J. VERSGIIU ù îloLs de (Coll. No. in lhe colle Urundi, BI (~aLural H Ion, D.C., l AusLralian U.S.A., an l'IGS. '>:.l-4Î. -- Proclo/aela]Js nemalhrix n. sp. 1,:\ : Chelicera of female; 44 : Venter of male; l,;) : Hyposfome of fenwle: 1,6 : Dorsutn of [emale; 1,7 : Vellter o[ femole. sternal shield which is lightly patterned as il1ustrated (fig 47) \vith three pairs of long thin setae. Meta ternal hields disLinct. Epigynial shield lighlly ornarnented and bearing a pair of seLae. Vertical setae short, excepL fol' the pair directly above the anal shield. Anal opening enlurged; post anal seta considerab!y heavier lhêll1 para-ana! ; anal shield \:vith blllnt point 01' slight prominence anLeriorly; wilh one pail" of long spinose posLanal . eLac inserLed in the integument adjacent ta the shield. Peritrernes extending anteriol"ly 10 a point slighLly laLel'al of setae M, (fig, l16). Ventral extensions PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA 27 of dorsal shield posterior to epigyniat shield. HyposLomal setae l expanded; cornculi slighLly sinuate (fig. 45). Movable digit of cheliccra (fig. 43) with four' distinct lcelh; fixed digit mullidenLnte. NI ale (fig. 44) : Length of idiosoma = 324 ~.; w id th ofidiosoma at level of coxae IV = 197 ~.. DOl'sal morphology similar to that of female. Sper maLophond stl'llclure on the movable digit of the che!icera unclll"ved, extenc1 ing beyond th cheliceral digit by only half its length. Venler as illustruted. T Y P e Hl Cl te 1" i al. - Holotype femule and allotype male with the following dala : « Savane herheuse à ligneux l'ares, non brûlée ", 16 April, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 1578); one paratype female ex « savane herbeuse non brûlée ", 16 June, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 1955); five PUI'lüype females ex « galerie forestière humide ", 18 November, 1950 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEn (Coll. No. 988); seven paratype femnles ex « fond marécngeux ", 4 May, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGER (Coll. No. 1720); one paratype female ex « savane arborescente ", 15 November, 1950 -- Coll. J. VEl{SCHUREN (Coll. No. 973); one para type female ex « plaine marécageuse tL îlots de Graminées non brùlées ", 2/1 May, 1951 - Coll. H. DE SAEGEl{ (Coll. No. 1815). The holotype female and alla type male will be deposiLed in lhe collection of the InstituLe of National Parl,s of the Congo and Ruanda Urundi, Bl'llssels, Belgium. Puratypes will be sent. to the British Museum (NaLural History), London, England, the U.S. National Museum, Washing ton, D.C., Polchefstroorn Univer'sity, Potchefstroom, South Ail'ica, the Sout.h Austmlian Museum, Adelaide, the InstiLule of Acarology, Woost.er, Ohio, U.S.A., and Oregon State UniversiLy, COl'vallis, Oregon, U.S.A. OHF.GO~ STATE UNIVERSrTY. COI'\'atlis, Ol'egoll, l,S .. \. 28 PARC NATIONAL DE LA GAHAMBA ALPHL SUMMARY The following new genera and sJlecies are pl'Oposed : Plalyscius congoensis n. sp. Se jus crenulalus, lobillus n. SPI'. l:/yallella epicrioülcs n. gen., n. sp. Plesioscjus berlesei n. sp. Lasioseius nambirimae, durumae, .lJllrmnÙac, convexus n. SPi). fljricoseius areolalus n. gen., n. sp. Proclolaelaps ncmalhrix, oudemansi n. spp. Neoj01'densia EVANS, a subgenus of Proc/olaelaps BEHLESE, tS raised to o-eneric slanding. Aj,icoseius .. nnalis, Lasiose (ueolaills, Afri be1'lesei, Plf.sio bickleYl:, Prad, congoensis, PU convexus, Las; cremtlat1ls, Se, d1l1"7t11w.e, Lasi epicrioides. I-J, gantmbae. La j J-f yaUella. .. ilaliC1ts, Plesù 29 PARC :'iATIONAL OB LA GAHAMl.lA ALPHABETIC INDEX Tü GENERA AND SPECIES J)ages. Af, icosei7ls ... mwlis, Lctsiosei1ls .. ureoùt{us, Africoseius ber/esei, Plesiose.i71s bickleyi, Pwctoùtelctps 22 22 .. 12 25 18 15 d1trmnae, Lasioseius 21 garambae, Dasiosei'lls Hyattella.. italiws, Piesiosejus 1" Lasioseius lobatus, Bejll.s . longipilis, Proctolaelaps 13 d :18 congoensis, Platyseùt8 ... convexus, Lusioseius cremilatus, Bejus ... epicrioicie.s, Hyattella l'ages. kennedyi, Bejus 8 G 20 G 12 17 9 ,;) nambirima.e, Lasioseùls . necorniger, Bejus ... nemathrix, ProcloÙteÙtps li'eojordensia .. nepalensis, Bejus ... 19 15 2G ouciemansi, Proctolaelaps 2'. Platysâus Plesiosej1t8 Proctolaelaps .. 11 Bej1tS signatus, 8eill-s Spi1WS118, Platyseills 2/, 15 S 2', 12 15 8 PlIblished August 3J. 1962.